bool ExportTemplate::updateAvailable() const
    if (remoteVersion().isEmpty() || !isInstalled())
        return false;

    return remoteVersion().toFloat() > version().toFloat();
void FlashySlideShowStarterFrame::CheckNewVersion(wxCommandEvent& event)
   fprintf(stderr,"Checking for a new Version of Flashy Slideshows ( running %s ) \n ",AutoVersion::FULLVERSION_STRING);

   int i=0;
   //Inform the user that the program will block for a while..!
   i=system("notify-send \"Please Wait while checking for a new version.. \n It might take a while..\"&");
   if (i!=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not inform user in a nice GUI friendly way that it might take a while to check for a new verison\n"); }
   StatusBar1->SetStatusText(wxT("Please Wait while checking for a newer version ( this might take a while ).."));
   fprintf(stderr,"Please Wait while checking for a newer version ( this might take a while )..\n ");

   //Thanks @c00kiemon5ter , the next commandline one liner will put the FULLVERSION_STRING of the git repo inside char * output
   //FILE * fp = popen("wget -qO- | grep FULLVERSION_STRING | awk -F\\\" '/\"/{ print $2 }'", "r");
    int size_of_output = 512;   char output[512];
    FILE * fp = popen("wget -qO- | sed -n '/FULLVERSION_STRING/s,.*\"\\(.\\+\\)\".*,\\1,p'", "r");
    if (fp == 0 )
        fprintf(stderr,"Failed to run check for new version \n");
        wxMessageBox(wxT("Failed to run check for new version \n"),wxT("New Version exists"),wxICON_ASTERISK);

  while (fgets(output, size_of_output , fp) != 0)
      //We should trim the trailing new line character ( if it exists )
      wxString ourVersion(AutoVersion::FULLVERSION_STRING, wxConvUTF8);
      wxString remoteVersion(output, wxConvUTF8);

        fprintf(stderr,"Our Version : `%s` , Remote Version : `%s` \n",AutoVersion::FULLVERSION_STRING,output);
        if (strcmp(AutoVersion::FULLVERSION_STRING,output)!=0)
            wxString outmsg;
            outmsg<<wxT("You are currently running version ");
            outmsg<<wxT(", there is a newer version ");
            outmsg<<wxT(" you can download at");

            wxMessageBox(outmsg,wxT("A New Version is availiable"),wxICON_WARNING);
            fprintf(stderr,"A new version of flashy slideshows exists..");
            StatusBar1->SetStatusText(wxT("A new version of flashy slideshows exists.."));
          } else
            wxString outmsg;
            outmsg<<wxT("You already have the latest version (");
            outmsg<<wxT(") of FlashySlideshows");
            wxMessageBox(outmsg,wxT("Version up to date"),wxICON_INFORMATION);
            fprintf(stderr,"Our version of flashy slideshows is up to date..");
            StatusBar1->SetStatusText(wxT("Your version of flashy slideshows is up to date.."));