Exemple #1
xdbcache xdb_cache(instance id)
    xdbcache newx;

    if(id == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Programming Error: xdb_cache() called with NULL\n");
        return NULL;

    newx = pmalloco(id->p, sizeof(_xdbcache));
    newx->i = id; /* flags it as the top of the ring too */
    newx->next = newx->prev = newx; /* init ring */

    /* register the handler in the instance to filter out xdb results */
    register_phandler(id, o_PRECOND, xdb_results, (void *)newx);

    /* heartbeat to keep a watchful eye on xdb_cache */
    register_beat(10,xdb_thump,(void *)newx);

    register_shutdown_first(xdb_shutdown, (void *)newx);

	pool_cleanup(id->p, xdb_shutdown, (void*)newx);
    return newx;
Exemple #2
xdbcache xdb_cache(instance id)
	xdbcache xc;

	if (id == NULL) {
			  "Programming Error: xdb_cache() called with NULL\n");
		return NULL;

	xc = pmalloco(id->p, sizeof(_xdbcache));
	xc->i = id;		/* flags it as the top of the ring too */
	xc->first = NULL;	/* init ring */

	/* register the handler in the instance to filter out xdb results */
	register_phandler(id, o_PRECOND, xdb_results, (void *) xc);

	/* heartbeat to keep a watchful eye on xdb_cache */
	register_beat(10, xdb_thump, (void *) xc);

	register_shutdown_first(xdb_shutdown, (void *) xc);
	return xc;