Exemple #1
const Cinfo * HDF5DataWriter::initCinfo()
  static DestFinfo process(
      "Handle process calls. Write data to file and clear all Table objects"
      " associated with this. Hence you want to keep it on a slow clock"
      " 1000 times or more slower than that for the tables.",
  		new ProcOpFunc<HDF5DataWriter>( &HDF5DataWriter::process)
  static  DestFinfo reinit(
      "Reinitialize the object. If the current file handle is valid, it tries"
      " to close that and open the file specified in current filename field.",
  		new ProcOpFunc<HDF5DataWriter>( &HDF5DataWriter::reinit )
  static Finfo * processShared[] = {
    &process, &reinit
  static SharedFinfo proc(
      "Shared message to receive process and reinit",
      processShared, sizeof( processShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* ));
  static Finfo * finfos[] = {

  static string doc[] = {
    "Name", "HDF5DataWriter",
    "Author", "Subhasis Ray",
    "Description", "HDF5 file writer for saving data tables. It saves the tables connected"
    " to it via `requestOut` field into an HDF5 file.  The path of the"
    " table is maintained in the HDF5 file, with a HDF5 group for each"
    " element above the table."
    "Thus, if you have a table `/data/VmTable` in MOOSE, then it will be"
    " written as an HDF5 table called `VmTable` inside an HDF5 Group called"
    " `data`."
    "However Table inside Table is considered a pathological case and is"
    " not handled.\n"
    "At every process call it writes the contents of the tables to the file"
    " and clears the table vectors. You can explicitly force writing of the"
    " data via the `flush` function."

	static Dinfo< HDF5DataWriter > dinfo;
    static Cinfo cinfo(
	doc, sizeof( doc ) / sizeof( string ));
    return &cinfo;
Exemple #2
void HDF5DataWriter::reinit(const Eref & e, ProcPtr p)
    steps_ = 0;
    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < data_.size(); ++ii){
    unsigned int numTgt = e.element()->getMsgTargetAndFunctions(e.dataIndex(),
    assert(numTgt ==  src_.size());
    // TODO: what to do when reinit is called? Close the existing file
    // and open a new one in append mode? Or keep adding to the
    // current file?
    if (filename_.empty()){
        filename_ = "moose_data.h5";
    if (filehandle_ > 0 ){
    if (numTgt == 0){
    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < src_.size(); ++ii){
        string varname = func_[ii];
        size_t found = varname.find("get");
        if (found == 0){
            varname = varname.substr(3);
            if (varname.length() == 0){
                varname = func_[ii];
            } else {
                // TODO: there is no way we can get back the original
                // field-name case. tolower will get the right name in
                // most cases as field names start with lower case by
                // convention in MOOSE.
                varname[0] = tolower(varname[0]);
        assert(varname.length() > 0);
        string path = src_[ii].path() + "/" + varname;
        hid_t dataset_id = getDataset(path);
Exemple #3
   Write data to datasets in HDF5 file. Clear all data in the table
   objects associated with this object. */
void HDF5DataWriter::process(const Eref & e, ProcPtr p)
    if (filehandle_ < 0){
    // cout << "HDF5DataWriter::process: currentTime=" << p->currTime << endl;
    requestOut()->send(e, recvDataBuf()->getFid());
    for (map<string, vector < double > >:: iterator data_it = datamap_.begin(); data_it != datamap_.end(); ++data_it){        
        string path = data_it->first;
        // if (data_it->second.size() >= flushLimit_){
        map < string, hid_t >::iterator node_it = nodemap_.find(path);
        assert (node_it != nodemap_.end());
        if (node_it->second < 0){
            nodemap_[path] = get_dataset(path);
        herr_t status = appendToDataset(nodemap_[path], data_it->second);
        if (status < 0){
            cerr << "Warning: appending data for object " << data_it->first << " returned status " << status << endl;                
Exemple #4
 * @brief Reinitialize
 * @param e
 * @param p
void Table::reinit( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
    tablePath_ = e.id().path();
    unsigned int numTick = e.element()->getTick();
    Clock* clk = reinterpret_cast<Clock*>(Id(1).eref().data());
    dt_ = clk->getTickDt( numTick );

    /** Create the default filepath for this table.  */
    if( useStreamer_ )
        // The first column is variable time.
        columns_.push_back( "time" );
        // And the second column name is the name of the table.
        columns_.push_back( moose::moosePathToUserPath( tablePath_ ) );

        // If user has not set the filepath, then use the table path prefixed
        // with rootdit as path.
        if( ! outfileIsSet_ )
            setOutfile( rootdir_ +
                    moose::moosePathToUserPath(tablePath_) + '.' + format_ 

    input_ = 0.0;
    vec().resize( 0 );
    lastTime_ = 0;
    vector< double > ret;
    requestOut()->send( e, &ret );
    vec().insert( vec().end(), ret.begin(), ret.end() );

    if( useStreamer_ )
        zipWithTime( vec(), data_, lastTime_ );
        StreamerBase::writeToOutFile( outfile_, format_, "w", data_, columns_);
Exemple #5
   Write data to datasets in HDF5 file. Clear all data in the table
   objects associated with this object. */
void HDF5DataWriter::process(const Eref & e, ProcPtr p)
    if (filehandle_ < 0){

    vector <double> dataBuf;
        requestOut()->send(e, &dataBuf);
    for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < dataBuf.size(); ++ii){
    if (steps_ >= flushLimit_){
        steps_ = 0;
        for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < datasets_.size(); ++ii){
            herr_t status = appendToDataset(datasets_[ii], data_[ii]);
            if (status < 0){
                cerr << "Warning: appending data for object " << src_[ii]
                     << " returned status " << status << endl;
Exemple #6
void Function::process(const Eref &e, ProcPtr p)
    if (!_valid){
    vector < double > databuf;
    requestOut()->send(e, &databuf);
    for (unsigned int ii = 0;
         (ii < databuf.size()) && (ii < _pullbuf.size());
        *_pullbuf[ii] = databuf[ii];        
    _value = getValue();
    _rate = (_value - _lastValue) / p->dt;
    switch (_mode){
        case 1: {
            valueOut()->send(e, _value);
        case 2: {
            derivativeOut()->send(e, getDerivative());
        case 3: {
            rateOut()->send(e, _rate);
        default: {
            valueOut()->send(e, _value);
            derivativeOut()->send(e, getDerivative());
            rateOut()->send(e, _rate);
    _lastValue = _value;
Exemple #7
void Table::process( const Eref& e, ProcPtr p )
    lastTime_ = p->currTime;

    // Copy incoming data to ret and insert into vector.
    vector< double > ret;
    requestOut()->send( e, &ret );
    vec().insert( vec().end(), ret.begin(), ret.end() );

    /*  If we are streaming to a file, let's write to a file. And clean the
     *  vector.  
     *  Write at every 5 seconds or whenever size of vector is more than 10k.
    if( useStreamer_ )
        if( fmod(lastTime_, 5.0) == 0.0 or getVecSize() >= 10000 )
            zipWithTime( vec(), data_, lastTime_ );
            StreamerBase::writeToOutFile( outfile_, format_ , "a", data_, columns_ );
Exemple #8
const Cinfo * HDF5DataWriter::initCinfo()
    static DestFinfo process(
        "Handle process calls. Gets data from connected fields into a local"
        " buffer and dumps them to `filename` if the buffer length exceeds"
        " `flushLimit`",
        new ProcOpFunc<HDF5DataWriter>( &HDF5DataWriter::process)
    static  DestFinfo reinit(
        "Reinitialize the object. If the current file handle is valid, it tries"
        " to close that and open the file specified in current filename field.",
        new ProcOpFunc<HDF5DataWriter>( &HDF5DataWriter::reinit )
    static Finfo * processShared[] = {
        &process, &reinit

    static SharedFinfo proc(
        "Shared message to receive process and reinit",
        processShared, sizeof( processShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* ));

    static ValueFinfo< HDF5DataWriter, unsigned int> flushLimit(
      "Buffer size limit for flushing the data from memory to file. Default"
      " is 4M doubles.",

    static Finfo * finfos[] = {

    static string doc[] = {
        "Name", "HDF5DataWriter",
        "Author", "Subhasis Ray",
        "Description", "HDF5 file writer for saving field values from multiple objects."
        "\nConnect the `requestOut` field of this object to the"
        " `get{Fieldname}` of other objects where `fieldname` is the"
        " target value field of type double. The HDF5DataWriter collects the"
        " current values of the fields in all the targets at each time step in"
        " a local buffer. When the buffer size exceeds `flushLimit` (default"
        " 4M), it will write the data into the HDF5 file specified in its"
        " `filename` field (default moose_output.h5). You can explicitly force"
        " writing by calling the `flush` function."
        "The dataset location in the output file replicates the MOOSE element"
        " tree structure. Thus, if you record the Vm field from"
        " `/model[0]/neuron[0]/soma[0], the dataset path will be"
        " `/model[0]/neuron[0]/soma[0]/vm`"
        "NOTE: The output file remains open until this object is destroyed, or"
        " `close()` is called explicitly."

    static Dinfo< HDF5DataWriter > dinfo;
    static Cinfo cinfo(
	doc, sizeof( doc ) / sizeof( string ));
    return &cinfo;
Exemple #9
const Cinfo * Function::initCinfo()
    // Value fields    
    static  ReadOnlyValueFinfo< Function, double > value(
        "Result of the function evaluation with current variable values.",
    static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< Function, double > derivative(
        "Derivative of the function at given variable values. This is calulated"
        " using 5-point stencil "
        " <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-point_stencil> at current value of"
        " independent variable. Note that unlike hand-calculated derivatives,"
        " numerical derivatives are not exact.",
    static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< Function, double > rate(
        "Derivative of the function at given variable values. This is computed"
        " as the difference of the current and previous value of the function"
        " divided by the time step.",
    static ValueFinfo< Function, unsigned int > mode(
        "Mode of operation: \n"
        " 1: only the function value will be sent out.\n"
        " 2: only the derivative with respect to the independent variable will be sent out.\n"
        " 3: only rate (time derivative) will be sent out.\n"
        " anything else: all three, value, derivative and rate will be sent out.\n",
    static ElementValueFinfo< Function, string > expr(
        "Mathematical expression defining the function. The underlying parser\n"
        "is muParser. Hence the available functions and operators are (from\n"
        "muParser docs):\n"
        "Name        args    explanation\n"
        "sin         1       sine function\n"
        "cos         1       cosine function\n"
        "tan         1       tangens function\n"
        "asin        1       arcus sine function\n"
        "acos        1       arcus cosine function\n"
        "atan        1       arcus tangens function\n"
        "sinh        1       hyperbolic sine function\n"
        "cosh        1       hyperbolic cosine\n"
        "tanh        1       hyperbolic tangens function\n"
        "asinh       1       hyperbolic arcus sine function\n"
        "acosh       1       hyperbolic arcus tangens function\n"
        "atanh       1       hyperbolic arcur tangens function\n"
        "log2        1       logarithm to the base 2\n"
        "log10       1       logarithm to the base 10\n"
        "log         1       logarithm to the base 10\n"
        "ln  1       logarithm to base e (2.71828...)\n"
        "exp         1       e raised to the power of x\n"
        "sqrt        1       square root of a value\n"
        "sign        1       sign function -1 if x<0; 1 if x>0\n"
        "rint        1       round to nearest integer\n"
        "abs         1       absolute value\n"
        "min         var.    min of all arguments\n"
        "max         var.    max of all arguments\n"
        "sum         var.    sum of all arguments\n"
        "avg         var.    mean value of all arguments\n"
        "Op  meaning         prioroty\n"
        "=   assignement     -1\n"
        "&&  logical and     1\n"
        "||  logical or      2\n"
        "<=  less or equal   4\n"
        ">=  greater or equal        4\n"
        "!=  not equal       4\n"
        "==  equal   4\n"
        ">   greater than    4\n"
        "<   less than       4\n"
        "+   addition        5\n"
        "-   subtraction     5\n"
        "*   multiplication  6\n"
        "/   division        6\n"
        "^   raise x to the power of y       7\n"
        "?:  if then else operator   C++ style syntax\n",

    static ValueFinfo< Function, unsigned int > numVars(
        "Number of variables used by Function.",
    static FieldElementFinfo< Function, Variable > inputs(
        "Input variables to the function. These can be passed via messages.",

    static LookupValueFinfo < Function, string, double > constants(
        "Constants used in the function. These must be assigned before"
        " specifying the function expression.",
    static ReadOnlyValueFinfo< Function, vector < double > > y(
        "Variable values received from target fields by requestOut",

    static ValueFinfo< Function, string > independent(
        "Index of independent variable. Differentiation is done based on this. Defaults"
        " to the first assigned variable.",

    // Shared messages
    static DestFinfo process( "process",
                              "Handles process call, updates internal time stamp.",
                              new ProcOpFunc< Function >( &Function::process ) );
    static DestFinfo reinit( "reinit",
                             "Handles reinit call.",
                             new ProcOpFunc< Function >( &Function::reinit ) );
    static Finfo* processShared[] =
		&process, &reinit
    static SharedFinfo proc( "proc",
                             "This is a shared message to receive Process messages "
                             "from the scheduler objects."
                             "The first entry in the shared msg is a MsgDest "
                             "for the Process operation. It has a single argument, "
                             "ProcInfo, which holds lots of information about current "
                             "time, thread, dt and so on. The second entry is a MsgDest "
                             "for the Reinit operation. It also uses ProcInfo. ",
                             processShared, sizeof( processShared ) / sizeof( Finfo* )

    static Finfo *functionFinfos[] =
    static string doc[] =
                "Name", "Function",
                "Author", "Subhasis Ray",
                "General purpose function calculator using real numbers.\n"
                "It can parse mathematical expression defining a function and evaluate"
                " it and/or its derivative for specified variable values."
                "You can assign expressions of the form::\n"
                "f(c0, c1, ..., cM, x0, x1, ..., xN, y0,..., yP ) \n"
                " where `ci`'s are constants and `xi`'s and `yi`'s are variables."

                "The constants must be defined before setting the expression and"
                " variables are connected via messages. The constants can have any"
                " name, but the variable names must be of the form x{i} or y{i}"
                "  where i is increasing integer starting from 0.\n"
                " The variables can be input from other moose objects."
                " Such variables must be named `x{i}` in the expression and the source"
                " field is connected to Function.x[i]'s `input` destination field.\n"
                " In case the input variable is not available as a source field, but is"
                " a value field, then the value can be requested by connecting the"
                " `requestOut` message to the `get{Field}` destination on the target"
                " object. Such variables must be specified in the expression as y{i}"
                " and connecting the messages should happen in the same order as the"
                " y indices.\n"
                " This class handles only real numbers (C-double). Predefined constants"
                " are: pi=3.141592..., e=2.718281..."
    static Dinfo< Function > dinfo;
    static Cinfo functionCinfo("Function",
                               sizeof(functionFinfos) / sizeof(Finfo*),
    return &functionCinfo;
Exemple #10
const Cinfo* Table::initCinfo()
    // Field Definitions
    static ValueFinfo< Table, double > threshold(
        , "threshold used when Table acts as a buffer for spikes"
        , &Table::setThreshold
        , &Table::getThreshold

    static ValueFinfo< Table, bool > useStreamer(
        , "When set to true, write to a file instead writing in memory."
        " If `outfile` is not set, streamer writes to default path."
        , &Table::setUseStreamer
        , &Table::getUseStreamer

    static ValueFinfo< Table, string > outfile(
        , "Set the name of file to which data is written to. If set, "
        " streaming support is automatically enabled."
        , &Table::setOutfile
        , &Table::getOutfile

    static ValueFinfo< Table, string > format(
        , "Data format for table: default csv"
        , &Table::setFormat
        , &Table::getFormat

    // MsgDest Definitions

    static DestFinfo spike(
        "Fills spike timings into the Table. Signal has to exceed thresh",
        new OpFunc1< Table, double >( &Table::spike )

    static DestFinfo process(
        "Handles process call, updates internal time stamp.",
        new ProcOpFunc< Table >( &Table::process )

    static DestFinfo reinit(
        "Handles reinit call.",
        new ProcOpFunc< Table >( &Table::reinit )

    // SharedMsg Definitions
    static Finfo* procShared[] =
        &process, &reinit

    static SharedFinfo proc(
        , "Shared message for process and reinit"
        , procShared, sizeof( procShared ) / sizeof( const Finfo* )

    // Field Element for the vector data
    // Use a limit of 2^20 entries for the tables, about 1 million.

    static Finfo* tableFinfos[] =
        &threshold,		// Value
        &format,                // Value
        &outfile,               // Value 
        &useStreamer,           // Value
        handleInput(),		// DestFinfo
        &spike,			// DestFinfo
        requestOut(),		// SrcFinfo
        &proc,			// SharedFinfo

    static string doc[] =
        "Name", "Table",
        "Author", "Upi Bhalla",
        "Table for accumulating data values, or spike timings. "
        "Can either receive incoming doubles, or can explicitly "
        "request values from fields provided they are doubles. "
        "The latter mode of use is preferable if you wish to have "
        "independent control of how often you sample from the output "
        "variable. \n"
        "Typically used for storing simulation output into memory, or to file"
        " when stream is set to True \n"
        "There are two functionally identical variants of the Table "
        "class: Table and Table2. Their only difference is that the "
        "default scheduling of the Table (Clock Tick 8, dt = 0.1 ms ) "
        "makes it suitable for "
        "tracking electrical compartmental models of neurons and "
        "networks. \n"
        "Table2 (Clock Tick 18, dt = 1.0 s) is good for tracking "
        "biochemical signaling pathway outputs. \n"
        "These are just the default values and Tables can be assigned"
        " to any Clock Tick and timestep in the usual manner.",

    static Dinfo< Table > dinfo;

    static Cinfo tableCinfo (
        sizeof( tableFinfos ) / sizeof ( Finfo* ),
        sizeof( doc ) / sizeof( string )

    static string doc2[] =
        doc[0], "Table2", doc[2], doc[3], doc[4], doc[5]

    doc2[1] = "Table2";

    static Cinfo table2Cinfo (
        sizeof( tableFinfos ) / sizeof ( Finfo* ),
        sizeof( doc2 ) / sizeof( string )

    return &tableCinfo;