Exemple #1
     * Traverse the subtree rooted at 'node' to remove invalid RelevantTag assignments to text index
     * 'idx', which has prefix paths 'prefixPaths'.
    static void stripInvalidAssignmentsToTextIndex(MatchExpression* node,
                                                   size_t idx,
            const unordered_set<StringData, StringData::Hasher>& prefixPaths) {

        // If we're here, there are prefixPaths and node is either:
        // 1. a text pred which we can't use as we have nothing over its prefix, or
        // 2. a non-text pred which we can't use as we don't have a text pred AND-related.
        if (Indexability::nodeCanUseIndexOnOwnField(node)) {
            removeIndexRelevantTag(node, idx);

        // Do not traverse tree beyond negation node.
        if (node->matchType() == MatchExpression::NOT
            || node->matchType() == MatchExpression::NOR) {


        // For anything to use a text index with prefixes, we require that:
        // 1. The text pred exists in an AND,
        // 2. The non-text preds that use the text index's prefixes are also in that AND.

        if (node->matchType() != MatchExpression::AND) {
            // It's an OR or some kind of array operator.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
                stripInvalidAssignmentsToTextIndex(node->getChild(i), idx, prefixPaths);

        // If we're here, we're an AND.  Determine whether the children satisfy the index prefix for
        // the text index.
        invariant(node->matchType() == MatchExpression::AND);

        bool hasText = false;

        // The AND must have an EQ predicate for each prefix path.  When we encounter a child with a
        // tag we remove it from childrenPrefixPaths.  All children exist if this set is empty at
        // the end.
        unordered_set<StringData, StringData::Hasher> childrenPrefixPaths = prefixPaths;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
            MatchExpression* child = node->getChild(i);
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(child->getTag());

            if (NULL == tag) {
                // 'child' could be a logical operator.  Maybe there are some assignments hiding
                // inside.
                stripInvalidAssignmentsToTextIndex(child, idx, prefixPaths);

            bool inFirst = tag->first.end() != std::find(tag->first.begin(),

            bool inNotFirst = tag->notFirst.end() != std::find(tag->notFirst.begin(),

            if (inFirst || inNotFirst) {
                // Great!  'child' was assigned to our index.
                if (child->matchType() == MatchExpression::TEXT) {
                    hasText = true;
                else {
                    // One fewer prefix we're looking for, possibly.  Note that we could have a
                    // suffix assignment on the index and wind up here.  In this case the erase
                    // above won't do anything since a suffix isn't a prefix.
            else {
                // Recurse on the children to ensure that they're not hiding any assignments
                // to idx.
                stripInvalidAssignmentsToTextIndex(child, idx, prefixPaths);

        // Our prereqs for using the text index were not satisfied so we remove the assignments from
        // all children of the AND.
        if (!hasText || !childrenPrefixPaths.empty()) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
                stripInvalidAssignmentsToTextIndex(node->getChild(i), idx, prefixPaths);
Exemple #2
    static void stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(MatchExpression* node, size_t idx) {

        if (Indexability::nodeCanUseIndexOnOwnField(node)) {
            removeIndexRelevantTag(node, idx);

        const MatchExpression::MatchType nodeType = node->matchType();

        // Don't bother peeking inside of negations.
        if (MatchExpression::NOT == nodeType || MatchExpression::NOR == nodeType) {

        if (MatchExpression::AND != nodeType) {
            // It's an OR or some kind of array operator.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
                stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(node->getChild(i), idx);

        bool hasGeoField = false;

        for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
            MatchExpression* child = node->getChild(i);
            RelevantTag* tag = static_cast<RelevantTag*>(child->getTag());

            if (NULL == tag) {
                // 'child' could be a logical operator.  Maybe there are some assignments hiding
                // inside.
                stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(child, idx);

            bool inFirst = tag->first.end() != std::find(tag->first.begin(),

            bool inNotFirst = tag->notFirst.end() != std::find(tag->notFirst.begin(),

            // If there is an index assignment...
            if (inFirst || inNotFirst) {
                // And it's a geo predicate...
                if (MatchExpression::GEO == child->matchType() ||
                    MatchExpression::GEO_NEAR == child->matchType()) {

                    hasGeoField = true;
            else {
                // Recurse on the children to ensure that they're not hiding any assignments
                // to idx.
                stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(child, idx);

        // If there isn't a geo predicate our results aren't a subset of what's in the geo index, so
        // if we use the index we'll miss results.
        if (!hasGeoField) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < node->numChildren(); ++i) {
                stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(node->getChild(i), idx);