void RestartDataPrintCFD(int P, unsigned int iter, Grid& grid, const string& file_name, const string& data_used_to_restart)
	ofstream restart_file(file_name.c_str());

	int data_index = grid.cells[1].data1D.dataMap.find(data_used_to_restart);
	int NV	= grid.cells[1].data1D.data[data_index].numData;

	restart_file << "[ITERATION]: " << iter << endl;
	restart_file << "[NUMBER OF VARIABLES]:" << NV << endl;
	restart_file << "[NCM]:" << grid.NCM << endl;

	for (int c = 1; c <= grid.NCM; c++)
		restart_file << grid.cells[c].geo.ID << "  ";

		for (int i = 0; i <=  NV-1; i++)
			restart_file << grid.cells[c].data1D.data[data_index].data[i] << "  ";

		restart_file << endl;

inline void remove_file()
        case true:
        restart_file(parent_dir() + build_slash(), "");
void ApplicationOP2A::InitializeData(unsigned int num_ic, bool use_restart_file)

	int indexQ = grid.cells[1].data1D.dataMap.find(NAME_Q);
	int indexV = grid.cells[1].data1D.dataMap.find(NAME_V);

	if (use_restart_file == true)
		cout << " ---> Initializing using restart file......" << endl;
		string line;
		string restart_filename;

		restart_filename	= problem_setup.name + ".rst";
		ifstream restart_file(restart_filename.c_str());

		if (!restart_file)
			cout<< "     : There is no restart file. Now, it will be initialized using the specified initial conditions." << endl;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(NT)
			for (int c = 0; c <= grid.NCM; c++)
				grid.cells[c].data1D(indexV)	= IC_V(num_ic);
				grid.cells[c].data1D(indexQ)	= IC_Q(num_ic);
			int numVar;
			int ncm;
			bool is_read_OK = true;

			getline(restart_file, line);
			Common::DataRead::get_data_from_string<unsigned int>(line, "[ITERATION]", 0, iter);

			getline(restart_file, line);
			Common::DataRead::get_data_from_string<int>(line, "[NUMBER OF VARIABLES]:", 1, numVar);

			getline(restart_file, line);
			Common::DataRead::get_data_from_string<int>(line, "[NCM]:", 0, ncm);

			if (numVar != grid.cells[1].data1D.data[indexQ].data.size())
				//throw Common::ExceptionDimensionMatch (FromHere(), "Number of variable in restart file does not match with the problem setting. Need to check the restart file");
				cout << "  [WARNING !!] Number of variable in restart file does not match with the problem setting. It will automatically use the IC of problem setting" << endl;
				cout <<	"				(Number of variable in restart file)   :  " << numVar << endl;
				cout <<	"				(Number of variable in problem setting):  " << grid.cells[1].data1D.data[indexQ].data.size() << endl;
				is_read_OK = false;

			if (ncm != grid.NCM)
				//throw Common::ExceptionDimensionMatch (FromHere(), "Number of cell in restart file does not match with the grid file. Need to check the restart file");
				cout << "  [WARNING !!] Number of cell in restart file does not match with the grid file. It will automatically use the IC of problem setting" << endl;
				cout <<	"				(Number of cell in a restart file)  :  " << ncm << endl;
				cout <<	"				(Number of cell in a grid file)     :  " << grid.NCM << endl;
				is_read_OK = false;

			if (is_read_OK == true)
				while (! restart_file.eof())
					int c;
					restart_file >> c;

					for (int i = 0; i <= numVar-1; i++)	restart_file >> grid.cells[c].data1D(indexV).data[i];


#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(NT)
				for (int c = 1; c <= grid.NCM; c++)
					CFD::VariableChange::V_to_Q(CFD_variabletype, CFD_NT, grid.cells[c].data1D(indexV), species_set, grid.ND, grid.cells[c].data1D(indexQ));
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(NT)
				for (int c = 0; c <= grid.NCM; c++)
					grid.cells[c].data1D(indexV)	= IC_V(num_ic);
					grid.cells[c].data1D(indexQ)	= IC_Q(num_ic);