static void add_code11_product(struct parsedata *pd, FILE *fp) { char buf[BUFF_SIZE]; int l; struct stat st; XML_Parser parser; if (!fstat(fileno(fp), &st)) { pd->currentproduct = st.st_ino; pd->ctime = (unsigned int)st.st_ctime; } else { pd->currentproduct = pd->baseproduct + 1; /* make it != baseproduct if stat fails */ pool_error(pd->pool, 0, "fstat: %s", strerror(errno)); pd->ctime = 0; } parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL); XML_SetUserData(parser, pd); XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement); XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, characterData); for (;;) { l = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp); if (XML_Parse(parser, buf, l, l == 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR) { pool_debug(pd->pool, SOLV_ERROR, "%s: %s at line %u:%u\n", pd->filename, XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)), (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser)); XML_ParserFree(parser); if (pd->solvable) { repo_free_solvable(pd->repo, pd->solvable - pd->pool->solvables, 1); pd->solvable = 0; } return; } if (l == 0) break; } XML_ParserFree(parser); }
int repo_add_content(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; char *line, *linep; int aline; Solvable *s; struct parsedata pd; Repodata *data; Id handle = 0; int contentstyle = 0; char *descrdir = 0; char *datadir = 0; char *defvendor = 0; int i = 0; int res = 0; /* architectures we use the first architecture in BASEARCHS or noarch for the product. At the end we create (clone) the product for each one of the remaining architectures we allow max 4 archs */ unsigned int numotherarchs = 0; Id *otherarchs = 0; memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd)); line = solv_malloc(1024); aline = 1024; pd.repo = repo; linep = line; s = 0; data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags); for (;;) { char *key, *value; /* read line into big-enough buffer */ if (linep - line + 16 > aline) { aline = linep - line; line = solv_realloc(line, aline + 512); linep = line + aline; aline += 512; } if (!fgets(linep, aline - (linep - line), fp)) break; linep += strlen(linep); if (linep == line || linep[-1] != '\n') continue; while ( --linep > line && ( linep[-1] == ' ' || linep[-1] == '\t' ) ) ; /* skip trailing ws */ *linep = 0; linep = line; /* expect "key value" lines */ value = line; key = splitword(&value); if (key) { #if 0 fprintf (stderr, "key %s, value %s\n", key, value); #endif #define istag(x) (!strcmp (key, x)) #define code10 (contentstyle == 10) #define code11 (contentstyle == 11) if (istag ("CONTENTSTYLE")) { if (contentstyle) pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "repo_content: 'CONTENTSTYLE' must be first line of 'content'\n"); contentstyle = atoi(value); continue; } if (!contentstyle) contentstyle = 10; /* repository tags */ /* we also replicate some of them into the product solvables * to be backward compatible */ if (istag ("REPOID")) { repodata_add_poolstr_array(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_REPOID, value); continue; } if (istag ("REPOKEYWORDS")) { add_multiple_strings(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_KEYWORDS, value); continue; } if (istag ("DISTRO")) { Id dh = repodata_new_handle(data); char *p; /* like with createrepo --distro */ if ((p = strchr(value, ',')) != 0) { *p++ = 0; if (*value) repodata_set_poolstr(data, dh, REPOSITORY_PRODUCT_CPEID, value); } else p = value; if (*p) repodata_set_str(data, dh, REPOSITORY_PRODUCT_LABEL, p); repodata_add_flexarray(data, SOLVID_META, REPOSITORY_DISTROS, dh); continue; } if (istag ("DESCRDIR")) { if (descrdir) free(descrdir); else repodata_set_str(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DESCRDIR, value); if (s) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SUSETAGS_DESCRDIR, value); descrdir = solv_strdup(value); continue; } if (istag ("DATADIR")) { if (datadir) free(datadir); else repodata_set_str(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DATADIR, value); if (s) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SUSETAGS_DATADIR, value); datadir = solv_strdup(value); continue; } if (istag ("VENDOR")) { if (defvendor) free(defvendor); else repodata_set_poolstr(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_DEFAULTVENDOR, value); if (s) s->vendor = pool_str2id(pool, value, 1); defvendor = solv_strdup(value); continue; } if (istag ("META") || istag ("HASH") || istag ("KEY")) { char *checksumtype, *checksum; Id fh, type; int l; if ((checksumtype = splitword(&value)) == 0) continue; if ((checksum = splitword(&value)) == 0) continue; if (!*value) continue; type = solv_chksum_str2type(checksumtype); if (!type) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: unknown checksum type '%s'", value, checksumtype); res = 1; continue; } l = solv_chksum_len(type); if (strlen(checksum) != 2 * l) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: invalid checksum length for %s", value, checksumtype); res = 1; continue; } fh = repodata_new_handle(data); repodata_set_poolstr(data, fh, SUSETAGS_FILE_TYPE, key); repodata_set_str(data, fh, SUSETAGS_FILE_NAME, value); repodata_set_checksum(data, fh, SUSETAGS_FILE_CHECKSUM, type, checksum); repodata_add_flexarray(data, SOLVID_META, SUSETAGS_FILE, fh); continue; } /* product tags */ if ((code10 && istag ("PRODUCT")) || (code11 && istag ("NAME"))) { if (s && !s->name) { /* this solvable was created without seeing a PRODUCT entry, just set the name and continue */ s->name = pool_str2id(pool, join(&pd, "product", ":", value), 1); continue; } if (s) { /* finish old solvable */ if (!s->arch) s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH; if (!s->evr) s->evr = ID_EMPTY; if (s->name && s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC) s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, pool_rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); if (code10) s->supplements = repo_fix_supplements(repo, s->provides, s->supplements, 0); } /* create new solvable */ s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); handle = s - pool->solvables; s->name = pool_str2id(pool, join(&pd, "product", ":", value), 1); if (datadir) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SUSETAGS_DATADIR, datadir); if (descrdir) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SUSETAGS_DESCRDIR, descrdir); if (defvendor) s->vendor = pool_str2id(pool, defvendor, 1); continue; } /* Sometimes PRODUCT/NAME is not the first entry, but we need a solvable from here on. */ if (!s) { s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); handle = s - pool->solvables; } if (istag ("VERSION")) pd.tmpvers = solv_strdup(value); else if (istag ("RELEASE")) pd.tmprel = solv_strdup(value); else if (code11 && istag ("DISTRIBUTION")) repodata_set_poolstr(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_DISTRIBUTION, value); else if (istag ("UPDATEURLS")) add_multiple_urls(data, handle, value, pool_str2id(pool, "update", 1)); else if (istag ("EXTRAURLS")) add_multiple_urls(data, handle, value, pool_str2id(pool, "extra", 1)); else if (istag ("OPTIONALURLS")) add_multiple_urls(data, handle, value, pool_str2id(pool, "optional", 1)); else if (istag ("RELNOTESURL")) add_multiple_urls(data, handle, value, pool_str2id(pool, "releasenotes", 1)); else if (istag ("SHORTLABEL")) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_SHORTLABEL, value); else if (istag ("LABEL")) /* LABEL is the products SUMMARY. */ repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_SUMMARY, value); else if (!strncmp (key, "LABEL.", 6)) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, pool_id2langid(pool, SOLVABLE_SUMMARY, key + 6, 1), value); else if (istag ("FLAGS")) add_multiple_strings(data, handle, PRODUCT_FLAGS, value); else if (istag ("VENDOR")) /* actually already handled above */ s->vendor = pool_str2id(pool, value, 1); else if (istag ("BASEARCHS")) { char *arch; if ((arch = splitword(&value)) != 0) { s->arch = pool_str2id(pool, arch, 1); while ((arch = splitword(&value)) != 0) { otherarchs = solv_extend(otherarchs, numotherarchs, 1, sizeof(Id), 7); otherarchs[numotherarchs++] = pool_str2id(pool, arch, 1); } } } if (!code10) continue; /* * Every tag below is Code10 only * */ if (istag ("ARCH")) /* Theoretically we want to have the best arch of the given modifiers which still is compatible with the system arch. We don't know the latter here, though. */ s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH; else if (istag ("PREREQUIRES")) s->requires = adddep(pool, &pd, s->requires, value, SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER); else if (istag ("REQUIRES")) s->requires = adddep(pool, &pd, s->requires, value, -SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER); else if (istag ("PROVIDES")) s->provides = adddep(pool, &pd, s->provides, value, 0); else if (istag ("CONFLICTS")) s->conflicts = adddep(pool, &pd, s->conflicts, value, 0); else if (istag ("OBSOLETES")) s->obsoletes = adddep(pool, &pd, s->obsoletes, value, 0); else if (istag ("RECOMMENDS")) s->recommends = adddep(pool, &pd, s->recommends, value, 0); else if (istag ("SUGGESTS")) s->suggests = adddep(pool, &pd, s->suggests, value, 0); else if (istag ("SUPPLEMENTS")) s->supplements = adddep(pool, &pd, s->supplements, value, 0); else if (istag ("ENHANCES")) s->enhances = adddep(pool, &pd, s->enhances, value, 0); /* FRESHENS doesn't seem to exist. */ else if (istag ("TYPE")) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, PRODUCT_TYPE, value); /* XXX do something about LINGUAS and ARCH? * <ma>: Don't think so. zypp does not use or propagate them. */ #undef istag } else pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "repo_content: malformed line: %s\n", line); } if (datadir) free(datadir); if (descrdir) free(descrdir); if (defvendor) free(defvendor); if (s && !s->name) { pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "repo_content: 'content' incomplete, no product solvable created!\n"); repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); s = 0; } if (s) { if (pd.tmprel) s->evr = makeevr(pool, join(&pd, pd.tmpvers, "-", pd.tmprel)); else s->evr = makeevr(pool, pd.tmpvers); pd.tmpvers = solv_free((void *)pd.tmpvers); pd.tmprel = solv_free((void *)pd.tmprel); if (!s->arch) s->arch = ARCH_NOARCH; if (!s->evr) s->evr = ID_EMPTY; if (s->name && s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC) s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, pool_rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); if (code10) s->supplements = repo_fix_supplements(repo, s->provides, s->supplements, 0); /* now for every other arch, clone the product except the architecture */ for (i = 0; i < numotherarchs; ++i) { Solvable *p = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); p->name = s->name; p->evr = s->evr; p->vendor = s->vendor; p->arch = otherarchs[i]; /* self provides */ if (s->name && p->arch != ARCH_SRC && p->arch != ARCH_NOSRC) p->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, p->provides, pool_rel2id(pool, p->name, p->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); /* now merge the attributes */ repodata_merge_attrs(data, p - pool->solvables, s - pool->solvables); } } if (pd.tmp) solv_free(pd.tmp); solv_free(line); solv_free(otherarchs); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) repodata_internalize(data); return res; }
int repo_add_cudf(Repo *repo, Repo *installedrepo, FILE *fp, Queue *job, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; char *buf, *p; int bufa, bufl, c; Solvable *s; int instanza = 0; int inrequest = 0; int isinstalled = 0; int keep = 0; Repo *xrepo; xrepo = repo ? repo : installedrepo; if (!xrepo) return -1; buf = solv_malloc(4096); bufa = 4096; bufl = 0; s = 0; while (fgets(buf + bufl, bufa - bufl, fp) > 0) { bufl += strlen(buf + bufl); if (bufl && buf[bufl - 1] != '\n') { if (bufa - bufl < 256) { bufa += 4096; buf = solv_realloc(buf, bufa); } continue; } buf[--bufl] = 0; c = getc(fp); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') { /* continuation line */ buf[bufl++] = ' '; continue; } if (c != EOF) ungetc(c, fp); bufl = 0; if (*buf == '#') continue; if (!*buf) { if (s && !repo && !isinstalled) { repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); s = 0; } if (s) finishpackage(pool, s, keep, job); s = 0; keep = 0; instanza = 0; inrequest = 0; continue; } p = strchr(buf, ':'); if (!p) continue; /* hmm */ *p++ = 0; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; if (!instanza) { instanza = 1; inrequest = 0; if (!strcmp(buf, "request")) { inrequest = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp(buf, "package")) { s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(xrepo)); isinstalled = 0; keep = 0; } } if (inrequest) { if (!job) continue; if (!strcmp(buf, "install")) { Id id, *idp; Offset off = makedeps(xrepo, p, 0, 0); for (idp = xrepo->idarraydata + off; (id = *idp) != 0; idp++) queue_push2(job, SOLVER_INSTALL|SOLVER_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, id); } else if (!strcmp(buf, "remove")) { Id id, *idp; Offset off = makedeps(xrepo, p, 0, 0); for (idp = xrepo->idarraydata + off; (id = *idp) != 0; idp++) queue_push2(job, SOLVER_ERASE|SOLVER_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, id); } else if (!strcmp(buf, "upgrade")) { Id id, *idp; Offset off = makedeps(xrepo, p, 0, 0); for (idp = xrepo->idarraydata + off; (id = *idp) != 0; idp++) queue_push2(job, SOLVER_INSTALL|SOLVER_ORUPDATE|SOLVER_SOLVABLE_PROVIDES, id); } continue; } if (!s) continue; /* we ignore the preamble for now */ switch (buf[0]) { case 'c': if (!strcmp(buf, "conflicts")) { s->conflicts = makedeps(s->repo, p, s->conflicts, 0); continue; } case 'd': if (!strcmp(buf, "depends")) { s->requires = makedeps(s->repo, p, s->requires, 0); continue; } break; case 'k': if (!strcmp(buf, "keep")) { if (!job) continue; if (!strcmp(p, "version")) keep = KEEP_VERSION; else if (!strcmp(p, "package")) keep = KEEP_PACKAGE; else if (!strcmp(p, "feature")) keep = KEEP_FEATURE; continue; } break; case 'i': if (!strcmp(buf, "installed")) { if (!strcmp(p, "true")) { isinstalled = 1; if (!installedrepo) { repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); s = 0; } else if (s->repo != installedrepo) { copysolvabledata(pool, s, installedrepo); s->repo->nsolvables--; s->repo = installedrepo; if (s - pool->solvables < s->repo->start) s->repo->start = s - pool->solvables; if (s - pool->solvables >= s->repo->end) s->repo->end = s - pool->solvables + 1; s->repo->nsolvables++; } } continue; } break; case 'p': if (!strcmp(buf, "package")) { s->name = pool_str2id(pool, p, 1); continue; } if (!strcmp(buf, "provides")) { s->provides = makedeps(s->repo, p, s->provides, 0); continue; } break; case 'r': if (!strcmp(buf, "depends")) { s->recommends = makedeps(s->repo, p, s->recommends, 0); continue; } break; case 'v': if (!strcmp(buf, "version")) { s->evr = pool_str2id(pool, p, 1); continue; } break; } } if (s && !repo && !isinstalled) { repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); s = 0; } if (s) finishpackage(pool, s, keep, job); solv_free(buf); return 0; }
int repo_add_debpackages(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Repodata *data; char *buf, *p; int bufl, l, ll; Solvable *s; data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags); buf = solv_malloc(4096); bufl = 4096; l = 0; buf[l] = 0; p = buf; for (;;) { if (!(p = strchr(p, '\n'))) { int l3; if (l + 1024 >= bufl) { buf = solv_realloc(buf, bufl + 4096); bufl += 4096; p = buf + l; continue; } p = buf + l; ll = fread(p, 1, bufl - l - 1, fp); if (ll <= 0) break; p[ll] = 0; while ((l3 = strlen(p)) < ll) p[l3] = '\n'; l += ll; continue; } p++; if (*p != '\n') continue; *p = 0; ll = p - buf + 1; s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); control2solvable(s, data, buf); if (!s->name) repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); if (l > ll) memmove(buf, p + 1, l - ll); l -= ll; p = buf; buf[l] = 0; } if (l) { s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); control2solvable(s, data, buf); if (!s->name) repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); } solv_free(buf); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) repodata_internalize(data); return 0; }
int repo_add_mdk(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Repodata *data; Solvable *s; char *buf; int bufa, bufl; data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags); bufa = 4096; buf = solv_malloc(bufa); bufl = 0; s = 0; while (fgets(buf + bufl, bufa - bufl, fp) > 0) { bufl += strlen(buf + bufl); if (bufl && buf[bufl - 1] != '\n') { if (bufa - bufl < 256) { bufa += 4096; buf = solv_realloc(buf, bufa); } continue; } buf[--bufl] = 0; bufl = 0; if (buf[0] != '@') { pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "bad line <%s>\n", buf); continue; } if (!s) s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "filesize@", 9)) repodata_set_num(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_DOWNLOADSIZE, strtoull(buf + 10, 0, 10)); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "summary@", 8)) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_SUMMARY, buf + 9); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "provides@", 9)) s->provides = parse_deps(s, buf + 10, 0); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "requires@", 9)) s->requires = parse_deps(s, buf + 10, SOLVABLE_PREREQMARKER); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "suggests@", 9)) s->suggests = parse_deps(s, buf + 10, 0); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "obsoletes@", 10)) s->obsoletes = parse_deps(s, buf + 11, 0); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "conflicts@", 10)) s->conflicts = parse_deps(s, buf + 11, 0); else if (!strncmp(buf + 1, "info@", 5)) { char *nvra = buf + 6; char *epochstr; char *arch; char *version; char *filename; if ((epochstr = strchr(nvra, '@')) != 0) { char *sizestr; *epochstr++ = 0; if ((sizestr = strchr(epochstr, '@')) != 0) { char *groupstr; *sizestr++ = 0; if ((groupstr = strchr(sizestr, '@')) != 0) { char *n; *groupstr++ = 0; if ((n = strchr(groupstr, '@')) != 0) *n = 0; if (*groupstr) repodata_set_poolstr(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_GROUP, groupstr); } repodata_set_num(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_INSTALLSIZE, strtoull(sizestr, 0, 10)); } } filename = pool_tmpjoin(pool, nvra, ".rpm", 0); arch = strrchr(nvra, '.'); if (arch) { *arch++ = 0; s->arch = pool_str2id(pool, arch, 1); } /* argh, do we have a distepoch or not, check self-provides */ if (s->provides) { Id id, lastid, *idp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides; lastid = 0; for (idp = s->repo->idarraydata + s->provides; (id = *idp) != 0; idp++) { const char *evr, *name; int namel; Reldep *rd; if (!ISRELDEP(id)) continue; rd = GETRELDEP(pool, id); if (rd->flags != REL_EQ) continue; name = pool_id2str(pool, rd->name); namel = strlen(name); if (strncmp(name, nvra, namel) != 0 || nvra[namel] != '-') continue; evr = pool_id2str(pool, rd->evr); evr = strrchr(evr, '-'); if (evr && strchr(evr, ':') != 0) lastid = id; } if (lastid) { /* self provides found, and it contains a distepoch */ /* replace with self-provides distepoch to get rid of the disttag */ char *nvradistepoch = strrchr(nvra, '-'); if (nvradistepoch) { Reldep *rd = GETRELDEP(pool, lastid); const char *evr = pool_id2str(pool, rd->evr); evr = strrchr(evr, '-'); if (evr && (evr = strchr(evr, ':')) != 0) { if (strlen(evr) < strlen(nvradistepoch)) strcpy(nvradistepoch, evr); } } } } version = strrchr(nvra, '-'); if (version) { char *release = version; *release = 0; version = strrchr(nvra, '-'); *release = '-'; if (!version) version = release; *version++ = 0; } else version = ""; s->name = pool_str2id(pool, nvra, 1); if (epochstr && *epochstr && strcmp(epochstr, "0") != 0) { char *evr = pool_tmpjoin(pool, epochstr, ":", version); s->evr = pool_str2id(pool, evr, 1); } else s->evr = pool_str2id(pool, version, 1); repodata_set_location(data, s - pool->solvables, 0, 0, filename); if (s->name && s->arch != ARCH_SRC && s->arch != ARCH_NOSRC) s->provides = repo_addid_dep(s->repo, s->provides, pool_rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); s = 0; } else { char *tagend = strchr(buf + 1, '@'); if (tagend) *tagend = 0; pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "unknown tag <%s>\n", buf + 1); continue; } } if (s) { pool_debug(pool, SOLV_ERROR, "unclosed package at EOF\n"); repo_free_solvable(s->repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); } solv_free(buf); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) repodata_internalize(data); return 0; }
Id repo_add_arch_pkg(Repo *repo, const char *fn, int flags) { Pool *pool = repo->pool; Repodata *data; FILE *fp; struct tarhead th; char line[4096]; int ignoreline; Solvable *s; int l, fd; struct stat stb; void *pkgidhandle = 0; data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags); if ((fd = open(flags & REPO_USE_ROOTDIR ? pool_prepend_rootdir_tmp(pool, fn) : fn, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); return 0; } if (fstat(fd, &stb)) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: fstat: %s", fn, strerror(errno)); close(fd); return 0; } if (!(fp = solv_xfopen_fd(fn, fd, "r"))) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: fdopen failed", fn); close(fd); return 0; } s = 0; inittarhead(&th, fp); while (gettarhead(&th) > 0) { if (th.type != 1 || strcmp(th.path, ".PKGINFO") != 0) { skipentry(&th); continue; } ignoreline = 0; s = pool_id2solvable(pool, repo_add_solvable(repo)); if (flags & ARCH_ADD_WITH_PKGID) pkgidhandle = solv_chksum_create(REPOKEY_TYPE_MD5); while (getsentry(&th, line, sizeof(line))) { l = strlen(line); if (l == 0) continue; if (pkgidhandle) solv_chksum_add(pkgidhandle, line, l); if (line[l - 1] != '\n') { ignoreline = 1; continue; } if (ignoreline) { ignoreline = 0; continue; } line[--l] = 0; if (l == 0 || line[0] == '#') continue; if (!strncmp(line, "pkgname = ", 10)) s->name = pool_str2id(pool, line + 10, 1); else if (!strncmp(line, "pkgver = ", 9)) s->evr = pool_str2id(pool, line + 9, 1); else if (!strncmp(line, "pkgdesc = ", 10)) { repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_SUMMARY, line + 10); repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_DESCRIPTION, line + 10); } else if (!strncmp(line, "url = ", 6)) repodata_set_str(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_URL, line + 6); else if (!strncmp(line, "builddate = ", 12)) repodata_set_num(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_BUILDTIME, strtoull(line + 12, 0, 10)); else if (!strncmp(line, "packager = ", 11)) repodata_set_poolstr(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_PACKAGER, line + 11); else if (!strncmp(line, "size = ", 7)) repodata_set_num(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_INSTALLSIZE, strtoull(line + 7, 0, 10)); else if (!strncmp(line, "arch = ", 7)) s->arch = pool_str2id(pool, line + 7, 1); else if (!strncmp(line, "license = ", 10)) repodata_set_poolstr(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_LICENSE, line + 10); else if (!strncmp(line, "replaces = ", 11)) s->obsoletes = adddep(repo, s->obsoletes, line + 11); else if (!strncmp(line, "group = ", 8)) repodata_set_poolstr(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_GROUP, line + 8); else if (!strncmp(line, "depend = ", 9)) s->requires = adddep(repo, s->requires, line + 9); else if (!strncmp(line, "optdepend = ", 12)) { char *p = strchr(line, ':'); if (p) *p = 0; s->suggests = adddep(repo, s->suggests, line + 12); } else if (!strncmp(line, "conflict = ", 11)) s->conflicts = adddep(repo, s->conflicts, line + 11); else if (!strncmp(line, "provides = ", 11)) s->provides = adddep(repo, s->provides, line + 11); } break; } freetarhead(&th); fclose(fp); if (!s) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: not an arch package", fn); if (pkgidhandle) solv_chksum_free(pkgidhandle, 0); return 0; } if (s && !s->name) { pool_error(pool, -1, "%s: package has no name", fn); repo_free_solvable(repo, s - pool->solvables, 1); s = 0; } if (s) { if (!s->arch) s->arch = ARCH_ANY; if (!s->evr) s->evr = ID_EMPTY; s->provides = repo_addid_dep(repo, s->provides, pool_rel2id(pool, s->name, s->evr, REL_EQ, 1), 0); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_LOCATION)) repodata_set_location(data, s - pool->solvables, 0, 0, fn); if (S_ISREG(stb.st_mode)) repodata_set_num(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_DOWNLOADSIZE, (unsigned long long)stb.st_size); if (pkgidhandle) { unsigned char pkgid[16]; solv_chksum_free(pkgidhandle, pkgid); repodata_set_bin_checksum(data, s - pool->solvables, SOLVABLE_PKGID, REPOKEY_TYPE_MD5, pkgid); pkgidhandle = 0; } } if (pkgidhandle) solv_chksum_free(pkgidhandle, 0); if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE)) repodata_internalize(data); return s ? s - pool->solvables : 0; }