Exemple #1
/* lex variable and function names:
 * id:   [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*
 * func: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*( */
lexcomp_t tokenize_identifier(scanner_t *s) {
  if (!is_alpha(scanner_peek(s)))
    return tokNoMatch;

  char c = scanner_advance(s);
  while (is_alpha(c) || is_num(c))
    c = scanner_advance(s);

  lexcomp_t rw = reserved_word(s);
  if (rw != tokNoMatch)
    return rw;

  if (scanner_advance(s) == '(')
    return tokFunction;

  return tokId;
* Checks for common mob problems and reports them to ch.
* @param char_data *mob The mob to audit.
* @param char_data *ch The person to report to.
* @return bool TRUE if any problems were reported; FALSE if all good.
bool audit_mobile(char_data *mob, char_data *ch) {
	extern adv_data *get_adventure_for_vnum(rmt_vnum vnum);
	bool is_adventure = (get_adventure_for_vnum(GET_MOB_VNUM(mob)) != NULL);
	char temp[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], *ptr;
	bool problem = FALSE;

	if (!str_cmp(GET_PC_NAME(mob), "mobile new")) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Keywords not set");
		problem = TRUE;
	ptr = GET_PC_NAME(mob);
	do {
		ptr = any_one_arg(ptr, temp);
		if (*temp && !str_str(GET_SHORT_DESC(mob), temp) && !str_str(GET_LONG_DESC(mob), temp)) {
			olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Keyword '%s' not found in strings", temp);
			problem = TRUE;
	} while (*ptr);
	if (!str_cmp(GET_SHORT_DESC(mob), "a new mobile")) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Short desc not set");
		problem = TRUE;
	any_one_arg(GET_SHORT_DESC(mob), temp);
	if ((fill_word(temp) || reserved_word(temp)) && isupper(*temp)) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Short desc capitalized");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (ispunct(GET_SHORT_DESC(mob)[strlen(GET_SHORT_DESC(mob)) - 1])) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Short desc has punctuation");
		problem = TRUE;
	ptr = GET_SHORT_DESC(mob);
	do {
		ptr = any_one_arg(ptr, temp);
		// remove trailing punctuation
		while (*temp && ispunct(temp[strlen(temp)-1])) {
			temp[strlen(temp)-1] = '\0';
		if (*temp && !fill_word(temp) && !reserved_word(temp) && !isname(temp, GET_PC_NAME(mob))) {
			olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Suggested missing keyword '%s'", temp);
			problem = TRUE;
	} while (*ptr);
	if (!str_cmp(GET_LONG_DESC(mob), "A new mobile is standing here.\r\n")) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Long desc not set");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (!ispunct(GET_LONG_DESC(mob)[strlen(GET_LONG_DESC(mob)) - 3])) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Long desc missing punctuation");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (islower(*GET_LONG_DESC(mob))) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Long desc not capitalized");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (!is_adventure && GET_MAX_SCALE_LEVEL(mob) == 0) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "No maximum scale level on non-adventure mob");
		problem = TRUE;
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Invalid attack type");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob, MOB_ANIMAL) && !has_interaction(mob->interactions, INTERACT_SKIN)) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Animal has no skin");
		problem = TRUE;
	if (MOB_FLAGGED(mob, MOB_ANIMAL) && !has_interaction(mob->interactions, INTERACT_BUTCHER)) {
		olc_audit_msg(ch, GET_MOB_VNUM(mob), "Animal can't be butchered");
		problem = TRUE;
	return problem;