void main (void) { pdata char buff[MAXLINE]; /*Required for Serial Interface*/ SCON = 0x52; /*Serial port configuration*/ TMOD = 0x20; TCON = 0x40; TH1 = 0xf3; /*2403 baudrate @12mhz*/ while(TRUE){ memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); prtline("Enter Line: "); getline(buff); PROMPT; puts(buff); /*Reverse the characters in the line*/ /*Reverse the words in the line*/ rev_word(buff, buff + strlen(buff) - 2); reverse_words(buff); PROMPT; puts(buff); /*Convert the line to its original form*/ rev_word(buff, buff + strlen(buff) - 2); reverse_words(buff); /*Sort the characters in the words in alphabetical order*/ alph_sort_words(buff); PROMPT; puts(buff); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // char line[80]; // fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin); int failed = 0; char line[] = "hello this is easy\n"; reverse_words(line); if (strcmp(line, "easy is this hello\n")) { failed = -1; printf("error, line %s not equal to 'easy is this hello\n'", line); } line[0] = '\0'; reverse_words(line); if (strcmp(line, "")) { failed = -1; printf("error, line %s not equal to ''", line); } line[0] = '\n'; line[1] = '\0'; reverse_words(line); if (strcmp(line, "\n")) { failed = -1; printf("error, line %s not equal to '\n'", line); } return failed; }
include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include "reverse-words.h" #include <stdlib.h> int main() { char test1[] = "Hello my friends!"; reverse_words(test1); assert(strcmp("friends! my Hello",test1) == 0); printf("true1\n"); char test2[] = "Hello"; reverse_words(test2); assert(strcmp("Hello",test2) == 0); printf("true2\n"); char test3[] = "Potato 420"; reverse_words(test3); assert(strcmp("420 Potato",test3) == 0); printf("true3\n"); char test4[] = ""; reverse_words(test4); assert(strcmp("",test4) == 0); printf("true4\n"); char test5[] = "j"; reverse_words(test5); assert(strcmp("j",test5) == 0); printf("true5\n"); return 0; }
// Unit test. bool test_reverse_word(std::ifstream &file) { if(!file.is_open()) { throw; //file not open } std::string line; while(getline(file,line)) { //make a deep copy... std::string expected = line + ""; char* exp = &expected[0]; char* actual = &line[0]; reverse_words_quick_and_dirty(exp); reverse_words(actual); if(strcmp(actual,exp) != 0) { std::cout << "expected: " << exp << std::endl; std::cout << "actual : " << actual << std::endl; std::cout << "Test Failed!" << std::endl; return false; } } std::cout << "Test Passed!" << std::endl; return true; }
void check_reverse_words(const char * input, const char * expected) { char * actual = new char[strlen(input)+1]; strcpy(actual, input); reverse_words(actual); BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE(strcmp(expected,actual)==0, "expecting '" << expected << "' but got '" << actual << "'"); free(actual); }
void str_words_in_rev(char *input, int len) { int length; length = find_length(input); reverse(input, 0, length - 1); reverse_words(input, length); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int len; if(argc > 1) { reverse_words(argv[1]); printf("%s\n", argv[1]); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string input; if (argc < 2) input = "Funny this is"; else input = std::string(argv[1]); std::cout << reverse_words(input) << std::endl; }
/* * Question 0: * * Write a program where the function main prints out all the command line * arguments in order, one per line. */ int main(int argc, string argv[]) { for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) { printf("arg[%d]: %s\n", i, argv[i]); printf("length: %d\n", string_len(argv[i])); printf("num occurrences of %c: %d\n", 'e', num_occur(argv[i],'e')); reverse_string(argv[i],0,4); printf("reverse, start = %d, end = %d: %s", 0, 4, argv[i]); printf("\n"); } char s[] = "be sure to drink your ovaltine"; printf("%s\n", s); reverse_words(s); printf("%s\n", s); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if ( file != NULL ) { char line[200]; char *pos; while( fgets(line, sizeof line, file) != NULL ) { if ((pos = strchr(line, '\n')) != NULL) *pos = '\0'; reverse_words(line); } } return 0; }
int main (void) { std::vector<std::string> strs = {"", "Ciao", "Hello world!", "Hello, today is a very beatiful day", "Hello, today is a very beatiful day.", "Hello, today, is, a, very, beatiful, day.", "How are you? Very good, thank you!"}; for (auto& str: strs) { reverse_words(str); std::cout << str << std::endl; } return 0; }
TEST(TEST_UTILS, reverse_words_1) { string s = "a"; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"a"); s = ""; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,""); s = " a"; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"a"); s = " this is blue sky "; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"sky blue is this"); s = " this is blue sky"; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"sky blue is this"); s = "this is blue sky "; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"sky blue is this"); s = "this"; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"this"); s = "this "; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"this"); s = " this "; reverse_words(s); EXPECT_EQ(s,"this"); }
int main(int nargs, char** args) { if(nargs != 2) { printf("was expecting one argument, the string with words to be reversed\n"); return -1; } char * original = args[1]; char * for_rev_str = new char[strlen(original)+1]; char * for_rev_words = new char[strlen(original)+1]; strcpy(for_rev_str, original); strcpy(for_rev_words, original); reverse_str(for_rev_str, (for_rev_str+strlen(for_rev_str)-1)); reverse_words(for_rev_words); printf("input string: '%s'\n", original); printf("reversed string: '%s'\n", for_rev_str); printf("words reversed: '%s'\n", for_rev_words); }
// Main driver for program1 int main(int argc, char** argv) { options opts = parse_cmd_line(argc, argv); if(opts.do_help) { if(opts.error) { std::cout << "Error parsing command line." << std::endl; } do_help(argv); return -1; } if(opts.run_tests) { std::ifstream file; file.open(opts.input_file,std::ifstream::out); test_reverse_word(file); file.close(); return 0; } char* sentence = &opts.sentence[0]; std::cout << "Input sentence: " << opts.sentence << std::endl; if(opts.use_quick_and_dirty) { reverse_words_quick_and_dirty(sentence); } else { reverse_words(sentence); } std::cout << "Output sentence: " << sentence << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(){ char str[] = "I Love my country"; reverse_words(str); printf("Reversed string: %s\n",str); return 0; }
void main() { char str[] = " string not is a coena af "; printf("str:%s\n",str); reverse_words(str); printf("str:%s\n",str); }
int main() { /*char c;*/ int choice; int n; char str[] = "gee ks f or g ee ks "; char path[128]; char S[128], T[128]; char *pattern = "-20"; char str1[32], str2[32]; char **s; /*do {*/ printf("MENU OPTIONS\n"); printf("1 -- remove spaces from string\n"); printf("2-- Check if a given sequence of moves for a robot is circular or not\n"); printf("3 -- Regex matching problem\n"); printf("4 -- Palindrome detection with non-alphanumeric characters\n"); printf("5 -- Normalize the path\n"); printf("6 -- replace space by percentage20 in a string\n"); printf("7 -- minimum window substring\n"); printf("8 -- integer to english words\n"); printf("9 -- restore IP addresses\n"); printf("10 -- check if strings are isomorphic\n"); printf("11 -- function to determine if a string is a valid number without using any built-in function\n"); printf("12 -- reverse string\n"); printf("13 -- reverse words in a sentence\n"); printf("14 -- shortest distance between words\n"); printf("15 -- shortest distance between words\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Enter your choice\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice){ case 1: removeSpaces(str); printf("%s", str); break; case 2: printf("Enter path\n"); scanf("%s", path); printf("path is circular: %s", checkCircularpath(path)?"yes":"no"); break; case 4: palindrome(); break; case 5: printf("Enter path\n"); fgets(path, 128, stdin); printf("Normalized path: %s\n", normalize(path)); break; case 6: memset(path, '\0', 128); printf("Enter string\n"); scanf("%s", path); /*gets(path);*/ replace_spaces(path, pattern); printf("%s\n", path); break; case 7: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s", S); printf("Enter the pattern\n"); scanf("%s", T); min_window_substring(S, T); break; case 8: /*interger_to_english_words();*/ break; case 9: restore_ip_address(); break; case 10: printf("Enter strings of equal length\n"); printf("Enter string 1\n"); scanf("%s", S); printf("Enter string 2\n"); scanf("%s", T); printf("Strings are isomorphic : %s\n", isomorphic_strings(S, T)?"Yes":"No"); break; case 11: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]s", S); //reading a space through scanf /*fgets(stdin, S, sizeof(S));*/ printf("Is number : %s\n", is_valid_number(S)?"yes":"no"); break; case 12: printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]s", S); //make scanf work with spaces //make scanf work with spaces reverse_string(S, strlen(S)); print_string(S, strlen(S)); break; case 13: printf("Enter the sentence\n"); scanf(" %[^\n]s", S); //make scanf work with spaces //make scanf work with spaces /*fgets(S, 128, stdin);*/ reverse_words(S); print_string(S, strlen(S)); break; case 14: printf("Enter number of words\n"); scanf("%d", &n); s = create_2Dchar_array(n, 128); input_2Dchar_array(s, n, 128); printf("enter word 1\n"); scanf("%s", str1); printf("enter word 2\n"); scanf("%s", str2); printf("Shortest distance between %s and %s : %d\n", str1, str2, shortest_distance(s, n, str1, str2)); break; default: printf("Invalid option\n"); break; } printf("\n\n"); /*}while((c=getchar())!='q'); */ return 0; }
static inline void feed_ram(FILE *f, struct cpu *cpu) { fread(cpu->ram, 2, RAM_SIZE, f); reverse_words(cpu->ram, RAM_SIZE + 1); }