Exemple #1
void do_register(acetables *g_ape)
	register_cmd("CONNECT",		cmd_connect, 	NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SCRIPT",      cmd_script,		NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
	register_cmd("CHECK", 		cmd_check, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SEND", 		cmd_send, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);

	register_cmd("QUIT", 		cmd_quit, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("JOIN", 		cmd_join, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("LEFT", 		cmd_left, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SESSION",     cmd_session,	NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
Exemple #2
void do_register(acetables *g_ape) // register_raw("CMD", Nparam (without IP and time, with sessid), callback_func, NEEDSOMETHING?, g_ape);
	register_cmd("CONNECT",		1, cmd_connect, 	NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
	register_cmd("PCONNECT",	1, cmd_pconnect, 	NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SCRIPT",         -1, cmd_script,		NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
	register_cmd("CHECK", 		1, cmd_check, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SEND", 		3, cmd_send, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);

	register_cmd("QUIT", 		1, cmd_quit, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("SETLEVEL", 	4, cmd_setlevel, 	NEED_SESSID, g_ape); // Module
	register_cmd("SETTOPIC", 	3, cmd_settopic, 	NEED_SESSID, g_ape); // Module
	register_cmd("JOIN", 		2, cmd_join, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("LEFT", 		2, cmd_left, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("KICK", 		3, cmd_kick, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape); // Module
	register_cmd("BAN",		5, cmd_ban,		NEED_SESSID, g_ape); // Module
	register_cmd("SESSION",        -3, cmd_session,		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("KONG", 		2, cmd_pong, 		NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("PROXY_CONNECT", 	3, cmd_proxy_connect, 	NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
	register_cmd("PROXY_WRITE", 	3, cmd_proxy_write, 	NEED_SESSID, g_ape);
Exemple #3
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int RC;
	pthread_attr_t attr;
	pthread_mutex_init(&keep_alive_mutex, NULL);
	/* Lock the keep-alive mutex */

	/* Allocate a new parallel_wrapper structure */
	parallel_wrapper *par_wrapper = (parallel_wrapper *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct parallel_wrapper));
	if (par_wrapper == (parallel_wrapper *)NULL)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to allocate space for parallel wrapper\n");
		return 1;
	/* Install command signal handlers */
	signal(SIGINT, handle_exit_signal);
	signal(SIGTERM, handle_exit_signal);
	signal(SIGHUP, handle_exit_signal);

	/* Create structures for this machine */
	par_wrapper -> this_machine = calloc(1, sizeof(struct machine));
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine == (machine *)NULL)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to allocate space for this machine\n");
		return 1;

	/* Fill in the default values for port ranges */
	par_wrapper -> low_port = LOW_PORT;
	par_wrapper -> high_port = HIGH_PORT;
	/* Fill in other default values */
	par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank = -1;
	par_wrapper -> num_procs = -1; 
	par_wrapper -> command_socket = -1;
	par_wrapper -> pgid = -1;
	par_wrapper -> ka_interval = KA_INTERVAL;
	par_wrapper -> timeout = TIMEOUT;
	/* Default mutex state */
	pthread_mutex_init(&par_wrapper -> mutex, NULL);
	/* Allocate a list of symlinks */
	par_wrapper -> symlinks = sll_get_list();
	/* Get the initial working directory */
	par_wrapper -> this_machine -> iwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); /* Allocates space */
	/* Determine our name */
	uid_t uid = getuid();
	struct passwd *user_stats = getpwuid(uid);
	if (user_stats == (struct passwd *)NULL)
		print(PRNT_WARN, "Unable to determine the name of the current user - assuming 'nobody'\n");
		par_wrapper -> this_machine -> user = strdup("nobody");
		par_wrapper -> this_machine -> user = strdup(user_stats -> pw_name);	


	/* Parse environment variables and command line arguments */
	parse_args(argc, argv, par_wrapper);

	/* Set the environment variables */

	/* Check that required values are filled in */
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank < 0)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Invalid rank (%d). Environment variable or command option not set.\n", 
			par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank);
		return 2;
	if (par_wrapper -> num_procs < 0)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Invalid number of processors (%d). Environment variable or command option not set.\n",
			par_wrapper -> num_procs);
		return 2;
	if (par_wrapper -> timeout <= (2*par_wrapper -> ka_interval))
		print(PRNT_WARN, "Keep-alive interval and timeout too close. Using default values.\n");
		par_wrapper -> timeout = TIMEOUT;
		par_wrapper -> ka_interval = KA_INTERVAL;

	/* Get the IP address for this machine */
	par_wrapper -> this_machine -> ip_addr = get_ip_addr();
	debug(PRNT_INFO, "IP Addr: %s\n", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> ip_addr);
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> ip_addr == (char *)NULL)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to get the IP address for this machine\n");
		return 2;
	/* Get a command port for this machine */
	RC = get_bound_dgram_socket_by_range(par_wrapper -> low_port, 
		par_wrapper -> high_port, &par_wrapper -> this_machine -> port, 
		&par_wrapper -> command_socket);		
	if (RC != 0)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to bind to command socket\n");
		return 2;
		debug(PRNT_INFO, "Bound to command port: %d\n", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> port);

	 * If this is rank 0, point rank 0 to this_machine, otherwise allocate
	 * a new structure for the master
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank == MASTER)
		par_wrapper -> master = par_wrapper -> this_machine;
		par_wrapper -> machines = (machine **) calloc(par_wrapper -> num_procs, sizeof(machine *));
		if (par_wrapper -> machines == (machine **)NULL)
			print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to allocate space for machines array\n");
			return 3;
		par_wrapper -> machines[0] = par_wrapper -> master;
		par_wrapper -> master = (machine *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct machine));
		if (par_wrapper -> master == (machine *)NULL)
			print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to allocate space for master\n");
			return 2;
		par_wrapper -> master -> rank = MASTER;
	/* Create the scratch directory */

	/* Gather the necessary chirp information */
	RC = chirp_info(par_wrapper);
	if (RC != 0)
		print(PRNT_ERR, "Failure sending/recieving chirp information\n");
		return 2;

	/* Create the listener */
	pthread_create(&par_wrapper -> listener, &attr, &udp_server, (void *)par_wrapper);

	/* If I am the MASTER, wait for all ranks to register */
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank == MASTER)
		int i, j;
		j = 0; /* Timeout = 0 */
		while ( 1 )
			int finished = 1;
			for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
				if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == NULL)
					finished = 0;
				if ((j % par_wrapper -> ka_interval) == 0 && par_wrapper -> machines[i] == NULL)
					debug(PRNT_INFO, "Waiting for registration from rank %d\n", i);
			j++; /* Waiting for timeout */
			if (j >= par_wrapper -> timeout)
				finished = 1;
				for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
					if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == NULL)
						print(PRNT_WARN, "Rank %d not registered - giving up on it\n", i);
			if (finished == 1)
		debug(PRNT_INFO, "Finished machine registration.\n", par_wrapper -> num_procs);
		/* Create the machines file */
		RC = create_machine_file(par_wrapper);
		if (RC != 0)
			print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to create the machines files");
			cleanup(par_wrapper, 5);
		RC = create_ssh_config(par_wrapper);
		if (RC != 0)
			print(PRNT_ERR, "Unable to create the machines files");
			cleanup(par_wrapper, 5);
	else /* Register with the master */
		struct timeval old_time = par_wrapper -> master -> last_alive;
		while ( 1 )
			RC = register_cmd(par_wrapper -> command_socket, par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank,
				par_wrapper -> this_machine -> cpus,
				par_wrapper -> this_machine -> iwd, par_wrapper -> this_machine -> user, par_wrapper -> master -> ip_addr, 
				par_wrapper -> master -> port);		
			if (RC == 0 && 
			   ((old_time.tv_sec != par_wrapper -> master -> last_alive.tv_sec) || 
			   (old_time.tv_usec != par_wrapper -> master -> last_alive.tv_usec)))
			debug(PRNT_INFO, "Waiting for ACK from mater\n"); 
			/* Retrieve chirp information (in case it changed since the last time) */

	/* MASTER - Identify unique hosts */
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank == MASTER)
		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
			if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == (machine *)NULL)
			/* All machines are initially unique */
			par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> unique = 1; 
		for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
			if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == (machine *)NULL)
			if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> unique == 0)
				continue; /* This host is already not unique */
			for (j = i + 1; j < par_wrapper -> num_procs; j++)
				if (par_wrapper -> machines[j] == (machine *)NULL)
				if (par_wrapper -> machines[j] -> unique == 0)
					continue; /* This host is already not unique */
				if (strcmp(par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> ip_addr, par_wrapper -> machines[j] -> ip_addr) == 0)
					par_wrapper -> machines[j] -> unique = 0;
					debug(PRNT_INFO, "Rank %d (%s:%d) is not unique (some host as %d).\n", 
							j, par_wrapper -> machines[j] -> ip_addr, 
							par_wrapper -> machines[j] -> port, i);
	int shared_fs = 1; /* Flag which denotes a shared fs */

	/* If I am rank 0 - determine if we need to create a fake file system */
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank == MASTER)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
			if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == (machine *)NULL)
			if (strcmp(par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> iwd, par_wrapper -> master -> iwd) != 0)
				shared_fs = 0;
		if (shared_fs == 0)
			char fake_fs[1024];
			time_t curr_time = time(NULL);
			snprintf(fake_fs, 1024, "/tmp/condor_hydra_%d_%ld", par_wrapper -> cluster_id, 
			debug(PRNT_INFO, "Using fake file system (%s). IWD's across ranks differ\n", fake_fs);
			for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
				if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == (machine *)NULL)
				if (! par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> unique)
				/* Send the command to create softlinks */
				struct timeval old_time = par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> last_alive;
				while ( 1 )
					RC = create_link(par_wrapper -> command_socket, par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> iwd,
							fake_fs, par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> ip_addr, 
							par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> port);
					usleep(100000); /* Sleep for 1/10th of a second */
					if (RC == 0 && 
					   ((old_time.tv_sec != par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> last_alive.tv_sec) || 
					   (old_time.tv_usec != par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> last_alive.tv_usec)))
					debug(PRNT_INFO, "Waiting for ACK from rank %d\n", i);
			par_wrapper -> shared_fs = strdup(fake_fs);
			par_wrapper -> shared_fs = strdup(par_wrapper -> master -> iwd);
			debug(PRNT_INFO, "Using a shared file system, IWD = %s\n", par_wrapper -> master -> iwd);
	/* Unlock the keepalive mutex */

	/* Start up the MPI executable */
	if (par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank == MASTER)
		par_wrapper -> child_pid = fork();
		if (par_wrapper -> child_pid == (pid_t) -1)
			print(PRNT_ERR, "Fork failed\n");
			cleanup(par_wrapper, 10);
		else if (par_wrapper -> child_pid == (pid_t) 0)
			/* I am the child */
			/* Set environment variables */
			char *machine_file = join_paths(par_wrapper -> scratch_dir, MACHINE_FILE);
			char *ssh_config = join_paths(par_wrapper -> scratch_dir, SSH_CONFIG);
			setenv("MACHINE_FILE", machine_file, 1); 
			setenv("SSH_CONFIG", ssh_config, 1);
			char *ssh_wrapper = join_paths(par_wrapper -> scratch_dir, SSH_WRAPPER);
			setenv("SSH_WRAPPER", ssh_wrapper, 1);
			char temp_str[1024];
			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", par_wrapper -> num_procs);
			setenv("NUM_MACHINES", temp_str, 1);
			/* Determine the total number of cpus allocated to this task */
			int total_cpus = 0;
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < par_wrapper -> num_procs; i++)
				if (par_wrapper -> machines[i] == (machine *)NULL)
				total_cpus += par_wrapper -> machines[i] -> cpus;
			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", total_cpus);
			setenv("CPUS", temp_str, 1);
			setenv("NUM_PROCS", temp_str, 1);

			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> rank);
			setenv("RANK", temp_str, 1);
			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", par_wrapper -> cluster_id);
			setenv("CLUSTER_ID", temp_str, 1);
			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> port);
			setenv("CMD_PORT", temp_str, 1);
			snprintf(temp_str, 1024, "%d", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> cpus);
			setenv("REQUEST_CPUS", temp_str, 1);

			setenv("SCRATCH_DIR", par_wrapper -> scratch_dir, 1);
			setenv("IWD", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> iwd, 1);
			setenv("IP_ADDR", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> ip_addr, 1);
			setenv("TRANSFER_FILES", shared_fs != 0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", 1); 
			setenv("SHARED_FS", shared_fs != 0 ? par_wrapper -> this_machine -> iwd : par_wrapper -> shared_fs, 1);
			setenv("SHARED_DIR", shared_fs != 0 ? par_wrapper -> this_machine -> iwd : par_wrapper -> shared_fs, 1);
			setenv("SCHEDD_IWD", par_wrapper -> this_machine -> schedd_iwd, 1);
			/* TODO: SSH ENVS */

			/* Search in path */
			int process_RC = execvp(par_wrapper -> executable[0], &par_wrapper -> executable[0]);
			if (process_RC != 0)
				print(PRNT_ERR, "%s\n", get_exec_error_msg(errno, par_wrapper -> executable[0]));
			/* I am the parent */
			int child_status = 0;
			/* Create a new group for the child processes */
			par_wrapper -> pgid = setpgid(par_wrapper -> child_pid, 
					par_wrapper -> child_pid);			
			if (par_wrapper -> pgid < 0)
				print(PRNT_WARN, "Unable to set process group for children\n");
			waitpid(par_wrapper -> child_pid, &child_status, WUNTRACED); /* Wait for the child to finish */
			cleanup(par_wrapper, child_status);

	/* Always wait for the listener */
	pthread_join(par_wrapper -> listener, NULL);

	return 0;
Exemple #4
   : m_cmd() {
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_list_free_mem);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_list_num_registers);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_list_free_registers);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_list_used_registers);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_describe_register);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_print_reg_data);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_load);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_store);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_add_fld);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_del_fld);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_swap_flds);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f1s1opf2);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f1f2opf3);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f_to_s);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f1f2_to_s);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f1opf2);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_f1_shift_f2);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_count);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_count_f);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_join);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_fop);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_sort);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_mk_idx);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_permute_by_idx);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_funnel);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_funnel_count);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_sortf1f2);
   register_cmd(new GpuCommand_print_data_to_ascii_file);
static void init_module(acetables *g_ape) // Called when module is loaded

	register_cmd("CONTROL", 5, cmd_control, NEED_NOTHING, g_ape);
 * Initializes the list of firmware commands in a pointer table
void register_cmds() {
  // help
  register_cmd("HELP"          ,cmd_help);
  // log
  register_cmd("LOGXFER"       ,cmd_logxfer);
  register_cmd("READ CSV LOG"  ,cmd_logcsv);
  register_cmd("LOGSIG"        ,cmd_logsig);
  register_cmd("LOGPAUSE"      ,cmd_logpause);
  register_cmd("LOGRESUME"     ,cmd_logresume);
  register_cmd("LOGCLEAR"      ,cmd_logclear);
  // get
  register_cmd("VERSION"       ,cmd_version);		// GETVERSION
  register_cmd("GUID"          ,cmd_guid);		// GETGUID
  register_cmd("GETDEVICETAG"  ,cmd_getdevicetag);
  register_cmd("MAGREAD"       ,cmd_magread);		// GETMAG ? hall sensor?
  // cpm
  register_cmd("GETCPM"        ,cmd_cpm);		// CPM
  // ??
  register_cmd("WRITEDAC"      ,cmd_writedac);
  register_cmd("READADC"       ,cmd_readadc);
  // set
  register_cmd("SETDEVICETAG"  ,cmd_setdevicetag);
  register_cmd("SETMICREVERSE" ,cmd_setmicreverse);
  register_cmd("SETMICIPHONE"  ,cmd_setmiciphone);
  register_cmd("DISPLAYPARAMS" ,cmd_displayparams);	// SETDIAPLAYPARAMS
  register_cmd("SETRTC"        ,cmd_setrtc);
  register_cmd("SETALARM"      ,cmd_setalarm);
  // test/debug
  register_cmd("DISPLAYTEST"   ,cmd_displaytest);	// TESTDISPLAY
  register_cmd("BATINFODISP"   ,cmd_batinfodisp);	// TESTBATDISPLAY
  register_cmd("TESTHP"        ,cmd_testhp);		// ??
  register_cmd("LOGSTRESS"     ,cmd_logstress);		// TESTLOG
  register_cmd("TESTSIGN"      ,cmd_testsign);
  register_cmd("PUBKEY"        ,cmd_pubkey);
  register_cmd("KEYVALID"      ,cmd_keyvalid);
  register_cmd("KEYVALDUMP"    ,cmd_keyvaldump);
  register_cmd("KEYVALSET"     ,cmd_keyvalset);
  register_cmd("CAPTOUCHTEST"  ,cmd_captouchparams);
  register_cmd("CAPTOUCHDUMP"  ,cmd_captouchdump);
  // misc
  register_cmd("HELLO"         ,cmd_hello);
  register_cmd("LIST GAMES"    ,cmd_games);