Exemple #1
	if (symbols_read == 0) {
		symbols_read = 1;

	if (kinfo_get_cpus(&vmm_ncpus))
		err(1, "kinfo_get_cpus");

	vmm_cur = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cur));
	if (vmm_cur == NULL)
		err(1, "calloc vmm_cur");

	vmm_prev = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_prev));
	if (vmm_prev == NULL)
		err(1, "calloc vmm_prev");

	vmm_cptime_cur = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cptime_cur));
	if (vmm_cptime_cur == NULL)
		err(1, "calloc vmm_cptime_cur");

	vmm_cptime_prev = calloc(vmm_ncpus, sizeof(*vmm_cptime_prev));
	if (vmm_cptime_prev == NULL)
		err(1, "calloc vmm_cptime_prev");


	return (stdscr);
Exemple #2
// Ex. 14
automaton* read_automaton(FILE* fptr) {	
	int state_c;
	int symbol_c;
	int initial_state;
	int final_state_c;
	int* final_states;
	s_table_element* symbol_table;
	state* state_table;
	char line[MAX_LEN+1];
	if(fseek(fptr, 0, SEEK_SET)) {
		puts("Couldn't seek the start of the file!");
		return NULL;
	// Reading the number of states, number of symbols, and initial state
	fgets(line, (int)MAX_LEN, fptr);
	sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", &state_c, &symbol_c, &initial_state);
	// Constructing the table of final states
	final_states = read_final_states(fptr, &final_state_c);
	// Constructing the symbol table
	symbol_table = read_symbols(symbol_c, fptr);
	// Constructing the state table
	state_table = malloc(sizeof(state)*state_c);
	if(state_table == NULL) {
		puts("Couldn't allocate the state table");
		return NULL;
	int type;
	for(int i = 0; i < state_c; ++i) {
		if((i+1) == initial_state)
			type = 1;
		else if(is_final_state(final_states, final_state_c, i+1))
			type = -1;
			type = 0;
		state_table[i] = new_state(i+1, type, NULL);
	while(read_transition(state_table, fptr));
	automaton* ret = malloc(sizeof(automaton));
	if(ret == NULL)
		return NULL;
	ret->initial_state = initial_state;
	ret->states = state_c;
	ret->symbol_c = symbol_c;
	ret->state_table = state_table;
	ret->symbol_table = symbol_table;
	ret->final_states = final_states;
	ret->final_state_c = final_state_c;
	return ret;
Exemple #3
/* load_file -- load a file of object code */
void load_file(FILE *bfp) {
     trailer t;
     int i, nread;

     int seglen[NSEGS];
     int start;

     /* Get trailer */
     fseek(bfp, -sizeof(trailer), SEEK_END);
     nread = fread(&t, 1, sizeof(trailer), bfp);

     /* Check magic numbers */
     if (strncmp((char *) t.magic, MAGIC, 4) != 0)
	  panic("bad magic number\n%s",
		"[The program you are running is not a valid"
		" Oberon bytecode file]");
     if (get_int(t.sig) != SIG)
	  panic("bad signature %#0.8x\n%s\n%s", get_int(t.sig),
		"[Although this appears to be an Oberon bytecode file,",
		"  it needs a different version of the runtime system]");
     if (prim_check != 0 && (unsigned) get_int(t.primsig) != prim_check)
	  panic("bad primitive checksum\n%s\n%s",
		"[This program uses a different set of primitives",
		"  from the ones built into the runtime system]");

     /* Decode the other data */
     for (i = 0; i < NSEGS; i++)
	  seglen[i] = get_int(t.segment[i]);

     code_size = seglen[S_CODE];
     stack_size = seglen[S_STACK];

     nmods = get_int(t.nmods); nprocs = get_int(t.nprocs); 
     nsyms = get_int(t.nsyms); start = get_int(t.start);

#ifdef DEBUG
     if (dflag) {
	  printf("csize = %d, dsize = %d, bss = %d, stk = %d\n", 
		 seglen[S_CODE], seglen[S_DATA], 
		 seglen[S_BSS], seglen[S_STACK]);
	  printf("nmods = %d, nprocs = %d, nsyms = %d\n",
		 nmods, nprocs, nsyms);

     fseek(bfp, start, SEEK_END);
     binfp = bfp;

     /* Load the code */
     imem = (uchar *) scratch_alloc(seglen[S_CODE], TRUE);
     binread(imem, seglen[S_CODE]);

     /* Load and relocate the data */
     dmem = (uchar *) scratch_alloc(seglen[S_DATA]+seglen[S_BSS], FALSE);
     binread(dmem, seglen[S_DATA]);
     memset(dmem+seglen[S_DATA], 0, seglen[S_BSS]);

     /* Allocate stack */
     stack = (uchar *) scratch_alloc(stack_size, FALSE);

     /* Save the entry point, pointer map and library path */
     entry = (value *) &dmem[get_int(t.entry)];
     gcmap = (value *) &dmem[get_int(t.gcmap)];
     if (get_int(t.libdir) != 0)
	  libpath = (char *) &dmem[get_int(t.libdir)];

     /* Read the symbols */
     if (nsyms > 0) read_symbols(seglen[S_DATA]);
Exemple #4
{ read_symbols("data.o");
  return 0;