void MultiLayer::confirmRemoveLayer() {
  if (graphs > 1) {
    switch (QMessageBox::information(
        this, tr("Guess best layout?"),
        tr("Do you want AlphaPlot to rearrange the remaining layers?"),
        tr("&Yes"), tr("&No"), tr("&Cancel"), 0, 2)) {
      case 0:
        arrangeLayers(true, false);

      case 1:

      case 2:
  } else {
void MultiLayer::confirmRemoveLayer()
if (graphs>1)
            tr("QtiPlot - Guess best origin for the new layer?"),
            tr("Do you want QtiPlot to rearrange the remaining layers?"),
            tr("&Yes"), tr("&No"), tr("&Cancel"),
            0, 2) )
			case 0:
				arrangeLayers(0, 0, 5, 5, true);

			case 1:

			case 2:
Exemple #3
void MapView::setEnableCursor(bool ena)
	if (ena)
QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog::QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, QWidget* parent )
    : QDialog( parent ), mSymbol( symbol )
  setupUi( this );

  // setup icons
  btnAddLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyAdd.png" ) ) );
  btnRemoveLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyRemove.png" ) ) );
  btnLock->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyLock.png" ) ) );
  btnUp->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyUp.png" ) ) );
  btnDown->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyDown.png" ) ) );

  // set widget functions
  // (should be probably moved somewhere else)


  connect( btnUp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerUp() ) );
  connect( btnDown, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerDown() ) );
  connect( btnAddLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addLayer() ) );
  connect( btnRemoveLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeLayer() ) );
  connect( btnLock, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( lockLayer() ) );

  connect( cboLayerType, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged( int ) ), this, SLOT( layerTypeChanged() ) );



  // set first layer as active
  QModelIndex newIndex = listLayers->model()->index( 0, 0 );
  listLayers->setCurrentIndex( newIndex );
		//Call layers to draw images
		QVector<layer_interface * > slayers = layers();
		foreach (layer_interface * pItem, slayers)
Exemple #6
 * @brief Setter of the GridStrategy, if NULL is given, nothing is displyed.
 * @param stra
void MapView::setGridStrategy(IStrategy *stra)
    gridStrategy = stra;
    if (stra==NULL)
QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog::QgsSymbolV2SelectorDialog( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, QgsStyleV2* style, const QgsVectorLayer* vl, QWidget* parent, bool embedded )
    : QDialog( parent )
    , mAdvancedMenu( NULL )
    , mVectorLayer( vl )
    , mMapCanvas( 0 )
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
  setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
  mStyle = style;
  mSymbol = symbol;
  mPresentWidget = NULL;

  setupUi( this );

  QSettings settings;
  restoreGeometry( settings.value( "/Windows/SymbolSelectorDialog/geometry" ).toByteArray() );

  // can be embedded in renderer properties dialog
  if ( embedded )
    layout()->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  // setup icons
  btnAddLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyAdd.svg" ) ) );
  btnRemoveLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyRemove.svg" ) ) );
  QIcon iconLock;
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "locked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On );
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "unlocked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off );
  btnLock->setIcon( iconLock );
  btnUp->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyUp.svg" ) ) );
  btnDown->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyDown.svg" ) ) );

  model = new QStandardItemModel( layersTree );
  // Set the symbol
  layersTree->setModel( model );
  layersTree->setHeaderHidden( true );

  QItemSelectionModel* selModel = layersTree->selectionModel();
  connect( selModel, SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( layerChanged() ) );

  loadSymbol( symbol, static_cast<SymbolLayerItem*>( model->invisibleRootItem() ) );

  connect( btnUp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerUp() ) );
  connect( btnDown, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerDown() ) );
  connect( btnAddLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addLayer() ) );
  connect( btnRemoveLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeLayer() ) );
  connect( btnLock, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( lockLayer() ) );
  connect( btnSaveSymbol, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( saveSymbol() ) );


  // set symbol as active item in the tree
  QModelIndex newIndex = layersTree->model()->index( 0, 0 );
  layersTree->setCurrentIndex( newIndex );
/*! remove a layer after a specified layer */ 
void DoubleLinkedList::removeAfter(Layer * curl ){
	if(curl->nextl==this->botlayer) {
		delete curl;
void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::signal_qgis_layerWillBeRemoved( QString idLayer )
  // If Frozen: the QGis can be: Exit, Add Project, New Project
  if ( mIface->mapCanvas()->isFrozen() )
  // idLayer = QgsMapLayer::getLayerID()
  // Get Pointer layer removed
  QMap<QString, QgsVectorLayer *>::const_iterator i = mMapIdVectorLayers.find( idLayer );
  if ( i == mMapIdVectorLayers.end() )
  mMapIdVectorLayers.remove( idLayer );
  QgsVectorLayer *lyr = i.value();
  removeLayer( true, lyr ); // set new target if need
  removeLayer( false, lyr ); // set new reference if need
  if ( mLayerTarget && getCbIndexLayer( cbReferenceLayer, mLayerTarget ) > -1 )
    removeLayer( false, mLayerTarget );

  if ( cbTargetLayer->count() < 2 )
    bbMain->button( QDialogButtonBox::Apply )->hide();
    cbOperation->setEnabled( false );
    cbResultFor->setEnabled( false );
    if ( gbResultQuery->isVisible() )
      visibleResult( false );

    mLayerReference = NULL;
    if ( cbTargetLayer->count() < 1 )
      mLayerTarget = NULL;
} // QgsSpatialQueryDialog::signal_qgis_layerWillBeRemoved(QString idLayer)
/*! remove a layer before a specified layer */
void DoubleLinkedList::removeBefore(Layer *curl) {

		delete curl;
Exemple #11
QgsSymbolV2SelectorWidget::QgsSymbolV2SelectorWidget( QgsSymbolV2* symbol, QgsStyleV2* style, const QgsVectorLayer* vl, QWidget* parent )
    : QgsPanelWidget( parent )
    , mAdvancedMenu( nullptr )
    , mVectorLayer( vl )
    , mMapCanvas( nullptr )
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC
  setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal );
  mStyle = style;
  mSymbol = symbol;
  mPresentWidget = nullptr;

  setupUi( this );

  // setup icons
  btnAddLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyAdd.svg" ) ) );
  btnRemoveLayer->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyRemove.svg" ) ) );
  QIcon iconLock;
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "locked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On );
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "locked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Active, QIcon::On );
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "unlocked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off );
  iconLock.addFile( QgsApplication::iconPath( "unlocked.svg" ), QSize(), QIcon::Active, QIcon::Off );
  btnLock->setIcon( iconLock );
  btnDuplicate->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ) ) );
  btnUp->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyUp.svg" ) ) );
  btnDown->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyDown.svg" ) ) );

  model = new QStandardItemModel( layersTree );
  // Set the symbol
  layersTree->setModel( model );
  layersTree->setHeaderHidden( true );

  QItemSelectionModel* selModel = layersTree->selectionModel();
  connect( selModel, SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( layerChanged() ) );

  loadSymbol( symbol, static_cast<SymbolLayerItem*>( model->invisibleRootItem() ) );

  connect( btnUp, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerUp() ) );
  connect( btnDown, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveLayerDown() ) );
  connect( btnAddLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addLayer() ) );
  connect( btnRemoveLayer, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeLayer() ) );
  connect( btnLock, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( lockLayer() ) );
  connect( btnDuplicate, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( duplicateLayer() ) );
  connect( this, SIGNAL( symbolModified() ), this, SIGNAL( widgetChanged() ) );


  // set symbol as active item in the tree
  QModelIndex newIndex = layersTree->model()->index( 0, 0 );
  layersTree->setCurrentIndex( newIndex );

  setPanelTitle( tr( "Symbol selector" ) );
Exemple #12
void Mediator::whenOnRemoveLayerButtonClicked(std::string ClassName)

  if (m_SelectedClassName == ClassName)
    m_SelectedClassName = "";
void QgsSpatialQueryDialog::on_cbTargetLayer_currentIndexChanged( int index )
  // Add old target layer in reference combobox
  addCbLayer( false, mLayerTarget );

  // Set target layer
  setLayer( true, index );
  evaluateCheckBoxLayer( true );

  // Remove new target layer in reference combobox
  removeLayer( false, mLayerTarget );


  if ( gbResultQuery->isVisible() )
    visibleResult( false );
} // QgsSpatialQueryDialog::on_cbTargetLayer_currentIndexChanged(int index)
void CtrlrPanelLayerList::menuItemSelected(int menuItemID, int topLevelMenuIndex)
	if (topLevelMenuIndex == 1)
		if (menuItemID == 2)
		if (menuItemID == 3)
		if (menuItemID == 4)
		if (menuItemID == 5)
	if (topLevelMenuIndex == 2)
		if (menuItemID == 6)
	if (topLevelMenuIndex == 0 && menuItemID==1)
		owner.getWindowManager().toggle (CtrlrPanelWindowManager::LayerEditor, false);
Exemple #15
void Flared_NS::Map::decreaseOrder(const std::string &i_referenceLayer)
    Layer& layer = getLayer(i_referenceLayer);
    for(size_t j = 0; j<d_height; ++j)
        for(size_t i = 0; i<d_width; ++i)
            for(auto& l : d_layerMap)
/*! remove a layer from the back */
void DoubleLinkedList::removeBack (){
QMenu* QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::createContextMenu()
  QMenu* menu = new QMenu;

  QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions* actions = mView->defaultActions();

  QModelIndex idx = mView->currentIndex();
  if ( !idx.isValid() )
    // global menu
    menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );

    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionExpandTree.svg" ), tr( "&Expand All" ), mView, SLOT( expandAll() ) );
    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCollapseTree.svg" ), tr( "&Collapse All" ), mView, SLOT( collapseAll() ) );

    // TODO: update drawing order
  else if ( QgsLayerTreeNode* node = mView->layerTreeModel()->index2node( idx ) )
    // layer or group selected
    if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
      menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToGroup( mCanvas, menu ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ),
                       tr( "&Set Group CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendGroupSetCRS() ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionRenameGroupOrLayer( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( tr( "&Set Group WMS data" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendGroupSetWMSData() ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionMutuallyExclusiveGroup( menu ) );

      if ( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() >= 2 )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionGroupSelected( menu ) );

      if ( QgisApp::instance()->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
        menu->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( applyStyleToGroup() ) );

      menu->addAction( tr( "Save As Layer Definition File..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsLayerDefinition() ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );
    else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
      QgsMapLayer *layer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node )->layer();
      QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
      QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToLayer( mCanvas, menu ) );
      menu->addAction( actions->actionShowInOverview( menu ) );

      if ( rlayer )
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomActual.svg" ), tr( "&Zoom to Native Resolution (100%)" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerZoomNative() ) );

        if ( rlayer->rasterType() != QgsRasterLayer::Palette )
          menu->addAction( tr( "&Stretch Using Current Extent" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent() ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

      // duplicate layer
      QAction* duplicateLayersAction = menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Duplicate" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( duplicateLayers() ) );

      if ( layer && layer->isSpatial() )
        // set layer scale visibility
        menu->addAction( tr( "&Set Layer Scale Visibility" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerScaleVisibility() ) );

        if ( !layer->isInScaleRange( mCanvas->scale() ) )
          menu->addAction( tr( "Zoom to &Visible Scale" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( zoomToLayerScale() ) );

        // set layer crs
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ), tr( "Set Layer CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerCRS() ) );

        // assign layer crs to project
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetProjectCRS.png" ), tr( "Set &Project CRS from Layer" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setProjectCRSFromLayer() ) );

      // style-related actions
      if ( layer && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
        QMenu *menuStyleManager = new QMenu( tr( "Styles" ), menu );

        QgisApp *app = QgisApp::instance();
        menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Copy Style" ), app, SLOT( copyStyle() ) );
        if ( app->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
          menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), app, SLOT( pasteStyle() ) );

        QgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtils::instance()->addStyleManagerActions( menuStyleManager, layer );

        if ( vlayer )
          const QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2* singleRenderer = dynamic_cast< const QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2* >( vlayer->rendererV2() );
          if ( !singleRenderer && vlayer->rendererV2()->embeddedRenderer() )
            singleRenderer = dynamic_cast< const QgsSingleSymbolRendererV2* >( vlayer->rendererV2()->embeddedRenderer() );
          if ( singleRenderer && singleRenderer->symbol() )
            //single symbol renderer, so add set color/edit symbol actions
            QgsColorWheel* colorWheel = new QgsColorWheel( menuStyleManager );
            colorWheel->setColor( singleRenderer->symbol()->color() );
            QgsColorWidgetAction* colorAction = new QgsColorWidgetAction( colorWheel, menuStyleManager, menuStyleManager );
            colorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
            connect( colorAction, SIGNAL( colorChanged( const QColor& ) ), this, SLOT( setVectorSymbolColor( const QColor& ) ) );
            //store the layer id in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding layer
            colorAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
            menuStyleManager->addAction( colorAction );

            //add recent colors action
            QList<QgsRecentColorScheme *> recentSchemes;
            QgsColorSchemeRegistry::instance()->schemes( recentSchemes );
            if ( !recentSchemes.isEmpty() )
              QgsColorSwatchGridAction* recentColorAction = new QgsColorSwatchGridAction( recentSchemes.at( 0 ), menuStyleManager, "symbology", menuStyleManager );
              recentColorAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
              recentColorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
              menuStyleManager->addAction( recentColorAction );
              connect( recentColorAction, SIGNAL( colorChanged( const QColor& ) ), this, SLOT( setVectorSymbolColor( const QColor& ) ) );

            QAction* editSymbolAction = new QAction( tr( "Edit Symbol..." ), menuStyleManager );
            //store the layer id in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding layer
            editSymbolAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
            connect( editSymbolAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( editVectorSymbol() ) );
            menuStyleManager->addAction( editSymbolAction );

        menu->addMenu( menuStyleManager );
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(GraphicsContext* context, RenderBoxModelObject* object, Image* image, const void *layer, const LayoutSize& size)
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we just paint at high
    // quality.
    if (!image || !(image->isBitmapImage() || image->isPDFDocumentImage()) || context->paintingDisabled())
        return false;

    switch (object->style().imageRendering()) {
    case ImageRenderingOptimizeSpeed:
    case ImageRenderingCrispEdges:
        return true;
    case ImageRenderingOptimizeQuality:
        return false;
    case ImageRenderingAuto:

    // Make sure to use the unzoomed image size, since if a full page zoom is in effect, the image
    // is actually being scaled.
    IntSize imageSize(image->width(), image->height());

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    auto i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end() ? &i->value : 0;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    // If the containing FrameView is being resized, paint at low quality until resizing is finished.
    if (Frame* frame = object->document().frame()) {
        bool frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize = frame->view() && frame->view()->inLiveResize();
        if (frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize) {
            set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
            m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive = true;
            return true;
        if (m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive)
            return false;

    const AffineTransform& currentTransform = context->getCTM();
    bool contextIsScaled = !currentTransform.isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped();
    if (!contextIsScaled && size == imageSize) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // There is no need to hash scaled images that always use low quality mode when the page demands it. This is the iChat case.
    if (m_renderView.frame().page()->inLowQualityImageInterpolationMode()) {
        double totalPixels = static_cast<double>(image->width()) * static_cast<double>(image->height());
        if (totalPixels > cInterpolationCutoff)
            return true;

    // If an animated resize is active, paint in low quality and kick the timer ahead.
    if (m_animatedResizeIsActive) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == size) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer.isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, size);
    m_animatedResizeIsActive = true;
    return true;
Exemple #19
     for(unsigned int i=0; i<NLayer; i++)
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(
    const LayoutObject& object,
    Image* image,
    const void* layer,
    const LayoutSize& layoutSize,
    double lastFrameTimeMonotonic) {
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we
    // just paint at high quality.
    if (!image || !image->isBitmapImage())
        return false;

    if (!layer)
        return false;

    if (object.style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast)
        return true;

    if (LocalFrame* frame = object.frame()) {
        if (frame->settings() &&
            return false;

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    ObjectLayerSizeMap::iterator i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(&object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = nullptr;
    bool objectIsResizing = false;
    if (i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end()) {
        innerMap = &i->value.layerSizeMap;
        objectIsResizing = i->value.isResizing;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    if (layoutSize == image->size()) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can
        // just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // If an animated resize is active for this object, paint in low quality and
    // kick the timer ahead.
    if (objectIsResizing) {
        bool sizesChanged = oldSize != layoutSize;
        set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, sizesChanged);
        if (sizesChanged)
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == layoutSize) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, false);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer->isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, layoutSize, true);
    return true;
Exemple #21
void Mesh::removeLastLayer() {
  removeLayer(layers_.size() - 1);
Exemple #22
void MapView::clearMap()
/*! remove a layer from the front */
void DoubleLinkedList::removeFront (){
QMenu* QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::createContextMenu()
  QMenu* menu = new QMenu;

  QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions* actions = mView->defaultActions();

  QModelIndex idx = mView->currentIndex();
  if ( !idx.isValid() )
    // global menu
    menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );

    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionExpandTree.png" ), tr( "&Expand All" ), mView, SLOT( expandAll() ) );
    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCollapseTree.png" ), tr( "&Collapse All" ), mView, SLOT( collapseAll() ) );

    // TODO: update drawing order
  else if ( QgsLayerTreeNode* node = mView->layerTreeModel()->index2node( idx ) )
    // layer or group selected
    if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
      menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToGroup( mCanvas, menu ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ),
                       tr( "&Set Group CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendGroupSetCRS() ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionRenameGroupOrLayer( menu ) );

      if ( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() >= 2 )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionGroupSelected( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( tr( "Save As Layer Definition File..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsLayerDefinition() ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );
    else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
      QgsMapLayer* layer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node )->layer();

      menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToLayer( mCanvas, menu ) );
      menu->addAction( actions->actionShowInOverview( menu ) );

      if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
        menu->addAction( tr( "&Zoom to Best Scale (100%)" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerZoomNative() ) );

        QgsRasterLayer* rasterLayer =  qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
        if ( rasterLayer && rasterLayer->rasterType() != QgsRasterLayer::Palette )
          menu->addAction( tr( "&Stretch Using Current Extent" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent() ) );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

      // duplicate layer
      QAction* duplicateLayersAction = menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Duplicate" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( duplicateLayers() ) );

      // set layer scale visibility
      menu->addAction( tr( "&Set Layer Scale Visibility" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerScaleVisibility() ) );

      // set layer crs
      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ), tr( "&Set Layer CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerCRS() ) );

      // assign layer crs to project
      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetProjectCRS.png" ), tr( "Set &Project CRS from Layer" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setProjectCRSFromLayer() ) );

      // style-related actions
      if ( layer && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
        QMenu* menuStyleManager = new QMenu( tr( "Styles" ) );

        QgisApp* app = QgisApp::instance();
        menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Copy Style" ), app, SLOT( copyStyle() ) );
        if ( app->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
          menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), app, SLOT( pasteStyle() ) );

        QgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtils::instance()->addStyleManagerActions( menuStyleManager, layer );

        menu->addMenu( menuStyleManager );


      if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
        QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );

        QAction *toggleEditingAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionToggleEditing();
        QAction *saveLayerEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionSaveActiveLayerEdits();
        QAction *allEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionAllEdits();

        // attribute table
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionOpenTable.png" ), tr( "&Open Attribute Table" ),
                         QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( attributeTable() ) );

        // allow editing
        int cap = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities();
        if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities )
          if ( toggleEditingAction )
            menu->addAction( toggleEditingAction );
            toggleEditingAction->setChecked( vlayer->isEditable() );
          if ( saveLayerEditsAction && vlayer->isModified() )
            menu->addAction( saveLayerEditsAction );

        if ( allEditsAction->isEnabled() )
          menu->addAction( allEditsAction );

        // disable duplication of memory layers
        if ( vlayer->storageType() == "Memory storage" && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
          duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );

        // save as vector file
        menu->addAction( tr( "Save As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsFile() ) );
        menu->addAction( tr( "Save As Layer Definition File..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsLayerDefinition() ) );

        if ( !vlayer->isEditable() && vlayer->dataProvider()->supportsSubsetString() )
          menu->addAction( tr( "&Filter..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerSubsetString() ) );

        menu->addAction( actions->actionShowFeatureCount( menu ) );

      else if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
        menu->addAction( tr( "Save As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsRasterFile() ) );
        menu->addAction( tr( "Save As Layer Definition File..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsLayerDefinition() ) );
      else if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::PluginLayer && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
        // disable duplication of plugin layers
        duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );

      addCustomLayerActions( menu, layer );

      if ( layer && QgsProject::instance()->layerIsEmbedded( layer->id() ).isEmpty() )
        menu->addAction( tr( "&Properties" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerProperties() ) );

      if ( node->parent() != mView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup() )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionMakeTopLevel( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionRenameGroupOrLayer( menu ) );

      if ( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() >= 2 )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionGroupSelected( menu ) );

    // symbology item?

  return menu;
Exemple #25
checkDock::checkDock( QgisInterface* qIface, QWidget* parent )
    : QDockWidget( parent ), Ui::checkDock()
  mTest = new topolTest( qIface );

  setupUi( this );

  // hide the fix-related stuff, needs more work
  qgsInterface = qIface;

  mErrorListModel = new DockModel( mErrorList, parent );
  mErrorTableView->setModel( mErrorListModel );
  mErrorTableView->setSelectionBehavior( QAbstractItemView::SelectRows );
  mErrorTableView->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize( 20 );

  mLayerRegistry = QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance();
  mConfigureDialog = new rulesDialog( mLayerRegistry->mapLayers().keys(), mTest->testMap(), qIface, parent );
  mTestTable = mConfigureDialog->testTable();

  mValidateExtentButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/validateExtent.png" ) );
  mValidateAllButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/validateAll.png" ) );
  mConfigureButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":/topology/configureRules.png" ) );

// mQgisApp = QgisApp::instance();
  QgsMapCanvas* canvas = qIface->mapCanvas();// mQgisApp->mapCanvas();
  mRBFeature1 = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );
  mRBFeature2 = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );
  mRBConflict = new QgsRubberBand( canvas );

  mRBFeature1->setColor( "blue" );
  mRBFeature2->setColor( "green" );
  mRBConflict->setColor( "red" );

  mRBFeature1->setWidth( 5 );
  mRBFeature2->setWidth( 5 );
  mRBConflict->setWidth( 5 );

  mVMConflict = 0;
  mVMFeature1 = 0;
  mVMFeature2 = 0;

  connect( mConfigureButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( configure() ) );
  connect( mValidateAllButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateAll() ) );
  //connect( mValidateSelectedButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateSelected() ) );
  connect( mValidateExtentButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( validateExtent() ) );
  connect( mToggleRubberbands, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( toggleErrorMarkers() ) );

  connect( mFixButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( fix() ) );
  connect( mErrorTableView, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( errorListClicked( const QModelIndex & ) ) );

  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), mConfigureDialog, SLOT( addLayer( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );
  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), mConfigureDialog, SLOT( removeLayer( QString ) ) );
  connect( mLayerRegistry, SIGNAL( layerWillBeRemoved( QString ) ), this, SLOT( parseErrorListByLayer( QString ) ) );

  connect( this, SIGNAL( visibilityChanged( bool ) ), this, SLOT( updateRubberBands( bool ) ) );
QMenu *QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::createContextMenu()
  QMenu *menu = new QMenu;

  QgsLayerTreeViewDefaultActions *actions = mView->defaultActions();

  QModelIndex idx = mView->currentIndex();
  if ( !idx.isValid() )
    // global menu
    menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );
    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionExpandTree.svg" ) ), tr( "&Expand All" ), mView, SLOT( expandAll() ) );
    menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionCollapseTree.svg" ) ), tr( "&Collapse All" ), mView, SLOT( collapseAll() ) );
    if ( QgisApp::instance()->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ) )
      QAction *actionPasteLayerOrGroup = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionEditPaste.svg" ) ), tr( "Paste Layer/Group" ), menu );
      connect( actionPasteLayerOrGroup, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::pasteLayer );
      menu->addAction( actionPasteLayerOrGroup );

    // TODO: update drawing order
  else if ( QgsLayerTreeNode *node = mView->layerTreeModel()->index2node( idx ) )
    // layer or group selected
    if ( QgsLayerTree::isGroup( node ) )
      menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToGroup( mCanvas, menu ) );

      menu->addAction( tr( "Copy Group" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( copyLayer() ) );
      if ( QgisApp::instance()->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_MAPLAYER_MIME ) )
        QAction *actionPasteLayerOrGroup = new QAction( tr( "Paste Layer/Group" ), menu );
        connect( actionPasteLayerOrGroup, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::pasteLayer );
        menu->addAction( actionPasteLayerOrGroup );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionRenameGroupOrLayer( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionAddGroup( menu ) );
      QAction *removeAction = menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ) ), tr( "&Remove Group…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );
      removeAction->setEnabled( removeActionEnabled() );

      menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ) ),
                       tr( "&Set Group CRS…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendGroupSetCrs() ) );
      menu->addAction( tr( "&Set Group WMS Data…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendGroupSetWmsData() ) );


      menu->addAction( actions->actionMutuallyExclusiveGroup( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionCheckAndAllChildren( menu ) );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionUncheckAndAllChildren( menu ) );

      if ( !( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() == 1 && idx.row() == 0 ) )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionMoveToTop( menu ) );


      if ( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() >= 2 )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionGroupSelected( menu ) );

      if ( QgisApp::instance()->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
        menu->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( applyStyleToGroup() ) );


      QMenu *menuExportGroup = new QMenu( tr( "Export" ), menu );
      QAction *actionSaveAsDefinitionGroup = new QAction( tr( "Save as Layer Definition File…" ), menuExportGroup );
      connect( actionSaveAsDefinitionGroup, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::saveAsLayerDefinition );
      menuExportGroup->addAction( actionSaveAsDefinitionGroup );

      menu->addMenu( menuExportGroup );
    else if ( QgsLayerTree::isLayer( node ) )
      QgsMapLayer *layer = QgsLayerTree::toLayer( node )->layer();
      QgsRasterLayer *rlayer = qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( layer );
      QgsVectorLayer *vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer );

      if ( layer && layer->isSpatial() )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionZoomToLayer( mCanvas, menu ) );
        if ( vlayer )
          QAction *actionZoomSelected = actions->actionZoomToSelection( mCanvas, menu );
          actionZoomSelected->setEnabled( !vlayer->selectedFeatures().isEmpty() );
          menu->addAction( actionZoomSelected );
        menu->addAction( actions->actionShowInOverview( menu ) );

      if ( vlayer )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionShowFeatureCount( menu ) );

      QAction *actionCopyLayer = new QAction( tr( "Copy Layer" ), menu );
      connect( actionCopyLayer, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::copyLayer );
      menu->addAction( actionCopyLayer );

      menu->addAction( actions->actionRenameGroupOrLayer( menu ) );

      if ( rlayer )
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionZoomActual.svg" ) ), tr( "&Zoom to Native Resolution (100%)" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerZoomNative() ) );

        if ( rlayer->rasterType() != QgsRasterLayer::Palette )
          menu->addAction( tr( "&Stretch Using Current Extent" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent() ) );

      addCustomLayerActions( menu, layer );
      if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer && static_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( layer )->providerType() == QLatin1String( "virtual" ) )
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionAddVirtualLayer.svg" ) ), tr( "Edit Virtual Layer…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( addVirtualLayer() ) );


      // duplicate layer
      QAction *duplicateLayersAction = menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ) ), tr( "&Duplicate Layer" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( duplicateLayers() ) );
      QAction *removeAction = menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ) ), tr( "&Remove Layer…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );
      removeAction->setEnabled( removeActionEnabled() );


      if ( node->parent() != mView->layerTreeModel()->rootGroup() )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionMoveOutOfGroup( menu ) );

      if ( !( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() == 1 && idx.row() == 0 ) )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionMoveToTop( menu ) );

      QAction *checkAll = actions->actionCheckAndAllParents( menu );
      if ( checkAll )
        menu->addAction( checkAll );

      if ( mView->selectedNodes( true ).count() >= 2 )
        menu->addAction( actions->actionGroupSelected( menu ) );


      if ( vlayer )
        QAction *toggleEditingAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionToggleEditing();
        QAction *saveLayerEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionSaveActiveLayerEdits();
        QAction *allEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionAllEdits();

        // attribute table
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionOpenTable.svg" ) ), tr( "&Open Attribute Table" ),
                         QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( attributeTable() ) );

        // allow editing
        int cap = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities();
        if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities )
          if ( toggleEditingAction )
            menu->addAction( toggleEditingAction );
            toggleEditingAction->setChecked( vlayer->isEditable() );
            toggleEditingAction->setEnabled( true );
          if ( saveLayerEditsAction && vlayer->isModified() )
            menu->addAction( saveLayerEditsAction );

        if ( allEditsAction->isEnabled() )
          menu->addAction( allEditsAction );

        // disable duplication of memory layers
        if ( vlayer->storageType() == QLatin1String( "Memory storage" ) && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
          duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );

        if ( vlayer->dataProvider()->supportsSubsetString() )
          QAction *action = menu->addAction( tr( "&Filter…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerSubsetString() ) );
          action->setEnabled( !vlayer->isEditable() );


      if ( layer && layer->isSpatial() )
        // set layer scale visibility
        menu->addAction( tr( "&Set Layer Scale Visibility…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerScaleVisibility() ) );

        if ( !layer->isInScaleRange( mCanvas->scale() ) )
          menu->addAction( tr( "Zoom to &Visible Scale" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( zoomToLayerScale() ) );

        QMenu *menuSetCRS = new QMenu( tr( "Set CRS" ), menu );
        // set layer crs
        QAction *actionSetLayerCrs = new QAction( tr( "Set Layer CRS…" ), menuSetCRS );
        connect( actionSetLayerCrs, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::setLayerCrs );
        menuSetCRS->addAction( actionSetLayerCrs );
        // assign layer crs to project
        QAction *actionSetProjectCrs = new QAction( tr( "Set &Project CRS from Layer" ), menuSetCRS );
        connect( actionSetProjectCrs, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::setProjectCrsFromLayer );
        menuSetCRS->addAction( actionSetProjectCrs );

        menu->addMenu( menuSetCRS );


      if ( vlayer )
        // save as vector file
        QMenu *menuExportVector = new QMenu( tr( "Export" ), menu );
        QAction *actionSaveAs = new QAction( tr( "Save Features As…" ), menuExportVector );
        connect( actionSaveAs, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveAsFile(); } );
        menuExportVector->addAction( actionSaveAs );
        QAction *actionSaveSelectedFeaturesAs = new QAction( tr( "Save Selected Features As…" ), menuExportVector );
        connect( actionSaveSelectedFeaturesAs, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveAsFile( nullptr, true ); } );
        actionSaveSelectedFeaturesAs->setEnabled( vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 );
        menuExportVector->addAction( actionSaveSelectedFeaturesAs );
        QAction *actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer = new QAction( tr( "Save as Layer Definition File…" ), menuExportVector );
        connect( actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::saveAsLayerDefinition );
        menuExportVector->addAction( actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer );
        if ( vlayer->isSpatial() )
          QAction *actionSaveStyle = new QAction( tr( "Save as QGIS Layer Style File…" ), menuExportVector );
          connect( actionSaveStyle, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveStyleFile(); } );
          menuExportVector->addAction( actionSaveStyle );
        menu->addMenu( menuExportVector );
      else if ( rlayer )
        QMenu *menuExportRaster = new QMenu( tr( "Export" ), menu );
        QAction *actionSaveAs = new QAction( tr( "Save As…" ), menuExportRaster );
        QAction *actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer = new QAction( tr( "Save as Layer Definition File…" ), menuExportRaster );
        QAction *actionSaveStyle = new QAction( tr( "Save as QGIS Layer Style File…" ), menuExportRaster );
        connect( actionSaveAs, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveAsFile(); } );
        menuExportRaster->addAction( actionSaveAs );
        connect( actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), &QgisApp::saveAsLayerDefinition );
        menuExportRaster->addAction( actionSaveAsDefinitionLayer );
        connect( actionSaveStyle, &QAction::triggered, QgisApp::instance(), [ = ] { QgisApp::instance()->saveStyleFile(); } );
        menuExportRaster->addAction( actionSaveStyle );
        menu->addMenu( menuExportRaster );
      else if ( layer && layer->type() == QgsMapLayer::PluginLayer && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
        // disable duplication of plugin layers
        duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );


      // style-related actions
      if ( layer && mView->selectedLayerNodes().count() == 1 )
        QMenu *menuStyleManager = new QMenu( tr( "Styles" ), menu );

        QgisApp *app = QgisApp::instance();
        menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Copy Style" ), app, SLOT( copyStyle() ) );

        if ( app->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
          menuStyleManager->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), app, SLOT( pasteStyle() ) );

        QgsMapLayerStyleGuiUtils::instance()->addStyleManagerActions( menuStyleManager, layer );

        if ( vlayer )
          const QgsSingleSymbolRenderer *singleRenderer = dynamic_cast< const QgsSingleSymbolRenderer * >( vlayer->renderer() );
          if ( !singleRenderer && vlayer->renderer() && vlayer->renderer()->embeddedRenderer() )
            singleRenderer = dynamic_cast< const QgsSingleSymbolRenderer * >( vlayer->renderer()->embeddedRenderer() );
          if ( singleRenderer && singleRenderer->symbol() )
            //single symbol renderer, so add set color/edit symbol actions
            QgsColorWheel *colorWheel = new QgsColorWheel( menuStyleManager );
            colorWheel->setColor( singleRenderer->symbol()->color() );
            QgsColorWidgetAction *colorAction = new QgsColorWidgetAction( colorWheel, menuStyleManager, menuStyleManager );
            colorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
            connect( colorAction, &QgsColorWidgetAction::colorChanged, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::setVectorSymbolColor );
            //store the layer id in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding layer
            colorAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
            menuStyleManager->addAction( colorAction );

            //add recent colors action
            QList<QgsRecentColorScheme *> recentSchemes;
            QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry()->schemes( recentSchemes );
            if ( !recentSchemes.isEmpty() )
              QgsColorSwatchGridAction *recentColorAction = new QgsColorSwatchGridAction( recentSchemes.at( 0 ), menuStyleManager, QStringLiteral( "symbology" ), menuStyleManager );
              recentColorAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
              recentColorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
              menuStyleManager->addAction( recentColorAction );
              connect( recentColorAction, &QgsColorSwatchGridAction::colorChanged, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::setVectorSymbolColor );

            QAction *editSymbolAction = new QAction( tr( "Edit Symbol…" ), menuStyleManager );
            //store the layer id in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding layer
            editSymbolAction->setProperty( "layerId", vlayer->id() );
            connect( editSymbolAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::editVectorSymbol );
            menuStyleManager->addAction( editSymbolAction );

        menu->addMenu( menuStyleManager );
        if ( QgisApp::instance()->clipboard()->hasFormat( QGSCLIPBOARD_STYLE_MIME ) )
          menu->addAction( tr( "Paste Style" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( applyStyleToGroup() ) );

      if ( layer && QgsProject::instance()->layerIsEmbedded( layer->id() ).isEmpty() )
        menu->addAction( tr( "&Properties…" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerProperties() ) );
  else if ( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode *node = mView->layerTreeModel()->index2legendNode( idx ) )
    if ( QgsSymbolLegendNode *symbolNode = dynamic_cast< QgsSymbolLegendNode * >( node ) )
      // symbology item
      if ( symbolNode->flags() & Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable )
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionShowAllLayers.svg" ) ), tr( "&Show All Items" ),
                         symbolNode, SLOT( checkAllItems() ) );
        menu->addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( QStringLiteral( "/mActionHideAllLayers.svg" ) ), tr( "&Hide All Items" ),
                         symbolNode, SLOT( uncheckAllItems() ) );

      if ( symbolNode->symbol() )
        QgsColorWheel *colorWheel = new QgsColorWheel( menu );
        colorWheel->setColor( symbolNode->symbol()->color() );
        QgsColorWidgetAction *colorAction = new QgsColorWidgetAction( colorWheel, menu, menu );
        colorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
        connect( colorAction, &QgsColorWidgetAction::colorChanged, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::setSymbolLegendNodeColor );
        //store the layer id and rule key in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding
        //legend node, if it still exists
        colorAction->setProperty( "layerId", symbolNode->layerNode()->layerId() );
        colorAction->setProperty( "ruleKey", symbolNode->data( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::RuleKeyRole ).toString() );
        menu->addAction( colorAction );

        //add recent colors action
        QList<QgsRecentColorScheme *> recentSchemes;
        QgsApplication::colorSchemeRegistry()->schemes( recentSchemes );
        if ( !recentSchemes.isEmpty() )
          QgsColorSwatchGridAction *recentColorAction = new QgsColorSwatchGridAction( recentSchemes.at( 0 ), menu, QStringLiteral( "symbology" ), menu );
          recentColorAction->setProperty( "layerId", symbolNode->layerNode()->layerId() );
          recentColorAction->setProperty( "ruleKey", symbolNode->data( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::RuleKeyRole ).toString() );
          recentColorAction->setDismissOnColorSelection( false );
          menu->addAction( recentColorAction );
          connect( recentColorAction, &QgsColorSwatchGridAction::colorChanged, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::setSymbolLegendNodeColor );


      QAction *editSymbolAction = new QAction( tr( "Edit Symbol…" ), menu );
      //store the layer id and rule key in action, so we can later retrieve the corresponding
      //legend node, if it still exists
      editSymbolAction->setProperty( "layerId", symbolNode->layerNode()->layerId() );
      editSymbolAction->setProperty( "ruleKey", symbolNode->data( QgsLayerTreeModelLegendNode::RuleKeyRole ).toString() );
      connect( editSymbolAction, &QAction::triggered, this, &QgsAppLayerTreeViewMenuProvider::editSymbolLegendNodeSymbol );
      menu->addAction( editSymbolAction );

  return menu;
bool ImageQualityController::shouldPaintAtLowQuality(GraphicsContext* context, RenderObject* object, Image* image, const void *layer, const LayoutSize& layoutSize)
    // If the image is not a bitmap image, then none of this is relevant and we just paint at high
    // quality.
    if (!image || !image->isBitmapImage() || context->paintingDisabled())
        return false;

    if (object->style()->imageRendering() == ImageRenderingOptimizeContrast)
        return true;

    // Look ourselves up in the hashtables.
    ObjectLayerSizeMap::iterator i = m_objectLayerSizeMap.find(object);
    LayerSizeMap* innerMap = i != m_objectLayerSizeMap.end() ? &i->value : 0;
    LayoutSize oldSize;
    bool isFirstResize = true;
    if (innerMap) {
        LayerSizeMap::iterator j = innerMap->find(layer);
        if (j != innerMap->end()) {
            isFirstResize = false;
            oldSize = j->value;

    const AffineTransform& currentTransform = context->getCTM();
    bool contextIsScaled = !currentTransform.isIdentityOrTranslationOrFlipped();

    // Make sure to use the unzoomed image size, since if a full page zoom is in effect, the image
    // is actually being scaled.
    LayoutSize scaledImageSize = currentTransform.mapSize(image->size());
    LayoutSize scaledLayoutSize = currentTransform.mapSize(roundedIntSize(layoutSize));

    // If the containing FrameView is being resized, paint at low quality until resizing is finished.
    if (Frame* frame = object->document()->frame()) {
        bool frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize = frame->view() && frame->view()->inLiveResize();
        if (frameViewIsCurrentlyInLiveResize) {
            set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
            m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive = true;
            return true;
        if (m_liveResizeOptimizationIsActive) {
            // Live resize has ended, paint in HQ and remove this object from the list.
            removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
            return false;

    if (!contextIsScaled && scaledLayoutSize == scaledImageSize) {
        // There is no scale in effect. If we had a scale in effect before, we can just remove this object from the list.
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;

    // If an animated resize is active, paint in low quality and kick the timer ahead.
    if (m_animatedResizeIsActive) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
        return true;
    // If this is the first time resizing this image, or its size is the
    // same as the last resize, draw at high res, but record the paint
    // size and set the timer.
    if (isFirstResize || oldSize == scaledLayoutSize) {
        set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
        return false;
    // If the timer is no longer active, draw at high quality and don't
    // set the timer.
    if (!m_timer.isActive()) {
        removeLayer(object, innerMap, layer);
        return false;
    // This object has been resized to two different sizes while the timer
    // is active, so draw at low quality, set the flag for animated resizes and
    // the object to the list for high quality redraw.
    set(object, innerMap, layer, scaledLayoutSize);
    m_animatedResizeIsActive = true;
    return true;
Exemple #28
void TupFramesTable::removeCurrentLayer()
    int pos = verticalHeader()->logicalIndex(currentRow());
Exemple #29
void QgsLegendLayer::addToPopupMenu( QMenu& theMenu )
  QgsMapLayer *lyr = layer();
  QAction *toggleEditingAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionToggleEditing();
  QAction *saveLayerEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionSaveActiveLayerEdits();
  QAction *allEditsAction = QgisApp::instance()->actionAllEdits();

  // zoom to layer extent
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionZoomToLayer.svg" ),
                     tr( "&Zoom to Layer Extent" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerZoom() ) );
  if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::RasterLayer )
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Zoom to Best Scale (100%)" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerZoomNative() ) );

    QgsRasterLayer *rasterLayer =  qobject_cast<QgsRasterLayer *>( lyr );
    if ( rasterLayer && rasterLayer->rasterType() != QgsRasterLayer::Palette )
      theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Stretch Using Current Extent" ), legend(), SLOT( legendLayerStretchUsingCurrentExtent() ) );

  // show in overview
  QAction* showInOverviewAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Show in Overview" ), this, SLOT( showInOverview() ) );
  showInOverviewAction->setCheckable( true );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( true );
  showInOverviewAction->setChecked( mLyr.isInOverview() );
  showInOverviewAction->blockSignals( false );

  // remove from canvas
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionRemoveLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Remove" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( removeLayer() ) );

  // duplicate layer
  QAction* duplicateLayersAction = theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionDuplicateLayer.svg" ), tr( "&Duplicate" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( duplicateLayers() ) );

  // set layer crs
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetCRS.png" ), tr( "&Set Layer CRS" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setLayerCRS() ) );

  // assign layer crs to project
  theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionSetProjectCRS.png" ), tr( "Set &Project CRS from Layer" ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( setProjectCRSFromLayer() ) );


  if ( lyr->type() == QgsMapLayer::VectorLayer )
    QgsVectorLayer* vlayer = qobject_cast<QgsVectorLayer *>( lyr );

    // attribute table
    theMenu.addAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionOpenTable.png" ), tr( "&Open Attribute Table" ),
                       QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( attributeTable() ) );

    // allow editing
    int cap = vlayer->dataProvider()->capabilities();
    if ( cap & QgsVectorDataProvider::EditingCapabilities )
      if ( toggleEditingAction )
        theMenu.addAction( toggleEditingAction );
        toggleEditingAction->setChecked( vlayer->isEditable() );
      if ( saveLayerEditsAction && vlayer->isModified() )
        theMenu.addAction( saveLayerEditsAction );

    if ( allEditsAction->isEnabled() )
      theMenu.addAction( allEditsAction );

    // disable duplication of memory layers
    if ( vlayer->storageType() == "Memory storage" && legend()->selectedLayers().count() == 1 )
      duplicateLayersAction->setEnabled( false );

    // save as vector file
    theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveAsFile() ) );

    // save selection as vector file
    QAction* saveSelectionAsAction = theMenu.addAction( tr( "Save Selection As..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( saveSelectionAsVectorFile() ) );
    if ( vlayer->selectedFeatureCount() == 0 )
      saveSelectionAsAction->setEnabled( false );

    if ( !vlayer->isEditable() && vlayer->dataProvider()->supportsSubsetString() && vlayer->vectorJoins().isEmpty() )
      theMenu.addAction( tr( "&Filter..." ), QgisApp::instance(), SLOT( layerSubsetString() ) );

    //show number of features in legend if requested
    QAction* showNFeaturesAction = new QAction( tr( "Show Feature Count" ), &theMenu );
    showNFeaturesAction->setCheckable( true );
    showNFeaturesAction->setChecked( mShowFeatureCount );
    QObject::connect( showNFeaturesAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setShowFeatureCount( bool ) ) );
    theMenu.addAction( showNFeaturesAction );
Exemple #30
void DocumentApi::flattenLayers(Sprite* sprite, int bgcolor)
  Image* cel_image;
  Cel* cel;

  DocumentUndo* undo = m_document->getUndo();

  // Create a temporary image.
  UniquePtr<Image> image_wrap(Image::create(sprite->getPixelFormat(),
  Image* image = image_wrap.get();

  // Get the background layer from the sprite.
  LayerImage* background = sprite->getBackgroundLayer();
  if (!background) {
    // If there aren't a background layer we must to create the background.
    background = new LayerImage(sprite);

    addLayer(sprite->getFolder(), background, NULL);

  // Copy all frames to the background.
  for (FrameNumber frame(0); frame<sprite->getTotalFrames(); ++frame) {
    // Clear the image and render this frame.
    image_clear(image, bgcolor);
    layer_render(sprite->getFolder(), image, 0, 0, frame);

    cel = background->getCel(frame);
    if (cel) {
      cel_image = sprite->getStock()->getImage(cel->getImage());
      ASSERT(cel_image != NULL);

      // We have to save the current state of `cel_image' in the undo.
      if (undo->isEnabled()) {
        Dirty* dirty = new Dirty(cel_image, image);
        m_undoers->pushUndoer(new undoers::DirtyArea(
            getObjects(), cel_image, dirty));
        delete dirty;
    else {
      // If there aren't a cel in this frame in the background, we
      // have to create a copy of the image for the new cel.
      cel_image = Image::createCopy(image);
      // TODO error handling: if createCopy throws

      // Here we create the new cel (with the new image `cel_image').
      cel = new Cel(frame, sprite->getStock()->addImage(cel_image));
      // TODO error handling: if new Cel throws

      // And finally we add the cel in the background.

    image_copy(cel_image, image, 0, 0);

  // Delete old layers.
  LayerList layers = sprite->getFolder()->getLayersList();
  LayerIterator it = layers.begin();
  LayerIterator end = layers.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it)
    if (*it != background)