Exemple #1
void MinusRefraction(double *H)
{ double h1=*H,h2,h3,h4,h5;
Exemple #2
t_vec	raytracer(t_rayparams *params)
	t_raytracer *ray;

	ray = init_ray(params->over.l);
	first_loop(ray, params->dir, params->o);
	if (!ray->ret)
		return (ray->color);
	*(params->distance) = ray->ret2;
	if (ray->ret->light == TRUE)
		return (set_vec(1, 1, 1));
	ray->pi = add_vec(params->o, mul_vec(params->dir, ray->ret2));
	ray->tmp = params->over.l;
	while (ray->tmp)
		if (ray->tmp->light == TRUE)
			set_nray(ray, params->over.l, params->dir, params->o);
			shade(ray, params->dir);
		ray->tmp = ray->tmp->next;
	reflexion(ray, params);
	refraction(ray, params);
	return (ray->color);
Spectrum DirectLightingIntegrator::Li(const Scene *scene,
                                      const Renderer *renderer, const RayDifferential &ray,
                                      const Intersection &isect, const Sample *sample, RNG &rng, MemoryArena &arena) const {
    Spectrum L(0.f);
    // Evaluate BSDF at hit point
    BSDF *bsdf = isect.GetBSDF(ray, arena);
    Vector wo = -ray.d;
    const Point &p = bsdf->dgShading.p;
    const Normal &n = bsdf->dgShading.nn;
    // Compute emitted light if ray hit an area light source
    L += isect.Le(wo);

    // Compute direct lighting for _DirectLightingIntegrator_ integrator
    if (scene->lights.size() > 0) {
        // Apply direct lighting strategy
        switch (strategy) {
        case SAMPLE_ALL_UNIFORM:
            L += UniformSampleAllLights(scene, renderer, arena, p, n, wo,
                                        isect.rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
                                        lightSampleOffsets, bsdfSampleOffsets);
        case SAMPLE_ONE_UNIFORM:
            L += UniformSampleOneLight(scene, renderer, arena, p, n, wo,
                                       isect.rayEpsilon, ray.time, bsdf, sample, rng,
                                       lightNumOffset, lightSampleOffsets, bsdfSampleOffsets);
    if (ray.depth + 1 < maxDepth) {
        Vector wi;
        // Trace rays for specular reflection and refraction
        Spectrum reflection(0.f);
        Spectrum refraction(0.f);
        reflection = SpecularReflect(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene,
        refraction = SpecularTransmit(ray, bsdf, rng, isect, renderer, scene,
                                      sample, arena);

        L += reflection;
        L += refraction;
    //printf("Size %i \n", NaiadFoam::cur->FoamPlane().size());

    return L*bsdf->dgShading.mult;
Exemple #4
Vector3D Ray::Refract(Intersection &inter, Environment &env, int recursion) {
	Vector3D position = source + direction * inter.dist;

	double n1, n2;
	if(ior - 1.0 < 1.0e-6) {
		n1 = 1.0;
		n2 = inter.obj->surface().refracao;
	} else {
		n1 = inter.obj->surface().refracao;
		n2 = 1.0;

	Vector3D refract_direction = refract(inter.obj->Normal(position), direction, n1, n2);
	if(refract_direction[0] <= -499) {

	Ray refraction(position, refract_direction.Normalize());
	refraction.ior = n2;

	return refraction.Trace(env, recursion + 1);
Exemple #5
static unsigned int ray_color(const point3 e, double t,
                              const point3 d,
                              idx_stack *stk,
                              const rectangular_node rectangulars,
                              const sphere_node spheres,
                              const light_node lights,
                              color object_color, int bounces_left)
    rectangular_node hit_rec = NULL, light_hit_rec = NULL;
    sphere_node hit_sphere = NULL, light_hit_sphere = NULL;
    double diffuse, specular;
    point3 l, _l, r, rr;
    object_fill fill;

    color reflection_part;
    color refraction_part;
    /* might be a reflection ray, so check how many times we've bounced */
    if (bounces_left == 0) {
        SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        return 0;

    /* check for intersection with a sphere or a rectangular */
    intersection ip= ray_hit_object(e, d, t, MAX_DISTANCE, rectangulars,
                                    &hit_rec, spheres, &hit_sphere);
    if (!hit_rec && !hit_sphere)
        return 0;

    /* pick the fill of the object that was hit */
    fill = hit_rec ?
           hit_rec->element.rectangular_fill :

    void *hit_obj = hit_rec ? (void *) hit_rec : (void *) hit_sphere;

    /* assume it is a shadow */
    SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    for (light_node light = lights; light; light = light->next) {
        /* calculate the intersection vector pointing at the light */
        subtract_vector(ip.point, light->element.position, l);
        multiply_vector(l, -1, _l);
        /* check for intersection with an object. use ignore_me
         * because we don't care about this normal
        ray_hit_object(ip.point, _l, MIN_DISTANCE, length(l),
                       rectangulars, &light_hit_rec,
                       spheres, &light_hit_sphere);
        /* the light was not block by itself(lit object) */
        if (light_hit_rec || light_hit_sphere)

        compute_specular_diffuse(&diffuse, &specular, d, l,
                                 ip.normal, fill.phong_power);

        localColor(object_color, light->element.light_color,
                   diffuse, specular, &fill);

    reflection(r, d, ip.normal);
    double idx = idx_stack_top(stk).idx, idx_pass = fill.index_of_refraction;
    if (idx_stack_top(stk).obj == hit_obj) {
        idx_pass = idx_stack_top(stk).idx;
    } else {
        idx_stack_element e = { .obj = hit_obj,
                                .idx = fill.index_of_refraction
        idx_stack_push(stk, e);

    refraction(rr, d, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass);
    double R = (fill.T > 0.1) ?
               fresnel(d, rr, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass) :

    /* totalColor = localColor +
                    mix((1-fill.Kd) * fill.R * reflection, T * refraction, R)
    if (fill.R > 0) {
        /* if we hit something, add the color */
        int old_top = stk->top;
        if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, r, stk, rectangulars, spheres,
                      lights, reflection_part,
                      bounces_left - 1)) {
            multiply_vector(reflection_part, R * (1.0 - fill.Kd) * fill.R,
            add_vector(object_color, reflection_part,
        stk->top = old_top;
    /* calculate refraction ray */
    if ((length(rr) > 0.0) && (fill.T > 0.0) &&
            (fill.index_of_refraction > 0.0)) {
        if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, rr, stk,rectangulars, spheres,
                      lights, refraction_part,
                      bounces_left - 1)) {
            multiply_vector(refraction_part, (1 - R) * fill.T,
            add_vector(object_color, refraction_part,

    return 1;

/* @param background_color this is not ambient light */
void raytracing(void* args)
    arg *data = (arg*) args;
    point3 u, v, w, d;
    color object_color = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

    const viewpoint *view = (*data).View;
    color back = { 0.0 , 0.1 , 0.1 };
    uint8_t *pixels = data->pixels;
    int start_j,end_j;

    /*	Separate to count the pixels  */
    if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[0])) {
        start_j = 0;
        end_j = 128;
    } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[1])) {
        start_j = 128;
        end_j = 256;
    } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[2])) {
        start_j = 256;
        end_j = 384;
    } else if(pthread_equal(pthread_self(),THREAD[3])) {
        start_j = 384;
        end_j = 512;

    /* calculate u, v, w */
    calculateBasisVectors(u, v, w, view);

    idx_stack stk;

    int factor = sqrt(SAMPLES);

    #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(64)	\
    private(stk), private(d),	\
    for (int j = start_j ; j < end_j; j++) {
        for (int i = 0 ; i < (*data).row; i++) {
            double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
            /* MSAA */
            for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLES; s++) {
                rayConstruction(d, u, v, w,
                                i * factor + s / factor,
                                j * factor + s % factor,
                                (*data).row * factor, (*data).col * factor);
                if (ray_color(view->vrp, 0.0, d, &stk,(*data).rectangulars,
                              (*data).spheres, (*data).lights, object_color,
                              MAX_REFLECTION_BOUNCES)) {
                    r += object_color[0];
                    g += object_color[1];
                    b += object_color[2];
                } else {
                    r += back[0];
                    g += back[1];
                    b += back[2];
                pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 0] = r * 255 / SAMPLES;
                pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 1] = g * 255 / SAMPLES;
                pixels[((i + (j * (*data).row)) * 3) + 2] = b * 255 / SAMPLES;
Exemple #6
void PlusRefraction(double *H)
{ *H+=refraction(M_PI/2-(*H),DAVLENIE,TEMPERATURA); }
 * This is the recursive ray tracer - you need to implement this!
 * You should decide what arguments to use.
vec3 recursive_ray_trace(vec3 eye, vec3 ray, int num, bool inobj) {
// do your thing here
	if(num>step_max) return null_clr;
	vec3 hit;
	int isplane;
	void *sph = intersect_scene(eye, ray, scene, &hit, &isplane);

	vec3 color = null_clr;
	if(sph==NULL) { 
		return background_clr;

	vec3 lightvec = light1 - hit;
	vec3 lightvec_normal = normalize(lightvec);
	vec3 lighthit;
	int lightisplane;
	void * light_sph = intersect_scene(hit, lightvec_normal, scene, &lighthit, &lightisplane);
	vec3 surf_normal = isplane?vec3(0,1,0):sphere_normal(hit, (Spheres*)sph);

	if(light_sph==NULL) {
		color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
	else {
		if(!shadow_on) {
			color += phong(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);
		else {
			color += get_shadow(-1*ray, lightvec, surf_normal, sph, hit, isplane);

	if(reflect_on) {
		vec3 reflect_vector = 2*dot(-1*ray, surf_normal)*surf_normal + ray;
		reflect_vector = normalize(reflect_vector);
		if(isplane) {
			color += ((struct plane*)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector,num+1, inobj);
		else if(!isplane)
			color += ((Spheres *)sph)->reflectance * recursive_ray_trace(hit, reflect_vector, num+1, inobj);
	if(refract_on) {
		vec3 outlightvector; 
		if(refraction(hit, -1*ray, sph, isplane, inobj, &outlightvector)) {
			if(!isplane) {
//				printf("refraction point\n");
				Spheres * refractsph = (Spheres *)sph;
				color += refractsph->refr*recursive_ray_trace(hit, outlightvector, num+1, !inobj);
	if(diffuse_reflection_on && num<2) {
		int i;
		for (i=0;i<DIFFUSE_REFLECTION;i++) {
			float xtheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ytheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			float ztheta = 2.0 * static_cast <float> (rand()) / static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX) - 1.0;
			vec3 dfray;
			dfray = rotateX(xtheta*M_PI,surf_normal);
			dfray = rotateY(ytheta*M_PI,dfray);
			dfray = rotateZ(ztheta*M_PI,dfray);
			color += (0.1/DIFFUSE_REFLECTION)*recursive_ray_trace(hit, dfray, num+1, inobj);

	return color;

void EnvironmentRender::render(kgmIGraphics::INode* n)
  if (!n || n->getNodeType() != kgmIGraphics::NodeMesh)

  kgmMesh* mesh = (kgmMesh*) n->getNodeObject();

  if (!mesh)

  kgmMaterial* mtl = n->getNodeMaterial();

  if (!mtl)

  mtx4 m = n->getNodeTransform();
  vec3 p = vec3(m.m[12], m.m[13], m.m[14]);
  box3 b = mesh->bound();

  vec3 nr = mesh->normal();

  vec4 col  = mtl->color();
  vec4 spec = mtl->specular();

  kgmShader* sh = null;
  gchandle   tx = null;

  if (mtl->envMapping() == kgmMaterial::EnvironmentMappingCube)
    m_discard = n;

    reflection(p, b, m_tx_cube);
    sh = m_sd_cube;
    tx = m_tx_cube;

    //if (mtl->transparency() > 0.01)
    //  refraction(p, b, m_tx_refraction);
  else if (mtl->envMapping() == kgmMaterial::EnvironmentMappingPlane)
    m_discard = n;

    reflection(p, nr, gr->m_camera->mPos.z, m_tx_plane);

    sh = m_sd_plane;
    tx = m_tx_plane;

    if (mtl->transparency() > 0.01)
      refraction(p, nr, m_tx_refraction);

  if (!sh)

  gc->gcSetViewport(0, 0, gr->m_viewport.width(), gr->m_viewport.height(),
                    gr->m_camera->mNear, gr->m_camera->mFar);

  if (mtl->getTexNormal())
    gc->gcSetTexture(1, mtl->getTexNormal()->texture());
    gc->gcSetTexture(1, gr->m_tex_gray->texture());

  if (mtl->transparency() > 0.01)
    gc->gcSetTexture(2, m_tx_refraction);
    gc->gcSetTexture(2, gr->m_tex_white->texture());

  gc->gcSetTexture(3, tx);

  m.m[0] += 0.001;
  m.m[5] += 0.001;
  m.m[10] += 0.001;

  vec3 cn = gr->m_camera->mPos - vec3(m.m[12], m.m[13], m.m[14]);

  m.m[12] += 0.001 * cn.x;
  m.m[13] += 0.001 * cn.y;
  m.m[14] += 0.001 * cn.z;

  move.x += 0.001 * mtl->move().x;
  move.y += 0.001 * mtl->move().y;

  f32 force = mtl->envIntensity();
  f32 random = (f32) rand() / (f32) RAND_MAX;
  f32 fresnel = mtl->fresnel();
  f32 distortion = 0.02 + mtl->distortion();

  gc->gcBlend(true, 0, gcblend_srcalpha, gcblend_srcialpha);
  //gc->gcBlend(true, 0, gcblend_dstcol, gcblend_zero);
  //gc->gcBlend(true, 0, gcblend_one, gcblend_one);

  sh->set("g_mProj", gr->m_camera->mProj);
  sh->set("g_mView", gr->m_camera->mView);
  sh->set("g_mTran", m);
  sh->set("g_vUp",   gr->m_camera->mUp);
  sh->set("g_vEye",  gr->m_camera->mPos);
  sh->set("g_vLook", gr->m_camera->mDir);
  sh->set("g_vColor",  col);
  sh->set("g_vMove",   move);
  sh->set("g_fRandom", random);
  sh->set("g_fFresnel", fresnel);
  sh->set("g_fForce",   force);
  sh->set("g_fDistort", distortion);

  sh->set("g_txNormal", 1);
  sh->set("g_txSpecular", 2);
  sh->set("g_txEnvironment", 3);


  gc->gcBlend(false, 0, 0, 0);
Exemple #9
static unsigned int ray_color(const point3 e, double t,
                              const point3 d,
                              idx_stack *stk,
                              const rectangular_node rectangulars,
                              const sphere_node spheres,
                              const light_node lights,
                              color object_color, int bounces_left)
    rectangular_node hit_rec = NULL, light_hit_rec = NULL;
    sphere_node hit_sphere = NULL, light_hit_sphere = NULL;
    double diffuse, specular;
    point3 l, _l, r, rr;
    object_fill fill;

    color reflection_part;
    color refraction_part;
    /* might be a reflection ray, so check how many times we've bounced */
    if (bounces_left == 0) {
        SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
        return 0;

    /* check for intersection with a sphere or a rectangular */
    intersection ip= ray_hit_object(e, d, t, MAX_DISTANCE, rectangulars,
                                    &hit_rec, spheres, &hit_sphere);
    if (!hit_rec && !hit_sphere)
        return 0;

    /* pick the fill of the object that was hit */
    fill = hit_rec ?
           hit_rec->element.rectangular_fill :

    void *hit_obj = hit_rec ? (void *) hit_rec : (void *) hit_sphere;

    /* assume it is a shadow */
    SET_COLOR(object_color, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

    for (light_node light = lights; light; light = light->next) {
        /* calculate the intersection vector pointing at the light */
        subtract_vector(ip.point, light->element.position, l);
        multiply_vector(l, -1, _l);
        /* check for intersection with an object. use ignore_me
         * because we don't care about this normal
        ray_hit_object(ip.point, _l, MIN_DISTANCE, length(l),
                       rectangulars, &light_hit_rec,
                       spheres, &light_hit_sphere);
        /* the light was not block by itself(lit object) */
        if (light_hit_rec || light_hit_sphere)

        compute_specular_diffuse(&diffuse, &specular, d, l,
                                 ip.normal, fill.phong_power);

        localColor(object_color, light->element.light_color,
                   diffuse, specular, &fill);

    reflection(r, d, ip.normal);
    double idx = idx_stack_top(stk).idx, idx_pass = fill.index_of_refraction;
    if (idx_stack_top(stk).obj == hit_obj) {
        idx_pass = idx_stack_top(stk).idx;
    } else {
        idx_stack_element e = { .obj = hit_obj,
                                .idx = fill.index_of_refraction
        idx_stack_push(stk, e);

    refraction(rr, d, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass);
    double R = (fill.T > 0.1) ?
               fresnel(d, rr, ip.normal, idx, idx_pass) :

    /* totalColor = localColor +
                    mix((1-fill.Kd) * fill.R * reflection, T * refraction, R)
    if (fill.R > 0) {
        /* if we hit something, add the color */
        int old_top = stk->top;
        if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, r, stk, rectangulars, spheres,
                      lights, reflection_part,
                      bounces_left - 1)) {
            multiply_vector(reflection_part, R * (1.0 - fill.Kd) * fill.R,
            add_vector(object_color, reflection_part,
        stk->top = old_top;
    /* calculate refraction ray */
    if ((length(rr) > 0.0) && (fill.T > 0.0) &&
            (fill.index_of_refraction > 0.0)) {
        if (ray_color(ip.point, MIN_DISTANCE, rr, stk,rectangulars, spheres,
                      lights, refraction_part,
                      bounces_left - 1)) {
            multiply_vector(refraction_part, (1 - R) * fill.T,
            add_vector(object_color, refraction_part,

    return 1;

static void *parallel (void* range1)
    Thread_range *range = (Thread_range *)range1;

    point3 d;
    idx_stack stk;
    color object_color = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

    for (int j = range->height1; j < range->height2; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < range->ptr->width; i++) {
            double r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
            /* MSAA */
            for (int s = 0; s < SAMPLES; s++) {
                rayConstruction(d, range->ptr->u,
				range->ptr->v, range->ptr->w,
                                i * range->ptr->factor + s / range->ptr->factor,
                                j * range->ptr->factor + s % range->ptr->factor,
                                range->ptr->width * range->ptr->factor, 
				range->ptr->height * range->ptr->factor);
                if (ray_color(range->ptr->view->vrp, 0.0, d,
			      &(stk), range->ptr->rectangulars,
                              range->ptr->lights, object_color,
                              MAX_REFLECTION_BOUNCES)) {
                    r += object_color[0];
                    g += object_color[1];
                    b += object_color[2];
                } else {
                    r += range->ptr->background_color[0];
                    g += range->ptr->background_color[1];
                    b += range->ptr->background_color[2];
                range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 0] = r * 255 / SAMPLES;
                range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 1] = g * 255 / SAMPLES;
                range->ptr->pixels[((i + (j * range->ptr->width)) * 3) + 2] = b * 255 / SAMPLES;
	return NULL;