Exemple #1
    void uniformSampling(M& Result,
			randEngine& mtRandom)
      randFloat sample( mtRandom, realUniformDist(0,1) );
      size_t nA = Result.size1();
      size_t nB = Result.size2();

      // TODO: Improve with iterators
      // std::generate(Result.begin2(),Result.end2(),sample);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nA; i++)
      	for (size_t j = 0; j < nB; j++)
      	  Result(i,j) = sample();
Exemple #2
    void lhs(M& Result, randEngine& mtRandom)
      randFloat sample( mtRandom, realUniformDist(0,1) );
      size_t nA = Result.size1();
      size_t nB = Result.size2();
      double ndA = static_cast<double>(nA);
      //  std::vector<int> perms(nA);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nB; i++)
	  // TODO: perms starts at 1. Check this
	  std::vector<int> perms = return_index_vector(nA);
	  randomPerms(perms, mtRandom);

	  for (size_t j = 0; j < nA; j++)
	      Result(j,i) = ( static_cast<double>(perms[j]) - sample() ) / ndA;
Exemple #3
int GP_Hedge::update_hedge()
    // We just care about the differences
    double max_l = *std::max_element(loss_.begin(),loss_.end());
    loss_ += svectord(loss_.size(),max_l);

    // To avoid overflow
    double mean_g = std::accumulate(gain_.begin(),gain_.end(),0.0)
                    / static_cast<double>(gain_.size());
    gain_ -= svectord(gain_.size(),mean_g);

    // Optimal eta according to Shapire
    double max_g = *std::max_element(gain_.begin(),gain_.end());
    double eta = (std::min)(10.0,sqrt(2.0*log(3.0)/max_g));

    // Compute probabilities
    std::transform(gain_.begin(), gain_.end(), prob_.begin(),

    double sum_p =std::accumulate(prob_.begin(),prob_.end(),0.0);
    prob_ /= sum_p;

    //Update bandits gain
    gain_ -= loss_;

    std::partial_sum(prob_.begin(), prob_.end(), cumprob_.begin(),

    randFloat sampleUniform( *mtRandom, realUniformDist(0,1));
    double u = sampleUniform();

    for (size_t i=0; i < cumprob_.size(); ++i)
        if (u < cumprob_(i))
            return i;
    FILE_LOG(logERROR) << "Error updating Hedge algorithm. "
                       << "Selecting first criteria by default.";
    return 0;
   sampleUniform( mtRandom, realUniformDist(0,1))