int Classemes_init(const Program_Options* _options)
	char buffer[MAX_CHARACTERS_LINE];
	int res;


	options = _options;

	/* load Phi */
	Phi = (Matrix*) malloc(sizeof(Matrix));
	sprintf(buffer, "%s%c"PHI_CLASSEMES_BF, options->parameters_dir, SYSTEM_PATH_SEPARATOR);
	res = read_float_matrix(Phi, buffer);
	if(res) {
	/* load Tau */
	Tau = (Matrix*) malloc(sizeof(Matrix));
	sprintf(buffer, "%s%c"TAU_CLASSEMES_BF, options->parameters_dir, SYSTEM_PATH_SEPARATOR);
	res = read_float_matrix(Tau, buffer);
	if(res) {

	return 0;
Exemple #2
bool Lab2VitMain::init_utt()
    if (m_audioStrm.peek() == EOF)
        return false;

    m_idStr = read_float_matrix(m_audioStrm, m_inAudio);
    cout << "Processing utterance ID: " << m_idStr << endl;
    m_frontEnd.get_feats(m_inAudio, m_feats);
    if (m_feats.size2() != m_gmmSet.get_dim_count())
        throw runtime_error("Mismatch in GMM and feat dim.");
    if (m_doAlign)
        if (m_graphStrm.peek() == EOF)
            throw runtime_error("Mismatch in number of audio files "
                "and FSM's.");, m_idStr);
    if (m_graph.get_gmm_count() > m_gmmSet.get_gmm_count())
        throw runtime_error("Mismatch in number of GMM's between "
            "FSM and GmmSet.");
    m_gmmSet.calc_gmm_probs(m_feats, m_gmmProbs);

    //  Initialize dynamic programming chart.
    m_chart.resize(m_feats.size1() + 1, m_graph.get_state_count());
    if (m_graph.get_start_state() < 0)
        throw runtime_error("Graph has no start state.");
    return true;
Exemple #3
bool Lab2TrainMain::init_utt()
    if (m_audioStrm.peek() == EOF)
        return false;
    m_idStr = read_float_matrix(m_audioStrm, m_inAudio);
    m_frontEnd.get_feats(m_inAudio, m_feats);
    if (m_feats.size2() != m_gmmSet.get_dim_count())
        throw runtime_error("Mismatch in GMM and feat dim.");
    if (m_alignStrm.peek() == EOF)
        throw runtime_error("Mismatch in number of audio files "
            "and alignments.");
    read_int_vector(m_alignStrm, m_gmmList, m_idStr);
    if (m_gmmList.size() != m_feats.size1())
        throw runtime_error("Mismatch in alignment and feat lengths.");
    int gmmCnt = m_gmmSet.get_gmm_count();
    int frmCnt = m_gmmList.size();
    for (int frmIdx = 0; frmIdx < frmCnt; ++frmIdx)
        int gmmIdx = m_gmmList[frmIdx];
        if ((gmmIdx < 0) || (gmmIdx >= gmmCnt))
            throw runtime_error("Out of range GMM index.");
        m_gmmCountList.push_back(GmmCount(gmmIdx, frmIdx, 1.0));
    return true;
void main_loop(const char** argv)
    //  Process command line arguments.
    map<string, string> params;
    process_cmd_line(argv, params);
    bool verbose = get_bool_param(params, "verbose");

    //  Load feature files for templates.
    //  Get template label from matrix name.
    vector<string> templateLabelList;
    vector<matrix<double> > templateMatList;
    ifstream templateStrm(
        get_required_string_param(params, "template_file").c_str());
    while (templateStrm.peek() != EOF)
        string labelStr = read_float_matrix(templateStrm,
    if (templateMatList.empty())
        throw runtime_error("No templates supplied.");

    //  Load correct label for each feature file, if present.
    vector<string> featLabelList;
    string labelFile = get_string_param(params, "feat_label_list");
    if (!labelFile.empty())
        read_string_list(labelFile, featLabelList);

    //  The main loop.
    ifstream featStrm(
        get_required_string_param(params, "feat_file").c_str());
    matrix<double> feats;
    unsigned templCnt = templateLabelList.size();
    unsigned uttCnt = 0;
    unsigned correctCnt = 0;
    while (featStrm.peek() != EOF)
        int uttIdx = uttCnt++;
        string idStr = read_float_matrix(featStrm, feats);

        //  Find closest template.
        int bestTempl = -1;
        double bestScore = DBL_MAX;
        for (unsigned templIdx = 0; templIdx < templCnt; ++templIdx)
            if (feats.size2() != templateMatList[templIdx].size2())
                throw runtime_error("Mismatch in test/template feature dim.");
            double curScore = compute_distance(feats,
            if (verbose)
                cout << format("  %s: %.3f") % templateLabelList[templIdx] %
                    curScore << endl;
            if (curScore < bestScore)
                bestScore = curScore, bestTempl = templIdx;
        if (bestTempl < 0)
            throw runtime_error("No alignments found in DTW.");

        string hypLabel = (bestTempl >= 0) ? templateLabelList[bestTempl] : "";
        if (!featLabelList.empty())
            //  If have reference labels, print ref and hyp classes.
            if (uttIdx >= (int) featLabelList.size())
                throw runtime_error("Mismatch in number of utterances "
                    "and labels.");
            string refLabel = featLabelList[uttIdx];
            cout << format("Reference: %s, Hyp: %s, Correct: %d") %
                refLabel % hypLabel % (hypLabel == refLabel) << endl;
            if (hypLabel == refLabel)
            //  If don't have reference labels, just print hyp class.
            cout << hypLabel << " (" << idStr << ")" << endl;
    if (!featLabelList.empty())
        //  If have reference labels, print accuracy.
        unsigned errCnt = uttCnt - correctCnt;
        cout << format("Accuracy: %.2f%% (%d/%d), Error rate: %.2f%% (%d/%d)")
            % (100.0 * correctCnt / uttCnt) % correctCnt % uttCnt %
            (100.0 * errCnt / uttCnt) % errCnt % uttCnt << endl;