int txdata_test(void) { enum { REPEAT = 4 }; unsigned i, msgs; pj_timestamp usec[REPEAT], min, freq; int status; status = pj_get_timestamp_freq(&freq); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; status = core_txdata_test(); if (status != 0) return status; #if INCLUDE_GCC_TEST status = gcc_test(); if (status != 0) return status; #endif status = txdata_test_uri_params(); if (status != 0) return status; /* * Benchmark create_request() */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " benchmarking request creation:")); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " test %d of %d..", i+1, REPEAT)); status = create_request_bench(&usec[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; } min.u64 = PJ_UINT64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { if (usec[i].u64 < min.u64) min.u64 = usec[i].u64; } msgs = (unsigned)(freq.u64 * LOOP / min.u64); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Requests created at %d requests/sec", msgs)); report_ival("create-request-per-sec", msgs, "msg/sec", "Number of typical request messages that can be created " "per second with <tt>pjsip_endpt_create_request()</tt>"); /* * Benchmark create_response() */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " benchmarking response creation:")); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " test %d of %d..", i+1, REPEAT)); status = create_response_bench(&usec[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; } min.u64 = PJ_UINT64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { if (usec[i].u64 < min.u64) min.u64 = usec[i].u64; } msgs = (unsigned)(freq.u64 * LOOP / min.u64); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Responses created at %d responses/sec", msgs)); report_ival("create-response-per-sec", msgs, "msg/sec", "Number of typical response messages that can be created " "per second with <tt>pjsip_endpt_create_response()</tt>"); return 0; }
static pj_status_t init_report(void) { char tmp[80]; pj_time_val timestamp; pj_parsed_time date_time; pj_ssize_t len; pj_status_t status; pj_ansi_sprintf(tmp, "pjsip-static-bench-%s-%s.htm", PJ_OS_NAME, PJ_CC_NAME); status = pj_file_open(NULL, tmp, PJ_O_WRONLY, &fd_report); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; /* Title */ len = pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "<HTML>\n" " <HEAD>\n" " <TITLE>PJSIP %s (%s) - Static Benchmark</TITLE>\n" " </HEAD>\n" "<BODY>\n" "\n", PJ_VERSION, (PJ_DEBUG ? "Debug" : "Release")); pj_file_write(fd_report, buf, &len); /* Title */ len = pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "<H1>PJSIP %s (%s) - Static Benchmark</H1>\n", PJ_VERSION, (PJ_DEBUG ? "Debug" : "Release")); pj_file_write(fd_report, buf, &len); len = pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "<P>Below is the benchmark result generated " "by <b>test-pjsip</b> program. The program " "is single-threaded only.</P>\n"); pj_file_write(fd_report, buf, &len); /* Write table heading */ len = pj_ansi_sprintf(buf, "<TABLE border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\">\n" " <TR><TD bgColor=\"aqua\" align=\"center\">Variable</TD>\n" " <TD bgColor=\"aqua\" align=\"center\">Value</TD>\n" " <TD bgColor=\"aqua\" align=\"center\">Description</TD>\n" " </TR>\n"); pj_file_write(fd_report, buf, &len); /* Write version */ report_sval("version", PJ_VERSION, "", "PJLIB/PJSIP version"); /* Debug or release */ report_sval("build-type", (PJ_DEBUG ? "Debug" : "Release"), "", "Build type"); /* Write timestamp */ pj_gettimeofday(×tamp); report_ival("timestamp", timestamp.sec, "", "System timestamp of the test"); /* Write time of day */ pj_time_decode(×tamp, &date_time); len = pj_ansi_sprintf(tmp, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", date_time.year, date_time.mon+1,, date_time.hour, date_time.min, date_time.sec); report_sval("date-time", tmp, "", "Date/time of the test"); /* Write System */ report_sval("system", system_name, "", "System description"); /* Write OS type */ report_sval("os-family", PJ_OS_NAME, "", "Operating system family"); /* Write CC name */ len = pj_ansi_sprintf(tmp, "%s-%d.%d.%d", PJ_CC_NAME, PJ_CC_VER_1, PJ_CC_VER_2, PJ_CC_VER_2); report_sval("cc-name", tmp, "", "Compiler name and version"); return PJ_SUCCESS; }
/* * UDP transport test. */ int transport_udp_test(void) { enum { SEND_RECV_LOOP = 8 }; pjsip_transport *udp_tp, *tp; pj_sockaddr_in addr, rem_addr; pj_str_t s; pj_status_t status; int rtt[SEND_RECV_LOOP], min_rtt; int i, pkt_lost; pj_sockaddr_in_init(&addr, NULL, TEST_UDP_PORT); /* Start UDP transport. */ status = pjsip_udp_transport_start( endpt, &addr, NULL, 1, &udp_tp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" Error: unable to start UDP transport", status); return -10; } /* UDP transport must have initial reference counter set to 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(udp_tp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -20; /* Test basic transport attributes */ status = generic_transport_test(udp_tp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; /* Test that transport manager is returning the correct * transport. */ pj_sockaddr_in_init(&rem_addr, pj_cstr(&s, ""), 80); status = pjsip_endpt_acquire_transport(endpt, PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, &rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr), NULL, &tp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return -50; if (tp != udp_tp) return -60; /* pjsip_endpt_acquire_transport() adds reference, so we need * to decrement it. */ pjsip_transport_dec_ref(tp); /* Check again that reference counter is 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(udp_tp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -70; /* Basic transport's send/receive loopback test. */ pj_sockaddr_in_init(&rem_addr, pj_cstr(&s, ""), TEST_UDP_PORT); for (i=0; i<SEND_RECV_LOOP; ++i) { status = transport_send_recv_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, tp, "sip:[email protected]:"TEST_UDP_PORT_STR, &rtt[i]); if (status != 0) return status; } min_rtt = 0xFFFFFFF; for (i=0; i<SEND_RECV_LOOP; ++i) if (rtt[i] < min_rtt) min_rtt = rtt[i]; report_ival("udp-rtt-usec", min_rtt, "usec", "Best UDP transport round trip time, in microseconds " "(time from sending request until response is received. " "Tests were performed on local machine only)"); /* Multi-threaded round-trip test. */ status = transport_rt_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP, tp, "sip:[email protected]:"TEST_UDP_PORT_STR, &pkt_lost); if (status != 0) return status; if (pkt_lost != 0) PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " note: %d packet(s) was lost", pkt_lost)); /* Check again that reference counter is 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(udp_tp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -80; /* Destroy this transport. */ pjsip_transport_dec_ref(udp_tp); /* Force destroy this transport. */ status = pjsip_transport_destroy(udp_tp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return -90; /* Flush events. */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Flushing events, 1 second...")); flush_events(1000); /* Done */ return 0; }
int test_main(void) { pj_status_t rc; pj_caching_pool caching_pool; const char *filename; unsigned tsx_test_cnt=0; struct tsx_test_param tsx_test[10]; pj_status_t status; #if INCLUDE_TSX_TEST unsigned i; pjsip_transport *tp; #if PJ_HAS_TCP pjsip_tpfactory *tpfactory; #endif /* PJ_HAS_TCP */ #endif /* INCLUDE_TSX_TEST */ int line; pj_log_set_level(log_level); pj_log_set_decor(param_log_decor); if ((rc=pj_init()) != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("pj_init", rc); return rc; } if ((rc=pjlib_util_init()) != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("pj_init", rc); return rc; } status = init_report(); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; pj_dump_config(); pj_caching_pool_init( &caching_pool, &pj_pool_factory_default_policy, PJSIP_TEST_MEM_SIZE ); rc = pjsip_endpt_create(&caching_pool.factory, "endpt", &endpt); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror("pjsip_endpt_create", rc); pj_caching_pool_destroy(&caching_pool); return rc; } PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE,"")); /* Init logger module. */ init_msg_logger(); msg_logger_set_enabled(1); /* Start transaction layer module. */ rc = pjsip_tsx_layer_init_module(endpt); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" Error initializing transaction module", rc); goto on_return; } /* Create loop transport. */ rc = pjsip_loop_start(endpt, NULL); if (rc != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" error: unable to create datagram loop transport", rc); goto on_return; } tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].port = 5060; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].tp_type = "loop-dgram"; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].type = PJSIP_TRANSPORT_LOOP_DGRAM; ++tsx_test_cnt; #if INCLUDE_URI_TEST DO_TEST(uri_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_MSG_TEST DO_TEST(msg_test()); DO_TEST(msg_err_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_MULTIPART_TEST DO_TEST(multipart_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_TXDATA_TEST DO_TEST(txdata_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_TSX_BENCH DO_TEST(tsx_bench()); #endif #if INCLUDE_UDP_TEST DO_TEST(transport_udp_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_LOOP_TEST DO_TEST(transport_loop_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_TCP_TEST DO_TEST(transport_tcp_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_RESOLVE_TEST DO_TEST(resolve_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_TSX_TEST status = pjsip_udp_transport_start(endpt, NULL, NULL, 1, &tp); if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) { tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].port = tp->local_name.port; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].tp_type = "udp"; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].type = PJSIP_TRANSPORT_UDP; ++tsx_test_cnt; } #if PJ_HAS_TCP status = pjsip_tcp_transport_start(endpt, NULL, 1, &tpfactory); if (status == PJ_SUCCESS) { tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].port = tpfactory->addr_name.port; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].tp_type = "tcp"; tsx_test[tsx_test_cnt].type = PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP; ++tsx_test_cnt; } else { app_perror("Unable to create TCP", status); rc = -4; goto on_return; } #endif for (i=0; i<tsx_test_cnt; ++i) { DO_TSX_TEST(tsx_basic_test, &tsx_test[i]); DO_TSX_TEST(tsx_uac_test, &tsx_test[i]); DO_TSX_TEST(tsx_uas_test, &tsx_test[i]); } #endif #if INCLUDE_INV_OA_TEST DO_TEST(inv_offer_answer_test()); #endif #if INCLUDE_REGC_TEST DO_TEST(regc_test()); #endif on_return: flush_events(500); /* Dumping memory pool usage */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Peak memory size=%u MB", caching_pool.peak_used_size / 1000000)); pjsip_endpt_destroy(endpt); pj_caching_pool_destroy(&caching_pool); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "")); pj_thread_get_stack_info(pj_thread_this(), &filename, &line); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Stack max usage: %u, deepest: %s:%u", pj_thread_get_stack_max_usage(pj_thread_this()), filename, line)); if (rc == 0) PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Looks like everything is okay!..")); else PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "Test completed with error(s)")); report_ival("test-status", rc, "", "Overall test status/result (0==success)"); close_report(); return rc; }
int tsx_bench(void) { enum { WORKING_SET=10000, REPEAT = 4 }; unsigned i, speed; pj_timestamp usec[REPEAT], min, freq; char desc[250]; int status; status = pj_get_timestamp_freq(&freq); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; /* * Benchmark UAC */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " benchmarking UAC transaction creation:")); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " test %d of %d..", i+1, REPEAT)); status = uac_tsx_bench(WORKING_SET, &usec[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; } min.u64 = PJ_UINT64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { if (usec[i].u64 < min.u64) min.u64 = usec[i].u64; } /* Report time */ pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Time to create %d UAC transactions, in miliseconds", WORKING_SET); report_ival("create-uac-time", (unsigned)(min.u64 * 1000 / freq.u64), "msec", desc); /* Write speed */ speed = (unsigned)(freq.u64 * WORKING_SET / min.u64); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " UAC created at %d tsx/sec", speed)); pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Number of UAC transactions that potentially can be created per second " "with <tt>pjsip_tsx_create_uac()</tt>, based on the time " "to create %d simultaneous transactions above.", WORKING_SET); report_ival("create-uac-tsx-per-sec", speed, "tsx/sec", desc); /* * Benchmark UAS */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " benchmarking UAS transaction creation:")); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " test %d of %d..", i+1, REPEAT)); status = uas_tsx_bench(WORKING_SET, &usec[i]); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; } min.u64 = PJ_UINT64(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); for (i=0; i<REPEAT; ++i) { if (usec[i].u64 < min.u64) min.u64 = usec[i].u64; } /* Report time */ pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Time to create %d UAS transactions, in miliseconds", WORKING_SET); report_ival("create-uas-time", (unsigned)(min.u64 * 1000 / freq.u64), "msec", desc); /* Write speed */ speed = (unsigned)(freq.u64 * WORKING_SET / min.u64); PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " UAS created at %d tsx/sec", speed)); pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Number of UAS transactions that potentially can be created per second " "with <tt>pjsip_tsx_create_uas()</tt>, based on the time " "to create %d simultaneous transactions above.", WORKING_SET); report_ival("create-uas-tsx-per-sec", speed, "tsx/sec", desc); return PJ_SUCCESS; }
int uri_test(void) { enum { COUNT = 1, DETECT=0, PARSE=1, PRINT=2 }; struct { unsigned parse; unsigned print; unsigned cmp; } run[COUNT]; unsigned i, max; pj_ssize_t avg_len; char desc[200]; pj_status_t status; status = simple_uri_test(); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; #if INCLUDE_BENCHMARKS for (i=0; i<COUNT; ++i) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " benchmarking (%d of %d)...", i+1, COUNT)); status = uri_benchmark(&run[i].parse, &run[i].print, &run[i].cmp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; } /* Calculate average URI length */ for (i=0, avg_len=0; i<PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(uri_test_array); ++i) { avg_len += uri_test_array[i].len; } avg_len /= PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(uri_test_array); /* * Print maximum parse/sec */ for (i=0, max=0; i<COUNT; ++i) if (run[i].parse > max) max = run[i].parse; PJ_LOG(3,("", " Maximum URI parse/sec=%u", max)); pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Number of SIP/TEL URIs that can be <B>parsed</B> with " "<tt>pjsip_parse_uri()</tt> per second " "(tested with %d URI set, with average length of " "%d chars)", (int)PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(uri_test_array), (int)avg_len); report_ival("uri-parse-per-sec", max, "URI/sec", desc); /* URI parsing bandwidth */ report_ival("uri-parse-bandwidth-mb", (int)avg_len*max/1000000, "MB/sec", "URI parsing bandwidth in megabytes (number of megabytes " "worth of URI that can be parsed per second)"); /* Print maximum print/sec */ for (i=0, max=0; i<COUNT; ++i) if (run[i].print > max) max = run[i].print; PJ_LOG(3,("", " Maximum URI print/sec=%u", max)); pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Number of SIP/TEL URIs that can be <B>printed</B> with " "<tt>pjsip_uri_print()</tt> per second " "(tested with %d URI set, with average length of " "%d chars)", (int)PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(uri_test_array), (int)avg_len); report_ival("uri-print-per-sec", max, "URI/sec", desc); /* Print maximum detect/sec */ for (i=0, max=0; i<COUNT; ++i) if (run[i].cmp > max) max = run[i].cmp; PJ_LOG(3,("", " Maximum URI comparison/sec=%u", max)); pj_ansi_sprintf(desc, "Number of SIP/TEL URIs that can be <B>compared</B> with " "<tt>pjsip_uri_cmp()</tt> per second " "(tested with %d URI set, with average length of " "%d chars)", (int)PJ_ARRAY_SIZE(uri_test_array), (int)avg_len); report_ival("uri-cmp-per-sec", max, "URI/sec", desc); #endif /* INCLUDE_BENCHMARKS */ return PJ_SUCCESS; }
static int datagram_loop_test() { enum { LOOP = 8 }; pjsip_transport *loop; int i, pkt_lost; pj_sockaddr_in addr; pj_status_t status; long ref_cnt; int rtt[LOOP], min_rtt; PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, "testing datagram loop transport")); /* Test acquire transport. */ status = pjsip_endpt_acquire_transport( endpt, PJSIP_TRANSPORT_LOOP_DGRAM, &addr, sizeof(addr), NULL, &loop); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" error: loop transport is not configured", status); return -20; } /* Get initial reference counter */ ref_cnt = pj_atomic_get(loop->ref_cnt); /* Test basic transport attributes */ status = generic_transport_test(loop); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; /* Basic transport's send/receive loopback test. */ for (i=0; i<LOOP; ++i) { status = transport_send_recv_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_LOOP_DGRAM, loop, "sip:[email protected];transport=loop-dgram", &rtt[i]); if (status != 0) return status; } min_rtt = 0xFFFFFFF; for (i=0; i<LOOP; ++i) if (rtt[i] < min_rtt) min_rtt = rtt[i]; report_ival("loop-rtt-usec", min_rtt, "usec", "Best Loopback transport round trip time, in microseconds " "(time from sending request until response is received. " "Tests were performed on local machine only)"); /* Multi-threaded round-trip test. */ status = transport_rt_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_LOOP_DGRAM, loop, "sip:[email protected];transport=loop-dgram", &pkt_lost); if (status != 0) return status; if (pkt_lost != 0) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " error: %d packet(s) was lost", pkt_lost)); return -40; } /* Put delay. */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE," setting network delay to 10 ms")); pjsip_loop_set_delay(loop, 10); /* Multi-threaded round-trip test. */ status = transport_rt_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_LOOP_DGRAM, loop, "sip:[email protected];transport=loop-dgram", &pkt_lost); if (status != 0) return status; if (pkt_lost != 0) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " error: %d packet(s) was lost", pkt_lost)); return -50; } /* Restore delay. */ pjsip_loop_set_delay(loop, 0); /* Check reference counter. */ if (pj_atomic_get(loop->ref_cnt) != ref_cnt) { PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " error: ref counter is not %d (%d)", ref_cnt, pj_atomic_get(loop->ref_cnt))); return -51; } /* Decrement reference. */ pjsip_transport_dec_ref(loop); return 0; }
int transport_tcp_test(void) { enum { SEND_RECV_LOOP = 8 }; pjsip_tpfactory *tpfactory; pjsip_transport *tcp; pj_sockaddr_in rem_addr; pj_status_t status; char url[PJSIP_MAX_URL_SIZE]; int rtt[SEND_RECV_LOOP], min_rtt; int i, pkt_lost; /* Start TCP listener on arbitrary port. */ status = pjsip_tcp_transport_start(endpt, NULL, 1, &tpfactory); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" Error: unable to start TCP transport", status); return -10; } /* Get the listener address */ status = pj_sockaddr_in_init(&rem_addr, &tpfactory->, (pj_uint16_t)tpfactory->addr_name.port); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) { app_perror(" Error: possibly invalid TCP address name", status); return -14; } pj_ansi_sprintf(url, "sip:alice@%s:%d;transport=tcp", pj_inet_ntoa(rem_addr.sin_addr), pj_ntohs(rem_addr.sin_port)); /* Acquire one TCP transport. */ status = pjsip_endpt_acquire_transport(endpt, PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP, &rem_addr, sizeof(rem_addr), NULL, &tcp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS || tcp == NULL) { app_perror(" Error: unable to acquire TCP transport", status); return -17; } /* After pjsip_endpt_acquire_transport, TCP transport must have * reference counter 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(tcp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -20; /* Test basic transport attributes */ status = generic_transport_test(tcp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return status; /* Check again that reference counter is 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(tcp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -40; /* Load test */ if (transport_load_test(url) != 0) return -60; /* Basic transport's send/receive loopback test. */ for (i=0; i<SEND_RECV_LOOP; ++i) { status = transport_send_recv_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP, tcp, url, &rtt[i]); if (status != 0) { pjsip_transport_dec_ref(tcp); flush_events(500); return -72; } } min_rtt = 0xFFFFFFF; for (i=0; i<SEND_RECV_LOOP; ++i) if (rtt[i] < min_rtt) min_rtt = rtt[i]; report_ival("tcp-rtt-usec", min_rtt, "usec", "Best TCP transport round trip time, in microseconds " "(time from sending request until response is received. " "Tests were performed on local machine only, and after " "TCP socket has been established by previous test)"); /* Multi-threaded round-trip test. */ status = transport_rt_test(PJSIP_TRANSPORT_TCP, tcp, url, &pkt_lost); if (status != 0) { pjsip_transport_dec_ref(tcp); return status; } if (pkt_lost != 0) PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " note: %d packet(s) was lost", pkt_lost)); /* Check again that reference counter is still 1. */ if (pj_atomic_get(tcp->ref_cnt) != 1) return -80; /* Destroy this transport. */ pjsip_transport_dec_ref(tcp); /* Force destroy this transport. */ status = pjsip_transport_destroy(tcp); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return -90; /* Unregister factory */ status = pjsip_tpmgr_unregister_tpfactory(pjsip_endpt_get_tpmgr(endpt), tpfactory); if (status != PJ_SUCCESS) return -95; /* Flush events. */ PJ_LOG(3,(THIS_FILE, " Flushing events, 1 second...")); flush_events(1000); /* Done */ return 0; }