Exemple #1
// Multiply this matrix by the rArg and place result to vector
NaVector&   NaMatrix::multiply (NaVector& rArg, NaVector& rRes) const
    if(dim_cols() != rArg.dim())


    unsigned    iR, iC;
    for(iR = 0; iR < dim_rows(); ++iR){
        rRes[iR] = 0.0;
        for(iC = 0; iC < dim_cols(); ++iC)
            rRes[iR] += *(row_ptr(iR) + iC) * rArg[iC];
#if 0
    if(dim_rows() != rArg.dim())


    unsigned    iR, iC;
    for(iR = 0; iR < nDimRow; ++iR){
        rRes[iR] = 0.0;
        for(iC = 0; iC < nDimCol; ++iC)
            rRes[iR] += *(row_ptr(iR) + iC) * rArg[iC];
    return rRes;
Exemple #2
// Print contents of the array via NaPrintLog() facility
void       NaMatrix::print_contents () const
    unsigned    iR, iC;
    NaPrintLog("Matrix(this=%p, rows=%u, cols=%u):\n",
               this, nDimRow, nDimCol);
    for(iR = 0; iR < nDimRow; ++iR){
        for(iC = 0; (int)iC < (int)nDimCol - 1; ++iC)
            NaPrintLog("\t%g", *(row_ptr(iR) + iC));
        NaPrintLog("\t%g\n", *(row_ptr(iR) + nDimCol - 1));
Exemple #3
void img::PixMat::verticalFlip() {
	int lastRow = height_ - 1;
	guint8* temp = new guint8[rowstride_];
	for (int i = 0; i < height_ / 2; i++) {
		guint8* rowA = row_ptr(i);
		guint8* rowB = row_ptr(lastRow - i);
		memcpy(temp, rowA, rowstride_);
		memcpy(rowA, rowB, rowstride_);
		memcpy(rowB, temp, rowstride_);
	delete[] temp;
Exemple #4
// Initialization of the diagonal items by the given value and other ones by 0
void        NaMatrix::init_diag (NaReal v)
    unsigned    i, j;
    for(i = 0; i < nDimRow; ++i){
        for(j = 0; j < nDimCol; ++j){
            if(i == j)
                row_ptr(i)[j] = v;
                row_ptr(i)[j] = 0.0;
Exemple #5
// Access to the value of the item
NaReal      NaMatrix::get (unsigned iR, unsigned iC) const
    if(invalid(iR, iC))

    return *(row_ptr(iR) + iC);
Exemple #6
// Access to the item
NaReal*     NaMatrix::operator[] (unsigned iR)
    if(invalid(iR, 0))

    return row_ptr(iR);
Exemple #7
// Access to the item
NaReal&     NaMatrix::fetch (unsigned iR, unsigned iC)
    if(invalid(iR, iC))

    return *(row_ptr(iR) + iC);
Exemple #8
double LpEq(int m, int n, int nnz) {
  std::vector<T> val(nnz);
  std::vector<int> col_ind(nnz);
  std::vector<int> row_ptr(m + 2);
  std::vector<T> x(n);
  std::vector<T> y(m + 1);

  std::default_random_engine generator;
  std::uniform_real_distribution<T> u_dist(static_cast<T>(0),

  // Enforce c == rand(n, 1)
  std::vector<std::tuple<int, int, T>> entries;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
    entries.push_back(std::make_tuple(m, i, u_dist(generator)));

  // Generate A and c according to:
  //   A = 4 / n * rand(m, n)
  nnz = MatGenApprox(m + 1, n, nnz, val.data(), row_ptr.data(), col_ind.data(),
    static_cast<T>(0), static_cast<T>(4.0 / n), entries);
  pogs::MatrixSparse<T> A_('r', m + 1, n, nnz, val.data(), row_ptr.data(),
  pogs::PogsIndirect<T, pogs::MatrixSparse<T>> pogs_data(A_);
  std::vector<FunctionObj<T> > f;
  std::vector<FunctionObj<T> > g;

  // Generate b according to:
  //   v = rand(n, 1)
  //   b = A * v
  std::vector<T> v(n);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    v[i] = u_dist(generator);

  f.reserve(m + 1);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
    T b_i = static_cast<T>(0);
    for (unsigned int j = row_ptr[i]; j < row_ptr[i + 1]; ++j)
      b_i += val[j] * v[col_ind[j]];
    f.emplace_back(kIndEq0, static_cast<T>(1), b_i);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)

  double t = timer<double>();
  pogs_data.Solve(f, g);

  return timer<double>() - t;
Exemple #9
// Add a matrix to this one
NaMatrix&   NaMatrix::add (const NaMatrix& rMatr)
    if(dim_rows() != rMatr.dim_rows() ||
       dim_cols() != rMatr.dim_cols())

    unsigned    iR, iC;
    for(iR = 0; iR < nDimRow; ++iR)
        for(iC = 0; iC < nDimCol; ++iC)
            *(row_ptr(iR) + iC) += *(rMatr.row_ptr(iR) + iC);

    return *this;
// multigrid v-cycle
void v_cycle( double* P, uint n_dof, cuint nx, cuint ny, cuint nz,
			  cdouble hx, cdouble hy, cdouble hz,
			  cdouble hx2i, cdouble hy2i, cdouble hz2i,
			  cdouble tol, cuint max_iteration, cuint pre_smooth_iteration,
			  cdouble lx, cdouble ly, cdouble lz,
			  cuint level, cuint max_level,
			  double* F,
			  double& Er,
			  double* Uss, double* Vss, double* Wss,
			  cdouble bcs[][6],
			  cdouble dt
	cout<<"level: "<<level<<" n_dof: "<<n_dof<<endl;

	// initialize finite difference matrix (+1 for global constraint)
// 	double** M = new double*[n_dof];
// 	for(int n = 0; n < (n_dof); n++)
// 		M[n] = new double[n_dof];
// 	// initialize 
// #pragma omp parallel for shared(n_dof, M)
// 	for(int i=0; i<n_dof; i++)
// 		for(int j=0; j<n_dof; j++)
// 			M[i][j] = 0;

	vector<tuple <uint, uint, double> > M_sp;
	vector<double> val;
	vector<uint> col_ind;
	vector<uint> row_ptr(1,0);
	// create finite difference matrix
	cout<<"create finite difference matrix"<<endl;
	// build pressure matrix
	pressure_matrix( M_sp,
					 val, col_ind, row_ptr,
					 nx, ny, nz,
					 hx2i, hy2i, hz2i,
	// construct load vector
	// load vector is created only at the level 0
		F = new double[n_dof];
		cout<<"create load vector"<<endl;

		pressure_rhs(F, Uss, Vss, Wss, nx, ny, nz, bcs, hx, hy, hz, dt);
		// load_vector(F, n_dof, I,J,K );

	// cout<<"save matrix and vector"<<endl;
	// char matrix_file[100];
	// char vector_file[100];
	// sprintf(vector_file, "vector_%i.dat", level);
	// if(write_vector(n_dof,F,vector_file)) cout<<"write_vector fail"<<endl;
	// construct solution vector
	double* U;
	if(level==0) U=P;
	else U = new double[n_dof];
	double* U_tmp = new double[n_dof];
	// initial guess
#pragma omp parallel for shared(U, U_tmp) num_threads(nt)
	for(int n=0; n<n_dof; n++){
	    U[n] = 0.0;
	    U_tmp[n] = 0.0;

	// residual and error
	double* R = new double[n_dof];

	// perform pre-smoothing and compute residual
	cout<<"pre-smoothing "<<pre_smooth_iteration<<" times"<<endl;
	Er = tol*10;
	jacobi_sparse(tol, pre_smooth_iteration, n_dof, U, U_tmp,
				  val, col_ind, row_ptr, F, Er, R);
	// restriction of residual on coarse grid
	double* F_coar;
	// Restrict the residual
	cuint nx_coar = (nx)/2;
	cuint ny_coar = (ny)/2;
	cuint nz_coar = (nz)/2;
	uint n_dof_coar = nx_coar*ny_coar*nz_coar; 
	F_coar = new double[n_dof_coar];

	// mesh size 
	cdouble hx_coar = lx/(nx_coar);
	cdouble hy_coar = ly/(ny_coar);
	cdouble hz_coar = lz/(nz_coar);
	// inverse of square of mesh sizes
	cdouble hx2i_coar = 1.0/(hx_coar*hx_coar);
	cdouble hy2i_coar = 1.0/(hy_coar*hy_coar);
	cdouble hz2i_coar = 1.0/(hz_coar*hz_coar);
	// restric residual to the coarrse grid
	restriction( R, F_coar, nx, ny, nz, nx_coar, ny_coar, nz_coar);
	// construct solution vector on coarse grid
	double* U_coar = new double[n_dof_coar];
	double* U_coar_tmp = new double[n_dof_coar];
	// if the grid is coarsest
	if( level==max_level){
		cout<<"level: "<<level+1<<" n_dof: "<<n_dof_coar<<endl;

		// initial guess
#pragma omp parallel for shared(U_coar, U_coar_tmp) num_threads(nt)
		for(int n=0; n<n_dof_coar; n++){
			U_coar[n] = 0.0;
			U_coar_tmp[n] = 0.0;

		vector<tuple <uint, uint, double> > M_sp_coar;
		vector<double> val_coar;
		vector<uint> col_ind_coar;
		vector<uint> row_ptr_coar(1,0);
		// create finite difference matrix
		cout<<"create finite difference matrix"<<endl;
		// fd_matrix_sparse(M_sp_coar, val_coar, col_ind_coar, row_ptr_coar,
		// 				 nx_coar,ny_coar,nz_coar,
		// 				 hx2i_coar, hy2i_coar, hz2i_coar, n_dof_coar );
		pressure_matrix( M_sp_coar, val_coar, col_ind_coar, row_ptr_coar,
						 nx_coar, ny_coar, nz_coar,
						 hx2i_coar, hy2i_coar, hz2i_coar,
		// residual on coarse grid
		double* R_coar = new double[n_dof_coar];
		// exact Jacobi method
		Er = tol*10;
		jacobi_sparse(tol, max_iteration, n_dof_coar, U_coar, U_coar_tmp,
					  val_coar, col_ind_coar, row_ptr_coar, F_coar,
					  Er, R_coar);
		// write_results( U_coar,
		// 			   n_dof_coar,
		// 			   I_coar, J_coar, K_coar,
		// 			   dx_coar, dy_coar, dz_coar, level);
		delete[] R_coar;
		// cout<<"R"<<endl;
		// for(int i=0; i<n_dof; i++)
		// 	cout<<R[i]<<endl;
		// v_cycle on the coarse grid
		v_cycle( U_coar, n_dof_coar, nx_coar, ny_coar, nz_coar,
						  hx_coar, hy_coar, hz_coar,
						  hx2i_coar, hy2i_coar, hz2i_coar,
						  tol, max_iteration, pre_smooth_iteration,
						  lx, ly, lz,
						  level+1, max_level,
						  F_coar, Er,
						  Uss, Vss, Wss,
						  bcs, dt
		cdouble dx_coar = lx/(nx_coar);
		cdouble dy_coar = ly/(ny_coar);
		cdouble dz_coar = lz/(nz_coar);

		// // write partial results for test purpose
		// write_results( U_coar,
		// 			   n_dof_coar,
		// 			   I_coar, J_coar, K_coar,
		// 			   dx_coar, dy_coar, dz_coar, level);

	// interpolate to fine grid
	double* E = new double[n_dof];
	interpolation(U_coar, E, nx_coar,ny_coar,nz_coar, nx, ny, nz);

	// correct the fine grid approximation
#pragma omp parallel for shared(U,E) num_threads(nt)
	for(int i=0; i<n_dof; i++){
		// cout<<i<<" "<<U[i]<<" "<<E[i]<<" "<<E[i]/U[i]<<endl;
		U[i] += E[i];

	// perform post-smoothing and compute residual
	uint post_smooth_iteration;
	// if(level==0)
	// else
		// post_smooth_iteration=( pre_smooth_iteration+1)*1000;

	cout<<"post-smoothing "<<post_smooth_iteration<<" times on level "
	// jacobi(tol, post_smooth_iteration, n_dof, U, U_tmp, M, F, Er, R);
	Er = tol*10;
	jacobi_sparse(tol, post_smooth_iteration, n_dof, U, U_tmp,
				  val, col_ind, row_ptr, F, Er, R);

	// cleanup
	if (level==0)
		delete[] F;

	delete[] U_tmp;
	delete[] R, F_coar;
	delete[] E;
	delete[] U_coar, U_coar_tmp;
Exemple #11
      void tImgLinear::insert_data( uint8_t const* data_, uint32_t size_, uint32_t offset_ ) {
         uint32_t sxp = pitch();
         uint32_t sx = size().x();

         if( _ImgFormat == PixelFormat::rgb() ) {
            sx *= PixelFormat::rgb().val();

         if( _ImgFormat == PixelFormat::rgba() ) {
            sx *= PixelFormat::rgba().val();

         if( sxp == sx ) { // sx == pitch, no pdading image
            int b = bytes();

            if( size_ > 0 && size_ + offset_ <= bytes() && _is_allocated ) {
               uint8_t* pdata = _data + offset_;
               memcpy( pdata, data_, size_ );


         if( size_ <= sx ) { // fits in one line
            uint8_t* pdata = _data + offset_;
            memcpy( pdata, data_, size_ );

         uint32_t pitchdiff = pitch() - sx;
         uint32_t line = ( offset_ / sx );
         uint32_t offset_intern = offset_ +  line * pitchdiff;

         uint32_t off_remainder = offset_intern - ( offset_intern / pitch() ) * pitch() ;

         // offset starts at pitch boundary
         if( off_remainder == 0 ) {
            vector< vector<uint8_t> > _vv;
            uint32_t i = 0;
            uint8_t const* data_input = data_;

            while( i < size_ && ( i <= ( size_ - sx ) ) ) {
               vector<uint8_t> v( data_input, data_input + sx );
               _vv.push_back( v );
               i += sx;
               data_input += sx;

            uint32_t i_remainder = i - ( i / sx ) * sx ;

            if( i_remainder > 0 ) {
               vector<uint8_t> v1( data_input, data_input + i_remainder );
               _vv.push_back( v1 );

            for( vector<uint8_t> v8 : _vv ) {
               uint8_t* row = row_ptr( line );
               memcpy( row, &v8[0], v8.size() );

 row_data row (int y) const { return row_data(0, safe_cast<int>(data_.width() - 1), row_ptr(y)); }
 uint8_t const* row_ptr(int, int y, unsigned) {return row_ptr(y);}