Exemple #1
http_accept_request_socket(http_conf_t * conf, int fd) {
	int confd  ;
	struct sockaddr addr;
	struct sockaddr_in addrIn;
	socklen_t addLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr );
	while( (confd =  accept(fd, &addr, &addLen)) && confd > 0) {
		pool_t *p = (pool_t *)pool_create();
		http_connect_t * con;
		epoll_extra_data_t *data_ptr;

		addrIn =  *((struct sockaddr_in *) &addr);
		data_ptr = (epoll_extra_data_t *)palloc(p, sizeof(epoll_extra_data_t));
		con = (http_connect_t *) palloc(p, sizeof(http_connect_t));//换成初始化函数,
		con->p= p;
		con->fd = confd;
		con->in = (request *)request_init(p);
		con->out = (response *)response_init(p);
		/*char *ip  = NULL;
		if(addrIn.sin_addr.s_addr) {
			ip = inet_ntoa(addrIn.sin_addr);

		if(ip) {
			//con->in->clientIp = (string *) string_init_from_str(p, ip, strlen(ip));

		con->next_handle = accept_handler;
		data_ptr->type = SOCKFD;
		data_ptr->ptr = (void *) con;
		epoll_add_fd(conf->epfd, confd, EPOLL_R, (void *)data_ptr);//对epoll data结构指向的结构体重新封装,分websit
		//data struct ,  connect  data struct , file data struct ,
Exemple #2
static gint
collect_success(VmonRequest *req)
    int j = 0;
    VmonResponse res;

    VmChecks checks;
    checks.disk_usage_perc = req->ctx->conf.disk_usage_perc;

    for (j = 0; j < req->records_num; j++) {
        VmInfo vm;

        vminfo_parse(&vm, req->records[j]); /* FIXME */

        vminfo_send_events(&vm, &checks, res.out);
        if (!req->ctx->conf.events_only) {
            response_begin(&res, req->sr.uuid);
            vminfo_print_json(&vm, res.out);
        response_close(&res, req->ctx->out);



    return 0;
Exemple #3
void make_service(uint8_t symbol){
	if(symbol == EdConf.clean_char_symb){
        if(resp_ptr > 0){
        	lcd_putc(' ');
        	if(btn_old && !is_service_symbol(symbol))return; //if btn not pushed in response yet
        if(resp_ptr >= disp_line_length){
            for(uint8_t i=(resp_ptr-disp_line_length); i<resp_ptr; i++){
	if(symbol == EdConf.exit_symb_ok){
	if(symbol == EdConf.exit_symb_discard){
        response_init(EdConf.old_response, EdConf.resp_size);
Exemple #4
void init_editor(EditorConf config){
	EdConf = config;


	response_init(EdConf.old_response, EdConf.resp_size);
Exemple #5
int accept_handler(http_conf_t *conf, http_connect_t *con, struct epoll_event *ev)

 	con->in = (request *)request_init(con->p); 

	if(read_header(con) == 0) {
		if(con->in->header == NULL 
			|| con->in->header->used <= 0) {

			epoll_del_fd(conf->epfd, ev);
			return -1;
		con->next_handle = authorized_handle;
		virtual_port_match(conf, con);
		epoll_edit_fd(conf->epfd, ev, EPOLL_W);
		//http_connect_t *con;
		//con = ev[count].data.ptr;

		con->out = (response *)response_init(con->p);
		while(con->next_handle != NULL && con->next_handle(conf, con) == 0){	
 		epoll_del_fd(conf->epfd, ev);

	return 0;
Exemple #6
void run (int worker_id, int sock_fd, struct sockaddr addr, socklen_t addr_len) {
    headers_parse (sock_fd);
    if (headers_is_error (headers_get_state ()) || !headers_has_request()) {
        goto hangup;
    char *name = get_request (1);
    char *strip = name;
    char response_buffer[255];
    while (*strip == '.' || *strip == '/') strip++;
    if (!*strip) {
        fprintf (stderr, "%s: No such file or directory\n", name);
        goto _404;
    int len = strlen (strip);
    int file_fd;
    char *file = malloc (2 + len + 1);
    file[0] = '.';
    file[1] = '/';
    memcpy (file + 2, strip, len);
    file[len + 2] = 0;
    file_fd = open (file, O_RDONLY);
    free (file);

    struct stat info;
    if (file_fd == -1 || fstat (file_fd, &info)) {
        if (file_fd > 0) {
            close (file_fd);
        file_fd = 0;
        perror (name);
        goto _404;

    response_init (200);
    char content_length[25];
    sprintf (content_length, "%d", info.st_size);
    response_add ("Content-Length", content_length);
    if (write_headers (sock_fd)) {
        close (file_fd);
        goto _404;
    len = read (file_fd, response_buffer, 255);
    while (len > 0) {
        if (write (sock_fd, response_buffer, len) < 0) {
            perror ("write");
        len = read (file_fd, response_buffer, 255);

    if (file_fd > 0) {
        close (file_fd);
    goto hangup;

    response_init (404);
    write_headers (sock_fd);
    snprintf (response_buffer, 255, "File not found: '%s'\n", name);
    if (write (sock_fd, response_buffer, strlen (response_buffer)) < 0) {
        goto hangup;
    goto hangup;

    headers_cleanup ();
    hangup (sock_fd);
Exemple #7
int start_accept(http_conf *g)
	int count;
	int confd  ;
	struct epoll_event ev[MAX_EVENT];
	struct epoll_event *evfd ;
	epoll_extra_data_t *epoll_data;
	struct sockaddr addr;
	struct sockaddr_in addrIn;
	socklen_t addLen = sizeof(struct sockaddr );


	printf("--------------- start server\n--------------");
		count = epoll_wait(g->epfd, ev, MAX_EVENT, -1);
		evfd = ev;
		while( (confd =  accept(g->fd, &addr, &addLen)) && confd > 0) {
			pool_t *p = (pool_t *)pool_create();
			http_connect_t * con;
			epoll_extra_data_t *data_ptr;

			addrIn =  *((struct sockaddr_in *) &addr);
			data_ptr = (epoll_extra_data_t *)palloc(p, sizeof(epoll_extra_data_t));
			con = (http_connect_t *) palloc(p, sizeof(http_connect_t));//换成初始化函数,
			con->p= p;
			con->fd = confd;
			con->in = (request *)request_init(p);
			con->out = (response *)response_init(p);
			char *ip  = NULL;
			if(addrIn.sin_addr.s_addr) {
				ip = inet_ntoa(addrIn.sin_addr);

			if(ip) {
				con->in->clientIp = (string *) string_init_from_str(p, ip, strlen(ip));

			con->next_handle = accept_handler;
			data_ptr->type = SOCKFD;
			data_ptr->ptr = (void *) con;
			epoll_add_fd(g->epfd, confd, EPOLL_R, (void *)data_ptr);//对epoll data结构指向的结构体重新封装,分websit
			//data struct ,  connect  data struct , file data struct ,
		while((evfd->events & EPOLLIN)){
			if((evfd->events & EPOLLIN)) {
				http_connect_t * con;
				epoll_data = (epoll_data_t *)evfd->data.ptr;

				con = (http_connect_t *) epoll_data->ptr;
				switch(epoll_data->type) {
					case SOCKFD:
						if(con->in == NULL) {
							//accept_handler(g, con, evfd);
							epoll_edit_fd(g->epfd, evfd, EPOLL_W);
                            //epoll_del_fd(g->epfd, evfd);
						while(con->next_handle != NULL) {
							int ret = con->next_handle(con);
							if(ret == -1) {
								con->next_handle = NULL;
								epoll_del_fd(g->epfd, evfd);
								ds_log(con, "  [END] ", LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT);
							}else if(ret == 1) {
                            /*if(con->next_handle(con) == -1) {
                            	epoll_del_fd(g->epfd, evfd);
					case CGIFD: {
	 					epoll_cgi_t *cgi = (epoll_cgi_t *)epoll_data->ptr;

			else if(evfd->events & EPOLLOUT) {


Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char**argv){

	//log files
	logs = fopen("/var/log/weperf/sensor/sensor.log", "a+");

	int clientSocket;
	char buffer[1024];
	char recv_buff[1024];
	char send_buff[1024];
	struct sockaddr_in serverAddr;
	socklen_t addr_size;

	//parse configurations from file
    if (ini_parse("/etc/weperf/sensor-config.ini", handler, &config) < 0) {
        client_log("Error", "Can't load 'config.ini'\n");
        return 1;

	//casue zombies to be reaped automatically 
	if (signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) {

	/*---- Create the socket. The three arguments are: ----*/
	/* 1) Internet domain 2) Stream socket 3) Default protocol (TCP in this case) */
	clientSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

	/*---- Configure settings of the server address struct ----*/
	/* Address family = Internet */
	serverAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	/* Set port number, using htons function to use proper byte order */
	serverAddr.sin_port = htons(config.server_port);
	/* Set IP address to localhost */
	serverAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(config.server_addr);
	/* Set all bits of the padding field to 0 */
	memset(serverAddr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof serverAddr.sin_zero);  

	/*---- Connect the socket to the server using the address struct ----*/
	addr_size = sizeof serverAddr;
	if(connect(clientSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &serverAddr, addr_size)){
		client_log("Error", "Connecting to server - %s", strerror(errno));
		return 0;

	client_log("Info", "Connected to server");

	//get IP of interface - add interface to config file
	struct ifreq ifr;
	strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, config.interface, IFNAMSIZ-1);
	ioctl(clientSocket, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr);
	struct in_addr local_ip = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr;

	printf("Local IP %s\n", inet_ntoa(local_ip));

	struct timeval tv;

	int bytes = 1;
	//receive loop

		FILE *fp;

		fd_set rfds;
		FD_SET (clientSocket, &rfds);

		tv.tv_sec = 60;
		tv.tv_usec = 0;
		int ready = select(clientSocket + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);

		if(ready == -1 ){

		}else if(ready){
			bytes = recv(clientSocket, recv_buff, sizeof(recv_buff),0);
			struct srrp_request * request = (struct srrp_request *) recv_buff;

			if(request->type == SRRP_HB){
				//heatbeat request
				printf("Received hb request - %d bytes\n", bytes);
				//build response
				response_init((struct srrp_response *) send_buff, request->type, SRRP_SCES, request->dst_id, request->m_id);

				send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff), 0);
			}else if(request->type == SRRP_ETHER){
				//ethernet request
				printf("Received ether request - %d bytes\n", bytes);
				//build response
				response_init((struct srrp_response *) send_buff, request->type, SRRP_SCES, request->dst_id, request->m_id);

				//bit of a hack to break from srrp to send MAC address 
				memcpy(&((struct srrp_response *)send_buff)->results[0], config.ether, strlen(config.ether) + 1);
				//also for the ip
				memcpy(&((struct srrp_response *)send_buff)->results[3], &local_ip, sizeof(local_ip));

				send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff) /*header*/ + 100 /*mac*/ + sizeof(local_ip) /*ip*/, 0);
			}else if(request->type == SRRP_BW){				
				client_log("Info", "Recevived iperf request - %d bytes", bytes);

				if(fork() == 0){
					//listen for SIGCHLD so pclose resturns the status 
					signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);

					char * cmd_fmt = "iperf -c %s -p %d -t %d -y C";
					char cmd[100];

					//default params
					int dur = 10;

					//get parameters
					int i;
					for(i = 0; i < request->length; i++){
						if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_DUR){
							dur = request->params[i].value;
							client_log("Error", "Invalid iperf parameter");

					//build command
					sprintf(cmd, cmd_fmt, inet_ntoa(request->dst_ip), config.tcp_iperf_port, dur);
					printf("%s\n", cmd);

					fp = popen(cmd, "r");
					if(fp == NULL){
						client_log("Error", "Failed to run command '%s'", cmd);

					//get otuput	-	single line because of -y C flage
					char result[100];
					while(fgets(result, sizeof(result)-1, fp) != NULL){}

					int exit_status = pclose(fp);
					if(exit_status != 0){
						client_log("Error", "iperf failed exit status %d", exit_status);

						//should send resonpse with failed success code


						//build response
						if(parse_iperf(request->type, request->dst_id, request->m_id, (struct srrp_response *) send_buff, result)){
							client_log("Error", "Failed to parse iperf response");

						client_log("Info", "Sending iperf results");

						send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff), 0);


			}else if(request->type == SRRP_RTT){
				client_log("Info", "Received ping request - %d bytes", bytes);

				if(fork() == 0){
					//listen for SIGCHLD so pclose resturns the status 
					signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
					char * command_fmt = "ping -c %d %s";
					char command[100];

					//default params
					int itterations = 5;

					//load in params
					int i;
					for(i = 0; i < request->length; i++){
						if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_ITTR){
							itterations = request->params[i].value;
							client_log("Error", "Invalid ping parameter");

					//build command
					sprintf(command, command_fmt, itterations, inet_ntoa(request->dst_ip));
					printf("%s\n", command);

					fp = popen(command , "r");
					if(fp == NULL){
						client_log("Error", "Failed to run command %s", command);

					//get otuput	-	single line because of -y C flage
					char result[100];
					while(fgets(result, sizeof(result)-1, fp) != NULL){}

					int exit_status = pclose(fp);
					if(exit_status != 0){
						client_log("Error", "command failed exit status %d", exit_status);

						//should respond


						if(parse_ping(request->type, request->dst_id, request->m_id, (struct srrp_response *) send_buff, result)){
							client_log("Error", "Failed to parse ping response");

						send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff), 0);


			}else if(request->type == SRRP_UDP){
				client_log("Info", "Received UDP iperf request - %d bytes", bytes);

				if(fork() == 0){
					//listen for SIGCHLD so pclose resturns the status 
					signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);

					char * cmd_fmt = "iperf -c %s -u -p %d -b %dK -l %d -t %d -S %d -y C";
					char cmd[100];

					//default params
					int speed = 1;
					int size = 1470;
					int duration = 10;
					int dscp = 0;

					//load in params
					int i;
					for(i = 0; i < request->length; i++){
						if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_SPEED){
							speed = request->params[i].value;
						}else if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_SIZE){
							size = request->params[i].value;
						}else if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_DUR){
							duration = request->params[i].value;
						}else if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_DSCP){
							dscp = request->params[i].value;
							client_log("Error", "Invalid udp parameter");

					sprintf(cmd, cmd_fmt, inet_ntoa(request->dst_ip), config.udp_iperf_port, speed, size, duration, dscp);

					printf("%s\n", cmd);

					fp = popen(cmd , "r");
					if(fp == NULL){
						client_log("Error", "Failed to run command %s", cmd);

					//get otuput	-	single line because of -y C flage
					char result[200];
					while(fgets(result, sizeof(result)-1, fp) != NULL)
						printf("%s\n", result);

					int exit_status = pclose(fp);
					if(exit_status != 0){
						client_log("Error", "udp iperf failed exit status %d", exit_status);

						//should send resonpse with failed success code


						if(parse_udp(request->type, request->dst_id, request->m_id, (struct srrp_response *) send_buff, result, speed, dscp)){
							client_log("Error", "Failed to parse udp response");

						send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff), 0);

						client_log("Info", "Sending udp iperf results");


			}else if(request->type == SRRP_DNS){
				client_log("Info", "Received dns request - %d bytes", bytes);

				if(fork() == 0){
					//listen for SIGCHLD so pclose resturns the status 
					signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);

					char * cmd_fmt = "nslookup %s %s";
					char cmd[100];

					char * domain_name 	= NULL;
					char * server 		= NULL;

					int i = 0;
					while(i < request->length){
						if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_DN){
							i = get_param_string(&domain_name, request, i);	
						}else if(request->params[i].param == SRRP_SERVER){
							i = get_param_string(&server, request, i);
							client_log("Error", "Invalid param");

					if(!server || strcmp(server, "default") == 0)
						server = "";
					if(!domain_name || strcmp(server, "default") == 0)
						domain_name = (char *)config.nslookup_addr;

					sprintf(cmd, cmd_fmt, domain_name, server);

					printf("%s\n", cmd);

					struct timeval start, end;
					float mtime, secs, usecs;

					gettimeofday(&start, NULL);

					fp = popen(cmd , "r");
					if(fp == NULL){
						client_log("Error", "Failed to run command %s", cmd);

					//get otuput
					char result[200];
					while(fgets(result, sizeof(result)-1, fp) != NULL){}

					//work out resolution time
					gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
					secs  = end.tv_sec  - start.tv_sec;
					usecs = end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec;
					mtime = ((secs) * 1000 + usecs/1000.0) + 0.5;

					int exit_status = pclose(fp);
					if(exit_status != 0){
						client_log("Info", "DNS status failure - exit status %d", exit_status);
						parse_failure(request->type, request->dst_id, request->m_id, (struct srrp_response *) send_buff);
						client_log("Info", "DNS status sucess - exit status %d", exit_status);	
						parse_dns(request->type, request->dst_id, request->m_id, (struct srrp_response *) send_buff, mtime);

					send(clientSocket, send_buff, response_size((struct srrp_response *) send_buff), 0);

					client_log("Info", "Sending dns response");				


				//unrecognised data
				client_log("Error", "Recevied unrecognised data - %d - %d bytes", request->type, bytes);
			//dont care about timeout --- keep running
			client_log("Error", "Timeout");

	client_log("Info", "Recevied empty data, closing connection");


	return 0;