Exemple #1
  void run(gce::actor<gce::stackful>& self, gce::aid_t base_id)
      /// wait 1 second for server setup
      gce::wait(self, gce::seconds_t(1));

      /// make a tcp socket to connnect to server
      gce::yield_t yield = self.get_yield();
      gce::io_service_t& ios = ctx_.get_io_service();

      boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver reso(ios);
      boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query query(host_, port_);
      boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::iterator itr = reso.async_resolve(query, yield);

      boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket sock(ios);
      boost::asio::async_connect(sock, itr, yield);

      char data[32];
      for (std::size_t i=0; i<echo_num_; ++i)
        boost::asio::async_write(sock, boost::asio::buffer(data, 32), yield);
        boost::asio::async_read(sock, boost::asio::buffer(data, 32), yield);
        /// per second a echo
        gce::wait(self, gce::seconds_t(1));
    catch (std::exception& ex)
      std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
    gce::send(self, base_id, gce::atom("done"));
Exemple #2
void samplv1widget_filt::setReso ( float fReso )
	if (::fabsf(m_fReso - fReso) > 0.001f) {
		m_fReso = safe_value(fReso);
		emit resoChanged(reso());
Exemple #3
void samplv1widget_filt::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent *pWheelEvent )
	const int delta = (pWheelEvent->delta() / 60);

	if (pWheelEvent->modifiers() & (Qt::ShiftModifier | Qt::ControlModifier)) {
		const int h2 = (height() >> 1);
		const int y = int(reso() * float(h2));
		setReso(float(y + delta) / float(h2));
	} else {
Exemple #4
// Drag/move curve.
void samplv1widget_filt::dragCurve ( const QPoint& pos )
	const int h  = height();
	const int w  = width();

	const int dx = (pos.x() - m_posDrag.x());
	const int dy = (pos.y() - m_posDrag.y());

	if (dx || dy) {
		const int h2 = (h >> 1);
		const int x = int(cutoff() * float(w));
		const int y = int(reso() * float(h2));
		setCutoff(float(x + dx) / float(w));
		setReso(float(y - dy) / float(h2));
		m_posDrag = pos;
Exemple #5
void QxtScreenPrivate::init_sys()
    Display* display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
    Window root = RootWindow(display, screen);
    XRRScreenConfiguration* config = XRRGetScreenInfo(display, root);

    // available resolutions & rates
    if (availResos.isEmpty() || availRates.isEmpty())

        int sizeCount = 0;
        XRRScreenSize* sizes = XRRSizes(display, 0, &sizeCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeCount; ++i)
            QSize reso(sizes[i].width, sizes[i].height);
            if (!availResos.contains(reso))
                availResos += reso;

            int rateCount = 0;
            short* rates = XRRConfigRates(config, i, &rateCount);
            for (int j = 0; j < rateCount; ++j)
                availRates.insertMulti(reso, rates[j]);

    // current resolution & rate
    if (!currReso.isValid() || currRate < 0)
        Rotation rotation;
        SizeID sizeId = XRRConfigCurrentConfiguration(config, &rotation);
        currReso = availResos.at(sizeId);
        currRate = XRRConfigCurrentRate(config);

#endif // HAVE_XRANDR
Exemple #6
// Draw curve.
void samplv1widget_filt::paintEvent ( QPaintEvent *pPaintEvent )
	QPainter painter(this);

	const QRect& rect = QWidget::rect();
	const int h  = rect.height();
	const int w  = rect.width();

	const int h2 = h >> 1;
	const int h4 = h >> 2;
	const int w4 = w >> 2;
	const int w8 = w >> 3;

	const int iSlope = int(m_fSlope);
	const int ws = w8 - (iSlope == 1 ? (w8 >> 1) : 0);

	int x = w8 + int(m_fCutoff * float(w - w4));
	int y = h2 - int(m_fReso   * float(h + h4));

	QPolygon poly(6);
	QPainterPath path;

	const int iType = (iSlope == 3 ? 4 : int(m_fType));
	// Low, Notch
	if (iType == 0 || iType == 3) {
		if (iType == 3) x -= w8;
		poly.putPoints(0, 6,
			0, h2,
			x - w8, h2,
			x, h2,
			x, y,
			x + ws, h,
			0, h);
		path.cubicTo(poly.at(2), poly.at(3), poly.at(4));
		if (iType == 3) x += w8;
	// Band
	if (iType == 1) {
		const int y2 = (y + h4) >> 1;
		poly.putPoints(0, 6,
			0, h,
			x - w8 - ws, h,
			x - ws, y2,
			x + ws, y2,
			x + w8 + ws, h,
			0, h);
		path.cubicTo(poly.at(2), poly.at(3), poly.at(4));
	// High, Notch
	if (iType == 2 || iType == 3) {
		if (iType == 3) { x += w8; y = h2; }
		poly.putPoints(0, 6,
			x - ws, h,
			x, y,
			x, h2,
			x + w8, h2,
			w, h2,
			w, h);
		path.cubicTo(poly.at(1), poly.at(2), poly.at(3));
		if (iType == 3) x -= w8;
	// Formant
	if (iType == 4) {
		const int x2 = (x - w4) >> 2;
		const int y2 = (y - h4) >> 2;
		poly.putPoints(0, 6,
			0, h2,
			x2, h2,
			x - ws, h2,
			x, y2,
			x + ws, h,
			0, h);
	#if 0
		path.cubicTo(poly.at(2), poly.at(3), poly.at(4));
		const int n3 = 5; // num.formants
		const int w3 = (x + ws - x2) / n3 - 1;
		const int w6 = (w3 >> 1);
		const int h3 = (h4 >> 1);
		int x3 = x2; int y3 = y2;
		for (int i = 0; i < n3; ++i) {
			poly.putPoints(1, 3,
				x3, h2,
				x3 + w6, y3,
				x3 + w3, y3 + h2);
			path.cubicTo(poly.at(1), poly.at(2), poly.at(3));
			x3 += w3; y3 += h3;

	const QPalette& pal = palette();
	const bool bDark = (pal.window().color().value() < 0x7f);
	const QColor& rgbLite = (isEnabled()
		? (bDark ? Qt::darkYellow : Qt::yellow) : pal.mid().color());
	const QColor& rgbDark = pal.window().color().darker(180);

	painter.fillRect(rect, rgbDark);

	painter.setPen(bDark ? Qt::gray : Qt::darkGray);

	QLinearGradient grad(0, 0, w << 1, h << 1);
	grad.setColorAt(0.0f, rgbLite);
	grad.setColorAt(1.0f, Qt::black);

	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);


		tr("Cutoff(%1) Reso(%2)")
		.arg(int(100.0f * cutoff()))
		.arg(int(100.0f * reso())));

	painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);


Exemple #7
bool NucleicAcidTools::symm_match( clipper::MiniMol& molwrk, const clipper::MiniMol& molref )
  clipper::Spacegroup spg1 = clipper::Spacegroup(clipper::Spacegroup::P1);
  clipper::Spacegroup spgr = molwrk.spacegroup();
  clipper::Cell       cell = molwrk.cell();

  // calculate extent of model
  clipper::Atom_list atomr = molref.atom_list();
  clipper::Range<clipper::ftype> urange, vrange, wrange;
  clipper::Coord_frac cfr( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
  for ( int i = 0; i < atomr.size(); i++ ) {
    clipper::Coord_frac cf = atomr[i].coord_orth().coord_frac( cell );
    cfr += cf;
    urange.include( cf.u() );
    vrange.include( cf.v() );
    wrange.include( cf.w() );
  clipper::Coord_frac cf0( urange.min(), vrange.min(), wrange.min() );
  clipper::Coord_frac cf1( urange.max(), vrange.max(), wrange.max() );
  cfr = (1.0/double(atomr.size())) * cfr;

  // calculate mask using wrk cell and ref atoms
  clipper::Resolution reso( 5.0 );
  clipper::Grid_sampling grid( spg1, cell, reso );
  clipper::Grid_range    grng( grid,  cf0,  cf1 );
  clipper::NXmap<float> nxmap( cell, grid, grng ), nxflt( cell, grid, grng );
  clipper::EDcalc_mask<float> maskcalc( 2.0 );
  nxmap = 0.0;
  maskcalc( nxmap, atomr );
  MapFilterFn_g5 fn;
    fltr( fn, 1.0, clipper::MapFilter_fft<float>::Relative );
  fltr( nxflt, nxmap );

  // now score each chain, symmetry and offset in turn
  for ( int c = 0; c < molwrk.size(); c++ ) {
    double              bestscr = 0.0;
    int                 bestsym = 0;
    clipper::Coord_frac bestoff( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
    const clipper::Coord_frac cfh( 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 );
    for ( int sym = 0; sym < spgr.num_symops(); sym++ ) {
      clipper::Atom_list atomw = molwrk[c].atom_list();
      clipper::RTop_orth rtop = spgr.symop(sym).rtop_orth( cell );
      clipper::Coord_orth cow( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
      for ( int a = 0; a < atomw.size(); a++ ) {
	atomw[a].transform( rtop );
	cow += atomw[a].coord_orth();
      if ( atomw.size() > 0 ) cow = (1.0/double(atomw.size())) * cow;
      clipper::Coord_frac cfw = cow.coord_frac( cell );
      clipper::Coord_frac cfwt = cfw.lattice_copy_near( cfr - cfh );
      clipper::Coord_frac off0 = cfwt - cfw;

      // try offsets
      for ( double du = 0.0; du <= 1.01; du += 1.0 )
	for ( double dv = 0.0; dv < 1.01; dv += 1.0 )
	  for ( double dw = 0.0; dw < 1.01; dw += 1.0 ) {
	    clipper::Coord_frac off( rint( off0.u() ) + du,
				     rint( off0.v() ) + dv,
				     rint( off0.w() ) + dw );
	    clipper::Coord_orth ofo = off.coord_orth( cell );
	    double scr = 0.0;
	    for ( int a = 0; a < atomw.size(); a++ ) {
	      clipper::Coord_orth coa = atomw[a].coord_orth() + ofo;
	      clipper::Coord_grid cga = nxflt.coord_map( coa ).coord_grid();
	      if ( nxflt.in_map( cga ) ) scr += nxflt.get_data( cga );
	    if ( scr > bestscr ) {
	      bestscr = scr;
	      bestsym = sym;
	      bestoff = off;
    // now transform using the best operator
    clipper::Coord_orth cot = bestoff.coord_orth( cell );
    clipper::RTop_orth rtop = spgr.symop(bestsym).rtop_orth( cell );
    rtop = clipper::RTop_orth( rtop.rot(), rtop.trn()+cot );
    molwrk[c].transform( rtop );

  return true;