Exemple #1
scalar cnoidalFirst::ddxPd
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time,
	const vector & unitVector
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x,time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar ddxPd(0);

    ddxPd  =   rhoWater_ * Foam::mag(g_)
             * (
                 eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) + 1.0 / 2.0 * Foam::pow(h_, 2.0) * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)) * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
    ddxPd *= factor(time);

//     Info << "ddxPd still isn't implemented. Need to think about the gradient on arbitrary directed mesh with arbitrary wave number vector! and arbitrary g-direction!!!" << endl;
    return ddxPd;
vector stokesFirstStanding::U
    const point& x,
    const scalar& time
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));

    scalar Uhorz = PI_*H_/period_ *
                   Foam::cosh(K_*(Z + h_))/Foam::sinh(K_*h_) *
                   Foam::cos(omega_*time - (k_ & x) + phi_)
                 - PI_*H_/period_ *
                   Foam::cosh(K_*(Z + h_))/Foam::sinh(K_*h_) *
                   Foam::cos(omega_*time + (k_ & x) + phi_);

    Uhorz *= factor(time);

    scalar Uvert = - PI_*H_/period_ *
                   Foam::sinh(K_*(Z + h_))/Foam::sinh(K_*h_) *
                   Foam::sin(omega_*time - (k_ & x) + phi_)
                 - PI_*H_/period_ *
                   Foam::sinh(K_*(Z + h_))/Foam::sinh(K_*h_) *
                   Foam::sin(omega_*time + (k_ & x) + phi_);

    Uvert *= factor(time);

    // Note "-" because of "g" working in the opposite direction
    return Uhorz*k_/K_ - Uvert*direction_;
Exemple #3
vector cnoidalFirst::U
	const point & x,
	const scalar & time
) const
    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg(argument(x, time));

    scalar snn(0.0), cnn(0.0), dnn(0.0);
    gsl_sf_elljac_e( arg, m_, &snn, &cnn, &dnn);

    scalar etaVal = eta(x,time);

    scalar Uhorz =   celerity_ 
                   * (
                         etaVal / h_ 
                       - Foam::pow(etaVal / h_, 2.0) 
                       + 1.0 / 2.0 * 
                            1.0 / 3.0 
                          - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0)
                       * h_ * eta_xx(snn, cnn, dnn)

    Uhorz       *= factor(time);

    scalar Uvert = - celerity_ * (Z + h_)
                   * (
                        eta_x(snn, cnn, dnn) / h_ * (1 - 2.0 * etaVal / h_)
                      + 1.0 / 6.0 * h_ * eta_xxx(snn, cnn, dnn)
                      * (1 - Foam::pow((Z + h_) / h_, 2.0))

    Uvert       *= factor(time);

    return Uhorz * propagationDirection_ - Uvert * direction_; // Note "-" because of "g" working in the opposite direction

scalar stokesFirstStanding::ddxPd
    const point& x,
    const scalar& time,
    const vector& unitVector
) const

    scalar Z(returnZ(x));
    scalar arg1(omega_*time - (k_ & x) + phi_);
    scalar arg2(omega_*time + (k_ & x) + phi_);

    scalar ddxPd(0);

    ddxPd = (
                rhoWater_*mag(g_)*K_*H_/2.0*Foam::cosh(K_*(Z + h_))
              - rhoWater_*mag(g_)*K_*H_/2.0*Foam::cosh(K_*(Z + h_))

    return ddxPd;