Exemple #1
static BOOL store_printer_dialog_results(HWND hwnd, unsigned int num)
    char printer_name[30];
    if (num == 0) {
        sprintf(printer_name, "PrinterUserport");
    } else {
        sprintf(printer_name, "Printer%d", num);

    resources_set_int(printer_name, (int)SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_TYPE), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0));

    if (num == 6) {
        resources_set_string_sprintf("%sDriver", ui_plotter_driver_1520[SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_DRIVER), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)], printer_name);
    } else {
        resources_set_string_sprintf("%sDriver", ui_printer_driver_ascii[SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_DRIVER), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)], printer_name);

    resources_set_string_sprintf("%sOutput", ui_printer_output_ascii[SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_OUTPUT), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)], printer_name);

    resources_set_int_sprintf("%sTextDevice", (int)SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_TEXTOUT), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0), printer_name);
    resources_set_string("PrinterTextDevice1", printertextdevice[0]);
    resources_set_string("PrinterTextDevice2", printertextdevice[1]);
    resources_set_string("PrinterTextDevice3", printertextdevice[2]);

    if (num > 0 && (iec_available_busses() & IEC_BUS_IEC)) {
        resources_set_int_sprintf("IECDevice%d", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_PRINTER_USEIECDEVICE) == BST_CHECKED), num);

    return 1;
Exemple #2
static TUI_MENU_CALLBACK(set_directory_callback)
    char s[256];
    int drive = (int)param;
    const char *v;

    if (!(check_current_drive_type(ATTACH_DEVICE_FS, drive))) {
        return "N/A";

    if (been_activated) {

        *s = '\0';

        if (tui_input_string("Change directory name", "New name:", s, 255) == -1) {
            return NULL;

        if (*s == '\0') {
            return NULL;

        resources_set_string_sprintf("FSDevice%iDir", s, drive);

    resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%iDir", &v, drive);

    return v;
/** \brief  Handler for the "toggled" event of the radio buttons
 * \param[in]   radio       radio button
 * \param[in]   user_data   new value for the resource (`const char *`)
static void on_radio_toggled(GtkWidget *radio, gpointer user_data)

    if (gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radio))) {
        int device;
        const char *type;

        /* get device number from the "DeviceNumber" property of the radio
         * button */
        device = resource_widget_get_int(radio, "DeviceNumber");
        type = (const char *)user_data;
        debug_gtk3("setting Printer%dDriver to '%s'.", device, type);
        resources_set_string_sprintf("Printer%dDriver", type, device);
Exemple #4
static BOOL store_dialog_results(HWND hwnd, unsigned int num)
    char s[MAX_PATH];
    int devtype = ATTACH_DEVICE_NONE;

    if (iec_available_busses() & IEC_BUS_IEC) {
        resources_set_int_sprintf("IECDevice%d", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_USEIECDEVICE) == BST_CHECKED), num);

    if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDISK) == BST_CHECKED || IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDIR) == BST_CHECKED) {
        devtype = ATTACH_DEVICE_FS;
    if (opencbmlib_is_available()) {
        if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SELECTREAL) == BST_CHECKED) {
            devtype = ATTACH_DEVICE_REAL;
    resources_set_int_sprintf("FileSystemDevice%d", devtype, num);

    resources_set_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dConvertP00", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_READP00) == BST_CHECKED), num);
    resources_set_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dSaveP00", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_WRITEP00) == BST_CHECKED), num);
    resources_set_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_HIDENONP00) == BST_CHECKED), num);
    resources_set_int_sprintf("AttachDevice%dReadonly", (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_TOGGLE_ATTACH_READONLY) == BST_CHECKED), num);

    GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DIR, st, MAX_PATH);
    system_wcstombs(s, st, MAX_PATH);
    resources_set_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", s, num);

    if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDISK) == BST_CHECKED) {
        GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DISKIMAGE, st, MAX_PATH);
        system_wcstombs(s, st, MAX_PATH);
        if (file_system_attach_disk(num, s) < 0 ) {
            return 0;
    } else {
        if ((IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_SELECTDIR) == BST_CHECKED) && file_system_get_disk_name(num)) {

    return 1;
static int pet_set_model_info(petinfo_t *pi)
    /* set hardware config */

    if (pi->pet2k) {    /* set resource only when necessary */
        resources_set_int("Basic1", pi->pet2k);
    resources_set_int("Basic1Chars", pi->pet2kchar);

    resources_set_string("ChargenName", pi->chargenName);
    resources_set_string("KernalName", pi->kernalName);
    resources_set_string("BasicName", pi->basicName);
    resources_set_string("EditorName", pi->editorName);

    /* allow additional ROMs to survive a model switch. */
    if (pi->mem9name) {
        resources_set_string("RomModule9Name", pi->mem9name);
    if (pi->memAname) {
        resources_set_string("RomModuleAName", pi->memAname);
    if (pi->memBname) {
        resources_set_string("RomModuleBName", pi->memBname);
    if (pi->superpet) {
        int i;

        for (i = 0; i < NUM_6809_ROMS; i++) {
            if (pi->h6809romName[i]) {
                resources_set_string_sprintf("H6809Rom%cName", pi->h6809romName[i], 'A' + i);
    return 0;
Exemple #6
static MRESULT EXPENTRY pm_drive(HWND hwnd, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2)
    static int drive = 0;

    switch (msg) {
        case WM_INITDLG:
                int val, i = 0;
                HWND ihwnd = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);

                while (i < 10 && ui_status.imageHist[i][0]) {
                    WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, ui_status.imageHist[i++]);
                WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, "");
                resources_get_int("DriveTrueEmulation", &val);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_TRUEDRIVE, val);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_DRIVE8|drive, 1);
                WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_DRIVESTATE, (void*)ui_status.lastDriveState, NULL);
                for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_TRACK, (void*)i, (void*)(int)(ui_status.lastTrack[i] * 2));
    case WM_COMMAND:
        switch (LONGFROMMP(mp1)) {
            case PB_CREATE:
                return FALSE;
            case PB_ATTACH:
                ViceFileDialog(hwnd, 0x0100 | (drive + 1), FDS_OPEN_DIALOG);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_DETACH:
                file_system_detach_disk(drive + 8);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIPADD:
                fliplist_add_image(drive + 8);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIPREMOVE:
                fliplist_remove(drive + 8, NULL);
                return FALSE;
            case PB_FLIP:
                fliplist_attach_head(drive + 8, FLIP_NEXT);
                return FALSE;
    case WM_CONTROL:
            switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) {
                case RB_DRIVE8:
                case RB_DRIVE9:
                case RB_DRIVE10:
                case RB_DRIVE11:
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)(SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), 0);
                case CB_TRUEDRIVE:
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_CONVERTP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FSDevice%dConvertP00", drive);//);
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_SAVEP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FileDevice%dSaveP00", drive);
                case CB_ALLOWACCESS:
                    toggle_drive_res("FileSystemDevice%d", drive);
                    WinSendMsg(hwnd, WM_SWITCH, (void*)drive, 0);
                case CB_HIDENONP00:
                    toggle_drive_res("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", drive);
                case CB_MEM2000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM2000", drive);
                case CB_MEM4000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM4000", drive);
                case CB_MEM6000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM6000", drive);
                case CB_MEM8000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAM8000", drive);
                case CB_MEMA000:
                    toggle_drive_res("Drive%dRAMA000", drive);
                case CB_READONLY:
                    toggle_drive_res("AttachDevice%dReadonly", drive);
                case CB_PARALLEL:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        toggle_drive_res("Drive%dParallelCable", drive);
                case RB_NEVER:
                case RB_ASK:
                case RB_ALWAYS:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dExtendImagePolicy", (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), drive + 8);
                case RB_NONE:
                case RB_TRAP:
                case RB_SKIP:
                    if (drive == 0 || drive == 1) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dIdleMethod", (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1) & 0x3), drive + 8);
               case CBS_IMAGE:
                   if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == CBN_ENTER) {
                       char psz[CCHMAXPATH];

                       WinLboxQuerySelectedItemText(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, psz, CCHMAXPATH);

                       if (!strlen(psz)) {
                           file_system_detach_disk(drive + 8);
                           return FALSE;

                       if (file_system_attach_disk(drive + 8, psz)) {
                           WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwnd, "Cannot attach specified file.", "VICE/2 Error", 0, MB_OK);
                   return FALSE;
                case CBS_PATH:
                    switch (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1)) {
                        case SPBN_CHANGE:
                                char path[255];

                                WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_QUERYVALUE, &path, 255);
                                if (!chdir(path)) {
                                    resources_set_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", path, drive + 8);
                        case SPBN_KILLFOCUS:
                                const char *path;

                                resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", &path, drive + 8);
                                WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_SETARRAY, &path, 1);
                                WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, CBS_PATH, 0);
                    return FALSE;
                case CBS_TYPE:
                    if (SHORT2FROMMP(mp1) == CBN_ENTER && (drive == 0 || drive == 1)) {
                        const int nr  = WinQueryLboxSelectedItem((HWND)mp2);
                        const int val = WinLboxItemHandle((HWND)mp2, nr);

                        resources_set_int_sprintf("Drive%dType", val, drive + 8);
                    return FALSE;
            HWND ihwnd = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);
            const char *name = (char *)mp1;

            int pos;
            for (pos = 0; pos < 9; pos++) {
                WinDeleteLboxItem(ihwnd, 0);

            pos = 0;
            while (pos < 10 && ui_status.imageHist[pos][0]) {
                WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, ui_status.imageHist[pos++]);

            WinLboxInsertItem(ihwnd, "");

            if (drive == (int)mp2) {
                WinLboxSelectItem(ihwnd, name[0] ? 0 : pos);
        return FALSE;
    case WM_TRACK:
        if (!(ui_status.lastDriveState & (1 << (int)mp1))) {

        WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, SPB_TRACK8+(int)mp1, (int)((int)mp2 / 2));
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK8 + (int)mp1, ((int)mp2 % 2));
    case WM_DRIVELEDS:
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED8+(int)mp1, (int)mp2);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SPB_TRACK8, (int)mp1 & 1 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK8, (int)mp1 & 1 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SPB_TRACK9, (int)mp1 & 2 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_HALFTRACK9, (int)mp1 & 2 == 1);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED8, 0);
        WinShowDlg(hwnd, SS_LED9, 0);
    case WM_SWITCH:
        drive = (int)mp1;
                const HWND lbox = WinWindowFromID(hwnd, CBS_TYPE);
                int type = 0;
                int val;
                int res;
                int drive89 = (drive == 0 || drive == 1);

                resources_get_int("DriveTrueEmulation", &val);


                if (drive89) {
                    int i, nr;

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NEVER | get_drive_res("Drive%dExtendImagePolicy", drive), 1);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NONE | get_drive_res("Drive%dIdleMethod", drive), 1);

                    nr = 0;
                    res = get_drive_res("Drive%dType", drive);
                    for (i = 0; i < nDRIVES; i++) {
                        if (!drive_check_type(driveRes[i], drive)) {

                        WinLboxInsertItem(lbox, driveName[i]);
                        WinLboxSetItemHandle(lbox, nr, driveRes[i]);

                        if (res == driveRes[i]) {
                            type = nr;

                } else {
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NEVER, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_ASK, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_ALWAYS, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_NONE, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_SKIP, 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, RB_TRAP, 0);
                WinLboxSelectItem(lbox, type);

                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_PARALLEL, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dParallelCable", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM2000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM2000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM4000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM4000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM6000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM6000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEM8000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAM8000", drive) != 0);
                WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_MEMA000, drive89 && get_drive_res("Drive%dRAMA000", drive) != 0);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_PARALLEL, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_NEVER, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_ASK, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_ALWAYS, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_NONE, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_SKIP, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, RB_TRAP, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CBS_TYPE, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM2000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM4000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM6000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEM8000, drive89 && val);
                WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_MEMA000, drive89 && val);
                    int acc  = get_drive_res("FileSystemDevice%d", drive) != 0;
                    int conv = get_drive_res("FSDevice%dConvertP00", drive) != 0;

                    if (!conv) {
                        resources_set_int_sprintf("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", 0, drive + 8);

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_ALLOWACCESS, acc);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_CONVERTP00, conv);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_SAVEP00, get_drive_res("FSDevice%dSaveP00", drive) != 0);
                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_HIDENONP00, get_drive_res("FSDevice%dHideCBMFiles", drive) != 0);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_ALLOWACCESS, !(drive89 && val));
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_SAVEP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_CONVERTP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CBS_PATH, !(drive89 && val) && acc);
                    WinEnableControl(hwnd, CB_HIDENONP00, !(drive89 && val) && acc && conv);

                    WinCheckButton(hwnd, CB_READONLY, get_drive_res("AttachDevice%dReadonly", drive) != 0);
                    char tmp[CCHMAXPATH];
                    int max = WinDlgLboxQueryCount(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE);
                    int pos = -1;

                    do {
                        WinLboxQueryItem(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, ++pos, tmp, CCHMAXPATH);
                    while (pos < max && strcmp(ui_status.lastImage[drive], tmp));
                    WinDlgLboxSelectItem(hwnd, CBS_IMAGE, pos);
                    const char *path;
                    resources_get_string_sprintf("FSDevice%dDir", &path, drive + 8);
                    WinSendDlgMsg(hwnd, CBS_PATH, SPBM_SETARRAY, &path, 1);
                    WinSetDlgSpinVal(hwnd, CBS_PATH, 0);
            return FALSE;

    return WinDefDlgProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2);