Exemple #1
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Quickstart? screen.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static enum birth_stage get_quickstart_command(void)
	const char *prompt = "['Y' to use this character, 'N' to start afresh, 'C' to change name]";

	enum birth_stage next = BIRTH_QUICKSTART;

	/* Prompt for it */
	prt("New character based on previous one:", 0, 0);
	prt(prompt, Term->hgt - 1, Term->wid / 2 - strlen(prompt) / 2);
	/* Buttons */
	button_add("[Y]", 'y');
	button_add("[N]", 'n');
	button_add("[C]", 'c');
		/* Get a key */
		struct keypress ke = inkey();
		if (ke.code == 'N' || ke.code == 'n')
		else if (ke.code == KTRL('X'))
		else if (ke.code == 'C' || ke.code == 'c')
		else if (ke.code == 'Y' || ke.code == 'y')
	} while (next == BIRTH_QUICKSTART);
	/* Buttons */

	/* Clear prompt */

	return next;
Exemple #2
 * Ask the user to respond with a character. Options is a constant string,
 * e.g. "yns"; len is the length of the constant string, and fallback should
 * be the default answer if the user hits escape or an invalid key.
 * Example: get_char("Study? ", "yns", 3, 'n')
 *     This prompts "Study? [yns]" and defaults to 'n'.
char get_char(const char *prompt, const char *options, size_t len, char fallback)
	size_t i;
	struct keypress key;
	char button[4], buf[80];
	bool repeat = FALSE;
	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Hack -- Build a "useful" prompt */
	strnfmt(buf, 78, "%.70s[%s] ", prompt, options);

	/* Hack - kill the repeat button */
	if (button_kill('n')) repeat = TRUE;
	/* Make some buttons */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
		strnfmt(button, 4, "[%c]", options[i]);
		button_add(button, options[i]);
	/* Prompt for it */
	prt(buf, 0, 0);

	/* Get an acceptable answer */
	key = inkey();

	/* Lowercase answer if necessary */
	if (key.code >= 'A' && key.code <= 'Z') key.code += 32;

	/* See if key is in our options string */
	if (!strchr(options, (char)key.code))
		key.code = fallback;

	/* Kill the buttons */
	for (i = 0; i < len; i++) button_kill(options[i]);

	/* Hack - restore the repeat button */
	if (repeat) button_add("[Rpt]", 'n');
	/* Erase the prompt */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Success */
	return key.code;
Exemple #3
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Final confirmation of character.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static enum birth_stage get_confirm_command(void)
	const char *prompt = "['ESC' to step back, 'S' to start over, or any other key to continue]";
	struct keypress ke;

	enum birth_stage next;

	/* Prompt for it */
	prt(prompt, Term->hgt - 1, Term->wid / 2 - strlen(prompt) / 2);
	/* Buttons */
	button_add("[Continue]", 'q');
	button_add("[ESC]", ESCAPE);
	button_add("[S]", 'S');
	/* Get a key */
	ke = inkey();
	/* Start over */
	if (ke.code == 'S' || ke.code == 's')
		next = BIRTH_RESET;
	else if (ke.code == KTRL('X'))
	else if (ke.code == ESCAPE)
		next = BIRTH_BACK;
	/* Buttons */

	/* Clear prompt */

	return next;
 * Modify the current panel to the given coordinates, adjusting only to
 * ensure the coordinates are legal, and return TRUE if anything done.
 * The town should never be scrolled around.
 * Note that monsters are no longer affected in any way by panel changes.
 * As a total hack, whenever the current panel changes, we assume that
 * the "overhead view" window should be updated.
bool modify_panel(term *t, int wy, int wx)
	int dungeon_hgt = cave->height;
	int dungeon_wid = cave->width;

	/* Verify wy, adjust if needed */
	if (wy > dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT) wy = dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT;
	if (wy < 0) wy = 0;

	/* Verify wx, adjust if needed */
	if (wx > dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID) wx = dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID;
	if (wx < 0) wx = 0;

	/* React to changes */
	if (panel_should_modify(t, wy, wx)) {
		/* Save wy, wx */
		t->offset_y = wy;
		t->offset_x = wx;

		/* Redraw map */
		player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

		/* Redraw for big graphics */
		if ((tile_width > 1) || (tile_height > 1)) redraw_stuff(player);

		/* Changed */
		return (TRUE);

	/* No change */
	return (FALSE);
Exemple #5
 * Modify the current panel to the given coordinates, adjusting only to
 * ensure the coordinates are legal, and return TRUE if anything done.
 * The town should never be scrolled around.
 * Note that monsters are no longer affected in any way by panel changes.
 * As a total hack, whenever the current panel changes, we assume that
 * the "overhead view" window should be updated.
bool modify_panel(term *t, int wy, int wx)
	int dungeon_hgt = (p_ptr->depth == 0) ? TOWN_HGT : DUNGEON_HGT;
	int dungeon_wid = (p_ptr->depth == 0) ? TOWN_WID : DUNGEON_WID;

	/* Verify wy, adjust if needed */
	if (wy > dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT) wy = dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT;
	if (wy < 0) wy = 0;

	/* Verify wx, adjust if needed */
	if (wx > dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID) wx = dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID;
	if (wx < 0) wx = 0;

	/* React to changes */
	if ((t->offset_y != wy) || (t->offset_x != wx))
		/* Save wy, wx */
		t->offset_y = wy;
		t->offset_x = wx;

		/* Redraw map */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

		/* Redraw for big graphics */
		if ((tile_width > 1) || (tile_height > 1)) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);
		/* Changed */
		return (TRUE);

	/* No change */
	return (FALSE);
Exemple #6
 * Verify something with the user
 * The "prompt" should take the form "Query? "
 * Note that "[y/n]" is appended to the prompt.
bool get_check(const char *prompt)
	//struct keypress ke;
	ui_event ke;

	char buf[80];

	bool repeat = FALSE;
	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Hack -- Build a "useful" prompt */
	strnfmt(buf, 78, "%.70s[y/n] ", prompt);

	/* Hack - kill the repeat button */
	if (button_kill('n')) repeat = TRUE;
	/* Make some buttons */
	button_add("[y]", 'y');
	button_add("[n]", 'n');
	/* Prompt for it */
	prt(buf, 0, 0);
	ke = inkey_m();

	/* Kill the buttons */

	/* Hack - restore the repeat button */
	if (repeat) button_add("[Rpt]", 'n');
	/* Erase the prompt */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Normal negation */
	if (ke.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
		if ((ke.mouse.button != 1) && (ke.mouse.y != 0)) return (FALSE);
	} else
	if ((ke.key.code != 'Y') && (ke.key.code != 'y')) return (FALSE);

	/* Success */
	return (TRUE);
 * Save the screen, and increase the "icky" depth.
void screen_save(void)
	player->upkeep->redraw |= PR_MAP;
Exemple #8
 * Handle "p_ptr->update" and "p_ptr->redraw"
void handle_stuff(void)
	/* Update stuff */
	if (p_ptr->update) update_stuff();

	/* Redraw stuff */
	if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();
Exemple #9
 * Housekeeping on leaving a level
static void on_leave_level(void) {
	/* Any pending processing */

	/* Flush messages */
Exemple #10
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Quickstart? screen.
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
static enum birth_stage get_quickstart_command(void)
	const char *prompt = "['Y' to use this character, 'N' to start afresh, 'C' to change name]";
	ui_event_data ke;

	enum birth_stage next = BIRTH_QUICKSTART;

	/* Prompt for it */
	prt("New character based on previous one:", 0, 0);
	prt(prompt, Term->hgt - (mouse_buttons ? 2 : 1), Term->wid / 2 - strlen(prompt) / 2);

	/* Buttons */
	button_add("[YES]", 'y');
	button_add("[START_OVER]", 'n');
	button_add("[CHANGE_NAME]", 'c');

		/* Get a key */
		ke = inkey_ex();

		if (ke.key == 'N' || ke.key == 'n')
			cmd_insert(CMD_BIRTH_RESET, TRUE);
		else if (ke.key == KTRL('X'))
		else if (ke.key == 'C' || ke.key == 'c')
		else if (ke.key == 'Y' || ke.key == 'y')
	} while (next == BIRTH_QUICKSTART);

	/* Buttons */

	/* Clear prompt */

	return next;
Exemple #11
 * Handle "p_ptr->update" and "p_ptr->redraw" and "p_ptr->window"
void handle_stuff(void)
	/* Update stuff */
	if (p_ptr->update) update_stuff();

	/* Redraw stuff */
	if (flag_used(&p_ptr->redraw)) redraw_stuff();

	/* Window stuff */
	if (flag_used(&p_ptr->window)) window_stuff();
Exemple #12
 * Look command
void do_cmd_look(void)
    if (!character_dungeon) return;

    /* Look around */
    if (target_set_interactive(TARGET_LOOK, -1, -1))
        message("Target Selected.");
        p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_SIDEBAR_MON);
Exemple #13
 * Housekeeping after the processing of a player command
static void process_player_cleanup(void)
	int i;

	/* Significant */
	if (player->upkeep->energy_use) {
		/* Use some energy */
		player->energy -= player->upkeep->energy_use;

		/* Increment the total energy counter */
		player->total_energy += player->upkeep->energy_use;

		/* Do nothing else if player has auto-dropped stuff */
		if (!player->upkeep->dropping) {
			/* Hack -- constant hallucination */
			if (player->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
				player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

			/* Shimmer multi-hued monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
				struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
				if (!mon->race)
				if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_ATTR_MULTI))
				square_light_spot(cave, mon->fy, mon->fx);

			/* Clear NICE flag, and show marked monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
				struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
				mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_NICE);
				if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_MARK)) {
					if (!mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_SHOW)) {
						mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_MARK);
						update_mon(mon, cave, false);

	/* Clear SHOW flag and player drop status */
	for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
		struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
		mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_SHOW);
	player->upkeep->dropping = false;

	/* Hack - update needed first because inventory may have changed */
Exemple #14
 * Overflow an item from the pack, if it is overfull.
void pack_overflow(struct object *obj)
	int i;
	char o_name[80];
	bool artifact = false;

	if (!pack_is_overfull()) return;

	/* Disturbing */
	disturb(player, 0);

	/* Warning */
	msg("Your pack overflows!");

	/* Get the last proper item */
	for (i = 1; i <= z_info->pack_size; i++)
		if (!player->upkeep->inven[i])

	/* Drop the last inventory item unless requested otherwise */
	if (!obj) {
		obj = player->upkeep->inven[i - 1];

	/* Rule out weirdness (like pack full, but inventory empty) */
	assert(obj != NULL);

	/* Describe */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);
	if (obj->artifact) {
		artifact = true;

	/* Message */
	msg("You drop %s.", o_name);

	/* Excise the object and drop it (carefully) near the player */
	drop_near(cave, &obj, 0, player->py, player->px, false);

	/* Describe */
	if (artifact)
		msg("You no longer have the %s.", o_name);
		msg("You no longer have %s.", o_name);

	/* Notice, update, redraw */
	if (player->upkeep->notice) notice_stuff(player);
	if (player->upkeep->update) update_stuff(player);
	if (player->upkeep->redraw) redraw_stuff(player);
Exemple #15
 * Overflow an item from the pack, if it is overfull.
void pack_overflow(void)
	int i;
	struct object *obj = NULL;
	char o_name[80];

	if (!pack_is_overfull()) return;

	/* Disturbing */
	disturb(player, 0);

	/* Warning */
	msg("Your pack overflows!");

	/* Find the last inventory item */
	for (i = 1; i <= z_info->pack_size; i++)
		if (!player->upkeep->inven[i])

	/* Last object was the previous index */
	obj = player->upkeep->inven[i - 1];

	/* Rule out weirdness (like pack full, but inventory empty) */
	assert(obj != NULL);

	/* Describe */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

	/* Message */
	msg("You drop %s (%c).", o_name, I2A(i - 1));

	/* Excise the object and drop it (carefully) near the player */
	drop_near(cave, obj, 0, player->py, player->px, FALSE);

	/* Describe */
	if (obj->artifact)
		msg("You no longer have the %s (%c).", o_name, I2A(i - 1));
		msg("You no longer have %s (%c).", o_name, I2A(i - 1));

	/* Notice stuff (if needed) */
	if (player->upkeep->notice) notice_stuff(player->upkeep);

	/* Update stuff (if needed) */
	if (player->upkeep->update) update_stuff(player->upkeep);

	/* Redraw stuff (if needed) */
	if (player->upkeep->redraw) redraw_stuff(player->upkeep);
Exemple #16
 * Housekeeping on arriving on a new level
void on_new_level(void)
	/* Play ambient sound on change of level. */

	/* Cancel the target */

	/* Cancel the health bar */
	health_track(player->upkeep, NULL);

	/* Disturb */
	disturb(player, 1);

	/* Track maximum player level */
	if (player->max_lev < player->lev)
		player->max_lev = player->lev;

	/* Track maximum dungeon level */
	if (player->max_depth < player->depth)
		player->max_depth = player->depth;

	/* Flush messages */

	/* Update display */

	/* Update player */
	player->upkeep->update |= (PU_BONUS | PU_HP | PU_SPELLS | PU_INVEN);
	player->upkeep->notice |= (PN_COMBINE | PN_SEARCH);

	/* Refresh */

	/* Announce (or repeat) the feeling */
	if (player->depth)

	/* Give player minimum energy to start a new level, but do not reduce
	 * higher value from savefile for level in progress */
	if (player->energy < z_info->move_energy)
		player->energy = z_info->move_energy;
Exemple #17
 * Flush the screen, make a noise
void bell(const char *reason)
	/* Mega-Hack -- Flush the output */

	/* Hack -- memorize the reason if possible */
	if (character_generated && reason)
		message_add(reason, MSG_BELL);

		/* Window stuff */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MESSAGE);

	/* Flush the input (later!) */
Exemple #18
 * Remove a button
int button_kill_text(keycode_t keypress)
	int i, j, length;

	/* Find the button */
	for (i = 0; i < button_num; i++)
		if (button_mse[i].key == keypress)

	/* No such button */
	if (i == button_num) {
		return 0;

	/* Find the length */
	length = button_mse[i].right - button_mse[i].left + 1;
	button_length -= length;

	/* Move each button up one */
	for (j = i; j < button_num - 1; j++) {
		button_mse[j] = button_mse[j + 1];

		/* Adjust length */
		button_mse[j].left -= length;
		button_mse[j].right -= length;

	/* Wipe the data */
	button_mse[button_num].label[0] = '\0';
	button_mse[button_num].left = 0;
	button_mse[button_num].right = 0;
	button_mse[button_num--].key = 0;

	/* Redraw */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BUTTONS);

	/* Return the size of the button */
	return (length);
Exemple #19
 * Modify the current panel to the given coordinates, adjusting only to
 * ensure the coordinates are legal, and return TRUE if anything done.
 * The town should never be scrolled around.
 * Note that monsters are no longer affected in any way by panel changes.
 * As a total hack, whenever the current panel changes, we assume that
 * the "overhead view" window should be updated.
bool modify_panel(term *t, int wy, int wx)
	int dungeon_hgt = DUNGEON_HGT;
	int dungeon_wid = DUNGEON_WID;

	/* Adjust for town */
	if (p_ptr->depth == 0) town_adjust(&dungeon_hgt, &dungeon_wid);

	/* Verify wy, adjust if needed */
	if (wy > dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT) wy = dungeon_hgt - SCREEN_HGT;
	if (wy < 0) wy = 0;

	/* Verify wx, adjust if needed */
	if (wx > dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID) wx = dungeon_wid - SCREEN_WID;
	if (wx < 0) wx = 0;

	/* React to changes */
	if ((t->offset_y != wy) || (t->offset_x != wx))
		/* Save wy, wx */
		t->offset_y = wy;
		t->offset_x = wx;

		/* Redraw map */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

		/* Redraw for big graphics */
		if ((tile_width > 1) || (tile_height > 1)) redraw_stuff();
		/* Hack -- optional disturb on "panel change" */
		if (OPT(disturb_panel) && !OPT(center_player)) disturb(0, 0);
		/* Changed */
		return (TRUE);

	/* No change */
	return (FALSE);
Exemple #20
 * Hack -- change name
void do_cmd_change_name(void)
  ui_event ke;
  int col = 0;
  int last_line = 0;
  int top_line = 0;

  const char *p;

  /* Prompt */
  p = "['c' change name, 'f' to file, scroll, or ESC]";
  /* Save screen */

  /* Adjust the buttons */
  button_add("ESC", ESCAPE);
  button_add("Spc", ' ');
  button_add("-", '-');
  button_add("c", 'c');
  button_add("f", 'f');
  button_add("->", ARROW_RIGHT);
  button_add("<-", ARROW_LEFT);
  p_ptr->redraw |= PR_BUTTONS;

  /* Make the array of lines */
  C_WIPE(dumpline, DUMP_MAX_LINES, char_attr_line);
  last_line = make_dump(dumpline, 2);

  /* Forever */
  while (1)
      /* Display the player */
      display_dump(dumpline, top_line, top_line + Term->hgt - 1, col);


      /* Clear the bottom line */
      prt("", Term->hgt - 1, 0);
      /* Prompt */
      Term_putstr(0, Term->hgt - 1, -1, TERM_WHITE, p);
      /* Query */
      ke = inkey_ex();
      /* Exit */
      if (ke.key.code == ESCAPE) break;
      /* Change name */
      if (ke.key.code == 'c')
	  char namebuf[32] = "";

	  if (get_name(namebuf, sizeof namebuf))
	      /* Set player name */
	      my_strcpy(op_ptr->full_name, namebuf,
	      /* Don't change savefile name. */
	  //(void) get_name(namebuf, sizeof namebuf);
	  (void) make_dump(dumpline, 2);
      /* File dump */
      else if (ke.key.code == 'f')
	  char ftmp[80];
	  strnfmt(ftmp, sizeof ftmp, "%s.txt", op_ptr->base_name);
	  if (get_string("File name: ", ftmp, 80))
	      if (ftmp[0] && (ftmp[0] != ' '))
		  if (file_character(ftmp, dumpline, last_line))
		    msg("Character dump failed!");
		    msg("Character dump successful.");
      /* Scroll down */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_DOWN)
	  if (top_line + Term->hgt - 2 < last_line)
      /* Page down */
      else if (ke.key.code == ' ')
	  top_line = MIN(last_line - Term->hgt + 2, 
			 top_line + (Term->hgt - 2));
      /* Scroll up */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_UP)
	  if (top_line)
      /* Page up */
      else if (ke.key.code == '-')
	  top_line -= (Term->hgt - 2) / 2;
	  if (top_line < 0) top_line = 0;
      /* Scroll left */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_LEFT)
	  if (col)
      /* Scroll right */
      else if (ke.key.code == ARROW_RIGHT)
	  if (col < 32)
      /* Oops */
      /* Flush messages */

  /* Adjust the buttons */

  /* Load screen */
Exemple #21
 * Let the user select an item, save its "index"
 * Return TRUE only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The selected item must satisfy the "item_tester_hook()" function,
 * if that hook is set, and the "item_tester_tval", if that value is set.
 * All "item_tester" restrictions are cleared before this function returns.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment or inventory are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * Note that the user must press "-" to specify the item on the floor,
 * and there is no way to "examine" the item on the floor, while the
 * use of "capital" letters will "examine" an inventory/equipment item,
 * and prompt for its use.
 * If a legal item is selected from the inventory, we save it in "cp"
 * directly (0 to 35), and return TRUE.
 * If a legal item is selected from the floor, we save it in "cp" as
 * a negative (-1 to -511), and return TRUE.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "cp", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return FALSE.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "cp", and return FALSE.
 * Global "p_ptr->command_wrk" is used to choose between equip/inven/floor
 * listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or USE_FLOOR, except
 * when this function is first called, when it is equal to zero, which will
 * cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool get_item(int *cp, const char *pmt, const char *str, cmd_code cmd, int mode)
    s16b py = p_ptr->py;
    s16b px = p_ptr->px;
    unsigned char cmdkey = cmd_lookup_key(cmd, KEYMAP_MODE_ORIG);

    bool done, item;
    int j, k;

    bool oops = FALSE;
    bool toggle = FALSE;

    bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool use_floor = ((mode & (USE_FLOOR | USE_TARGET)) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool use_quiver = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool can_squelch = ((mode & CAN_SQUELCH) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool is_harmless = ((mode & IS_HARMLESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
    bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);

    bool allow_inven = FALSE;
    bool allow_equip = FALSE;
    bool allow_floor = FALSE;

    int floor_num;
    ui_event which;
    prompt = pmt;
    olist_mode = 0;
    item_mode = mode;
    item_cmd = cmd;

    /* Not done */
    done = FALSE;

    /* No item selected */
    item = FALSE;
    *cp = 0;

    /* Object list display modes */
    if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
	olist_mode |= (OLIST_FAIL);
	olist_mode |= (OLIST_WEIGHT);
    if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
	olist_mode |= (OLIST_PRICE);

    show_list  = OPT(show_lists) ? TRUE : FALSE; 

    /* Set target for telekinesis */
    if (mode & (USE_TARGET))
	target_get(&px, &py);
	if (!(px && py))
	    return FALSE;
    /* Full inventory */
    i1 = 0;
    i2 = INVEN_PACK - 1;

    /* Forbid inventory */
    if (!use_inven)
	i2 = -1;

    /* Restrict inventory indexes */
    while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i1)))
    while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i2)))

    /* Accept inventory */
    if (i1 <= i2)
	allow_inven = TRUE;

    /* Full equipment */
    e1 = INVEN_WIELD;
    e2 = ALL_INVEN_TOTAL - 1;

    /* Forbid equipment */
    if (!use_equip)
	e2 = -1;

    /* Restrict equipment indexes */
    while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e1)))
    while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e2)))

    /* Accept equipment */
    if (e1 <= e2)
	allow_equip = TRUE;

    /* Reject quiver */
    if (e2 < QUIVER_START)
	use_quiver = FALSE;

    /* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
    floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x03);

    /* Full floor */
    f1 = 0;
    f2 = floor_num - 1;

    /* Forbid floor */
    if (!use_floor)
	f2 = -1;

    /* Restrict floor indexes */
    while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f1])))
    while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f2])))

    /* Accept floor */
    if (f1 <= f2)
	allow_floor = TRUE;

    /* Require at least one legal choice */
    if (!allow_inven && !allow_equip && !allow_floor) {
	/* Oops */
	oops = TRUE;
	done = TRUE;

    /* Analyze choices, prepare for initial menu */
    else {
	/* Hack -- Start on equipment if requested */
	if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && use_equip){
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
	    build_obj_list(INVEN_WIELD, e2, NULL, olist_mode);

	/* If we are using the quiver then start on equipment */
	else if (use_quiver){
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
	    build_obj_list(INVEN_WIELD, e2, NULL, olist_mode);

	/* Use inventory if allowed */
	else if (use_inven){
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
	    build_obj_list(0, i2, NULL, olist_mode);

	/* Use equipment if allowed */
	else if (use_equip){
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
	    build_obj_list(INVEN_WIELD, e2, NULL, olist_mode);

	/* Use floor if allowed */
	else if (use_floor){
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;
	    build_obj_list(0, f2, floor_list, olist_mode);

	/* Hack -- Use (empty) inventory */
	else {
	    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
	    build_obj_list(0, i2, NULL, olist_mode);

    /* Clear all current messages */
    msg_flag = FALSE;

    /* Start out in "display" mode */
    if (show_list) {
	/* Save screen */

    /* Repeat until done */
    while (!done) {
	static bool refresh;
	int ni = 0;
	int ne = 0;

	/* Scan windows */
	for (j = 0; j < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; j++) {
	    /* Unused */
	    if (!angband_term[j])

	    /* Count windows displaying inven */
	    if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN))

	    /* Count windows displaying equip */
	    if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP))

	/* Toggle if needed */
	if (((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && ni && !ne)
	    || ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && !ni && ne)) {
	    /* Toggle */

	    /* Track toggles */
	    toggle = !toggle;

	/* Redraw */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

	/* Redraw windows */

	/* Change the list if needed */
	if (refresh) {
	    /* Rebuild object list */
	    if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) 
		build_obj_list(0, i2, NULL, olist_mode);
	    else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) 
		build_obj_list(INVEN_WIELD, e2, NULL, olist_mode);
		build_obj_list(0, f2, floor_list, mode);

	    refresh = FALSE;

	/* Show the prompt */


	/* Menu if requested */
	if (show_list) 
	    which = item_menu(cmd, mode);
	    if (which.type == EVT_ESCAPE)
		which.key.code = ESCAPE;

	/* Get a key */
	else which = inkey_ex();

	/* Parse it */
	switch (which.key.code) 
	    case ESCAPE:
		done = TRUE;

    	    case '*':
	    case '?':
	    case ' ':
		if (!OPT(show_lists)) 
		    /* Save screen */
		    /* Flip flag */
		    show_list = TRUE;
		refresh = TRUE;

	    case '/':
		/* Toggle to inventory */
		if (use_inven && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN)) 
		    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		    refresh = TRUE;

		/* Toggle to equipment */
		else if (use_equip && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP)) 
		    p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		    refresh = TRUE;

		/* No toggle allowed */
		    bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

		/* Need to redraw */

	    case '-':
		/* Paranoia */
		if (!allow_floor) {
		    bell("Cannot select floor!");

		/* There is only one item */
		if (OPT(pickup_single) && (floor_num == 1)) 
		    /* Fall through */
		    p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);
		    refresh = TRUE;
	    case '.':
		 * If we are allow to use the floor, select
		 * the top item. -BR-
		if (allow_floor) {
		    int k;

		    /* Special index */
		    k = 0 - floor_list[0];

		    /* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
		    if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless)) {
			done = TRUE;

		    /* Accept that choice */
		    (*cp) = k;
		    item = TRUE;
		    done = TRUE;


	    case '0':
	    case '1':
	    case '2':
	    case '3':
	    case '4':
	    case '5':
	    case '6':
	    case '7':
	    case '8':
	    case '9':
		/* Look up the tag */
		if (!get_tag(&k, which.key.code, cmd, quiver_tags)) 
		    bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

		/* Hack -- Validate the item */
		if ((k < INVEN_WIELD) ? !allow_inven : !allow_equip) 
		    bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

		/* Validate the item */
		if (!get_item_okay(k)) 
		    bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

		/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
		if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless)) 
		    done = TRUE;

		/* Accept that choice */
		(*cp) = k;
		item = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

	    case KC_ENTER:
		    /* Choose "default" inventory item */
		    if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
			if (i1 != i2)
			    bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

			k = i1;

		    /* Choose the "default" slot (0) of the quiver */
		    else if (quiver_tags)
			k = e1;

		    /* Choose "default" equipment item */
		    else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
			if (e1 != e2)
			    bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

			k = e1;

		    /* Choose "default" floor item */
			if (f1 != f2)
			    bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

			k = 0 - floor_list[f1];

		    /* Validate the item */
		    if (!get_item_okay(k))
			bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

		    /* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
		    if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
			done = TRUE;

		    /* Accept that choice */
		    (*cp) = k;
		    item = TRUE;
		    done = TRUE;

	    case '!':
		/* Try squelched items */
		if (can_squelch) {
		    (*cp) = ALL_SQUELCHED;
		    item = TRUE;
		    done = TRUE;

		/* Just fall through */

		bool verify;

		/* Note verify */
		verify = (isupper((unsigned char) which.key.code) ? TRUE : FALSE);

		/* Lowercase */
		which.key.code = tolower((unsigned char) which.key.code);

		/* Convert letter to inventory index */
		if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) {
		    k = label_to_inven(which.key.code);

		    if (k < 0) {
			bell("Illegal object choice (inven)!");

		/* Convert letter to equipment index */
		else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) {
		    k = label_to_equip(which.key.code);

		    if (k < 0) {
			bell("Illegal object choice (equip)!");

		/* Convert letter to floor index */
		else {
		    k = (islower((unsigned char) which.key.code) ? 
			 A2I((unsigned char)which.key.code) : -1);

		    if (k < 0 || k >= floor_num) {
			bell("Illegal object choice (floor)!");

		    /* Special index */
		    k = 0 - floor_list[k];

		/* Validate the item */
		if (!get_item_okay(k)) {
		    bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

		/* Verify the item */
		if (verify && !verify_item("Try", k)) {
		    done = TRUE;

		/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
		if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless)) {
		    done = TRUE;

		/* Accept that choice */
		(*cp) = k;
		item = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

    /* Fix the screen if necessary */
    if (show_list)
	/* Load screen */

	/* Hack -- Cancel "display" */
	show_list = FALSE;

    /* Kill buttons */

    /* Forget the item_tester_tval restriction */
    item_tester_tval = 0;

    /* Forget the item_tester_hook restriction */
    item_tester_hook = NULL;

    /* Toggle again if needed */
    if (toggle)

    /* Update */
    p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

    /* Clear the prompt line */
    prt("", 0, 0);

    /* Warning if needed */
    if (oops && str)

    /* Result */
    return (item);
Exemple #22
 * Deal with events on the get_item menu
bool get_item_action(menu_type *menu, const ui_event *event, int oid)
    bool refresh = FALSE;
    struct object_menu_data *choice = menu_priv(menu);
    char key = event->key.code;
    int i, k;
    char *selections = (char *) menu->selections;

    if (event->type == EVT_SELECT)
	selection = choice[oid].key;
	return FALSE;

    if (event->type == EVT_KBRD)
	if (key == '/')
	    /* Toggle to inventory */
	    if ((item_mode & USE_INVEN) && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN)) 
		p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		build_obj_list(0, i2, NULL, olist_mode);
		refresh = TRUE;
	    /* Toggle to equipment */
	    else if ((item_mode & USE_EQUIP) && 
		     (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP)) 
		p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		build_obj_list(INVEN_WIELD, e2, NULL, olist_mode);
		refresh = TRUE;
	    /* No toggle allowed */
		bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

	else if (key == '-')
	    /* No toggle allowed */
	    if (f1 > f2) {
		bell("Cannot select floor!");
	    /* Toggle to floor */
		p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);
		build_obj_list(0, f2, floor_list, olist_mode);
		refresh = TRUE;

	else if ((key >= '0') && (key <= '9'))
	    /* Look up the tag */
	    if (!get_tag(&k, key, item_cmd, item_mode & QUIVER_TAGS)) 
		bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");
		return TRUE;

	    /* Match the item */
	    for (i = 0; i < menu->count; i++)
		if (choice[i].object == &p_ptr->inventory[k]) {
		    Term_keypress(choice[i].key, 0);
		    return TRUE;

	if (refresh)
	    /* Load screen */
	    /* Save screen */
	    /* Show the prompt */
	    menu_setpriv(menu, num_obj, items);
	    for (i = 0; i < num_obj; i++)
		selections[i] = items[i].key;
	    area.page_rows = menu->count + 1;
	    menu_layout(menu, &area);
	    menu_refresh(menu, TRUE);
	return FALSE;


    return TRUE;
Exemple #23
 * Throw an object from the pack or floor.
 * Note: "unseen" monsters are very hard to hit.
 * Should throwing a weapon do full damage?  Should it allow the magic
 * to hit bonus of the weapon to have an effect?  Should it ever cause
 * the item to be destroyed?  Should it do any damage at all?
void do_cmd_throw(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int dir, item;
	int i, j, y, x;
	s16b ty, tx;
	int chance, tdam, tdis;
	int weight;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	bool hit_body = FALSE;

	byte missile_attr;
	char missile_char;

	char o_name[80];

	u32b msg_type = 0;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor * op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Get item to throw and direction in which to throw it. */
	item = args[0].item;
	dir = args[1].direction;

	/* Make sure the player isn't throwing wielded items */
	if (item >= INVEN_WIELD && item < QUIVER_START)
		msg_print("You have cannot throw wielded items.");

	/* Check the item being thrown is usable by the player. */
	if (!item_is_available(item, NULL, (USE_EQUIP | USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR)))
		msg_format("That item is not within your reach.");

	/* Get the object */
	o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Distribute the charges of rods/wands/staves between the stacks */
	distribute_charges(o_ptr, i_ptr, 1);

	/* Single object */
	i_ptr->number = 1;

	/* Reduce and describe inventory */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Reduce and describe floor item */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Description */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), i_ptr, ODESC_FULL);

	/* Find the color and symbol for the object for throwing */
	missile_attr = object_attr(i_ptr);
	missile_char = object_char(i_ptr);

	/* Enforce a minimum "weight" of one pound */
	weight = ((i_ptr->weight > 10) ? i_ptr->weight : 10);

	/* Hack -- Distance -- Reward strength, penalize weight */
	tdis = (adj_str_blow[p_ptr->state.stat_ind[A_STR]] + 20) * 10 / weight;

	/* Max distance of 10 */
	if (tdis > 10) tdis = 10;

	/* Hack -- Base damage from thrown object */
	tdam = damroll(i_ptr->dd, i_ptr->ds);
	if (!tdam) tdam = 1;
	tdam += i_ptr->to_d;

	/* Chance of hitting */
	chance = (p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_THROW] + (p_ptr->state.to_h * BTH_PLUS_ADJ));

	/* Take a turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = 100;

	/* Start at the player */
	y = p_ptr->py;
	x = p_ptr->px;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	ty = p_ptr->py + 99 * ddy[dir];
	tx = p_ptr->px + 99 * ddx[dir];

	/* Check for "target request" */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay())
		target_get(&tx, &ty);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, tdis, p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i)
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x))
			/* Visual effects */
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			light_spot(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

		/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			/* Pause anyway, for consistancy */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			int chance2 = chance - distance(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, y, x);

			int visible = m_ptr->ml;

			/* Note the collision */
			hit_body = TRUE;

			/* Did we hit it (penalize range) */
			if (test_hit(chance2, r_ptr->ac, m_ptr->ml))
				const char *hit_verb = "hits";
				bool fear = FALSE;
				const slay_t *best_s_ptr = NULL;

				/* Assume a default death */
				cptr note_dies = " dies.";

				/* Some monsters get "destroyed" */
				if (monster_is_unusual(r_ptr))
					/* Special note at death */
					note_dies = " is destroyed.";

				/* Apply special damage  - brought forward to fill in hit_verb XXX XXX XXX */
				improve_attack_modifier(i_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL)
					tdam *= best_s_ptr->mult;
					hit_verb = best_s_ptr->range_verb;
				/* Apply special damage XXX XXX XXX */
				tdam = critical_shot(i_ptr->weight, i_ptr->to_h, tdam, &msg_type);

				/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
				if (tdam <= 0)
					tdam = 0;
					hit_verb = "fail to harm";

				/* Handle unseen monster */
				if (!visible)
					/* Invisible monster */
					msg_format("The %s finds a mark.", o_name);

				/* Handle visible monster */
					char m_name[80];

					/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
					monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

					/* Tell the player what happened */
					if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
						message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
						if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GOOD, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a good hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GREAT, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a great hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a superb hit!");
					/* Hack -- Track this monster race */
					if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);

					/* Hack -- Track this monster */
					if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(cave_m_idx[y][x]);

				/* Learn the bonuses */
				/* XXX Eddie This is messed up, better done for firing, */
				/* should use that method [split last] instead */
				/* check if inven_optimize removed what o_ptr referenced */
				if (object_similar(i_ptr, o_ptr, OSTACK_PACK))

				/* Complex message */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					msg_format("You do %d (out of %d) damage.",
							   tdam, m_ptr->hp);

				/* Hit the monster, check for death */
				if (mon_take_hit(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam, &fear, note_dies))
					/* Dead monster */

				/* No death */
					/* Message */
					message_pain(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam);

					/* Take note */
					if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
						char m_name[80];

						/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

						/* Message */
						message_format(MSG_FLEE, m_ptr->r_idx,
						               "%^s flees in terror!", m_name);

			/* Stop looking */

	/* Chance of breakage (during attacks) */
	j = (hit_body ? breakage_chance(i_ptr) : 0);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);
Exemple #24
 * Fire an object from the pack or floor.
 * You may only fire items that "match" your missile launcher.
 * See "calc_bonuses()" for more calculations and such.
 * Note that "firing" a missile is MUCH better than "throwing" it.
 * Note: "unseen" monsters are very hard to hit.
 * Objects are more likely to break if they "attempt" to hit a monster.
 * Rangers (with Bows) and Anyone (with "Extra Shots") get extra shots.
 * The "extra shot" code works by decreasing the amount of energy
 * required to make each shot, spreading the shots out over time.
 * Note that when firing missiles, the launcher multiplier is applied
 * after all the bonuses are added in, making multipliers very useful.
 * Note that Bows of "Extra Might" get extra range and an extra bonus
 * for the damage multiplier.
void do_cmd_fire(cmd_code code, cmd_arg args[])
	int dir, item;
	int i, j, y, x;
	s16b ty, tx;
	int tdam, tdis, thits;
	int bonus, chance;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	object_type *j_ptr;

	object_type *i_ptr;
	object_type object_type_body;

	bool hit_body = FALSE;

	byte missile_attr;
	char missile_char;

	char o_name[80];

	u32b msg_type = 0;

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor * op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Get the "bow" */
	j_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[INVEN_BOW];

	/* Require a usable launcher */
	if (!j_ptr->tval || !p_ptr->state.ammo_tval)
		msg_print("You have nothing to fire with.");

	/* Get item to fire and direction to fire in. */
	item = args[0].item;
	dir = args[1].direction;

	/* Check the item being fired is usable by the player. */
	if (!item_is_available(item, NULL, (USE_EQUIP | USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR)))
		msg_format("That item is not within your reach.");

	/* Get the object for the ammo */
	o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	/* Check the ammo can be used with the launcher */
	if (o_ptr->tval != p_ptr->state.ammo_tval)
		msg_format("That ammo cannot be fired by your current weapon.");

	/* Base range XXX XXX */
	tdis = 6 + 2 * p_ptr->state.ammo_mult;

	/* Start at the player */
	x = p_ptr->px;
	y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay())
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		if (distance(y, x, ty, tx) > tdis)
			if (!get_check("Target out of range.  Fire anyway? "))

	/* Sound */


	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Find the color and symbol for the object for throwing */
	missile_attr = object_attr(o_ptr);
	missile_char = object_char(o_ptr);

	/* Use the proper number of shots */
	thits = p_ptr->state.num_fire;

	/* Actually "fire" the object */
	bonus = (p_ptr->state.to_h + o_ptr->to_h + j_ptr->to_h);
	chance = p_ptr->state.skills[SKILL_TO_HIT_BOW] +
			(bonus * BTH_PLUS_ADJ);

	/* Take a (partial) turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = (100 / thits);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, tdis, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i)
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x))
			/* Visual effects */
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			light_spot(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff();

		/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			/* Pause anyway, for consistancy */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave_m_idx[y][x] > 0)
			monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[cave_m_idx[y][x]];
			monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];

			int chance2 = chance - distance(p_ptr->py, p_ptr->px, y, x);
			int visible = m_ptr->ml;
			int multiplier = 1;

			const char *hit_verb = "hits";
			const slay_t *best_s_ptr = NULL;

			/* Note the collision */
			hit_body = TRUE;

			/* Did we hit it (penalize distance travelled) */
			if (test_hit(chance2, r_ptr->ac, m_ptr->ml))
				bool fear = FALSE;

				/* Assume a default death */
				cptr note_dies = " dies.";

				improve_attack_modifier(o_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				improve_attack_modifier(j_ptr, m_ptr, &best_s_ptr);
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL)
					hit_verb = best_s_ptr->range_verb;

				/* Some monsters get "destroyed" */
				if (monster_is_unusual(r_ptr))
					/* Special note at death */
					note_dies = " is destroyed.";

				/* Calculate multiplier */
				multiplier = p_ptr->state.ammo_mult;
				if (best_s_ptr != NULL) multiplier += best_s_ptr->mult;

				/* Apply damage: multiplier, slays, criticals, bonuses */
				tdam = damroll(o_ptr->dd, o_ptr->ds);
				tdam += o_ptr->to_d + j_ptr->to_d;
				tdam *= multiplier;
				tdam = critical_shot(o_ptr->weight, o_ptr->to_h, tdam, &msg_type);


				/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
				if (tdam <= 0)
					tdam = 0;
					hit_verb = "fail to harm";

				/* Handle unseen monster */
				if (!visible)
					/* Invisible monster */
					message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);

				/* Handle visible monster */
					char m_name[80];

					/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
					monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

					/* Tell the player what happened */
					if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
						message_format(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, 0, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
						if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GOOD, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a good hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_GREAT, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a great hit!");
						else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB)
							message_format(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, 0, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
										   "It was a superb hit!");
					/* Hack -- Track this monster race */
					if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);

					/* Hack -- Track this monster */
					if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(cave_m_idx[y][x]);


				/* Complex message */
				if (p_ptr->wizard)
					msg_format("You do %d (out of %d) damage.",
					           tdam, m_ptr->hp);

				/* Hit the monster, check for death */
				if (mon_take_hit(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam, &fear, note_dies))
					/* Dead monster */

				/* No death */
					/* Message */
					message_pain(cave_m_idx[y][x], tdam);

					/* Take note */
					if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
						char m_name[80];

						/* Get the monster name (or "it") */
						monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);

						/* Message */
						message_format(MSG_FLEE, m_ptr->r_idx,
						               "%^s flees in terror!", m_name);

			/* Stop looking */

	/* Get local object */
	i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);

	/* Single object */
	i_ptr->number = 1;

	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);

	/* Reduce and describe floor item */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

	/* Chance of breakage (during attacks) */
	j = (hit_body ? breakage_chance(i_ptr) : 0);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);
Exemple #25
 * Let the user select an object, save its address
 * Return true only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, quiver, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment, inventory or quiver are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * If a legal item is selected , we save it in "choice" and return true.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "choice", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return false.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "choice", and return false.
 * Global "player->upkeep->command_wrk" is used to choose between
 * equip/inven/quiver/floor listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or
 * USE_QUIVER or USE_FLOOR, except when this function is first called, when it
 * is equal to zero, which will cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool textui_get_item(struct object **choice, const char *pmt, const char *str,
					 cmd_code cmd, item_tester tester, int mode)
	bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? true : false);
	bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? true : false);
	bool use_quiver = ((mode & USE_QUIVER) ? true : false);
	bool use_floor = ((mode & USE_FLOOR) ? true : false);
	bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? true : false);

	bool allow_inven = false;
	bool allow_equip = false;
	bool allow_quiver = false;
	bool allow_floor = false;

	bool toggle = false;

	int floor_max = z_info->floor_size;
	int floor_num;

	floor_list = mem_zalloc(floor_max * sizeof(*floor_list));
	olist_mode = 0;
	item_mode = mode;
	item_cmd = cmd;
	tester_m = tester;
	prompt = pmt;
	allow_all = str ? false : true;

	/* Object list display modes */
	if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_FAIL;
		olist_mode |= OLIST_WEIGHT;

	if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_PRICE;

	if (mode & SHOW_EMPTY)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_SEMPTY;

	if (mode & SHOW_QUIVER)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_QUIVER;

	if (mode & SHOW_RECHARGE)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_RECHARGE;

	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Full inventory */
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = z_info->pack_size - 1;

	/* Forbid inventory */
	if (!use_inven) i2 = -1;

	/* Restrict inventory indexes */
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!object_test(tester, player->upkeep->inven[i1])))
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!object_test(tester, player->upkeep->inven[i2])))

	/* Accept inventory */
	if ((i1 <= i2) || allow_all)
		allow_inven = true;
	else if (item_mode & USE_INVEN)
		item_mode -= USE_INVEN;

	/* Full equipment */
	e1 = 0;
	e2 = player->body.count - 1;

	/* Forbid equipment */
	if (!use_equip) e2 = -1;

	/* Restrict equipment indexes unless starting with no command */
	if ((cmd != CMD_NULL) || (tester != NULL)) {
		while ((e1 <= e2) && (!object_test(tester, slot_object(player, e1))))
		while ((e1 <= e2) && (!object_test(tester, slot_object(player, e2))))

	/* Accept equipment */
	if ((e1 <= e2) || allow_all)
		allow_equip = true;
	else if (item_mode & USE_EQUIP)
		item_mode -= USE_EQUIP;

	/* Restrict quiver indexes */
	q1 = 0;
	q2 = z_info->quiver_size - 1;

	/* Forbid quiver */
	if (!use_quiver) q2 = -1;

	/* Restrict quiver indexes */
	while ((q1 <= q2) && (!object_test(tester, player->upkeep->quiver[q1])))
	while ((q1 <= q2) && (!object_test(tester, player->upkeep->quiver[q2])))

	/* Accept quiver */
	if ((q1 <= q2) || allow_all)
		allow_quiver = true;
	else if (item_mode & USE_QUIVER)
		item_mode -= USE_QUIVER;

	/* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, floor_max,

	/* Full floor */
	f1 = 0;
	f2 = floor_num - 1;

	/* Forbid floor */
	if (!use_floor) f2 = -1;

	/* Restrict floor indexes */
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!object_test(tester, floor_list[f1]))) f1++;
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!object_test(tester, floor_list[f2]))) f2--;

	/* Accept floor */
	if ((f1 <= f2) || allow_all)
		allow_floor = true;
	else if (item_mode & USE_FLOOR)
		item_mode -= USE_FLOOR;

	/* Require at least one legal choice */
	if (allow_inven || allow_equip || allow_quiver || allow_floor) {
		/* Start where requested if possible */
		if ((player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && allow_equip)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		else if ((player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && allow_inven)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		else if ((player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_QUIVER) && allow_quiver)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_QUIVER;
		else if ((player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR) && allow_floor)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* If we are obviously using the quiver then start on quiver */
		else if (quiver_tags && allow_quiver)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_QUIVER;

		/* Otherwise choose whatever is allowed */
		else if (use_inven && allow_inven)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		else if (use_equip && allow_equip)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		else if (use_quiver && allow_quiver)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_QUIVER;
		else if (use_floor && allow_floor)
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* If nothing to choose, use (empty) inventory */
			player->upkeep->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

		while (true) {
			int j;
			int ni = 0;
			int ne = 0;

			/* If inven or equip is on the main screen, and only one of them
			 * is slated for a subwindow, we should show the opposite there */
			for (j = 0; j < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; j++) {
				/* Unused */
				if (!angband_term[j]) continue;

				/* Count windows displaying inven */
				if (window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN)) ni++;

				/* Count windows displaying equip */
				if (window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP)) ne++;

			/* Are we in the situation where toggling makes sense? */
			if ((ni && !ne) || (!ni && ne)) {
				if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) {
					if ((ne && !toggle) || (ni && toggle)) {
						/* Main screen is equipment, so is subwindow */
						toggle = !toggle;
				} else if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) {
					if ((ni && !toggle) || (ne && toggle)) {
						/* Main screen is inventory, so is subwindow */
						toggle = !toggle;
				} else {
					/* Quiver or floor, go back to the original */
					if (toggle) {
						toggle = !toggle;

			/* Redraw */
			player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

			/* Redraw windows */

			/* Save screen */

			/* Build object list */
			if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
				build_obj_list(i2, player->upkeep->inven, tester_m, olist_mode);
			else if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
				build_obj_list(e2, NULL, tester_m, olist_mode);
			else if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_QUIVER)
				build_obj_list(q2, player->upkeep->quiver, tester_m,olist_mode);
			else if (player->upkeep->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR)
				build_obj_list(f2, floor_list, tester_m, olist_mode);

			/* Show the prompt */
			if (pmt) {
				prt(pmt, 0, 0);
				prt(header, 0, strlen(pmt) + 1);

			/* No menu change request */
			newmenu = false;

			/* Get an item choice */
			*choice = item_menu(cmd, MAX(pmt ? strlen(pmt) : 0, 15), mode);

			/* Fix the screen */

			/* Update */
			player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

			/* Clear the prompt line */
			prt("", 0, 0);

			/* We have a selection, or are backing out */
			if (*choice || !newmenu) {
				if (toggle) toggle_inven_equip();
	} else {
		/* Warning if needed */
		if (str) msg("%s", str);
		*choice = NULL;

	/* Clean up */
	player->upkeep->command_wrk = 0;

	/* Result */
	return (*choice != NULL) ? true : false;
Exemple #26
 * This is a helper function used by do_cmd_throw and do_cmd_fire.
 * It abstracts out the projectile path, display code, identify and clean up
 * logic, while using the 'attack' parameter to do work particular to each
 * kind of attack.
static void ranged_helper(int item, int dir, int range, int shots, ranged_attack attack) {
	/* Get the ammo */
	object_type *o_ptr = object_from_item_idx(item);

	int i, j;
	byte missile_attr = object_attr(o_ptr);
	char missile_char = object_char(o_ptr);

	object_type object_type_body;
	object_type *i_ptr = &object_type_body;

	char o_name[80];

	int path_n;
	u16b path_g[256];

	int msec = op_ptr->delay_factor;

	/* Start at the player */
	int x = p_ptr->px;
	int y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Predict the "target" location */
	s16b ty = y + 99 * ddy[dir];
	s16b tx = x + 99 * ddx[dir];

	bool hit_target = FALSE;

	/* Check for target validity */
	if ((dir == 5) && target_okay()) {
		int taim;
		char msg[80];
		target_get(&tx, &ty);
		taim = distance(y, x, ty, tx);
		if (taim > range) {
			sprintf (msg, "Target out of range by %d squares. Fire anyway? ",
				taim - range);
			if (!get_check(msg)) return;

	/* Sound */


	/* Describe the object */
	object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), o_ptr, ODESC_FULL | ODESC_SINGULAR);

	/* Actually "fire" the object -- Take a partial turn */
	p_ptr->energy_use = (100 / shots);

	/* Calculate the path */
	path_n = project_path(path_g, range, y, x, ty, tx, 0);

	/* Hack -- Handle stuff */

	/* Start at the player */
	x = p_ptr->px;
	y = p_ptr->py;

	/* Project along the path */
	for (i = 0; i < path_n; ++i) {
		int ny = GRID_Y(path_g[i]);
		int nx = GRID_X(path_g[i]);

		/* Hack -- Stop before hitting walls */
		if (!cave_floor_bold(ny, nx)) break;

		/* Advance */
		x = nx;
		y = ny;

		/* Only do visuals if the player can "see" the missile */
		if (player_can_see_bold(y, x)) {
			print_rel(missile_char, missile_attr, y, x);
			move_cursor_relative(y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);

			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);
			cave_light_spot(cave, y, x);

			if (p_ptr->redraw) redraw_stuff(p_ptr);
		} else {
			/* Delay anyway for consistency */
			Term_xtra(TERM_XTRA_DELAY, msec);

		/* Handle monster */
		if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) break;

	/* Try the attack on the monster at (x, y) if any */
	if (cave->m_idx[y][x] > 0) {
		monster_type *m_ptr = cave_monster(cave, cave->m_idx[y][x]);
		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[m_ptr->r_idx];
		int visible = m_ptr->ml;

		bool fear = FALSE;
		char m_name[80];
		const char *note_dies = monster_is_unusual(r_ptr) ? " is destroyed." : " dies.";

		struct attack_result result = attack(o_ptr, y, x);
		int dmg = result.dmg;
		u32b msg_type = result.msg_type;
		const char *hit_verb = result.hit_verb;

		if (result.success) {
			hit_target = TRUE;

			/* Get "the monster" or "it" */
			monster_desc(m_name, sizeof(m_name), m_ptr, 0);
			/* No negative damage; change verb if no damage done */
			if (dmg <= 0) {
				dmg = 0;
				hit_verb = "fail to harm";
			if (!visible) {
				/* Invisible monster */
				msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s finds a mark.", o_name);
			} else {
				/* Visible monster */
				if (msg_type == MSG_SHOOT_HIT)
					msgt(MSG_SHOOT_HIT, "The %s %s %s.", o_name, hit_verb, m_name);
				else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GOOD) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_GOOD, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name, "It was a good hit!");
				} else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_GREAT) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_GREAT, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
						 "It was a great hit!");
				} else if (msg_type == MSG_HIT_SUPERB) {
					msgt(MSG_HIT_SUPERB, "The %s %s %s. %s", o_name, hit_verb, m_name,
						 "It was a superb hit!");
				/* Track this monster */
				if (m_ptr->ml) monster_race_track(m_ptr->r_idx);
				if (m_ptr->ml) health_track(p_ptr, cave->m_idx[y][x]);
			/* Complex message */
			if (p_ptr->wizard)
				msg("You do %d (out of %d) damage.", dmg, m_ptr->hp);
			/* Hit the monster, check for death */
			if (!mon_take_hit(cave->m_idx[y][x], dmg, &fear, note_dies)) {
				message_pain(cave->m_idx[y][x], dmg);
				if (fear && m_ptr->ml)
					add_monster_message(m_name, cave->m_idx[y][x], MON_MSG_FLEE_IN_TERROR, TRUE);

	/* Obtain a local object */
	object_copy(i_ptr, o_ptr);
	object_split(i_ptr, o_ptr, 1);

	/* See if the ammunition broke or not */
	j = breakage_chance(i_ptr, hit_target);

	/* Drop (or break) near that location */
	drop_near(cave, i_ptr, j, y, x, TRUE);

	if (item >= 0) {
		/* The ammo is from the inventory */
		inven_item_increase(item, -1);
	} else {
		/* The ammo is from the floor */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -1);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);
Exemple #27
 * Let the user select an item, save its "index"
 * Return TRUE only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The selected item must satisfy the "item_tester_hook()" function,
 * if that hook is set, and the "item_tester_tval", if that value is set.
 * All "item_tester" restrictions are cleared before this function returns.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment or inventory are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * Note that the user must press "-" to specify the item on the floor,
 * and there is no way to "examine" the item on the floor, while the
 * use of "capital" letters will "examine" an inventory/equipment item,
 * and prompt for its use.
 * If a legal item is selected from the inventory, we save it in "cp"
 * directly (0 to 35), and return TRUE.
 * If a legal item is selected from the floor, we save it in "cp" as
 * a negative (-1 to -511), and return TRUE.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "cp", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return FALSE.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "cp", and return FALSE.
 * Global "p_ptr->command_wrk" is used to choose between equip/inven/floor
 * listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or USE_FLOOR, except
 * when this function is first called, when it is equal to zero, which will
 * cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool get_item(int *cp, const char *pmt, const char *str, cmd_code cmd, int mode)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;
	unsigned char cmdkey = cmd_lookup_key(cmd,
			OPT(rogue_like_commands) ? KEYMAP_MODE_ROGUE : KEYMAP_MODE_ORIG);

	//struct keypress which;
	ui_event press;

	int j, k;

	int i1, i2;
	int e1, e2;
	int f1, f2;

	bool done, item;

	bool oops = FALSE;

	bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_floor = ((mode & USE_FLOOR) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool is_harmless = ((mode & IS_HARMLESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	int olist_mode = 0;

	bool allow_inven = FALSE;
	bool allow_equip = FALSE;
	bool allow_floor = FALSE;

	bool toggle = FALSE;

	char tmp_val[160];
	char out_val[160];

	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int floor_num;

	bool show_list = TRUE;

	/* Hack - Only shift the command key if it actually needs to be shifted. */
	if (cmdkey < 0x20)
		cmdkey = UN_KTRL(cmdkey);

	/* Object list display modes */
	if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_FAIL;
		olist_mode |= OLIST_WEIGHT;

	if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_PRICE;

	if (mode & SHOW_EMPTY)
		olist_mode |= OLIST_SEMPTY;

	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Not done */
	done = FALSE;

	/* No item selected */
	item = FALSE;

	/* Full inventory */
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = INVEN_PACK - 1;

	/* Forbid inventory */
	if (!use_inven) i2 = -1;

	/* Restrict inventory indexes */
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i1))) i1++;
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i2))) i2--;

	/* Accept inventory */
	if (i1 <= i2) allow_inven = TRUE;

	/* Full equipment */
	e2 = ALL_INVEN_TOTAL - 1;

	/* Forbid equipment */
	if (!use_equip) e2 = -1;

	/* Restrict equipment indexes */
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e1))) e1++;
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e2))) e2--;

	/* Accept equipment */
	if (e1 <= e2) allow_equip = TRUE;

	/* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x0B);

	/* Full floor */
	f1 = 0;
	f2 = floor_num - 1;

	/* Forbid floor */
	if (!use_floor) f2 = -1;

	/* Restrict floor indexes */
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f1]))) f1++;
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f2]))) f2--;

	/* Accept floor */
	if (f1 <= f2) allow_floor = TRUE;

	/* Require at least one legal choice */
	if (!allow_inven && !allow_equip && !allow_floor)
		/* Oops */
		oops = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

	/* Analyze choices */
		/* Hack -- Start on equipment if requested */
		if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
		else if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && allow_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
		else if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR) && allow_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* If we are using the quiver then start on equipment */
		else if (quiver_tags && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use inventory if allowed */
		else if (use_inven && allow_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

		/* Use equipment if allowed */
		else if (use_equip && allow_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use floor if allowed */
		else if (use_floor && allow_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* Hack -- Use (empty) inventory */
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

	/* Start out in "display" mode */
	if (show_list)
		/* Save screen */

	/* Repeat until done */
	while (!done)
		int ni = 0;
		int ne = 0;

		/* Scan windows */
		for (j = 0; j < ANGBAND_TERM_MAX; j++)
			/* Unused */
			if (!angband_term[j]) continue;

			/* Count windows displaying inven */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN)) ni++;

			/* Count windows displaying equip */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP)) ne++;

		/* Toggle if needed */
		if (((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && ni && !ne) ||
		    ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && !ni && ne))
			/* Toggle */

			/* Track toggles */
			toggle = !toggle;

		/* Redraw */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

		/* Redraw windows */

		/* Viewing inventory */
		if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
			int nmode = olist_mode;

			/* Show the quiver counts in certain cases, like the 'i' command */
			if (mode & SHOW_QUIVER)
				nmode |= OLIST_QUIVER;

			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list)

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Inven:");

			/* List choices */
			if (i1 <= i2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(i1), index_to_label(i2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[-]", '-');

		/* Viewing equipment */
		else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_equip(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Equip:");

			/* List choices */
			if (e1 <= e2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(e1), index_to_label(e2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[!]", '!');

		/* Viewing floor */
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Floor:");

			/* List choices */
			if (f1 <= f2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", I2A(f1), I2A(f2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Append */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Append */
			else if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');


		/* Finish the prompt */
		my_strcat(out_val, " ESC", sizeof(out_val));

		/* if we have a prompt header, show the part that we just built */
		if (pmt) {
			/* Build the prompt */
			strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "(%s) %s", out_val, pmt);

			/* Show the prompt */
			prt(tmp_val, 0, 0);

		/* Get a key */
		//which = inkey();
		press = inkey_m();

		/* Parse it */
		if (press.type == EVT_MOUSE) {
			if (press.mouse.button == 2) {
				done = TRUE;
			} else
			if (press.mouse.button == 1) {
				k = -1;
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (use_equip) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
						} else
						if (allow_floor) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;
					} else
					if ((press.mouse.y <= i2-i1+1) ){
					//&& (press.mouse.x > Term->wid - 1 - max_len - ex_width)) {
						//k = label_to_inven(index_to_label(i1+press.mouse.y-1));
						/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
						for (j = i1; j <= i2; j++) {
							if (get_item_okay(j)) {
								if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
									k = j;
				} else
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (allow_floor) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;
						} else
						if (use_inven) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
					} else
					if (press.mouse.y <= e2-e1+1) {
						if (olist_mode & OLIST_SEMPTY) {
							/* If we are showing empties, just set the object (empty objects will just keep the loop going) */
							k = label_to_equip(index_to_label(e1+press.mouse.y-1));
						else {
							/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
							for (j = e1; j <= e2; j++) {
								/* skip the quiver slot which is a blank line in the list */
								if (j == 36) {
								} else
									if (get_item_okay(j)) {
										if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
											k = j;
				} else
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_FLOOR) {
					if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
						if (use_inven) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;
						} else
						if (use_equip) {
							p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;
					} else
					if ((press.mouse.y <= floor_num) && (press.mouse.y >= 1)) {
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[press.mouse.y-1];
						/* get the item index, allowing for skipped indices */
						for (j = f1; j <= f2; j++) {
							if (get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[j])) {
								if (press.mouse.y == 1) {
									k = 0 - floor_list[j];
						/* check the bounds the item number */
						if (k < 0) {
							/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
							if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
								done = TRUE;

							/* Accept that choice */
							(*cp) = k;
							item = TRUE;
							done = TRUE;
						} else {
							/* set k to a value that will be invalid below */
							k = -1;
				if (k >= 0) {
					/* Validate the item */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) {
						bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless)) {
						done = TRUE;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;
				} else
				if (press.mouse.y == 0) {
					/* Hack -- Fix screen */
					if (show_list) {
						/* Load screen */

						/* Save screen */
		} else
		//switch (which.code)
		switch (press.key.code)
			case ESCAPE:
			case ' ':
				done = TRUE;

			case '/':
				/* Toggle to inventory */
				if (use_inven && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

				/* Toggle to equipment */
				else if (use_equip && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

				/* No toggle allowed */
					bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				/* Need to redraw */

			case '-':
				/* Paranoia */
				if (!allow_floor)
					bell("Cannot select floor!");

				/* There is only one item */
				if (floor_num == 1)
					/* Auto-select */
					if (p_ptr->command_wrk == (USE_FLOOR))
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[0];

						/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
						if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
							done = TRUE;

						/* Accept that choice */
						(*cp) = k;
						item = TRUE;
						done = TRUE;


				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);

#if 0
				/* Check each legal object */
				for (i = 0; i < floor_num; ++i)
					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[i];

					/* Skip non-okay objects */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) continue;

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless)) continue;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;


			case '0':
			case '1': case '2': case '3':
			case '4': case '5': case '6':
			case '7': case '8': case '9':
				/* Look up the tag */
				//if (!get_tag(&k, which.code, cmd, quiver_tags))
				if (!get_tag(&k, press.key.code, cmd, quiver_tags))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Hack -- Validate the item */
				if ((k < INVEN_WIELD) ? !allow_inven : !allow_equip)
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

			case KC_ENTER:
				/* Choose "default" inventory item */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					if (i1 != i2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = i1;

				/* Choose the "default" slot (0) of the quiver */
				else if (quiver_tags)
					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" equipment item */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					if (e1 != e2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" floor item */
					if (f1 != f2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = 0 - floor_list[f1];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

				bool verify;

				/* Note verify */
				//verify = (isupper((unsigned char)which.code) ? TRUE : FALSE);
				verify = (isupper((unsigned char)press.key.code) ? TRUE : FALSE);

				/* Lowercase */
				//which.code = tolower((unsigned char)which.code);
				press.key.code = tolower((unsigned char)press.key.code);

				/* Convert letter to inventory index */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					//k = label_to_inven(which.code);
					k = label_to_inven(press.key.code);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (inven)!");

				/* Convert letter to equipment index */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					//k = label_to_equip(which.code);
					k = label_to_equip(press.key.code);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (equip)!");

				/* Convert letter to floor index */
					//k = (islower((unsigned char)which.code) ? A2I((unsigned char)which.code) : -1);
					k = (islower((unsigned char)press.key.code) ? A2I((unsigned char)press.key.code) : -1);

					if (k < 0 || k >= floor_num)
						bell("Illegal object choice (floor)!");

					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[k];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

				/* Verify the item */
				if (verify && !verify_item("Try", k))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, cmd, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

	/* Fix the screen if necessary */
	if (show_list)
		/* Load screen */

		/* Hack -- Cancel "display" */
		show_list = FALSE;

	/* Kill buttons */
	/* Forget the item_tester_tval restriction */
	item_tester_tval = 0;

	/* Forget the item_tester_hook restriction */
	item_tester_hook = NULL;

	/* Toggle again if needed */
	if (toggle) toggle_inven_equip();

	/* Update */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

	/* Clear the prompt line */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Warning if needed */
	if (oops && str) msg("%s", str);

	/* Result */
	return (item);
Exemple #28
 * Let the user select an item, save its "index"
 * Return TRUE only if an acceptable item was chosen by the user.
 * The selected item must satisfy the "item_tester_hook()" function,
 * if that hook is set, and the "item_tester_tval", if that value is set.
 * All "item_tester" restrictions are cleared before this function returns.
 * The user is allowed to choose acceptable items from the equipment,
 * inventory, or floor, respectively, if the proper flag was given,
 * and there are any acceptable items in that location.
 * The equipment or inventory are displayed (even if no acceptable
 * items are in that location) if the proper flag was given.
 * If there are no acceptable items available anywhere, and "str" is
 * not NULL, then it will be used as the text of a warning message
 * before the function returns.
 * Note that the user must press "-" to specify the item on the floor,
 * and there is no way to "examine" the item on the floor, while the
 * use of "capital" letters will "examine" an inventory/equipment item,
 * and prompt for its use.
 * If a legal item is selected from the inventory, we save it in "cp"
 * directly (0 to 35), and return TRUE.
 * If a legal item is selected from the floor, we save it in "cp" as
 * a negative (-1 to -511), and return TRUE.
 * If no item is available, we do nothing to "cp", and we display a
 * warning message, using "str" if available, and return FALSE.
 * If no item is selected, we do nothing to "cp", and return FALSE.
 * Global "p_ptr->command_wrk" is used to choose between equip/inven/floor
 * listings.  It is equal to USE_INVEN or USE_EQUIP or USE_FLOOR, except
 * when this function is first called, when it is equal to zero, which will
 * cause it to be set to USE_INVEN.
 * We always erase the prompt when we are done, leaving a blank line,
 * or a warning message, if appropriate, if no items are available.
 * Note that only "acceptable" floor objects get indexes, so between two
 * commands, the indexes of floor objects may change.  XXX XXX XXX
bool get_item(int *cp, cptr pmt, cptr str, cmd_code cmd, int mode)
	int py = p_ptr->py;
	int px = p_ptr->px;
	unsigned char cmdkey = cmd_lookup_key(cmd);

	ui_event_data which;

	int j, k;

	int i1, i2;
	int e1, e2;
	int f1, f2;

	bool done, item;

	bool oops = FALSE;

	bool use_inven = ((mode & USE_INVEN) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_equip = ((mode & USE_EQUIP) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_floor = ((mode & USE_FLOOR) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool use_quiver = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool is_harmless = ((mode & IS_HARMLESS) ? TRUE : FALSE);
	bool quiver_tags = ((mode & QUIVER_TAGS) ? TRUE : FALSE);

	olist_detail_t olist_mode = 0;

	bool allow_inven = FALSE;
	bool allow_equip = FALSE;
	bool allow_floor = FALSE;

	bool toggle = FALSE;

	char tmp_val[160];
	char out_val[160];

	int floor_list[MAX_FLOOR_STACK];
	int floor_num;

	bool show_list = TRUE;

	/* Object list display modes */
	if (mode & SHOW_FAIL)
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_FAIL);
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_WEIGHT);
	if (mode & SHOW_PRICES)
		olist_mode |= (OLIST_PRICE);

	/* Paranoia XXX XXX XXX */

	/* Not done */
	done = FALSE;

	/* No item selected */
	item = FALSE;

	/* Full inventory */
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = INVEN_PACK - 1;

	/* Forbid inventory */
	if (!use_inven) i2 = -1;

	/* Restrict inventory indexes */
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i1))) i1++;
	while ((i1 <= i2) && (!get_item_okay(i2))) i2--;

	/* Accept inventory */
	if (i1 <= i2) allow_inven = TRUE;

	/* Full equipment */
	e2 = ALL_INVEN_TOTAL - 1;

	/* Forbid equipment */
	if (!use_equip) e2 = -1;

	/* Restrict equipment indexes */
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e1))) e1++;
	while ((e1 <= e2) && (!get_item_okay(e2))) e2--;

	/* Accept equipment */
	if (e1 <= e2) allow_equip = TRUE;

	/* Scan all non-gold objects in the grid */
	floor_num = scan_floor(floor_list, N_ELEMENTS(floor_list), py, px, 0x03);

	/* Full floor */
	f1 = 0;
	f2 = floor_num - 1;

	/* Forbid floor */
	if (!use_floor) f2 = -1;

	/* Restrict floor indexes */
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f1]))) f1++;
	while ((f1 <= f2) && (!get_item_okay(0 - floor_list[f2]))) f2--;

	/* Accept floor */
	if (f1 <= f2) allow_floor = TRUE;

	/* Require at least one legal choice */
	if (!allow_inven && !allow_equip && !allow_floor)
		/* Oops */
		oops = TRUE;
		done = TRUE;

	/* Analyze choices */
		/* Hack -- Start on equipment if requested */
		if ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && use_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* If we are using the quiver then start on equipment */
		else if (use_quiver)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use inventory if allowed */
		else if (use_inven)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

		/* Use equipment if allowed */
		else if (use_equip)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

		/* Use floor if allowed */
		else if (use_floor)
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_FLOOR;

		/* Hack -- Use (empty) inventory */
			p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

	/* Start out in "display" mode */
	if (show_list)
		/* Save screen */

	/* Repeat until done */
	while (!done)
		int ni = 0;
		int ne = 0;

		/* Scan windows */
		for (j = 0; j < REPOSBAND_TERM_MAX; j++)
			/* Unused */
			if (!reposband_term[j]) continue;

			/* Count windows displaying inven */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_INVEN)) ni++;

			/* Count windows displaying equip */
			if (op_ptr->window_flag[j] & (PW_EQUIP)) ne++;

		/* Toggle if needed */
		if (((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP) && ni && !ne) ||
		    ((p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN) && !ni && ne))
			/* Toggle */

			/* Track toggles */
			toggle = !toggle;

		/* Redraw */
		p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

		/* Redraw windows */

		/* Viewing inventory */
		if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_inven(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Inven:");

			/* List choices */
			if (i1 <= i2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(i1), index_to_label(i2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[-]", '-');

		/* Viewing equipment */
		else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_equip(olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Equip:");

			/* List choices */
			if (e1 <= e2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,",
				        index_to_label(e1), index_to_label(e2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Indicate legality of "toggle" */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Indicate legality of the "floor" */
			if (allow_floor)
				my_strcat(out_val, " - for floor,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[!]", '!');

		/* Viewing floor */
			/* Redraw if needed */
			if (show_list) show_floor(floor_list, floor_num, olist_mode);

			/* Begin the prompt */
			strnfmt(out_val, sizeof(out_val), "Floor:");

			/* List choices */
			if (f1 <= f2)
				/* Build the prompt */
				strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), " %c-%c,", I2A(f1), I2A(f2));

				/* Append */
				my_strcat(out_val, tmp_val, sizeof(out_val));

			/* Indicate ability to "view" */
			if (!show_list)
				my_strcat(out_val, " * to see,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[*]", '*');

			/* Append */
			if (use_inven)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Inven,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');

			/* Append */
			else if (use_equip)
				my_strcat(out_val, " / for Equip,", sizeof(out_val));
				button_add("[/]", '/');


		/* Finish the prompt */
		my_strcat(out_val, " ESC", sizeof(out_val));

		/* Build the prompt */
		strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "(%s) %s", out_val, pmt);

		/* Show the prompt */
		prt(tmp_val, 0, 0);

		/* Get a key */
		which = inkey_ex();

		/* Parse it */
		switch (which.key)
			case ESCAPE:
				done = TRUE;

			case '/':
				/* Toggle to inventory */
				if (use_inven && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_INVEN))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_INVEN;

				/* Toggle to equipment */
				else if (use_equip && (p_ptr->command_wrk != USE_EQUIP))
					p_ptr->command_wrk = USE_EQUIP;

				/* No toggle allowed */
					bell("Cannot switch item selector!");

				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				/* Need to redraw */

			case '-':
				/* Paranoia */
				if (!allow_floor)
					bell("Cannot select floor!");

				/* There is only one item */
				if (floor_num == 1)
					/* Auto-select */
					if (p_ptr->command_wrk == (USE_FLOOR))
						/* Special index */
						k = 0 - floor_list[0];

						/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
						if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
							done = TRUE;

						/* Accept that choice */
						(*cp) = k;
						item = TRUE;
						done = TRUE;


				/* Hack -- Fix screen */
				if (show_list)
					/* Load screen */

					/* Save screen */

				p_ptr->command_wrk = (USE_FLOOR);

#if 0
				/* Check each legal object */
				for (i = 0; i < floor_num; ++i)
					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[i];

					/* Skip non-okay objects */
					if (!get_item_okay(k)) continue;

					/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
					if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless)) continue;

					/* Accept that choice */
					(*cp) = k;
					item = TRUE;
					done = TRUE;


			case '0':
			case '1': case '2': case '3':
			case '4': case '5': case '6':
			case '7': case '8': case '9':
				/* Look up the tag */
				if (!get_tag(&k, which.key, cmd, quiver_tags))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Hack -- Validate the item */
				if ((k < INVEN_WIELD) ? !allow_inven : !allow_equip)
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (tag)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

			case '\n':
			case '\r':
				/* Choose "default" inventory item */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					if (i1 != i2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = i1;

				/* Choose the "default" slot (0) of the quiver */
				else if (quiver_tags)
					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" equipment item */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					if (e1 != e2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = e1;

				/* Choose "default" floor item */
					if (f1 != f2)
						bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

					k = 0 - floor_list[f1];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (default)!");

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

				bool verify;

				/* Note verify */
				verify = (isupper((unsigned char)which.key) ? TRUE : FALSE);

				/* Lowercase */
				which.key = tolower((unsigned char)which.key);

				/* Convert letter to inventory index */
				if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_INVEN)
					k = label_to_inven(which.key);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (inven)!");

				/* Convert letter to equipment index */
				else if (p_ptr->command_wrk == USE_EQUIP)
					k = label_to_equip(which.key);

					if (k < 0)
						bell("Illegal object choice (equip)!");

				/* Convert letter to floor index */
					k = (islower((unsigned char)which.key) ? A2I(which.key) : -1);

					if (k < 0 || k >= floor_num)
						bell("Illegal object choice (floor)!");

					/* Special index */
					k = 0 - floor_list[k];

				/* Validate the item */
				if (!get_item_okay(k))
					bell("Illegal object choice (normal)!");

				/* Verify the item */
				if (verify && !verify_item("Try", k))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Allow player to "refuse" certain actions */
				if (!get_item_allow(k, cmdkey, is_harmless))
					done = TRUE;

				/* Accept that choice */
				(*cp) = k;
				item = TRUE;
				done = TRUE;

	/* Fix the screen if necessary */
	if (show_list)
		/* Load screen */

		/* Hack -- Cancel "display" */
		show_list = FALSE;

	/* Kill buttons */
	/* Forget the item_tester_tval restriction */
	item_tester_tval = 0;

	/* Forget the item_tester_hook restriction */
	item_tester_hook = NULL;

	/* Toggle again if needed */
	if (toggle) toggle_inven_equip();

	/* Update */
	p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_INVEN | PR_EQUIP);

	/* Clear the prompt line */
	prt("", 0, 0);

	/* Warning if needed */
	if (oops && str) msg_print(str);

	/* Result */
	return (item);
Exemple #29
static enum birth_stage roller_command(bool first_call)
	char prompt[80] = "";
	size_t promptlen = 0;

	struct keypress ch;

	enum birth_stage next = BIRTH_ROLLER;

	/* Used to keep track of whether we've rolled a character before or not. */
	static bool prev_roll = FALSE;

   	/* Display the player - a bit cheaty, but never mind. */

	if (first_call)
		prev_roll = FALSE;

	/* Add buttons */
	button_add("[ESC]", ESCAPE);
	button_add("[Enter]", '\r');
	button_add("[r]", 'r');
	if (prev_roll) button_add("[p]", 'p');
	clear_from(Term->hgt - 2);

	/* Prepare a prompt (must squeeze everything in) */
	strnfcat(prompt, sizeof (prompt), &promptlen, "['r' to reroll");
	if (prev_roll) 
		strnfcat(prompt, sizeof(prompt), &promptlen, ", 'p' for prev");
	strnfcat(prompt, sizeof (prompt), &promptlen, " or 'Enter' to accept]");

	/* Prompt for it */
	prt(prompt, Term->hgt - 1, Term->wid / 2 - promptlen / 2);
	/* Prompt and get a command */
	ch = inkey();

	if (ch.code == ESCAPE) 

		next = BIRTH_BACK;

	/* 'Enter' accepts the roll */
	if ((ch.code == '\r') || (ch.code == '\n')) 

	/* Reroll this character */
	else if ((ch.code == ' ') || (ch.code == 'r'))
		prev_roll = TRUE;

	/* Previous character */
	else if (prev_roll && (ch.code == 'p'))

	/* Quit */
	else if (ch.code == KTRL('X')) 

	/* Help XXX */
	else if (ch.code == '?')

	/* Nothing handled directly here */
		bell("Illegal roller command!");

	/* Kill buttons */

	return next;
Exemple #30
 * Show previous messages to the user
 * The screen format uses line 0 and 23 for headers and prompts,
 * skips line 1 and 22, and uses line 2 thru 21 for old messages.
 * This command shows you which commands you are viewing, and allows
 * you to "search" for strings in the recall.
 * Note that messages may be longer than 80 characters, but they are
 * displayed using "infinite" length, with a special sub-command to
 * "slide" the virtual display to the left or right.
 * Attempt to only hilight the matching portions of the string.
void do_cmd_messages(void)
  ui_event ke;
  int i, j, n, q;
  int wid, hgt;
  char shower[80];
  char finder[80];
  char p[80];  
  /* Wipe finder */
  my_strcpy(finder, "", sizeof(shower));
  /* Wipe shower */
  my_strcpy(shower, "", sizeof(finder));
  /* Total messages */
  n = messages_num();
  /* Start on first message */
  i = 0;
  /* Start at leftmost edge */
  q = 0;
  /* Get size */
  Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
  /* Prompt */
  strncpy(p, "[Press 'p' for older, 'n' for newer, ..., or ESCAPE]", 80);

  /* Save screen */
  /* Adjust the buttons */
  button_add("ESC", ESCAPE);
  button_add("-", '-');
  button_add("=", '=');
  button_add("/", '/');
  button_add("p", 'p');
  button_add("n", 'n');
  button_add("+", '+');
  button_add("->", '6');
  button_add("<-", '4');
  p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_BUTTONS);

  /* Process requests until done */
  while (1)
      /* Clear screen */
      /* Dump messages */
      for (j = 0; (j < hgt - 4) && (i + j < n); j++)
	  const char *msg = message_str((s16b)(i+j));
	  byte attr = message_color((s16b)(i+j));
	  /* Apply horizontal scroll */
	  msg = ((int)strlen(msg) >= q) ? (msg + q) : "";
	  /* Dump the messages, bottom to top */
	  Term_putstr(0, hgt - 3 - j, -1, attr, msg);
	  /* Hilight "shower" */
	  if (shower[0])
	      const char *str = msg;
	      /* Display matches */
	      while ((str = strstr(str, shower)) != NULL)
		  int len = strlen(shower);
		  /* Display the match */
		  Term_putstr(str-msg, hgt - 3 - j, len, TERM_YELLOW, shower);
		  /* Advance */
		  str += len;
      /* Display header XXX XXX XXX */
      prt(format("Message Recall (%d-%d of %d), Offset %d",
		 i, i + j - 1, n, q), 0, 0);
      /* Display prompt (not very informative) */
      prt(p, hgt - 1, 0);
      /* Get a command */
      ke = inkey_ex();
      /* Exit on Escape */
      if (ke.key.code == ESCAPE) break;
      /* Hack -- Save the old index */
      j = i;
      /* Horizontal scroll */
      if (ke.key.code == '4')
	  /* Scroll left */
	  q = (q >= wid / 2) ? (q - wid / 2) : 0;
	  /* Success */
      /* Horizontal scroll */
      if (ke.key.code == '6')
	  /* Scroll right */
	  q = q + wid / 2;
	  /* Success */
      /* Hack -- handle show */
      if (ke.key.code == '=')
	  /* Prompt */
	  prt("Show: ", hgt - 1, 0);
	  /* Get a "shower" string, or continue */
	  if (!askfor_aux(shower, sizeof shower, NULL)) continue;
	  /* Okay */
      /* Hack -- handle find */
      if (ke.key.code == '/')
	  s16b z;
	  /* Prompt */
	  prt("Find: ", hgt - 1, 0);
	  /* Get a "finder" string, or continue */
	  if (!askfor_aux(finder, sizeof finder, NULL)) continue;
	  /* Show it */
	  my_strcpy(shower, finder, sizeof(shower));
	  /* Scan messages */
	  for (z = i + 1; z < n; z++)
	      const char *msg = message_str(z);
	      /* Search for it */
	      if (strstr(msg, finder))
		  /* New location */
		  i = z;
		  /* Done */
      /* Recall 20 older messages */
      if ((ke.key.code == 'p') || (ke.key.code == KTRL('P')) || (ke.key.code == ' '))
	  /* Go older if legal */
	  if (i + 20 < n) i += 20;
      /* Recall 10 older messages */
      if (ke.key.code == '+')
	  /* Go older if legal */
	  if (i + 10 < n) i += 10;
      /* Recall 1 older message */
      if ((ke.key.code == '8') || (ke.key.code == '\n') || (ke.key.code == '\r'))
	  /* Go older if legal */
	  if (i + 1 < n) i += 1;
      /* Recall 20 newer messages */
      if ((ke.key.code == 'n') || (ke.key.code == KTRL('N')))
	  /* Go newer (if able) */
	  i = (i >= 20) ? (i - 20) : 0;
      /* Recall 10 newer messages */
      if (ke.key.code == '-')
	  /* Go newer (if able) */
	  i = (i >= 10) ? (i - 10) : 0;
      /* Recall 1 newer messages */
      if (ke.key.code == '2')
	  /* Go newer (if able) */
	  i = (i >= 1) ? (i - 1) : 0;
      /* Scroll forwards or backwards using mouse clicks */
      if (ke.mouse.button)
	  if (ke.mouse.y <= hgt / 2)
	      /* Go older if legal */
	      if (i + 20 < n) i += 20;
	      /* Go newer (if able) */
	      i = (i >= 20) ? (i - 20) : 0;
      /* Hack -- Error of some kind */
      if (i == j) bell(NULL);
  /* Adjust the buttons */

  /* Load screen */