FOR_EACH (STD_VECTOR<Label*>::iterator, it, mLabels) { remove(*it); delete *it; }
bool CFileSystem::Delete(const char* szPath, bool bRecursive) { BEHAVIAC_UNUSED_VAR(bRecursive); return remove(szPath) == 0; }
void CodeDocument::deleteSection (const int start, const int end) { remove (start, end, true); }
void Checkpoint::updateCheckpointFiles(CheckpointFileNames file_struct) { int ret = 0; // return code for file operations // Update the list of stored files _file_names.push_back(file_struct); // Remove un-wanted files if (_file_names.size() > _num_files) { // Extract the filenames to be removed CheckpointFileNames delete_files = _file_names.front(); // Remove these filenames from the list _file_names.pop_front(); // Get thread and proc information processor_id_type proc_id = processor_id(); // Delete checkpoint files (_mesh.cpr) if (proc_id == 0) { ret = remove(delete_files.checkpoint.c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << delete_files.checkpoint << "': " << ret); // Delete the system files (xdr and xdr.0000, ...) ret = remove(delete_files.system.c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << delete_files.system << "': " << ret); } { std::ostringstream oss; oss << delete_files.system << "." << std::setw(4) << std::setprecision(0) << std::setfill('0') << proc_id; ret = remove(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << oss.str().c_str() << "': " << ret); } unsigned int n_threads = libMesh::n_threads(); // Remove material property files if (_material_property_storage.hasStatefulProperties() || _bnd_material_property_storage.hasStatefulProperties()) { ret = remove(delete_files.material.c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << delete_files.material << "': " << ret); for (THREAD_ID tid = 0; tid < n_threads; tid++) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << delete_files.material << '-' << proc_id; if (n_threads > 1) oss << "-" << tid; ret = remove(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << oss.str().c_str() << "': " << ret); } } // Remove the restart files (rd) { for (THREAD_ID tid = 0; tid < n_threads; tid++) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << delete_files.restart << "-" << proc_id; if (n_threads > 1) oss << "-" << tid; ret = remove(oss.str().c_str()); if (ret != 0) mooseWarning("Error during the deletion of file '" << oss.str().c_str() << "': " << ret); } } } }
bool test_udpc_share(){ const char * arg0[] = {"server", NULL}; const char *arg1[] = {"share", "[email protected]:a", "test share", NULL}; const char * arg2[]= {"share","[email protected]:a","test share2","[email protected]:a", NULL}; char test_code[5000]; memset(test_code, 'a', sizeof(test_code)); test_code[sizeof(test_code) - 1] = 0; iron_process server_proc, share_1_proc, share_2_proc; ASSERT(0 == iron_process_run("./server",arg0, &server_proc)); // setup dirs remove("test share/hello.txt"); remove("test share/hello2.txt"); remove("test share/hello3.txt"); remove("test share"); remove("test share2/hello.txt"); remove("test share2/hello2.txt"); remove("test share2/hello3.txt"); remove("test share2"); mkdir("test share/", 0777); write_string_to_file(test_code, "test share/hello.txt"); write_string_to_file(test_code, "test share/hello2.txt"); mkdir("test share2/", 0777); write_string_to_file(test_code, "test share2/hello3.txt"); iron_usleep(100000); ASSERT(0 == iron_process_run("./share", arg1, &share_1_proc)); iron_usleep(100000); ASSERT(0 == iron_process_run("./share", arg2, &share_2_proc)); logd("Waiting for process %p\n", timestamp()); logd("STATUS C2: %i\n", iron_process_get_status(share_2_proc)); iron_process_wait(share_2_proc, 30000000); logd("end %p\n", timestamp()); iron_process_status s_c2 = iron_process_get_status(share_2_proc); // Interrupt first then kill in case it did not work. kill(, SIGINT); kill(, SIGINT); kill(, SIGINT); iron_usleep(10000); kill(, SIGINT); kill(, SIGINT); kill(, SIGINT); iron_usleep(10000); kill(, SIGKILL); kill(, SIGKILL); kill(, SIGKILL); iron_usleep(10000); iron_process_status s1 = iron_process_get_status(server_proc); iron_process_status s_c1 = iron_process_get_status(share_1_proc); logd("exit statuses: %i %i %i\n", s1, s_c1, s_c2); sync(); char * file_content = read_file_to_string("test share2/hello.txt"); char * file_content2 = read_file_to_string("test share2/hello2.txt"); ASSERT(file_content != NULL && file_content2 != NULL); logd("l1: %i, l2: %i\n", strlen(test_code), strlen(file_content)); ASSERT(strcmp(test_code, file_content) == 0); ASSERT(strcmp(test_code, file_content2) == 0); dealloc(file_content); dealloc(file_content2); ASSERT(s_c2 == IRON_PROCESS_EXITED); iron_usleep(30000); // wait for ports to reopen. return TEST_SUCCESS; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 3) fail ("huge-file: Error, usage: %s min_max_size_in_bytes niter", argv[0]); /* The minimum "max file size" we tolerate. */ long min_max_size = atol (argv[1]); int niter = atoi (argv[2]); int i; long initial_max_file_size = -1; char zeros[CHUNK_SIZE]; char out_buf[CHUNK_SIZE]; char in_buf[CHUNK_SIZE]; char tmp_buf[CHUNK_SIZE]; memset (zeros, 0, CHUNK_SIZE); random_bytes (out_buf, CHUNK_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < niter; i++) { int create_big = random_ulong () % 2; int sparse = random_ulong () % 2; //msg ("iter %i: create_big %i sparse %i", i, create_big, sparse); long bytes_written = 0; long init_size = (create_big ? min_max_size : 0); if (!create (file, init_size)) fail ("Error, could not create (\"%s\", %li)", file, init_size); int fd = open (file); if (fd < 0) fail ("Error, open (%s, 0) gave fd %i\n", file, fd); if (sparse) { /* Make the file sparse and read prior to each write. */ seek (fd, min_max_size); char c = 0; if (write (fd, &c, 1) != 1) fail ("Error, could not write file sparsely: offset %li\n", min_max_size); /* Now do a read-write sequence. Ensure every read returns nulls. */ long offset = 0; while (1) { //msg ("read-write sequence: num %i offset %li", offset/CHUNK_SIZE, offset); /* Read and verify it's nulls. */ seek (fd, offset); long n_read = read (fd, in_buf, CHUNK_SIZE); if (n_read != CHUNK_SIZE && offset+CHUNK_SIZE < min_max_size) fail ("Error, read %li instead of %i and I'm not at the end of the file\n", n_read, CHUNK_SIZE); if (memcmp (in_buf, zeros, n_read)) { printf ("Error, read something besides zeros between offset %li and %li\n", offset, offset + n_read); printf ("I expected:\n"); print_buf (zeros, n_read); printf ("I read:\n"); print_buf (in_buf, n_read); fail ("Error, see above.\n"); } /* Write data. */ seek (fd, offset); long n_written = write (fd, out_buf, CHUNK_SIZE); bytes_written += n_written; int verify_after_write = random_ulong () % 2; if (verify_after_write) { seek (fd, offset); long n_read = read (fd, tmp_buf, CHUNK_SIZE); if (n_read != n_written) fail ("Error, verifying after write, and I read %li bytes after writing %li bytes\n", n_read, n_written); long j; for (j = 0; j < n_read; j++) { if (tmp_buf[j] != out_buf[j]) fail ("Error, mismatch between write and subsequent read. Offset %li expected <%c> read <%c>\n", offset + j, out_buf[j], tmp_buf[j]); } } if (n_written != CHUNK_SIZE) break; offset += CHUNK_SIZE; } } else { /* Just write out the file until it fails. */ seek (fd, 0); long offset = 0; while (1) { //msg ("write sequence: num %li offset %li", offset/CHUNK_SIZE, offset); long n_written = write (fd, out_buf, CHUNK_SIZE); bytes_written += n_written; if (n_written != CHUNK_SIZE) break; offset += CHUNK_SIZE; } //msg ("Max file size: %li", bytes_written); } close (fd); if (!remove (file)) fail ("Error, could not delete file %s", file); if (i == 0) initial_max_file_size = bytes_written; /* Must be at least min_max_size bytes. */ if (bytes_written < min_max_size) fail ("Error, could only write %li < %li bytes", bytes_written, min_max_size); /* Should be the same number every time, whatever it is. */ if (initial_max_file_size != bytes_written) fail ("Error, on the first iteration I was able to write a total of %li bytes. On this iteration I wrote %li bytes. Why do these differ?", initial_max_file_size, bytes_written); } return 0; }
void HandleClientMsg(SSL_CLIENT_DATA* ssl_data, int epollfd) { if(!ssl_data) return; SSL *ssl = ssl_data->ssl; char buffer[BUFF_LEN]; int recvLen; bzero(buffer, BUFF_LEN); recvLen = SSL_recv(ssl, buffer, BUFF_LEN); if(recvLen <= 0 || strncmp(buffer, "quit", 4)==0) { printf("client quit!\n"); SSL_Client_Leave(ssl_data, epollfd); return; } /*Parse the user cert request*/ cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(buffer); if(!root) { HandleError(ssl, "JSON parse error!"); goto end; } cJSON *child = root->child, *cmd=NULL, *attr=NULL; while(child) { if(0==strcmp(child->string, "cmd")) cmd = child; else if(0==strcmp(child->string, "attr")) attr = child; child = child->next; } printf("Receive from client %d: %s\n", SSL_get_fd(ssl_data->ssl), buffer); if(0==strcmp(cmd->valuestring, "get_cert")) { char *certFile = ProduceNewCertForUser(attr); printf("certfile:%s;\n", certFile); fflush(NULL); /*Generate the response text*/ char *resp = NULL; FILE *file = fopen(certFile, "r"); if(!file) { HandleError(ssl, "Certificate generate failed with unknown error!\n"); }else{ fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); if(0==ftell(file)) { HandleError(ssl, "Certificate generate failed with unknown error!\n"); fclose(file); remove(certFile); }else{ /*Calculate. Remove all the path prefix, leave the pure file name*/ char *fileName = certFile, *ret=NULL; ret = strtok(certFile, "/"); while(ret) { fileName = ret; ret = strtok(NULL, "/"); } cJSON *resp_json = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(resp_json, "cmd", "sending_cert_next"); cJSON *attr = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(resp_json, "attr", attr); cJSON_AddStringToObject(attr, "filename", fileName); char *resp = cJSON_Print(resp_json); cJSON_Delete(resp_json); SSL_send(ssl, resp, strlen(resp)); free(resp); /*Next we must send the cert file to the client*/ rewind(file); char buffer[512]={0}; int len = 0, sendLen=0; while(!feof(file)) { printf("Sending cert....\n"); len = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 511, file); if(len<=0) break; buffer[len] = '\0'; sendLen = SSL_send(ssl, buffer, len); if(sendLen<len) break; } SSL_send(ssl, "!@done*#", 8); fclose(file); } } free(certFile); }else if(0==strcmp(cmd->valuestring, "pubkey_query")) { /*get the username*/ char *username = NULL; if(0==strcmp(attr->child->string, "username")) username = attr->child->valuestring; if(!username) { HandleError(ssl, "You must specify the user name!"); return; } /*Generate the response text*/ char certFile[512]; strcpy(certFile, "certs/client/"); strcat(certFile, username); strcat(certFile, "Pub.pem"); char *resp = NULL; FILE *file = fopen(certFile, "r"); if(!file) { HandleError(ssl, "your requested file not exists!\n"); }else{ fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); if(0==ftell(file)) { HandleError(ssl, "your requested file not exists!\n"); fclose(file); remove(certFile); }else{ /*Calculate. Remove all the path prefix, leave the pure file name*/ char *fileName = basename(certFile), *ret=NULL; cJSON *resp_json = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddStringToObject(resp_json, "cmd", "sending_pubkey_next"); cJSON *attr = cJSON_CreateObject(); cJSON_AddItemToObject(resp_json, "attr", attr); cJSON_AddStringToObject(attr, "filename", fileName); char *resp = cJSON_Print(resp_json); cJSON_Delete(resp_json); SSL_send(ssl, resp, strlen(resp)); free(resp); /*Next we must send the cert file to the client*/ rewind(file); char buffer[512]={0}; int len = 0, sendLen=0; while(!feof(file)) { printf("Sending public key....\n"); len = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), 511, file); if(len<=0) break; buffer[len] = '\0'; sendLen = SSL_send(ssl, buffer, len); if(sendLen<len) break; } SSL_send(ssl, "!@done*#", 8); printf("Done.\n"); fclose(file); } } } end: cJSON_Delete(root); }
/***************************************************************** * int initialize_cape() * sets up necessary hardware and software * should be the first thing your program calls *****************************************************************/ int initialize_cape(){ FILE *fd; printf("\n"); // check if another project was using resources // kill that process cleanly with sigint if so #ifdef DEBUG printf("checking for existing PID_FILE\n"); #endif fd = fopen(PID_FILE, "r"); if (fd != NULL) { int old_pid; fscanf(fd,"%d", &old_pid); if(old_pid != 0){ printf("warning, shutting down existing robotics project\n"); kill((pid_t)old_pid, SIGINT); sleep(1); } // close and delete the old file fclose(fd); remove(PID_FILE); } // create new pid file with process id #ifdef DEBUG printf("opening PID_FILE\n"); #endif fd = fopen(PID_FILE, "ab+"); if (fd < 0) { printf("\n error opening PID_FILE for writing\n"); return -1; } pid_t current_pid = getpid(); printf("Current Process ID: %d\n", (int)current_pid); fprintf(fd,"%d",(int)current_pid); fflush(fd); fclose(fd); // check the device tree overlay is actually loaded if (is_cape_loaded() != 1){ printf("ERROR: Device tree overlay not loaded by cape manager\n"); return -1; } // initialize mmap io libs printf("Initializing GPIO\n"); if(initialize_gpio()){ printf("mmap_gpio_adc.c failed to initialize gpio\n"); return -1; } //export all GPIO output pins gpio_export(RED_LED); gpio_set_dir(RED_LED, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(GRN_LED); gpio_set_dir(GRN_LED, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR1A); gpio_set_dir(MDIR1A, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR1B); gpio_set_dir(MDIR1B, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR2A); gpio_set_dir(MDIR2A, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR2B); gpio_set_dir(MDIR2B, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR3A); gpio_set_dir(MDIR3A, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR3B); gpio_set_dir(MDIR3B, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR4A); gpio_set_dir(MDIR4A, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MDIR4B); gpio_set_dir(MDIR4B, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(MOT_STBY); gpio_set_dir(MOT_STBY, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(PAIRING_PIN); gpio_set_dir(PAIRING_PIN, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(SPI1_SS1_GPIO_PIN); gpio_set_dir(SPI1_SS1_GPIO_PIN, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(SPI1_SS2_GPIO_PIN); gpio_set_dir(SPI1_SS2_GPIO_PIN, OUTPUT_PIN); gpio_export(INTERRUPT_PIN); gpio_set_dir(INTERRUPT_PIN, INPUT_PIN); gpio_export(SERVO_PWR); gpio_set_dir(SERVO_PWR, OUTPUT_PIN); printf("Initializing ADC\n"); if(initialize_adc()){ printf("mmap_gpio_adc.c failed to initialize adc\n"); return -1; } printf("Initializing eQEP\n"); if(init_eqep(0)){ printf("mmap_pwmss.c failed to initialize eQEP\n"); return -1; } if(init_eqep(1)){ printf("mmap_pwmss.c failed to initialize eQEP\n"); return -1; } if(init_eqep(2)){ printf("mmap_pwmss.c failed to initialize eQEP\n"); return -1; } // setup pwm driver printf("Initializing PWM\n"); if(simple_init_pwm(1,PWM_FREQ)){ printf("simple_pwm.c failed to initialize PWMSS 0\n"); return -1; } if(simple_init_pwm(2,PWM_FREQ)){ printf("simple_pwm.c failed to initialize PWMSS 1\n"); return -1; } // start some gpio pins at defaults deselect_spi1_slave(1); deselect_spi1_slave(2); disable_motors(); //set up function pointers for button press events printf("Initializing button interrupts\n"); initialize_button_handlers(); // Load binary into PRU printf("Initializing PRU\n"); if(initialize_pru()){ printf("ERROR: PRU init FAILED\n"); return -1; } // Start Signal Handler printf("Initializing exit signal handler\n"); signal(SIGINT, ctrl_c); signal(SIGTERM, ctrl_c); // Print current battery voltage printf("Battery Voltage: %2.2fV\n", get_battery_voltage()); // all done set_state(PAUSED); printf("\nRobotics Cape Initialized\n"); return 0; }
int post_report(const string from_filename, const string device_mac, const map<int, Sensor*>& sa) { int esito=ERROR; string server_response_s; server_response_s.assign("null"); Json::Reader reader; ifstream in_report_file; //input file containing past reports (not yet dispatched to server) ofstream out_report_file; //output file containing the remaining reports after this post (max 50 are sent) int num_extracted_lines=0; //num of lines extracted from file: if it is 0 then no full report must be sent! string report_line; //line extracted from file (it will contain one unparsed report) Json::Value report; //a single report extracted from file Json::Value report_array = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue); //saved reports array (parsed from file) //Open File, ios::in ); if(!in_report_file.is_open()) { cout<<"||/ CRITICAL ERROR: Could not find source buffer file!!"<<endl; return esito; } else { //Open destination file for reports not being sent now (if there are too many or with problems)"new_"+from_filename, ios::out); if(!out_report_file.is_open()) { cout<<"||/ CRITICAL ERROR: Could not create destination buffer file!!"<<endl; return esito; } } //Parsing saved reports from input report file while( getline(in_report_file,report_line) ) { /* //Parsing lines and creating elements of JsonArray Sensor_values: string fields[]={"value_timestamp","average_value","local_feed_id","variance","units_of_measurement"}; string delimiter = "##"; string token; int i=0; size_t pos = 0; while ((pos = report_line.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos) { token = report_line.substr(0, pos); int pos1= token.find_first_of("="); report[fields[i]]=token.substr(pos1+1,token.size()); i++; report_line.erase(0, pos + delimiter.length()); } */ //Extract only a maximum number of measure lines per report sent! if( num_extracted_lines < 1000 )//IF current number of lines extracted is less than N { if( reader.parse(report_line,report) ) //PARSE current line from input_file and CHECK for error { report_array.append(report); //NO ERROR: append the parsed line (json format) to report ready to be sent } else { out_report_file<<report_line<<"\n"; //ERROR: store the line AS IS to output_file (next report I will try again) } } else //ELSE (we have already parsed at least N lines) { out_report_file<<report_line<<"\n"; //ALWAYS store the extracted line to output_file (next report I will fetch other N lines) } num_extracted_lines++; //Increment number of lines computed } in_report_file.close(); out_report_file.close(); if(num_extracted_lines > 0) //check if input_file was not empty.. { //Declaring COMPLETE Json Json::Value json_post; //Assembling the "position" part: geolocalization data Json::Value position; //Getting milliseconds since Epoch and converting it to string... stringstream textconverter; textconverter << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>( std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch() ).count(); position["kind"]="latitude#location"; position["timestampMs"]= textconverter.str(); position["latitude"]="45.067616"; position["longitude"]="7.622660"; position["accuracy"]="5000"; position["height_meters"]="240"; //Assembling COMPLETE Json json_post["position"]=position; json_post["sensor_values"]=report_array; //attaching the array of reports fetched from file json_post["send_timestamp"]=getTimeStamp(); json_post["raspb_wifi_mac"]=device_mac; //Just one HTTP POST call to the Server for all report selected esito=http_post_auth( params["report"].get("API_URL","").asString() + "device/" +device_mac+"/posts", json_post.toStyledString(), server_response_s); //cerr<<"\nRISPOSTA SERVER SU POST REPORT DI "<<getTimeStamp()<<":\n"<<server_response_s<<endl; //cout<<json_post<<endl; //.. and If http_post is ok --> delete the old file and rename the new as old if (esito==NICE) { remove(from_filename.c_str()); rename( ("new_"+from_filename).c_str() , from_filename.c_str()); /* OLD DELETE //Open New file as output ofstream ofs;, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc); ofs.close(); */ } else //just delete the new file: the old file will be kept for next trial { remove( ("new_"+from_filename).c_str() ); } } else { esito=ABORTED; } return esito; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { show_steps = 0; remove("input.txt"); remove("output.txt"); remove("tmpa.txt"); remove("tmpb.txt"); if (argc == 1 || argc > 3) { help(); exit(1); } else { int option; /* opcje */ char optstring[] = ":skr:f:"; while((option = getopt(argc,argv,optstring)) != -1) { switch(option) { case 's' : show_steps = 1; break; case 'k' : printf("Wprowadz rekordy i potwierdz je znakiem ENTER:\n"); path_file = "input.txt"; key_reads(path_file); run(); break; case 'r' : if(*optarg == 'f' || *optarg == 'k' || *optarg == 's') { printf("Bledny argument opcji -r \n\n"); help(); exit(1); } int records; records = atoi(optarg); path_file = "input.txt"; printf("Generowanie losowych rekordow.\n\n"); rand_records(path_file, records); run(); break; case 'f' : if(*optarg == 'r' || *optarg == 'k' || *optarg == 's') { printf("Bledny argument opcji -f \n\n"); help(); exit(1); } path_file = optarg; run(); break; case ':' : /* brakuje argumentu w opcji */ printf("Opcja -%c wymaga argumentu\n\n",optopt); help(); exit(1); case '?' : default : help(); exit(1); } } if(argv[optind] == NULL || argv[optind + 1] == NULL) { help(); exit(1); } } return 0; }
/****************************************************************** * int cleanup_cape() * shuts down library and hardware functions cleanly * you should call this before your main() function returns *******************************************************************/ int cleanup_cape(){ set_state(EXITING); // allow up to 3 seconds for thread cleanup struct timespec thread_timeout; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &thread_timeout); thread_timeout.tv_sec += 3; int thread_err = 0; thread_err = pthread_timedjoin_np(pause_pressed_thread, NULL, &thread_timeout); if(thread_err == ETIMEDOUT){ printf("WARNING: pause_pressed_thread exit timeout\n"); } thread_err = 0; thread_err = pthread_timedjoin_np(pause_unpressed_thread, NULL, &thread_timeout); if(thread_err == ETIMEDOUT){ printf("WARNING: pause_unpressed_thread exit timeout\n"); } thread_err = 0; thread_err = pthread_timedjoin_np(mode_pressed_thread, NULL, &thread_timeout); if(thread_err == ETIMEDOUT){ printf("WARNING: mode_pressed_thread exit timeout\n"); } thread_err = 0; thread_err = pthread_timedjoin_np(mode_unpressed_thread, NULL, &thread_timeout); if(thread_err == ETIMEDOUT){ printf("WARNING: mode_unpressed_thread exit timeout\n"); } thread_err = 0; thread_err = pthread_timedjoin_np(imu_interrupt_thread, NULL, &thread_timeout); if(thread_err == ETIMEDOUT){ printf("WARNING: imu_interrupt_thread exit timeout\n"); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("turning off GPIOs & PWM\n"); #endif set_led(GREEN,LOW); set_led(RED,LOW); disable_motors(); deselect_spi1_slave(1); deselect_spi1_slave(2); disable_servo_power_rail(); #ifdef DEBUG printf("turning off PRU\n"); #endif prussdrv_pru_disable(0); prussdrv_pru_disable(1); prussdrv_exit(); #ifdef DEBUG printf("deleting PID file\n"); #endif FILE* fd; // clean up the pid_file if it still exists fd = fopen(PID_FILE, "r"); if (fd != NULL) { // close and delete the old file fclose(fd); remove(PID_FILE); } printf("\nExiting Cleanly\n"); return 0; }
T MyQueue<T>::dequeue(){ return remove(first());; }
T MyStack<T>::pop(){ return remove(last()); }
static int os_remove (lua_State *L) { const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); return os_pushresult(L, remove(filename) == 0, filename); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[256] = ""; FILE *f = NULL; int flip_slashes = 0; int ret, i, j; char *p; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: runner program args\n"); return 1; } for (i=1; i<argc; i++) { if ((strcmp(argv[i], "\\") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i], "\\\\") == 0)) { flip_slashes = 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "@") == 0) { if (!f) { f = fopen("_tmpfile.arg", "w"); if (!f) { printf("Error writing _tmpfile.arg\n"); return 1; } } } else if (f) { if (flip_slashes) { for (j=0; argv[i][j]; j++) { if (argv[i][j] == '/') fputc('\\', f); else fputc(argv[i][j], f); } fputc('\n', f); } else fprintf(f, "%s\n", argv[i]); } else { if (buf[0]) strncat(buf, " ", sizeof(buf)-1); if (flip_slashes) { j = strlen(buf); strncat(buf, argv[i], sizeof(buf)-1); while (buf[j]) { if (buf[j] == '/') buf[j] = '\\'; j++; } } else strncat(buf, argv[i], sizeof(buf)-1); } } if (f) { fclose(f); strncat(buf, " @_tmpfile.arg", sizeof(buf)-1); } p = strchr(buf, ' '); if (p) { if (strlen(p) >= 126) { fprintf(stderr, "Runner oops: command line is longer than 126 characters!\n"); remove("_tmpfile.arg"); return 1; } } ret = system(buf); remove("_tmpfile.arg"); return ret; }
void sockunlink(void) { if (socketname[0]) remove(socketname); }
int get(int sockfd, char *remote_file, char *local_file) { int len, pkt_num = 1; char request[512]; struct file_info fi; uint8_t successful = FALSE; /* Create local file */ strcpy(fi.filename, local_file); strcpy(fi.mode, MODE_OCTET); //TODO fi.readonly = FALSE; if (file_init(&fi) == ERRNO_FOPEN) { error_num(6); return -1; } struct pkt_request req; req.opcode = PKT_RRQ; strcpy(req.filename, remote_file); strcpy(req.mode, MODE_OCTET); // TODO len = serialize_request(&req, request); dccp_send(sockfd, request, len); while (TRUE) { int bytes; char buf[BUF_SIZE]; if ((bytes = recv(sockfd, buf, BUF_SIZE, 0)) <= 0) { /* Client shut down */ if (bytes == 0) { //TODO client shut down error_num(4); break; } else { //TODO error } } printf("PKT %d\n", pkt_num++); uint16_t opcode = ntohs(*(uint16_t *) buf); /* Handle incoming packet */ if (opcode == PKT_DATA) { uint32_t block = ntohs(*(uint32_t *) (buf + B2)); char *data = buf + B2 + B4; printf("block: %d\n", block); /* Ignore data with wrong block number */ if (block == fi.cur_block + 1) { append_block(&fi, data, bytes - B2 - B4); } else if (block <= fi.cur_block) { // resend ack for lost packet send_ack(sockfd, block); continue; } else { continue; } printf("last_bytes: %d\n", fi.last_numbytes); /* Send ACK */ if (pkt_num != 2 && pkt_num != 3 && pkt_num != 4) // DEBUG REMOVE send_ack(sockfd, block); if (fi.last_numbytes < BLOCKSIZE) { // transfer finished successful = TRUE; break; // TODO not break, wait for timeout } } else if (opcode == PKT_ACK) { } else if (opcode == PKT_ERROR) { } else { } } file_close(&fi); if (!successful) remove(fi.filename); return 0; }
int initialize_cape(){ FILE *fd; // opened and closed for each file char path[128]; // buffer to store file path string int i = 0; // general use counter printf("\n"); // check if another project was using resources // kill that process cleanly with sigint if so fd = fopen(LOCKFILE, "r"); if (fd != NULL) { int old_pid; fscanf(fd,"%d", &old_pid); if(old_pid != 0){ printf("warning, shutting down existing robotics project\n"); kill((pid_t)old_pid, SIGINT); sleep(1); } // close and delete the old file fclose(fd); remove(LOCKFILE); } // create new lock file with process id fd = fopen(LOCKFILE, "ab+"); if (fd < 0) { printf("\n error opening LOCKFILE for writing\n"); return -1; } pid_t current_pid = getpid(); printf("Current Process ID: %d\n", (int)current_pid); fprintf(fd,"%d",(int)current_pid); fflush(fd); fclose(fd); // ensure gpios are exported printf("Initializing GPIO\n"); for(i=0; i<NUM_OUT_PINS; i++){ if(gpio_export(out_gpio_pins[i])){ printf("failed to export gpio %d", out_gpio_pins[i]); return -1; }; gpio_set_dir(out_gpio_pins[i], OUTPUT_PIN); } // set up default values for some gpio disable_motors(); deselect_spi1_slave(1); deselect_spi1_slave(2); //Set up PWM printf("Initializing PWM\n"); i=0; for(i=0; i<4; i++){ strcpy(path, pwm_files[i]); strcat(path, "polarity"); fd = fopen(path, "a"); if(fd<0){ printf("PWM polarity not available in /sys/class/devices/ocp.3\n"); return -1; } //set correct polarity such that 'duty' is time spent HIGH fprintf(fd,"%c",'0'); fflush(fd); fclose(fd); } //leave duty cycle file open for future writes for(i=0; i<4; i++){ strcpy(path, pwm_files[i]); strcat(path, "duty"); pwm_duty_pointers[i] = fopen(path, "a"); } //read in the pwm period defined in device tree overlay .dts strcpy(path, pwm_files[0]); strcat(path, "period"); fd = fopen(path, "r"); if(fd<0){ printf("PWM period not available in /sys/class/devices/ocp.3\n"); return -1; } fscanf(fd,"%i", &pwm_period_ns); fclose(fd); // mmap pwm modules to get fast access to eQep encoder position // see mmap_eqep example program for more mmap and encoder info printf("Initializing eQep Encoders\n"); int dev_mem; if ((dev_mem = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR | O_SYNC))==-1){ printf("Could not open /dev/mem \n"); return -1; } pwm_map_base[0] = mmap(0,getpagesize(),PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,dev_mem,PWM0_BASE); pwm_map_base[1] = mmap(0,getpagesize(),PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,dev_mem,PWM1_BASE); pwm_map_base[2] = mmap(0,getpagesize(),PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,dev_mem,PWM2_BASE); if(pwm_map_base[0] == (void *) -1) { printf("Unable to mmap pwm \n"); return(-1); } close(dev_mem); // Test eqep and reset position for(i=1;i<3;i++){ if(set_encoder_pos(i,0)){ printf("failed to access eQep register\n"); printf("eQep driver not loaded\n"); return -1; } } //set up function pointers for button press events printf("starting button interrupts\n"); set_pause_pressed_func(&null_func); set_pause_unpressed_func(&null_func); set_mode_pressed_func(&null_func); set_mode_unpressed_func(&null_func); initialize_button_handlers(); // Load binary into PRU printf("Starting PRU servo controller\n"); if(initialize_pru_servos()){ printf("WARNING: PRU init FAILED"); } // Print current battery voltage printf("Battery Voltage = %fV\n", getBattVoltage()); // Start Signal Handler printf("Enabling exit signal handler\n"); signal(SIGINT, ctrl_c); // all done set_state(PAUSED); printf("\nRobotics Cape Initialized\n"); return 0; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- ofxBulletSoftBody::~ofxBulletSoftBody() { remove(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { // enough arguments ? if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] state\n" "\n -g debug" "\n -q quiet" "\n -s write (radial) densities into file" "\n -l LABEL use label" "\n -r RANGE radial range" "\n -c RANGE coordinate range\n", argv[0]); exit(-1); } int debug=0, quiet=0; int save=0; int shape=1; int view=1; double xmax=5.5; double rmax=5.4; int npoints=40+1; int izcw=5; char* label = NULL; char c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:l:gqsn")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'g': debug=1; break; case 'q': quiet=1; break; case 's': save=1; break; case 'n': shape=0; break; case 'l': label=optarg; break; case 'c': xmax = atof(optarg); break; case 'r': rmax = atof(optarg); break; } char* slaterdetfile = argv[optind]; SlaterDet Q; readSlaterDetfromFile(&Q, slaterdetfile); if (!label) label = nucleusIDLformat(nucleusname(Q.A, Q.Z)); double* dens = (double*) malloc(3*SQR(npoints)*sizeof(double)); double* rdens = (double*) malloc(3*npoints*sizeof(double)); // write densities to data files char datafile[255]; FILE *datafp; int v; snprintf(datafile, 255, "%s.rdens", slaterdetfile);; if (!(datafp = fopen(datafile, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open %s for writing\n", datafile); exit(-1); } int i,j; // coordinate space densities if (shape) { calcDensitiesCoordinate(&Q, view, npoints, xmax, dens); int axis=2; for (j=0; j<npoints; j++) { for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) fprintf(datafp, "%f ", dens[j*npoints+i]/rho0); fprintf(datafp, "\n"); } } // radial densities calcRadialDensitiesCoordinate(&Q, izcw, npoints, rmax, rdens); for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) fprintf(datafp, "%15.8g ", rdens[i]); fprintf(datafp, "\n"); for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) fprintf(datafp, "%15.8g ", rdens[i+ npoints]); fprintf(datafp, "\n"); for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) fprintf(datafp, "%15.8g ", rdens[i+2*npoints]); fprintf(datafp, "\n"); fclose(datafp); // write radial densities into file if (save) { char rdensfile[255]; FILE* rdensfp; snprintf(rdensfile, 255, "%s.dens.dat", slaterdetfile); if (!(rdensfp = fopen(rdensfile, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open %s for writing\n", rdensfile); exit(-1); } for (i=0; i<npoints; i++) fprintf(rdensfp, "%8.3f\t%15.8g\t%15.8g\t%15.8g\n", rmax/(npoints-1)*i, rdens[i], rdens[i+ npoints], rdens[i+2*npoints]); fclose(rdensfp); } // writing IDL script char scriptfile[255]; FILE* scriptfp; char* fmdhome; if (!(fmdhome = getenv("FMD"))) { fprintf(stderr, "environment variable FMD not defined\n"); exit(-1); } snprintf(scriptfile, 255, "%s.rdens.script", slaterdetfile); if (!(scriptfp = fopen(scriptfile, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open %s for writing\n", scriptfile); exit(-1); } fprintf(scriptfp, "; plot densities of nuclei\n; written by calcdens\n\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "densxy=fltarr(%d,%d,%d)\n", npoints, npoints, 1);\ fprintf(scriptfp, "rdens=fltarr(%d,3,%d)\n", npoints, 1); fprintf(scriptfp, "!path = '%s/lib:' + !path\n", fmdhome); fprintf(scriptfp, "openr, unit, '%s', /get_lun\n", datafile); if (shape) fprintf(scriptfp, "readf, unit, densxy\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "readf, unit, rdens\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "free_lun, unit\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "\ multipost, densityplot, radialdensityplot\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "!p.thick = 1.5\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "pos = initpost('%s.rdens.eps', %d, 1, gapx=2.0, /color)\n", slaterdetfile, 1+shape); fprintf(scriptfp, "!x.minor = 0\n!y.minor = 0\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "loadct, 3\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "!p.position = pos(0,*)\n"); if (shape) { fprintf(scriptfp, "densityplot, densxy(*,*,%d), %d, %f, %f, %f, %f, $\n", 0, view, -xmax, xmax, -xmax, xmax); fprintf(scriptfp, "\t/cut, /coordinate, /cont, /dens, key = '%s'\n", label); fprintf(scriptfp, "!p.position = pos(1,*)\n"); } fprintf(scriptfp, "!x.minor = 4\n!y.minor = 0\n"); fprintf(scriptfp, "radialdensityplot, rdens(*,*,0), %f, $\n", rmax); fprintf(scriptfp, "\t/coordinate, key = \"%s\", /legend, /col\n", label); fprintf(scriptfp, "exit\n"); fclose(scriptfp); // calling IDL char call[255]; snprintf(call, 255, "idl < %s", scriptfile); system(call); char epsfile[255]; snprintf(epsfile, 255, "%s.rdens.eps", slaterdetfile); // calling gv if (!quiet) { snprintf(call, 255, "gv %s &", epsfile); system(call); } // clean up if (!debug) { remove(datafile); remove(scriptfile); } return 0; }
int main() { static const unsigned int testFileSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024; static SDFileSystem sdFatFileSystem(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd"); static Timer timer; FILE* pFile = NULL; size_t bytesTransferred = 0; size_t i = 0; int seekResult = -1; char filenameBuffer[256]; static __attribute((section("AHBSRAM0"),aligned)) unsigned char buffer[16 * 1024]; static __attribute((section("AHBSRAM1"),aligned)) char cache[16 * 1024]; // Search for a unique filename to test with. for (i = 0 ; ; i++) { snprintf(filenameBuffer, sizeof(filenameBuffer), "/sd/tst%u.bin", i); printf("Trying %s...", filenameBuffer); pFile = fopen(filenameBuffer, "r"); if (!pFile) { printf("free!\n"); break; } printf("exists!\n"); fclose(pFile); } printf("Performing write test...\n"); memset(buffer, 0x55, sizeof(buffer)); // Write out large file to SD card and time the write. pFile = fopen(filenameBuffer, "w"); if (!pFile) { printf("error: Failed to create %s", filenameBuffer); perror(NULL); exit(-1); } setvbuf(pFile, cache, _IOFBF, sizeof(cache)); timer.start(); for (i = 0 ; i < testFileSize / sizeof(buffer) ; i++) { bytesTransferred = fwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), pFile); if (bytesTransferred != sizeof(buffer)) { printf("error: Failed to write to %s", filenameBuffer); perror(NULL); exit(-1); } } unsigned int totalTicks = (unsigned int)timer.read_ms(); unsigned int totalBytes = ftell(pFile); fclose(pFile); printf("Wrote %u bytes in %u milliseconds.\n", totalBytes, totalTicks); printf("%f bytes/second.\n", totalBytes / (totalTicks / 1000.0f)); printf("%f MB/second.\n", (totalBytes / (totalTicks / 1000.0f)) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)); printf("Performing read test...\n"); pFile = fopen(filenameBuffer, "r"); if (!pFile) { printf("error: Failed to open %s", filenameBuffer); perror(NULL); exit(-1); } setvbuf(pFile, cache, _IOFBF, sizeof(cache)); timer.reset(); for (;;) { bytesTransferred = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), pFile); if (bytesTransferred != sizeof(buffer)) { if (ferror(pFile)) { printf("error: Failed to read from %s", filenameBuffer); perror(NULL); exit(-1); } else { break; } } } totalTicks = (unsigned int)timer.read_ms(); totalBytes = ftell(pFile); printf("Read %u bytes in %u milliseconds.\n", totalBytes, totalTicks); printf("%f bytes/second.\n", totalBytes / (totalTicks / 1000.0f)); printf("%f MB/second.\n", (totalBytes / (totalTicks / 1000.0f)) / (1024.0f * 1024.0f)); printf("Validating data read. Not for performance measurement.\n"); seekResult = fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_SET); if (seekResult) { perror("error: Failed to seek to beginning of file"); exit(-1); } for (;;) { unsigned int j; unsigned char* pCurr; memset(buffer, 0xaa, sizeof(buffer)); bytesTransferred = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), pFile); if (bytesTransferred != sizeof(buffer) && ferror(pFile)) { printf("error: Failed to read from %s", filenameBuffer); perror(NULL); exit(-1); } for (j = 0, pCurr = buffer ; j < bytesTransferred ; j++) { if (*pCurr++ != 0x55) { printf("error: Unexpected read byte encountered."); exit(-1); } } if (bytesTransferred != sizeof(buffer)) break; } totalBytes = ftell(pFile); printf("Validated %u bytes.\n", totalBytes); fclose(pFile); printf("Determine size of file through fseek and ftell calls.\n"); pFile = fopen(filenameBuffer, "r"); seekResult = fseek(pFile, 0, SEEK_END); long size = ftell(pFile); if ((long)testFileSize != size) { printf("error: ftell returned %ld instead of the expected value of %u.\n", size, testFileSize); exit(-1); } fclose(pFile); printf("Create directories.\n"); remove("/sd/testdir1/z"); remove("/sd/testdir1/a"); remove("/sd/testdir1"); int mkdirResult = mkdir("/sd/testdir1", 0); if (mkdirResult) { perror("error: mkdir(/sd/testdir1) failed"); exit(-1); } mkdirResult = mkdir("/sd/testdir1/a", 0); if (mkdirResult) { perror("error: mkdir(/sd/testdir1/a) failed"); exit(-1); } mkdirResult = mkdir("/sd/testdir1/z", 0); if (mkdirResult) { perror("error: mkdir(/sd/testdir1/z) failed"); exit(-1); } // Enumerate all content on mounted file systems. printf("\nList all files in /sd...\n"); _RecursiveDir("/sd"); printf("Cleanup test directories.\n"); int removeResult = remove("/sd/testdir1/z"); if (removeResult) { perror("error: remove(sd/testdir1/z) failed"); exit(-1); } removeResult = remove("/sd/testdir1/a"); if (removeResult) { perror("error: remove(sd/testdir1/a) failed"); exit(-1); } removeResult = remove("/sd/testdir1"); if (removeResult) { perror("error: remove(sd/testdir1) failed"); exit(-1); } printf("Remove test file.\n"); removeResult = remove(filenameBuffer); if (removeResult) { perror("error: remove() failed"); exit(-1); } return 0; }
int smart_rename (const char *from, const char *to, int preserve_dates) { bfd_boolean exists; struct stat s; int ret = 0; exists = lstat (to, &s) == 0; #if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (__CYGWIN32__) /* Win32, unlike unix, will not erase `to' in `rename(from, to)' but fail instead. Also, chown is not present. */ if (exists) remove (to); ret = rename (from, to); if (ret != 0) { /* We have to clean up here. */ non_fatal (_("unable to rename '%s' reason: %s"), to, strerror (errno)); unlink (from); } #else /* Use rename only if TO is not a symbolic link and has only one hard link, and we have permission to write to it. */ if (! exists || (!S_ISLNK (s.st_mode) && S_ISREG (s.st_mode) && (s.st_mode & S_IWUSR) && s.st_nlink == 1) ) { ret = rename (from, to); if (ret == 0) { if (exists) { /* Try to preserve the permission bits of TO. Don't * restore special bits. */ chmod (to, s.st_mode & 0777); } } else { /* We have to clean up here. */ non_fatal (_("unable to rename '%s' reason: %s"), to, strerror (errno)); unlink (from); } } else { ret = simple_copy (from, to); if (ret != 0) non_fatal (_("unable to copy file '%s' reason: %s"), to, strerror (errno)); if (preserve_dates) set_times (to, &s); unlink (from); } #endif /* _WIN32 && !__CYGWIN32__ */ return ret; }
void dccpktq_clear(DCCPktQ *q) { DCCPktElem *e; cli(); while((e = q->read) != NULL) remove(q, e); sei(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char tempFile[strlen(argv[1]) + 1]; strcpy(tempFile, argv[1]); strcat(tempFile, "tempIndex.txt"); char* path = argv[0]; path[strlen(argv[0]) - 3] = '\0'; if (signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) perror("Error in function signal"); // number of files to concatenate and sort int n = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); // create and get file descriptor for tempFile int fd = open(tempFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0750); if (fd == -1) perror("Error creating tempIndex"); int cenas = dup(STDOUT_FILENO); if (dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) perror("Error duplicating descriptor"); // concatenate files int i, status; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) // child { char fileName[20]; strcpy(fileName, "index"); char buffer[5]; sprintf(buffer, "%d", i); strcat(fileName, buffer); char file[strlen(path) + 1]; strcpy(file, path); strcat(fileName, ".txt"); strcat(file, fileName); execlp("cat", "cat", file, NULL); } else if (fork > 0) // parent wait(&status); else perror("Error creating fork"); } // sort files pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == 0) // flag V to interpret numbers as integers and not as characters // flag f to not distinguish lower case characters from upper case characters // flag o to write the result into temp File instead of the standard output execlp("sort", "sort", "-V", "-f", "-o", tempFile, tempFile, NULL); else if (fork < 0) perror("Error creating fork"); wait(&status); dup2(cenas, STDOUT_FILENO); // create index char indexFile[strlen(argv[1]) + 1]; strcpy(indexFile, argv[1]); strcat(indexFile, "index.txt"); FILE* index = fopen(indexFile, "wa"); FILE* tempIndex = fopen(tempFile, "r"); char currentWord[20], location[10]; char previousWord[20] = ""; fputs("INDEX", index); while(fscanf(tempIndex, "%[^:]: %s\n", currentWord, location) == 2) { if (strcmp(previousWord, currentWord) == 0) fprintf(index, ", %s", location); else { strcpy(previousWord, currentWord); fprintf(index, "\n\n%s: %s", currentWord, location); } } if (remove(tempFile) != 0) perror("Error deleting file"); return 0; }
bool test_dirscan(){ int buffer_test[10000]; for(size_t i = 0; i <array_count(buffer_test); i++){ buffer_test[i] = i; } allocator * _allocator = trace_allocator_make(); allocator * old_allocator = iron_get_allocator(); iron_set_allocator(_allocator); dirscan ds = {0}; //size_t max_diff_cnt = 0; //size_t max_file_cnt = 0; mkdir("dir test 1", 0777); mkdir("dir test 1/sub dir", 0777); memset(buffer_test, 10, sizeof(buffer_test)); udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", &ds, false); ASSERT(ds.cnt == 0); write_buffer_to_file(buffer_test, sizeof(buffer_test), "dir test 1/test1" ); buffer_test[0] += 10; write_buffer_to_file(buffer_test, sizeof(buffer_test), "dir test 1/test2" ); iron_usleep(30000); size_t s = 0; void * buffer = dirscan_to_buffer(ds, &s); dirscan copy = dirscan_from_buffer(buffer); dealloc(buffer); udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", &ds, false); dirscan_diff diff = udpc_dirscan_diff(copy, ds); ASSERT(diff.cnt == 2); ASSERT(diff.states[0] == DIRSCAN_NEW); udpc_dirscan_clear_diff(&diff); ASSERT(ds.type[0] == UDPC_DIRSCAN_FILE); remove("dir test 1/test1"); iron_usleep(20000); udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", &ds, false); int idx = -1; if(strcmp(ds.files[0], "test1") == 0) idx = 0; else if(strcmp(ds.files[1], "test1") == 0) idx = 1; ASSERT(idx != -1); iron_usleep(30000); ASSERT(ds.cnt == 2); ASSERT(ds.type[idx] == UDPC_DIRSCAN_DELETED); buffer_test[0] += 10; write_buffer_to_file(buffer_test, sizeof(buffer_test), "dir test 1/test1" ); udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", ©, false); diff = udpc_dirscan_diff(ds, copy); ASSERT(diff.cnt == 1); ASSERT(diff.states[0] == DIRSCAN_NEW); udpc_dirscan_clear_diff(&diff); dirscan_clean(©); write_buffer_to_file(buffer_test, sizeof(buffer_test), "dir test 1/sub dir/test3" ); udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", &ds, false); ASSERT(ds.cnt == 3); ASSERT(udpc_md5_compare(ds.md5s[idx], ds.md5s[2])); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "dir test 1/sub dir/testx_%i", i); write_buffer_to_file(buffer_test, sizeof(buffer_test), filename ); } udpc_dirscan_update("dir test 1", &ds, false); ASSERT(ds.cnt == 13); dirscan_clean(&ds); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ char filename[40]; sprintf(filename, "dir test 1/sub dir/testx_%i", i); remove(filename); } ASSERT(!remove("dir test 1/test2")); ASSERT(!remove("dir test 1/sub dir/test3")); ASSERT(!remove("dir test 1/sub dir")); ASSERT(!remove("dir test 1/test1")); ASSERT(!remove("dir test 1")); iron_set_allocator(old_allocator); int used_pointers = (int) trace_allocator_allocated_pointers(_allocator); trace_allocator_release(_allocator); ASSERT(used_pointers == 0); return TEST_SUCCESS; }
inline bool erase(const TKey key) { return remove(key); }
bool CFileSystem::removeDirectory(const char* szDirectoryPath) { return remove(szDirectoryPath) == 0; }
static int io_remove (lua_State *L) { return pushresult(L, remove(luaL_check_string(L, 1)) == 0); }
void CodeDocument::replaceAllContent (const String& newContent) { remove (0, getNumCharacters(), true); insert (newContent, 0, true); }
void ERR_RemoveErrorFile(void) { remove(ErrorFileName()); }