void CTargetFind::findWithinCone(CBattleEntity* PTarget, float distance, float angle, uint8 flags)
    m_findFlags = flags;
    m_conal = true;

    // TODO: a point should be based on targets position
    m_APoint = &m_PBattleEntity->loc.p;

    float halfAngle = (angle * (256.0f / 360.0f)) / 2.0f;

    float rightAngle = rotationToRadian(m_APoint->rotation + halfAngle);
    float leftAngle = rotationToRadian(m_APoint->rotation - halfAngle);

    // calculate end points for triangle
    m_BPoint.x = cosf((2 * M_PI) - rightAngle) * distance + m_APoint->x;
    m_BPoint.z = sinf((2 * M_PI) - rightAngle) * distance + m_APoint->z;

    m_CPoint.x = cosf((2 * M_PI) - leftAngle) * distance + m_APoint->x;
    m_CPoint.z = sinf((2 * M_PI) - leftAngle) * distance + m_APoint->z;

    // ShowDebug("angle %f, rotation %f, distance %f, A (%f, %f) B (%f, %f) C (%f, %f)\n", angle, rightAngle, distance, m_APoint->x, m_APoint->z, m_BPoint.x, m_BPoint.z, m_CPoint.x, m_CPoint.z);
    // ShowDebug("Target: (%f, %f)\n", PTarget->loc.p.x, PTarget->loc.p.z);

    // precompute for next stage
    m_BPoint.x = m_BPoint.x - m_APoint->x;
    m_BPoint.z = m_BPoint.z - m_APoint->z;

    m_CPoint.x = m_CPoint.x - m_APoint->x;
    m_CPoint.z = m_CPoint.z - m_APoint->z;

    // calculate scalar
    m_scalar = (m_BPoint.x * m_CPoint.z) - (m_BPoint.z * m_CPoint.x);

    findWithinArea(PTarget, AOERADIUS_ATTACKER, distance);
void CMobController::Move()
    if (!PMob->PAI->CanFollowPath())
    float currentDistance = distance(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p);
    if (PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingScriptedPath() && PMob->PAI->CanFollowPath())

    // attempt to teleport
    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_TYPE) == 1)
        if (m_Tick >= m_LastSpecialTime + std::chrono::milliseconds(PMob->getBigMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_CD)))
            CMobSkill* teleportBegin = battleutils::GetMobSkill(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_START));

            if (teleportBegin)
                m_LastSpecialTime = m_Tick;
                MobSkill(PMob->targid, teleportBegin->getID());

    bool move = PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath();
    float attack_range = PMob->m_ModelSize;

    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_ATTACK_SKILL_LIST) > 0)
        auto skillList {battleutils::GetMobSkillList(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_ATTACK_SKILL_LIST))};

        if (!skillList.empty())
            auto skill {battleutils::GetMobSkill(skillList.front())};
            if (skill)
                attack_range = skill->getDistance();

    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_SHARE_POS) > 0)
        CMobEntity* posShare = (CMobEntity*)PMob->GetEntity(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_SHARE_POS) + PMob->targid, TYPE_MOB);
        PMob->loc = posShare->loc;
    else if (((distance(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p) > attack_range - 0.2f) || move) && PMob->PAI->CanFollowPath())
        //#TODO: can this be moved to scripts entirely?
        if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_DRAW_IN) > 0)
            if (currentDistance >= PMob->m_ModelSize * 2)
                battleutils::DrawIn(PTarget, PMob, PMob->m_ModelSize - 0.2f);
        if (PMob->speed != 0 && PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_NO_MOVE) == 0 && m_Tick >= m_LastSpecialTime)
            // attempt to teleport to target (if in range)
            if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_TYPE) == 2)
                CMobSkill* teleportBegin = battleutils::GetMobSkill(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_START));

                if (teleportBegin && currentDistance <= teleportBegin->getDistance())
                    MobSkill(PMob->targid, teleportBegin->getID());
                    m_LastSpecialTime = m_Tick;
            else if (CanMoveForward(currentDistance))
                if (!PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath() || distanceSquared(PMob->PAI->PathFind->GetDestination(), PTarget->loc.p) > 10)
                    //path to the target if we don't have a path already
                    PMob->PAI->PathFind->PathInRange(PTarget->loc.p, attack_range - 0.2f, PATHFLAG_WALLHACK | PATHFLAG_RUN);
                if (!PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath())
                    //arrived at target - move if there is another mob under me
                    if (PTarget->objtype == TYPE_PC)
                        for (auto PSpawnedMob : static_cast<CCharEntity*>(PTarget)->SpawnMOBList)
                            if (PSpawnedMob.second != PMob && !PSpawnedMob.second->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath() && distance(PSpawnedMob.second->loc.p, PMob->loc.p) < 1.f)
                                auto angle = getangle(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p) + 64;
                                position_t new_pos {0, PMob->loc.p.x - (cosf(rotationToRadian(angle)) * 1.5f),
                                    PTarget->loc.p.y, PMob->loc.p.z + (sinf(rotationToRadian(angle)) * 1.5f), 0};
                                if (PMob->PAI->PathFind->ValidPosition(new_pos))
                                    PMob->PAI->PathFind->PathTo(new_pos, PATHFLAG_WALLHACK | PATHFLAG_RUN);
void CMobController::DoCombatTick(time_point tick)
    PTarget = static_cast<CBattleEntity*>(PMob->GetEntity(PMob->GetBattleTargetID()));

    if (TryDeaggro())


    float currentDistance = distance(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p);

    if (!(PMob->m_Behaviour & BEHAVIOUR_NO_TURN))

    luautils::OnMobFight(PMob, PTarget);

    // Try to spellcast (this is done first so things like Chainspell spam is prioritised over TP moves etc.
    if (IsSpecialSkillReady(currentDistance) && TrySpecialSkill())
    else if (IsSpellReady(currentDistance) && TryCastSpell())
    else if (m_Tick >= m_LastMobSkillTime && dsprand::GetRandomNumber(100) < PMob->TPUseChance() && MobSkill())

    if (PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingScriptedPath() && PMob->PAI->CanFollowPath())

    // attempt to teleport
    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_TYPE) == 1)
        if (m_Tick >= m_LastSpecialTime + std::chrono::milliseconds(PMob->getBigMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_CD)))
            CMobSkill* teleportBegin = battleutils::GetMobSkill(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_START));

            if (teleportBegin)
                m_LastSpecialTime = m_Tick;
                MobSkill(PMob->targid, teleportBegin->getID());

    bool move = PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath();
    float attack_range = PMob->m_ModelSize;

    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_ATTACK_SKILL_LIST) > 0)
        auto skillList {battleutils::GetMobSkillList(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_ATTACK_SKILL_LIST))};

        if (!skillList.empty())
            auto skill {battleutils::GetMobSkill(skillList.front())};
            if (skill)
                attack_range = skill->getDistance();

    if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_SHARE_POS) > 0)
        CMobEntity* posShare = (CMobEntity*)PMob->GetEntity(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_SHARE_POS) + PMob->targid, TYPE_MOB);
        PMob->loc = posShare->loc;
    else if (((distance(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p) > attack_range - 0.2f) || move) && PMob->PAI->CanFollowPath())
        //#TODO: can this be moved to scripts entirely?
        if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_DRAW_IN) > 0)
            if (currentDistance >= PMob->m_ModelSize * 2)
                battleutils::DrawIn(PTarget, PMob, PMob->m_ModelSize - 0.2f);
        if (PMob->speed != 0 && m_Tick >= m_LastSpecialTime)
            // attempt to teleport to target (if in range)
            if (PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_TYPE) == 2)
                CMobSkill* teleportBegin = battleutils::GetMobSkill(PMob->getMobMod(MOBMOD_TELEPORT_START));

                if (teleportBegin && currentDistance <= teleportBegin->getDistance())
                    MobSkill(PMob->targid, teleportBegin->getID());
                    m_LastSpecialTime = m_Tick;
            else if (CanMoveForward(currentDistance))
                if (!PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath())
                    //path to the target if we don't have a path already
                    PMob->PAI->PathFind->PathInRange(PTarget->loc.p, attack_range - 0.2f, PATHFLAG_WALLHACK | PATHFLAG_RUN);
                if (!PMob->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath())
                    //arrived at target - move if there is another mob under me
                    if (PTarget->objtype == TYPE_PC)
                        for (auto PSpawnedMob : static_cast<CCharEntity*>(PTarget)->SpawnMOBList)
                            if (PSpawnedMob.second != PMob && !PSpawnedMob.second->PAI->PathFind->IsFollowingPath() && distance(PSpawnedMob.second->loc.p, PMob->loc.p) < 1.f)
                                auto angle = getangle(PMob->loc.p, PTarget->loc.p) + 64;
                                position_t new_pos {0, PMob->loc.p.x - (cosf(rotationToRadian(angle)) * 1.5f),
                                    PTarget->loc.p.y, PMob->loc.p.z + (sinf(rotationToRadian(angle)) * 1.5f), 0};
                                if (PMob->PAI->PathFind->ValidPosition(new_pos))
                                    PMob->PAI->PathFind->PathTo(new_pos, PATHFLAG_WALLHACK | PATHFLAG_RUN);