Exemple #1
void transform( qiv_image *q, enum Orientation orientation) {
    switch (orientation) {
     default: return;
     case HFLIP:     flipH(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Flipped horizontally)"); break;
     case VFLIP:     flipV(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Flipped vertically)"); break;
     case ROT_180:   rot180(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Turned upside down)"); break;
      case TRANSPOSE: transpose(q); swapWH(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Transposed)"); break;
     case ROT_90:    rot90(q); swapWH(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Rotated left)"); break;
     case TRANSVERSE: transpose(q); rot180(q); swapWH(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Transversed)"); break;
     case ROT_270:   rot270(q); swapWH(q); snprintf(infotext, sizeof infotext, "(Rotated left)"); break;
Exemple #2
void ConvolutionalLayer::feedBackward(
    vector<mat>& errors, const vector<mat>& deltas) {

  // Since nInputs == nOutputs for subsampling layer, I just use N.
  size_t nInputs = getNumInputMaps(),
	 nOutputs = getNumOutputMaps();

  SIZE s = this->get_input_img_size();
  size_t batch_size = deltas[0].getCols();

  vector<vector<mat> > oImgs(nOutputs), iImgs(nInputs);
  for (size_t j=0; j<nOutputs; ++j)
    oImgs[j] = reshapeVectors2Images(deltas[j], this->get_output_img_size());

  for (size_t i=0; i<nInputs; ++i)

  for (size_t k=0; k<batch_size; ++k) {
    for (size_t i=0; i<nInputs; ++i) {
      iImgs[i][k].resize(s.m, s.n, 0);
      for (size_t j=0; j<nOutputs; ++j)
	iImgs[i][k] += convn(oImgs[j][k], rot180(_kernels[i][j]), "full");

  if (errors.size() != nInputs)

  for (size_t i=0; i<nInputs; ++i)
    errors[i] = reshapeImages2Vectors(iImgs[i]);

Exemple #3
T Image2D<T>::rotN90 (int row, int col, int N) // Generalazed rotation by N*90 degree
       if (N==0) return rot000(row,col);
  else if (N==1) return rot090(row,col);
  else if (N==2) return rot180(row,col);
  else if (N==3) return rot270(row,col);
  else           return rot000(row,col);
Exemple #4
void ConvolutionalLayer::backPropagate(vector<mat>& errors, const vector<mat>& fins,
    const vector<mat>& fouts, float learning_rate) {

  size_t nInputs = getNumInputMaps(),
	 nOutputs = getNumOutputMaps();

  size_t batch_size = fins[0].getCols();

  // In the following codes, the iteration index i and j stands for
  // i : # of input  features. i = 0 ~ nInputs - 1 
  // j : # of output features. j = 0 ~ nOutputs - 1

  vector<mat> deltas(nOutputs);
  for (size_t j=0; j<nOutputs; ++j)
    deltas[j] = fouts[j] & ( 1.0f - fouts[j] ) & errors[j];

  this->feedBackward(errors, deltas);

  assert(learning_rate > 0);
  float lr = learning_rate / batch_size;

  // iImgs represents the input images.
  // oImgs represents the output images. (Before sigmoid or any other activation function)
  vector<vector<mat> > iImgs(nInputs), oImgs(nOutputs);

  for (size_t i=0; i<nInputs; ++i)
    iImgs[i] = reshapeVectors2Images(fins[i], _input_img_size);

  for (size_t j=0; j<nOutputs; ++j)
    oImgs[j] = reshapeVectors2Images(deltas[j], this->get_output_img_size());

  // Update kernels with learning rate
  for (size_t k=0; k<batch_size; ++k) {
    for (size_t j=0; j<nOutputs; ++j) {

      for (size_t i=0; i<nInputs; ++i)
	_kernels[i][j] -= convn(rot180(iImgs[i][k]), oImgs[j][k], "valid_shm") * lr;

      _bias[j] -= sum_all(oImgs[j][k]) * lr;
Exemple #5
  In the constructor, we just pass the standard parameters on to

  The menu uses a single slot to simplify the process of adding
  more items to the options menu.
ImageViewer::ImageViewer( QWidget *parent, const char *name, int wFlags )
    : QWidget( parent, name, wFlags ),
      conversion_flags( PreferDither ),
      helpmsg( 0 )
    pickx = -1;
    picky = -1;
    clickx = -1;
    clicky = -1;
    alloc_context = 0;

    menubar = new QMenuBar(this);
    menubar->setSeparator( QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle );

    QStrList fmt = QImage::outputFormats();
    saveimage = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    savepixmap = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    for (const char* f = fmt.first(); f; f = fmt.next()) {
	saveimage->insertItem( f );
	savepixmap->insertItem( f );
    connect( saveimage, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(saveImage(int)) );
    connect( savepixmap, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(savePixmap(int)) );

    file = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    menubar->insertItem( "&File", file );
    file->insertItem( "&New window", this,  SLOT(newWindow()), CTRL+Key_N );
    file->insertItem( "&Open...", this,  SLOT(openFile()), CTRL+Key_O );
    si = file->insertItem( "Save image", saveimage );
    sp = file->insertItem( "Save pixmap", savepixmap );
    file->insertItem( "E&xit", qApp,  SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q );

    edit =  new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    menubar->insertItem( "&Edit", edit );
    edit->insertItem("&Copy", this, SLOT(copy()), CTRL+Key_C);
    edit->insertItem("&Paste", this, SLOT(paste()), CTRL+Key_V);
    edit->insertItem("&Horizontal flip", this, SLOT(hFlip()), ALT+Key_H);
    edit->insertItem("&Vertical flip", this, SLOT(vFlip()), ALT+Key_V);
    edit->insertItem("&Rotate 180", this, SLOT(rot180()), ALT+Key_R);
    edit->insertItem("&Text...", this, SLOT(editText()));
    t1 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &1 bit", this, SLOT(to1Bit()) );
    t8 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &8 bit", this, SLOT(to8Bit()) );
    t32 = edit->insertItem( "Convert to &32 bit", this, SLOT(to32Bit()) );

    options =  new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    menubar->insertItem( "&Options", options );
    ac = options->insertItem( "AutoColor" );
    co = options->insertItem( "ColorOnly" );
    mo = options->insertItem( "MonoOnly" );
    fd = options->insertItem( "DiffuseDither" );
    bd = options->insertItem( "OrderedDither" );
    td = options->insertItem( "ThresholdDither" );
    ta = options->insertItem( "ThresholdAlphaDither" );
    ba = options->insertItem( "OrderedAlphaDither" );
    fa = options->insertItem( "DiffuseAlphaDither" );
    ad = options->insertItem( "PreferDither" );
    dd = options->insertItem( "AvoidDither" );
    ss = options->insertItem( "Smooth scaling" );
    cc = options->insertItem( "Use color context" );
    if ( QApplication::colorSpec() == QApplication::ManyColor )
	options->setItemEnabled( cc, FALSE );
    options->setCheckable( TRUE );


    QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
    menubar->insertItem( "&Help", help );
    help->insertItem( "Help!", this, SLOT(giveHelp()), CTRL+Key_H );

    connect( options, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(doOption(int)) );

    status = new QLabel(this);
    status->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
    status->setFixedHeight( fontMetrics().height() + 4 );

    setMouseTracking( TRUE );
Exemple #6
static Image*
_cachedpage(Document *doc, int angle, int page, char *ra)
	int i;
	Cached *c, old;
	Image *im, *tmp;

	if((page < 0 || page >= doc->npage) && !doc->fwdonly)
		return nil;

	for(i=0; i<nelem(cache); i++){
		c = &cache[i];
		if(c->doc == doc && c->angle == angle && c->page == page){
			if(chatty) fprint(2, "cache%s hit %d\n", ra, page);
			goto Found;
		if(c->doc == nil)

	if(i >= nelem(cache))
		i = nelem(cache)-1;
	c = &cache[i];
	c->im = nil;
	c->doc = nil;
	c->page = -1;

	if(chatty) fprint(2, "cache%s load %d\n", ra, page);
	im = doc->drawpage(doc, page);
	if(im == nil){
		if(doc->fwdonly)	/* end of file */
		im = questionmark();
		if(im == nil){
			if(i > 0){
				goto Again;
			fprint(2, "out of memory: %r\n");
		return im;

	if(im->r.min.x != 0 || im->r.min.y != 0){
		/* translate to 0,0 */
		tmp = xallocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, Dx(im->r), Dy(im->r)), im->chan, 0, DNofill);
		if(tmp == nil){
			goto Flush;
		drawop(tmp, tmp->r, im, nil, im->r.min, S);
		im = tmp;

	case 90:
		im = rot90(im);
	case 180:
	case 270:
		im = rot270(im);
	if(im == nil)
		goto Flush;

	c->doc = doc;
	c->page = page;
	c->angle = angle;
	c->im = im;

	if(chatty) fprint(2, "cache%s mtf %d @%d:", ra, c->page, i);
	old = *c;
	memmove(cache+1, cache, (c-cache)*sizeof cache[0]);
	cache[0] = old;
		for(i=0; i<nelem(cache); i++)
			fprint(2, " %d", cache[i].page);
		fprint(2, "\n");
	if(chatty) fprint(2, "cache%s return %d %p\n", ra, old.page, old.im);
	return old.im;
  In the constructor, we just pass the standard parameters on to

  The menu uses a single slot to simplify the process of adding
  more items to the options menu.
FLImageViewer::FLImageViewer( QWidget *parent, const char *name,  WFlags fl )
    : QWidget( parent, name, fl | Qt::WDestructiveClose | Qt::WType_Dialog | Qt::WShowModal | Qt::WStyle_Maximize | Qt::WStyle_SysMenu ),
    conversion_flags( PreferDither ),
    helpmsg( 0 ) {
  pickx = -1;
  picky = -1;
  clickx = -1;
  clicky = -1;
  alloc_context = 0;

  menubar = new QMenuBar( this );
  menubar->setSeparator( QMenuBar::InWindowsStyle );

  QStrList fmt = QImage::outputFormats();
  saveimage = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  savepixmap = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  for ( const char* f = fmt.first(); f; f = fmt.next() ) {
    saveimage->insertItem( f );
    savepixmap->insertItem( f );
  connect( saveimage, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( saveImage( int ) ) );
  connect( savepixmap, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( savePixmap( int ) ) );

  file = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  menubar->insertItem( tr( "&Archivo" ), file );
  //file->insertItem( "&New window", this,  SLOT(newWindow()), CTRL+Key_N );
  file->insertItem( tr( "&Abrir..." ), this,  SLOT( openFile() ), CTRL + Key_O );
  si = file->insertItem( tr( "Guardar imagen" ), saveimage );
  sp = file->insertItem( tr( "Guardar pixmap" ), savepixmap );
  //file->insertItem( "E&xit", qApp,  SLOT(quit()), CTRL+Key_Q );

  edit =  new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  menubar->insertItem( tr( "&Edición" ), edit );
  edit->insertItem( tr( "&Copiar" ), this, SLOT( copy() ), CTRL + Key_C );
  edit->insertItem( tr( "&Pegar" ), this, SLOT( paste() ), CTRL + Key_V );
  edit->insertItem( tr( "Volteo &Horizontal" ), this, SLOT( hFlip() ), ALT + Key_H );
  edit->insertItem( tr( "Volteo &Vertical" ), this, SLOT( vFlip() ), ALT + Key_V );
  edit->insertItem( tr( "&Rotar 180" ), this, SLOT( rot180() ), ALT + Key_R );
  //edit->insertItem("&Text...", this, SLOT(editText()));
  t1 = edit->insertItem( tr( "Convertir a &1 bit" ), this, SLOT( to1Bit() ) );
  t8 = edit->insertItem( tr( "Convertir a &8 bit" ), this, SLOT( to8Bit() ) );
  t32 = edit->insertItem( tr( "Convertir a &32 bit" ), this, SLOT( to32Bit() ) );

  options =  new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  menubar->insertItem( tr( "&Opciones" ), options );
  ac = options->insertItem( "AutoColor" );
  co = options->insertItem( "ColorOnly" );
  mo = options->insertItem( "MonoOnly" );
  fd = options->insertItem( "DiffuseDither" );
  bd = options->insertItem( "OrderedDither" );
  td = options->insertItem( "ThresholdDither" );
  ta = options->insertItem( "ThresholdAlphaDither" );
  ba = options->insertItem( "OrderedAlphaDither" );
  fa = options->insertItem( "DiffuseAlphaDither" );
  ad = options->insertItem( "PreferDither" );
  dd = options->insertItem( "AvoidDither" );
  ss = options->insertItem( tr( "Escalado suavizado" ) );
  cc = options->insertItem( tr( "Usar contexto de color" ) );
  if ( QApplication::colorSpec() == QApplication::ManyColor )
    options->setItemEnabled( cc, FALSE );
  options->setCheckable( TRUE );


  //QPopupMenu* help = new QPopupMenu( menubar );
  //menubar->insertItem( "&Help", help );
  //help->insertItem( "Help!", this, SLOT(giveHelp()), CTRL+Key_H );

  connect( options, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( doOption( int ) ) );

  status = new QLabel( this );
  status->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel | QFrame::Sunken );
  status->setFixedHeight( fontMetrics().height() + 4 );

  setMouseTracking( TRUE );