gamete_pointer method3( gamete_pointer base_gamete, gamete_pointer other_gamete, unsigned int gen ) {
        unsigned int nMut = m_rng->nextPoisson(m_mu);
        unsigned int nRec = 0;
        if( base_gamete != other_gamete ) {
            nRec = m_rng->nextPoisson( m_rho );
            if( m_rng->nextBool() ) std::swap( base_gamete, other_gamete);

        if( nMut == 0 && nRec == 0) {
            // no recombination or mutation
            // therefore randomly copy one of them
            return base_gamete->copy();

        gamete_pointer res = NULL;

        if( nRec ) {
            if( nMut ) {
                res = new gamete_type( base_gamete->getAlphabet() );
                typename recombination_method_type::result_type status;

                recombine( base_gamete, other_gamete, res->getBits(), nRec, status );
                mutate( res, nMut );
            } else {
                // recombination only
                typename gamete_type::bitset_type recombined_set;
                typename recombination_method_type::result_type status;

                recombine( base_gamete, other_gamete, &recombined_set, nRec, status );

                if( status.is_empty ) {
                    res = gamete_type::EMPTY.copy();
                } else if( status.match_base ) {
                    res = base_gamete->copy();
                } else if( status.match_alt ) {
                    res = other_gamete->copy();
                } else {
                    // this does not guarantee that the gamete will be unique in the population
                    // there is a rare(?) scenario under which this new gamete will be identical
                    // to another gamete in the population.
                    // Under the infinite site model, two identical child gametes can be produced
                    // when a pair of parents produce multiple children, but recombination events
                    // occur such at locations which result in the same output sequence.  This is
                    // rare because a) both parents must use the same "base" gamete for each
                    // child (.5^C), and b) all of the randomly generated recombination events 
                    // need to occur in the same regions relative to the parent's mutations.
                    res = new gamete_type( recombined_set, base_gamete->getAlphabet() );
        } else {
            // mutation only
            res = base_gamete->clone();
            mutate( res, nMut );

        assert( res != NULL );
        return res;
Recombiner::operator() (const stdr_msgs::LadybugImages & raw_images)
  std::vector<sensor_msgs::Image::Ptr> bayer_images;
  recombine(raw_images, bayer_images);
  return bayer_images;
Exemple #3
static ERL_NIF_TERM recombine_solutions(ErlNifEnv* env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]){

    // long diff;
    // struct timespec start, end;
    // clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start);

    ERL_NIF_TERM terms[2];
    ErlNifResourceType* sol_type;
    Solution *sols[2], *new_sols[2]; // arrays of two pointers of type Solution*
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int len;

    CHECK(env, argc == 2)

    sol_type = (ErlNifResourceType*) enif_priv_data(env);
    CHECK(env, sol_type)

    // read parent solutions
    for (i=0; i<2; i++){
        CHECK(env, enif_get_resource(env, argv[i], sol_type, (void**) &sols[i]))

    #ifdef DEBUG
    // allocate 2 child solution structures
    len = sols[0]->len;
    for (i=0; i<2; i++){
        new_sols[i] = (Solution*) enif_alloc_resource(sol_type, sizeof(Solution));
        CHECK(env, new_sols[i])
        terms[i] = enif_make_resource(env, new_sols[i]);

        new_sols[i]->len = len;
        new_sols[i]->genotype = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*len);

    recombine(sols, new_sols);

    #ifdef DEBUG
    // clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &end);
    // diff = CLOCKS_PER_SEC * (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) + end.tv_nsec - start.tv_nsec;
    // printf("reco=%llu\n", (long long unsigned int) diff);

    return enif_make_tuple2(env, terms[0], terms[1]);
    gamete_pointer recombine( gamete_pointer base_gamete, gamete_pointer other_gamete, unsigned int nRec, unsigned int gen = 0 ) {

        typename gamete_type::bitset_type symm_diff;
#ifdef LOGGING
        typename recombination_method_type::result_type status(gen);
        typename recombination_method_type::result_type status;
        recombine( base_gamete, other_gamete, &symm_diff, nRec, status );

        gamete_pointer res = new gamete_type( symm_diff, base_gamete->getAlphabet() );
        return res;
    gamete_pointer method2( gamete_pointer base_gamete, gamete_pointer other_gamete, unsigned int gen ) {
#ifdef LOGGING
        static unsigned int nCalls = 0;
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << gen <<  "." << nCalls++;
        std::string log_key = oss.str();
        unsigned int nMut = m_rng->nextPoisson( m_mu );

        unsigned int nRec = (( base_gamete == other_gamete) ? 0 : m_rng->nextPoisson(m_rho));

        if( base_gamete != other_gamete && m_rng->nextBool() ) {
            // have different gametes; therefore should randomly swap them
            std::swap( base_gamete, other_gamete );

        if( nMut == 0 && nRec == 0) {
            // no recombination or mutation
            // therefore randomly copy one of them
            return base_gamete->copy();

        gamete_pointer res = NULL;
        if( nRec > 0 ) {
#ifdef LOGGING
            global_log.put( log_key + ".recombine", true);
            res = recombine( base_gamete, other_gamete, nRec, gen );

            if( nMut ) {
#ifdef LOGGING
                global_log.put( log_key + ".mutate", true);
                mutate(res, nMut);
        } else {
#ifdef LOGGING
            global_log.put( log_key + ".mutate", true);
            res = base_gamete->clone();
            mutate(res, nMut);

#ifdef LOGGING
        oss << *res->getBits();
        global_log.put( log_key + ".new_gamete.sequence", oss.str());
        global_log.put( log_key + ".new_gamete.size", res->getBits()->size() );
        global_log.put( log_key + ".new_gamete.count", res->getBits()->count() );

        if( base_gamete->getBits()->count() > 0 && other_gamete->getBits()->count() > 0) {
            oss << *base_gamete->getBits();
            global_log.put( log_key + ".base_gamete.sequence", oss.str());
            global_log.put( log_key + ".base_gamete.size", base_gamete->getBits()->size() );
            global_log.put( log_key + ".base_gamete.count", base_gamete->getBits()->count() );

            oss << *other_gamete->getBits();
            global_log.put( log_key + ".other_gamete.sequence", oss.str());
            global_log.put( log_key + ".other_gamete.size", other_gamete->getBits()->size() );
            global_log.put( log_key + ".other_gamete.count", other_gamete->getBits()->count() );

        return res;
Exemple #6
 * Main optimization loop
 * @param essProblem Contains all the variables needed by eSS
 * @param inp        Objective function `inp` struct
 * @param out        Objective function `out` struct
void run_eSS(eSSType *eSSParams, void *inp, void *out){

	int label[eSSParams->n_refSet];				/*!< Uses to store the index of Individuals that should be replaced with their children. */
	memset(label, 0, eSSParams->n_refSet * sizeof(int));
	int candidate_index;						/*!< Store the index of candidate for replacement after recombination. */
	int n_currentUpdated;						/*!< Counter for all updated solutions either from recombination or goBeyond procedure. */
	int archive_index = 0;						/*!< Track the index of `archiveSet` for storing the best solutions found. */				

	 * It sets to 0 at first, and then increments until it hits the 100. Because we don't wanted
	 * to spend time and checking archive members that are not already assigned!
	eSSParams->archiveSet->size = 0;

	for (eSSParams->iter = 1; eSSParams->iter < eSSParams->max_iter; ++eSSParams->iter)
		n_currentUpdated = 0;
		// int i_lCandidate = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < eSSParams->n_refSet; ++i)
			 * Generate a candidate set by combining the `i`th member of the refSet and returning
			 * the best candidate with respect to it's cost.
			candidate_index = recombine(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), i, inp, out);

			if (-1 != candidate_index){

				label[i] = 1;

				 * Copy the selected candidate into the childSet
				copy_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]), &(eSSParams->candidateSet->members[candidate_index]));

				 * goBeyond for already selected candidate from recombinedSet which is copied to 
				 * the childsSet too. Note that the goBeyond function works with childsSet so it 
				 * need the `i` as a index not the `candidate_index`
				if (eSSParams->goBeyond_freqs != 0 && (eSSParams->iter % eSSParams->goBeyond_freqs == 0))
					goBeyond(eSSParams, i, inp, out);

				 * TODO: Implement the local search selection routine as described in the paper
				// copy_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->localSearchCandidateSet->members[i_lCandidate]), &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]));
				// i_lCandidate++;
				// eSSParams->localSearchCandidateSet->size = i_lCandidate;

				 * Check if the local search is activated and it is not activated only for best
				 * sol, if so, then check if it's a right moment to run the local search based on
				 * n1, and n2 values.
				 * Note that the local search won't apply here if it meant to apply only on best
				 * sol.
				if ( (eSSParams->perform_local_search && !eSSParams->local_onBest_Only) 
					 && ( (eSSParams->iter > eSSParams->local_N1) || ( eSSParams->iter % eSSParams->local_N2 == 0 ) ) )
						 * This check will prevent the local search operation if the cost of the Individual
						 * is greater than some value.
						if (eSSParams->childsSet->members[i].cost < eSSParams->local_minCostCriteria ){
							 * Check if the selected child is close to the area that already the 
							 * local search applied on it or not
							///		  Flatzone Detection 	///
							if (eSSParams->perform_flatzone_check){
								if ( !is_in_flatzone(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i])) ){
									goto local_search;

										if ( -1 == is_exist(eSSParams, eSSParams->archiveSet, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i])) )
											if (eSSParams->local_SolverMethod == 'n'){
												neldermead_localSearch(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]), inp, out);
											}else if (eSSParams->local_SolverMethod == 'l'){
												levmer_localSearch(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]), inp, out);
								goto local_search;


		 * Update the refSet Individual based on the indexes flagged in `label`, if the n_stuck is
		 * greater than the max_stuck then the Individual will add to the archiveSet and then randomizes and n_not_randomized and all it's statistics will set to zero.
		for (int i = 0; i < eSSParams->n_refSet; ++i)
			 * If an Individual marked, it will replace by its improved child
			if (label[i] == 1){
				 * Check if the candidate is very close to a member of a refSet, if so, then randomize the 
				 * duplicated members in refSet.
				int duplicate_index = is_exist(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]));
				if ((duplicate_index != -1) && (duplicate_index != i) && (duplicate_index != 0)){
					// TODO: I can do this better by picking a random value based on the frequency matrix; then I can promote areas that are not discovered enough yet.
					random_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[duplicate_index]), eSSParams->min_real_var, eSSParams->max_real_var);
					evaluate_Individual(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[duplicate_index]), inp, out);

				 * Replace the parent with its better child! If it does pass the flatzone_detection_test
				if (eSSParams->perform_flatzone_check){
                  // todo: maybe i dont need to check this again since i already did it above then i wanted to perform the local search but if the local search is not active the i have to do it.
					if (!is_in_flatzone(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i])))
						goto replace;

							copy_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), &(eSSParams->childsSet->members[i]));
							eSSParams->refSet->members[i].n_stuck = 0;
					goto replace;

				label[i] = 0;
				 * Otherwise, the Individual randomzies and all of it's stats and counters set
				 * to 0. If the flag `perform_elite_presevation` is set true then the first `mac_preserve_elite` will
				 * be preserved in the refSet.
				if (eSSParams->refSet->members[i].n_stuck > eSSParams->max_stuck
						&& (eSSParams->iter % eSSParams->n_randomization_Freqs == 0 ) 
							&& !( eSSParams->perform_elite_preservation && !(i > eSSParams->max_preserve_elite)) )

					/* Add the stuck Individual to the archiveSet */
					if (archive_index == eSSParams->n_archiveSet)
						archive_index = 0;

					if ((archive_index < eSSParams->n_archiveSet) 
							&& (eSSParams->archiveSet->size < eSSParams->n_archiveSet))
					copy_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->archiveSet->members[archive_index]), &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]));

					 * Randomize the stuck refSet member.
					random_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), 
										eSSParams->min_real_var, eSSParams->max_real_var);

					evaluate_Individual(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), inp, out);

					/* Store number of all the stuck parameters. */
					eSSParams->refSet->members[i].n_not_randomized = 0;
					eSSParams->refSet->members[i].n_stuck = 0;
				label[i] = 0;

		quickSort_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, 0, eSSParams->n_refSet - 1, 'c');

		 * Apply the local search on the best solution
		 * The last condition avoid performing local search on solutions that are stuck, since
		 * the local search algorithm couldn't keep the parameters in boundary so, we have to stop
		 * over-applying it on solutions before make them really far from defined box constratins.
		if (eSSParams->perform_local_search 
				&& eSSParams->local_onBest_Only 
					&& (eSSParams->best->cost < eSSParams->local_minCostCriteria)
						&& eSSParams->best->n_stuck < eSSParams->max_stuck)		// avoid performing local search on the best solution which is stuck for a long time
			neldermead_localSearch(eSSParams, eSSParams->best, inp, out);

		if (eSSParams->iter % eSSParams->save_freqs == 0){
			write_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, refSet_history_file, eSSParams->iter);
			write_Ind(eSSParams, eSSParams->best, best_sols_history_file, eSSParams->iter);

		 * Check if the best solution found is enough to the predicted solution. Usually this is
		 * not a good way to check the convergence of stochastic method but it the problem wasn't
		 * a multi-models problem then it saves a lot of unnecessary iterations.
		if (eSSParams->perform_cost_tol_stopping && 
			 	fabs( eSSParams->best->cost - eSSParams->sol ) < eSSParams->cost_tol ){
			printf("%s\n", KRED);
			printf("Best Solutions converged after %d iterations\n", eSSParams->iter);
			printf("%s\n", KNRM);

		 * Check the difference between the cost of best solution and worst solution in the 
		 * refSet. This might not always be the indication of the convergence but it might be 
		 * the indication of saturated referenceSet.
		// if ( eSSParams->perform_refSet_convergence_stopping && 
		// 		fabs( eSSParams->refSet->members[0].cost - fabs(eSSParams->refSet->members[eSSParams->n_refSet - 1].cost)) < eSSParams->refSet_convergence_tol ){
		// 	printf("Converged or Stuck after %d iteration!\n", eSSParams->iter);
		// 	break;
		// }

		 * Compute the mean and standard deviation of the set in order to decide if the 
		 * randomization should be applied or not.
		if (eSSParams->compute_Set_Stats){

			compute_SetStats(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet);

			fprintf(ref_set_stats_history_file, "%lf\t%lf\n", eSSParams->refSet->mean_cost, eSSParams->refSet->std_cost);

			 * Check if the standard deviation of the set is small and the number of 
			 * updatedMembers is less than 1/4 of the n_refSet then randomize the refSet.
			 * After randomization all the n_not_randomized values of refSet Individual will
			 * set to 0.
			if (eSSParams->perform_refSet_randomization && 
					eSSParams->refSet->std_cost < eSSParams->refSet_std_tol && n_currentUpdated < (eSSParams->n_refSet / 4)){
				 * Replace the last max_delete members of the refSet with the newly 
				 * randomized solutions in and sort the refSet at the end of the replacement.
				for (int i = eSSParams->refSet->size - 1; i > eSSParams->refSet->size - eSSParams->max_delete; --i)
					random_Ind(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), eSSParams->min_real_var, eSSParams->max_real_var);
					evaluate_Individual(eSSParams, &(eSSParams->refSet->members[i]), inp, out);
				quickSort_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, 0, eSSParams->refSet->size - 1, 'c');
			// update_IndsStats(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet);
          // todo: i can remove this, i dont do anything with it.

		if (eSSParams->iter % eSSParams->print_freqs == 0){

		write_Stats(eSSParams, stats_file);

	printf("Final refSet: \n");
	print_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet);

	printf("bestSol: \n");
	print_Ind(eSSParams, eSSParams->best);

	 * Performing the local search on the bestSol.
	if (eSSParams->perform_local_search && eSSParams->local_atEnd && !eSSParams->local_onBest_Only)
		printf("Perforimg the last local search\n");
		if (eSSParams->local_SolverMethod == 'n')
			neldermead_localSearch(eSSParams, eSSParams->best, inp, out);
			levmer_localSearch(eSSParams, eSSParams->best, inp, out);
		printf("Final Result: \n");
		print_Ind(eSSParams, eSSParams->best);

	refSet_final_file     = fopen("ref_set_final.csv", "w");
	write_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->refSet, refSet_final_file, -1);
	write_Set(eSSParams, eSSParams->archiveSet, archive_set_file, -1);
	write_Ind(eSSParams, eSSParams->best, best_sols_history_file, eSSParams->max_iter);	
	printf("ref_set_final.csv, ref_set_history_file.out, best_sols_history_file.out, and stats_file is generated. \n");

	// fclose(file)

Exemple #7
void proptrj(char *fngro,char *fndat,t_topology *top,t_pinp *p)
  static char *ppp[efhNR] = { 
    "RAD", "TWIST", "RISE", "LEN", "NHX", "DIP", "RMS", "CPHI", 
    "RMSA", "PHI", "PSI", "HB3", "HB4", "HB5" 
  FILE       *out;
  rvec       **EV;
  real       **evprj;
  atom_id    *index;
  int        natoms,nca,nSel,nframes,nev;
  rvec       *xav,*vav;
  atom_id    *ca_index,*bb_index;
  matrix     box;
  char       buf[256],*prop;
  double     x;
  int        i,j,d;
  nframes = p->nframes;
  nSel    = p->nSel;
  nev     = p->nev;
  fprintf(stderr,"Successfully read average positions (%s)\n",buf);
  fprintf(stderr,"Successfully read eigenvectors\n");

  for(i=0; (i<nev); i++)
  for(i=0; (i<natoms); i++)
  for(i=nca=0; (i<natoms); i++)
    if ((strcmp("CA",*(top->atoms.atomname[i])) == 0))

  switch (p->funct) {
  case ptMC:
    switch(nSel) {
    case efhRAD:
    case efhRISE:
  case ptREC:
  case ptPTRJ:
    gmx_fatal(FARGS,"I Don't Know What to Do");