Exemple #1
    // Heapify starts at the last internal node of the tree: n/2.
    // While it hasn't reached the root, it calls siftdown()
    // which recursively compares the node values. The tree will
    // be a max heap when heapify() returns
    void heapify () {
        int *start = rootOf(end());

        while(start >= root()) {
Exemple #2
    // Siftup() takes a node that has just been added to the heap
    // and compares it to its parent. It swaps values if necessary
    // and recurses on the parent node until reaching the root.
    void siftup(int *node) {
        // base case
        if(node == root() || size() == 0) return;

        int *parent = rootOf(node);
        if(*node < *parent) swapValues(node, parent);

        // recursion
        return siftup(parent);
Vector3d CSkeleton::fitToLocation(Joint_handle hJoint, Vector3d target_loc)
	Joint_handle hRoot = rootOf(hJoint);

	if(hRoot == parents[hJoint])
		return globals[hJoint].getOffset();

	Joint_handle hParent = parents[hJoint];

	Vector3d dJoint, dTarget;
	Vector3d pJoint, pParent;
	pJoint = getGlobalPosition(hJoint);
	pParent = getGlobalPosition(hParent);
	dJoint = (pJoint - pParent).Normalize();
	dTarget = (target_loc - pParent).Normalize();

	Quaterniond qParent = getGlobalRotation(hParent);
	//	dJoint = cast_to_vector(!qParent*dJoint*qParent);
	//	dTarget = cast_to_vector(!qParent*dTarget*qParent);

	Vector3d axis = Vector3d::Cross(dJoint, dTarget);
	double dot = Vector3d::Dot(dJoint, dTarget);
	double angle = acos(Vector3d::Dot(dJoint, dTarget));

	Quaterniond qtemp = !qParent*Quaterniond(0, axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z())*qParent;
	axis = Vector3d(qtemp.X(), qtemp.Y(), qtemp.Z());

	Quaterniond rot;
	rot.FromAxisAngle(angle, axis.X(), axis.Y(), axis.Z());
	qtemp = rot*Quaterniond(0, dJoint.X(), dJoint.Y(), dJoint.Z())*!rot;
	Vector3d pos(qtemp.X(), qtemp.Y(), qtemp.Z());
	Vector3d err = pos - dTarget;

	if( angle == 0.f ||
		(axis.X() == 0 && axis.Y() == 0 && axis.Z() ==0) ||
		dJoint == dTarget)
		return globals[hJoint].getOffset();
	//rotateJoint(hParent, rot);

	return globals[hJoint].getOffset();