PluginDirectoryScanner::PluginDirectoryScanner (KnownPluginList& listToAddTo,
                                                AudioPluginFormat& formatToLookFor,
                                                FileSearchPath directoriesToSearch,
                                                const bool recursive,
                                                const File& deadMansPedal,
                                                bool allowPluginsWhichRequireAsynchronousInstantiation)
    : list (listToAddTo),
      format (formatToLookFor),
      deadMansPedalFile (deadMansPedal),
      allowAsync (allowPluginsWhichRequireAsynchronousInstantiation)

    filesOrIdentifiersToScan = format.searchPathsForPlugins (directoriesToSearch, recursive, allowAsync);

    // If any plugins have crashed recently when being loaded, move them to the
    // end of the list to give the others a chance to load correctly..
    for (auto& crashed : readDeadMansPedalFile (deadMansPedalFile))
        for (int j = filesOrIdentifiersToScan.size(); --j >= 0;)
            if (crashed == filesOrIdentifiersToScan[j])
                filesOrIdentifiersToScan.move (j, -1);

    applyBlacklistingsFromDeadMansPedal (listToAddTo, deadMansPedalFile);
    nextIndex.set (filesOrIdentifiersToScan.size());
bool PluginDirectoryScanner::scanNextFile (const bool dontRescanIfAlreadyInList,
                                           String& nameOfPluginBeingScanned)
    const int index = --nextIndex;

    if (index >= 0)
        const String file (filesOrIdentifiersToScan [index]);

        if (file.isNotEmpty() && ! list.isListingUpToDate (file, format))
            nameOfPluginBeingScanned = format.getNameOfPluginFromIdentifier (file);

            OwnedArray <PluginDescription> typesFound;

            // Add this plugin to the end of the dead-man's pedal list in case it crashes...
            StringArray crashedPlugins (readDeadMansPedalFile (deadMansPedalFile));
            crashedPlugins.removeString (file);
            crashedPlugins.add (file);
            setDeadMansPedalFile (crashedPlugins);

            list.scanAndAddFile (file, dontRescanIfAlreadyInList, typesFound, format);

            // Managed to load without crashing, so remove it from the dead-man's-pedal..
            crashedPlugins.removeString (file);
            setDeadMansPedalFile (crashedPlugins);

            if (typesFound.size() == 0 && ! list.getBlacklistedFiles().contains (file))
                failedFiles.add (file);

    return index > 0;
void PluginDirectoryScanner::applyBlacklistingsFromDeadMansPedal (KnownPluginList& list, const File& file)
    // If any plugins have crashed recently when being loaded, move them to the
    // end of the list to give the others a chance to load correctly..
    for (auto& crashedPlugin : readDeadMansPedalFile (file))
        list.addToBlacklist (crashedPlugin);