Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *fin  = argv[1];
    const char *fout1 = argv[2];
    const char *fout2 = argv[3];
	struct timeval timer1, timer2;
    size_t D_dims[2], E_dims[2], Q_dims[2];
    double *D = read_mat(fin, "D", D_dims);
    double *E = read_mat(fin, "E", E_dims);
    double *Q;
    int N = (D_dims[0] > D_dims[1]) ? (int)D_dims[0] : (int)D_dims[1];
    double *WORK;
    int *IWORK;

    Q_dims[0] = Q_dims[1] = (size_t)N;
    Q = (double *)malloc(N * N * sizeof(double));
    WORK = (double *)malloc((2 * N + 2 * N * N) * sizeof(double));
    IWORK = (int *)malloc((3 + 5 * N) * sizeof(int));

	gettimeofday(&timer1, NULL);
    dlaed0(N, D, E, Q, N, WORK, IWORK);
	gettimeofday(&timer2, NULL);
	printf("Time: %.3lf s\n", GetTimerValue(timer1, timer2) / 1000.0 );

    write_mat(fout1, "D", D, D_dims);
    write_mat(fout2, "Q", Q, Q_dims);

    return 0;
Exemple #2
Fichier : 1.c Projet : tudalex/PC
int main()
    int a[128][128],

    if (mul(a,b,c))
        printf("Nu se inmulteste!\n");
    return 0;
Exemple #3
// load a matrix from file "n" into matrix A
// returns 0: success, <0 failure
int load_matrix( char* n, matrix_t* A ) {
  assert( A != NULL );
  if ( n == NULL ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "input error: No input specified (-i)\n" );
    return 1; // failure
  // make sure we don't have a memory leak

  int ret;
  enum sparse_matrix_file_format_t ext;
  if (( ret = _identify_format_from_extension( n, &ext, 1 ) ) != 0 )
    return ret;

  switch(ext) {
    case MATRIX_MARKET:  ret = readmm( n, A, NULL ); break; // NULL = ignore comments
    case MATLAB:         ret = read_mat( n, A ); break;
    case HARWELL_BOEING: ret = 100; assert(0); break; // shouldn't be able to get here
  if ( ret != 0 ) {
    fprintf( stderr, "input error: Failed to load matrix\n"); // TODO move these printouts to main...
    return ret;

  if(A->sym == SM_UNSYMMETRIC)
    detect_matrix_symmetry( A );

  return 0; // success
Exemple #4
bool Spectrum2D::_read_file(std::string name, std::string format) {
  if (format == "m4b")
    return read_m4b(name);
  else if (format == "mat")
    return read_mat(name);
    return false;
Exemple #5
int main() {
	int n, verify;
	int matrix[MAX_N][MAX_N];
	int col_max[MAX_N];
	verify = scanf("%d", &n);
	if ((verify != 1) || (n > 20) || (n < 1))
	read_mat(matrix, n, col_max);
	printf("Os pontos de sela da matriz são:\n\n");
	check_selas(matrix, col_max, n);
	return 0;
void test_rnw(hid_t fapl) {
    size_t dim0, dim1;

    int i, j, k;
    int x, y;
    clock_t b, e;
    double file_open_time, file_close_time;
    double dataset_open_time, dataset_close_time;
    double read_time, write_time;

    file_open_time = 0;
    file_close_time = 0;
    dataset_open_time = 0;
    dataset_close_time = 0;
    read_time = 0;
    write_time = 0;

    for (dim0 = DIM0_START; dim0 <= DIM0_LIM; dim0 *= 2) {
        for (dim1 = DIM1_START; dim1 <= DIM1_LIM; dim1 *= 2) {
            for (i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++) {

                // Open file
                b = clock();
                hid_t file_id;
                file_id = open_file(fapl, FILE_NAME_RNW);
                e = clock();
                file_open_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

                // get name of dataset
                char name[25];
                sprintf(name, "dataset_%dx%d", dim0, dim1); // puts string into buffer

                // Open dataset 
                b = clock();
                hid_t dataset_id;
                dataset_id = open_dataset(file_id, name);
                e = clock();
                dataset_open_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

                // READS AND WRITES
                double matrix[dim0][dim1];
                for (k = 0; k < READS_AND_WRITES; k++) {

                    b = clock();
                    read_mat(dataset_id, dim0, dim1, matrix);
                    e = clock();
                    read_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

                    // Modify the data at least a bit
                    // just to eliminate any shortcuts.
                    for (x = 0; x < dim0; x++) {
                        for (y = 0; y < dim1; y++) {
                            matrix[x][y] += 1;

                    // NOTE: there don't seem to be any shortcuts

                    b = clock();
                    write_mat(dataset_id, dim0, dim1, matrix);
                    e = clock();
                    write_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

                // Close dataset
                b = clock();
                e = clock();
                dataset_close_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

                // Close file
                b = clock();
                e = clock();
                file_close_time += (double) (e - b) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    printf("Executed an average-case read and write test with the following properties:\n");
    printf("The experiment uses file: " FILE_NAME_RNW "\n");
    printf("The experiment repeats %d times.\n", LENGTH);
    printf("Dim0 starting from %d and doubling until %d.\n", DIM0_START, DIM0_LIM);
    printf("Dim1 starting from %d and doubling until %d.\n", DIM1_START, DIM1_LIM);
    printf("Reading and writing a matrix %d times.\n", READS_AND_WRITES);
    double total_reads_and_writes;
    total_reads_and_writes = LENGTH * READS_AND_WRITES * (DIM0_LIM - DIM0_START) * (DIM1_LIM - DIM1_START);
    printf("This means a total of %.0lf doubles have been read and written.\n", total_reads_and_writes);

    printf("Opening the file took a total of %f seconds.\n", file_open_time);
    printf("Closing the file took a total of %f seconds.\n", file_close_time);
    printf("Opening the dataset took a total of %f seconds.\n", dataset_open_time);
    printf("Closing the dataset took a total of %f seconds.\n", dataset_close_time);
    printf("Reading the data took a total of %f seconds.\n", read_time);
    printf("Writing the data took a total of %f seconds.\n", write_time);

    printf("This means that reading produces an average overhead of %f ns per double.\n", read_time / total_reads_and_writes * NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
    printf("This means that writing produces an average overhead of %f ns per double.\n\n", write_time / total_reads_and_writes * NANOSECONDS_IN_A_SECOND);
Exemple #7
 * This function does the processing for the c_elegans class.
 * It initializes the various matrices and reads values from the input files
void c_elegans::postprocess(input& in){
    if(dimension != num_neur*2){
        err("Dimension must be 558, which is double the number of neurons",
                "", "", FATAL_ERROR);
    in.retrieve(beta, "beta", this);
    in.retrieve(tau, "tau", this);
    in.retrieve(gelec, "gelec", this);
    in.retrieve(gchem, "gchem", this);
    in.retrieve(memV, "memV", this);
    in.retrieve(memG, "memG", this);
    in.retrieve(EchemEx, "EchemEx", this);
    in.retrieve(EchemInh, "EchemInh", this);
    in.retrieve(ar, "ar", this);
    in.retrieve(ad, "ad", this);
    std::string ag_fname, a_fname;
    in.retrieve(ag_fname, "ag_mat", this);
    in.retrieve(a_fname, "a_mat", this);
    sparse_type a_m(num_neur, num_neur);
    ag_full.resize(num_neur, num_neur);
    laplacian.resize(num_neur, num_neur);
    read_mat(ag_fname, ag_full);
    read_mat(a_fname, a_m);
    //create transposed sparse matrix AEchem
    AEchem_trans_full.resize(num_neur, num_neur);
    AEchem_trans_full = a_m.transpose();
    AEchem_trans.resize(num_neur, num_neur);
    //do any needed fake iterations, must make more general at some point
    size_t num_comb;
    int iterations;
    in.retrieve(num_comb, "num_comb", this);
    in.retrieve(iterations, "iterations", this);
    in.retrieve(cur_ind, "!start_ind", this);
    for(auto& val : abl_neur){
        val = 0;
    if(abl_neur.size() != 1){
        next_comb(abl_neur, num_neur);
    for(int i = 0; i < cur_ind; i++){
        for(int j = 0; j < iterations; j++){
            if(next_comb(abl_neur, num_neur)){
                char ind_str[20];//won't ever have a 20 digit index
                //handy buffer to overflow for those hacking this.
                sprintf(ind_str, "%d", (int)cur_ind);
                err(std::string("Combinations exhausted in index ") + ind_str,
                        "c_elegans::postprocess","rhs/c_elegans.cpp", FATAL_ERROR);
    auto dat_inds =
        std::shared_ptr<writer>(new writer(true));
    dat_inds->add_data(data::create("Ablations", abl_neur.data(), abl_neur.size()), writer::OTHER);

    //write first ablation data

    //set up dummy connection to toroidal controller for now
    controller* cont;
    in.retrieve(cont, "controller", this);
    auto val = std::make_shared<variable>();
    val->holder = holder;
    in.retrieve(dummy, val->name(), this);
    has_gone=true; //is true at first to allow update of zero index to occur
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    struct rt_i *rtip = NULL;

    char db_title[TITLE_LEN+1];/* title from MGED file */
    const char *tmp_str;
    extern char local_u_name[65];
    extern double base2local;
    extern double local2base;
    FILE *fPtr;
    int Ch;		/* Option name */
    int mat_flag = 0;	/* Read matrix from stdin? */
    int use_of_air = 0;
    int print_ident_flag = 1;
    char ocastring[1024] = {0};
    struct bu_list script_list;	/* For -e and -f options */
    struct script_rec *srp;
    extern outval ValTab[];

    /* from if.c, callback functions for overlap, hit, and miss shots */
    int if_overlap(struct application *, struct partition *, struct region *, struct region *, struct partition *);
    int if_hit(struct application *, struct partition *, struct seg *);
    int if_miss(struct application *);



    ocname[OVLP_RESOLVE] = "resolve";
    ocname[OVLP_REBUILD_FASTGEN] = "rebuild_fastgen";
    ocname[OVLP_REBUILD_ALL] = "rebuild_all";
    ocname[OVLP_RETAIN] = "retain";
    *ocastring = '\0';

    bu_optind = 1;		/* restart */

    /* Handle command-line options */
    while ((Ch = bu_getopt(argc, argv, OPT_STRING)) != -1) {
    	if (bu_optopt == '?') Ch='h';
	switch (Ch) {
	    case 'A':
		attrib_add(bu_optarg, &need_prep);
	    case 'B':
		rt_bot_minpieces = atoi(bu_optarg);
	    case 'T':
		setenv("LIBRT_BOT_MINTIE", bu_optarg, 1);
	    case 'b':
		do_backout = 1;
	    case 'E':
		if (nirt_debug & DEBUG_SCRIPTS)
		    show_scripts(&script_list, "before erasure");
		while (BU_LIST_WHILE(srp, script_rec, &script_list)) {
		if (nirt_debug & DEBUG_SCRIPTS)
		    show_scripts(&script_list, "after erasure");
	    case 'e':
		enqueue_script(&script_list, READING_STRING, bu_optarg);
		if (nirt_debug & DEBUG_SCRIPTS)
		    show_scripts(&script_list, "after enqueueing a literal");
	    case 'f':
		enqueue_script(&script_list, READING_FILE, bu_optarg);
		if (nirt_debug & DEBUG_SCRIPTS)
		    show_scripts(&script_list, "after enqueueing a file name");
	    case 'L':
		bu_exit(EXIT_SUCCESS, NULL);
	    case 'M':
		mat_flag = 1;
	    case 'O':
		sscanf(bu_optarg, "%1024s", ocastring);
	    case 's':
		silent_flag = SILENT_YES;	/* Positively yes */
	    case 'v':
		silent_flag = SILENT_NO;	/* Positively no */
	    case 'x':
		sscanf(bu_optarg, "%x", (unsigned int *)&RTG.debug);
	    case 'X':
		sscanf(bu_optarg, "%x", (unsigned int *)&nirt_debug);
	    case 'u':
		if (sscanf(bu_optarg, "%d", &use_of_air) != 1) {
		    (void) fprintf(stderr,
				   "Illegal use-air specification: '%s'\n", bu_optarg);
		    return 1;
	    case 'H':
		if (sscanf(bu_optarg, "%d", &print_ident_flag) != 1) {
		    (void) fprintf(stderr,
				   "Illegal header output option specified: '%s'\n", bu_optarg);
		    return 1;
		bu_exit (Ch != 'h', NULL);
    } /* end while getopt */

    if (argc - bu_optind < 2) {
	return 1;

    if (isatty(0)) {
	if (silent_flag != SILENT_YES)
	    silent_flag = SILENT_NO;
    } else {
	/* stdin is not a TTY */
	if (silent_flag != SILENT_NO)
	    silent_flag = SILENT_YES;
    if (silent_flag != SILENT_YES && print_ident_flag)
	(void) fputs(brlcad_ident("Natalie's Interactive Ray Tracer"), stdout);

    if (use_of_air && (use_of_air != 1)) {
		"Warning: useair=%d specified, will set to 1\n", use_of_air);
	use_of_air = 1;

    switch (*ocastring) {
	case '\0':
	    overlap_claims = OVLP_RESOLVE;
	case '0':
	case '1':
	case '2':
	case '3':
	    if (ocastring[1] == '\0') {
		sscanf(ocastring, "%d", &overlap_claims);
	    } else {
			"Illegal overlap_claims specification: '%s'\n", ocastring);
		return 1;
	case 'r':
	    if (BU_STR_EQUAL(ocastring, "resolve"))
		overlap_claims = OVLP_RESOLVE;
	    else if (BU_STR_EQUAL(ocastring, "rebuild_fastgen"))
		overlap_claims = OVLP_REBUILD_FASTGEN;
	    else if (BU_STR_EQUAL(ocastring, "rebuild_all"))
		overlap_claims = OVLP_REBUILD_ALL;
	    else if (BU_STR_EQUAL(ocastring, "retain"))
		overlap_claims = OVLP_RETAIN;
	    else {
			"Illegal overlap_claims specification: '%s'\n", ocastring);
		return 1;
		    "Illegal overlap_claims specification: '%s'\n", ocastring);
	    return 1;

    db_name = argv[bu_optind];

    /* build directory for target object */
    if (silent_flag != SILENT_YES) {
	printf("Database file:  '%s'\n", db_name);
	printf("Building the directory...");
    if ((rtip = rt_dirbuild(db_name, db_title, TITLE_LEN)) == RTI_NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Could not load file %s\n", db_name);
	return 1;

    rti_tab[use_of_air] = rtip;
    rti_tab[1 - use_of_air] = RTI_NULL;
    rtip->useair = use_of_air;
    rtip->rti_save_overlaps = (overlap_claims > 0);

    do_rt_gettrees(rtip, argv + bu_optind, argc - bu_optind, &need_prep);

    /* Initialize the table of resource structures */
    rt_init_resource(&res_tab, 0, rtip);

    /* initialization of the application structure */
    ap.a_hit = if_hit;        /* branch to if_hit routine */
    ap.a_miss = if_miss;      /* branch to if_miss routine */
    ap.a_overlap = if_overlap;/* branch to if_overlap routine */
    ap.a_logoverlap = rt_silent_logoverlap;
    ap.a_onehit = 0;          /* continue through shotline after hit */
    ap.a_resource = &res_tab;
    ap.a_purpose = "NIRT ray";
    ap.a_rt_i = rtip;         /* rt_i pointer */
    ap.a_zero1 = 0;           /* sanity check, sayth raytrace.h */
    ap.a_zero2 = 0;           /* sanity check, sayth raytrace.h */
    ap.a_uptr = (void *)a_tab.attrib;

    /* initialize variables */
    azimuth() = 0.0;
    elevation() = 0.0;
    direct(X) = -1.0;
    direct(Y) = 0.0;
    direct(Z) = 0.0;
    grid(HORZ) = 0.0;
    grid(VERT) = 0.0;
    grid(DIST) = 0.0;

    /* initialize the output specification */

    /* initialize NIRT's local units */
    base2local = rtip->rti_dbip->dbi_base2local;
    local2base = rtip->rti_dbip->dbi_local2base;
    tmp_str = bu_units_string(local2base);
    if (tmp_str) {
	bu_strlcpy(local_u_name, tmp_str, sizeof(local_u_name));
    } else {
	bu_strlcpy(local_u_name, "Unknown units", sizeof(local_u_name));

    if (silent_flag != SILENT_YES) {
	printf("Database title: '%s'\n", db_title);
	printf("Database units: '%s'\n", local_u_name);
	printf("model_min = (%g, %g, %g)    model_max = (%g, %g, %g)\n",
	       rtip->mdl_min[X] * base2local,
	       rtip->mdl_min[Y] * base2local,
	       rtip->mdl_min[Z] * base2local,
	       rtip->mdl_max[X] * base2local,
	       rtip->mdl_max[Y] * base2local,
	       rtip->mdl_max[Z] * base2local);

    /* Run the run-time configuration file, if it exists */
    if ((fPtr = fopenrc()) != NULL) {
	interact(READING_FILE, fPtr, rtip);

    /* Run all scripts specified on the command line */
    run_scripts(&script_list, rtip);

    /* Perform the user interface */
    if (mat_flag) {
	return 0;
    } else {
	interact(READING_FILE, stdin, rtip);

    return 0;
Exemple #9
int main ()
    freopen ("tourism.in", "rt", stdin);
    freopen ("tourism.out", "wt", stdout);

    var['0'] = 0;
    var['1'] = 1;
    var['2'] = 2;
    var['3'] = 3;
    var['4'] = 4;
    var['5'] = 5;
    var['6'] = 6;
    var['7'] = 7;
    var['8'] = 8;
    var['9'] = 9;
    var['A'] = 10;
    var['B'] = 11;
    var['C'] = 12;
    var['D'] = 13;
    var['E'] = 14;
    var['F'] = 15;
    var['G'] = 16;
    var['H'] = 17;
    var['I'] = 18;
    var['J'] = 19;
    var['K'] = 20;
    var['L'] = 21;
    var['M'] = 22;
    var['N'] = 23;
    var['O'] = 24;
    var['P'] = 25;
    var['Q'] = 26;
    var['R'] = 27;
    var['S'] = 28;
    var['T'] = 29;
    var['U'] = 30;
    var['V'] = 31;
    var['W'] = 32;
    var['X'] = 33;
    var['Y'] = 34;
    var['Z'] = 35;
    var['a'] = 36;
    var['b'] = 37;
    var['c'] = 38;
    var['d'] = 39;
    var['e'] = 40;
    var['f'] = 41;
    var['g'] = 42;
    var['h'] = 43;
    var['i'] = 44;
    var['j'] = 45;
    var['k'] = 46;
    var['l'] = 47;
    var['m'] = 48;
    var['n'] = 49;
    var['o'] = 50;
    var['p'] = 51;
    var['q'] = 52;
    var['r'] = 53;
    var['s'] = 54;
    var['t'] = 55;
    var['u'] = 56;
    var['v'] = 57;
    var['w'] = 58;
    var['x'] = 59;
    var['y'] = 60;
    var['z'] = 61;
    var['!'] = 62;
    var['?'] = 63;

    scanf ("%d", &n);
    memset (M, 0, sizeof M);

    if (n == 3)
        printf ("0 1 2\n");
        printf ("-1");
    return 0;

    read_mat ();

    int m;
    scanf ("%d", &m);

    return 0;