void VolumetricHybridApproach::update(const string childName, const string fontName)
    bool nameChange = _childName == ofToUpper(childName);
    _childName = ofToUpper(childName);
    font.load(fontName, 148, true, true, true, 0.3, 300);
    if (shaderChanged || nameChange)
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1i("iterations", _iterations.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1i("iterationsMultiplier", _iterationMultiplier.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1i("volsteps", _volSteps.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1i("volstepsMultiplier", _volStepsMultiplier.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("formuparam", _forumparam.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("forumparamMultiplier", _forumparamMultiplier.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("stepsize", _stepsize.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("stepsizeMultiplier", _stepsizeMultiplier.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("zoom", _zoom.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("brightness", _brightness.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("darkmatter", _darkmatter.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("distfading", _distfading.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("distfadingMultiplier", _distfadingMultiplier.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("saturation", _saturation.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("tile", _tile.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniform1f("time", (float)_time.get());
//        _volumetricShader.setUniformTexture("tex0", _textRendered.getTexture(), 0);
        shaderChanged = false;
        ofLog() << " shader changed ";

Exemple #2
void RenderView::paint(PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty)
    kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(RenderView) " << this << " ::paintObject() w/h = (" << width() << "/" << height() << ")" << endl;
    // Cache the print rect because the dirty rect could get changed during painting.
    if (m_printingMode)
    // 1. paint background, borders etc
    if (i.phase == PaintPhaseBlockBackground) {
        paintBoxDecorations(i, _tx, _ty);
    // 2. paint contents
    for (RenderObject *child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())
        if (!child->layer() && !child->isFloating())
            child->paint(i, _tx, _ty);

    if (m_frameView) {
        _tx += m_frameView->contentsX();
        _ty += m_frameView->contentsY();
    // 3. paint floats.
    if (i.phase == PaintPhaseFloat)
        paintFloats(i, _tx, _ty);
#ifdef BOX_DEBUG
    outlineBox(i.p, _tx, _ty);
Exemple #3
static int renderGroupHeader(Group* group, int x, int y, int groupSize, int windowSizeX)
    // If the group size is larger than the actual screen we adjust it a bit to make the text more visible

    if (x + groupSize > windowSizeX)
        groupSize = windowSizeX - x;

    drawColorButton(Emgui_color32(127, 127, 127, 255), x + 3, y - colorbar_adjust, groupSize);
    renderName(group->displayName, x, y - name_adjust, groupSize, group->folded, true);

    return 0;
Exemple #4
void LAYER_WIDGET::insertRenderRow( int aRow, const ROW& aSpec )
    wxASSERT( aRow >= 0 );

    int         col;
    int         index = aRow * RND_COLUMN_COUNT;
    const int   flags = wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALIGN_LEFT;

    wxString renderName( aSpec.rowName );

    // column 1
    col = 1;
    wxCheckBox* cb = new wxCheckBox( m_RenderScrolledWindow, encodeId( col, aSpec.id ),
                        aSpec.rowName, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxALIGN_LEFT );
    shrinkFont( cb, m_PointSize );
    cb->SetValue( aSpec.state );
    cb->Enable( aSpec.changeable );
    cb->Bind( wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED, &LAYER_WIDGET::OnRenderCheckBox, this );
    cb->SetToolTip( aSpec.tooltip );

    // column 0
    col = 0;
    if( aSpec.color != COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED )
        auto bmb = new COLOR_SWATCH( m_RenderScrolledWindow, aSpec.color, encodeId( col, aSpec.id ),
                                     AreArbitraryColorsAllowed(), getBackgroundLayerColor() );
        bmb->Bind( COLOR_SWATCH_CHANGED, &LAYER_WIDGET::OnRenderSwatchChanged, this );
        bmb->SetToolTip( _( "Left double click or middle click for color change" ) );
        m_RenderFlexGridSizer->wxSizer::Insert( index+col, bmb, 0, flags );

        bmb->Bind( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, [this, bmb, renderName] ( wxMouseEvent& aEvt ) {
            OnRightDownRender( aEvt, bmb, renderName );
        } );
        cb->Bind( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, [this, bmb, renderName] ( wxMouseEvent& aEvt ) {
            OnRightDownRender( aEvt, bmb, renderName );
        } );

        // could add a left click handler on the color button that toggles checkbox.
    else    // == -1, no color selection wanted
        // need a place holder within the sizer to keep grid full.
        wxPanel* invisible = new wxPanel( m_RenderScrolledWindow, encodeId( col, aSpec.id ) );
        m_RenderFlexGridSizer->wxSizer::Insert( index+col, invisible, 0, flags );

    // Items have to be inserted in order
    col = 1;
    m_RenderFlexGridSizer->wxSizer::Insert( index+col, cb, 0, flags );
Exemple #5
void TableProtoScene::ScoreBoard::Render() {
#ifndef _WIN32
	if (!initialized) {
		initialized = true;
#endif /*_WIN32*/
	RECT rect = {0, 0, PanelWidth, PanelHeight};
	SpriteRenderer::instantiate(myDevice)->ShowSprite(texture, (int)xpos, (int)ypos,
		PanelWidth, PanelHeight, 0xffffffff, &rect, 0, 0, &myMatrix);
	if ((playerID() >= 0) && (playerID() < (GameStatus::gameStat()->chkGameType(SanmaT) ? 3 : 4))) {
Exemple #6
static int renderChannel(struct TrackInfo* info, int startX, Track* trackData, bool valuesOnly)
    int y, y_offset;
    int text_size = 0;
    int size = min_track_size;
    int startPos = info->startPos;
    const int trackIndex = trackData->index;
    const int endPos = info->endPos;
    struct sync_track* track = 0;
    const uint32_t color = trackData->color;
    bool folded = false;

    if (!valuesOnly)
        drawFoldButton(startX + 6, info->startY - (font_size + 5), &trackData->folded, trackData->active);

        folded = trackData->folded;

        if (info->trackData->syncData.tracks)
            track = info->trackData->syncData.tracks[trackData->index];

        size = renderName(trackData->displayName, startX, info->startY - (font_size * 2), min_track_size, folded, trackData->active);

        if (folded)
            text_size = size;
            size = track_size_folded;

        if (trackData->active)
            if (drawColorButton(color, startX + 4, info->startY - colorbar_adjust, size))

                if (trackData->color != color)
                    s_needsUpdate = true;
            Emgui_fill(border_color, startX + 4, info->startY - colorbar_adjust, size - 8, 8);


    y_offset = info->startY;

    folded = valuesOnly ? true : folded;
    size = valuesOnly ? track_size_folded : size;

    if (valuesOnly)
        Emgui_fill(border_color, startX + size, info->startY - font_size * 4, 2, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);
        Emgui_fill(border_color, startX, info->startY - font_size * 4, 2, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);
        Emgui_drawBorder(border_color, border_color, startX, info->startY - font_size * 4, size, (info->endSizeY - info->startY) + 40);

    // if folded we should skip rendering the rows that are covered by the text

    if (folded)
        int skip_rows = (text_size + font_size * 2) / font_size;

        if (startPos + skip_rows > 0)
            startPos += skip_rows;
            y_offset += skip_rows * font_size;

    if (startPos < 0)
        y_offset = info->startY + (font_size * -startPos);
        startPos = 0;

    y_offset += font_size_half;

    for (y = startPos; y < endPos; ++y)
        int idx = -1;
        int offset = startX + 6;
        bool selected;

        if (track)
            idx = sync_find_key(track, y);

        renderInterpolation(info, track, size, idx, offset, y_offset, folded);

        if (!(trackData->selected && info->viewInfo->rowPos == y && info->editText))
            renderText(info, track, y, idx, offset, y_offset, folded);

        selected = (trackIndex >= info->selectLeft && trackIndex <= info->selectRight) &&
                   (y >= info->selectTop && y <= info->selectBottom);

        if (selected)
            Emgui_fill(selection_color, startX, y_offset - font_size_half, size, font_size);

        if (y != 0)
            if (TrackData_hasBookmark(info->trackData, y))
                Emgui_fill(bookmark_color, startX, y_offset - font_size_half, size, 8);

        y_offset += font_size;

        if (y_offset > (info->endSizeY + font_size_half))

    if (!Emgui_hasKeyboardFocus())
        if (trackData->selected)
            Emgui_fill(trackData->group->folded ? dark_active_track_color : active_track_color, startX, info->midPos, size, font_size + 1);

            if (info->editText)
                Emgui_drawText(info->editText, startX + 2, info->midPos, Emgui_color32(255, 255, 255, 255));


    return size;