// Perform the key expansion for AES-128 using 16-byte key; each round stored in round_key
//	Pseudocode taken from Fig.11 in FIPS-197 (page 20)
void key_expansion(unsigned char init_key[16], unsigned char round_key[44][4], FILE* table) {
	unsigned char* temp = (unsigned char*)calloc(1,4);
	unsigned char* s_box = (unsigned char*)calloc(1,256);
	unsigned char* rcon = (unsigned char*)calloc(1,256);
	init_s_box(s_box, table);
	// Store initial round keys (form words from each piece of init key)
	for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
		round_key[i][0] = init_key[4*i];
		round_key[i][1] = init_key[4*i+1];
		round_key[i][2] = init_key[4*i+2];
		round_key[i][3] = init_key[4*i+3];
		// Tried defining round key as a WORD (unsigned int), but I forgot there are
		//	little-endian/big-endian issues with different architectures. F**k that.
	// Generate subsequent round keys (from Nk -> Nb*(Nr+1))
	for(int i=4; i<44; i++) {
		// Set temp var to previous round key
		temp[0] = round_key[i-1][0];
		temp[1] = round_key[i-1][1];
		temp[2] = round_key[i-1][2];
		temp[3] = round_key[i-1][3];
		// Perform Rijndael key schedule core every 4 iterations
		if (i%4 == 0) {
			// For AES-128 and AES-192; rotate temp vals, put through s_box, xor the MSB with rcon
			temp[0] = s_box[ temp[0] ] ^ rcon[i/4];
			temp[1] = s_box[ temp[1] ];
			temp[2] = s_box[ temp[2] ];
			temp[3] = s_box[ temp[3] ];
		// Store current round key
		round_key[i][0] = round_key[i-4][0] ^ temp[0];
		round_key[i][1] = round_key[i-4][1] ^ temp[1];
		round_key[i][2] = round_key[i-4][2] ^ temp[2];
		round_key[i][3] = round_key[i-4][3] ^ temp[3];
Exemple #2
int op_3(char **strarray, long N)
	long perm;
	scanf("%li", &perm);

	int i, j;

	int inceput;

	int stare = 0; //0-nu suntem in cuvant 1-suntem in cuvant
	for (i = 0 ; i < N ; i++)
		for (j = 0 ; j <= strlen(strarray[i]) ; j++)
			// <= pt ca luam si backslash 0

			if (stare == 0)
				if ( ! (one_of(&strarray[i][j])) )
					//daca am ajuns la un cuvant;
					inceput = j;
					stare = 1;
			else //daca stare==1
				if (one_of(&strarray[i][j]))
					stare = 0;
					rot_word(strarray[i], inceput, j, perm);

	printare(strarray, N);
	return 0;

Exemple #3
 * Key Expansion
void key_expansion(uint8_t *key, uint8_t *w) {

	uint8_t tmp[4];
	uint8_t i, j;
	uint8_t len = Nb*(Nr+1);

	for (i = 0; i < Nk; i++) {
		w[4*i+0] = key[4*i+0];
		w[4*i+1] = key[4*i+1];
		w[4*i+2] = key[4*i+2];
		w[4*i+3] = key[4*i+3];

	for (i = Nk; i < len; i++) {
		tmp[0] = w[4*(i-1)+0];
		tmp[1] = w[4*(i-1)+1];
		tmp[2] = w[4*(i-1)+2];
		tmp[3] = w[4*(i-1)+3];

		if (i%Nk == 0) {

			coef_add(tmp, Rcon(i/Nk), tmp);

		} else if (Nk > 6 && i%Nk == 4) {



		w[4*i+0] = w[4*(i-Nk)+0]^tmp[0];
		w[4*i+1] = w[4*(i-Nk)+1]^tmp[1];
		w[4*i+2] = w[4*(i-Nk)+2]^tmp[2];
		w[4*i+3] = w[4*(i-Nk)+3]^tmp[3];