Exemple #1
SimFile::SimFile(QString filename)
  m_hasLfr = false;
  m_hasNfr = false;
  m_hasNcr = false;
  // For now, the filename HAS to end in ".sim", and we'regoing to cheat and assume
  // that the .lfr etc. actually exist. So run simread first!
  m_hasLfr = readLfr(filename.replace(".sim",".lfr"));
  m_hasNfr = readNfr(filename.replace(".sim",".lfr"));
Exemple #2
SimFile::SimFile(openstudio::path path)
  m_hasLfr = false;
  m_hasNfr = false;
  m_hasNcr = false;
  // For now, we need to cheat and assume that the .lfr etc. actually exist
  // This means that simread has to have been run for this to work
  openstudio::path lfrPath = path.replace_extension(openstudio::toPath("lfr").string());
  m_hasLfr = readLfr(openstudio::toQString(lfrPath));
  openstudio::path nfrPath = path.replace_extension(openstudio::toPath("nfr").string());
  m_hasNfr = readNfr(openstudio::toQString(nfrPath));