static void end_append_text_to_document (GeditDocumentOutputStream *stream) { if (stream->priv->ensure_trailing_newline) { remove_ending_newline (stream); } gtk_text_buffer_set_modified (GTK_TEXT_BUFFER (stream->priv->doc), FALSE); gtk_source_buffer_end_not_undoable_action (GTK_SOURCE_BUFFER (stream->priv->doc)); }
void read_file(FILE * inputfile){ char * line; int block_ended = 1, line_count = 0, total_lines = 0, i = 1, j; float next_perc; unsigned int next_article_id = 0, next_author_id = 0; article * temp_article = NULL; author * temp_author; list_node * temp_author_node; graph_node * temp_gnode = NULL; line = (char *) malloc(MAX_LINE_LENGTH*sizeof(char)); while(fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, inputfile) != NULL) ++total_lines; rewind(inputfile); line = fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, inputfile); ++line_count; while(line_is_blank(line)){ /*remove leading white lines*/ line = fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, inputfile); ++line_count; } printf("Creating article graph: "); fflush(stdout); while(line != NULL){ next_perc = (float) line_count / (float) total_lines; if(next_perc > ((float) i /10.0)){ printf("%d%%...",10*i); fflush(stdout); ++i; } if(block_ended && !line_is_blank(line)){ /*a new article/authors block begins*/ remove_ending_newline(line); block_ended = 0; temp_article = new_article(line, next_article_id); temp_gnode = new_graph_node(temp_article, article_node); ++next_article_id; } else { if(line_is_blank(line)){ /*we have just terminated processing an article/authors block */ if(!block_ended){ block_ended = 1; add_node_to_graph(temp_gnode, artcl_graph); } } else{ /*there's a new author for the current article/authors block*/ remove_ending_newline(line); if((temp_author_node = search_in_hash(line, authors_dict)) == NULL){ temp_author = new_author(line, next_author_id); ++next_author_id; insert_in_hash(temp_author, author_node, authors_dict); } else{ temp_author = (author *) temp_author_node->key; /*properly update the article's edges in the graph*/ for(j=0;j<temp_author->n_articles; ++j){ if(temp_author->articles_id[j] < artcl_graph->n_nodes){ /*if there is the same author repeated twice we would be asking for an article id not yet in the graph*/ add_edge(temp_gnode, artcl_graph->nodes[temp_author->articles_id[j]]); /*add edge or increase its weight*/ } } } add_article_to_author(temp_article, temp_author); add_author_to_article(temp_author, temp_article); } } line = fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, inputfile); ++line_count; } free(line); }
void graph_interface(){ char input, string[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; list_node * ln; int end=0, i, min_weight = 1, bfs_depth, min_nodes = 0; clusters * clst; clst = NULL; while(!end){ if(PPRINT){ printf("\n \033[1;31mGraph commands:\033[0m \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n \n: ", "\033[1;32ma\033[0m", "print an author and its articles", "\033[1;32mA\033[0m", "print an article and its authors", "\033[1;32mn\033[0m", "print an article and its neighbors in the article graph", "\033[1;32mc\033[0m", "print the article count (number of nodes in graph)", "\033[1;32mt\033[0m", "print the graph total edges", "\033[1;32mm\033[0m", "print the graph nodes' medium edges", "\033[1;32mM\033[0m", "print the graph nodes' max_edges", "\033[1;32mw\033[0m", "print the edge mean weight", "\033[1;32mC\033[0m", "calculate clusters", "\033[1;32mr\033[0m", "print representatives from last calculated clusters", "\033[1;32mq\033[0m", "return to main menu"); } else{ printf("\n Graph commands: \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n %3s \t %s \n \n: ", "a", "print an author and its articles", "A", "print an article and its authors", "n", "print an article and its neighbors in the article graph", "c", "print the article count (number of nodes in graph)", "t", "print the graph total edges", "m", "print the graph nodes' medium edges", "M", "print the graph nodes' max_edges", "w", "print the edge mean weight", "C", "calculate clusters", "r", "print representatives from last calculated clusters", "q", "return to main menu"); } scanf(" %c", &input); switch(input) { case 'a': printf("\n Author Name: "); flush_input_buffer(); fgets(string, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, stdin); remove_ending_newline(string); ln = search_in_hash(string, authors_dict); if(ln == NULL) printf("\n sorry, author not present \n"); else author_print((author *) ln->key); break; case 'A': printf("\n Article Id: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &i); print_article_node(artcl_graph->nodes[i]); break; case 'n': printf("\n Article Id: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &i); printf("\n Minimum edge weight: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &min_weight); printf("\n Depth of search: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &bfs_depth); print_neighbours(artcl_graph->nodes[i], bfs_depth, min_weight); break; case 'c': printf("\n %d Articles", artcl_graph->n_nodes); break; case 't': printf("\n %d edges in the article graph", total_edges(artcl_graph)); break; case 'm': printf("\n Articles in the graph have %f edges in mean", mean_edges(artcl_graph)); break; case 'M': printf("\n The article with the biggest number of edges is:"); print_article_node(max_edges(artcl_graph)); break; case 'w': printf("\n The mean edge weight is: %f", mean_edge_weight(artcl_graph)); break; case 'C': printf("\n Minimum edge weight: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &min_weight); if(clst != NULL){ free(clst->representatives); free(clst->nodes_in_cluster); free(clst); } clst = find_clusters(artcl_graph, min_weight); printf("\n %d clusters found", clst->n_rpr); break; case 'r': printf("\n Minimum nodes in cluster: "); flush_input_buffer(); scanf("%d", &min_nodes); if(clst != NULL){ for(i=0;i<clst->n_rpr;++i){ if(clst->nodes_in_cluster[i]>= min_nodes){ if(PPRINT) printf("\n \033[1;32mCluster %d has %d nodes. Representative:\033[0m", i, clst->nodes_in_cluster[i]); else printf("\n Cluster %d has %d nodes. Representative:", i, clst->nodes_in_cluster[i]); print_article_node(clst->representatives[i]); } } } break; case 'q': end=1; break; } } }