// Checked: 2010-09-28 (RLVa-1.1.3a) | Added: RLVa-1.2.1c
RlvCommandOptionGetPath::RlvCommandOptionGetPath(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd)
	: m_fValid(true)							// Assume the option will be a valid one until we find out otherwise
	// @getpath[:<option>]=<channel> => <option> is transformed to a list of inventory item UUIDs to get the path of

	RlvCommandOptionGeneric rlvCmdOption(rlvCmd.getOption());
	if (rlvCmdOption.isWearableType())			// <option> can be a clothing layer
		EWearableType wtType = rlvCmdOption.getWearableType();
	else if (rlvCmdOption.isAttachmentPoint())	// ... or it can specify an attachment point
		const LLViewerJointAttachment* pAttachPt = rlvCmdOption.getAttachmentPoint();
		for (LLViewerJointAttachment::attachedobjs_vec_t::const_iterator itAttachObj = pAttachPt->mAttachedObjects.begin();
				itAttachObj != pAttachPt->mAttachedObjects.end(); ++itAttachObj)
	else if (rlvCmdOption.isEmpty())			// ... or it can be empty (in which case we act on the object that issued the command)
		const LLViewerObject* pObj = gObjectList.findObject(rlvCmd.getObjectID());
		if ( (pObj) || (pObj->isAttachment()) )
	else										// ... but anything else isn't a valid option
		m_fValid = false;
// Checked: 2010-11-30 (RLVa-1.3.0b) | Modified: RLVa-1.3.0b
RlvCommandOptionGetPath::RlvCommandOptionGetPath(const RlvCommand& rlvCmd)
	m_fValid = true;	// Assume the option will be a valid one until we find out otherwise

	// @getpath[:<option>]=<channel> => <option> is transformed to a list of inventory item UUIDs to get the path of

	RlvCommandOptionGeneric rlvCmdOption(rlvCmd.getOption());
	if (rlvCmdOption.isWearableType())			// <option> can be a clothing layer
		getItemIDs(rlvCmdOption.getWearableType(), m_idItems, false);
	else if (rlvCmdOption.isAttachmentPoint())	// ... or it can specify an attachment point
 		getItemIDs(rlvCmdOption.getAttachmentPoint(), m_idItems, false);
	else if (rlvCmdOption.isEmpty())			// ... or it can be empty (in which case we act on the object that issued the command)
		const LLViewerObject* pObj = gObjectList.findObject(rlvCmd.getObjectID());
		if ( (pObj) || (pObj->isAttachment()) )
	else										// ... but anything else isn't a valid option
		m_fValid = false;