bool CDolo8264COM::SearchLayer1(CString &str_url) { CString cs_webContent; vector<string> astr; //下载链接集合 // // int t1 = str_url.Find(_T("album-id")); if(t1 >-1) { str_url.Delete(t1,str_url.GetLength() - t1); str_url+=_T("album-view-me-from-space.html"); } DownloadUrlPage(str_url,cs_webContent); regex reg("[a-zA-z]+://[^\\s]*.html\" class=\"xi2\""); //图片模式 smatch m1; string s = cs_webContent.GetBuffer(); string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); string::const_iterator end=s.end(); while(regex_search(it,end,m1,reg)) { /* int size = m1[0].length();*/ string msg(m1[0].first,m1[0].second); msg.erase(msg.size()-14,msg.size()); astr.push_back(msg); it = m1[0].second; msg.empty(); myidle(); } s.empty(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<astr.size();i++) { CString strMfc=astr[i].c_str(); SearchLayer3(strMfc); } astr.empty(); return true; }
/** Given a string such as * "<glob> <glob> ... *.{abc,def} <glob>", * convert the csh-style brace expresions: * "<glob> <glob> ... *.abc *.def <glob>". * Requires no system support, so should work equally on Unix, Mac, Win32. */ static string const convert_brace_glob(string const & glob) { // Matches " *.{abc,def,ghi}", storing "*." as group 1 and // "abc,def,ghi" as group 2, while allowing spaces in group 2. static lyx::regex const glob_re(" *([^ {]*)\\{([^}]+)\\}"); // Matches "abc" and "abc,", storing "abc" as group 1, // while ignoring surrounding spaces. static lyx::regex const block_re(" *([^ ,}]+) *,? *"); string pattern; string::const_iterator it = glob.begin(); string::const_iterator const end = glob.end(); while (true) { match_results<string::const_iterator> what; if (!regex_search(it, end, what, glob_re)) { // Ensure that no information is lost. pattern += string(it, end); break; } // Everything from the start of the input to // the start of the match. pattern += string(what[-1].first, what[-1].second); // Given " *.{abc,def}", head == "*." and tail == "abc,def". string const head = string(what[1].first, what[1].second); string const tail = string(what[2].first, what[2].second); // Split the ','-separated chunks of tail so that // $head{$chunk1,$chunk2} becomes "$head$chunk1 $head$chunk2". string const fmt = " " + head + "$1"; pattern += regex_replace(tail, block_re, fmt); // Increment the iterator to the end of the match. it += distance(it, what[0].second); } return pattern; }
string WebPage::evaluateRegexOnXPath_first(string exp, string xpath) { evaluateXPath(xpath); if (xpathObj) { string flattened; for (int i = 0; i < xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr; i++) { xmlChar *strRep = xmlXPathCastNodeToString(xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[i]); string nodeStr((char*)strRep); if (!nodeStr.empty()) flattened += nodeStr + string("\n"); xmlFree(strRep); } regex rankREGEX(exp); smatch match; regex_search(flattened, match, rankREGEX); return match.str(); } else return ""; }
regex_search_result<ForwardIteratorT> operator()( ForwardIteratorT Begin, ForwardIteratorT End ) const { typedef ForwardIteratorT input_iterator_type; typedef regex_search_result<ForwardIteratorT> result_type; // instantiate match result match_results<input_iterator_type> result; // search for a match if ( regex_search( Begin, End, result, m_Rx, m_MatchFlags ) ) { // construct a result return result_type( result ); } else { // empty result return result_type( End ); } }
void SignalFrame::insert( std::vector<std::string>& input ) { // extract: variable_name:type=value or variable_name:array[type]=value1,value2 boost::regex expression( "([[:word:]]+)(\\:([[:word:]]+)(\\[([[:word:]]+)\\])?=(.*))?" ); boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what; boost_foreach (const std::string& arg, input) { std::string name; std::string type; std::string subtype; // in case of array<type> std::string value; if (regex_search(arg,what,expression)) { name=what[1]; type=what[3]; subtype=what[5]; value=what[6]; //CFinfo << name << ":" << type << (subtype.empty() ? std::string() : std::string("["+subtype+"]")) << "=" << value << CFendl; if(type == "array") { set_array(name, subtype, value, " ; "); } else { set_option(name, type, value); } } else throw ParsingFailed(FromHere(), "Could not parse [" + arg + "].\n"+ "Format should be:\n" " - for simple types: variable_name:type=value\n" " - for array types: variable_name:array[type]=value1,value2\n" " with possible type: [bool,unsigned,integer,real,string,uri]"); }
void bcp_implementation::add_dependent_lib(const std::string& libname, const fs::path& p, const fileview& view) { // // if the boost library libname has source associated with it // then add the source to our list: // if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "src")) { if(!m_dependencies.count(fs::path("libs") / libname / "src")) { if(scanner.count(libname) == 0) init_library_scanner(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "src", m_cvs_mode, libname); boost::cmatch what; if(regex_search(view.begin(), view.end(), what, scanner[libname])) { std::cout << "INFO: tracking source dependencies of library " << libname << " due to presence of \"" << what << "\" in file " << p << std::endl; //std::cout << "Full text match was: " << what << std::endl; m_dependencies[fs::path("libs") / libname / "src"] = p; // set up dependency tree add_path(fs::path("libs") / libname / "src"); if(fs::exists(m_boost_path / "libs" / libname / "build")) { if(!m_dependencies.count(fs::path("libs") / libname / "build")) { m_dependencies[fs::path("libs") / libname / "build"] = p; // set up dependency tree add_path(fs::path("libs") / libname / "build"); //m_dependencies[fs::path("boost-build.jam")] = p; //add_path(fs::path("boost-build.jam")); m_dependencies[fs::path("Jamroot")] = p; add_path(fs::path("Jamroot")); //m_dependencies[fs::path("tools/build")] = p; //add_path(fs::path("tools/build")); } } } } } }
HAMIGAKI_BJAM_DECL string_list transform(context& ctx) { frame& f = ctx.current_frame(); const list_of_list& args = f.arguments(); const string_list& list = args[0]; const std::string& pattern = bjam::convert_regex(args[1][0]); const string_list& arg3 = args[2]; std::vector<int> indices; if (arg3.empty()) indices.push_back(1); else { indices.reserve(arg3.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < arg3.size(); ++i) indices.push_back(std::atoi(arg3[i].c_str())); } string_list result; // Note: bjam's regex is not the same as "egrep" and "ECMAScript" boost::regex rex(pattern); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { boost::smatch what; if (regex_search(list[i], what, rex)) { for (std::size_t j = 0; j < indices.size(); ++j) { const std::string& s = what[indices[j]].str(); if (!s.empty()) result += s; } } } return result; }
CommandResponse CommandInterface::SendCommand(std::string cmd) { CURLcode rc; CURL *handle = connection->getHandle(); last_response.clear(); read_buffer.clear(); std::ostringstream cmd_url; cmd_url << "http://" << connection->host() << ":" << connection->port() << "/" << cmd; last_cmd_url = cmd_url.str(); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "curl/7.58.0"); /* send all data to this function */ curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, WriteCallback); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, &read_buffer); curl_easy_setopt(handle, CURLOPT_URL, cmd_url.str().c_str()); rc = curl_easy_perform(handle); if (rc != CURLE_OK) { throw std::runtime_error(curl_easy_strerror(rc)); } // all responses are hidden in HTML comments ... std::regex response_comment_re("<!--(.*)-->", std::regex_constants::ECMAScript); std::smatch comment_match; if (!regex_search(read_buffer, comment_match, response_comment_re)) { throw std::runtime_error("parsing error, response not found "); } last_response = comment_match[1].str(); if (last_response.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("parsing error, response empty"); } return CommandResponse(comment_match[1].str()); }
HAMIGAKI_BJAM_DECL string_list subst(context& ctx) { frame& f = ctx.current_frame(); const list_of_list& args = f.arguments(); const string_list& arg1 = args[0]; const std::string& str = arg1[0]; const std::string& pattern = bjam::convert_regex(arg1[1]); // Note: bjam's regex is not the same as "egrep" and "ECMAScript" boost::regex rex(pattern); string_list result; boost::smatch what; if (regex_search(str, what, rex)) { for (std::size_t i = 2, size = arg1.size(); i < size; ++i) result += what.format(arg1[i]); } return result; }
void IndexClasses(map_type& m, const std::string& file) { std::string::const_iterator start, end; start = file.begin(); end = file.end(); boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what; boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default; while(regex_search(start, end, what, expression, flags)) { // what[0] contains the whole string // what[5] contains the class name. // what[6] contains the template specialisation if any. // add class name and position to map: m[std::string(what[5].first, what[5].second) + std::string(what[6].first, what[6].second)] = what[5].first - file.begin(); // update search position: start = what[0].second; // update flags: flags |= boost::match_prev_avail; flags |= boost::match_not_bob; } }
/* Looks for a partial match Checked */ void BookCollection::partialMatch(std::string title, std::vector<std::list<BookData>::iterator>&found) { // To hold the position of the found book std::list<BookData>::iterator pos = bookList.begin(); // creates a regular expression using the string that is passed // and flags the expression to be case insensitive std::regex e(title, std::regex_constants::ECMAScript | std::regex_constants::icase); // look through the array of books for (unsigned int index = 0; index < bookList.size(); index++) { // if string matches a subtring of the title if (regex_search(pos->getTitle(), e)) { // add the index to the array found.push_back(pos); } // end if pos++; } // end for } // end function partialMatch
void SocketServer::run() { cout << "Server start at " << this->tcpServer.getPort() << endl; idCli = 0; string dataR; while (this->servRun) { this->tcpServer.waitConnectedClient(); for (int i = 0; i < this->tcpServer.getLastID(); i++) { if (this->tcpServer.isClientConnected(i)) { idCli = i; cout << "Client Add ID :" << this->tcpServer.getLastID() << endl; while (this->tcpServer.isClientConnected(idCli)) { dataR = this->tcpServer.receive(idCli); if (dataR != "") { //regex self_regex("SpeedLife ([0-9]+)",regex_constants::ECMAScript | regex_constants::icase); regex self_regex("PUSH But", regex_constants::ECMAScript | regex_constants::icase); smatch match; //cout << dataR << endl; if (regex_search(dataR, match, self_regex )) { this->dataLife->launchInvade = true; //std::cout << (unsigned int)stoul(match[1]) << " ok ok \n"; //this->dataLife->speedLifeGame = (unsigned int) stoul(match[1]); } //this->tcpServer.send(idCli, "You sent: " + dataR); } this->tcpServer.sleep(50); } cout << "Client Out" << endl; } } this->tcpServer.sleep(1000); } cout << "Server close" << endl; }
/*! * \brief Calcule la littérale résultante de l'expression */ Litterale* LitteraleExpression::eval() { Interpreteur& inter=Interpreteur::getInstance(); FactoryLitterale& fl=FactoryLitterale::getInstance(); FactoryOperateur& fo=FactoryOperateur::getInstance(); string s(exp); regex e; smatch m; // Traitement des opérateurs unaires s'appliquant à l'expression regex opUnaire("([A-Z](?:[A-Z]|[0-9])*)\\(([^,\\(\\)]+)\\)"); while (std::regex_search (s,m,opUnaire)) { cout<<m[0]<<" "<<m[1]<<" "<<m[2]<<endl; // m[1] l'opérateur et m[2] l'argument if(inter.isOperateur(m[1])) { Litterale* l1 = fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[2])->eval(); Operateur* op= inter.toOperateur(m[1]); return op->applyUnaire(l1); } } // Traitement des opérateurs binaires s'appliquant à l'expression regex opBinaire("([A-Z](?:[A-Z]|[0-9])*)\\(([^,\\(]+),([^,\\(\\)]+)\\)"); while (std::regex_search (s,m,opBinaire)) { //cout<<m[0]<<" "<<m[1]<<" "<<m[2]<<" "<<m[3]<<endl; // m[1] l'opérateur et m[2] l'argument 1 et m[2] l'argument 2 if(inter.isOperateur(m[1])) { Litterale* l1 = fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[2])->eval(); Litterale* l2 = fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[3])->eval(); Operateur* op= inter.toOperateur(m[1]); return op->applyBinaire(l1,l2); } } // Remplacement des variables par leur contenu regex atome("((?:[[:upper:]]{1})(?:[[:upper:]]|[[:digit:]])*)"); while (regex_search(s,m,atome)) { LitteraleAtome* var = LitteraleAtome::getVar(m[1]); if(var) { Litterale* c = var->getValeur(); s.replace(s.find(m[0]), m[0].length(), c->toString()); } } // Traitement des groupes parenthésés // Le but est de ne se retrouver qu'avec // une suite d'opérations arithmétiques sans parenthèses regex paren("\\(([^\\(]*?)\\)"); while (regex_search(s,m,paren)) { //cout<<m[0]<<" va être remplcé par "<<m[1]<<endl; Litterale* c = fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[1])->eval(); //cout<<"av. "<<s<<endl; s.replace(s.find(m[0]), m[0].length(), c->toString()); //cout<<"apr. "<<s<<endl; } // Traitement des + et - regex somme("([^\\+]*[1-9])([\\+-])(.+)"); if (regex_search(s,m,somme)) { //cout<<m[1]<<" "<<m[2]<<" "<<m[3]<<endl; // Conversion en littérale des deux cotés Litterale* l1=fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[1])->eval(); // On converti en littérale la partie gauche Litterale* l2=fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[3])->eval(); // On converti en littérale la partie droite // Création de l'opérateur OperateurNumerique* op=fo.newOperateurNumerique(m[2]); // Application du résultat Litterale* l3=op->applyBinaire(l1, l2); return l3; } // Traitement des * et / regex produit("([^\\+]*[1-9])([\\*/])(.+)"); if (regex_search(s,m,produit)) { //cout<<m[1]<<" "<<m[2]<<" "<<m[3]<<endl; // Conversion en littérale des deux cotés Litterale* l1=fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[1])->eval(); // On converti en littérale la partie gauche Litterale* l2=fl.newLitteraleExpression(m[3])->eval(); // On converti en littérale la partie droite // Création de l'opérateur OperateurNumerique* op=fo.newOperateurNumerique(m[2]); // Application du résultat Litterale* l3=op->applyBinaire(l1, l2); return l3; } // On vérifie que ce n'est pas tout simplement une littérale if(inter.isLitterale(s)) { return inter.toLitterale(s); } return nullptr; }
int main(int argc , char* argv[]) { if (88 == initial_arg(argc , argv)) return 88; char AppPath[MAX_PATH] = {0}; GetAppDir(AppPath); string date_txt = string(AppPath) + "\\date.txt"; string listfile_txt = string(AppPath) + "\\listfile.txt"; if (_chdir(Path_Argv.c_str())) { printf("无法找到的目录: %s\n\a\n\n", Path_Argv.c_str()); print_help(); if (argc == 1) getchar(); return -1; } else if (!Direct_Datelog_Flag) { printf("正在扫描目录: %s\n", Path_Argv.c_str()); // 获得文件名和路径数据输入文件 ,和差不多DIR . /S /AA /TW >\date.txt int file_sum = find_path_save_file(Path_Argv.c_str(), date_txt.c_str()); printf("扫描文件总数量: %d 个文件\t" , file_sum); } ifstream datefile(date_txt.c_str()); ofstream listfile(listfile_txt.c_str()); string readline; // 读取每行,然后使用正则搜索匹配 smatch m; regex e(Reg_Argv); F_STRUCT d_file ; // 简单的文件属性结构 map<string, string> mss_date; size_t file_size_sum = 0 ; while (getline(datefile , readline)) { char buf[MAX_PATH * 2]; char* pch = NULL; if (regex_search(readline, m, e)) { // 符合条件的的文件列表存如容器 // sscanf(readline.c_str() + 32 , "%s | %s" ,, d_file.path); // 不能处理路径和文件名中有空格 sscanf(readline.c_str() + 20 , "%d" , &d_file.size); file_size_sum += d_file.size; sprintf(buf, "%s", readline.c_str() + 32); pch = strchr(buf, '|'); // 查找分割标记 if (pch != NULL) { *pch = '\0'; strcpy( , buf); strcpy(d_file.path , pch + 1); csTrim(; csTrim(d_file.path); // 删除前后空格 mss_date.insert(make_pair(string(d_file.path) + "\\" + , string(; } } } printf("符合条件文件数量: %d 个文件 大小: %d字节\n" , mss_date.size() , file_size_sum); for (auto it = mss_date.begin() ; it != mss_date.end(); ++it) listfile << it->first.substr(it->first.find(":\\") + 2) << "\n"; // 输出结果 datefile.close(); listfile.close(); // 调用7z命令行打包文件, string pkcmd = string("7z.exe a -scsWIN ") + Packfile_Argv + " @" + listfile_txt; if (IsFileExist((string(AppPath) + "\\res\\7z.exe").c_str())) pkcmd = string(AppPath) + "\\res\\" + pkcmd; if (Test_List_Flag) pkcmd = string("TYPE ") + listfile_txt; // 只是显示 listfiel.txt, 不打包文件 _chdir("\\"); system("COLOR F9"); if (system(pkcmd.c_str()) != 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s\t%s %s\n" , "调用打包命令:" , pkcmd.c_str(), "失败!请检查软件目录下是否有 7z.exe"); } print_help(); if (Delete_Datelog_Flag) { remove(date_txt.c_str()); remove(listfile_txt.c_str()); } if (argc == 1) getchar(); return 0; }
BOOST_REGEX_DECL int BOOST_REGEX_CCALL regexecW(const regex_tW* expression, const wchar_t* buf, regsize_t n, regmatch_t* array, int eflags) { #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:4267) #endif bool result = false; match_flag_type flags = match_default | expression->eflags; const wchar_t* end; const wchar_t* start; wcmatch m; if(eflags & REG_NOTBOL) flags |= match_not_bol; if(eflags & REG_NOTEOL) flags |= match_not_eol; if(eflags & REG_STARTEND) { start = buf + array[0].rm_so; end = buf + array[0].rm_eo; } else { start = buf; end = buf + std::wcslen(buf); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS try{ #endif if(expression->re_magic == wmagic_value) { result = regex_search(start, end, m, *static_cast<wc_regex_type*>(expression->guts), flags); } else return result; #ifndef BOOST_NO_EXCEPTIONS } catch(...) { return REG_E_UNKNOWN; } #endif if(result) { // extract what matched: std::size_t i; for(i = 0; (i < n) && (i < expression->re_nsub + 1); ++i) { array[i].rm_so = (m[i].matched == false) ? -1 : (m[i].first - buf); array[i].rm_eo = (m[i].matched == false) ? -1 : (m[i].second - buf); } // and set anything else to -1: for(i = expression->re_nsub + 1; i < n; ++i) { array[i].rm_so = -1; array[i].rm_eo = -1; } return 0; } return REG_NOMATCH; #ifdef BOOST_MSVC #pragma warning(pop) #endif }
inline bool regex_search(const std::basic_string<charT, ST, SA>& s, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return regex_search(s.begin(), s.end(), e, flags); }
inline bool regex_search(const charT* str, const basic_regex<charT, traits>& e, match_flag_type flags = match_default) { return regex_search(str, str + traits::length(str), e, flags); }
PIN_ControllerKeyComboSet* PIN_GameControllerManager::BuildComboSet(PIN_GameControllerEntry* ctrl, PIN_String comboData) { std::string strData(comboData); std::string::const_iterator start, end; start = strData.begin(); end = strData.end(); boost::match_results<std::string::const_iterator> what; boost::match_flag_type flags = boost::match_default; PIN_ControllerKeyComboSet* newSet = new PIN_ControllerKeyComboSet(); std::string strComboString(""); printf("BuildComboSet '%s'\n",comboData); while(regex_search(start, end, what, _keyListRegex, flags)) { std::string strX = what[0].str(); printf("\tBuildComboSet FOUND '%s'\n",strX.c_str()); //SDL_Scancode code = SDL_GetScancodeFromName(strX.c_str()); PIN_String code = strX.c_str(); PIN_GameControllerKeyInfo key = GenerateKeyInfo(code); strComboString+=std::string(start,what[0].first); if(key.KeyType == PIN_GKT_BUTTON) { strComboString+=PIN_KEYFORMAT; } else { char strFormula[PIN_MAXBUFFER_SIZE]; memset(strFormula,0,PIN_MAXBUFFER_SIZE); switch(key.AxisDirection) { case PIN_GAD_BOTH: sprintf(strFormula,"(%%d < -%d | %%d > %d)", ctrl->AxisDeadZone, ctrl->AxisDeadZone); break; case PIN_GAD_NEGATIVE: sprintf(strFormula,"(%%d < -%d)", ctrl->AxisDeadZone); break; case PIN_GAD_POSITIVE: sprintf(strFormula,"(%%d > %d)", ctrl->AxisDeadZone); break; } printf("\t\tAxis formula: %s\n",strFormula); strComboString+=strFormula; } newSet->ComboKeys.push_back(key); // update search position: start = what[0].second; // update flags: flags |= boost::match_prev_avail; flags |= boost::match_not_bob; } strComboString+=std::string(start,end); newSet->ComboString = new char[PIN_MAXBUFFER_SIZE]; memset(newSet->ComboString,0,PIN_MAXBUFFER_SIZE); strcat(newSet->ComboString,strComboString.c_str()); if(newSet->ComboKeys.size() > 0) { return newSet; } else { delete newSet; return NULL; } }
static std::string FixShaderCode(char *text, int textLength, const UniformRules &uniformsRename, bool vertexShader) { struct ReplacePair { ReplacePair(const char *pat, const char *rep) : pattern(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile(pat, (boost::xpressive::regex_constants::ECMAScript | boost::xpressive::regex_constants::optimize))), replace(rep) { } boost::xpressive::sregex pattern; std::string replace; }; static const ReplacePair sFixPairs[] = { ReplacePair("\\.0+E\\+0+\\b", ".0"), ReplacePair("0*E\\+0+\\b", ""), ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.([0-9][1-9])0*E\\+0+2\\b", "$1$2.0"), ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.([1-9])0*E\\+0+1\\b", "$1$2.0"), ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.0+E\\-0+1\\b", "0.$1"), ReplacePair("(\\d+)\\.00+E(\\+\\d+)\\b", "$1.0E$2"), ReplacePair("ATI_draw_buffers", "ARB_draw_buffers"), ReplacePair("\\:require\\n", ":enable\n"), ReplacePair("#version \\d+", ""), }; static const boost::xpressive::sregex structPattern(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile("\\bstruct\\s+(\\w+)\\s*{[^}]*};", (boost::xpressive::regex_constants::ECMAScript | boost::xpressive::regex_constants::optimize))); static const int subs[] = {1}; std::string newtext(text, textLength); // Find all the struct declarations std::list<std::string> structsList; boost::xpressive::sregex_token_iterator cur(newtext.begin(), newtext.end(), structPattern, subs); boost::xpressive::sregex_token_iterator end; for(; cur != end; ++cur ) { structsList.push_back(*cur); } // Remove unused struct declarations if (!structsList.empty()) { const std::list<std::string>::const_iterator itEnd(structsList.end()); for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator it = structsList.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { const std::string &structName(*it); boost::xpressive::sregex_iterator cur(newtext.begin(), newtext.end(), (boost::xpressive::_b >> structName >> boost::xpressive::_b)); boost::xpressive::sregex_iterator end; int count = 0; for(; cur != end; ++cur, ++count) { } if (1 >= count) { const boost::xpressive::sregex removeStructPattern(boost::xpressive::sregex::compile("\\bstruct\\s+" + structName + "\\s*{[^}]*};")); newtext = regex_replace(newtext, removeStructPattern, std::string("")); } } structsList.clear(); } // Fix numbers and GLSL 'require's const size_t numPairs = sizeof(sFixPairs) / sizeof(ReplacePair); for (size_t n = 0; n < numPairs; n++) { newtext = regex_replace(newtext, sFixPairs[n].pattern, sFixPairs[n].replace); } // Fix names of uniform values const UniformRules::const_iterator itEnd(uniformsRename.end()); for (UniformRules::const_iterator it = uniformsRename.begin(); it != itEnd; ++it) { newtext = regex_replace(newtext, (it->first), (it->second)); } // Fix vertex attributes if (vertexShader) { struct AttributeReplaceRule { AttributeReplaceRule(const char *src, const char *dst, const char *tn) : re(boost::xpressive::_b >> src >> boost::xpressive::_b), replace(dst), typeName(tn) { } boost::xpressive::sregex re; std::string replace; const char *typeName; }; static const AttributeReplaceRule sAttributeReplaceRules[] = { AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Vertex", "ATTR0", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Normal", "ATTR2", "vec3"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_Color", "ATTR3", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_SecondaryColor", "ATTR4", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_FogCoord", "ATTR5", "float"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord0", "ATTR8", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord1", "ATTR9", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord2", "ATTR10", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord3", "ATTR11", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord4", "ATTR12", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord5", "ATTR13", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord6", "ATTR14", "vec4"), AttributeReplaceRule("gl_MultiTexCoord7", "ATTR15", "vec4") }; const size_t numRules = sizeof(sAttributeReplaceRules) / sizeof(AttributeReplaceRule); for (size_t n = numRules; n--; ) { const AttributeReplaceRule &rule(sAttributeReplaceRules[n]); if (regex_search(newtext, { newtext = regex_replace(newtext,, rule.replace); newtext = std::string("attribute ") + rule.typeName + " " + rule.replace + ";" + newtext; } } }
void YamlConfiguration::read_meta_doc(YAML::Node &doc, std::queue<LoadQueueEntry> &load_queue, std::string &host_file) { try { const YAML::Node &includes = doc["include"]; #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 for (YAML::const_iterator it = includes.begin(); it != includes.end(); ++it) { std::string include = it->as<std::string>(); #else for (YAML::Iterator it = includes.begin(); it != includes.end(); ++it) { std::string include; *it >> include; #endif bool ignore_missing = false; if (it->Tag() == ",cfg/ignore-missing") { ignore_missing = true; } if (it->Tag() == ",cfg/host-specific") { if (host_file != "") { throw Exception("YamlConfig: Only one host-specific file can be specified"); } #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 host_file = abs_cfg_path(it->Scalar()); #else it->GetScalar(host_file); host_file = abs_cfg_path(host_file); #endif continue; } if (include.empty()) { throw Exception("YamlConfig: invalid empty include"); } if (include[include.size() - 1] == '/') { // this should be a directory std::string dirname = abs_cfg_path(include); struct stat dir_stat; if ((stat(dirname.c_str(), &dir_stat) != 0)) { if (ignore_missing) continue; throw Exception(errno, "YamlConfig: Failed to stat directory %s", dirname.c_str()); } if (! S_ISDIR(dir_stat.st_mode)) { throw Exception("YamlConfig: %s is not a directory", dirname.c_str()); } DIR *d = opendir(dirname.c_str()); if (! d) { throw Exception(errno, "YamlConfig: failed to open directory %s", dirname.c_str()); } load_queue.push(LoadQueueEntry(dirname, ignore_missing, true)); std::list<std::string> files; struct dirent *dent; while ((dent = readdir(d)) != NULL) { #ifdef USE_REGEX_CPP if (regex_search(dent->d_name, __yaml_regex)) { # if 0 // just for emacs auto-indentation } # endif #else if (regexec(&__yaml_regex, dent->d_name, 0, NULL, 0) != REG_NOMATCH) { #endif std::string dn = dent->d_name; files.push_back(dirname + dn); } } closedir(d); files.sort(); for (std::list<std::string>::iterator f = files.begin(); f != files.end(); ++f) { load_queue.push(LoadQueueEntry(*f, ignore_missing)); } } else { load_queue.push(LoadQueueEntry(abs_cfg_path(include), ignore_missing)); } } } catch (YAML::KeyNotFound &e) { //ignored, no includes } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { std::string server; std::string port; std::string user; std::string folder; std::string password; std::vector<fs::path> from; std::vector<fs::path> entity; fs::path to; //[Gmail]/Sent Mail po::options_description general_options("General"); general_options.add_options() ("help", "list options"); po::options_description file_options("Load"); file_options.add_options() ("save-raw", po::value<fs::path>(&to), "path to save the data (after download phase)"); po::options_description download_options("Download"); download_options.add_options() ("server", po::value<std::string>(&server), "imap server dns/ip") ("port", po::value<std::string>(&port)->default_value("993"), "imap port") ("folder", po::value<std::string>(&folder)->default_value("Sent"), "imap folder") ("user", po::value<std::string>(&user), "imap username") ("password", po::value<std::string>(&password), "imap password (will ask if not specified)"); po::options_description run_options("Run"); po::options_description all_options("Email Topology Options"); all_options .add(general_options) .add(file_options) .add(download_options); if(argc < 2) { std::cout << all_options << std::endl; return 1; } po::variables_map vm; try { int options_style = po::command_line_style::default_style; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, all_options, options_style), vm); po::notify(vm); } catch(std::exception& e) { std::cout << all_options << std::endl; std::cout << "Command line parsing failed: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } if(vm.count("help")) { std::cout << all_options << std::endl; return 1; } email_id_bimap email_id; connectedness_graph cg; entity_map em; initial_group_partition_map igpm; if(!vm.count("save-raw")) { std::cout << "you must specify --save-raw with a file name" << std::endl; return 1; } if(!vm.count("password")) { password = getpass("Password: "******"missing server for download" << std::endl; return 1; } if(user.empty()) { std::cout << "missing user for download" << std::endl; return 1; } if(password.empty()) { std::cout << "missing user for download" << std::endl; return 1; } //this is our network block, downloads all messages headers try { std::cout << "downloading " << folder << " from " << server << std::endl; //use to dedupe if there are dupes message_id_set message_id; typedef boost::function<void (const std::string&, const std::list<std::string>& args)> untagged_handler; std::string pending_tag = "* "; std::list<std::string> pending_command; pending_command.push_back("WAIT_FOR_ACK"); untagged_handler pending_handler; unsigned int command_id = 0; //The sequence of imap commands we want to run std::list<std::list<std::string> > commands; std::list<untagged_handler> handlers; handlers.push_back(log_handler()); commands.push_back(std::list<std::string>()); std::ostringstream login_os; login_os << "LOGIN \"" << user << "\" {" << password.size() << "}"; commands.back().push_back(login_os.str()); commands.back().push_back(password); handlers.push_back(log_handler()); commands.push_back(std::list<std::string>()); commands.back().push_back("LIST \"\" *"); handlers.push_back(log_handler()); commands.push_back(std::list<std::string>()); commands.back().push_back("SELECT \"" + folder + "\""); handlers.push_back(header_handler(email_id, cg, em, message_id, igpm)); commands.push_back(std::list<std::string>()); commands.back().push_back("FETCH 1:* (BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS (MESSAGE-ID FROM TO CC)])"); commands.push_back(std::list<std::string>()); handlers.push_back(log_handler()); commands.back().push_back("LOGOUT"); //open ssl connection to the server, no cert checking asio::io_service io_service; asio::ip::tcp::resolver resolver(io_service); asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query(server, port); asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator iterator = resolver.resolve(query); asio::ssl::context context(io_service, asio::ssl::context::sslv23); context.set_verify_mode(asio::ssl::context::verify_none); asio::ssl::stream<asio::ip::tcp::socket> socket(io_service, context); socket.lowest_layer().connect(*iterator); socket.handshake(asio::ssl::stream_base::client); asio::streambuf buf; while(true) { //read the next line of data std::size_t line_length = asio::read_until(socket, buf, re_crlf); std::string line( asio::buffers_begin(, asio::buffers_begin( + line_length); buf.consume(line_length); boost::match_results<std::string::iterator> what; std::size_t initial = 0; std::list<std::string> args; //the line may be split into segments with chunks of data embedded, this is the case //for bodies or message header blocks that are returned, we only handle this case if it //comes in untagged response (*) not a continuation (+), i think that is normal while(regex_search(line.begin() + initial, line.end(), what, re_byte_buffer, boost::match_default)) { unsigned int bytes = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(what[1].str()); if(buf.size() < bytes) asio::read(socket, buf, asio::transfer_at_least(bytes - buf.size())); args.push_back( std::string( asio::buffers_begin(, asio::buffers_begin( + bytes)); buf.consume(bytes); line.resize(what[1].second - line.begin()); initial = line.size(); //read the next line of data line_length = asio::read_until(socket, buf, re_crlf); line += std::string( asio::buffers_begin(, asio::buffers_begin( + line_length); buf.consume(line_length); } if(boost::algorithm::starts_with(line, pending_tag)) { //if the command is being completed, then we will go here, bail out if the response wasn't ok if(!boost::algorithm::starts_with(line, pending_tag + "OK")) { std::cout << line; throw std::runtime_error("command failed"); } //pull the next command off the list pending_tag = "A" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(command_id++) + " "; if(commands.size() == 0) break; pending_handler = handlers.front(); pending_command = commands.front(); commands.pop_front(); handlers.pop_front(); //send the command along with any data arguments std::cout << pending_tag << pending_command.front() << std::endl; asio::write(socket, asio::buffer(, pending_tag.size())); for(std::list<std::string>::iterator i = pending_command.begin(); i != pending_command.end(); ++i) { if(i != pending_command.begin()) { //print the continuation response std::size_t line_length = asio::read_until(socket, buf, re_crlf); std::string line( asio::buffers_begin(, asio::buffers_begin( + line_length); buf.consume(line_length); std::cout << line << std::flush; if(!boost::algorithm::starts_with(line, "+ ")) { throw std::runtime_error("bad response when writing extra data"); } } else { //print it out as well (but not the args) std::cout << *i << std::endl; } asio::write(socket, asio::buffer(i->data(), i->size())); asio::write(socket, asio::buffer("\r\n", 2)); } } else if(boost::algorithm::starts_with(line, "* ")) { //if there is a registered handler, dispatch to it if(pending_handler) pending_handler(line, args); } else { throw std::runtime_error("unrecognized response"); } } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return 1; } std::cout << std::endl; if(to.empty()) { std::cout << "Missing output file for save" << std::endl; return 1; } if(fs::exists(to)) fs::remove(to); fs::ofstream out(to); std::cout << "saving data to " << to.file_string(); for(connectedness_graph::vertex_iterator i = gr::vertices(cg).first; i != gr::vertices(cg).second; ++i) { out << (unsigned long long)cg[*i].weight; for(members_t::iterator j = cg[*i].members.begin(); j != cg[*i].members.end(); ++j) { out << "\t" <<<bit>().equal_range(*j).first->second; } out << std::endl; } out << "-" << std::endl; for(entity_map::iterator i = em.begin(); i != em.end(); ++i) { out << i->first; for(std::set<std::string>::iterator k = i->second.begin(); k != i->second.end(); ++k) { out << "\t" << *k; } out << std::endl; } return 0; }
//========================================================================================================== // Since the original regular expressions contain references, it is needed to resolove them, i.e. replace // occurrences of _<ELEM_NAME>_ inside the string with the actual value of the regex string for that element //========================================================================================================== void SipParser::SipMatcher::finalize(SipParser* parser) { if(final) { return; } re_str = highlevel_re_str; smatch match; string::const_iterator first = re_str.begin(); string::const_iterator last = re_str.end(); long first_pos = 0; // The position of the first iterator; needed for getting absolute positons from relative match positions //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Go over all references to other SIP elements in the original string, and replace them with the actual // string of the regex of that element. // In the process keep track of sub-matches and their positons. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- while(regex_search(first, last, match, parser->sip_element_re)) { // NOTE: if matcher for the matched element is not finalized yet, it will first be finalized before // returning it! SipMatcher *matcher = parser->get_matcher(match.str()); long pos = first_pos + match.position(); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add to the submatches list a pair of the found element and the number of its sub match, so later // we can retrieve it using the SipElement enum. // Add also the list of submatches that the matcher for this element contains, but need to adjust // their positions by adding an offset of the current submatch position. // All this is done only if the current element is surrounded by () in the original high level re. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if((pos > 0 && re_str[pos-1] == '(') && (pos + match.length() < re_str.length() && re_str[pos + match.length()] == ')' )) { long num_subs = count_num_subs(pos); // Number of submatches up to and including the current one SipElement elem = parser->get_sip_elem(match.str()); subs.emplace(subs.end(), elem, num_subs); // Add a new pair to the vector auto element_subs = matcher->subs; for(auto &p: element_subs) { p.second += num_subs; } subs.insert(subs.end(), element_subs.begin(), element_subs.end()); } // Replace reference with actual regex string in final_re re_str.replace(pos, match.length(), matcher->get_re()); // Adjust first to point to after the replaced portion first_pos = pos + matcher->get_re_length(); first = re_str.begin() + first_pos; // Adjust last to the new end, because string length might have changed last = re_str.end(); } // while re = re_str; final = true;
void YamlConfiguration::read_config_doc(const YAML::Node &doc, YamlConfigurationNode *&node) { if (! node) { node = new YamlConfigurationNode("root"); } if (doc.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Map) { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 for (YAML::const_iterator it = doc.begin(); it != doc.end(); ++it) { std::string key = it-><std::string>(); #else for (YAML::Iterator it = doc.begin(); it != doc.end(); ++it) { std::string key; it.first() >> key; #endif YamlConfigurationNode *in = node; if (key.find("/") != std::string::npos) { // we need to split and find the proper insertion node std::vector<std::string> pel = str_split(key); for (size_t i = 0; i < pel.size() - 1; ++i) { YamlConfigurationNode *n = (*in)[pel[i]]; if (! n) { n = new YamlConfigurationNode(pel[i]); in->add_child(pel[i], n); } in = n; } key = pel.back(); } YamlConfigurationNode *tmp = (*in)[key]; if (tmp) { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 if (tmp->is_scalar() && it->second.Type() != YAML::NodeType::Scalar) #else if (tmp->is_scalar() && it.second().Type() != YAML::NodeType::Scalar) #endif { throw Exception("YamlConfig: scalar %s cannot be overwritten by non-scalar", tmp->name().c_str()); } #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 tmp->set_scalar(it->second.Scalar()); #else std::string s; if (it.second().GetScalar(s)) { tmp->set_scalar(s); } #endif } else { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 YamlConfigurationNode *tmp = new YamlConfigurationNode(key, it->second); in->add_child(key, tmp); read_config_doc(it->second, tmp); #else YamlConfigurationNode *tmp = new YamlConfigurationNode(key, it.second()); in->add_child(key, tmp); read_config_doc(it.second(), tmp); #endif } } } else if (doc.Type() == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) { if (doc.Tag() == ",cfg/tcp-port" || doc.Tag() == ",cfg/udp-port") { unsigned int p = 0; try { p = node->get_uint(); } catch (Exception &e) { e.prepend("YamlConfig: Invalid TCP/UDP port number (not an unsigned int)"); throw; } if (p <= 0 || p >= 65535) { throw Exception("YamlConfig: Invalid TCP/UDP port number " "(%u out of allowed range)", p); } } else if (doc.Tag() == ",cfg/url") { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 std::string scalar = doc.Scalar(); #else std::string scalar; doc.GetScalar(scalar); #endif #ifdef USE_REGEX_CPP if (regex_search(scalar, __url_regex)) { # if 0 // just for emacs auto-indentation } # endif #else if (regexec(&__url_regex, scalar.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) { throw Exception("YamlConfig: %s is not a valid URL", scalar.c_str()); } #endif } else if (doc.Tag() == ",cfg/frame") { #ifdef HAVE_YAMLCPP_0_5 std::string scalar = doc.Scalar(); #else std::string scalar; doc.GetScalar(scalar); #endif #ifdef USE_REGEX_CPP if (regex_search(scalar, __frame_regex)) { # if 0 // just for emacs auto-indentation } # endif #else if (regexec(&__frame_regex, scalar.c_str(), 0, NULL, 0) == REG_NOMATCH) { throw Exception("YamlConfig: %s is not a valid frame ID", scalar.c_str()); } #endif } } }
void Shader::ShaderCode::load(ifstream &ShaderStream) { string Line = ""; if (ShaderStream.is_open()) { while (getline(ShaderStream, Line)) { if (ShaderStream.eof() || ShaderStream.bad()) break; _code += Line + "\n"; } } else { LOG << string(_path) + " wasn't open :/\n"; return; } //Analyze Code try { //get Structures smatch _structs, _vars; regex structRegex = regex("struct .*?\\n?\\{\\n(.*?;\\n)*\\};"); auto StructBegin = std::sregex_iterator(_code.begin(), _code.end(), structRegex); unsigned int _counter(0); for (auto i = StructBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); i++) { std::string temp = (*i).str(); vector<string> structVar = vector<string>(); regex_search(temp, _vars, regex("struct .*?\\n\\{\\n")); temp = _vars[0].str(); structVar.push_back(temp.substr(7, temp.size() - 10));//adds name temp = (*i).str(); regex structVarRegex = regex("\\t.*? .*?;\\n"); auto StructVarBegin = std::sregex_iterator(temp.begin(), temp.end(), structVarRegex); for (std::sregex_iterator i = StructVarBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) { std::string match_str = (*i).str(); structVar.push_back(match_str.substr(1, match_str.size() - 3)); //write the variables } structVariables.push_back(structVar); _counter++; } LOG << string(_path) + " contains " + to_string(_counter) + " Structures\n"; //read uniforms _counter = 0; regex structVarRegex = regex("uniform .*? .*?;\\n"); auto UniformsBegin = std::sregex_iterator(_code.begin(), _code.end(), structVarRegex); for (auto i = UniformsBegin; i != std::sregex_iterator(); i++) { std::string match_str = (*i).str(); addUniform(match_str.substr(match_str.find_first_of(' ') + 1, match_str.size() - 3 - match_str.find_first_of(' '))); _counter++; } LOG << string(_path) + " contains " + to_string(_counter) + " Uniforms\n"; } catch (regex_error &e) { LOG << string(e.what()) + "\n"; LOG << "Could not Resolve Uniforms in Shader \n"; } }
static void AddMappedParameter(JSON &json, const char *paramName, const char *programString, UniformsMap &uniformRemapping) { const bool isAssembly = (0 == memcmp(programString, "!!ARB", 5)); const char * const vars = strstr(programString, (isAssembly ? "#var" : "//var")); if (NULL != vars) { const size_t paramNameLength = strlen(paramName); const char *var = vars; do { // to skip previous search var += 1; var = strstr(var, paramName); } while (NULL != var && ' ' != var[paramNameLength] && ':' != var[paramNameLength] && '[' != var[paramNameLength]); if (NULL != var) { const char * const semantic = strchr(var, ':'); if (NULL != semantic) { const char *mappedVariable = strchr((semantic + 1), ':'); if (NULL != mappedVariable) { do { mappedVariable++; } while (*mappedVariable <= ' '); const char *mappedVariableEnd = mappedVariable; while (' ' != *mappedVariableEnd && ':' != *mappedVariableEnd && '[' != *mappedVariableEnd && ',' != *mappedVariableEnd && 0 != *mappedVariableEnd) { mappedVariableEnd++; } const size_t mappedVariableLength = (size_t)(mappedVariableEnd - mappedVariable); if (isAssembly) { if (0 < mappedVariableLength) { // Append location to end of string std::string paramString(paramName, paramNameLength); paramString += ':'; // mappedVariable should have the format 'c[{location}]' or 'texunit {location}' const char *location = mappedVariableEnd; while (0 != *location && ('0' > *location || '9' < *location)) { location++; } if (0 != *location) { const char *locationEnd = location; do { locationEnd++; } while (0 != *locationEnd && '0' <= *locationEnd && '9' >= *locationEnd); if (0 != *locationEnd) { paramString.append(location, (size_t)(locationEnd - location)); json.AddData(paramString.c_str(), paramString.size()); } } } return; } const std::string mappedVariableString(mappedVariable, mappedVariableLength); const char * const mappedVariableName = mappedVariableString.c_str(); // Check that it is actually used const char * const main = strstr(mappedVariableEnd, "main()"); if (NULL != main) { const boost::xpressive::cregex re(boost::xpressive::_b >> mappedVariableString >> boost::xpressive::_b); if (!regex_search((main + 6), re)) { return; } } json.AddData(paramName, paramNameLength); const UniformsMap::const_iterator it = uniformRemapping.find(mappedVariableString); if (it == uniformRemapping.end()) { uniformRemapping[mappedVariableString] = paramName; } else if (it->second != paramName) { printf("\nUniform variable conflict '%s':\n\t%s\n\t%s\n", mappedVariableName, it->second.c_str(), paramName); exit(1); } } } } } }
bool init(BidirectionalIterator first) { base = first; return regex_search(first, end, what, re, flags); }
bool CLogDlgFilter::Match (char* text, size_t size) const { // empty text does not match if (size == 0) return false; if (patterns.empty()) { // normalize to lower case if (!caseSensitive) if (fastLowerCase) FastLowerCaseConversion (text, size); else { // all these strings are in utf-8, which means all the // standard c-APIs to convert the string directly to // lowercase won't work: we first have to convert // the string to wide-char. Very very slow, but unavoidable // if we want to make this work right. CStringA as = CStringA(text, (int)size); CString s = CUnicodeUtils::GetUnicode(as); s.MakeLower(); as = CUnicodeUtils::GetUTF8(s); strncpy_s(text, size+1, as, size); } // require all strings to be present bool current_value = true; for (size_t i = 0, count = subStringConditions.size(); i < count; ++i) { const SCondition& condition = subStringConditions[i]; bool found = strstr (text, condition.subString.c_str()) != NULL; switch (condition.prefix) { case and_not: found = !found; // fallthrough case and: if (!found) { // not a match, so skip to the next "+"-prefixed item if (condition.nextOrIndex == 0) return false; current_value = false; i = condition.nextOrIndex-1; } break; case or: current_value |= found; if (!current_value) { // not a match, so skip to the next "+"-prefixed item if (condition.nextOrIndex == 0) return false; i = condition.nextOrIndex-1; } break; } } } else { for ( std::vector<std::tr1::regex>::const_iterator it = patterns.begin() ; it != patterns.end() ; ++it) { if (!regex_search(text, text + size, *it, std::tr1::regex_constants::match_any)) return false; } } return true; }
void oclraster_program::process_program(const string& raw_code, const kernel_spec default_spec) { // preprocess const string code = preprocess_code(raw_code); // parse static const array<const pair<const char*, const STRUCT_TYPE>, 6> oclraster_struct_types { { { u8"oclraster_in", STRUCT_TYPE::INPUT }, { u8"oclraster_out", STRUCT_TYPE::OUTPUT }, { u8"oclraster_uniforms", STRUCT_TYPE::UNIFORMS }, { u8"oclraster_buffers", STRUCT_TYPE::BUFFERS }, { u8"oclraster_images", STRUCT_TYPE::IMAGES }, { u8"oclraster_framebuffer", STRUCT_TYPE::FRAMEBUFFER } } }; static const set<const string> specifiers { "read_only", "write_only", "read_write" }; // current oclraster_struct grammar limitations/requirements: // * no interior/nested structs/unions // * no multi-variable declarations (e.g. "float x, y, z;") // * no __attribute__ (oclraster_structs already have a __attribute__ qualifier) // * use of any oclraster_struct specifier in other places is disallowed (no typedefs, comments, ...) // * otherwise standard OpenCL C // // example: // oclraster_in vertex_input { // float4 vertex; // float4 normal; // float2 tex_coord; // } inputs; // vector<size2> image_struct_positions; try { // parse and extract for(const auto& type : oclraster_struct_types) { size_t struct_pos = 0; while((struct_pos = code.find(type.first, struct_pos)) != string::npos) { // find first ' ' space char and open '{' bracket and extract the structs name const size_t space_pos = code.find_first_of(" {", struct_pos); const size_t open_bracket_pos = code.find("{", struct_pos); if(space_pos == string::npos || code[space_pos] == '{') throw oclraster_exception("no struct name"); if(open_bracket_pos == string::npos) throw oclraster_exception("no struct open bracket"); const string struct_name = core::trim(code.substr(space_pos+1, open_bracket_pos-space_pos-1)); //oclr_msg("struct type: \"%s\"", type.first); //oclr_msg("struct name: \"%s\"", struct_name); // open/close bracket match size_t bracket_pos = open_bracket_pos; size_t open_bracket_count = 1; while(open_bracket_count > 0) { bracket_pos = code.find_first_of("{}", bracket_pos + 1); if(bracket_pos == string::npos) throw oclraster_exception("struct open/close bracket mismatch"); code[bracket_pos] == '{' ? open_bracket_count++ : open_bracket_count--; } const size_t close_bracket_pos = bracket_pos; // const size_t end_semicolon_pos = code.find(";", close_bracket_pos+1); if(end_semicolon_pos == string::npos) { throw oclraster_exception("end-semicolon missing from struct \""+struct_name+"\"!"); } const string object_name = core::trim(code.substr(close_bracket_pos+1, end_semicolon_pos-close_bracket_pos-1)); //oclr_msg("object name: \"%s\"", object_name); // string struct_interior = code.substr(open_bracket_pos+1, close_bracket_pos-open_bracket_pos-1); //oclr_msg("struct interior:\n\t%s\n", struct_interior); // strip unnecessary whitespace and comments, and condense static const regex rx_space("\\s+", regex::optimize); static const regex rx_semicolon_space("[ ]*;[ ]*", regex::optimize); static const regex rx_newline("\n|\r", regex::optimize); static const regex rx_comments_sl("//(.*)", regex::optimize); static const regex rx_comments_ml("/\\*(.*)\\*/", regex::optimize); struct_interior = regex_replace(struct_interior, rx_comments_sl, ""); struct_interior = regex_replace(struct_interior, rx_newline, ""); struct_interior = regex_replace(struct_interior, rx_comments_ml, ""); struct_interior = regex_replace(struct_interior, rx_space, " "); struct_interior = regex_replace(struct_interior, rx_semicolon_space, ";"); struct_interior = core::trim(struct_interior); //oclr_msg("post-regex interior: >%s<", struct_interior); // extract all member variables vector<string> variable_names, variable_types, variable_specifiers; size_t semicolon_pos = 0, last_semicolon_pos = 0; while((semicolon_pos = struct_interior.find(";", last_semicolon_pos)) != string::npos) { const string var_decl = struct_interior.substr(last_semicolon_pos, semicolon_pos-last_semicolon_pos); //oclr_msg("decl: >%s<", var_decl); const size_t name_start_pos = var_decl.rfind(" "); if(name_start_pos == string::npos) { throw oclraster_exception("invalid variable declaration: \""+var_decl+"\""); } const string var_name = var_decl.substr(name_start_pos+1, var_decl.length()-name_start_pos-1); //oclr_msg("name: >%s<", var_name); variable_names.emplace_back(var_name); // check if type has an additional specifier (for images: read_only, write_only, read_write) const size_t type_start_pos = var_decl.find(" "); const string start_token = var_decl.substr(0, type_start_pos); if(specifiers.find(start_token) != specifiers.end()) { const string var_type = regex_replace(var_decl.substr(type_start_pos+1, name_start_pos-type_start_pos-1), rx_space, ""); // need to strip any whitespace //oclr_msg("type (s): >%s<", var_type); variable_types.emplace_back(var_type); const string var_spec = var_decl.substr(0, type_start_pos); //oclr_msg("spec: >%s<", var_spec); variable_specifiers.emplace_back(var_spec); } else { const string var_type = core::trim(var_decl.substr(0, name_start_pos)); //oclr_msg("type: >%s<", var_type); variable_types.emplace_back(var_type); variable_specifiers.emplace_back(""); } // continue last_semicolon_pos = semicolon_pos+1; } // create info struct if(type.second != STRUCT_TYPE::IMAGES && type.second != STRUCT_TYPE::FRAMEBUFFER) { const bool empty = (variable_names.size() == 0); // can't use variable_names when moving structs.push_back(new oclraster_struct_info { type.second, size2(struct_pos, end_semicolon_pos+1), struct_name, object_name, std::move(variable_names), std::move(variable_types), std::move(variable_specifiers), empty, {} }); } else { image_struct_positions.emplace_back(size2 { struct_pos, end_semicolon_pos+1 }); process_image_struct(variable_names, variable_types, variable_specifiers, (type.second == STRUCT_TYPE::FRAMEBUFFER)); } // continue struct_pos++; } } // process found structs for(auto& oclr_struct : structs) { if(oclr_struct->empty) continue; if(oclr_struct->type == STRUCT_TYPE::BUFFERS) continue; generate_struct_info_cl_program(*oclr_struct); } // order sort(structs.begin(), structs.end(), [](const oclraster_struct_info* info_0, const oclraster_struct_info* info_1) -> bool { return info_0->code_pos.x < info_1->code_pos.x; }); // write framebuffer struct bool has_framebuffer = false; string framebuffer_code = "typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {\n"; for(size_t i = 0, fb_img_idx = 0, image_count = images.image_names.size(); i < image_count; i++) { if(!images.is_framebuffer[i]) continue; has_framebuffer = true; // TODO: for now, let the access always be read/write, so "const data" (depth) can be modified // between user program calls (downside: user has also read/write access -> create 2 structs?) /*if(images.image_specifiers[i] == ACCESS_TYPE::READ) { framebuffer_code += "const "; }*/ framebuffer_code += "###OCLRASTER_FRAMEBUFFER_IMAGE_" + size_t2string(fb_img_idx) + "### " + images.image_names[i] + ";\n"; fb_img_idx++; } framebuffer_code += "} oclraster_framebuffer;\n"; // recreate structs (in reverse, so that the offsets stay valid) processed_code = code; const size_t struct_count = structs.size() + image_struct_positions.size(); for(size_t i = 0, cur_struct = structs.size(), cur_image = image_struct_positions.size(); i < struct_count; i++) { // figure out which struct comes next (normal struct or image struct) size_t image_code_pos = 0, struct_code_pos = 0; if(cur_image > 0) image_code_pos = image_struct_positions[cur_image-1].x; if(cur_struct > 0) struct_code_pos = structs[cur_struct-1]->code_pos.x; // image if(image_code_pos > struct_code_pos) { cur_image--; processed_code.erase(image_struct_positions[cur_image].x, image_struct_positions[cur_image].y - image_struct_positions[cur_image].x); // insert framebuffer struct code at the last image or framebuffer struct position if(has_framebuffer && cur_image == (image_struct_positions.size()-1)) { processed_code.insert(image_struct_positions[cur_image].x, framebuffer_code); } } // struct else { cur_struct--; const oclraster_struct_info& oclr_struct = *structs[cur_struct]; processed_code.erase(oclr_struct.code_pos.x, oclr_struct.code_pos.y - oclr_struct.code_pos.x); if(!oclr_struct.empty && oclr_struct.type != STRUCT_TYPE::BUFFERS) { string struct_code = ""; switch(oclr_struct.type) { case STRUCT_TYPE::INPUT: struct_code += "oclraster_in"; break; case STRUCT_TYPE::OUTPUT: struct_code += "oclraster_out"; break; case STRUCT_TYPE::UNIFORMS: struct_code += "oclraster_uniforms"; break; case STRUCT_TYPE::BUFFERS: case STRUCT_TYPE::IMAGES: case STRUCT_TYPE::FRAMEBUFFER: oclr_unreachable(); } struct_code += " {\n"; for(size_t var_index = 0; var_index < oclr_struct.variables.size(); var_index++) { struct_code += oclr_struct.variable_types[var_index] + " " + oclr_struct.variables[var_index] + ";\n"; } struct_code += "} " + + ";\n"; processed_code.insert(oclr_struct.code_pos.x, struct_code); } } } // remove empty structs for(auto iter = structs.begin(); iter != structs.end();) { if((*iter)->empty) { delete *iter; iter = structs.erase(iter); } else iter++; } // build entry function parameter string const string entry_function_params = create_entry_function_parameters(); // check if entry function exists, and if so, replace it with a modified function name const regex rx_entry_function("("+entry_function+")\\s*\\(\\s*\\)", regex::optimize); if(!regex_search(code, rx_entry_function)) { throw oclraster_exception("entry function \""+entry_function+"\" not found!"); } processed_code = regex_replace(processed_code, rx_entry_function, "OCLRASTER_FUNC oclraster_user_"+entry_function+"("+entry_function_params+")"); // create default/first/hinted image spec, do the final processing and compile kernel_spec spec { default_spec }; if(!images.image_names.empty() && spec.image_spec.size() != images.image_names.size()) { // create kernel image spec for the hinted or default image specs // note: if default_spec already contains some image_spec entries, only insert the remaining ones for(size_t i = spec.image_spec.size(); i < images.image_names.size(); i++) { spec.image_spec.emplace_back(images.image_hints[i].is_valid() ? images.image_hints[i] : image_type { IMAGE_TYPE::UINT_8, IMAGE_CHANNEL::RGBA }); } } else if(images.image_names.empty() && !spec.image_spec.empty()) { // default spec contains image_spec entries, but the are no images -> clear spec.image_spec.clear(); } // else: no images in kernel/program -> just one kernel / "empty image spec" build_kernel(spec); } catch(oclraster_exception& ex) { invalidate(ex.what()); } valid = true; }
//下载像册信息 // // bool CDolo8264COM::SearchLayer3(CString &str_url) { CString cs_webContent; CString cs_tmp; int photo_num=0; //像册数量 int i_tmp; vector<string> astr; //下载链接集合 int m_page= 1; //设置页面数 CString cs_album_name; //用户目录 CString cs_sub_album; //像册目录 if(str_url.Find(_T("#comment")) < 0) { str_url.Delete(str_url.GetLength()-5,5); str_url+=_T("-page-1.html#comment"); } else str_url.SetAt(str_url.GetLength()-14,_T('1')); //获得页面 bool en_P=false; bool en_G=false; do { cs_webContent.Empty(); DownloadUrlPage(str_url,cs_webContent); i_tmp = cs_webContent.Find(_T("张图片"),0); if(i_tmp>-1) { cs_tmp = cs_webContent.Left(i_tmp); cs_tmp = cs_tmp.Right(4); cs_tmp.TrimLeft(_T(" ")); cs_tmp.TrimRight( _T(" ")); if((atoi(cs_tmp)==0)||(cs_tmp.IsEmpty())) { return false; } else photo_num = atoi(cs_tmp); } //获得像册的题目 if(en_P == false) { int i=cs_webContent.Find(_T("keywords\" content=\""),0); if(i>-1) { cs_sub_album= cs_webContent.Right(cs_webContent.GetLength() -i -19); cs_sub_album = cs_sub_album.Left(cs_sub_album.Find(_T("\""))); en_P = true; } } //获得用户题目cs_album_name if(en_G == false) { int i=cs_webContent.Find(_T("<h2 class=\"xs2\">"),0); if(i>-1) { i=cs_webContent.Find(_T("html"),i); cs_album_name= cs_webContent.Right(cs_webContent.GetLength() -i -6); cs_album_name = cs_album_name.Left(cs_album_name.Find(_T("<"),0)); en_G = true; } } checkDirname(cs_album_name); checkDirname(cs_sub_album); CreateDirectory(_T("8264com\\")+cs_album_name,NULL); CreateDirectory(_T("8264com\\")+cs_album_name+_T("\\")+cs_sub_album,NULL); regex reg("html\"><img src=\"[a-zA-z]+://[^\\s]*thumb.jpg"); //图片模式 smatch m1; string s = cs_webContent.GetBuffer(); string::const_iterator it = s.begin(); string::const_iterator end=s.end(); while(regex_search(it,end,m1,reg)) { /* int size = m1[0].length();*/ string msg(m1[0].first,m1[0].second); msg.erase(0,16); msg.erase(msg.size()-10,msg.size()); //astr.push_back(msg); s_dolo.cs_url=msg.c_str(); s_dolo.cs_LocalFullPath=_T("8264com\\")+cs_album_name+_T("\\")+cs_sub_album; s_dolo.cs_ReferHead=_T(""); v_doloST.push_back(s_dolo); it = m1[0].second; msg.empty(); myidle(); } s.empty(); str_url.Delete(str_url.Find(_T("page")),str_url.GetLength()-str_url.Find(_T("page")) ); str_url.Insert(str_url.GetLength(), _T("page-")); CString tc; m_page++; tc.Format(_T("%d"),m_page); str_url.Insert(str_url.GetLength(), tc); str_url.Insert(str_url.GetLength(), _T(".html#comment")); tc.Empty(); } while (photo_num/20 +2 >m_page); // CString cs_album_name; //主目录名字 // int photo_num; //像册数量 // CString cs_sub_album; //子相册名字 // checkDirname(cs_album_name); // st_lp.urlGroup=astr; // st_lp.strFileURLInServer.IsEmpty(); // st_lp.strFileLocalFullPath=_T("8264com\\")+cs_album_name+_T("\\")+cs_sub_album; // st_lp.strReferHead=_T(""); //_T("Referer:"); // st_lp.hWnd=(HWND)this; // m_pMyThread=AfxBeginThread(Download1,(LPVOID)&st_lp);//&st_lp[n]); // astr.empty(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { #if defined(OMIM_UNIT_TEST_WITH_QT_EVENT_LOOP) && !defined(OMIM_OS_IPHONE) QAPP theApp(argc, argv); UNUSED_VALUE(theApp); #else UNUSED_VALUE(argc); UNUSED_VALUE(argv); #endif base::ScopedLogLevelChanger const infoLogLevel(LINFO); #if defined(OMIM_OS_MAC) || defined(OMIM_OS_LINUX) || defined(OMIM_OS_IPHONE) base::SetLogMessageFn(base::LogMessageTests); #endif vector<string> testNames; vector<bool> testResults; int numFailedTests = 0; ParseOptions(argc, argv, g_testingOptions); if (g_testingOptions.m_help) { Usage(argv[0]); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } regex filterRegExp; if (g_testingOptions.m_filterRegExp) filterRegExp.assign(g_testingOptions.m_filterRegExp); regex suppressRegExp; if (g_testingOptions.m_suppressRegExp) suppressRegExp.assign(g_testingOptions.m_suppressRegExp); #ifndef OMIM_UNIT_TEST_DISABLE_PLATFORM_INIT // Setting stored paths from testingmain.cpp Platform & pl = GetPlatform(); CommandLineOptions const & options = GetTestingOptions(); if (options.m_dataPath) pl.SetWritableDirForTests(options.m_dataPath); if (options.m_resourcePath) pl.SetResourceDir(options.m_resourcePath); #endif for (TestRegister * pTest = TestRegister::FirstRegister(); pTest; pTest = pTest->m_pNext) { string fileName(pTest->m_FileName); string testName(pTest->m_TestName); // Retrieve fine file name auto const lastSlash = fileName.find_last_of("\\/"); if (lastSlash != string::npos) fileName.erase(0, lastSlash + 1); testNames.push_back(fileName + "::" + testName); testResults.push_back(true); } if (GetTestingOptions().m_listTests) { for (auto const & name : testNames) cout << name << endl; return 0; } int iTest = 0; for (TestRegister * pTest = TestRegister::FirstRegister(); pTest; ++iTest, pTest = pTest->m_pNext) { auto const & testName = testNames[iTest]; if (g_testingOptions.m_filterRegExp && !regex_search(testName.begin(), testName.end(), filterRegExp)) { continue; } if (g_testingOptions.m_suppressRegExp && regex_search(testName.begin(), testName.end(), suppressRegExp)) { continue; } LOG(LINFO, ("Running", testName)); if (!g_bLastTestOK) { // Somewhere else global variables have been reset. LOG(LERROR, ("\n\nSOMETHING IS REALLY WRONG IN THE UNIT TEST FRAMEWORK!!!")); return STATUS_BROKEN_FRAMEWORK; } base::HighResTimer timer(true); try { // Run the test. pTest->m_Fn(); if (g_bLastTestOK) { LOG(LINFO, ("OK")); } else { // You can set Break here if test failed, // but it is already set in OnTestFail - to fail immediately. testResults[iTest] = false; ++numFailedTests; } } catch (TestFailureException const & ) { testResults[iTest] = false; ++numFailedTests; } catch (std::exception const & ex) { LOG(LERROR, ("FAILED", "<<<Exception thrown [", ex.what(), "].>>>")); testResults[iTest] = false; ++numFailedTests; } catch (...) { LOG(LERROR, ("FAILED<<<Unknown exception thrown.>>>")); testResults[iTest] = false; ++numFailedTests; } g_bLastTestOK = true; uint64_t const elapsed = timer.ElapsedNano(); LOG(LINFO, ("Test took", elapsed / 1000000, "ms\n")); } if (numFailedTests != 0) { LOG(LINFO, (numFailedTests, " tests failed:")); for (size_t i = 0; i < testNames.size(); ++i) { if (!testResults[i]) LOG(LINFO, (testNames[i])); } LOG(LINFO, ("Some tests FAILED.")); return STATUS_FAILED; } LOG(LINFO, ("All tests passed.")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; }