bool TupCommandExecutor::removeLipSync(TupLayerResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::removeLipSync() - Adding lipsync..."; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qWarning() << msg; #else tWarning() << msg; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); QString name = response->arg().toString(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; if (scene->removeLipSync(name)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::updateLipSync(TupLayerResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::updateLipSync() - Updating lipsync..."; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qWarning() << msg; #else tWarning() << msg; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); QString xml = response->arg().toString(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLipSync *lipsync = new TupLipSync(); lipsync->fromXml(xml); if (scene->updateLipSync(lipsync)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tFatal() << "TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame() - Adding symbol to project: " << response->arg().toString(); #endif if (m_project->scenesTotal() > 0) { if (m_project->insertSymbolIntoFrame(response->spaceMode(), response->arg().toString(), response->sceneIndex(), response->layerIndex(), response->frameIndex())) { TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(response->sceneIndex()); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(response->layerIndex()); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(response->frameIndex()); if (frame) response->setFrameState(frame->isEmpty()); } } emit responsed(response); return true; } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::insertSymbolIntoFrame() - No scenes available!"; #endif } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::moveLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; if (! scene->moveLayer(position, newPosition)) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::moveLayer() - Error while moving layer!"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } else { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::resetFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (scene) { scene->resetStoryBoardScene(position); TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(position); if (frame) { /* QDomDocument doc; doc.appendChild(frame->toXml(doc)); response->setArg(frame->frameName()); */ if (layer->resetFrame(position)) { //response->setState(doc.toString(0)); emit responsed(response); return true; } } } } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::addLipSync(TupLayerResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::addLipSync() - Adding lipsync..."; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qWarning() << msg; #else tWarning() << msg; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); QString xml = response->arg().toString(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(position); if (layer) { TupLipSync *lipsync = new TupLipSync(); lipsync->fromXml(xml); layer->addLipSync(lipsync); emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::removeLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(position); if (layer) { QDomDocument document; document.appendChild(layer->toXml(document)); response->setState(document.toString()); response->setArg(layer->layerName()); if (scene->removeLayer(position)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } } } return false; }
bool KTCommandExecutor::createScene(KTSceneResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG K_FUNCINFO; #endif int position = response->sceneIndex(); QString name = response->arg().toString(); if (position < 0 || position > m_project->scenes().count()) return false; KTScene *scene = m_project->createScene(position); if (!scene) return false; if (!name.isEmpty()) scene->setSceneName(name); else response->setArg(scene->sceneName()); emit responsed(response); QString state = response->state(); if (! state.isEmpty()) { scene->fromXml(state); response->setArg(scene->sceneName()); } return true; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::renameLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); QString newName = response->arg().toString(); #ifdef K_DEBUG tWarning() << "Renamed layer: " << newName; #endif QString oldName; TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(position); if (layer) { QString current = layer->layerName(); layer->setLayerName(newName); emit responsed(response); response->setArg(current); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::createFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "[TupCommandExecutor::createFrame()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif int scenePosition = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPosition = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); QString name = response->arg().toString(); // QString state = response->state(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePosition); if (!scene) return false; scene->insertStoryBoardScene(position); TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPosition); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->createFrame(name, position); if (!frame) return false; /* if (!name.isEmpty()) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tDebug("items") << name; #endif frame->setFrameName(name); } else { response->setArg(frame->frameName()); } */ response->setArg(frame->frameName()); response->setFrameIndex(layer->visualIndexOf(frame)); emit responsed(response); /* SQA: Check if this code is really necessary if (!state.isEmpty()) { frame->fromXml(state); response->setArg(frame->frameName()); } */ return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif if (m_project->scenesTotal() > 0) { if (m_project->removeSymbolFromFrame(response->arg().toString(), response->symbolType())) { TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(response->sceneIndex()); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(response->layerIndex()); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(response->frameIndex()); if (frame) response->setFrameState(frame->isEmpty()); } } emit responsed(response); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame() - Error: Symbol can't be removed from project!"; #endif } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbolFromFrame() - No scenes available!"; #endif } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::setFrameVisibility(TupFrameResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); bool view = response->arg().toBool(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(position); if (! frame) return false; frame->setVisible(view); emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::exchangeFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; scene->moveStoryBoardScene(position, newPosition); TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { if (layer->exchangeFrame(position, newPosition)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::exchangeFrame() - Error while exchanging frames"; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } } return false; }
void TupCommandExecutor::setBgColor(TupSceneResponse *response) { QString colorName = response->arg().toString(); m_project->setBgColor(QColor(colorName)); emit responsed(response); }
bool KTCommandExecutor::removeScene(KTSceneResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG K_FUNCINFO; #endif int position = response->sceneIndex(); KTScene *toRemove = m_project->scene(position); if (toRemove) { QDomDocument document; document.appendChild(toRemove->toXml(document)); response->setState(document.toString()); response->setArg(toRemove->sceneName()); if (m_project->removeScene(position)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } } return false; }
bool KTCommandExecutor::moveScene(KTSceneResponse *response) { int position = response->sceneIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); if (m_project->moveScene(position, newPosition)) { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::removeSymbol(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif if ((response->sceneIndex() > -1) && (response->layerIndex() > -1) && (response->frameIndex() > -1)) { if (m_project->removeSymbol(response->arg().toString(), response->symbolType(), response->spaceMode(), response->sceneIndex(), response->layerIndex(), response->frameIndex())) { emit responsed(response); return true; } } else { if (m_project->removeSymbol(response->arg().toString())) { emit responsed(response); return true; } } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::createSymbol(TupLibraryResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tFatal() << "TupCommandExecutor::createSymbol() - Creating object: " << response->arg().toString(); #endif if (m_project->createSymbol(response->symbolType(), response->arg().toString(), response->data(), response->parent())) { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::resetScene(TupSceneResponse *response) { int position = response->sceneIndex(); QString name = response->arg().toString(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(position); if (!scene) return false; scene->reset(name); emit responsed(response); return true; }
bool KTCommandExecutor::setSceneVisibility(KTSceneResponse *response) { int position = response->sceneIndex(); bool view = response->arg().toBool(); KTScene *scene = m_project->scene(position); if (!scene) return false; scene->setVisible(view); emit responsed(response); return true; }
bool KTCommandExecutor::renameScene(KTSceneResponse *response) { int position = response->sceneIndex(); QString newName = response->arg().toString(); KTScene *scene = m_project->scene(position); if (!scene) return false; KTProjectRequest request = KTRequestBuilder::createSceneRequest(position, KTProjectRequest::Rename, newName); scene->setSceneName(newName); emit responsed(response); return true; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::selectFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "[TupCommandExecutor::selectFrame()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); // bool prioritary = response->arg().toBool(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene || scenePos < 0 || position < 0) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { if (position < layer->framesTotal()) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(position); if (! frame) return false; emit responsed(response); return true; } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG QString msg = "TupCommandExecutor::selectFrame() - Invalid frame index -> " + QString::number(position); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << msg; #else tError() << msg; #endif #endif return false; } } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::createLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "[TupCommandExecutor::createLayer()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif int scenePosition = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); QString name = response->arg().toString(); QString state = response->state(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePosition); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->createLayer(name, position); if (! layer) return false; /* if (!name.isEmpty()) layer->setLayerName(name); else response->setArg(layer->layerName()); */ layer->setLayerName(name); // response->setArg(layer->layerName()); // layer->fromXml(state); // m_project->updateScene(scenePosition, scene); emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::renameFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "[TupCommandExecutor::renameFrame()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); QString newName= response->arg().toString(); QString oldName; TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(position); if (! frame) return false; oldName = frame->frameName(); if ( != 0) frame->setFrameName(newName); emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool KTCommandExecutor::lockScene(KTSceneResponse *response) { int position = response->sceneIndex(); bool lock = response->arg().toBool(); #ifdef K_DEBUG kWarning() << "Lock scene: " << lock; #endif KTScene *scene = m_project->scene(position); if (!scene) return false; scene->setLocked(lock); emit responsed(response); return true; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::lockLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); bool lock = response->arg().toBool(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(position); if (layer) { layer->setLocked(lock); emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::pasteFrame(TupFrameResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 qDebug() << "[TupCommandExecutor::pasteFrame()]"; #else T_FUNCINFO; #endif #endif int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int layerPos = response->layerIndex(); int position = response->frameIndex(); QString copyFrame = response->arg().toString(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (scene) { TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(layerPos); if (layer) { TupFrame *frame = layer->frame(position); if (frame) { QString name = frame->frameName(); QDomDocument doc; doc.appendChild(frame->toXml(doc)); response->setArg(doc.toString(0)); frame->clear(); frame->fromXml(copyFrame); frame->setFrameName(name); response->setFrameState(frame->isEmpty()); emit responsed(response); return true; } } } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::setLayerVisibility(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); bool view = response->arg().toBool(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; TupLayer *layer = scene->layer(position); if (layer) { layer->setVisible(view); responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::moveLayer(TupLayerResponse *response) { int scenePos = response->sceneIndex(); int position = response->layerIndex(); int newPosition = response->arg().toInt(); TupScene *scene = m_project->scene(scenePos); if (!scene) return false; if (! scene->moveLayer(position, newPosition)) { #ifdef K_DEBUG tWarning() << "Failed moving layer"; #endif return false; } else { emit responsed(response); return true; } return false; }
bool TupCommandExecutor::removeScene(TupSceneResponse *response) { #ifdef K_DEBUG T_FUNCINFO; #endif int position = response->sceneIndex(); int scenesTotal = m_project->scenesTotal(); TupScene *toRemove = m_project->scene(position); if (toRemove) { QDomDocument document; document.appendChild(toRemove->toXml(document)); response->setState(document.toString()); response->setArg(toRemove->sceneName()); if (m_project->removeScene(position)) { if (position+1 < scenesTotal) { for (int i = position + 1; i < scenesTotal; i++) m_project->moveScene(i, i-1); } emit responsed(response); return true; } } else { #ifdef K_DEBUG tError() << "TupCommandExecutor::removeScene() - Scene doesn't exist (" << position << ")"; #endif } return false; }