Exemple #1
void TwoBitFile::populateSequenceMeta(TwoBitSequenceMeta& meta)
	// seek to offset and read actual sequence meta data.

	meta.dnaSize_ = nextInt(); // length of sequence
	meta.dnaBytes_ = meta.dnaSize_ / 4 + (meta.dnaSize_ % 4 > 0);

	// read nRegions.
	readRegions(meta.nRegions); // N-regions
	readRegions(meta.mRegions); // mask regions

	// check. this number should be zero as per the spec.
	if (0 != nextInt()) {
		throw Exception(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, "Unexpected data. Bad 2-bit file.");

	// store start of packed data
	meta.packedPos_ = file_.tellg();

Exemple #2
bool World::load(const std::string& dir) {
	fs::path world_dir(dir);
	fs::path region_dir = world_dir / "region";
	if(!fs::exists(world_dir)) {
		std::cerr << "Error: World directory " << world_dir << " does not exist!" << std::endl;
	} else if(!fs::exists(region_dir)) {
		std::cerr << "Error: Region directory " << region_dir << " does not exist!" << std::endl;
	} else {
		return readRegions(region_dir.string());
	return false;
Exemple #3
 * Loads a world from a directory.
bool World::load(const std::string& dir, int rotation) {
	this->rotation = rotation;
	fs::path world_dir(dir);
	fs::path region_dir = world_dir / "region";
	if(!fs::exists(world_dir)) {
		std::cerr << "World directory " << world_dir << " does not exists!" << std::endl;
	} else if(!fs::exists(region_dir)) {
		std::cerr << "Region directory " << region_dir << " does not exists!" << std::endl;
	} else {
		return readRegions(region_dir.string());
	return false;
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
  if (argc != 3)
    printErrorAndDie("Script requires exactly 2 arguments");
  std::string region_file = std::string(argv[1]);
  std::string vcf_file    = std::string(argv[2]);

  // Read list of regions
  std::vector<Region> regions;  
  readRegions(region_file, regions, 1000, "", std::cerr);

  vcflib::VariantCallFile ref_vcf;
    printErrorAndDie("Failed to open VCF");

  // Populate map with samples in VCF header
  std::map<std::string, int> sample_indices;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ref_vcf.sampleNames.size(); i++)
    sample_indices[ref_vcf.sampleNames[i]] = i;

  std::vector<std::string> alleles;
  std::vector<bool> got_priors;
  int32_t pos;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++){
    bool success;
    double* priors = extract_vcf_alleles_and_log_priors(&ref_vcf, &(regions[i]), sample_indices, alleles, got_priors, pos, success, std::cerr);

    if (success){
      std::cerr << "Position=" << pos << std::endl;
      std::cerr << "Alleles:" << std::endl;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < alleles.size(); j++)
	std::cerr << alleles[j] << std::endl;
    else {
      std::cerr << "Failed to read alleles and priors for region " << regions[i].str() << std::endl;
    delete [] priors;

Exemple #5
int main (int argc, char **argv)
	Options mergetr = readParameters (argc, argv);

	char filename_mesh_node[FILENAME_MAX];
	char filename_mesh_ele[FILENAME_MAX];
	char filename_otoczka[FILENAME_MAX];
	char filename_output_node[FILENAME_MAX];
	char filename_output_ele[FILENAME_MAX];
	int no_of_meshes = argc-mergetr.args_start;

	strcpy (filename_otoczka, mergetr.input);
	if ( strstr (filename_otoczka, ".poly") == NULL) 
		strcat (filename_otoczka,  ".poly");

	strcpy (filename_output_node, mergetr.output);
	strcat (filename_output_node,  ".node");
	strcpy (filename_output_ele, mergetr.output);
	strcat (filename_output_ele,  ".ele");

	fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "***** M * E * R * G * E * T * R ****\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");
	fprintf(stdout, "* Otoczka filename: %s\n", filename_otoczka);
	fprintf(stdout, "* Output filenames: %s & %s\n", filename_output_node, filename_output_ele);
	fprintf(stdout, "* Triangle options: %s\n", mergetr.tr_opt);
	fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");

	struct triangulateio *siatka;
	struct triangulateio otoczka;
	struct triangulateio out;	
	EdgeList **v;
	PointList **p;
	int i;

	siatka = malloc ( no_of_meshes * sizeof *siatka);
	v = malloc ( no_of_meshes * sizeof **v );
	p = malloc ( no_of_meshes * sizeof **p );
	if (siatka == NULL || v == NULL || p == NULL) {
		fprintf (stderr, "** Error! Not enough memory!");
		return -1;

	initTriangulation (&otoczka);
	/* OTOCZKA */
	FILE *file_otoczka = fopen( filename_otoczka, "r"); 

	if (file_otoczka == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "** Error while opening %s\n", filename_otoczka);
		return -100;

	readPoints (file_otoczka, &otoczka);
	readSegments (file_otoczka, &otoczka);
	readHoles (file_otoczka, &otoczka);
	readRegions (file_otoczka, &otoczka);

	fclose (file_otoczka);

	/* MESHES */
	for (i = 0; i < (argc - mergetr.args_start); i++) {

		strcpy (filename_mesh_node, argv[mergetr.args_start+i]);
		strcat (filename_mesh_node, ".node");
		strcpy (filename_mesh_ele, argv[mergetr.args_start+i]);
		strcat (filename_mesh_ele, ".ele");

		fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");
		fprintf(stdout, "* Mesh filenames: %s & %s\n", filename_mesh_node, filename_mesh_ele);
		fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");

		FILE *file_mesh_node = fopen( filename_mesh_node, "r"); 
		FILE *file_mesh_ele = fopen( filename_mesh_ele, "r");
		if (file_mesh_node == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "** Error while opening %s\n", filename_mesh_node);
			return -101;
		if (file_mesh_node == NULL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "** Error while opening %s\n", filename_mesh_ele);
			return -102;

		initTriangulation (&siatka[i]);
		readPoints (file_mesh_node, &siatka[i]);
		readTriangles (file_mesh_ele, &siatka[i]); 
		fclose (file_mesh_node);
		fclose (file_mesh_ele);	
		v[i] = createEdgeList(siatka[i]);
		markBndEdges (siatka[i], v[i]);
		p[i] = makePointList (otoczka, siatka[i], v[i]);
		updatePoints (&otoczka, siatka[i], v[i], p[i]);
		updateSegments (&otoczka, siatka[i], v[i], p[i]);
		updateHoles (&otoczka, siatka[i]);

	fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");

	initTriangulation (&out);
	strcat (mergetr.tr_opt, "pYYQ");

	triangulate (mergetr.tr_opt, &otoczka, &out, (struct triangulateio *) NULL);
	/* markNotBndEdges (siatka1, v); */
	for (i = 0; i < no_of_meshes; i++) {
		glueNotBndPoints (&out, siatka[i], p[i]); /* DOKLEJANIE DO OUT */
		fixPointListNumbers (&out, &siatka[i], p[i]);
		glueInteriorTriangles (&out, siatka[i], p[i]);
		removeHole (&out);

	FILE *file_output_node = fopen (filename_output_node, "w");
	FILE *file_output_ele = fopen (filename_output_ele, "w");
	writePoints (file_output_node, out);
	writeTriangles (file_output_ele, out);

	fclose (file_output_node);
	fclose (file_output_ele);

	fprintf(stdout, "************************************\n");

	free (p);
	free (v);
	freeTriangulation (&otoczka);
	freeTriangulation (&out);
	for (i = 0; i < no_of_meshes; i++)
		freeTriangulation (&siatka[i]);
	return 0;