static void sdl_process_key(SDL_KeyboardEvent *ev) { int keycode, v; if (ev->keysym.sym == SDLK_PAUSE) { /* specific case */ v = 0; if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) v |= SCANCODE_UP; kbd_put_keycode(0xe1); kbd_put_keycode(0x1d | v); kbd_put_keycode(0x45 | v); return; } if (kbd_layout) { // LOGV("Found kbd layout using generic for %d\n",ev->keysym.sym); keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode_generic(ev); } else { // LOGV("Found no kbd layout for %d\n",ev->keysym.sym); keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(ev); } switch(keycode) { case 0x00: /* sent when leaving window: reset the modifiers state */ reset_keys(); return; case 0x2a: /* Left Shift */ case 0x36: /* Right Shift */ case 0x1d: /* Left CTRL */ case 0x9d: /* Right CTRL */ case 0x38: /* Left ALT */ case 0xb8: /* Right ALT */ if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) modifiers_state[keycode] = 0; else modifiers_state[keycode] = 1; break; #define QEMU_SDL_VERSION ((SDL_MAJOR_VERSION << 8) + SDL_MINOR_VERSION) #if QEMU_SDL_VERSION < 0x102 || QEMU_SDL_VERSION == 0x102 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL < 14 /* SDL versions before 1.2.14 don't support key up for caps/num lock. */ case 0x45: /* num lock */ case 0x3a: /* caps lock */ /* SDL does not send the key up event, so we generate it */ kbd_put_keycode(keycode); kbd_put_keycode(keycode | SCANCODE_UP); return; #endif } /* now send the key code */ if (keycode & SCANCODE_GREY) kbd_put_keycode(SCANCODE_EMUL0); if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) kbd_put_keycode(keycode | SCANCODE_UP); else kbd_put_keycode(keycode & SCANCODE_KEYCODEMASK); }
/* *************************************************************************** * Function apply_action * Applies the actions recieved from the controller for player A and B * ***************************************************************************/ void ALEState::apply_action(Action player_a_action, Action player_b_action) { // Set keys reset_keys(m_osystem->event()); if (uses_paddles) apply_action_paddles(m_osystem->event(), player_a_action, player_b_action); else apply_action_joysticks(m_osystem->event(), player_a_action, player_b_action); }
static void sdl_process_key(SDL_KeyboardEvent *ev) { int keycode, v; if (ev->keysym.sym == SDLK_PAUSE) { /* specific case */ v = 0; if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) v |= 0x80; kbd_put_keycode(0xe1); kbd_put_keycode(0x1d | v); kbd_put_keycode(0x45 | v); return; } if (kbd_layout) { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode_generic(ev); } else { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(ev); } switch(keycode) { case 0x00: /* sent when leaving window: reset the modifiers state */ reset_keys(); return; case 0x2a: /* Left Shift */ case 0x36: /* Right Shift */ case 0x1d: /* Left CTRL */ case 0x9d: /* Right CTRL */ case 0x38: /* Left ALT */ case 0xb8: /* Right ALT */ if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) modifiers_state[keycode] = 0; else modifiers_state[keycode] = 1; break; case 0x45: /* num lock */ case 0x3a: /* caps lock */ /* SDL does not send the key up event, so we generate it */ kbd_put_keycode(keycode); kbd_put_keycode(keycode | 0x80); return; } /* now send the key code */ if (keycode & 0x80) kbd_put_keycode(0xe0); if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) kbd_put_keycode(keycode | 0x80); else kbd_put_keycode(keycode & 0x7f); }
MainMenu::MainMenu(KeyState *keystate, Graphics *g, GameState *s, GameData *d) { ks = keystate; gm = g; gs = s; gd = d; options[0] = "Play"; options[1] = "Exit"; option = 0; reset_keys(); }
static void sdl_process_key(SDL_KeyboardEvent *ev) { int keycode; if (ev->keysym.sym == SDLK_PAUSE) { /* specific case */ qemu_input_event_send_key_qcode(dcl->con, Q_KEY_CODE_PAUSE, ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN); return; } if (kbd_layout) { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode_generic(ev); } else { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(ev); } switch(keycode) { case 0x00: /* sent when leaving window: reset the modifiers state */ reset_keys(); return; case 0x2a: /* Left Shift */ case 0x36: /* Right Shift */ case 0x1d: /* Left CTRL */ case 0x9d: /* Right CTRL */ case 0x38: /* Left ALT */ case 0xb8: /* Right ALT */ if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) modifiers_state[keycode] = 0; else modifiers_state[keycode] = 1; break; #define QEMU_SDL_VERSION ((SDL_MAJOR_VERSION << 8) + SDL_MINOR_VERSION) #if QEMU_SDL_VERSION < 0x102 || QEMU_SDL_VERSION == 0x102 && SDL_PATCHLEVEL < 14 /* SDL versions before 1.2.14 don't support key up for caps/num lock. */ case 0x45: /* num lock */ case 0x3a: /* caps lock */ /* SDL does not send the key up event, so we generate it */ qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, true); qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, false); return; #endif } /* now send the key code */ qemu_input_event_send_key_number(dcl->con, keycode, ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN); }
/* *************************************************************************** * Function apply_action * Applies the actions recieved from the controller for player A and B * ***************************************************************************/ void ALEState::apply_action(Action player_a_action, Action player_b_action) { // Convert illegal actions into NOOPs; actions such as reset are always legal if (player_a_action < (Action)PLAYER_B_NOOP && !m_settings->isLegal(player_a_action)) player_a_action = (Action)PLAYER_A_NOOP; if (player_b_action < (Action)RESET && !m_settings->isLegal((Action)((int)player_b_action - PLAYER_B_NOOP))) player_b_action = (Action)PLAYER_B_NOOP; // Set keys reset_keys(m_osystem->event()); if (uses_paddles) apply_action_paddles(m_osystem->event(), player_a_action, player_b_action); else apply_action_joysticks(m_osystem->event(), player_a_action, player_b_action); }
PauseMenu::PauseMenu(KeyState *keystate, Graphics *g, GameState *s, GameData *d) { gm = g; ks = keystate; gs = s; gd = d; options[0] = "Resume"; options[1] = "Restart"; options[2] = "Main Menu"; options[3] = "Exit"; option = 0; reset_keys(); }
void PauseMenu::update() { if (ks->key_up) option --; if (ks->key_down) option ++; if (ks->key_space) execute_option(option); if (ks->key_pause) { option = 0; execute_option(option); } reset_keys(); while (option >= MAX_OPTIONS) option -= MAX_OPTIONS; while (option < 0) option += MAX_OPTIONS; }
Ship* get_ship(int x, int y) { SDL_Surface *fb = SDL_GetVideoSurface(); int bpp = fb->pitch / fb->w; Ship* ship = malloc(sizeof(Ship)); ship->pos = malloc(sizeof(Vector)); set_vector(ship->pos, x, y); ship->v = malloc(sizeof(Vector)); set_vector(ship->v, 0, 0); ship->dv = 2; ship->rot = 0; ship->vrot = 0; ship->arot = 0.5; ship->bullets = new_array(sizeof (Bullet)); ship->particles = new_array(sizeof(Particle)); if (!ship_sprite){ bmp_file *bmp = read_bmp("Sprites/ship.bmp"); ship_sprite = malloc(sizeof(Sprite)); ship_sprite->pixels = convert_bmp_to_pixels(bmp, 4); ship_sprite->w = get_bmp_width(bmp); ship_sprite->h = get_bmp_height(bmp); ship_sprite->bpp = 4;//get_bmp_bits_per_pixel(bmp); free_bmp(bmp); } ship->sprite = *ship_sprite; int rrad = ship->sprite.w/sin(45); //rotation buffer width and height Sprite rotBuffer = {malloc(sizeof(int) * rrad * rrad), rrad, rrad, bpp}; memset(rotBuffer.pixels, 0, sizeof(int) * rrad * rrad); rotate_sprite(ship->sprite, rotBuffer, 0); ship->rot_buffer = rotBuffer; ship->rainbow = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, fb->w, fb->h, 8*fb->pitch/fb->w, 0, 0, 0, 0); int bytes = fb->h * fb->pitch; memset(ship->rainbow->pixels, 0, bytes); reset_keys(); return ship; }
int init(const char *appTitle, int flags) { flags |= SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN; rlog("Creating Window."); win = SDL_CreateWindow(appTitle, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, screenWidth, screenHeight, flags); if(!win) { rerror("SDL_CreateWindow: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } ren = SDL_CreateRenderer(win, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED | SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC); if(!ren) { rerror("SDL_CreateRenderer: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, filter); rlog("Window Created."); if(SDL_ShowCursor(show_cursor) < 0) { rerror("SDL_ShowCursor: %s", SDL_GetError()); } bmp = bm_create(virt_width, virt_height); tex = SDL_CreateTexture(ren, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, bmp->w, bmp->h); if(!tex) { rerror("SDL_CreateTexture: %s", SDL_GetError()); return 0; } rlog("Texture Created."); reset_keys(); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { srand(time(NULL)); struct chip8 cpu; initialize(&cpu); load_game(&cpu, argv[1]); //setup graphics SDL_Window *window = NULL; SDL_Surface *screen = NULL; if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { printf( "SDL could not initialize! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } else { window = SDL_CreateWindow( "Chip8", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN ); if(!window) { printf( "Window could not be created! SDL_Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } else { //Get window surface screen = SDL_GetWindowSurface(window); //Fill the surface white SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF ) ); //Update the surface SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); } } SDL_Surface *s; s = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, 640, 320, 32, 0,0,0,0); SDL_FillRect(s, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(s->format, 0, 0, 0)); SDL_Surface *pixel = NULL; pixel = SDL_LoadBMP("pixel.bmp"); if(!pixel) { printf( "Unable to load image! SDL Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError() ); } SDL_BlitSurface(s, NULL, screen, NULL); SDL_BlitSurface(pixel, NULL, screen, NULL); SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); //init keys reset_keys(&cpu); int quit = 0; while(!quit) { usleep(1000); emulate_cycle(&cpu); if(cpu.drawFlag) { //draw graphics SDL_BlitSurface(s, NULL, screen, NULL); for(int i = 0; i < DISP_T; i++) { if(cpu.gfx[i]) { int x = (i % 64) * 10; int y = (i / 64) *10; SDL_Rect r; r.x = x; r.y = y; r.w = 10; r.h = 10; SDL_BlitSurface(pixel, NULL, screen, &r); } } SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(window); cpu.drawFlag = 0; } //set keys reset_keys(&cpu); SDL_Event e; SDL_PollEvent(&e); if(e.type == SDL_QUIT) { quit = 1; } else if(e.type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { long k = e.key.keysym.sym; switch(k) { case SDLK_1: cpu.keys[0] = 1; break; case SDLK_2: cpu.keys[1] = 1; break; case SDLK_3: cpu.keys[2] = 1; break; case SDLK_4: cpu.keys[3] = 1; break; case SDLK_q: cpu.keys[4] = 1; break; case SDLK_w: cpu.keys[5] = 1; break; case SDLK_e: cpu.keys[6] = 1; break; case SDLK_r: cpu.keys[7] = 1; break; case SDLK_a: cpu.keys[8] = 1; break; case SDLK_s: cpu.keys[9] = 1; break; case SDLK_d: cpu.keys[10] = 1; break; case SDLK_f: cpu.keys[11] = 1; break; case SDLK_z: cpu.keys[12] = 1; break; case SDLK_x: cpu.keys[13] = 1; break; case SDLK_c: cpu.keys[14] = 1; break; case SDLK_v: cpu.keys[15] = 1; break; } } } SDL_FreeSurface(s); SDL_FreeSurface(pixel); pixel = NULL; SDL_DestroyWindow(window); SDL_DestroyWindow(screen); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
static void sdl_refresh(DisplayState *ds) { SDL_Event ev1, *ev = &ev1; int mod_state; if (last_vm_running != vm_running) { last_vm_running = vm_running; sdl_update_caption(); } vga_hw_update(); while (SDL_PollEvent(ev)) { switch (ev->type) { case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: sdl_update(ds, 0, 0, screen->w, screen->h); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { int keycode; keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); switch(keycode) { case 0x21: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ toggle_full_screen(ds); gui_keysym = 1; break; case 0x02 ... 0x0a: /* '1' to '9' keys */ /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ reset_keys(); console_select(keycode - 0x02); if (!is_graphic_console()) { /* display grab if going to a text console */ if (gui_grab) sdl_grab_end(); } gui_keysym = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (!is_graphic_console()) { int keysym; keysym = 0; if (ev->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEDOWN; break; default: break; } } else { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_DELETE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DELETE; break; default: break; } } if (keysym) { kbd_put_keysym(keysym); } else if (ev->key.keysym.unicode != 0) { kbd_put_keysym(ev->key.keysym.unicode); } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) {
static void handle_keydown(DisplayState *ds, SDL_Event *ev) { int mod_state; int keycode; if (alt_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)) == (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT); } else if (ctrl_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_RCTRL) == KMOD_RCTRL; } else { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; } gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); switch (keycode) { case 0x21: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ toggle_full_screen(ds); gui_keysym = 1; break; case 0x16: /* 'u' key on US keyboard */ if (scaling_active) { scaling_active = 0; sdl_resize(ds); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); } gui_keysym = 1; break; case 0x02 ... 0x0a: /* '1' to '9' keys */ /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ reset_keys(); console_select(keycode - 0x02); gui_keysym = 1; if (gui_fullscreen) { break; } if (!is_graphic_console()) { /* release grab if going to a text console */ if (gui_grab) { sdl_grab_end(); } else if (absolute_enabled) { sdl_show_cursor(); } } else if (absolute_enabled) { sdl_hide_cursor(); absolute_mouse_grab(); } break; case 0x1b: /* '+' */ case 0x35: /* '-' */ if (!gui_fullscreen) { int width = MAX(real_screen->w + (keycode == 0x1b ? 50 : -50), 160); int height = (ds_get_height(ds) * width) / ds_get_width(ds); sdl_scale(ds, width, height); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); gui_keysym = 1; } default: break; } } else if (!is_graphic_console()) {
static void sdl_refresh(DisplayState *ds) { SDL_Event ev1, *ev = &ev1; int mod_state; if (last_vm_running != vm_running) { last_vm_running = vm_running; sdl_update_caption(); } vga_hw_update(); while (SDL_PollEvent(ev)) { switch (ev->type) { case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: sdl_update(ds, 0, 0, screen->w, screen->h); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (!alt_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; } else { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)) == (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT); } gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { int keycode; keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); switch(keycode) { case 0x21: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ toggle_full_screen(ds); gui_keysym = 1; break; case 0x02 ... 0x0a: /* '1' to '9' keys */ /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ reset_keys(); console_select(keycode - 0x02); if (!is_graphic_console()) { /* display grab if going to a text console */ if (gui_grab) sdl_grab_end(); } gui_keysym = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (!is_graphic_console()) { int keysym; keysym = 0; if (ev->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEDOWN; break; default: break; } } else { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_DELETE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DELETE; break; default: break; } } if (keysym) { kbd_put_keysym(keysym); } else if (ev->key.keysym.unicode != 0) { kbd_put_keysym(ev->key.keysym.unicode); } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) { if (!alt_grab) { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & gui_grab_code); } else { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)); } if (!mod_state) { if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { gui_key_modifier_pressed = 0; if (gui_keysym == 0) { /* exit/enter grab if pressing Ctrl-Alt */ if (!gui_grab) { /* if the application is not active, do not try to enter grab state. It prevents 'SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON)' from blocking all the application (SDL bug). */ if (SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPACTIVE) sdl_grab_start(); } else { sdl_grab_end(); } /* SDL does not send back all the modifiers key, so we must correct it */ reset_keys(); break; } gui_keysym = 0; } } } if (is_graphic_console() && !gui_keysym) sdl_process_key(&ev->key); break; case SDL_QUIT: if (!no_quit) { qemu_system_shutdown_request(); vm_start(); /* In case we're paused */ } break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (gui_grab || kbd_mouse_is_absolute() || absolute_enabled) { sdl_send_mouse_event(0); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { SDL_MouseButtonEvent *bev = &ev->button; if (!gui_grab && !kbd_mouse_is_absolute()) { if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && (bev->state & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK)) { /* start grabbing all events */ sdl_grab_start(); } } else { int dz; dz = 0; #ifdef SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = -1; } else if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = 1; } #endif sdl_send_mouse_event(dz); } } break; case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if (gui_grab && ev->active.state == SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS && !ev->active.gain && !gui_fullscreen_initial_grab) { sdl_grab_end(); } break; default: break; }
void MainMenu::reset() { option = 0; reset_keys(); }
void PauseMenu::reset() { option = 0; reset_keys(); }
static void sdl_gui_process_events(void) { SDL_Event ev1, *ev = &ev1; int mod_state; int buttonstate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL); gui_refresh_caption(); /*vga_hw_update();*/ SDL_EnableUNICODE(kbd_in_terminal_mode); while (SDL_PollEvent(ev)) { switch (ev->type) { case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: gui_notify_repaint_screen(); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (!alt_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; } else { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)) == (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT); } gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { int keycode; keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); switch(keycode) { case 0x21: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ if (gui_allows_fullscreen()) { gui_notify_toggle_fullscreen(); special_key_combination = 1; } break; case 0x02 ... 0x0a: /* '1' to '9' keys */ /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ reset_keys(); gui_notify_console_select(keycode - 0x02); special_key_combination = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (kbd_in_terminal_mode) { int keysym; keysym = 0; if (ev->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEDOWN; break; default: break; } } else { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_DELETE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DELETE; break; default: break; } } if (keysym) { gui_notify_term_key(keysym); } else if (ev->key.keysym.unicode != 0) { gui_notify_term_key(ev->key.keysym.unicode); } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) { if (!alt_grab) { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & gui_grab_code); } else { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)); } if (!mod_state) { if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { gui_key_modifier_pressed = 0; if (!special_key_combination) { /* exit/enter grab if pressing Ctrl-Alt */ gui_notify_toggle_grabmode(); /* SDL does not send back all the modifiers key, so we must correct it */ reset_keys(); break; } special_key_combination = 0; } } } if (!kbd_in_terminal_mode && !special_key_combination) sdl_process_key(&ev->key); break; case SDL_QUIT: if (!no_quit) qemu_system_shutdown_request(); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: gui_notify_mouse_motion(ev->motion.xrel, ev->motion.yrel, 0, ev->motion.x, ev->motion.y, sdl_state_to_qemu(ev->motion.state)); break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { SDL_MouseButtonEvent *bev = &ev->button; int dz = 0; if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { buttonstate |= SDL_BUTTON(bev->button); } else { buttonstate &= ~SDL_BUTTON(bev->button); } #ifdef SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = -1; } else if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = 1; } #endif gui_notify_mouse_button(dz, bev->x, bev->y, sdl_state_to_qemu(buttonstate)); } break; case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if (ev->active.state == SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS && !ev->active.gain) { gui_notify_input_focus_lost(); } else if (ev->active.state & SDL_APPACTIVE) { gui_notify_app_focus(ev->active.gain); } break; default: break; }
static void sdl_refresh(DisplayState *ds) { SDL_Event ev1, *ev = &ev1; int mod_state; int buttonstate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL); if (last_vm_running != vm_running) { last_vm_running = vm_running; sdl_update_caption(); } vga_hw_update(); SDL_EnableUNICODE(!is_graphic_console()); while (SDL_PollEvent(ev)) { switch (ev->type) { case SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE: sdl_update(ds, 0, 0, real_screen->w, real_screen->h); break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: case SDL_KEYUP: if (ev->type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { if (alt_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)) == (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT); } else if (ctrl_grab) { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_RCTRL) == KMOD_RCTRL; } else { mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; } gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { int keycode; keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); switch(keycode) { case 0x21: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ toggle_full_screen(ds); gui_keysym = 1; break; case 0x16: /* 'u' key on US keyboard */ scaling_active = 0; sdl_resize(ds); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); break; case 0x02 ... 0x0a: /* '1' to '9' keys */ /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ reset_keys(); console_select(keycode - 0x02); if (!is_graphic_console()) { /* display grab if going to a text console */ if (gui_grab) sdl_grab_end(); } gui_keysym = 1; break; default: break; } } else if (!is_graphic_console()) { int keysym; keysym = 0; if (ev->key.keysym.mod & (KMOD_LCTRL | KMOD_RCTRL)) { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_CTRL_PAGEDOWN; break; default: break; } } else { switch(ev->key.keysym.sym) { case SDLK_UP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_UP; break; case SDLK_DOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DOWN; break; case SDLK_LEFT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_LEFT; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: keysym = QEMU_KEY_RIGHT; break; case SDLK_HOME: keysym = QEMU_KEY_HOME; break; case SDLK_END: keysym = QEMU_KEY_END; break; case SDLK_PAGEUP: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEUP; break; case SDLK_PAGEDOWN: keysym = QEMU_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_BACKSPACE; break; case SDLK_DELETE: keysym = QEMU_KEY_DELETE; break; default: break; } } if (keysym) { kbd_put_keysym(keysym); } else if (ev->key.keysym.unicode != 0) { kbd_put_keysym(ev->key.keysym.unicode); } } } else if (ev->type == SDL_KEYUP) { if (!alt_grab) { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & gui_grab_code); } else { mod_state = (ev->key.keysym.mod & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)); } if (!mod_state) { if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { gui_key_modifier_pressed = 0; if (gui_keysym == 0) { /* exit/enter grab if pressing Ctrl-Alt */ if (!gui_grab) { /* if the application is not active, do not try to enter grab state. It prevents 'SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON)' from blocking all the application (SDL bug). */ if (SDL_GetAppState() & SDL_APPACTIVE) sdl_grab_start(); } else { sdl_grab_end(); } /* SDL does not send back all the modifiers key, so we must correct it */ reset_keys(); break; } gui_keysym = 0; } } } if (is_graphic_console() && !gui_keysym) sdl_process_key(&ev->key); break; case SDL_QUIT: if (!no_quit) qemu_system_shutdown_request(); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (gui_grab || kbd_mouse_is_absolute() || absolute_enabled) { sdl_send_mouse_event(ev->motion.xrel, ev->motion.yrel, 0, ev->motion.x, ev->motion.y, ev->motion.state); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: { SDL_MouseButtonEvent *bev = &ev->button; if (!gui_grab && !kbd_mouse_is_absolute()) { if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN && (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { /* start grabbing all events */ sdl_grab_start(); } } else { int dz; dz = 0; if (ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { buttonstate |= SDL_BUTTON(bev->button); } else { buttonstate &= ~SDL_BUTTON(bev->button); } #ifdef SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELUP && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = -1; } else if (bev->button == SDL_BUTTON_WHEELDOWN && ev->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { dz = 1; } #endif sdl_send_mouse_event(0, 0, dz, bev->x, bev->y, buttonstate); } } break; case SDL_ACTIVEEVENT: if (gui_grab && ev->active.state == SDL_APPINPUTFOCUS && !ev->active.gain && !gui_fullscreen_initial_grab) { sdl_grab_end(); } if (ev->active.state & SDL_APPACTIVE) { if (ev->active.gain) { /* Back to default interval */ dcl->gui_timer_interval = 0; dcl->idle = 0; } else { /* Sleeping interval */ dcl->gui_timer_interval = 500; dcl->idle = 1; } } break; case SDL_VIDEORESIZE: { SDL_ResizeEvent *rev = &ev->resize; int bpp = real_screen->format->BitsPerPixel; if (bpp != 16 && bpp != 32) bpp = 32; do_sdl_resize(rev->w, rev->h, bpp); scaling_active = 1; if (!is_buffer_shared(ds->surface)) { ds->surface = qemu_resize_displaysurface(ds, ds_get_width(ds), ds_get_height(ds)); dpy_resize(ds); } vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); break; } default: break; }
int main() { // set for 16 MHz clock CPU_PRESCALE(0); // Configure all port B and port D pins as inputs with pullup resistors. DDRD = 0x00; DDRB = 0x00; PORTB = 0xFF; PORTD = 0xFF; // Turn the LED on during the configuration LED_CONFIG; LED_ON; // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration. usb_init(); while (!usb_configured()); // Initialize the gamepad interface gamepad_init(); // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input _delay_ms(1000); // Timer 0 configuration (~60Hz) TCCR0A = 0x00; // Normal mode TCCR0B = 0x05; // Clock/1024 TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0); LED_OFF; while (1) { while (!ready); // Block until the next cycle (~60Hz) cli(); ready = 0; sei(); // Read pressed buttons from gamepad interface gamepad_read(); // Reset key array reset_keys(); // Special functions // - Software reboot if (PRESSED_REBOOT) { reboot(); } // 6 keys can be sent at a time, with any number of modifiers. // // - Buttons A, B, X and Y have their own position in the key array. // - Up/down and left/right pairs share one position, as they are // mutually exclusive (you cannot pres up AND down). // - L and R use the left and right Shift modifiers. // - Select and Start use the left and right Ctrl modifiers. if (PRESSED_A) press_key(KEY_Z, 0); if (PRESSED_B) press_key(KEY_X, 1); if (PRESSED_X) press_key(KEY_A, 2); if (PRESSED_Y) press_key(KEY_S, 3); if (PRESSED_UP) { press_key(KEY_UP, 4); } else if (PRESSED_DOWN){ press_key(KEY_DOWN, 4); } if (PRESSED_LEFT) { press_key(KEY_LEFT, 5); } else if (PRESSED_RIGHT){ press_key(KEY_RIGHT, 5); } if (PRESSED_L) press_modifier(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT); if (PRESSED_R) press_modifier(KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT); if (PRESSED_SELECT) press_modifier(KEY_LEFT_CTRL); if (PRESSED_START) press_modifier(KEY_RIGHT_CTRL); usb_keyboard_send(); } }
static void handle_keydown(DisplayState *ds, SDL_Event *ev) { int mod_state; int keycode; if (alt_grab) { // LOGV("Found alt grab\n"); mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT)) == (gui_grab_code | KMOD_LSHIFT); } else if (ctrl_grab) { // LOGV("Found ctrl grab\n"); mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_RCTRL) == KMOD_RCTRL; } else { // LOGV("Default grab\n"); mod_state = (SDL_GetModState() & gui_grab_code) == gui_grab_code; } gui_key_modifier_pressed = mod_state; if (gui_key_modifier_pressed) { keycode = sdl_keyevent_to_keycode(&ev->key); // LOGV("Found modifier pressed for key/keycode = %d/%d\n", ev->key.keysym.sym, keycode); switch (keycode) { case 1: /* 'f' key on US keyboard */ LOGV("Keycode Pressed 'f' Fullscreen\n"); toggle_full_screen(ds); gui_keysym = 1; break; case 16: /* 'u' key on US keyboard */ LOGV("Keycode Pressed 'u' unset Scale\n"); if (scaling_active) { LOGV("Found scaling active Unsetting...\n"); scaling_active = 0; sdl_resize(ds); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); reset_keys(); } gui_keysym = 1; break; case 22 ... 23: /* '1' to '9' keys */ //MK hack /* Reset the modifiers sent to the current console */ LOGV("Keycode Pressed '1-9' console\n"); reset_keys(); console_select(keycode - 22); gui_keysym = 1; // if (gui_fullscreen) { // LOGV("Found fullscreen breaking...\n"); // break; // } if (!is_graphic_console()) { /* release grab if going to a text console */ LOGV("Found text console releasing grab...\n"); if (gui_grab) { LOGV("Found grab, grab ending...\n"); sdl_grab_end(); } else if (absolute_enabled) { LOGV("Found absolute_enabled, show cursor...\n"); sdl_show_cursor(); } } else if (absolute_enabled) { LOGV("Found absolute_enabled, hiding cursor and grabing mouse...\n"); sdl_hide_cursor(); absolute_mouse_grab(); } break; case 24: /* '4' Zoom In */ case 25: /* '3' Zoom Out*/ LOGV("Keycode Pressed '3/4' Zoom\n"); // if (!gui_fullscreen) { { int width = MAX(real_screen->w + (keycode == 25 ? 50 : -50), 160); int height = (ds_get_height(ds) * width) / ds_get_width(ds); LOGV("Found no fullscreen, scaling to: %dx%d \n", width, height); sdl_scale(ds, width, height); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); reset_keys(); gui_keysym = 1; } // } break; case 26: /* Fit to Screen */ LOGV("Keycode Pressed '5' Fit to Screen\n"); // if (!gui_fullscreen) { { int width; int height; AndroidGetWindowSize(&width, &height); LOGV("Got Android window size=%dx%d", width, height); LOGV("Got VM resolution=%dx%d", ds_get_width(ds), ds_get_height(ds)); float aspectRatio = (float) ds_get_height(ds) / (float) ds_get_width(ds); LOGV("Got aspectRatio=%f", aspectRatio); int new_width = (int) (height / aspectRatio); if(new_width > width){ LOGV("Width is overrun, modifying height"); new_width = width; height = width * aspectRatio; } LOGV("Found no fullscreen, Fit To Screen: %dx%d \n", new_width, height); sdl_scale(ds, new_width, height); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); reset_keys(); gui_keysym = 1; } // } break; case 27: /* Stretch to Screen */ LOGV("Keycode Pressed '6' Fit to Screen\n"); // if (!gui_fullscreen) { { int width; int height; AndroidGetWindowSize(&width, &height); LOGV("Found no fullscreen, Fit To Screen: %dx%d \n", width, height); sdl_scale(ds, width, height); vga_hw_invalidate(); vga_hw_update(); reset_keys(); gui_keysym = 1; } // } break; default: LOGV("Default\n"); break; } } else if (!is_graphic_console()) {
/** * Analyze /cmd type commands the player has typed in the console or bound to a key. * Sort out the "client intern" commands and expand or pre process them for the server. * @param cmd Command to check * @return 0 to send command to server, 1 to not send it */ int client_command_check(char *cmd) { if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "/ready_spell", 12)) { cmd = strchr(cmd, ' '); if (!cmd || *++cmd == 0) { draw_info("Usage: /ready_spell <spell name>", COLOR_GREEN); } else { int i, ii; for (i = 0; i < SPELL_LIST_MAX; i++) { for (ii = 0; ii < DIALOG_LIST_ENTRY; ii++) { if (spell_list[i].entry[0][ii].flag >= LIST_ENTRY_USED) { if (!strcmp(spell_list[i].entry[0][ii].name, cmd)) { if (spell_list[i].entry[0][ii].flag == LIST_ENTRY_KNOWN) { fire_mode_tab[FIRE_MODE_SPELL].spell = &spell_list[i].entry[0][ii]; RangeFireMode = FIRE_MODE_SPELL; sound_play_effect("scroll.ogg", MENU_SOUND_VOL); draw_info("Spell ready.", COLOR_GREEN); return 1; } } } if (spell_list[i].entry[1][ii].flag >= LIST_ENTRY_USED) { if (!strcmp(spell_list[i].entry[1][ii].name, cmd)) { if (spell_list[i].entry[1][ii].flag==LIST_ENTRY_KNOWN) { fire_mode_tab[FIRE_MODE_SPELL].spell = &spell_list[i].entry[1][ii]; RangeFireMode = FIRE_MODE_SPELL; sound_play_effect("scroll.ogg", MENU_SOUND_VOL); draw_info("Spell ready.", COLOR_GREEN); return 1; } } } } } } draw_info("Unknown spell.", COLOR_GREEN); return 1; } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "/pray", 5)) { /* Give out "You are at full grace." when needed - * server will not send us anything when this happens */ if (cpl.stats.grace == cpl.stats.maxgrace) draw_info("You are at full grace. You stop praying.", COLOR_WHITE); } else if (!strncasecmp(cmd, "/keybind", 8)) { map_udate_flag = 2; if (cpl.menustatus != MENU_KEYBIND) { keybind_status = KEYBIND_STATUS_NO; cpl.menustatus = MENU_KEYBIND; } else { save_keybind_file(KEYBIND_FILE); cpl.menustatus = MENU_NO; } sound_play_effect("scroll.ogg", 100); reset_keys(); return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/target", 7)) { /* Logic is: if first parameter char is a digit, is enemy, friend or self. * If first char a character - then it's a name of a living object. */ if (!strncmp(cmd, "/target friend", 14)) strcpy(cmd, "/target 1"); else if (!strncmp(cmd,"/target enemy", 13)) strcpy(cmd, "/target 0"); else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/target self", 12)) strcpy(cmd, "/target 2"); } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/help", 5)) { cmd += 5; if (cmd == NULL || strcmp(cmd, "") == 0) show_help("main"); else show_help(cmd + 1); return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/script ", 8)) { cmd += 8; if (!strncmp(cmd, "load ", 5)) { cmd += 5; script_load(cmd); } if (!strncmp(cmd, "unload ", 7)) { cmd += 7; script_unload(cmd); } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "list", 4)) { script_list(); } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "send ", 5)) { cmd += 5; script_send(cmd); } return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/shop", 5)) { if (!shop_gui) { initialize_shop(SHOP_STATE_NONE); } else { draw_info("You must close the shop window before trying to set up another shop.", COLOR_RED); } return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/ignore", 7)) { ignore_command(cmd + 7); return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/reply", 6)) { cmd = strchr(cmd, ' '); if (!cmd || *++cmd == '\0') { draw_info("Usage: /reply <message>", COLOR_RED); } else { if (!cpl.player_reply[0]) { draw_info("There is no one you can /reply.", COLOR_RED); } else { char buf[2048]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tell %s %s", cpl.player_reply, cmd); send_command(buf); } } return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/resetwidgets", 13)) { reset_widget(NULL); return 1; } else if (!strncmp(cmd, "/resetwidget", 12)) { cmd = strchr(cmd, ' '); if (!cmd || *++cmd == '\0') { draw_info("Usage: /resetwidget <name>", COLOR_RED); } else { reset_widget(cmd); } return 1; } return 0; }