// host stub function
void op_par_loop_res_calc(char const *name, op_set set,
  op_arg arg0,
  op_arg arg1,
  op_arg arg2,
  op_arg arg3,
  op_arg arg4,
  op_arg arg5,
  op_arg arg6,
  op_arg arg7){

  int nargs = 8;
  op_arg args[8];

  args[0] = arg0;
  args[1] = arg1;
  args[2] = arg2;
  args[3] = arg3;
  args[4] = arg4;
  args[5] = arg5;
  args[6] = arg6;
  args[7] = arg7;

  // initialise timers
  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);

  int  ninds   = 4;
  int  inds[8] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3};

  if (OP_diags>2) {
    printf(" kernel routine with indirection: res_calc\n");

  // get plan
  #ifdef OP_PART_SIZE_2
    int part_size = OP_PART_SIZE_2;
    int part_size = OP_part_size;

  int set_size = op_mpi_halo_exchanges(set, nargs, args);

  if (set->size >0) {

    op_plan *Plan = op_plan_get(name,set,part_size,nargs,args,ninds,inds);

    // execute plan
    int block_offset = 0;
    for ( int col=0; col<Plan->ncolors; col++ ){
      if (col==Plan->ncolors_core) {
        op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
      int nblocks = Plan->ncolblk[col];

      #pragma omp parallel for
      for ( int blockIdx=0; blockIdx<nblocks; blockIdx++ ){
        int blockId  = Plan->blkmap[blockIdx + block_offset];
        int nelem    = Plan->nelems[blockId];
        int offset_b = Plan->offset[blockId];
        for ( int n=offset_b; n<offset_b+nelem; n++ ){
          int map0idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 0];
          int map1idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 1];
          int map2idx = arg2.map_data[n * arg2.map->dim + 0];
          int map3idx = arg2.map_data[n * arg2.map->dim + 1];

            &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map0idx],
            &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map1idx],
            &((double*)arg2.data)[4 * map2idx],
            &((double*)arg2.data)[4 * map3idx],
            &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map2idx],
            &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map3idx],
            &((double*)arg6.data)[4 * map2idx],
            &((double*)arg6.data)[4 * map3idx]);

      block_offset += nblocks;
    OP_kernels[2].transfer  += Plan->transfer;
    OP_kernels[2].transfer2 += Plan->transfer2;

  if (set_size == 0 || set_size == set->core_size) {
    op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
  // combine reduction data
  op_mpi_set_dirtybit(nargs, args);

  // update kernel record
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  OP_kernels[2].name      = name;
  OP_kernels[2].count    += 1;
  OP_kernels[2].time     += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
Exemple #2
void op_x86_res_calc(                                                   
  int    blockIdx,                                                      
  double *ind_arg0, int *ind_arg0_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg1, int *ind_arg1_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg2, int *ind_arg2_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg3, int *ind_arg3_maps,                                 
  short *arg0_maps,                                                     
  short *arg1_maps,                                                     
  short *arg2_maps,                                                     
  short *arg3_maps,                                                     
  short *arg4_maps,                                                     
  short *arg5_maps,                                                     
  short *arg6_maps,                                                     
  short *arg7_maps,                                                     
  int   *ind_arg_sizes,                                                 
  int   *ind_arg_offs,                                                  
  int    block_offset,                                                  
  int   *blkmap,                                                        
  int   *offset,                                                        
  int   *nelems,                                                        
  int   *ncolors,                                                       
  int   *colors) {                                                      
  double arg6_l[4];                                                     
  double arg7_l[4];                                                     
  double *arg0_vec[2];                                                  
  double *arg1_vec[2];                                                  
  double *arg2_vec[2];                                                  
  double *arg3_vec[2] = {                                               
  int   *ind_arg0_map, ind_arg0_size;                                   
  int   *ind_arg1_map, ind_arg1_size;                                   
  int   *ind_arg2_map, ind_arg2_size;                                   
  int   *ind_arg3_map, ind_arg3_size;                                   
  double *ind_arg0_s;                                                   
  double *ind_arg1_s;                                                   
  double *ind_arg2_s;                                                   
  double *ind_arg3_s;                                                   
  int    nelem, offset_b;                                               
  char shared[128000];// 64000];  //this size should not be staticly fixed                                                 
  if (0==0) {                                                           
    // get sizes and shift pointers and direct-mapped data              
    int blockId = blkmap[blockIdx + block_offset];                      
    nelem    = nelems[blockId];                                         
    offset_b = offset[blockId];                                         
    ind_arg0_size = ind_arg_sizes[0+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg1_size = ind_arg_sizes[1+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg2_size = ind_arg_sizes[2+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg3_size = ind_arg_sizes[3+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg0_map = ind_arg0_maps + ind_arg_offs[0+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg1_map = ind_arg1_maps + ind_arg_offs[1+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg2_map = ind_arg2_maps + ind_arg_offs[2+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg3_map = ind_arg3_maps + ind_arg_offs[3+blockId*4];           
    // set shared memory pointers                                       
    int nbytes = 0;                                                     
    ind_arg0_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg0_size*sizeof(double)*2);              
    ind_arg1_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg1_size*sizeof(double)*4);              
    ind_arg2_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg2_size*sizeof(double)*1);              
    ind_arg3_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
  // copy indirect datasets into shared memory or zero increment        
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg0_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<2; d++)                                             
      ind_arg0_s[d+n*2] = ind_arg0[d+ind_arg0_map[n]*2];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg1_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg1_s[d+n*4] = ind_arg1[d+ind_arg1_map[n]*4];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg2_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<1; d++)                                             
      ind_arg2_s[d+n*1] = ind_arg2[d+ind_arg2_map[n]*1];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3_s[d+n*4] = ZERO_double;                                  
  // process set elements                                               
  for (int n=0; n<nelem; n++) {                                         
    // initialise local variables                                       
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      arg6_l[d] = ZERO_double;                                          
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      arg7_l[d] = ZERO_double;                                          
      arg0_vec[0] = ind_arg0_s+arg0_maps[n+offset_b]*2;                 
      arg0_vec[1] = ind_arg0_s+arg1_maps[n+offset_b]*2;                 
      arg1_vec[0] = ind_arg1_s+arg2_maps[n+offset_b]*4;                 
      arg1_vec[1] = ind_arg1_s+arg3_maps[n+offset_b]*4;                 
      arg2_vec[0] = ind_arg2_s+arg4_maps[n+offset_b]*1;                 
      arg2_vec[1] = ind_arg2_s+arg5_maps[n+offset_b]*1;                 
    // user-supplied kernel call                                        
    res_calc(  arg0_vec, arg1_vec, arg2_vec, arg3_vec);                 
    // store local variables                                            
    int arg6_map = arg6_maps[n+offset_b];                               
    int arg7_map = arg7_maps[n+offset_b];                               
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3_s[d+arg6_map*4] += arg6_l[d];                            
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3_s[d+arg7_map*4] += arg7_l[d];                            
  // apply pointered write/increment                                    
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3[d+ind_arg3_map[n]*4] += ind_arg3_s[d+n*4];               
// host stub function
void op_par_loop_res_calc(char const *name, op_set set,
  op_arg arg0,
  op_arg arg4,
  op_arg arg8,
  op_arg arg9){

  int nargs = 13;
  op_arg args[13];

  arg0.idx = 0;
  args[0] = arg0;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[0 + v] = op_arg_dat(arg0.dat, v, arg0.map, 2, "double", OP_READ);

  arg4.idx = 0;
  args[4] = arg4;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[4 + v] = op_arg_dat(arg4.dat, v, arg4.map, 1, "double", OP_READ);

  args[8] = arg8;
  arg9.idx = 0;
  args[9] = arg9;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[9 + v] = op_arg_dat(arg9.dat, v, arg9.map, 1, "double", OP_INC);

  // initialise timers
  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);

  if (OP_diags>2) {
    printf(" kernel routine with indirection: res_calc\n");

  int set_size = op_mpi_halo_exchanges(set, nargs, args);

  if (set->size >0) {

    for ( int n=0; n<set_size; n++ ){
      if (n==set->core_size) {
        op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
      int map0idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 0];
      int map1idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 1];
      int map2idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 2];
      int map3idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 3];

      const double* arg0_vec[] = {
         &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map0idx],
         &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map1idx],
         &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map2idx],
         &((double*)arg0.data)[2 * map3idx]};
      const double* arg4_vec[] = {
         &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map0idx],
         &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map1idx],
         &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map2idx],
         &((double*)arg4.data)[1 * map3idx]};
      double* arg9_vec[] = {
         &((double*)arg9.data)[1 * map0idx],
         &((double*)arg9.data)[1 * map1idx],
         &((double*)arg9.data)[1 * map2idx],
         &((double*)arg9.data)[1 * map3idx]};

        &((double*)arg8.data)[16 * n],

  if (set_size == 0 || set_size == set->core_size) {
    op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
  // combine reduction data
  op_mpi_set_dirtybit(nargs, args);

  // update kernel record
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  OP_kernels[0].name      = name;
  OP_kernels[0].count    += 1;
  OP_kernels[0].time     += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
  OP_kernels[0].transfer += (float)set->size * arg0.size;
  OP_kernels[0].transfer += (float)set->size * arg4.size;
  OP_kernels[0].transfer += (float)set->size * arg9.size * 2.0f;
  OP_kernels[0].transfer += (float)set->size * arg8.size;
  OP_kernels[0].transfer += (float)set->size * arg0.map->dim * 4.0f;
Exemple #4
void op_x86_res_calc(
    int    blockIdx,
    double *ind_arg0,
    double *ind_arg1,
    double *ind_arg2,
    double *ind_arg3,
    int   *ind_map,
    short *arg_map,
    int   *ind_arg_sizes,
    int   *ind_arg_offs,
    int    block_offset,
    int   *blkmap,
    int   *offset,
    int   *nelems,
    int   *ncolors,
    int   *colors,
    int   set_size) {

    double arg6_l[4];
    double arg7_l[4];

    int   *ind_arg0_map, ind_arg0_size;
    int   *ind_arg1_map, ind_arg1_size;
    int   *ind_arg2_map, ind_arg2_size;
    int   *ind_arg3_map, ind_arg3_size;
    double *ind_arg0_s;
    double *ind_arg1_s;
    double *ind_arg2_s;
    double *ind_arg3_s;
    int    nelem, offset_b;

    char shared[128000];

    if (0==0) {

        // get sizes and shift pointers and direct-mapped data

        int blockId = blkmap[blockIdx + block_offset];
        nelem    = nelems[blockId];
        offset_b = offset[blockId];

        ind_arg0_size = ind_arg_sizes[0+blockId*4];
        ind_arg1_size = ind_arg_sizes[1+blockId*4];
        ind_arg2_size = ind_arg_sizes[2+blockId*4];
        ind_arg3_size = ind_arg_sizes[3+blockId*4];

        ind_arg0_map = &ind_map[0*set_size] + ind_arg_offs[0+blockId*4];
        ind_arg1_map = &ind_map[2*set_size] + ind_arg_offs[1+blockId*4];
        ind_arg2_map = &ind_map[4*set_size] + ind_arg_offs[2+blockId*4];
        ind_arg3_map = &ind_map[6*set_size] + ind_arg_offs[3+blockId*4];

        // set shared memory pointers

        int nbytes = 0;
        ind_arg0_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];
        nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg0_size*sizeof(double)*2);
        ind_arg1_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];
        nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg1_size*sizeof(double)*4);
        ind_arg2_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];
        nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg2_size*sizeof(double)*1);
        ind_arg3_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];

    // copy indirect datasets into shared memory or zero increment

    for (int n=0; n<ind_arg0_size; n++)
        for (int d=0; d<2; d++)
            ind_arg0_s[d+n*2] = ind_arg0[d+ind_arg0_map[n]*2];

    for (int n=0; n<ind_arg1_size; n++)
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            ind_arg1_s[d+n*4] = ind_arg1[d+ind_arg1_map[n]*4];

    for (int n=0; n<ind_arg2_size; n++)
        for (int d=0; d<1; d++)
            ind_arg2_s[d+n*1] = ind_arg2[d+ind_arg2_map[n]*1];

    for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            ind_arg3_s[d+n*4] = ZERO_double;

    // process set elements

    for (int n=0; n<nelem; n++) {

        // initialise local variables

        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            arg6_l[d] = ZERO_double;
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            arg7_l[d] = ZERO_double;

        // user-supplied kernel call

        res_calc(  ind_arg0_s+arg_map[0*set_size+n+offset_b]*2,
                   arg7_l );

        // store local variables

        int arg6_map = arg_map[6*set_size+n+offset_b];
        int arg7_map = arg_map[7*set_size+n+offset_b];

        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            ind_arg3_s[d+arg6_map*4] += arg6_l[d];

        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            ind_arg3_s[d+arg7_map*4] += arg7_l[d];

    // apply pointered write/increment

    for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
            ind_arg3[d+ind_arg3_map[n]*4] += ind_arg3_s[d+n*4];

// host stub function
void op_par_loop_res_calc(char const *name, op_set set,
  op_arg arg0,
  op_arg arg1,
  op_arg arg2,
  op_arg arg3,
  op_arg arg4,
  op_arg arg5,
  op_arg arg6,
  op_arg arg7){

  int nargs = 8;
  op_arg args[8];

  args[0] = arg0;
  args[1] = arg1;
  args[2] = arg2;
  args[3] = arg3;
  args[4] = arg4;
  args[5] = arg5;
  args[6] = arg6;
  args[7] = arg7;

  // initialise timers
  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);

  if (OP_diags>2) {
    printf(" kernel routine with indirection: res_calc\n");

  int set_size = op_mpi_halo_exchanges(set, nargs, args);

  if (set->size >0) {

    for ( int n=0; n<set_size; n++ ){
      if (n==set->core_size) {
        op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
      int map0idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 0];
      int map1idx = arg0.map_data[n * arg0.map->dim + 1];
      int map2idx = arg2.map_data[n * arg2.map->dim + 0];
      int map3idx = arg2.map_data[n * arg2.map->dim + 1];

        &((float*)arg0.data)[2 * map0idx],
        &((float*)arg0.data)[2 * map1idx],
        &((float*)arg2.data)[4 * map2idx],
        &((float*)arg2.data)[4 * map3idx],
        &((float*)arg4.data)[1 * map2idx],
        &((float*)arg4.data)[1 * map3idx],
        &((float*)arg6.data)[4 * map2idx],
        &((float*)arg6.data)[4 * map3idx]);

  if (set_size == 0 || set_size == set->core_size) {
    op_mpi_wait_all(nargs, args);
  // combine reduction data
  op_mpi_set_dirtybit(nargs, args);

  // update kernel record
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  OP_kernels[2].name      = name;
  OP_kernels[2].count    += 1;
  OP_kernels[2].time     += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg0.size;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg2.size;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg4.size;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg6.size * 2.0f;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg0.map->dim * 4.0f;
  OP_kernels[2].transfer += (float)set->size * arg2.map->dim * 4.0f;
void op_x86_res_calc(                                                   
  int    blockIdx,                                                      
  double *ind_arg0, int *ind_arg0_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg1, int *ind_arg1_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg2, int *ind_arg2_maps,                                 
  double *ind_arg3, int *ind_arg3_maps,                                 
  short *arg0_maps,                                                     
  short *arg1_maps,                                                     
  short *arg2_maps,                                                     
  short *arg3_maps,                                                     
  short *arg4_maps,                                                     
  short *arg5_maps,                                                     
  short *arg6_maps,                                                     
  short *arg7_maps,                                                     
  int   *ind_arg_sizes,                                                 
  int   *ind_arg_offs,                                                  
  int    block_offset,                                                  
  int   *blkmap,                                                        
  int   *offset,                                                        
  int   *nelems,                                                        
  int   *ncolors,                                                       
  int   *colors) {                                                      
  double arg6_l[4];                                                     
  double arg7_l[4];                                                     
  int   *ind_arg0_map, ind_arg0_size;                        
  int   *ind_arg1_map, ind_arg1_size;                        
  int   *ind_arg2_map, ind_arg2_size;                        
  int   *ind_arg3_map, ind_arg3_size;                        
  double *ind_arg0_s;                                        
  double *ind_arg1_s;                                        
  double *ind_arg2_s;                                        
  double *ind_arg3_s;                                        
  int    nelems2, ncolor;                                    
  int    nelem, offset_b;                                    
  char shared[64000];                                        
  if (0==0) {                                                           
    // get sizes and shift pointers and direct-mapped data              
    int blockId = blkmap[blockIdx + block_offset];                      
    nelem    = nelems[blockId];                                         
    offset_b = offset[blockId];                                         
    nelems2  = nelem;                                                   
    ncolor   = ncolors[blockId];                                        
    ind_arg0_size = ind_arg_sizes[0+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg1_size = ind_arg_sizes[1+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg2_size = ind_arg_sizes[2+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg3_size = ind_arg_sizes[3+blockId*4];                         
    ind_arg0_map = ind_arg0_maps + ind_arg_offs[0+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg1_map = ind_arg1_maps + ind_arg_offs[1+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg2_map = ind_arg2_maps + ind_arg_offs[2+blockId*4];           
    ind_arg3_map = ind_arg3_maps + ind_arg_offs[3+blockId*4];           
    // set shared memory pointers                                       
    int nbytes = 0;                                                     
    ind_arg0_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg0_size*sizeof(double)*2);              
    ind_arg1_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg1_size*sizeof(double)*4);              
    ind_arg2_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
    nbytes    += ROUND_UP(ind_arg2_size*sizeof(double)*1);              
    ind_arg3_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];                            
  __syncthreads(); // make sure all of above completed                  
  // copy indirect datasets into shared memory or zero increment        
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg0_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<2; d++)                                             
      ind_arg0_s[d+n*2] = ind_arg0[d+ind_arg0_map[n]*2];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg1_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg1_s[d+n*4] = ind_arg1[d+ind_arg1_map[n]*4];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg2_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<1; d++)                                             
      ind_arg2_s[d+n*1] = ind_arg2[d+ind_arg2_map[n]*1];                
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3_s[d+n*4] = ZERO_double;                                  
  // process set elements                                               
  for (int n=0; n<nelems2; n++) {                                       
    int col2 = -1;                                                      
    if (n<nelem) {                                                      
      // initialise local variables                                     
      for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                           
        arg6_l[d] = ZERO_double;                                        
      for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                           
        arg7_l[d] = ZERO_double;                                        
      // user-supplied kernel call                                      
      res_calc( ind_arg0_s+arg0_maps[n+offset_b]*2,                     
                arg7_l );                                               
      col2 = colors[n+offset_b];                                        
    // store local variables                                            
    int arg6_map = arg6_maps[n+offset_b];                               
    int arg7_map = arg7_maps[n+offset_b];                               
    for (int col=0; col<ncolor; col++) {                                
      if (col2==col) {                                                  
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                         
          ind_arg3_s[d+arg6_map*4] += arg6_l[d];                        
        for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                         
          ind_arg3_s[d+arg7_map*4] += arg7_l[d];                        
  // apply pointered write/increment                                    
  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg3_size; n++)                                   
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)                                             
      ind_arg3[d+ind_arg3_map[n]*4] += ind_arg3_s[d+n*4];               
void op_x86_res_calc(
  int    blockIdx,
  double *ind_arg0,
  int   *ind_map,
  short *arg_map,
  int *arg1,
  int   *ind_arg_sizes,
  int   *ind_arg_offs,
  int    block_offset,
  int   *blkmap,
  int   *offset,
  int   *nelems,
  int   *ncolors,
  int   *colors,
  int   set_size) {

  double arg0_l[4];

  int   *ind_arg0_map, ind_arg0_size;
  double *ind_arg0_s;
  int    nelem, offset_b;

  char shared[128000];

  if (0==0) {

    // get sizes and shift pointers and direct-mapped data

    int blockId = blkmap[blockIdx + block_offset];
    nelem    = nelems[blockId];
    offset_b = offset[blockId];

    ind_arg0_size = ind_arg_sizes[0+blockId*1];

    ind_arg0_map = &ind_map[0*set_size] + ind_arg_offs[0+blockId*1];

    // set shared memory pointers

    int nbytes = 0;
    ind_arg0_s = (double *) &shared[nbytes];

  // copy indirect datasets into shared memory or zero increment

  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg0_size; n++)
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
      ind_arg0_s[d+n*4] = ZERO_double;

  // process set elements

  for (int n=0; n<nelem; n++) {

    // initialise local variables

    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
      arg0_l[d] = ZERO_double;

    // user-supplied kernel call

    res_calc(  arg0_l,
               arg1 );

    // store local variables

    int arg0_map = arg_map[0*set_size+n+offset_b];

    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
      ind_arg0_s[d+arg0_map*4] += arg0_l[d];

  // apply pointered write/increment

  for (int n=0; n<ind_arg0_size; n++)
    for (int d=0; d<4; d++)
      ind_arg0[d+ind_arg0_map[n]*4] += ind_arg0_s[d+n*4];

Exemple #8
// host stub function
void op_par_loop_res_calc(char const *name, op_set set,
  op_arg arg0,
  op_arg arg1,
  op_arg arg2,
  op_arg arg3,
  op_arg arg4,
  op_arg arg5,
  op_arg arg6,
  op_arg arg7){

  int nargs = 8;
  op_arg args[8];

  args[0] = arg0;
  args[1] = arg1;
  args[2] = arg2;
  args[3] = arg3;
  args[4] = arg4;
  args[5] = arg5;
  args[6] = arg6;
  args[7] = arg7;

  // initialise timers
  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);
  OP_kernels[2].name      = name;
  OP_kernels[2].count    += 1;

  int  ninds   = 4;
  int  inds[8] = {0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3};

  if (OP_diags>2) {
    printf(" kernel routine with indirection: res_calc\n");

  // get plan
  #ifdef OP_PART_SIZE_2
    int part_size = OP_PART_SIZE_2;
    int part_size = OP_part_size;

  int set_size = op_mpi_halo_exchanges_cuda(set, nargs, args);

  int ncolors = 0;

  if (set->size >0) {

    //Set up typed device pointers for OpenACC
    int *map0 = arg0.map_data_d;
    int *map2 = arg2.map_data_d;

    double *data0 = (double *)arg0.data_d;
    double *data2 = (double *)arg2.data_d;
    double *data4 = (double *)arg4.data_d;
    double *data6 = (double *)arg6.data_d;

    op_plan *Plan = op_plan_get_stage(name,set,part_size,nargs,args,ninds,inds,OP_COLOR2);
    ncolors = Plan->ncolors;
    int *col_reord = Plan->col_reord;
    int set_size1 = set->size + set->exec_size;

    // execute plan
    for ( int col=0; col<Plan->ncolors; col++ ){
      if (col==1) {
        op_mpi_wait_all_cuda(nargs, args);
      int start = Plan->col_offsets[0][col];
      int end = Plan->col_offsets[0][col+1];

      #pragma acc parallel loop independent deviceptr(col_reord,map0,map2,data0,data2,data4,data6)
      for ( int e=start; e<end; e++ ){
        int n = col_reord[e];
        int map0idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 0];
        int map1idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 1];
        int map2idx = map2[n + set_size1 * 0];
        int map3idx = map2[n + set_size1 * 1];

        res_calc(&data0[2 * map0idx], &data0[2 * map1idx], &data2[4 * map2idx],
                 &data2[4 * map3idx], &data4[1 * map2idx], &data4[1 * map3idx],
                 &data6[4 * map2idx], &data6[4 * map3idx]);

    OP_kernels[2].transfer  += Plan->transfer;
    OP_kernels[2].transfer2 += Plan->transfer2;

  if (set_size == 0 || set_size == set->core_size || ncolors == 1) {
    op_mpi_wait_all_cuda(nargs, args);
  // combine reduction data
  op_mpi_set_dirtybit_cuda(nargs, args);

  // update kernel record
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  OP_kernels[2].time     += wall_t2 - wall_t1;
Exemple #9
// host stub function
void op_par_loop_res_calc(char const *name, op_set set,
  op_arg arg0,
  op_arg arg4,
  op_arg arg8,
  op_arg arg9,
  op_arg arg13){

  int nargs = 17;
  op_arg args[17];

  arg0.idx = 0;
  args[0] = arg0;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[0 + v] = op_arg_dat(arg0.dat, v, arg0.map, 2, "double", OP_READ);

  arg4.idx = 0;
  args[4] = arg4;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[4 + v] = op_arg_dat(arg4.dat, v, arg4.map, 1, "double", OP_READ);

  args[8] = arg8;
  arg9.idx = 0;
  args[9] = arg9;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[9 + v] = op_opt_arg_dat(arg9.opt, arg9.dat, v, arg9.map, 1, "double", OP_RW);

  arg13.idx = 0;
  args[13] = arg13;
  for ( int v=1; v<4; v++ ){
    args[13 + v] = op_opt_arg_dat(arg13.opt, arg13.dat, v, arg13.map, 2, "double", OP_INC);

  // initialise timers
  double cpu_t1, cpu_t2, wall_t1, wall_t2;
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t1, &wall_t1);
  OP_kernels[0].name      = name;
  OP_kernels[0].count    += 1;

  int  ninds   = 4;
  int  inds[17] = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,-1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3};

  if (OP_diags>2) {
    printf(" kernel routine with indirection: res_calc\n");

  // get plan
  #ifdef OP_PART_SIZE_0
    int part_size = OP_PART_SIZE_0;
    int part_size = OP_part_size;

  int set_size = op_mpi_halo_exchanges_cuda(set, nargs, args);

  int ncolors = 0;

  if (set->size >0) {

    if ((OP_kernels[0].count==1) || (opDat0_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST != getSetSizeFromOpArg(&arg0))) {
      opDat0_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST = getSetSizeFromOpArg(&arg0);
      opDat0_res_calc_stride_OP2CONSTANT = opDat0_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST;
    if ((OP_kernels[0].count==1) || (direct_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST != getSetSizeFromOpArg(&arg8))) {
      direct_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST = getSetSizeFromOpArg(&arg8);
      direct_res_calc_stride_OP2CONSTANT = direct_res_calc_stride_OP2HOST;

    //Set up typed device pointers for OpenACC
    int *map0 = arg0.map_data_d;

    double* data8 = (double*)arg8.data_d;
    double *data0 = (double *)arg0.data_d;
    double *data4 = (double *)arg4.data_d;
    double *data9 = (double *)arg9.data_d;
    double *data13 = (double *)arg13.data_d;

    op_plan *Plan = op_plan_get_stage(name,set,part_size,nargs,args,ninds,inds,OP_COLOR2);
    ncolors = Plan->ncolors;
    int *col_reord = Plan->col_reord;
    int set_size1 = set->size + set->exec_size;

    // execute plan
    for ( int col=0; col<Plan->ncolors; col++ ){
      if (col==1) {
        op_mpi_wait_all_cuda(nargs, args);
      int start = Plan->col_offsets[0][col];
      int end = Plan->col_offsets[0][col+1];

      #pragma acc parallel loop independent deviceptr(col_reord,map0,data8,data0,data4,data9,data13)
      for ( int e=start; e<end; e++ ){
        int n = col_reord[e];
        int map0idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 0];
        int map1idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 1];
        int map2idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 2];
        int map3idx = map0[n + set_size1 * 3];

        const double* arg0_vec[] = {
           &data0[2 * map0idx],
           &data0[2 * map1idx],
           &data0[2 * map2idx],
           &data0[2 * map3idx]};
        const double* arg4_vec[] = {
           &data4[1 * map0idx],
           &data4[1 * map1idx],
           &data4[1 * map2idx],
           &data4[1 * map3idx]};
        double* arg9_vec[] = {
           &data9[1 * map0idx],
           &data9[1 * map1idx],
           &data9[1 * map2idx],
           &data9[1 * map3idx]};
        double* arg13_vec[] = {
           &data13[2 * map0idx],
           &data13[2 * map1idx],
           &data13[2 * map2idx],
           &data13[2 * map3idx]};


    OP_kernels[0].transfer  += Plan->transfer;
    OP_kernels[0].transfer2 += Plan->transfer2;

  if (set_size == 0 || set_size == set->core_size || ncolors == 1) {
    op_mpi_wait_all_cuda(nargs, args);
  // combine reduction data
  op_mpi_set_dirtybit_cuda(nargs, args);

  // update kernel record
  op_timers_core(&cpu_t2, &wall_t2);
  OP_kernels[0].time     += wall_t2 - wall_t1;