Exemple #1
 * This routine has the enemy ship turn its strongest shield towards
 * the enemy and then accelerate to 2/3 maximum speed.  (Always
 * returns 1)
e_runaway(struct ship *sp, struct ship *fed)
	double bear;
	int strong;
	double strength;
	double temp;
	int sign = 1;
	float course = 0.0;
	int i;

	bear = bearing(sp->x, fed->x, sp->y, fed->y);
	 * Find the strongest shield
	strong = 0;
	strength = 0.;
	for (i=0; i< SHIELDS; i++) {
		temp = sp->shields[i].eff * sp->shields[i].drain *
		    (i == 0 ? SHIELD1 : 1.);
		if (temp > strength) {
			strong = i;
			strength = temp;
	switch (strong) {
		case 0:	course = bear;
			sign = -1;
		case 1:	course = rectify(bear - 90);
			sign = 1;
		case 2:	course = rectify(bear + 180);
			sign = 1;
		case 3:	course = rectify(bear + 90);
			sign = 1;
	sp->target = NULL;
	sp->newcourse = course;
	sp->newwarp = 2 / 3 * sp->max_speed * sign;
	if (sp->newwarp > 1.0 && is_dead(sp, S_WARP))
		sp->newwarp = 0.99;
	if (cansee(sp) && syswork(fed, S_SENSOR))
		printf("%s: The %s is retreating.\n", helmsman, sp->name);
#ifdef TRACE
	if (trace) {
		printf("*** Runaway: Newcourse = %.2f\n", sp->newcourse);
		printf("*** Runaway: Newwarp = %.2f\n", sp->newwarp);
	return 1;
Exemple #2
// Split a given rectangle R into two subsets R1 and R2 s.t. R=union(R1,R2)
void split(const Rset& R, Rset& R1, Rset& R2) {
  R1 = R;
  R2 = R;
  int ms = maxside(R);
  short sloc = (short)floor((float)(R1.lo[ms]+R1.hi[ms])/2); // split location
  R1.hi[ms] = sloc;
  R2.lo[ms] = sloc + 1;
Exemple #3
 * This routine will turn the ship, slowing down if necessary to
 * facilitate the turn.  (Always returns 1)
e_pursue(struct ship *sp, struct ship *fed, float speed)
	float	bear;
	float	coursediff;

	bear = bearing(sp->x, fed->x, sp->y, fed->y);
	 * do a quick turn if our speed is > max_warp - 2 and
	 * (thus) we are never going to bear on the fed ship
	 * speed = max_warp / 2 is a magic cookie.  Feel free to change.
	coursediff = rectify(sp->course - bear);
	if (coursediff > 180.0)
		coursediff -= 360.0;
	if (speed >= sp->max_speed - 2 && fabs(coursediff) > 10)
		speed = (int)(sp->max_speed / 2);
	sp->target = fed;
	sp->newcourse = bear;
	sp->newwarp = speed;
	if (speed > 1 && is_dead(sp, S_WARP))
		sp->newwarp = 0.99;
#ifdef TRACE
	if (trace) {
		printf("*** Pursue: Newcourse = %.2f\n", sp->newcourse);
		printf("*** Pursue: Newwarp = %.2f\n", sp->newwarp);
	return 1;
Exemple #4
/* Debugging only. Check the sanity of rectify and distortion methods
void Intrinsic::distorsionChecker()
	// print

	// check clipping algorithm
	Edge2D edge = Edge2D(Vec2d(-200,-100),Vec2d(10,20));
	Edge2D edge_clipped = clip(edge);

	LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f) => (%f,%f)",edge._a[0],edge._a[1],edge_clipped._a[0],edge_clipped._a[1]);
	LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f) => (%f,%f)",edge._b[0],edge._b[1],edge_clipped._b[0],edge_clipped._b[1]);

	//pick a bunch of 2D points and check their rectified value
	Vec2d point = Vec2d(2.500000000000000e+001  ,  6.950000000000000e+001);
	Vec2d point_rect = rectify(normalize(point));

	LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f) ==> (%f,%f)   should be (%f,%f)", point[0],point[1],point_rect[0],point_rect[1],
		-1.271644101537981e+000  , -6.149558565018068e-001);

	point = Vec2d(2.560000000000000e+002 ,   1.950000000000000e+001);
	point_rect = rectify(normalize(point));

	LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f) ==> (%f,%f)   should be (%f,%f)", point[0],point[1],point_rect[0],point_rect[1],
		-1.559022165084900e-002 ,  -5.935958630008766e-001);

	point = Vec2d(2.560000000000000e+002  ,  6.650000000000000e+001);
	point_rect = rectify(normalize(point));

	LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f) ==> (%f,%f)   should be (%f,%f)", point[0],point[1],point_rect[0],point_rect[1],
		-1.308190696800208e-002 ,  -3.973240271620430e-001);
	//pick a bunch of points
	// perform successive distortion and rectification and check the discrepancy

	int n_points = 10;

	for (int i=0;i<n_points;i++) {

		Vec2d point = Vec2d ((double)rand()/RAND_MAX,(double)rand()/RAND_MAX);
		Vec2d point_dist = distort(point);
		Vec2d point_dist_2 = distort(rectify(point_dist));
		LOG(LEVEL_DEBUG,"(%f,%f)  => (%f,%f)   d = %f\n",point_dist[0],point_dist[1],point_dist_2[0],point_dist_2[1],len(point_dist-point_dist_2));
int lab2rgb(double res)
	double p = (res + 16) / 116;
	double ppp = p * p * p;
	double x = 0.9513 * ppp;
	double y = ppp;
	double z = 1.0886 * ppp;
	double r = 3.240479f*x + -1.537150f*y +  -0.498535f*z;
	return rectify(r * 255);
Exemple #6
/* Distort a 2D image point
Vec2d Intrinsic::distort(Vec2d xn)
	double x = xn[0], y = xn[1];

	Vec2d xd;
	if (dist_model == POLYNOMIAL_DISTORTION) {
		double r2 = x*x + y*y;
		double c = 1+getKC0()*r2 + getKC1() *r2*r2 + getKC4()*r2*r2*r2;

		Vec2d dx = Vec2d(2*getKC2()*x*y+getKC3()*(r2+2*x*x),getKC2()*(r2+2*y*y)+2*getKC3()*x*y);

		xd = c*xn + dx;

	} else if (dist_model == SPHERICAL_DISTORTION) {
			Vec2d xp = xn - cc; ///

			double rnew2 = sqrlen(xp);
			double rnew = len(xp);

			double r_1 = rnew / (value*value*sqrt(fabs(1 + rnew2)));
			double r_2 = rnew / (value*value*sqrt(fabs(rnew2 - 1.0)));
			Vec2d xu_1 = xp * r_1/rnew + cc; // 
			Vec2d xu_2 = xp * r_2/rnew + cc; // 
			Vec2d xc_1 = rectify(xu_1);  

			if (len(xc_1-xn) < 0.0001) {
				xd = xu_1;
			else {
				Vec2d xc_2 = rectify(xu_2); 
				if (len (xc_2 - xn) < 0.00001)
					xd = xu_2;
				else {
					xd = xu_1;

	return xd;
Exemple #7
        const CImg<float>& left,
        const CImg<float>& right,
        bool prerectivied) {
    convertCImgToMat(left, original[0]);
    convertCImgToMat(right, original[1]);

    if (prerectivied) {
    } else {
Exemple #8
 * Advance to the rear! (Always returns 1)
e_evade(struct ship *sp, int x, int y, int type)
	float newcourse = 0.0;
	float	bear;

	bear = bearing(sp->x, x, sp->y, y);
	if (cansee(sp) && syswork(shiplist[0], S_SENSOR))
		printf("%s taking evasive action!\n", sp->name);
	switch (randm(3)) {
		case 1:
			newcourse = rectify(bear - 90.0);
		case 2:
			newcourse = rectify(bear + 90.0);
		case 3:
			newcourse = rectify(bear + 180.0);
			printf("error in evade()\n");
	sp->target = NULL;
	sp->newcourse = newcourse;
	sp->newwarp = 2 + randm((int)(sp->max_speed - 3));
	if (is_dead(sp, S_WARP))
		sp->newwarp = 1.0;
#ifdef TRACE
	if (trace) {
		printf("*** Evade: Newcourse = %3.0f\n", newcourse);
		printf("*** Evade: Newwarp = %.2f\n", sp->newwarp);
	type = type;	/* LINT */
	return 1;
Exemple #9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    const char *exe = argv[0];

    double t0;
    double t1;

    const char *p    = NULL;
    const char *m    = NULL;
    const char *o    = NULL;
    const char *t    = NULL;
    int         n    = 512;
    int         d    =   0;
    int         b    =  -1;
    int         g    =  -1;
    int         A    =   0;
    int         h    =   0;
    int         l    =   0;
    int         T    =   0;
    double      E[4] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f , 0.f};
    double      L[3] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
    double      P[3] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
    float       N[2] = { 0.f, 0.f };
    float       R[2] = { 0.f, 1.f };

    int c;
    int r = 0;

    t0 = now();


    opterr = 0;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "Ab:d:E:g:hL:l:m:n:N:o:p:P:Tt:R:w:")) != -1)
        switch (c)
            case 'A': A = 1;                    break;
            case 'h': h = 1;                    break;
            case 'T': T = 1;                    break;
            case 'p': p = optarg;               break;
            case 'm': m = optarg;               break;
            case 'o': o = optarg;               break;
            case 't': t = optarg;               break;
            case 'n': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &n); break;
            case 'd': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &d); break;
            case 'b': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &b); break;
            case 'g': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &g); break;
            case 'l': sscanf(optarg, "%d", &l); break;

            case 'E':
                sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf", E + 0, E + 1, E + 2, E + 3);
            case 'L':
                sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf",     L + 0, L + 1, L + 2);
            case 'P':
                sscanf(optarg, "%lf,%lf,%lf",     P + 0, P + 1, P + 2);
            case 'N':
                sscanf(optarg, "%f,%f",           N + 0, N + 1);
            case 'R':
                sscanf(optarg, "%f,%f",           R + 0, R + 1);

            case '?': apperr("Bad option -%c", optopt);                   break;

    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;

    if (p == NULL || h)
        apperr("\nUsage: %s [options] input [...]\n"
                "\t\t-p process . . Select process\n"
                "\t\t-o output  . . Output file\n"
                "\t\t-T . . . . . . Emit timing information\n\n"
                "\t%s -p extrema\n\n"
                "\t%s -p convert [options]\n"
                "\t\t-n n . . . . . Page size\n"
                "\t\t-d d . . . . . Tree depth\n"
                "\t\t-b b . . . . . Channel depth override\n"
                "\t\t-g g . . . . . Channel sign override\n"
                "\t\t-E w,e,s,n . . Equirectangular range\n"
                "\t\t-L c,d0,d1 . . Longitude blend range\n"
                "\t\t-P c,d0,d1 . . Latitude blend range\n"
                "\t\t-N n0,n1 . . . Normalization range\n"
                "\t\t-A . . . . . . Coverage alpha\n\n"
                "\t%s -p combine [-m mode]\n"
                "\t\t-m sum . . . . Combine by sum\n"
                "\t\t-m max . . . . Combine by maximum\n"
                "\t\t-m avg . . . . Combine by average\n"
                "\t\t-m blend . . . Combine by alpha blending\n\n"
                "\t%s -p mipmap [-m mode]\n\n"
                "\t\t-m sum . . . . Combine by sum\n"
                "\t\t-m max . . . . Combine by maximum\n"
                "\t\t-m avg . . . . Combine by average\n\n"
                "\t%s -p border\n\n"
                "\t%s -p finish [options]\n"
                "\t\t-t text  . . . Image description text file\n"
                "\t\t-l l . . . . . Bounding volume oversample level\n\n"
                "\t%s -p normal [options]\n"
                "\t\t-R r0,r1 . . . Radius range\n",

                exe, exe, exe, exe, exe, exe, exe, exe);

    else if (strcmp(p, "extrema") == 0)
        r = extrema(argc, argv);

    else if (strcmp(p, "convert") == 0)
        r = convert(argc, argv, o, n, d, b, g, A, N, E, L, P);

    else if (strcmp(p, "rectify") == 0)
        r = rectify(argc, argv, o, n,             N, E, L, P);

    else if (strcmp(p, "combine") == 0)
        r = combine(argc, argv, o, m);

    else if (strcmp(p, "mipmap") == 0)
        r = mipmap (argc, argv, o, m, A);

    else if (strcmp(p, "border") == 0)
        r = border (argc, argv, o);

    else if (strcmp(p, "finish") == 0)
        r = finish (argc, argv, t, l);

    else if (strcmp(p, "polish") == 0)
        r = polish (argc, argv);

    else if (strcmp(p, "normal") == 0)
        r = normal (argc, argv, o, R);

    else if (strcmp(p, "sample") == 0)
        r = sample (argc, argv, R, d);

    else apperr("Unknown process '%s'", p);

    t1 = now();

    if (T) printhms(t1 - t0);

    return r;
Exemple #10
/* Rectify a 2D image edge
Edge2D Intrinsic::rectify ( Edge2D &edge )
	return Edge2D( rectify( edge._a), rectify( edge._b ) );
Exemple #11
void RectificationThread::run(){

    * rectify the two images 
   unsigned char pixel_value;

   FILE *fp_out;  // encoder values log file for testing ... this code is not executed during normal operation

   if (debug) {
      printf("rectificationThread: parameters are\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n%4.1f\n\n",

   /* log encoder values during tests ... this code is not executed during normal operation */

   if (log) {
      if ((fp_out = fopen("rectification.log","w")) == 0) {
	     printf("rectificationThread: can't open output rectification.log\n");

   while (isStopping() != true) { // the thread continues to run until isStopping() returns true
       * Step 1: determine the the camera angles which cause the epipolar distortion to be rectified
       * ===========================================================================================
       * version is the average camera azimuth angle:  vs ~ (L+R)/2
       * vergence is the relative camera azimuth angle: vg = L-R
       * hence:
       * L = vs + vg/2
       * R = vs - vg/2
       * where L and R are the angles specifying the rotation of the camera about the camera Y axis
       * i.e. the absolute camera azimuth angle.
       * See http://wiki.icub.org/wiki/Vergence%2C_Version_and_Disparity
       * However, we wish to rectify relative to, not the absolute camera azimuth angle, 
       * but relative to the gaze angle given by the version angle.
       * Thus, the angles we use are L'and R', viz
       * L' = L - vs = +vg/2
       * R' = R - vs = -vg/2
      do {
         encoderPositions = robotPort->read(true);
      } while ((encoderPositions == NULL)  && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      vergence = (float) encoderPositions->data()[5]; // get the vergence angle

      if (debug) {
         cout << "rectificationThread: vergence angle is " << vergence << endl;
      if (log) {
         if (fp_out != NULL) fprintf(fp_out,"Vergence angle is %f\n",vergence);

      leftCameraAngle = vergence / 2;
      rightCameraAngle = -vergence / 2;

       * Step 2: grab left and right images and copy images to local format
       * ==================================================================

      if (debug) cout << "rectificationThread: grabbing images " << endl;

      do {
         leftImage = leftImagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((leftImage == NULL) && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down
      do {
         rightImage = rightImagePortIn->read(true);
      } while ((rightImage == NULL)  && (isStopping() != true));  // exit loop if shutting down
      if (isStopping()) break; // abort this loop to avoid make sure we don't continue and possibly use NULL images 

      for (x=0; x<width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y<height; y++) {
            rgbPixel = leftImage->safePixel(x,y);
            leftInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.r, 0);
            leftInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.g, 1);
            leftInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.b, 2);

      for (x=0; x<width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y<height; y++) {
            rgbPixel = rightImage->safePixel(x,y);
            rightInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.r, 0);
            rightInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.g, 1);
            rightInput->put_pixel(x, y, rgbPixel.b, 2);

       * Step 3: rectify left and right images 
       * ===================================== 

      if (debug) cout << "rectificationThread: performing rectification " << endl;

      rectify(leftInput, rightInput,
              *fxLeft, *fyLeft, *cxLeft, *cyLeft, leftCameraAngle, 
              leftRectified, rightRectified);

       * Step 4: copy images back to YARP format and write them out
       * ========================================================== 

      if (debug) cout << "rectificationThread: sending images " << endl;

      ImageOf<PixelRgb> &rectifiedLeftImage  = leftImagePortOut->prepare();
      ImageOf<PixelRgb> &rectifiedRightImage = rightImagePortOut->prepare();

      for (x=0; x < width; x++) {
         for (y=0; y < height; y++) {
            leftRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 0); rgbPixel.r=pixel_value; 
            leftRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 1); rgbPixel.g=pixel_value;
            leftRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 2); rgbPixel.b=pixel_value;
            rectifiedLeftImage(x,y) = rgbPixel;
            rightRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 0); rgbPixel.r=pixel_value; 
            rightRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 1); rgbPixel.g=pixel_value;
            rightRectified->get_pixel(x, y, &pixel_value, 2); rgbPixel.b=pixel_value;
            rectifiedRightImage(x,y) = rgbPixel;


   if (log) {
      if (fp_out != NULL) fclose(fp_out);
Exemple #12
// convert bumblebee images to point cloud
int main( int ac, char** av )
    if( ac != 3 )
        std::cerr << "usage: " << av[0] << " <left> <right> " << std::endl;
        return 1;
    cv::Mat left = cv::imread( av[1], 0 );
    cv::Mat right = cv::imread( av[2], 0 );

    Eigen::Matrix3d leftCamera;
//     leftCamera << 1632,   0,      631,
//                   0,      1630.9, 474.2,
//                   0,      0,      1;
    leftCamera << 5.3471311032432391e+02, 0., 3.3513838135674735e+02, 0.,
       5.3471311032432391e+02, 2.4020578137651341e+02, 0., 0., 1;
    Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 1 > leftDistortion;
//     leftDistortion << -0.43938, 0.21826, -0.00001, 0.00076, 0;
    leftDistortion << -2.7456815913629645e-01, -1.8329019064962277e-02, 0., 0., 0.;
    Eigen::Matrix3d rightCamera;
//     rightCamera << 1635.7, 0,      651.9,
//                   0,      1633.9, 463.4,
//                   0,      0,      1;

    rightCamera << 5.3471311032432391e+02, 0., 3.3401518911545526e+02, 0.,
       5.3471311032432391e+02, 2.4159041667844363e+02, 0., 0., 1.;
    Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 1 > rightDistortion;
    rightDistortion << -2.8073450162365271e-01, 9.3000165783151290e-02, 0., 0., 0.;
//     rightDistortion <<  -0.44416, 0.23526, 0.00127, -0.00017, 0;

//     Eigen::Vector3d leftPosition( 0.2229,-0.1283,-0.772 );
//     Eigen::Vector3d rightPosition( 0.2421,0.1018,-0.8288 );
//     Eigen::Vector3d leftAngle( 1.4621,0.0074,1.5435 );
//     Eigen::Vector3d rightAngle( 1.4262,0.0131,1.5456 );

//     Eigen::Vector3d angleDiff = rightAngle - leftAngle;
//     snark::rotation_matrix leftRotation( leftAngle );
//     snark::rotation_matrix rot( angleDiff );
//     Eigen::Matrix3d rotation = rot.rotation();
//     Eigen::Vector3d translation = leftRotation.rotation().transpose() * ( rightPosition - leftPosition );
    Eigen::Matrix3d rotation =  Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity();
    rotation << 9.9975845371004723e-01, 5.2938494283307751e-03,
       -2.1330949194199030e-02, -4.9128856780201336e-03,
       9.9982820089904900e-01, 1.7872667436219597e-02,
       2.1421899766595000e-02, -1.7763553844914078e-02,
       9.9961270418356973e-01 ;
    Eigen::Vector3d translation( 0.24005, 0, 0 );
    translation <<  -3.3385325916025859e+00, 4.8752483611573305e-02,

    snark::imaging::rectify_map rectify( leftCamera, leftDistortion, rightCamera, rightDistortion, left.cols, left.rows, rotation, translation );

    cv::Mat leftRectified = rectify.remap_left( left );
    cv::Mat rightRectified = rectify.remap_right( right );

    cv::imshow( "left", leftRectified );
    cv::imshow( "right", rightRectified );
    cv::imwrite( "left-rectified.png", leftRectified );
    cv::imwrite( "right-rectified.png", rightRectified );
    snark::imaging::point_cloud cloud( left.channels() );
    cv::Mat points = cloud.get( rectify.Q(), leftRectified, rightRectified );

    for( int i = 0; i < points.rows; i++ )
       for( int j = 0; j < points.cols; j++ )
            cv::Point3f point = points.at< cv::Point3f >( i, j );
            if( point.z < 100 )
                cv::Vec3b color = leftRectified.at< cv::Vec3b >( i, j );
                std::cout << point.x << "," << point.y << "," << point.z << "," << (unsigned int)color[0] << "," << (unsigned int)color[1] << "," << (unsigned int)color[2] << std::endl;

    cv::Mat disparity = cloud.disparity();
    std::cerr << " Q " << std::endl << rectify.Q() << std::endl;

    cv::Mat disparity8;
    unsigned int numberOfDisparities = 80;
    numberOfDisparities = ((left.cols/8) + 15) & -16;
    disparity.convertTo( disparity8, CV_8U, 255 / ( numberOfDisparities *16.0 ) );
    cv::imshow( "disparity", disparity8 );
    cv::imwrite( "disparity.png", disparity8 );
    return 0;
void StereoCapturer::computeDisparity(cv::Mat &output)
	bm(this->imgLeftr, this->imgRightr, output,CV_32F);
Exemple #14
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char title[80];
    char buf[80], *p;
    struct Ortho_Image_Group group;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *group_opt;

    /* must run in a term window */
    G_putenv("GRASS_UI_TERM", "1");

    /* initialize grass */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("imagery, orthorectify");
    module->description = _("Menu driver for the photo imagery programs.");

    group_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_I_GROUP);
    group_opt->description =
	_("Name of imagery group for ortho-rectification");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    strncpy(group.name, group_opt->answer, 99);
    group.name[99] = '\0';
    /* strip off mapset if it's there: I_() fns only work with current mapset */
    if ((p = strchr(group.name, '@')))
	*p = 0;

    /* get and check the group reference files */
    if (!I_get_group_ref(group.name, &group.group_ref)) {
	G_warning(_("Pre-selected group <%s> not found"), group.name);
	/* clean the wrong name in GROUPFILE */

	/* ask for new group name */
	if (!I_ask_group_old(
	    _("Enter imagery group for ortho-rectification"), group.name))
	I_get_group_ref(group.name, &group.group_ref);

    if (group.group_ref.nfiles <= 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("Group [%s] contains no files"), group.name);


    while (1) {
	if (!I_get_group(group.name)) {

	/* print the screen full of options */
	sprintf(title, "i.ortho.photo -- \tImagery Group = %s ", group.name);

	fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", title);
	fprintf(stderr, "Initialization Options:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   1.     Select/Modify imagery group\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   2.     Select/Modify imagery group target\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   3.     Select/Modify target elevation model\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   4.     Select/Modify imagery group camera\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Transformation Parameter Computations:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   5.     Compute image-to-photo transformation\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   6.     Initialize exposure station parameters\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   7.     Compute ortho-rectification parameters\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "Ortho-rectification Option:\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "   8.     Ortho-rectify imagery files\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "RETURN   exit\n");
	fprintf(stderr, "\n> ");

	/* Get the option */
	if (!G_gets(buf))
	if (*buf == 0)		/* exit */

	/* run the program chosen */
	fprintf(stderr, "<%s>\n", buf);
	if (strcmp(buf, "1") == 0)
	if (strcmp(buf, "2") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.target", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "3") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.elev", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "4") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.camera", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "5") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.2image", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "6") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.init", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "7") == 0)
	    run_etc_imagery("i.photo.2target", group.name);
	if (strcmp(buf, "8") == 0) {
	    sprintf(buf, "i.photo.rectify group=%s", group.name);
Exemple #15
void FloatArray::rectify(){//in place
  /// @note When built for ARM Cortex-M processor series, this method uses the optimized <a href="http://www.keil.com/pack/doc/CMSIS/General/html/index.html">CMSIS library</a>
	void ImageRectificator::rectifyPointOfInterest()
		rectify(QSizeF(81.9f, 61.3f), 640, true); //brahma
		//rectify(QSizeF(18.f, 25.5f), 50, true); //book.
    void ImageRectificator::rectifyAll()
		rectify(QSizeF(81.9f, 61.3f), 640, false); //brahma
		//rectify(QSizeF(18.f, 25.5f), 50, false); //book.
Exemple #18
int exec_rectify(char *extension, char *interp_method, char *angle_map)
    char *name;
    char *mapset;
    char *result;
    char *type = "raster";
    int n;
    struct Colors colr;
    struct Categories cats;
    struct History hist;
    int colr_ok, cats_ok;
    long start_time, rectify_time;
    double aver_z;
    int elevfd;
    struct cache *ebuffer;

    G_debug(1, "Open elevation raster: ");

    /* open elevation raster */
    G_debug(1, "target window: rs=%d cs=%d n=%f s=%f w=%f e=%f\n",
	    target_window.rows, target_window.cols, target_window.north,
	    target_window.south, target_window.west, target_window.east);

    elevfd = Rast_open_old(elev_name, elev_mapset);
    if (elevfd < 0) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Could not open elevation raster"));
	return 1;
    ebuffer = readcell(elevfd, seg_mb_elev, 1);

    /* get an average elevation of the control points */
    /* this is used only if target cells have no elevation */
    get_aver_elev(&group.control_points, &aver_z);


    /* rectify each file */
    for (n = 0; n < group.group_ref.nfiles; n++) {
	if (!ref_list[n])

	name = group.group_ref.file[n].name;
	mapset = group.group_ref.file[n].mapset;
	result =
	    G_malloc(strlen(group.group_ref.file[n].name) + strlen(extension) + 1);
	strcpy(result, group.group_ref.file[n].name);
	strcat(result, extension);

	G_debug(2, "ORTHO RECTIFYING:");
	G_debug(2, "NAME %s", name);
	G_debug(2, "MAPSET %s", mapset);
	G_debug(2, "RESULT %s", result);
	G_debug(2, "select_current_env...");


	cats_ok = Rast_read_cats(name, mapset, &cats) >= 0;
	colr_ok = Rast_read_colors(name, mapset, &colr) > 0;

	/* Initialze History */
	if (Rast_read_history(name, mapset, &hist) < 0)
	    Rast_short_history(result, type, &hist);
	G_debug(2, "reading was fine...");


	G_debug(2, "Starting the rectification...");

	if (rectify(name, mapset, ebuffer, aver_z, result, interp_method)) {
	    G_debug(2, "Done. Writing results...");
	    if (cats_ok) {
		Rast_write_cats(result, &cats);
	    if (colr_ok) {
		Rast_write_colors(result, G_mapset(), &colr);
	    /* Write out History */
	    Rast_write_history(result, &hist);

	    report(rectify_time - start_time, 1);
	    report((long)0, 0);


    if (angle_map) {
    return 0;