Exemple #1
static __inline char * read_runtime_path(HANDLE h)
  char buffer[TRAILER_SIZE];
  static char runtime_path[MAX_PATH];
  DWORD nread;
  int num_sections, path_size, i;
  long ofs;

  if (SetFilePointer(h, -TRAILER_SIZE, NULL, FILE_END) == -1) return NULL;
  if (! ReadFile(h, buffer, TRAILER_SIZE, &nread, NULL)) return NULL;
  if (nread != TRAILER_SIZE) return NULL;
  num_sections = read_size(buffer);
  ofs = TRAILER_SIZE + num_sections * 8;
  if (SetFilePointer(h, - ofs, NULL, FILE_END) == -1) return NULL;
  path_size = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) {
    if (! ReadFile(h, buffer, 8, &nread, NULL) || nread != 8) return NULL;
    if (buffer[0] == 'R' && buffer[1] == 'N' &&
        buffer[2] == 'T' && buffer[3] == 'M') {
      path_size = read_size(buffer + 4);
      ofs += path_size;
    } else if (path_size > 0)
      ofs += read_size(buffer + 4);
  if (path_size == 0) return default_runtime_name;
  if (path_size >= MAX_PATH) return NULL;
  if (SetFilePointer(h, -ofs, NULL, FILE_END) == -1) return NULL;
  if (! ReadFile(h, runtime_path, path_size, &nread, NULL)) return NULL;
  if (nread != path_size) return NULL;
  runtime_path[path_size - 1] = 0;
  return runtime_path;
Exemple #2
static char * read_runtime_path(int fd)
  char buffer[TRAILER_SIZE];
  static char runtime_path[MAXPATHLEN];
  int num_sections, i;
  uint32 path_size;
  long ofs;

  lseek(fd, (long) -TRAILER_SIZE, SEEK_END);
  if (read(fd, buffer, TRAILER_SIZE) < TRAILER_SIZE) return NULL;
  num_sections = read_size(buffer);
  ofs = TRAILER_SIZE + num_sections * 8;
  lseek(fd, -ofs, SEEK_END);
  path_size = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < num_sections; i++) {
    if (read(fd, buffer, 8) < 8) return NULL;
    if (buffer[0] == 'R' && buffer[1] == 'N' &&
        buffer[2] == 'T' && buffer[3] == 'M') {
      path_size = read_size(buffer + 4);
      ofs += path_size;
    } else if (path_size > 0)
      ofs += read_size(buffer + 4);
  if (path_size == 0) return default_runtime_path;
  if (path_size >= MAXPATHLEN) return NULL;
  lseek(fd, -ofs, SEEK_END);
  if (read(fd, runtime_path, path_size) != path_size) return NULL;
  runtime_path[path_size - 1] = 0;
  return runtime_path;
Exemple #3
	array_2d <T>
	operator()(std::istream& s)
		array_2d <T> a(read_size(s), read_size(s));
		read(a, s);
		return a;
    static size_t onRead(char *buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems, void *instream)
        WebRequestInternalState *is_(reinterpret_cast<WebRequestInternalState*>(instream));
        is_->state = HTTP_OPEN;
        if (is_->isAborted)
            is_->state = HTTP_CLOSED;
            return CURL_READFUNC_ABORT;

        // Find the size in bytes.
        size_t real_size(size * nitems);

        // Read as much as we can from the upload buffer queue.
        Deserializer* upload(dynamic_cast<Deserializer*>(is_->upload.Get()));
        size_t size_queued(upload->GetSize());
        size_t size_left(real_size);
        if ((size_left > 0) && (size_queued > 0))
            size_t read_size(std::min(size_queued, size_left));
            upload->Read(buffer, (unsigned int)read_size);
            size_left -= read_size;

        // If we still have bytes to fill, then emit a "upload_chunk" event.
        if (size_left > 0)
            VariantMap eventData;
            eventData.Insert(MakePair(StringHash("upload"), Variant(is_->upload)));
            eventData.Insert(MakePair(StringHash("size"), Variant((unsigned int)size_left)));
            is_->es.SendEvent("upload_chunk", eventData);

        // Read as much as we can from the upload buffer queue (again).
        size_queued = upload->GetSize();
        size_left = real_size;
        if ((size_left > 0) && (size_queued > 0))
            size_t read_size(std::min(size_queued, size_left));
            upload->Read(buffer, (unsigned int)read_size);
            size_left -= read_size;

        // If we still have bytes to fill, then something went wrong, so we should abort.
        if (size_left > 0)
            is_->isAborted = true;
            return CURL_READFUNC_ABORT;

        return real_size;
Exemple #5
static int read_trailer(int fd, struct exec_trailer * trail)
  unsigned char buffer[TRAILER_SIZE];

  lseek(fd, (long) -TRAILER_SIZE, 2);
  if (read(fd, (char*)buffer, TRAILER_SIZE) < TRAILER_SIZE)
    return TRUNCATED_FILE;
  trail->code_size = read_size(buffer);
  trail->data_size = read_size(buffer+4);
  trail->symbol_size = read_size(buffer+8);
  trail->debug_size = read_size(buffer+12);
  trail->magic = read_size(buffer+16);
  if (trail->magic == EXEC_MAGIC) return 0; else return BAD_MAGIC_NUM;
Exemple #6
	array <array <T> >
	operator()(std::istream& s)
		size_t arr = read_size(s);  // number of arrays
		array <array<T> > a(arr);

		size_t dim;  // dimension of each array
		for (size_t n = 0; n < arr; n++) {
			dim = read_size(s);
			read(a[n], s);
		return a;
Exemple #7
int parse_args(RTSOpts * opts, int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc == 0)
        return 0;

    if (strcmp(argv[0], "+RTS") != 0)
        return 0;

    int i;
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-RTS") == 0) {
            return i + 1;

        if (argv[i][0] != '-') {
            fprintf(stderr, "RTS options should start with '-'.\n");

        switch (argv[i][1])
        case '?':

        case 's':
            opts->show_summary = 1;

        case 'H':
            opts->init_heap_size = read_size(argv[i] + 2);

        case 'K':
            opts->max_stack_size = read_size(argv[i] + 2);

            printf("RTS opts: Wrong argument: %s\n", argv[i]);

    return argc;
Exemple #8
/* 向数据包队列中插入数据, 这些数据会按照数据包的结构, 即两个字节的长度紧跟着内容, 分析这些数据有多少个数据包.
 * 对于其中的完整数据包将插入到完整包队列中去, 对于其中不完整的包将插入到不完整数据包的哈希表中去. 特别是对于
 * 长度只有 1 个字节的不完整包, 此时已经无法计算出数据包的长度, 因而不完整数据包的 read 为 -1 , 而 header 为此一个字节值.
 * 当下一次套接字中接收到数据时会判断 read 的长度, 从而正确拼接数据包.
 * 参数: L 是虚拟机栈; fd 是数据所属的套接字 id; buffer 是数据内容; size 是数据大小;
 * 函数无返回值 */
static void
push_more(lua_State *L, int fd, uint8_t *buffer, int size) {
	if (size == 1) {
		struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
		uc->read = -1;
		uc->header = *buffer;
	int pack_size = read_size(buffer);
	buffer += 2;
	size -= 2;

	/* 虽然数据包的内容是不完整的, 但是给 pack.buffer 分配的内存是完整的 */
	if (size < pack_size) {
		struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
		uc->read = size;
		uc->pack.size = pack_size;
		uc->pack.buffer = skynet_malloc(pack_size);
		memcpy(uc->pack.buffer, buffer, size);
	push_data(L, fd, buffer, pack_size, 1);

	buffer += pack_size;
	size -= pack_size;
	if (size > 0) {
		push_more(L, fd, buffer, size);
Exemple #9
	array_2d <T>
	operator()(std::istream& s)
		size_t arr = read_size(s);  // number of arrays
		if (arr < 1)
			return array_2d <T>();

		size_t dim = read_size(s);  // dimension of each array
		array_2d <T> a(dim, arr);

		for (size_t n = 0, p = 0; n < arr; n++, p += dim) {
			if(n > 0) dim = read_size(s);
			read(a[p], s, dim);
		return a;
Exemple #10
static void	read_file(t_env *e)
	int		fd;

	if ((fd = open("src/maps/map01.txt", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
	read_size(e, fd);
	read_map(e, fd);
Exemple #11
std::string Parser::read_item(std::istream &stream)
    // An item in an itemized chunk is made up of the big endian size and the payload of that size
    // Example:
    //   0000: 4
    //   0004: 0xDE 0xAD 0xBE 0xEF
    //   0008: --- Next item ---

    auto payload = read_payload(stream, read_size(stream));
    return {std::begin(payload), std::end(payload)};
Exemple #12
std::pair<ChunkId, std::string> Parser::read_chunk(std::istream &stream)
    // LastPass blob chunk is made up of 4-byte ID, big endian 4-byte size and payload of that size
    // Example:
    //   0000: 'IDID'
    //   0004: 4
    //   0008: 0xDE 0xAD 0xBE 0xEF
    //   000C: --- Next chunk ---

    auto id = read_id(stream);
    auto payload = read_payload(stream, read_size(stream));
    return std::make_pair(id, payload);
Exemple #13
static domain_type *
read_domain(namedb_type *db, uint32_t domain_count, domain_type **domains)
    uint32_t domain_number;

    if (!read_size(db, &domain_number))
        return NULL;

    if (domain_number == 0 || domain_number > domain_count)
        return NULL;

    return domains[domain_number - 1];
Exemple #14
static zone_type *
read_zone(namedb_type *db, uint32_t zone_count, zone_type **zones)
    uint32_t zone_number;

    if (!read_size(db, &zone_number))
        return NULL;

    if (zone_number == 0 || zone_number > zone_count)
        return NULL;

    return zones[zone_number - 1];
Exemple #15
/*Func: read_from_stat()
 * This fucnction create stat type struct
 * Read the information from stat()
 * Check to see if there is error
 * Calling functions to read info of the file:
 * 	timestamp
 * 	user_id, group_id
 * 	mode, size, numintro
void read_from_stat(file *info){
	int t=0;
	struct stat fileinfo;
	t = fstat(info->desc,&fileinfo);
	//perror("File Stat");
		printf(CY"Error: File stat cannot be read. \nProgram is now exiting!\n"NC);
	read_time(info, fileinfo);
	read_ids(info, fileinfo);
	read_mode(info, fileinfo);
	read_size(info, fileinfo);

int SlimConnectionHandler_Run(SlimConnectionHandler* self)

	if (self->sendFunc(self->comLink, "Slim -- V0.0\n", 13) == -1)
		return -1;

	char* message = NULL;
		int size_i = read_size(self);

		if (size_i > 0)
			message = (char*)malloc(size_i + (size_t)1);
			memset(message, 0, (size_t)size_i + (size_t)1);
			int numbytes = self->recvFunc(self->comLink, message, size_i);
			if (numbytes != size_i)
				printf("did not receive right number of bytes.  %d expected but received %d\n", size_i, numbytes);
			if (strcmp("bye", message) == 0)
			//execute and get response
			char* response_message = self->slimHandlerFunc(self->slimHandler, message);
			int response_length = (int)strlen(response_message);
			char * length_buffer = (char *)malloc((size_t)8);
			sprintf(length_buffer, "%06d:", response_length);
			int send_result = self->sendFunc(self->comLink, length_buffer, 7);
			send_result = self->sendFunc(self->comLink, response_message, response_length);
		} else if (size_i == -1)
	return 0;

int SlimConnectionHandler_Run(SlimConnectionHandler* self)
	char * message = malloc(3);
	message[0] = 0;
	int numbytes;

 	if (self->sendFunc(self->comLink, "Slim -- V0.0\n", 13) == -1)
		return -1;

		int size_i = read_size(self);
		if (size_i > 0)
			message = malloc(size_i + 1);
			memset(message, 0, size_i + 1);

		    if ((numbytes = self->recvFunc(self->comLink, message, size_i)) == -1) 
			if (strcmp("bye", message) == 0)
			//execute and get response
			char* response_message = self->slimHandler(message);
			int response_length = strlen(response_message);
			char * response = malloc(response_length + 7 + 1);
			sprintf(response, "%06d:%s", response_length, response_message);
			int send_result = self->sendFunc(self->comLink, response, response_length + 7);
			if ( send_result == -1)
	return 0;

static void json_process_field(int indx, void *data, struct format_field *field)
	unsigned long long val;

	if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_STRING) {
		int offset;
		if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_DYNAMIC) {
			offset = *(int *)(data + field->offset);
			offset &= 0xffff;
		} else
			offset = field->offset;
		fprintf(ofp, "%s\"%s\"", prefix(indx), (char *)data + offset);
	} else { /* FIELD_IS_NUMERIC */
		val = read_size(data + field->offset, field->size);
		if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_SIGNED)
			fprintf(ofp, "%s%lld", prefix(indx),
					(long long int) val);
			fprintf(ofp, "%s%llu", prefix(indx), val);
Exemple #19
/// 从 buffer 中读取数据. 如果 buffer 的数据足够, 那么数据内容会压入到 queue.queue 中; 否则会压入到 queue.hash 中.
static void
push_more(lua_State *L, int fd, uint8_t *buffer, int size) {
	// 如果连包头的数据都不足够, 那么先读取包头的第一个字节数据
	if (size == 1) {
		struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
		uc->read = -1;
		uc->header = *buffer;

	// 读取数据包数据大小
	int pack_size = read_size(buffer);

	// 偏移到实际数据内容指针
	buffer += 2;

	// 得到实际数据的内容大小
	size -= 2;

	// 数据内容未能完全读取的情况
	if (size < pack_size) {
		struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
		uc->read = size;			// 记录已经读取的数据大小
		uc->pack.size = pack_size;	// 记录数据内容的大小
		uc->pack.buffer = skynet_malloc(pack_size);
		memcpy(uc->pack.buffer, buffer, size);

	// 如果数据内容能够完全读取, 那么读取数据, 并且压入到 queue.queue 中
	push_data(L, fd, buffer, pack_size, 1);

	// 继续读取剩余的函数
	buffer += pack_size;
	size -= pack_size;
	if (size > 0) {
		push_more(L, fd, buffer, size);
Exemple #20
/* [lua_api] 将套接字发送过来的数据返回给 Lua 层使用. 函数首先将检查 queue 的不完整数据包哈希表中是否存在套接字 fd 的
 * 不完整数据包, 如果有则检查其已经读取的内容长度, 并将剩余部分复制过去, 如果刚好是一个数据包大小就直接返回 "data" 字符
 * 串和数据包给 Lua 层, 如果复制后多于一个数据包, 则将这些数据包一起插入到 queue 中, 并返回 "more" 字符串给 Lua 层.
 * 在不足一个数据包的情况下, 将不完整包重新插入到哈希表中. 对于之前没有不完整包的情况执行相同的流程. 当返回 "more" 时,
 * 可以通过 lpop 函数取得 queue 中的数据包. buffer 中的内容会复制到新的内存块中, 因而在调用完此函数之后需要释放 buffer 的内存;
 * 参数: L 是虚拟机栈, 其位置一就是 queue 数据结构; fd 是套接字 id; buffer 是数据内容; size 是数据大小;
 * 返回: userdata[1] 为 queue 数据结构; string/nil[2] 为 "more" 或者 "data" 表示有数据, nil 表示数据不完整;
 *       int[3] 为套接字 id, 仅在 "data" 下返回; lightuserdata[4] 为数据内容, 仅在 "data" 下返回;
 *       int[5] 为数据大小, 仅在 "data" 下返回; */
static int
filter_data_(lua_State *L, int fd, uint8_t * buffer, int size) {
	struct queue *q = lua_touserdata(L,1);
	struct uncomplete * uc = find_uncomplete(q, fd);
	if (uc) {
		// fill uncomplete
		if (uc->read < 0) {
			// read size
			assert(uc->read == -1);
			int pack_size = *buffer;
			pack_size |= uc->header << 8 ;
			uc->pack.size = pack_size;
			uc->pack.buffer = skynet_malloc(pack_size);
			uc->read = 0;
		int need = uc->pack.size - uc->read;
		if (size < need) {
			memcpy(uc->pack.buffer + uc->read, buffer, size);
			uc->read += size;
			int h = hash_fd(fd);
			uc->next = q->hash[h];
			q->hash[h] = uc;
			return 1;
		memcpy(uc->pack.buffer + uc->read, buffer, need);
		buffer += need;
		size -= need;
		if (size == 0) {
			lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(TYPE_DATA));
			lua_pushinteger(L, fd);
			lua_pushlightuserdata(L, uc->pack.buffer);
			lua_pushinteger(L, uc->pack.size);
			return 5;
		// more data
		push_data(L, fd, uc->pack.buffer, uc->pack.size, 0);
		push_more(L, fd, buffer, size);
		lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(TYPE_MORE));
		return 2;
	} else {
		if (size == 1) {
			struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
			uc->read = -1;
			uc->header = *buffer;
			return 1;
		int pack_size = read_size(buffer);

		if (size < pack_size) {
			struct uncomplete * uc = save_uncomplete(L, fd);
			uc->read = size;
			uc->pack.size = pack_size;
			uc->pack.buffer = skynet_malloc(pack_size);
			memcpy(uc->pack.buffer, buffer, size);
			return 1;
		if (size == pack_size) {
			// just one package
			lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(TYPE_DATA));
			lua_pushinteger(L, fd);
			void * result = skynet_malloc(pack_size);
			memcpy(result, buffer, size);
			lua_pushlightuserdata(L, result);
			lua_pushinteger(L, size);
			return 5;
		// more data
		push_data(L, fd, buffer, pack_size, 1);
		buffer += pack_size;
		size -= pack_size;
		push_more(L, fd, buffer, size);
		lua_pushvalue(L, lua_upvalueindex(TYPE_MORE));
		return 2;
Exemple #21
static int
process_part(const char *data, size_t len)
    size_t maxlen;
    size_t amount_read = 0;

        case IN_HEADER:
            maxlen = (sizeof sm.header - sm.data_read);
            if (maxlen > len)
                maxlen = len;
            memcpy(((char *)&sm.header) + sm.data_read, data, maxlen);
            sm.data_read += maxlen;
            amount_read = maxlen;
            sm.total_data_read += amount_read;
        case IN_LONG_FILENAME:
            maxlen = sm.filedata_left;
            if (maxlen > len)
                maxlen = len;
            memcpy(sm.longfilename + sm.data_read, data, maxlen);
            sm.data_read += maxlen;
            sm.filedata_left -= maxlen;
            sm.until_header_left -= maxlen;
            amount_read = maxlen;
            sm.total_data_read += amount_read;
            if (sm.filedata_left == 0)
                if (strlen(sm.longfilename) > sm.data_read)
                    fatal_error("index_from_tar: Wrong long-filename length");
                sm.state = IN_EXTRA_DATA;
                sm.data_read = 0;
                /* Here we don't update the smblock! we want to
                 * keep it as the start of the long name header */
        case IN_EXTRA_DATA:
            maxlen = sm.until_header_left;
            if (maxlen > len)
                maxlen = len;
            sm.data_read += maxlen;
            sm.until_header_left -= maxlen;
            amount_read = maxlen;
            sm.total_data_read += amount_read;
            if (sm.until_header_left == 0)
                sm.state = IN_HEADER;
                sm.data_read = 0;
        case IN_DATA:
            maxlen = sm.filedata_left;
            if (maxlen > len)
                maxlen = len;
            sm.data_read += maxlen;
            sm.filedata_left -= maxlen;
            sm.until_header_left -= maxlen;
            amount_read = maxlen;

            if (rsync_signature && maxlen > 0)
                rsync_signature_work(rsync_signature, data, maxlen);

            sm.total_data_read += amount_read;
            if (command_line.debug > 2)
                fprintf(stderr, "index_from_tar: still %lli to skip\n", sm.filedata_left);
            if (sm.filedata_left == 0)
                sm.state = IN_EXTRA_DATA;
                sm.data_read = 0;

                if (rsync_signature)
                    size_t siglen;
                    size_t len;
                    int res;

                    /* Mark end of file to rsync */
                    rsync_signature_work(rsync_signature, 0, 0);

                    /* Should output the block name too */
                    siglen = rsync_signature_size(rsync_signature);
                    len = siglen + strlen(index_filename) + 1 /*\0*/;

                    mytar_set_size(indextar, len);

                    /* The name, and \0 */
                    res = mytar_write_data(indextar, index_filename,
                            strlen(index_filename) + 1);
                    if (res == -1)
                        error("Cannot write index tar 1 - mytar_write_data");
                    /* Then the rsync signature */
                    res = mytar_write_data(indextar, rsync_signature->output,
                    if (res == -1)
                        error("Cannot write index tar 2 - mytar_write_data");

                    rsync_signature = 0;

                    res = mytar_write_end(indextar);
                    if (res == -1)
                        error("Cannot write index tar - mytar_write_end");

    if (sm.state == IN_HEADER && sm.data_read == sizeof sm.header)
        const struct header_gnu_tar *sh = &sm.header;
        int checksum;
        unsigned long long size;
        int should_rsync = 0;

        /* Process the header */
        if (sh->checksum[0] == '\0')
            /* Skip block, it should be final zero block. We could check it. */
            sm.data_read = 0;
            sm.state = IN_HEADER;
            return amount_read;
        checksum = read_octal_number(sh->checksum, sizeof sh->checksum);
        if (calc_checksum(sh) != checksum)
            error("Failed checksum interpreting tar");

        size = read_size(sh->size);

        sm.filedata_left = size;
        sm.until_header_left = size;

        /* Clamp at 512 bytes */
        if (sm.until_header_left % 512 > 0)
            sm.until_header_left += 512 - sm.until_header_left % 512;

        if (sh->typeflag[0] == 'L')
            sm.longfilename = malloc(sm.filedata_left+1);
            if (!sm.longfilename)
                fatal_error("Cannot allocate");
            sm.longfilename[sm.filedata_left] = '\0';
            sm.state = IN_LONG_FILENAME;
            sm.data_read = 0;
            return amount_read;

        if (sh->typeflag[0] == 'K') /* Long link name. We ignore it */
            sm.state = IN_DATA;
            sm.data_read = 0;
            return amount_read;

        /* Check that we parse a GNU tar archive,
         * and that we know the type. */
        if (strncmp(sh->magic, "ustar ", 6) != 0 ||
                strncmp(sh->version, " \0", 2) != 0 ||
                (sh->typeflag[0] != '0' &&
                sh->typeflag[0] != '5' &&
                sh->typeflag[0] != '2' &&
                sh->typeflag[0] != '1'
            /* Unknown file. Skip data. */
            char *fname;
            fname = read_fixed_size_string(sh->name, sizeof sh->name);
            fprintf(stderr, "Unknown header type, skipping %llu bytes: %s\n",
                    sm.until_header_left, fname);
            sm.data_read = 0;
            if (sm.filedata_left > 0)
                sm.state = IN_DATA;
                sm.state = IN_HEADER;
            return amount_read;

        if (sm.longfilename)
            if (command_line.debug > 1)
                fprintf(stderr, "Writing index entry for the file %s\n", sm.longfilename);
            mytar_set_filename(indextar, sm.longfilename);
            sm.longfilename = 0;
            char name[sizeof sh->name + 1];
            strcpyn(name, sh->name, sizeof sh->name);
            if (command_line.debug > 1)
                fprintf(stderr, "Writing index entry for the file %s\n", name);
            mytar_set_filename(indextar, name);

        mytar_set_mode(indextar, read_octal_number(sh->mode, sizeof sh->mode));
        mytar_set_size(indextar, 0);
        mytar_set_uid(indextar, read_octal_number(sh->uid, sizeof sh->uid));
        mytar_set_gid(indextar, read_octal_number(sh->gid, sizeof sh->gid));
        mytar_set_uname(indextar, sh->uname); /* internal strncopy will save harm */
        mytar_set_gname(indextar, sh->gname); /* internal strncopy will save harm */
            case '5':
                mytar_set_filetype(indextar, S_IFDIR);
            case '0':
                if (command_line.should_rsync &&
                        sm.filedata_left > command_line.rsync_minimal_size)
                    should_rsync = 1;

                if (should_rsync)
                    mytar_set_filetype(indextar, S_IFREG);
                    mytar_set_filetype(indextar, S_IFLNK);
            case '1':
            case '2':
                mytar_set_filetype(indextar, S_IFLNK);
                error("Indexing unknown file type");
        mytar_set_mtime(indextar, read_octal_number(sh->mtime, sizeof sh->mtime));
        mytar_set_atime(indextar, read_octal_number(sh->mtime, sizeof sh->mtime));

            /* Start of block file - header */
            snprintf(index_filename, sizeof index_filename,
                    "block%zu.tar%s_%llu", sm.block,
                    (unsigned long long) size);
            if (sh->typeflag[0] != '5' && !should_rsync)
                mytar_set_linkname(indextar, index_filename);

        if (should_rsync)
            assert(rsync_signature == 0);
            rsync_signature = rsync_signature_new();

        sm.data_read = 0;
        if (sm.filedata_left > 0)
            if (command_line.debug > 1)
                fprintf(stderr, "index_from_tar: Going to skip %llu bytes\n", sm.filedata_left);
            sm.state = IN_DATA;
            sm.state = IN_HEADER;

    return amount_read;
Exemple #22
static void
request_start(struct client_context *client, char *req_buf) {
    struct socks5_request *req = (struct socks5_request *)req_buf;
    struct remote_context *remote = client->remote;

    assert(remote->stage == XSTAGE_FORWARD);

    client->cmd = req->cmd;

    if (req->cmd != S5_CMD_CONNECT && req->cmd != S5_CMD_UDP_ASSOCIATE) {
        logger_log(LOG_ERR, "unsupported cmd: 0x%02x", req->cmd);
        request_ack(client, S5_REP_CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED);

    if (req->cmd == S5_CMD_UDP_ASSOCIATE) {
        request_ack(client, S5_REP_SUCCESSED);

    char buf[260] = {0};
    size_t buflen;
    uint16_t portlen = 2;

     * xsocks request
     * +------+----------+----------+
     * | ATYP | BND.ADDR | BND.PORT |
     * +------+----------+----------+
     * |  1   | Variable |    2     |
     * +------+----------+----------+
    if (req->atyp == ATYP_IPV4) {
        size_t in_addr_len = sizeof(struct in_addr);
        buflen = sizeof(struct xsocks_request) + in_addr_len + portlen;
        buf[0] = ATYP_IPV4;
        memcpy(buf + 1, req->addr, in_addr_len);
        memcpy(buf + 1 + in_addr_len, req->addr + in_addr_len, portlen);

        uv_inet_ntop(AF_INET, (const void *)(req->addr), client->target_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
        uint16_t port = read_size((uint8_t*)(req->addr + in_addr_len));
        sprintf(client->target_addr, "%s:%u", client->target_addr, port);

    } else if (req->atyp == ATYP_HOST) {
        uint8_t namelen = *(uint8_t *)(req->addr);
        if (namelen > 0xFF) {
            logger_log(LOG_ERR, "unsupported address type: 0x%02x", req->atyp);
            request_ack(client, S5_REP_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED);
        buflen = sizeof(struct xsocks_request) + 1 + namelen + portlen;
        buf[0] = ATYP_HOST;
        memcpy(buf + 1, req->addr, 1 + namelen);
        memcpy(buf + 1 + 1 + namelen, req->addr + 1 + namelen, portlen);

        memcpy(client->target_addr, req->addr + 1, namelen);
        uint16_t port = read_size((uint8_t*)(req->addr + 1 + namelen));
        sprintf(client->target_addr, "%s:%u", client->target_addr, port);

    } else if (req->atyp == ATYP_IPV6) {
        size_t in6_addr_len = sizeof(struct in6_addr);
        buflen = sizeof(struct xsocks_request) + in6_addr_len + portlen;
        buf[0] = ATYP_IPV6;
        memcpy(buf + 1, req->addr, in6_addr_len);
        memcpy(buf + 1 + in6_addr_len, req->addr + in6_addr_len, portlen);

        uv_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (const void *)(req->addr), client->target_addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
        uint16_t port = read_size((uint8_t*)(req->addr + in6_addr_len));
        sprintf(client->target_addr, "%s:%u", client->target_addr, port);

    } else {
        logger_log(LOG_ERR, "unsupported address type: 0x%02x", req->atyp);
        request_ack(client, S5_REP_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED);

    request_ack(client, S5_REP_SUCCESSED);

    // TODO: handle UDP ASSOCIATE
    if (req->cmd == S5_CMD_CONNECT) {
        if (verbose) {
            logger_log(LOG_INFO, "connect to %s", client->target_addr);
        int clen = buflen + PRIMITIVE_BYTES;
        uint8_t *c = client->buf + HEADER_BYTES;
        int rc = crypto_encrypt(c, (uint8_t *)buf, buflen);
        if (!rc) {
            forward_to_remote(remote, c, clen);
static void perl_process_event(int cpu, void *data,
			       int size __unused,
			       unsigned long long nsecs, char *comm)
	struct format_field *field;
	static char handler[256];
	unsigned long long val;
	unsigned long s, ns;
	struct event *event;
	int type;
	int pid;


	type = trace_parse_common_type(data);

	event = find_cache_event(type);
	if (!event)
		die("ug! no event found for type %d", type);

	pid = trace_parse_common_pid(data);

	sprintf(handler, "%s::%s", event->system, event->name);

	s = nsecs / NSECS_PER_SEC;
	ns = nsecs - s * NSECS_PER_SEC;

	scripting_context->event_data = data;


	XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(handler, 0)));
	XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(comm, 0)));

	/* common fields other than pid can be accessed via xsub fns */

	for (field = event->format.fields; field; field = field->next) {
		if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_STRING) {
			int offset;
			if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_DYNAMIC) {
				offset = *(int *)(data + field->offset);
				offset &= 0xffff;
			} else
				offset = field->offset;
			XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv((char *)data + offset, 0)));
		} else { /* FIELD_IS_NUMERIC */
			val = read_size(data + field->offset, field->size);
			if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_SIGNED) {
			} else {


	if (get_cv(handler, 0))
		call_pv(handler, G_SCALAR);
	else if (get_cv("main::trace_unhandled", 0)) {
		XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(handler, 0)));
		XPUSHs(sv_2mortal(newSVpv(comm, 0)));
		call_pv("main::trace_unhandled", G_SCALAR);
static void
parse_content(int level,
              int64_t end_pos) {
  while (static_cast<int64_t>(g_in->getFilePointer()) < end_pos) {
    int64_t element_start_pos = g_in->getFilePointer();

    try {
      vint_c  id          = read_id(end_pos);
      vint_c size         = read_size(end_pos);

      std::string element_name = g_element_names[id.value];
      if (element_name.empty())
        element_name      = Y("unknown");

      mxinfo(boost::format(Y("%1%pos %2% id 0x%|3$x| size %4% header size %5% (%6%)\n"))
             % level_string(level) % element_start_pos % id.value % size.value % (id.coded_size + size.coded_size) % element_name);

      if (size.is_unknown()) {
        mxinfo(boost::format(Y("%1%  Warning: size is coded as 'unknown' (all bits are set)\n")) % level_string(level));

        // In Matroska segments often have an unknown size – so don't
        // warn about it.
        if (element_name != "Segment")
          g_warnings_found = true;

      int64_t content_end_pos = size.is_unknown() ? end_pos : g_in->getFilePointer() + size.value;

      if (content_end_pos > end_pos) {
        mxinfo(boost::format(Y("%1%  Error: Element ends after scope\n")) % level_string(level));
        g_errors_found = true;
        if (!g_in->setFilePointer2(end_pos))
          mxerror(boost::format(Y("Error: Seek to %1%\n")) % end_pos);

      if (g_is_master[id.value])
        parse_content(level + 1, content_end_pos);

      if (!g_in->setFilePointer2(content_end_pos))
        mxerror(boost::format(Y("Error: Seek to %1%\n")) % content_end_pos);

    } catch (id_error_c &error) {
      std::string message
        = id_error_c::end_of_file            == error.code ? Y("End of file")
        : id_error_c::end_of_scope           == error.code ? Y("End of scope")
        : id_error_c::first_byte_is_zero     == error.code ? Y("First byte is zero")
        : id_error_c::longer_than_four_bytes == error.code ? Y("ID is longer than four bytes")
        :                                                    Y("reason is unknown");

      mxinfo(boost::format(Y("%1%Error at %2%: error reading the element ID (%3%)\n")) % level_string(level) % element_start_pos % message);
      g_errors_found = true;

      if (!g_in->setFilePointer2(end_pos))
        mxerror(boost::format(Y("Error: Seek to %1%\n")) % end_pos);

    } catch (size_error_c &error) {
      std::string message
        = size_error_c::end_of_file  == error.code ? Y("End of file")
        : size_error_c::end_of_scope == error.code ? Y("End of scope")
        :                                            Y("reason is unknown");

      mxinfo(boost::format(Y("%1%Error at %2%: error reading the element size (%3%)\n")) % level_string(level) % element_start_pos % message);
      g_errors_found = true;

      if (!g_in->setFilePointer2(end_pos))
        mxerror(boost::format(Y("Error: Seek to %1%\n")) % end_pos);

    } catch (...) {
      mxerror(Y("Unknown error occured\n"));
Exemple #25
int write_entries(const int fd, struct tar_t ** archive, struct tar_t ** head, const size_t filecount, const char * files[], int * offset, const char verbosity){
    if (fd < 0){
        return -1;

    if (!archive || *archive){
        return -1;

    if (filecount && !files){
        return -1;

    // add new data
    struct tar_t ** tar = archive;  // current entry
    char buf[512];              // one block buffer
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < filecount; i++){
        *tar = malloc(sizeof(struct tar_t));

        // stat file
        if (format_tar_data(*tar, files[i], verbosity) < 0){
            WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Failed to stat %s\n", files[i]);

        if (!i){
            *archive = *tar;  // store first address

        (*tar) -> begin = *offset;

        // write different data depending on file type
        if ((*tar) -> type == DIRECTORY){
            // save parent directory name (source will change)
            const size_t len = strlen((*tar) -> name);
            char * parent = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
            strncpy(parent, (*tar) -> name, len);

            // add a '/' character to the end
            if ((len < 99) && ((*tar) -> name[len - 1] != '/')){
                (*tar) -> name[len] = '/';
                (*tar) -> name[len + 1] = '\0';

            V_PRINT(stdout, "%s\n", (*tar) -> name);

            // write metadata to (*tar) file
            if (write_size(fd, (*tar) -> block, 512) != 512){
                WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Failed to write metadata to archive\n");

            // go through directory
            DIR * d = opendir(parent);
            if (!d){
                WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Cannot read directory %s\n", parent);

            struct dirent * dir;
            while ((dir = readdir(d))){
                // if not special directories . and ..
                const size_t sublen = strlen(dir -> d_name);
                if (strncmp(dir -> d_name, ".", sublen) && strncmp(dir -> d_name, "..", sublen)){
                    char * path = calloc(len + sublen + 2, sizeof(char));
                    sprintf(path, "%s/%s", parent, dir -> d_name);

                    // recursively write each subdirectory
                    if (write_entries(fd, &((*tar) -> next), head, 1, (const char **) &path, offset, verbosity) < 0){
                        WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Recurse error\n");

                    // go to end of new data
                    while ((*tar) -> next){
                        tar = &((*tar) -> next);


        else{ // if (((*tar) -> type == REGULAR) || ((*tar) -> type == NORMAL) || ((*tar) -> type == CONTIGUOUS) || ((*tar) -> type == SYMLINK) || ((*tar) -> type == CHAR) || ((*tar) -> type == BLOCK) || ((*tar) -> type == FIFO)){
            V_PRINT(stdout, "%s\n", (*tar) -> name);

            char tarred = 0;   // whether or not the file has already been put into the archive
            if (((*tar) -> type == REGULAR) || ((*tar) -> type == NORMAL) || ((*tar) -> type == CONTIGUOUS) || ((*tar) -> type == SYMLINK)){
                struct tar_t * found = exists(*head, files[i], 1);
                tarred = (found != (*tar));

                // if file has already been included, modify the header
                if (tarred){
                    // change type to hard link
                    (*tar) -> type = HARDLINK;

                    // change link name to (*tar)red file name (both are the same)
                    strncpy((*tar) -> link_name, (*tar) -> name, 100);

                    // change size to 0
                    strncpy((*tar) -> size, "00000000000", 11);

                    // recalculate checksum

            // write metadata to (*tar) file
            if (write_size(fd, (*tar) -> block, 512) != 512){
                WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Failed to write metadata to archive\n");

            if (((*tar) -> type == REGULAR) || ((*tar) -> type == NORMAL) || ((*tar) -> type == CONTIGUOUS)){
                // if the file isn't already in the tar file, copy the contents in
                if (!tarred){
                    int f = open((*tar) -> name, O_RDONLY);
                    if (f < 0){
                        WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Could not open %s\n", files[i]);

                    int r = 0;
                    while ((r = read_size(f, buf, 512)) > 0){
                        if (write_size(fd, buf, r) != r){
                            RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Could not write to archive: %s\n", strerror(rc));


            // pad data to fill block
            const unsigned int size = oct2uint((*tar) -> size, 11);
            const unsigned int pad = 512 - size % 512;
            if (pad != 512){
                for(unsigned int j = 0; j < pad; j++){
                    if (write_size(fd, "\0", 1) != 1){
                        WRITE_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Could not write padding data\n");
                *offset += pad;
            *offset += size;
            tar = &((*tar) -> next);

        // add metadata size
        *offset += 512;

    return 0;
Exemple #26
int extract_entry(const int fd, struct tar_t * entry, const char verbosity){
    V_PRINT(stdout, "%s\n", entry -> name);

    if ((entry -> type == REGULAR) || (entry -> type == NORMAL) || (entry -> type == CONTIGUOUS)){
        // create intermediate directories
        size_t len = strlen(entry -> name);
        char * path = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char));
        strncpy(path, entry -> name, len);

        // remove file from path
        while (--len && (path[len] != '/'));
        path[len] = '\0';   // if nothing was found, path is terminated

        if (recursive_mkdir(path, DEFAULT_DIR_MODE, verbosity) < 0){
            V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Could not make directory %s\n", path);
            return -1;

        if ((entry -> type == REGULAR) || (entry -> type == NORMAL) || (entry -> type == CONTIGUOUS)){
            // create file
            const unsigned int size = oct2uint(entry -> size, 11);
            int f = open(entry -> name, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7) & 0777);
            if (f < 0){
                RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to open file %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));

            // move archive pointer to data location
            if (lseek(fd, 512 + entry -> begin, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) (-1)){
                RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Bad index: %s\n", strerror(rc));

            // copy data to file
            char buf[512];
            int got = 0;
            while (got < size){
                int r;
                if ((r = read_size(fd, buf, MIN(size - got, 512))) < 0){
                    EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to read from archive: %s\n", strerror(rc));

                if (write(f, buf, r) != r){
                    EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to write to %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));

                got += r;

        else if ((entry -> type == CHAR) || (entry -> type == BLOCK)){
            if (mknod(entry -> name, oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7), (oct2uint(entry -> major, 7) << 20) | oct2uint(entry -> minor, 7)) < 0){
                EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to make device %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == HARDLINK){
        if (link(entry -> link_name, entry -> name) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to create hardlink %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == SYMLINK){
        if (symlink(entry -> link_name, entry -> name) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to make symlink %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == CHAR){
        if (mknod(entry -> name, S_IFCHR | (oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7) & 0777), (oct2uint(entry -> major, 7) << 20) | oct2uint(entry -> minor, 7)) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to create directory %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == BLOCK){
        if (mknod(entry -> name, S_IFBLK | (oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7) & 0777), (oct2uint(entry -> major, 7) << 20) | oct2uint(entry -> minor, 7)) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to create directory %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == DIRECTORY){
        if (recursive_mkdir(entry -> name, oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7) & 0777, verbosity) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to create directory %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    else if (entry -> type == FIFO){
        if (mkfifo(entry -> name, oct2uint(entry -> mode, 7) & 0777) < 0){
            EXIST_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to make pipe %s: %s\n", entry -> name, strerror(rc));
    return 0;
Exemple #27
int tar_remove(const int fd, struct tar_t ** archive, const size_t filecount, const char * files[], const char verbosity){
    if (fd < 0){
        return -1;

    // archive has to exist
    if (!archive || !*archive){
        return -1;

    if (filecount && !files){
        return -1;

    if (!filecount){
        return 0;

    // get file permissions
    struct stat st;
    if (fstat(fd, &st)){
        RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to stat archive: %s\n", strerror(rc));

    // reset offset of original file
    if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) (-1)){
        RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to seek file: %s\n", strerror(rc));

    // find first file to be removed that does not exist
    int ret = 0;
    char * bad = calloc(filecount, sizeof(char));
    for(int i = 0; i < filecount; i++){
        if (!exists(*archive, files[i], 0)){
            V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: %s not found in archive\n", files[i]);
            bad[i] = 1;
            ret = -1;

    unsigned int read_offset = 0;
    unsigned int write_offset = 0;
    struct tar_t * prev = NULL;
    struct tar_t * curr = *archive;
        // get original size
        int total = 512;

        if ((curr -> type == REGULAR) || (curr -> type == NORMAL) || (curr -> type == CONTIGUOUS)){
            total += oct2uint(curr -> size, 11);
            if (total % 512){
                total += 512 - (total % 512);
        const int match = check_match(curr, filecount, bad, files);

        if (match < 0){
            V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Match failed\n");
            return -1;
        else if (!match){
            // if the old data is not in the right place, move it
            if (write_offset < read_offset){
                int got = 0;
                while (got < total){
                    // go to old data
                    if (lseek(fd, read_offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) (-1)){
                        RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Cannot seek: %s\n", strerror(rc));

                    char buf[512];

                    // copy chunk out
                    if (read_size(fd, buf, 512) != 512){// guarenteed 512 octets
                        V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Read error\n");
                        return -1;

                    // go to new position
                    if (lseek(fd, write_offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) (-1)){
                        RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Cannot seek: %s\n", strerror(rc));

                    // write data in
                    if (write_size(fd, buf, 512) != 512){
                        V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Write error\n");
                        return -1;

                    // increment offsets
                    got += 512;
                    read_offset += 512;
                    write_offset += 512;
                read_offset += total;
                write_offset += total;

                // skip past data
                if (lseek(fd, read_offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) (-1)){
                    RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Cannot seek: %s\n", strerror(rc));
            prev = curr;
            curr = curr -> next;
        else{// if name matches, skip the data
            struct tar_t * tmp = curr;
            if (!prev){
                *archive = curr -> next;
                if (*archive){
                    (*archive) -> begin = 0;
                prev -> next = curr -> next;

                if (prev -> next){
                    prev -> next -> begin = curr -> begin;
            curr = curr -> next;

            // next read starts after current entry
            read_offset += total;

    // resize file
    if (ftruncate(fd, write_offset) < 0){
        RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Could not truncate file: %s\n", strerror(rc));

    // add end data
    if (write_end_data(fd, write_offset, verbosity) < 0){
        V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Could not close file\n");

    return ret;
static void python_process_event(int cpu, void *data,
				 int size __unused,
				 unsigned long long nsecs, char *comm)
	PyObject *handler, *retval, *context, *t, *obj, *dict = NULL;
	static char handler_name[256];
	struct format_field *field;
	unsigned long long val;
	unsigned long s, ns;
	struct event *event;
	unsigned n = 0;
	int type;
	int pid;

	t = PyTuple_New(MAX_FIELDS);
	if (!t)
		Py_FatalError("couldn't create Python tuple");

	type = trace_parse_common_type(data);

	event = find_cache_event(type);
	if (!event)
		die("ug! no event found for type %d", type);

	pid = trace_parse_common_pid(data);

	sprintf(handler_name, "%s__%s", event->system, event->name);

	handler = PyDict_GetItemString(main_dict, handler_name);
	if (handler && !PyCallable_Check(handler))
		handler = NULL;
	if (!handler) {
		dict = PyDict_New();
		if (!dict)
			Py_FatalError("couldn't create Python dict");
	s = nsecs / NSECS_PER_SEC;
	ns = nsecs - s * NSECS_PER_SEC;

	scripting_context->event_data = data;

	context = PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(scripting_context, NULL);

	PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyString_FromString(handler_name));
	PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++,
			PyCObject_FromVoidPtr(scripting_context, NULL));

	if (handler) {
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyInt_FromLong(cpu));
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyInt_FromLong(s));
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyInt_FromLong(ns));
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyInt_FromLong(pid));
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, PyString_FromString(comm));
	} else {
		PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "common_cpu", PyInt_FromLong(cpu));
		PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "common_s", PyInt_FromLong(s));
		PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "common_ns", PyInt_FromLong(ns));
		PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "common_pid", PyInt_FromLong(pid));
		PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "common_comm", PyString_FromString(comm));
	for (field = event->format.fields; field; field = field->next) {
		if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_STRING) {
			int offset;
			if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_DYNAMIC) {
				offset = *(int *)(data + field->offset);
				offset &= 0xffff;
			} else
				offset = field->offset;
			obj = PyString_FromString((char *)data + offset);
		} else { /* FIELD_IS_NUMERIC */
			val = read_size(data + field->offset, field->size);
			if (field->flags & FIELD_IS_SIGNED) {
				if ((long long)val >= LONG_MIN &&
				    (long long)val <= LONG_MAX)
					obj = PyInt_FromLong(val);
					obj = PyLong_FromLongLong(val);
			} else {
				if (val <= LONG_MAX)
					obj = PyInt_FromLong(val);
					obj = PyLong_FromUnsignedLongLong(val);
		if (handler)
			PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, obj);
			PyDict_SetItemString(dict, field->name, obj);

	if (!handler)
		PyTuple_SetItem(t, n++, dict);

	if (_PyTuple_Resize(&t, n) == -1)
		Py_FatalError("error resizing Python tuple");

	if (handler) {
		retval = PyObject_CallObject(handler, t);
		if (retval == NULL)
	} else {
		handler = PyDict_GetItemString(main_dict, "trace_unhandled");
		if (handler && PyCallable_Check(handler)) {

			retval = PyObject_CallObject(handler, t);
			if (retval == NULL)

Exemple #29
int quicktime_atom_read_header(quicktime_t *file, quicktime_atom_t *atom)
	int result = 0;
	char header[10];

		atom->start = quicktime_position(file);
		if(!quicktime_read_data(file, header, HEADER_LENGTH)) return 1;
		atom->type[0] = header[0];
		atom->type[1] = header[1];
		atom->type[2] = header[2];
		atom->type[3] = header[3];
		atom->type[4] = 0;
		atom->size = 
			(((unsigned char)header[4])      ) |
			(((unsigned char)header[5]) << 8 ) |
			(((unsigned char)header[6]) << 16) |
			(((unsigned char)header[7]) << 24);
		atom->end = quicktime_add3(atom->start, atom->size, 8);
		int64_t size2;


		atom->start = quicktime_position(file);

		if(!quicktime_read_data(file, header, HEADER_LENGTH)) return 1;
		result = read_type(header, atom->type);
		atom->size = read_size(header);
		atom->end = atom->start + atom->size;
 * printf("quicktime_atom_read_header 1 %c%c%c%c start %llx size %llx end %llx ftell %llx %llx\n", 
 * 	atom->type[0], atom->type[1], atom->type[2], atom->type[3],
 * 	atom->start, atom->size, atom->end,
 * 	file->file_position,
 * 	(int64_t)FTELL(file->stream));

/* Skip placeholder atom */
		if(quicktime_match_32(atom->type, "wide"))
			atom->start = quicktime_position(file);
			if(!quicktime_read_data(file, header, HEADER_LENGTH)) return 1;
			result = read_type(header, atom->type);
			atom->size -= 8;
			if(atom->size <= 0)
/* Wrapper ended.  Get new atom size */
				atom->size = read_size(header);
			atom->end = atom->start + atom->size;
/* Get extended size */
		if(atom->size == 1)
			if(!quicktime_read_data(file, header, HEADER_LENGTH)) return 1;
			atom->size = read_size64(header);
			atom->end = atom->start + atom->size;
 * printf("quicktime_atom_read_header 2 %c%c%c%c start %llx size %llx end %llx ftell %llx\n", 
 * 	atom->type[0], atom->type[1], atom->type[2], atom->type[3],
 * 	atom->start, atom->size, atom->end,
 * 	file->file_position);

	return result;
Exemple #30
int tar_read(const int fd, struct tar_t ** archive, const char verbosity){
    if (fd < 0){
        return -1;

    if (!archive || *archive){
        return -1;

    unsigned int offset = 0;
    int count = 0;

    struct tar_t ** tar = archive;
    char update = 1;
    for(count = 0; ; count++){
        *tar = malloc(sizeof(struct tar_t));
        if (update && (read_size(fd, (*tar) -> block, 512) != 512)){
            V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Bad read. Stopping\n");
            *tar = NULL;

        update = 1;
        // if current block is all zeros
        if (iszeroed((*tar) -> block, 512)){
            if (read_size(fd, (*tar) -> block, 512) != 512){
                V_PRINT(stderr, "Error: Bad read. Stopping\n");
                *tar = NULL;

            // check if next block is all zeros as well
            if (iszeroed((*tar) -> block, 512)){
                *tar = NULL;

                // skip to end of record
                if (lseek(fd, RECORDSIZE - (offset % RECORDSIZE), SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) (-1)){
                    RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to seek file: %s\n", strerror(rc));


            update = 0;

        // set current entry's file offset
        (*tar) -> begin = offset;

        // skip over data and unfilled block
        unsigned int jump = oct2uint((*tar) -> size, 11);
        if (jump % 512){
            jump += 512 - (jump % 512);

        // move file descriptor
        offset += 512 + jump;
        if (lseek(fd, jump, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) (-1)){
            RC_ERROR(stderr, "Error: Unable to seek file: %s\n", strerror(rc));

        // ready next value
        tar = &((*tar) -> next);

    return count;