Exemple #1
int core_init(unsigned int num_threads) {

	core_registry_class = registry_add_class(CORE_REGISTRY);
	if (!core_registry_class)
		return POM_ERR;

	perf_pkt_queue = registry_class_add_perf(core_registry_class, "pkt_queue", registry_perf_type_gauge, "Number of packets in the queue waiting to be processed", "pkts");
	perf_thread_active = registry_class_add_perf(core_registry_class, "active_thread", registry_perf_type_gauge, "Number of active threads", "threads");

	if (!perf_pkt_queue || !perf_thread_active)
		return POM_OK;

	core_param_dump_pkt = ptype_alloc("bool");
	if (!core_param_dump_pkt)
		return POM_ERR;

	core_param_offline_dns = ptype_alloc("bool");
	if (!core_param_offline_dns) {
		core_param_dump_pkt = NULL;
		return POM_ERR;

	core_param_reset_perf_on_restart = ptype_alloc("bool");
	if (!core_param_reset_perf_on_restart) {
		core_param_dump_pkt = NULL;
		core_param_offline_dns = NULL;
		return POM_ERR;

	struct registry_param *param = registry_new_param("dump_pkt", "no", core_param_dump_pkt, "Dump packets to logs", REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_CLEANUP_VAL);
	if (registry_class_add_param(core_registry_class, param) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	param = registry_new_param("offline_dns", "yes", core_param_offline_dns, "Enable offline DNS resolver", REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_CLEANUP_VAL);
	if (registry_class_add_param(core_registry_class, param) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	param = registry_new_param("reset_perf_on_restart", "no", core_param_reset_perf_on_restart, "Reset performances when core restarts", REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_CLEANUP_VAL);
	if (registry_class_add_param(core_registry_class, param) != POM_OK)
		goto err;
	param = NULL;

	// Start the processing threads
	unsigned int num_cpu = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) - 1;
	if (num_cpu < 1) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_WARN "Could not find the number of CPU, assuming %u", CORE_PROCESS_THREAD_DEFAULT);

	if (num_threads < 1)
		num_threads = num_cpu;

	if (num_threads > num_cpu)
		pomlog(POMLOG_WARN "WARNING : Running more processing threads than available CPU is discouraged as it will cause issues by creating higher latencies and eventually dropping packets !!! You have been warned !");

	if (num_threads > CORE_PROCESS_THREAD_MAX)
		num_threads = CORE_PROCESS_THREAD_MAX;

	core_num_threads = num_threads;	
	pomlog(POMLOG_INFO "Starting %u processing thread(s)", core_num_threads);

	core_run = 1;

	memset(core_processing_threads, 0, sizeof(struct core_processing_thread*) * CORE_PROCESS_THREAD_MAX);

	unsigned int i;

	for (i = 0; i < core_num_threads; i++) {
		struct core_processing_thread *tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct core_processing_thread));
		if (!tmp) {
			pom_oom(sizeof(struct core_processing_thread));
			goto err;
		memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(struct core_processing_thread));

		tmp->thread_id = i;

		int res = pthread_mutex_init(&tmp->pkt_queue_lock, NULL);
		if (res) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while initializing a thread pkt_queue lock : %s", pom_strerror(res));
			goto err;

		res = pthread_cond_init(&tmp->pkt_queue_cond, NULL);
		if (res) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while initializing a thread pkt_queue condition : %s", pom_strerror(res));
			goto err;

		if (pthread_create(&tmp->thread, NULL, core_processing_thread_func, tmp)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while creating a new processing thread : %s", pom_strerror(errno));
			goto err;

		core_processing_threads[i] = tmp;

	return POM_OK;


	if (param)

	return POM_ERR;

Exemple #2
static int proto_eap_init(struct proto *proto, struct registry_instance *i) {

	if (proto_number_register("8021x", 0x0, proto) != POM_OK ||
		proto_number_register("ppp", 0xc227, proto) != POM_OK)
		return POM_ERR;

	struct proto_eap_priv *priv = malloc(sizeof(struct proto_eap_priv));
	if (!priv) {
		pom_oom(sizeof(struct proto_eap_priv));
		return POM_ERR;
	memset(priv, 0, sizeof(struct proto_eap_priv));
	proto_set_priv(proto, priv);

	priv->p_timeout = ptype_alloc_unit("uint32", "seconds");
	if (!priv->p_timeout)
		goto err;

	struct registry_param *p = registry_new_param("timeout", "60", priv->p_timeout, "Transaction timeout", 0);
	if (registry_instance_add_param(i, p) != POM_OK) {
		goto err;

	static struct data_item_reg evt_identity_data_items[PROTO_EAP_EVT_IDENTITY_DATA_COUNT] = { { 0 } };
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].name = "identifier";
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_common_code].name = "code";
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_common_code].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_identity_identity].name = "identity";
	evt_identity_data_items[evt_eap_identity_identity].value_type = ptype_get_type("string");

	static struct data_reg evt_eap_identity_data = {
		.items = evt_identity_data_items,

	static struct event_reg_info proto_eap_identity = { 0 };
	proto_eap_identity.source_name = "proto_eap";
	proto_eap_identity.source_obj = priv;
	proto_eap_identity.name = "eap_identity";
	proto_eap_identity.description = "EAP Identity";
	proto_eap_identity.data_reg = &evt_eap_identity_data;

	priv->evt_identity = event_register(&proto_eap_identity);
	if (!priv->evt_identity)
		goto err;

	static struct data_item_reg evt_md5_challenge_data_items[PROTO_EAP_EVT_MD5_CHALLENGE_DATA_COUNT] = { { 0 } };
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].name = "identifier";
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_common_code].name = "code";
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_common_code].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_md5_challenge_value].name = "value";
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_md5_challenge_value].value_type = ptype_get_type("bytes");
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_md5_challenge_name].name = "name";
	evt_md5_challenge_data_items[evt_eap_md5_challenge_name].value_type = ptype_get_type("string");

	static struct data_reg evt_eap_md5_challenge_data = {
		.items = evt_md5_challenge_data_items,

	static struct event_reg_info proto_eap_md5_challenge = { 0 };
	proto_eap_md5_challenge.source_name = "proto_eap";
	proto_eap_md5_challenge.source_obj = priv;
	proto_eap_md5_challenge.name = "eap_md5_challenge";
	proto_eap_md5_challenge.description = "EAP MD5-Challenge";
	proto_eap_md5_challenge.data_reg = &evt_eap_md5_challenge_data;

	priv->evt_md5_challenge = event_register(&proto_eap_md5_challenge);
	if (!priv->evt_md5_challenge)
		goto err;

	static struct data_item_reg evt_success_failure_data_items[PROTO_EAP_EVT_SUCCESS_FAILURE_DATA_COUNT] = { { 0 } };
	evt_success_failure_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].name = "identifier";
	evt_success_failure_data_items[evt_eap_common_identifier].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_success_failure_data_items[evt_eap_success_failure_success].name = "success";
	evt_success_failure_data_items[evt_eap_success_failure_success].value_type = ptype_get_type("bool");

	static struct data_reg evt_eap_success_failure_data = {
		.items = evt_success_failure_data_items,

	static struct event_reg_info proto_eap_success_failure = { 0 };
	proto_eap_success_failure.source_name = "proto_eap";
	proto_eap_success_failure.source_obj = priv;
	proto_eap_success_failure.name = "eap_success_failure";
	proto_eap_success_failure.description = "EAP Success/Failure";
	proto_eap_success_failure.data_reg = &evt_eap_success_failure_data;

	priv->evt_success_failure = event_register(&proto_eap_success_failure);
	if (!priv->evt_success_failure)
		goto err;

	return POM_OK;
	return POM_ERR;
Exemple #3
static int input_pcap_interface_init(struct input *i) {

	if (input_pcap_common_init(i) != POM_OK)
		return POM_ERR;

	struct input_pcap_priv *priv = i->priv;
	struct registry_param *p = NULL;

	priv->tpriv.iface.p_interface = ptype_alloc("string");
	priv->tpriv.iface.p_promisc = ptype_alloc("bool");
	priv->tpriv.iface.p_buff_size = ptype_alloc_unit("uint32", "bytes");
	if (!priv->tpriv.iface.p_interface || !priv->tpriv.iface.p_promisc || !priv->tpriv.iface.p_buff_size)
		goto err;

	priv->tpriv.iface.perf_dropped = registry_instance_add_perf(i->reg_instance, "dropped_pkt", registry_perf_type_counter, "Dropped packets", "pkts");
	if (!priv->tpriv.iface.perf_dropped)
		goto err;

	registry_perf_set_update_hook(priv->tpriv.iface.perf_dropped, input_pcap_interface_perf_dropped, priv);

	char err[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE] = { 0 };
	char *dev = "<none>";
	pcap_if_t *alldevsp = NULL;
	if (pcap_findalldevs(&alldevsp, err)) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_WARN "Warning, could not find a suitable interface to sniff packets from : %s", err);
		alldevsp = NULL;
	} else {
		dev = alldevsp->name;

	p = registry_new_param("interface", dev, priv->tpriv.iface.p_interface, "Interface to capture packets from", 0);

	if (alldevsp) {
		pcap_if_t *tmp;
		for (tmp = alldevsp; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
			if (registry_param_info_add_value(p, tmp->name) != POM_OK) {
				goto err;

	if (input_add_param(i, p) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	p = registry_new_param("promisc", "no", priv->tpriv.iface.p_promisc, "Promiscious mode", 0);
	if (input_add_param(i, p) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	p = registry_new_param("buff_size", "16777216", priv->tpriv.iface.p_buff_size, "PCAP ring buffer size", 0);
	if (input_add_param(i, p) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	priv->type = input_pcap_type_interface;

	return POM_OK;


	if (priv->tpriv.iface.p_interface)

	if (priv->tpriv.iface.p_promisc)

	if (priv->tpriv.iface.p_buff_size)

	if (p)


	return POM_ERR;

Exemple #4
static int proto_ppp_pap_init(struct proto *proto, struct registry_instance *i) {

	if (proto_number_register("ppp", 0xc023, proto) != POM_OK)
		return POM_ERR;

	struct proto_ppp_pap_priv *priv = malloc(sizeof(struct proto_ppp_pap_priv));
	if (!priv) {
		pom_oom(sizeof(struct proto_ppp_pap_priv));
		return POM_ERR;
	memset(priv, 0, sizeof(struct proto_ppp_pap_priv));
	proto_set_priv(proto, priv);

	static struct data_item_reg evt_request_data_items[PROTO_PPP_PAP_EVT_REQUEST_DATA_COUNT] = { { 0 } };
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_code].name = "code";
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_code].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_identifier].name = "identifier";
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_identifier].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_peer_id].name = "peer_id";
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_peer_id].value_type = ptype_get_type("string");
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_password].name = "password";
	evt_request_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_request_password].value_type = ptype_get_type("string");

	static struct data_reg evt_ppp_pap_request_data = {
		.items = evt_request_data_items,

	static struct event_reg_info proto_ppp_pap_request = { 0 };
	proto_ppp_pap_request.source_name = "proto_ppp_pap";
	proto_ppp_pap_request.source_obj = priv;
	proto_ppp_pap_request.name = "ppp_pap_request";
	proto_ppp_pap_request.description = "PPP PAP Authentication request";
	proto_ppp_pap_request.data_reg = &evt_ppp_pap_request_data;

	priv->evt_request = event_register(&proto_ppp_pap_request);
	if (!priv->evt_request)
		goto err;

	static struct data_item_reg evt_ack_nack_data_items[PROTO_PPP_PAP_EVT_ACK_NACK_DATA_COUNT] = { { 0 } };
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_code].name = "code";
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_code].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_identifier].name = "identifier";
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_identifier].value_type = ptype_get_type("uint8");
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_message].name = "message";
	evt_ack_nack_data_items[evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_message].value_type = ptype_get_type("string");

	static struct data_reg evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_data = {
		.items = evt_ack_nack_data_items,

	static struct event_reg_info proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack = { 0 };
	proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack.source_name = "proto_ppp_pap";
	proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack.source_obj = priv;
	proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack.name = "ppp_pap_ack_nack";
	proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack.description = "PPP-PAP ACK/NACK";
	proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack.data_reg = &evt_ppp_pap_ack_nack_data;

	priv->evt_ack_nack = event_register(&proto_ppp_pap_ack_nack);
	if (!priv->evt_ack_nack)
		goto err;

	priv->p_auth_timeout = ptype_alloc_unit("uint32", "seconds");
	if (!priv->p_auth_timeout)
		goto err;

	struct registry_param *p = registry_new_param("auth_timeout", "60", priv->p_auth_timeout, "Authentication timeout", 0);
	if (proto_add_param(proto, p) != POM_OK) {
		goto err;

	return POM_OK;

	return POM_ERR;

int addon_output_init(struct output *o) {

	struct addon *addon = o->info->reg_info->mod->priv;

	lua_State *L = addon_create_state(addon->filename); // Stack : empty

	if (!L) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while creating new lua state for output %s", o->info->reg_info->name);
		return POM_ERR;

	// Get the output from the outputs table
	lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ADDON_OUTPUTS_TABLE); // Stack : outputs
	lua_getfield(L, -1, o->info->reg_info->name); // Stack : outputs, output

	// Get rid of the outputs table
	lua_remove(L, -2); // Stack : output
	lua_pushnil(L); // Stack : output, nil
	lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ADDON_OUTPUTS_TABLE); // Stack : output

	// Add the output to the registry
	lua_pushvalue(L, -1); // Stack : output, output
	lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ADDON_INSTANCE); // Stack : output

	// Create the private data
	// TODO make __priv read-only
	struct addon_instance_priv *p = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct addon_instance_priv)); // Stack : output, priv
	if (!p) {
		pom_oom(sizeof(struct addon_instance_priv));
		return POM_ERR;
	memset(p, 0, sizeof(struct addon_instance_priv));
	o->priv = p;
	p->instance = o;
	p->L = L;
	if (pthread_mutex_init(&p->lock, NULL)) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while initializing mutex : %s", pom_strerror(errno));
		return POM_ERR;

	// Assign the output_priv metatable
	luaL_getmetatable(L, ADDON_OUTPUT_PRIV_METATABLE); // Stack : output, priv, metatable
	lua_setmetatable(L, -2); // Stack : output, priv
	// Add it to __priv
	lua_setfield(L, -2, "__priv"); // Stack : output

	// Fetch the parameters table 
	lua_getfield(L, -1, "__params"); // Stack : output, params

	// Parse each param from the class
	lua_pushnil(L); // Stack : output, params, nil
	while (lua_next(L, -2) != 0) { // Stack : output, params, key, param
		if (!lua_istable(L, -1)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Parameters should be described in tables");
			goto err;

		// Fetch the name
		lua_pushinteger(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key, param, 1
		lua_gettable(L, -2); // Stack : output, params, key, param, name
		if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Parameter name is not a string");
			goto err;
		const char *name = luaL_checkstring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key, param

		// Fetch the ptype type
		lua_pushinteger(L, 2); // Stack : output, params, key, param, 2
		lua_gettable(L, -2); // Stack : output, params, key, param, type
		if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Parameter type is not a string");
			goto err;
		const char *type = lua_tostring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key, param

		// Fetch the default value
		lua_pushinteger(L, 3); // Stack : output, params, key, param, 3
		lua_gettable(L, -2); // Stack : output, params, key, param, defval
		if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Parameter default value is not a string");
			goto err;
		const char *defval = lua_tostring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key, param

		// Fetch the description
		lua_pushinteger(L, 4); // Stack : output, params, key, param, 4
		lua_gettable(L, -2); // Stack : output, params, key, param, descr
		if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Parameter description is not a string");
			goto err;
		const char *descr = lua_tostring(L, -1);
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key, param

		// Allocate it
		struct addon_param *param = malloc(sizeof(struct addon_param));
		if (!param) {
			pom_oom(sizeof(struct addon_param));
			goto err;
		param->name = strdup(name);
		if (!param->name) {
			pom_oom(strlen(name) + 1);
			goto err;
		param->value = ptype_alloc(type);
		if (!param->value) {
			goto err;
		struct registry_param *reg_param = registry_new_param((char*)name, (char*)defval, param->value, (char*)descr, 0);
		if (output_add_param(o, reg_param) != POM_OK) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while adding parameter to the output instance");
			if (reg_param)
			goto err;

		param->next = p->params;
		p->params = param;

		// Pop the value (the param table)
		lua_pop(L, 1); // Stack : output, params, key
	// At this point the stack is : output, params
	lua_pop(L, 2); // Stack : empty

	pomlog(POMLOG_DEBUG "Output %s created", o->name);
	return POM_OK;

	p->L = NULL;
	return POM_ERR;
Exemple #6
int input_instance_add(char *type, char *name) {

	struct input_reg *reg;
	for (reg = input_reg_head; reg && strcmp(reg->info->name, type); reg = reg->next);

	if (!reg) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Input type %s does not exists", type);
		return POM_ERR;

	struct input *res = malloc(sizeof(struct input));
	if (!res) {
		pom_oom(sizeof(struct input));
		return POM_ERR;
	memset(res, 0, sizeof(struct input));

	if (pthread_mutex_init(&res->lock, NULL)) {
		pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while initializing the input mutex : %s", pom_strerror(errno));
		goto err;

	res->reg = reg;
	res->name = strdup(name);
	if (!res->name) {
		pom_oom(strlen(name) + 1);
		goto err;

	res->reg_instance = registry_add_instance(input_registry_class, name);
	if (!res->reg_instance)
		goto err;

	struct ptype *param_running_val = ptype_alloc("bool");
	if (!param_running_val)
		goto err;

	struct registry_param *param_running = registry_new_param("running", "no", param_running_val, "Running state of the input",  REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_CLEANUP_VAL);
	if (!param_running) {
		goto err;
	res->reg_param_running = param_running;

	if (registry_param_set_callbacks(param_running, res, NULL, input_instance_start_stop_handler) != POM_OK) {
		goto err;
	if (registry_instance_add_param(res->reg_instance, param_running) != POM_OK) {
		goto err;

	struct ptype *input_type = ptype_alloc("string");
	if (!input_type)
		goto err;

	struct registry_param *type_param = registry_new_param("type", type, input_type, "Type of the input", REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_CLEANUP_VAL | REGISTRY_PARAM_FLAG_IMMUTABLE);
	if (!type_param) {
		goto err;

	if (registry_instance_add_param(res->reg_instance, type_param) != POM_OK) {
		goto err;

	if (registry_uid_create(res->reg_instance) != POM_OK)
		goto err;

	res->reg_instance->priv = res;

	if (reg->info->init) {
		if (reg->info->init(res) != POM_OK) {
			pomlog(POMLOG_ERR "Error while initializing the input %s", name);
			goto err;

	res->next = input_head;
	if (res->next)
		res->next->prev = res;
	input_head = res;

	return POM_OK;

	if (res->name)

	if (res->reg_instance)


	return POM_ERR;