virtual bool _onStart() { xa=0, ya=0, za=0; gc=0; Info() << "Initializing I2C"; if (i2c.openDevice("/dev/i2c-1") < 0) { Error() << "Unable to open i2c device"; return false; } Info() << "Initializing sensors"; if (l3gd20h.initialize() < 0) { Error() << "Unable to initialize gyroscope"; return 255; } l3gd20h.onData = [&](float x, float y, float z) { xa += x; ya += y; za +=z; gc++; }; if (l3gd20h.start(L3GD20H_RATE_OCTA) < 0) { Error() << "Unable to start gyroscope data colection"; return 255; } Info() << "Initializing timers"; stats_timer.onTimeout = [&]() { float epoll_mono, callback_mono, epoll_cpu, callback_cpu; _event_poller->getTimings(epoll_mono, callback_mono, epoll_cpu, callback_cpu); Info() << "Real Time: epoll" << epoll_mono << "callbacks" << callback_mono << "ratio" << roundTo(epoll_mono / (epoll_mono + callback_mono) * 100, 0.1) << "%" << "/" << roundTo(callback_mono / (epoll_mono + callback_mono) * 100, 0.1) << "%"; Info() << "CPU Time: epoll" << epoll_cpu << "callbacks" << callback_cpu << "ratio" << roundTo(epoll_cpu / (epoll_cpu + callback_cpu) * 100, 0.1) << "%" << "/" << roundTo(callback_cpu / (epoll_cpu + callback_cpu) * 100, 0.1) << "%"; }; stats_timer.start(5000); l3gd20h_timer.onTimeout = [&]() { Info() << "Gyroscope XYZ" << xa / gc << ya / gc << za / gc << "samples: " << gc; xa = ya = za = 0; gc = 0; }; l3gd20h_timer.start(1000); return Application::_onStart(); }
vector<ERL_NIF_TERM> LiberationCoding::doEncode(ERL_NIF_TERM dataBin) { int *bitmatrix = liberation_coding_bitmatrix(k, w); int **smart = jerasure_smart_bitmatrix_to_schedule(k, m, w, bitmatrix); char* dataBlocks[k]; char* codeBlocks[m]; ErlNifBinary data; enif_inspect_binary(env, dataBin, &data); size_t dataSize = data.size; size_t blockSize = roundTo((roundTo(dataSize, k*w) / (k*w)), 16) * w; size_t offset = 0; size_t remain = dataSize; int filled = 0; while(remain >= blockSize) { dataBlocks[filled] = (char*) + offset; offset += blockSize; remain -= blockSize; filled++; } ErlNifBinary tmp; enif_alloc_binary((k + m - filled) * blockSize + 16, &tmp); size_t align = (((size_t) & 0x0f) - ((size_t) & 0x0f) + 16) & 0x0f; char* alignedHead = (char*) + align; memcpy(alignedHead, + filled * blockSize, dataSize - filled * blockSize); offset = 0; for(int i = filled; i < k + m; ++i, offset += blockSize) { (i < k) ? dataBlocks[i] = alignedHead + offset: codeBlocks[i - k] = alignedHead + offset; } jerasure_schedule_encode(k, m, w, smart, dataBlocks, codeBlocks, blockSize, blockSize / w); vector<ERL_NIF_TERM> blockList; for(int i = 0; i < filled; ++i) { blockList.push_back(enif_make_sub_binary(env, dataBin, i * blockSize, blockSize)); } ERL_NIF_TERM tmpBin = enif_make_binary(env, &tmp); offset = 0; for(int i = filled; i < k + m; ++i, offset += blockSize) { blockList.push_back(enif_make_sub_binary(env, tmpBin, offset + align, blockSize)); } jerasure_free_schedule(smart); free(bitmatrix); return blockList; }
bool KinematicsSolver::solveTranscendal(double a, double b, double c, double* theta) { /* * Solution for Transcendal Eqn * aCos(x) + bSin(x) = c; */ if (DBL_EQ(a, 0) && !DBL_EQ(b, 0) ) { // then Sin(x) = c/b; theta[0] = asin(c/b); theta[1] = M_PI - theta[0]; return true; // solved! } if (DBL_EQ(b, 0) && !DBL_EQ(a, 0) ) { // then Cos(x) = c/a; theta[0] = acos(c/a); theta[1] = -theta[0]; return true; // solved! } double denom = roundTo(a + c, 0.0); double rootTerm = roundTo(pow(b, 2) + pow(a, 2) - pow(c, 2) , 0); // TODO: Check for denom == 0 or rootTerm < 0 first??? // check for a + c = 0; if (DBL_EQ(denom, 0) ) { theta[0] = M_PI; //u1 and u2 will be +180. -180 resp theta[1] = -M_PI; return true; // solved! :) } if (rootTerm < 0) { //cout<<"Error!: Solution did not converge" << endl; return false; // solution is imaginary and hence does not converge :( } rootTerm = sqrt(rootTerm); //distinct solutions possible theta[0] = 2 * atan( (b + rootTerm ) / denom); theta[1] = 2 * atan( (b - rootTerm ) / denom); return true; // solved! }
void MonitorBar::calculateVMRegion(int32 startAddr, int32 size, fint& in_core_percentage, fint& oldlen) { int32 pagesize = OS::get_page_size(); int32 start = startAddr & ~(pagesize - 1); int32 end = roundTo(startAddr + size, pagesize); int32 npages = (end - start) / pagesize; # define PSIZE 4096 static char m[PSIZE]; // shouldn't use (m)alloc - in int handler! int32 incore = 0; if (npages != 0) { int32 remaining = npages; while (start < end) { int32 len = end - start; // len = size of area in bytes int32 n = remaining; // n = size of area in pages if (len > PSIZE * pagesize) { len = PSIZE * pagesize; n = PSIZE; } if (OS::min_core((caddr_t)start, len, m)) { perror("monitor: OS::min_core failed! "); } else { for (int32 i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (m[i] & 1) incore++; } } start += len; remaining -= n; } fint percent = (100 * incore + npages / 2) / npages; if (in_core_percentage != percent) oldlen = -1; // time to update in_core_percentage = percent; } # undef PSIZE }
nmethod* nmethod::new_nmethod(AbstractCompiler* c, bool generateDebugCode) { // This grossness is brought to you by the great way in which C++ // handles non-standard allocation... Assembler* instsA = c->instructions(); iLen = roundTo(instsA->instsEnd - instsA->instsStart, oopSize); ilLen = (char*) instsA->locsEnd - (char*) instsA->locsStart; sLen = c->scopeDescRecorder()->size(); depsStart = c->L->deps->start(); depsEndArg = c->L->deps->end(); dLen = (char*) depsEndArg - (char*) depsStart; // This assertion is tempting, but zombie nmethods created in the conversion // break it because they are obsolete. // A dependency from the method to the nmethod would be cleaner, but // would take more space -- dmu 7/39 // // assert ( dLen > 0 // || c->L->selector == VMString[DO_IT], // "all nmethods must have some dependencies"); nmethod* nm = new nmethod(c, generateDebugCode); Memory->code->used_per_compiler[c->nmName()] += nm->size(); return nm; }
oop doubleByteArrayKlass::allocateObjectSize(int size, bool permit_scavenge, bool tenured) { klassOop k = as_klassOop(); int ni_size = non_indexable_size(); int obj_size = ni_size + 1 + roundTo(size * 2, oopSize) / oopSize; // allocate oop* result = tenured ? Universe::allocate_tenured(obj_size, permit_scavenge) : Universe::allocate(obj_size, (memOop*)&k, permit_scavenge); if (result == NULL) return NULL; doubleByteArrayOop obj = as_doubleByteArrayOop(result); // header memOop(obj)->initialize_header(true, k); // instance variables memOop(obj)->initialize_body(memOopDesc::header_size(), ni_size); // indexables oop* base = (oop*) obj->addr(); oop* end = base + obj_size; // %optimized 'obj->set_length(size)' base[ni_size] = as_smiOop(size); // %optimized 'for (int index = 1; index <= size; index++) // obj->doubleByte_at_put(index, 0)' base = &base[ni_size+1]; while (base < end) *base++ = (oop) 0; return obj; }
PRIM_DECL_2(doubleByteArrayPrimitives::allocateSize, oop receiver, oop argument) { PROLOGUE_2("allocateSize", receiver, argument) assert(receiver->is_klass() && klassOop(receiver)->klass_part()->oop_is_doubleByteArray(), "receiver must double byte array class"); if (!argument->is_smi()) markSymbol(vmSymbols::first_argument_has_wrong_type()); if (smiOop(argument)->value() < 0) return markSymbol(vmSymbols::negative_size()); klassOop k = klassOop(receiver); int ni_size = k->klass_part()->non_indexable_size(); int obj_size = ni_size + 1 + roundTo(smiOop(argument)->value() * 2, oopSize) / oopSize; // allocate doubleByteArrayOop obj = as_doubleByteArrayOop(Universe::allocate(obj_size, (memOop*)&k)); // header memOop(obj)->initialize_header(true, k); // instance variables memOop(obj)->initialize_body(memOopDesc::header_size(), ni_size); // indexables oop* base = (oop*) obj->addr(); oop* end = base + obj_size; // %optimized 'obj->set_length(size)' base[ni_size] = argument; // %optimized 'for (int index = 1; index <= size; index++) // obj->doubleByte_at_put(index, 0)' base = &base[ni_size+1]; while (base < end) *base++ = (oop) 0; return obj; }
/** * record audio from the Androids input channel, this stores only the incoming audio * not the remaining audio processed / generated by the engine * * aRecording {bool} toggles the recording state * aMaxBuffers {int} the total recorded buffer size to store in memory * before writing the recorded contents as .WAV file into * the given output directory. * aOutputDirectory {char*} name of the folder to write each snippet into */ void SequencerController::setRecordingFromDeviceState( bool aRecording, int aMaxBuffers, char* aOutputFile ) { // in case Sequencer was recording its output, halt recording of output if ( AudioEngine::recordOutputToDisk ) setRecordingState( false, 0, ( char* ) "\0" ); bool wasRecording = AudioEngine::recordInputToDisk; AudioEngine::recordInputToDisk = aRecording; if ( AudioEngine::recordInputToDisk ) { DiskWriter::prepare( std::string( aOutputFile ), roundTo( aMaxBuffers, AudioEngineProps::BUFFER_SIZE ), AudioEngineProps::INPUT_CHANNELS ); } else if ( wasRecording ) { // recording halted, write currently recording snippet into file // and concatenate all recorded snippets into the requested output file name // we can do this synchronously as this method is called from outside the // rendering thread and thus won't lead to buffer under runs DiskWriter::writeBufferToFile( DiskWriter::currentBufferIndex, false ); if ( DiskWriter::finish()) Notifier::broadcast( Notifications::RECORDING_COMPLETED ); } }
PRIM_DECL_2(doubleValueArrayPrimitives::allocateSize, oop receiver, oop argument) { PROLOGUE_2("allocateSize", receiver, argument) assert(receiver->is_klass() && klassOop(receiver)->klass_part()->oop_is_doubleValueArray(), "receiver must double byte array class"); if (!argument->is_smi()) markSymbol(vmSymbols::first_argument_has_wrong_type()); if (smiOop(argument)->value() < 0) return markSymbol(vmSymbols::negative_size()); int length = smiOop(argument)->value(); klassOop k = klassOop(receiver); int ni_size = k->klass_part()->non_indexable_size(); int obj_size = ni_size + 1 + roundTo(length * sizeof(double), oopSize) / oopSize; // allocate doubleValueArrayOop obj = as_doubleValueArrayOop(Universe::allocate(obj_size, (memOop*)&k)); // header memOop(obj)->initialize_header(true, k); // instance variables memOop(obj)->initialize_body(memOopDesc::header_size(), ni_size); obj->set_length(length); for (int index = 1; index <= length; index++) { obj->double_at_put(index, 0.0); } return obj; }
void space::read_snapshot(FILE* snap, char *bottom, char *top) { objs_bottom = (oop*)bottom; objs_top = objs_bottom + (old_objs_top - old_objs_bottom); bytes_top = (oop*)top; bytes_bottom = bytes_top - (old_bytes_top - old_bytes_bottom); if (objs_top >= bytes_bottom) snap_error("space too small to read in snapshot"); if (page_aligned) { char *objs_page_end = OS::idealized_page_end( objs_top); char *bytes_page_start = OS::idealized_page_start(bytes_bottom); if (fseek(snap, roundTo(ftell(snap), idealized_page_size), SEEK_SET) < 0) snap_error("seek failed"); if (bytes_page_start <= objs_page_end) OS::Mmap(objs_bottom, bytes_top, snap); else { OS::Mmap(objs_bottom, objs_page_end, snap); OS::Mmap(bytes_page_start, bytes_top, snap); } } else { OS::FRead_mem_swap(objs_bottom, objs_top, snap); OS::FRead_mem(bytes_bottom, bytes_top, snap); } }
bool KinematicsSolver::solveTheta21(double t3, double F1) { //Let out T3 double _f2 = DH_a3 * sin(t3) + DH_d4 * cos(t3); double F2 = roundTo(_f2, 0); /* * Transcendal Equation * g3 = z = s2sin(alpha1)F1 + c2sin(alpha1)F2 * F2 c2 + F1 s2 = z * * here sin alpha1 = -1 */ double* t2= new double[2]; if (!solveTranscendal(F2, F1, -pos(3), t2)) { return false; } bool solved = false; if (checkJointValidity(t2[0], JL2)) { solved = solved || solveTheta1(t3, t2[0], F1, F2); } if (!sameAngles(t2)) { if (checkJointValidity(t2[1], JL2)) { solved = solved || solveTheta1(t3, t2[1], F1, F2); } } return solved; }
bool KinematicsSolver::solveTheta1(double t3, double t2, double F1, double F2) { //cout << "T2: " << t2 << endl; try { double G1 = roundTo( (cos(t2) * F1 - sin(t2) * F2) + DH_a1, 0); //cout << endl << "G1 is " << G1; if(DBL_EQ(G1, 0)) { return solveTheta56(t3, t2, 0); } Matrix G(2, 2); G.Row(1) << G1 << 0; G.Row(2) << 0 << G1; ColumnVector p(2); p(1) = pos(1); p(2) = pos(2); ColumnVector tmp = G.i() * p; double __tmp1 = roundTo(tmp(1), 0); double __tmp2 = roundTo(tmp(2), 0); double t1 = atan2(__tmp2, __tmp1); //cout << "T1: " << t1 << endl; bool solved = false; if (checkJointValidity(t1, JL1)) { if(checkTheta123(t1, t2, t3)) { //cout<< "Thetas 123: " << t1 << " " << t2 << " " << t3 << endl; solved = solved || solveTheta56(t3, t2, t1); } } return solved; } catch (Exception e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } return false; }
char* OS::allocate_idealized_page_aligned(int32 &size, const char *name, caddr_t desiredAddress, bool mustAllocate) { size= roundTo(size, idealized_page_size); assert(idealized_page_size % get_page_size() == 0, "page size mismatch"); char* b = allocate_heap_aligned(desiredAddress, size, idealized_page_size, name, mustAllocate); if (b == NULL) size= 0; return b; }
string utils::printNumber(double number, double error) { ostringstream result; const short numberMagnitude = magnitude(number); const short errorMagnitude = magnitude(error); number = roundTo(number, pow(10, errorMagnitude - 1)); error = roundTo(error, pow(10, errorMagnitude - 1)); // Use scientific notation if (numberMagnitude > 4 || numberMagnitude < -3) { result << toString(number / pow(10, numberMagnitude), numberMagnitude - errorMagnitude + 2) << "*10^" << numberMagnitude << " #pm " << toString(error / pow(10, numberMagnitude), 2) << "*10^" << numberMagnitude; } // Use fixed notation else { result << toString(number, numberMagnitude - errorMagnitude + 2) << " #pm " << toString(error, 2); } return result.str(); }
void MachineCache::flush_instruction_cache_range(void* s, void* e) { MakeDataExecutable(s, (char*)e - (char*)s); // Could make this more efficient by depending on cache characteristics, // e.g. I-cache line size. Also, should be a nop on machines without // split I/D caches (everything up to SS-2). const fint cacheLineSize = 8; // a guess char* start = (char*) ((int)s & ~(cacheLineSize - 1)); char* end = (char*) roundTo((int)e, cacheLineSize); for ( ; start < end; start += cacheLineSize) { FlushInstruction(start); // FLUSH inst flushes (at least) a doubleword } }
void space::write_snapshot(FILE* file) { OS::set_access_before_writing_space(objs_bottom, objs_top, bytes_bottom, bytes_top); if (page_aligned) { char *objs_page_end= OS::idealized_page_end( objs_top); char *bytes_page_start= OS::idealized_page_start(bytes_bottom); fseek(file, roundTo(ftell(file), idealized_page_size), SEEK_SET); if (bytes_page_start <= objs_page_end) OS::FWrite_mem(objs_bottom, bytes_top, file); else { OS::FWrite_mem(objs_bottom, objs_page_end, file); OS::FWrite_mem(bytes_page_start, bytes_top, file); } } else { OS::FWrite_mem(objs_bottom, objs_top, file); OS::FWrite_mem(bytes_bottom, bytes_top, file); } OS::reset_access_after_writing_space(objs_bottom, objs_top, bytes_bottom, bytes_top); }
void Projector::saveXML(ofXml &xml) { // color xml.setAttribute("brightness", ofToString(roundTo(brightness, .001))); xml.setAttribute("contrast", ofToString(roundTo(contrast, .001))); xml.setAttribute("saturation", ofToString(roundTo(hue, .001)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(saturation, .001)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(lightness, .001)) ); //camera xml.setAttribute("position", ofToString(roundTo(cameraPosition.x, .01)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(cameraPosition.y, .01)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(cameraPosition.z, .01)) ); xml.setAttribute("orientation", ofToString(roundTo(cameraOrientation.x, .01)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(cameraOrientation.y, .01)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(cameraOrientation.z, .01)) ); xml.setAttribute("fov", ofToString(roundTo(cameraFov, .01))); xml.setAttribute("offset", ofToString(roundTo(cameraOffset.x, .001)) + "," + ofToString(roundTo(cameraOffset.y, .001)) ); // plane;;; }
oop byteArrayKlass::allocateObjectSize(int size) { klassOop k = as_klassOop(); int ni_size = non_indexable_size(); int obj_size = ni_size + 1 + roundTo(size, oopSize) / oopSize; // allocate byteArrayOop obj = as_byteArrayOop(Universe::allocate(obj_size, (memOop*)&k)); // header memOop(obj)->initialize_header(true, k); // instance variables memOop(obj)->initialize_body(memOopDesc::header_size(), ni_size); // indexables oop* base = (oop*) obj->addr(); oop* end = base + obj_size; // %optimized 'obj->set_length(size)' base[ni_size] = as_smiOop(size); // %optimized 'for (int index = 1; index <= size; index++) // obj->byte_at_put(index, '\000')' base = &base[ni_size+1]; while (base < end) *base++ = (oop) 0; return obj; }
std::vector<double> GenerateKernel(double sigma, int kernelSize, int sampleCount) { int samplesPerBin = ceil(sampleCount / kernelSize); if(samplesPerBin % 2 == 0) ++samplesPerBin; double weightSum = 0; int kernelLeft = -floor(kernelSize/2); std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > outsideSamplesLeft = calcSamplesForRange(-5 * sigma, kernelLeft - 0.5, sigma, samplesPerBin); std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > outsideSamplesRight = calcSamplesForRange(-kernelLeft+0.5, 5 * sigma, sigma, samplesPerBin); std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >, double> > allSamples; allSamples.push_back(std::make_pair(outsideSamplesLeft, 0.0)); for(int tap=0; tap<kernelSize; ++tap) { double left = kernelLeft - 0.5 + tap; std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > tapSamples = calcSamplesForRange(left, left+1, sigma, samplesPerBin); double tapWeight = integrateSimphson(tapSamples); allSamples.push_back(std::make_pair(tapSamples, tapWeight)); weightSum += tapWeight; } allSamples.push_back(std::make_pair(outsideSamplesRight, 0.0)); for(int i=0; i<allSamples.size(); ++i) { allSamples[i].second = roundTo(allSamples[i].second / weightSum, 6); } std::vector<double> weights; for(int i=1; i<allSamples.size()-1; ++i) { weights.push_back(allSamples[i].second); } return weights; }
void CodeGen::fixupFrame(RegisterState* s) { // window size adjustment assert(haveStackFrame, "should have stack frame"); assert(is_end_of_enter(prologueAddr), "enter?"); // must include permanents and stack: local slots, blocks and stack _number_of_memory_locals = s->stackDepth; fint min_space_to_reserve = s->stackDepth + s->argDepth + s->rcvrDepth + num_extra_locals_for_runtime; fint min_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr = min_space_to_reserve + ircvr_offset /*pc, ebp*/; fint actual_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr = roundTo(min_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr, frame_word_alignment); fint actual_space_to_reserve = min_space_to_reserve + actual_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr - min_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr; frameSize = actual_space_from_incoming_rcvr_to_outgoing_rcvr; assert((frameSize & (frame_word_alignment - 1)) == 0, "alignment"); set_space_reserved_by_enter_instruction(prologueAddr, actual_space_to_reserve); if (number_of_memory_locals() > sizeof(RegisterString) * BitsPerByte) { // must clear extra stack locations: Label patches(a.printing); a.saveExcursion( callPatchAddr );; DefinedLabel return_from_patches(a.printing); assert(a.addr() == endCallPatchAddr, "???"); a.endExcursion(); a.Comment("zero locations not in mask()"); patches.define(); for ( fint i = sizeof(RegisterString) * BitsPerByte; i < number_of_memory_locals(); ++i) { Location r; int32 d; OperandType t; reg_disp_type_of_loc(&r, &d, &t, StackLocation_for_index(i)); a.movl(0, NumberOperand, r, d, t); }; } }
// Return the oop size for a doubleValueArrayOop int object_size(int number_of_doubleValues) const { return non_indexable_size() + 1 + roundTo(number_of_doubleValues * sizeof(double), oopSize) / oopSize; }
|| r == (char*) &MakeOld_stub_returnPC; } fint volatile_register_sp_or_fp_offset(char* r) { return r == (char*) &SendMessage_stub_returnPC ? SendMessage_stub_volatile_register_sp_offset : r == (char*)&SendDIMessage_stub_returnPC ? SendDIMessage_stub_volatile_register_sp_offset : r == (char*) &Recompile_stub_returnPC ? Recompile_stub_volatile_register_sp_offset : r == (char*) &MakeOld_stub_returnPC ? MakeOld_stub_volatile_register_sp_offset : r == (char*)&SaveSelfNonVolRegs_returnPC ? SaveSelfNonVolRegs_volatile_register_fp_offset : 0; } // Duplicated in runtime_asm_gcc.s: fint ReturnTrap_frame_size = roundTo(linkage_area_size + HandleReturnTrap_arg_count + NumLocalNonVolRegisters, frame_word_alignment); // Not implemented on PPC: char* DIRecompile_stub_returnPC = NULL; oop failure_oop_for_restarting_uncommon_prim() { assert(SaveOutgoingArgumentsOfPatchedFrames, "PPC needs this"); warning("untested: failure_oop_for_restarting_uncommon_prim"); return OutgoingArgsOfReturnTrapOrRecompileFrame->obj_at(0); } void fillRegisterValue(Location loc, oop b) { warning("untested"); OutgoingArgsOfReturnTrapOrRecompileFrame->obj_at_put(loc - ReceiverReg, b); }
void BDecimalSpinner::SetValueFromText() { SetValue(roundTo(atof(TextView()->Text()), Precision())); }
nmethod* SICompiler::compile() { EventMarker em("SIC-compiling %#lx %#lx", L->selector(), NULL); ShowCompileInMonitor sc(L->selector(), "SIC", recompilee != NULL); // cannot recompile uncommon branches in DI nmethods & top nmethod yet FlagSetting fs2(SICDeferUncommonBranches, SICDeferUncommonBranches && diLink == NULL && L->adeps->length() == 0 && L->selector() != VMString[DO_IT]); // don't use uncommon traps when recompiling because of trap useUncommonTraps = SICDeferUncommonBranches && !currentProcess->isUncommon(); // don't inline into doIt FlagSetting fs3(Inline, Inline && L->selector() != VMString[DO_IT]); # if TARGET_ARCH != I386_ARCH // no FastMapTest possible on I386 // don't use fast map loads if this nmethod trapped a lot FlagSetting fs4(FastMapTest, FastMapTest && (recompilee == NULL || recompilee->flags.trapCount < MapLoadTrapLimit)); # endif FlagSetting fs5(PrintCompilation, PrintCompilation || PrintSICCompilation); timer t; FlagSetting fs6(verifyOften, SICDebug || CheckAssertions); if(PrintCompilation || PrintLongCompilation || PrintCompilationStatistics || VMSICLongProfiling) { t.start(); } if (PrintCompilation || PrintSICCode) { lprintf("*SIC-%s%scompiling %s%s: (SICCompilationCount=%d)", currentProcess->isUncommon() ? "uncommon-" : "", recompilee ? "re" : "", sprintName( (methodMap*) method()->map(), L->selector()), sprintValueMethod( L->receiver ), (void*)SICCompilationCount); } topScope->genCode(); buildBBs(); if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(false); bbIterator->eliminateUnreachableNodes(); // needed for removeUptoMerge to work // compute exposed blocks and up-level accessed vars bbIterator->computeExposedBlocks(); bbIterator->computeUplevelAccesses(); // make defs & uses and insert flush nodes for uplevel-accessed vars bbIterator->makeUses(); // added verify here cause want to catch unreachable merge preds // before elimination -- dmu if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(); if (SICLocalCopyPropagate) { bbIterator->localCopyPropagate(); if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(); } if (SICGlobalCopyPropagate) { bbIterator->globalCopyPropagate(); if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(); } if (SICEliminateUnneededNodes) { bbIterator->eliminateUnneededResults(); if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(); } // do after CP to explot common type test source regs if (SICOptimizeTypeTests) { bbIterator->computeDominators(); bbIterator->optimizeTypeTests(); if (verifyOften) bbIterator->verify(); } // allocate the temp (i.e. volatile) registers bbIterator->allocateTempRegisters(); // allocate the callee-saved (i.e. non-volatile) registers SICAllocator* a = theAllocator; a->allocate(bbIterator->globals, topScope->incoming); stackLocCount = a->stackTemps; // make sure frame size is aligned properly int32 frame_size_so_far = frameSize(); stackLocCount += roundTo(frame_size_so_far, frame_word_alignment) - frame_size_so_far; // compute the register masks for inline caches bbIterator->computeMasks(stackLocCount, nonRegisterArgCount()); topScope->computeMasks(regStringToMask(topScope->incoming), stackLocCount, nonRegisterArgCount()); if (PrintSICCode) { print_code(false); lprintf("\n\n"); } topScope->describe(); // must come before gen to set scopeInfo genHelper = new SICGenHelper; bbIterator->gen(); assert(theAssembler->verifyLabels(), "undefined labels"); rec->generate(); topScope->fixupBlocks(); // must be after rec->gen to know offsets if (vscopes) computeMarkers(); // ditto nmethod* nm = new_nmethod(this, false); if (theAssembler->lastBackpatch >= theAssembler->instsEnd) fatal("dangling branch"); em.event.args[1] = nm; fint ms = IntervalTimer::dont_use_any_timer ? 0 : t.millisecs(); if (PrintCompilation || PrintLongCompilation) { if (!PrintCompilation && PrintLongCompilation && ms >= MaxCompilePause) { lprintf("*SIC-%s%scompiling ", currentProcess->isUncommon() ? "uncommon-" : "", recompilee ? "re" : ""); methodMap* mm = method() ? (methodMap*) method()->map() : NULL; printName(mm, L->selector()); lprintf(": %#lx (%ld ms; level %ld)\n", nm, (void*)ms, (void*)nm->level()); } else if (PrintCompilation) { lprintf(": %#lx (%ld ms; level %ld v%d)\n", (void*)nm, (void*)ms, (void*)nm->level(), (void*)nm->version()); } } if (SICDebug && estimatedSize() > inlineLimit[NmInstrLimit]) { float rat = (float)estimatedSize() / (float)nm->instsLen(); lprintf("*est. size = %ld, true size = %ld, ratio = %4.2f\n", (void*)estimatedSize(), (void*)nm->instsLen(), *(void**)&rat); } if (PrintCompilationStatistics) { static fint counter = 0; lprintf("\n*SIC-time= |%ld| ms; to/co/sc/lo/de= |%ld|%ld|%ld|%ld|%ld| %ld|%ld|%ld| %ld |", (void*)ms, (void*) (nm->instsLen() + nm->scopes->length() + nm->locsLen() + nm->depsLen), (void*)nm->instsLen(), (void*)nm->scopes->length(), (void*)nm->locsLen(), (void*)nm->depsLen, (void*)BasicNode::currentID, (void*)bbIterator->bbCount, (void*)ncodes, (void*)counter++); } # if GENERATE_DEBUGGING_AIDS if (CheckAssertions) { // nm->verify(); } # endif return nm; }
nmethod::nmethod(AbstractCompiler* c, bool generateDebugCode) { CHECK_VTBL_VALUE; _instsLen = roundTo(iLen, oopSize); _locsLen = ilLen; depsLen = dLen; // backpointer is just before deps depsAddr = (nmln*) ((char*)dAddr + sizeof(nmethod*)); *dBackLinkAddr() = this; // Copy the nmethodScopes scopeDescs generated by the ScopeDescRecorder // to the allocation area. c->scopeDescRecorder()->copyTo((VtblPtr_t*)sAddr, (int32)this); this->scopes = (nmethodScopes*) sAddr; oldCount = 0; flags.clear(); flags.isDebug = generateDebugCode; setCompiler(c->name()); flags.isUncommonRecompiled = currentProcess->isUncommon(); verifiedOffset = c->verifiedOffset(); diCheckOffset = c->diCheckOffset(); frameCreationOffset = c->frameCreationOffset(); rememberLink.init(); codeTableLink= NULL; diLink.init(c->diLink); if (diLink.notEmpty()) flags.isDI = true; flags.level = c->level(); if (flags.level >= MaxRecompilationLevels) { // added = zzzz warning1("setting invalid nmethod level %ld", flags.level); // fix this flags.level = 0; } flags.version = c->version(); if (c->nmName() == nm_nic && ((FCompiler*)c)->isImpure) makeImpureNIC(); key.set_from(c->L->key); check_store(); clear_frame_chain(); assert(c->frameSize() >= 0, "frame size cannot be negative"); frame_size = c->frameSize(); _incoming_arg_count = c->incoming_arg_count(); get_platform_specific_data(c); Assembler* instsA = c->instructions(); copy_bytes( instsA->instsStart, insts(), instsLen()); copy_words((int32*)instsA->locsStart, (int32*)locs(), ilLen/4); copy_words((int32*)depsStart, (int32*)deps(), depsLen/4); addrDesc *l, *lend; for (l = locs(), lend = locsEnd(); l < lend; l++) { l->initialShift(this, (char*)insts() - (char*)instsA->instsStart, 0); } char* bound = Memory->new_gen->boundary(); for (l = locs(), lend = locsEnd(); l < lend; l++) { if (l->isOop()) OopNCode::check_store(oop(l->referent(this)), bound); // cfront garbage else if (l->isSendDesc()) { l->asSendDesc(this)->dependency()->init(); } else if (l->isDIDesc()) { l->asDIDesc(this)->dependency()->init(); flags.isDI = true; } } for (nmln* d = deps(), *dend = depsEnd(); d < dend; d++) { d->relocate(); } MachineCache::flush_instruction_cache_range(insts(), instsEnd()); MachineCache::flush_instruction_cache_for_debugging(); if (this == (nmethod*)catchThisOne) warning("caught nmethod"); }
static int getSize(int def) { const int blockSize = 4 * K; return roundTo(def, blockSize); }
static int getSize(char* name, int def) { const int blockSize = 4 * K; int size = GetNumericEnvironmentVariable(name, 1024, def); return roundTo(size, blockSize); }
static int scale_and_adjust(int value) { int result = roundTo(value * K, Universe::page_size()); return result; }
//Public QPointF LinkNodeItem::gridSnapOffset() const { if (grid_size) return roundTo(sceneCenterPos(), grid_size) - sceneCenterPos(); else return QPointF(); }
inline double normalize(double x) { return roundTo(roundTo(roundTo(x, -1), 1), 0); }