// verify the person, the machine and the URL exist in our DB
REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *registry_verify_request(char *person_guid, char *machine_guid, char *url, REGISTRY_PERSON **pp, REGISTRY_MACHINE **mm) {
    char pbuf[GUID_LEN + 1], mbuf[GUID_LEN + 1];

    if(!person_guid || !*person_guid || !machine_guid || !*machine_guid || !url || !*url) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: invalid request! person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid?person_guid:"UNSET", machine_guid?machine_guid:"UNSET", url?url:"UNSET");
        return NULL;

    // normalize the url
    url = registry_fix_url(url, NULL);

    // make sure the person GUID is valid
    if(regenerate_guid(person_guid, pbuf) == -1) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: invalid person GUID, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid, machine_guid, url);
        return NULL;
    person_guid = pbuf;

    // make sure the machine GUID is valid
    if(regenerate_guid(machine_guid, mbuf) == -1) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: invalid machine GUID, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid, machine_guid, url);
        return NULL;
    machine_guid = mbuf;

    // make sure the machine exists
    REGISTRY_MACHINE *m = registry_machine_find(machine_guid);
    if(!m) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: machine not found, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid, machine_guid, url);
        return NULL;
    if(mm) *mm = m;

    // make sure the person exist
    REGISTRY_PERSON *p = registry_person_find(person_guid);
    if(!p) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: person not found, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid, machine_guid, url);
        return NULL;
    if(pp) *pp = p;

    REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *pu = registry_person_url_index_find(p, url);
    if(!pu) {
        info("Registry Request Verification: URL not found for person, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s'", person_guid, machine_guid, url);
        return NULL;
    return pu;
char *registry_get_this_machine_guid(void) {
    static char guid[GUID_LEN + 1] = "";

        return guid;

    // read it from disk
    int fd = open(registry.machine_guid_filename, O_RDONLY);
    if(fd != -1) {
        char buf[GUID_LEN + 1];
        if(read(fd, buf, GUID_LEN) != GUID_LEN)
            error("Failed to read machine GUID from '%s'", registry.machine_guid_filename);
        else {
            buf[GUID_LEN] = '\0';
            if(regenerate_guid(buf, guid) == -1) {
                error("Failed to validate machine GUID '%s' from '%s'. Ignoring it - this might mean this netdata will appear as duplicate in the registry.",
                        buf, registry.machine_guid_filename);

                guid[0] = '\0';
            else if(is_machine_guid_blacklisted(guid))
                guid[0] = '\0';

    // generate a new one?
    if(!guid[0]) {
        uuid_t uuid;

        uuid_unparse_lower(uuid, guid);
        guid[GUID_LEN] = '\0';

        // save it
        fd = open(registry.machine_guid_filename, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 444);
        if(fd == -1)
            fatal("Cannot create unique machine id file '%s'. Please fix this.", registry.machine_guid_filename);

        if(write(fd, guid, GUID_LEN) != GUID_LEN)
            fatal("Cannot write the unique machine id file '%s'. Please fix this.", registry.machine_guid_filename);


    setenv("NETDATA_REGISTRY_UNIQUE_ID", guid, 1);

    return guid;
// 1. validate machine GUID
// 2. if it is valid, find it or create it and return it
// 3. if it is not valid, return NULL
REGISTRY_MACHINE *registry_machine_get(const char *machine_guid, time_t when) {

    if(likely(machine_guid && *machine_guid)) {
        // validate it is a GUID
        char buf[GUID_LEN + 1];
        if(unlikely(regenerate_guid(machine_guid, buf) == -1))
            info("Registry: machine guid '%s' is not a valid guid. Ignoring it.", machine_guid);
        else {
            machine_guid = buf;
            m = registry_machine_find(machine_guid);
            if(!m) m = registry_machine_allocate(machine_guid, when);

    return m;
// 1. validate person GUID
// 2. if it is valid, find it
// 3. if it is not valid, create a new one
// 4. return it
REGISTRY_PERSON *registry_person_get(const char *person_guid, time_t when) {
    debug(D_REGISTRY, "Registry: registry_person_get('%s'): creating dictionary of urls", person_guid);


    if(person_guid && *person_guid) {
        char buf[GUID_LEN + 1];
        // validate it is a GUID
        if(unlikely(regenerate_guid(person_guid, buf) == -1))
            info("Registry: person guid '%s' is not a valid guid. Ignoring it.", person_guid);
        else {
            person_guid = buf;
            p = registry_person_find(person_guid);

    if(!p) p = registry_person_allocate(NULL, when);

    return p;
REGISTRY_MACHINE *registry_request_machine(char *person_guid, char *machine_guid, char *url, char *request_machine, time_t when) {

    char mbuf[GUID_LEN + 1];

    REGISTRY_PERSON_URL *pu = registry_verify_request(person_guid, machine_guid, url, &p, &m);
    if(!pu || !p || !m) return NULL;

    // make sure the machine GUID is valid
    if(regenerate_guid(request_machine, mbuf) == -1) {
        info("Registry Machine URLs request: invalid machine GUID, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s', request machine '%s'", p->guid, m->guid, pu->url->url, request_machine);
        return NULL;
    request_machine = mbuf;

    // make sure the machine exists
    m = registry_machine_find(request_machine);
    if(!m) {
        info("Registry Machine URLs request: machine not found, person: '%s', machine '%s', url '%s', request machine '%s'", p->guid, machine_guid, pu->url->url, request_machine);
        return NULL;

    // Verify the user has in the past accessed this machine
    // We will walk through the PERSON_URLs to find the machine
    // linking to our machine

    // a structure to pass to the dictionary_get_all() callback handler
    struct machine_request_callback_data rdata = { m, NULL };

    // request a walk through on the dictionary
    avl_traverse(&p->person_urls, machine_request_callback, &rdata);

        return m;

    return NULL;