Exemple #1
** Read a number: first reads a valid prefix of a numeral into a buffer.
** Then it calls 'lua_stringtonumber' to check whether the format is
** correct and to convert it to a Lua number
static int read_number (lua_State *L, FILE *f) {
  RN rn;
  int count = 0;
  int hex = 0;
  char decp[2];
  rn.f = f; rn.n = 0;
  decp[0] = lua_getlocaledecpoint();  /* get decimal point from locale */
  decp[1] = '.';  /* always accept a dot */
  do { rn.c = l_getc(rn.f); } while (isspace(rn.c));  /* skip spaces */
  test2(&rn, "-+");  /* optional signal */
  if (test2(&rn, "00")) {
    if (test2(&rn, "xX")) hex = 1;  /* numeral is hexadecimal */
    else count = 1;  /* count initial '0' as a valid digit */
  count += readdigits(&rn, hex);  /* integral part */
  if (test2(&rn, decp))  /* decimal point? */
    count += readdigits(&rn, hex);  /* fractional part */
  if (count > 0 && test2(&rn, (hex ? "pP" : "eE"))) {  /* exponent mark? */
    test2(&rn, "-+");  /* exponent signal */
    readdigits(&rn, 0);  /* exponent digits */
  ungetc(rn.c, rn.f);  /* unread look-ahead char */
  rn.buff[rn.n] = '\0';  /* finish string */
  if (lua_stringtonumber(L, rn.buff))  /* is this a valid number? */
    return 1;  /* ok */
  else {  /* invalid format */
   lua_pushnil(L);  /* "result" to be removed */
   return 0;  /* read fails */
Exemple #2
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    FILE *fp_infile = fopen(argv[1], "r"), *fp_outfile = fopen(argv[2], "w");
    int digits[MAXLENGTH];
    getdigits(digits, fp_infile);
    savedigits(digits, fp_outfile);
  bool FuzzyStringComparator::StreamElement_::tryExtractDouble(InputLine& input_line, double& target)
    char c_peek;
    std::string buffer;

    if (input_line.line_.eof())
      return false;

    c_peek = input_line.line_.peek();

    // .99
    bool have_seen_decimal_separator = false;

    // read sign or first number, otherwise abort
    if ((c_peek == '+' || c_peek == '-' || isdigit(c_peek) || c_peek == '.') && c_peek != EOF)
      c_peek = input_line.line_.get();
      have_seen_decimal_separator = (c_peek == '.');
      return false;

    // try to accumulate more numbers
    readdigits(input_line, buffer, c_peek);

    // if we have no decimal separator, return what we already accumulated
    if (c_peek != '.' && !have_seen_decimal_separator)
      // have we accumulated more then +/-
      if (buffer.size() > 1 || isdigit(buffer[0]))
        target = boost::lexical_cast<double>(buffer);
        return true;
        return false;
    else if (!have_seen_decimal_separator)
      c_peek = input_line.line_.get();

      // try to read the rest of the float
      readdigits(input_line, buffer, c_peek);

    // check if the number is followed by an e+/- something
    if (c_peek == 'e' || c_peek == 'E')
      // add char to buffer
      // get next char
      c_peek = input_line.line_.peek();

      // check if we have a sign
      if (c_peek == '+' || c_peek == '-')
        c_peek = input_line.line_.get();

      // try to accumulate the rest of scientific notation
      if (readdigits(input_line, buffer, c_peek))
        target = boost::lexical_cast<double>(buffer);
        return true;
        return false;
    else // just a simple floating point number, convert
      // have we accumulated more then +/-
      if (buffer.size() > 1 || isdigit(buffer[0]))
        target = boost::lexical_cast<double>(buffer);
        return true;
        // not enough content for cast
        return false;