Exemple #1
// Rotates the box and the underlying blob.
void BLOBNBOX::rotate(FCOORD rotation) {
Exemple #2
ColorChecker find_colorchecker(CvSeq * quads, CvSeq * boxes, CvMemStorage *storage, IplImage *image, IplImage *original_image)
    CvPoint2D32f box_corners[4];
    bool passport_box_flipped = false;
    bool rotated_box = false;
    CvMat* points = cvCreateMat( boxes->total , 1, CV_32FC2 );
    for(int i = 0; i < boxes->total; i++)
        CvBox2D box = (*(CvBox2D*)cvGetSeqElem(boxes, i));
        cvSet1D(points, i, cvScalar(box.center.x,box.center.y));
    CvBox2D passport_box = cvMinAreaRect2(points,storage);
    fprintf(stderr,"Box:\n\tCenter: %f,%f\n\tSize: %f,%f\n\tAngle: %f\n",passport_box.center.x,passport_box.center.y,passport_box.size.width,passport_box.size.height,passport_box.angle);
    if(passport_box.angle < 0.0) {
      passport_box_flipped = true;
    cvBoxPoints(passport_box, box_corners);
    // for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    // {
    //   fprintf(stderr,"Box corner %d: %d,%d\n",i,cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[i]).x,cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[i]).y);
    // }
    // cvBox(passport_box, image, cvScalarAll(128), 10);
    if(euclidean_distance(cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[0]),cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[1])) <
       euclidean_distance(cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[1]),cvPointFrom32f(box_corners[2]))) {
        fprintf(stderr,"Box is upright, rotating\n");
        rotated_box = true && passport_box_flipped;

    double horizontal_spacing = euclidean_distance(
    double vertical_spacing = euclidean_distance(
    double horizontal_slope = (box_corners[1].y - box_corners[0].y)/(box_corners[1].x - box_corners[0].x);
    double horizontal_mag = sqrt(1+pow(horizontal_slope,2));
    double vertical_slope = (box_corners[3].y - box_corners[0].y)/(box_corners[3].x - box_corners[0].x);
    double vertical_mag = sqrt(1+pow(vertical_slope,2));
    double horizontal_orientation = box_corners[0].x < box_corners[1].x ? -1 : 1;
    double vertical_orientation = box_corners[0].y < box_corners[3].y ? -1 : 1;
    fprintf(stderr,"Spacing is %f %f\n",horizontal_spacing,vertical_spacing);
    fprintf(stderr,"Slope is %f %f\n", horizontal_slope,vertical_slope);
    int average_size = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < boxes->total; i++)
        CvBox2D box = (*(CvBox2D*)cvGetSeqElem(boxes, i));
        CvRect rect = contained_rectangle(box);
        average_size += MIN(rect.width, rect.height);
    average_size /= boxes->total;
    fprintf(stderr,"Average contained rect size is %d\n", average_size);
    CvMat * this_colorchecker = cvCreateMat(MACBETH_HEIGHT, MACBETH_WIDTH, CV_32FC3);
    CvMat * this_colorchecker_points = cvCreateMat( MACBETH_HEIGHT, MACBETH_WIDTH, CV_32FC2 );
    // calculate the averages for our oriented colorchecker
    for(int x = 0; x < MACBETH_WIDTH; x++) {
        for(int y = 0; y < MACBETH_HEIGHT; y++) {
            CvPoint2D32f row_start;
            if ( ((image->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL) || !rotated_box) && !((image->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_BL) && rotated_box) )
                row_start.x = box_corners[0].x + vertical_spacing * y * (1 / vertical_mag);
                row_start.y = box_corners[0].y + vertical_spacing * y * (vertical_slope / vertical_mag);
                row_start.x = box_corners[0].x - vertical_spacing * y * (1 / vertical_mag);
                row_start.y = box_corners[0].y - vertical_spacing * y * (vertical_slope / vertical_mag);
            CvRect rect = cvRect(0,0,average_size,average_size);
            rect.x = row_start.x - horizontal_spacing * x * ( 1 / horizontal_mag ) * horizontal_orientation;
            rect.y = row_start.y - horizontal_spacing * x * ( horizontal_slope / horizontal_mag ) * vertical_orientation;
            cvSet2D(this_colorchecker_points, y, x, cvScalar(rect.x,rect.y));
            rect.x = rect.x - average_size / 2;
            rect.y = rect.y - average_size / 2;
            // cvRectangle(
            //     image,
            //     cvPoint(rect.x,rect.y),
            //     cvPoint(rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+rect.height),
            //     cvScalarAll(0),
            //     10
            // );
            CvScalar average_color = rect_average(rect, original_image);
    double orient_1_error = check_colorchecker(this_colorchecker);
    double orient_2_error = check_colorchecker(this_colorchecker);
    fprintf(stderr,"Orientation 1: %f\n",orient_1_error);
    fprintf(stderr,"Orientation 2: %f\n",orient_2_error);
    if(orient_1_error < orient_2_error) {
    else {
    // draw_colorchecker(this_colorchecker,this_colorchecker_points,image,average_size);
    ColorChecker found_colorchecker;
    found_colorchecker.error = MIN(orient_1_error,orient_2_error);
    found_colorchecker.values = this_colorchecker;
    found_colorchecker.points = this_colorchecker_points;
    found_colorchecker.size = average_size;
    return found_colorchecker;