int zmq::plain_server_t::process_hello (msg_t *msg_)
    const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
    size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();

    if (bytes_left < 6 || memcmp (ptr, "\x05HELLO", 6)) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send HELLO");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    ptr += 6;
    bytes_left -= 6;

    if (bytes_left < 1) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send username");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const size_t username_length = static_cast <size_t> (*ptr++);
    bytes_left -= 1;

    if (bytes_left < username_length) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, sent malformed username");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const std::string username = std::string ((char *) ptr, username_length);
    ptr += username_length;
    bytes_left -= username_length;
    if (bytes_left < 1) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, did not send password");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const size_t password_length = static_cast <size_t> (*ptr++);
    bytes_left -= 1;
    if (bytes_left < password_length) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, sent malformed password");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const std::string password = std::string ((char *) ptr, password_length);
    ptr += password_length;
    bytes_left -= password_length;
    if (bytes_left > 0) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("PLAIN I: invalid PLAIN client, sent extraneous data");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Use ZAP protocol (RFC 27) to authenticate the user.
    int rc = session->zap_connect ();
    if (rc == 0) {
        send_zap_request (username, password);
        rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply ();
        if (rc == 0)
            state = status_code == "200"
                ? sending_welcome
                : sending_error;
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            state = waiting_for_zap_reply;
            return -1;
        state = sending_welcome;

    return 0;
int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
    if (msg_->size () < 257) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE is not correct size");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const uint8_t *initiate = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ());
    if (memcmp (initiate, "\x08INITIATE", 9)) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE has invalid command name");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    uint8_t cookie_nonce [crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t cookie_plaintext [crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64];
    uint8_t cookie_box [crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];

    //  Open Box [C' + s'](t)
    memset (cookie_box, 0, crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (cookie_box + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, initiate + 25, 80);

    memcpy (cookie_nonce, "COOKIE--", 8);
    memcpy (cookie_nonce + 8, initiate + 9, 16);

    int rc = crypto_secretbox_open (cookie_plaintext, cookie_box,
                                    sizeof cookie_box,
                                    cookie_nonce, cookie_key);
    if (rc != 0) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE cookie");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Check cookie plain text is as expected [C' + s']
    if (memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32)
    ||  memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32, cn_secret, 32)) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: client INITIATE cookie is not valid");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const size_t clen = (msg_->size () - 113) + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES;

    uint8_t initiate_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t initiate_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128 + 256];
    uint8_t initiate_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144 + 256];

    //  Open Box [C + vouch + metadata](C'->S')
    memset (initiate_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (initiate_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES,
            initiate + 113, clen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);

    memcpy (initiate_nonce, "CurveZMQINITIATE", 16);
    memcpy (initiate_nonce + 16, initiate + 105, 8);
    cn_peer_nonce = get_uint64(initiate + 105);

    rc = crypto_box_open (initiate_plaintext, initiate_box,
                          clen, initiate_nonce, cn_client, cn_secret);
    if (rc != 0) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const uint8_t *client_key = initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES;

    uint8_t vouch_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t vouch_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
    uint8_t vouch_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];

    //  Open Box Box [C',S](C->S') and check contents
    memset (vouch_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (vouch_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES,
            initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48, 80);

    memcpy (vouch_nonce, "VOUCH---", 8);
    memcpy (vouch_nonce + 8,
            initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, 16);

    rc = crypto_box_open (vouch_plaintext, vouch_box,
                          sizeof vouch_box,
                          vouch_nonce, client_key, cn_secret);
    if (rc != 0) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: cannot open client INITIATE vouch");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  What we decrypted must be the client's short-term public key
    if (memcmp (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32)) {
        //  Temporary support for security debugging
        puts ("CURVE I: invalid handshake from client (public key)");
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Precompute connection secret from client key
    rc = crypto_box_beforenm (cn_precom, cn_client, cn_secret);
    zmq_assert (rc == 0);

    //  Use ZAP protocol (RFC 27) to authenticate the user.
    rc = session->zap_connect ();
    if (rc == 0) {
        send_zap_request (client_key);
        rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply ();
        if (rc == 0)
            state = status_code == "200"
                ? send_ready
                : send_error;
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            state = expect_zap_reply;
            return -1;
        state = send_ready;

    return parse_metadata (initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128,
                           clen - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES - 128);
Exemple #3
int zmq::null_mechanism_t::next_handshake_command (msg_t *msg_)
    if (ready_command_sent || error_command_sent) {
        errno = EAGAIN;
        return -1;
    if (zap_connected && !zap_reply_received) {
        if (zap_request_sent) {
            errno = EAGAIN;
            return -1;
        send_zap_request ();
        zap_request_sent = true;
        const int rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply ();
        if (rc != 0)
            return -1;
        zap_reply_received = true;

    if (zap_reply_received
            &&  strncmp (status_code, "200", sizeof status_code) != 0) {
        const int rc = msg_->init_size (6 + 1 + sizeof status_code);
        zmq_assert (rc == 0);
        unsigned char *msg_data =
            static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
        memcpy (msg_data, "\5ERROR", 6);
        msg_data [6] = sizeof status_code;
        memcpy (msg_data + 7, status_code, sizeof status_code);
        error_command_sent = true;
        return 0;

    unsigned char *const command_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (512);
    alloc_assert (command_buffer);

    unsigned char *ptr = command_buffer;

    //  Add mechanism string
    memcpy (ptr, "\5READY", 6);
    ptr += 6;

    //  Add socket type property
    const char *socket_type = socket_type_string (options.type);
    ptr += add_property (ptr, "Socket-Type", socket_type, strlen (socket_type));

    //  Add identity property
    if (options.type == ZMQ_REQ
            ||  options.type == ZMQ_DEALER
            ||  options.type == ZMQ_ROUTER)
        ptr += add_property (ptr, "Identity", options.identity, options.identity_size);

    const size_t command_size = ptr - command_buffer;
    const int rc = msg_->init_size (command_size);
    errno_assert (rc == 0);
    memcpy (msg_->data (), command_buffer, command_size);
    free (command_buffer);

    ready_command_sent = true;

    return 0;
Exemple #4
int zmq::plain_mechanism_t::process_hello_command (msg_t *msg_)
    const unsigned char *ptr = static_cast <unsigned char *> (msg_->data ());
    size_t bytes_left = msg_->size ();

    if (bytes_left < 8 || memcmp (ptr, "HELLO   ", 8)) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    ptr += 8;
    bytes_left -= 8;

    if (bytes_left < 1) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const size_t username_length = static_cast <size_t> (*ptr++);
    bytes_left -= 1;

    if (bytes_left < username_length) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const std::string username = std::string ((char *) ptr, username_length);
    ptr += username_length;
    bytes_left -= username_length;

    if (bytes_left < 1) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const size_t password_length = static_cast <size_t> (*ptr++);
    bytes_left -= 1;

    if (bytes_left < password_length) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;
    const std::string password = std::string ((char *) ptr, password_length);
    ptr += password_length;
    bytes_left -= password_length;

    if (bytes_left > 0) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Use ZAP protocol (RFC 27) to authenticate the user.
    int rc = session->zap_connect ();
    if (rc == 0) {
        send_zap_request (username, password);
        rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply ();
        if (rc != 0) {
            if (errno != EAGAIN)
                return -1;
            expecting_zap_reply = true;

    return 0;
int zmq::curve_server_t::process_initiate (msg_t *msg_)
    if (msg_->size () < 257) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const uint8_t *initiate = static_cast <uint8_t *> (msg_->data ());
    if (memcmp (initiate, "\x08INITIATE", 9)) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    uint8_t cookie_nonce [crypto_secretbox_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t cookie_plaintext [crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 64];
    uint8_t cookie_box [crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];

    //  Open Box [C' + s'](t)
    memset (cookie_box, 0, crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (cookie_box + crypto_secretbox_BOXZEROBYTES, initiate + 25, 80);

    memcpy (cookie_nonce, "COOKIE--", 8);
    memcpy (cookie_nonce + 8, initiate + 9, 16);

    int rc = crypto_secretbox_open (cookie_plaintext, cookie_box,
                                    sizeof cookie_box,
                                    cookie_nonce, cookie_key);
    if (rc != 0) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Check cookie plain text is as expected [C' + s']
    if (memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32)
    ||  memcmp (cookie_plaintext + crypto_secretbox_ZEROBYTES + 32, cn_secret, 32)) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const size_t clen = (msg_->size () - 113) + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES;

    uint8_t initiate_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t initiate_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128 + 256];
    uint8_t initiate_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 144 + 256];

    //  Open Box [C + vouch + metadata](C'->S')
    memset (initiate_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (initiate_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES,
            initiate + 113, clen - crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);

    memcpy (initiate_nonce, "CurveZMQINITIATE", 16);
    memcpy (initiate_nonce + 16, initiate + 105, 8);

    rc = crypto_box_open (initiate_plaintext, initiate_box,
                          clen, initiate_nonce, cn_client, cn_secret);
    if (rc != 0) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    const uint8_t *client_key = initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES;

    uint8_t vouch_nonce [crypto_box_NONCEBYTES];
    uint8_t vouch_plaintext [crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 64];
    uint8_t vouch_box [crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES + 80];

    //  Open Box Box [C',S](C->S') and check contents
    memset (vouch_box, 0, crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES);
    memcpy (vouch_box + crypto_box_BOXZEROBYTES,
            initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 48, 80);

    memcpy (vouch_nonce, "VOUCH---", 8);
    memcpy (vouch_nonce + 8,
            initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 32, 16);

    rc = crypto_box_open (vouch_plaintext, vouch_box,
                          sizeof vouch_box,
                          vouch_nonce, client_key, cn_secret);
    if (rc != 0) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  What we decrypted must be the client's short-term public key
    if (memcmp (vouch_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES, cn_client, 32)) {
        errno = EPROTO;
        return -1;

    //  Precompute connection secret from client key
    rc = crypto_box_beforenm (cn_precom, cn_client, cn_secret);
    zmq_assert (rc == 0);

    //  Use ZAP protocol (RFC 27) to authenticate the user.
    rc = session->zap_connect ();
    if (rc == 0) {
        send_zap_request (client_key);
        rc = receive_and_process_zap_reply ();
        if (rc != 0) {
            if (errno != EAGAIN)
                return -1;
            expecting_zap_reply = true;

    return parse_metadata (initiate_plaintext + crypto_box_ZEROBYTES + 128,
                           clen - crypto_box_ZEROBYTES - 128);