/* * Ensure rs->sr_entry is modifiable, by duplicating it if necessary. * Obey sr_flags. Set REP_ENTRY_<MODIFIABLE, and MUSTBEFREED if duplicated>. * Return nonzero if rs->sr_entry was replaced. */ int rs_entry2modifiable( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, slap_overinst *on ) { if ( rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE ) { rs_assert_ok( rs ); return 0; } rs_replace_entry( op, rs, on, entry_dup( rs->sr_entry )); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE | REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; return 1; }
/* * Ensure rs->sr_entry is modifiable, by duplicating it if necessary. * Obey sr_flags. Set REP_ENTRY_<MODIFIABLE, and MUSTBEFREED if duplicated>. * Return nonzero if rs->sr_entry was replaced. */ int rs_ensure_entry_modifiable( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, slap_overinst *on ) { if ( rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE ) { RS_ASSERT((rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MUSTFLUSH)==REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED); return 0; } rs_replace_entry( op, rs, on, entry_dup( rs->sr_entry )); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE | REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; return 1; }
static int pblock_set( Slapi_PBlock *pb, int param, void *value ) { int rc = PBLOCK_SUCCESS; pblock_lock( pb ); switch ( param ) { case SLAPI_OPERATION: pb->pb_op = (Operation *)value; break; case SLAPI_OPINITIATED_TIME: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_time = *((long *)value); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_ID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_opid = *((long *)value); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_TYPE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_tag = *((ber_tag_t *)value); break; case SLAPI_OPERATION_MSGID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_msgid = *((long *)value); break; case SLAPI_X_OPERATION_DELETE_GLUE_PARENT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_delete_glue_parent = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_X_OPERATION_NO_SCHEMA_CHECK: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_no_schema_check = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_X_OPERATION_NO_SUBORDINATE_GLUE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_no_subordinate_glue = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_REQCONTROLS: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_ctrls = (LDAPControl **)value; break; case SLAPI_RESCONTROLS: { LDAPControl **ctrls = NULL; pblock_get_default( pb, param, (void **)&ctrls ); if ( ctrls != NULL ) { /* free old ones first */ ldap_controls_free( ctrls ); } rc = pblock_set_default( pb, param, value ); break; } case SLAPI_ADD_RESCONTROL: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); rc = pblock_add_control( pb, (LDAPControl *)value ); break; case SLAPI_REQUESTOR_DN: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); rc = pblock_set_dn( value, &pb->pb_op->o_dn, &pb->pb_op->o_ndn, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case SLAPI_MANAGEDSAIT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_managedsait = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_X_RELAX: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_relax = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_BACKEND: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_op->o_bd = (BackendDB *)value; break; case SLAPI_CONNECTION: pb->pb_conn = (Connection *)value; break; case SLAPI_X_CONN_SSF: PBLOCK_ASSERT_CONN( pb ); PBLOCK_LOCK_CONN( pb ); pb->pb_conn->c_ssf = (slap_ssf_t)(long)value; PBLOCK_UNLOCK_CONN( pb ); break; case SLAPI_X_CONN_SASL_CONTEXT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_CONN( pb ); PBLOCK_LOCK_CONN( pb ); pb->pb_conn->c_sasl_authctx = value; PBLOCK_UNLOCK_CONN( pb ); break; case SLAPI_TARGET_DN: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); rc = pblock_set_dn( value, &pb->pb_op->o_req_dn, &pb->pb_op->o_req_ndn, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); break; case SLAPI_CONN_ID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_CONN( pb ); PBLOCK_LOCK_CONN( pb ); pb->pb_conn->c_connid = *((long *)value); PBLOCK_UNLOCK_CONN( pb ); break; case SLAPI_CONN_DN: PBLOCK_ASSERT_CONN( pb ); PBLOCK_LOCK_CONN( pb ); rc = pblock_set_dn( value, &pb->pb_conn->c_dn, &pb->pb_conn->c_ndn, NULL ); PBLOCK_UNLOCK_CONN( pb ); break; case SLAPI_RESULT_CODE: case SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_rs->sr_err = *((int *)value); break; case SLAPI_RESULT_TEXT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); snprintf( pb->pb_textbuf, sizeof( pb->pb_textbuf ), "%s", (char *)value ); pb->pb_rs->sr_text = pb->pb_textbuf; break; case SLAPI_RESULT_MATCHED: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_rs->sr_matched = (char *)value; /* XXX should dup? */ break; case SLAPI_ADD_ENTRY: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_ADD ) pb->pb_op->ora_e = (Slapi_Entry *)value; else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS: { Modifications **mlp; Modifications *newmods; PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); rc = pblock_set_default( pb, param, value ); if ( rc != PBLOCK_SUCCESS ) { break; } if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODIFY ) { mlp = &pb->pb_op->orm_modlist; } else if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_ADD ) { mlp = &pb->pb_op->ora_modlist; } else if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODRDN ) { mlp = &pb->pb_op->orr_modlist; } else { break; } newmods = slapi_int_ldapmods2modifications( pb->pb_op, (LDAPMod **)value ); if ( newmods != NULL ) { slap_mods_free( *mlp, 1 ); *mlp = newmods; } break; } case SLAPI_MODRDN_NEWRDN: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODRDN ) { rc = pblock_set_dn( value, &pb->pb_op->orr_newrdn, &pb->pb_op->orr_nnewrdn, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( rc == LDAP_SUCCESS ) rc = rdn_validate( &pb->pb_op->orr_nnewrdn ); } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; case SLAPI_MODRDN_NEWSUPERIOR: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODRDN ) { if ( value == NULL ) { if ( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup != NULL ) { pb->pb_op->o_tmpfree( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup ); pb->pb_op->orr_newSup = NULL; } if ( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup != NULL ) { pb->pb_op->o_tmpfree( pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup ); pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup = NULL; } } else { if ( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup == NULL ) { pb->pb_op->orr_newSup = (struct berval *)pb->pb_op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof(struct berval), pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( pb->pb_op->orr_newSup ); } if ( pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup == NULL ) { pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup = (struct berval *)pb->pb_op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof(struct berval), pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); BER_BVZERO( pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup ); } rc = pblock_set_dn( value, pb->pb_op->orr_newSup, pb->pb_op->orr_nnewSup, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); } } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; case SLAPI_MODRDN_DELOLDRDN: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_MODRDN ) pb->pb_op->orr_deleteoldrdn = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_SCOPE: { int scope = *((int *)value); PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) { switch ( *((int *)value) ) { case LDAP_SCOPE_BASE: case LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL: case LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE: case LDAP_SCOPE_SUBORDINATE: pb->pb_op->ors_scope = scope; break; default: rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; } } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; } case SLAPI_SEARCH_DEREF: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) pb->pb_op->ors_deref = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_SIZELIMIT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) pb->pb_op->ors_slimit = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_TIMELIMIT: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) pb->pb_op->ors_tlimit = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_FILTER: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) pb->pb_op->ors_filter = (Slapi_Filter *)value; else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_STRFILTER: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) { pb->pb_op->ors_filterstr.bv_val = (char *)value; pb->pb_op->ors_filterstr.bv_len = strlen((char *)value); } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRS: { AttributeName *an = NULL; size_t i = 0, j = 0; char **attrs = (char **)value; PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag != LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; } /* also set mapped attrs */ rc = pblock_set_default( pb, param, value ); if ( rc != PBLOCK_SUCCESS ) { break; } if ( pb->pb_op->ors_attrs != NULL ) { pb->pb_op->o_tmpfree( pb->pb_op->ors_attrs, pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); pb->pb_op->ors_attrs = NULL; } if ( attrs != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; attrs[i] != NULL; i++ ) ; } if ( i ) { an = (AttributeName *)pb->pb_op->o_tmpcalloc( i + 1, sizeof(AttributeName), pb->pb_op->o_tmpmemctx ); for ( i = 0; attrs[i] != NULL; i++ ) { an[j].an_desc = NULL; an[j].an_oc = NULL; an[j].an_flags = 0; an[j].an_name.bv_val = attrs[i]; an[j].an_name.bv_len = strlen( attrs[i] ); if ( slap_bv2ad( &an[j].an_name, &an[j].an_desc, &pb->pb_rs->sr_text ) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { j++; } } an[j].an_name.bv_val = NULL; an[j].an_name.bv_len = 0; } pb->pb_op->ors_attrs = an; break; } case SLAPI_SEARCH_ATTRSONLY: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_SEARCH ) pb->pb_op->ors_attrsonly = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_SEARCH_RESULT_ENTRY: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); rs_replace_entry( pb->pb_op, pb->pb_rs, NULL, (Slapi_Entry *)value ); /* TODO: Should REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE be set? */ pb->pb_rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; break; case SLAPI_BIND_RET_SASLCREDS: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_rs->sr_sasldata = (struct berval *)value; break; case SLAPI_EXT_OP_REQ_OID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_EXTENDED ) { pb->pb_op->ore_reqoid.bv_val = (char *)value; pb->pb_op->ore_reqoid.bv_len = strlen((char *)value); } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; case SLAPI_EXT_OP_REQ_VALUE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_EXTENDED ) pb->pb_op->ore_reqdata = (struct berval *)value; else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_EXT_OP_RET_OID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_rs->sr_rspoid = (char *)value; break; case SLAPI_EXT_OP_RET_VALUE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); pb->pb_rs->sr_rspdata = (struct berval *)value; break; case SLAPI_BIND_METHOD: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_BIND ) pb->pb_op->orb_method = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_BIND_CREDENTIALS: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_BIND ) pb->pb_op->orb_cred = *((struct berval *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_COMPARE_TYPE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_COMPARE ) { const char *text; pb->pb_op->orc_ava->aa_desc = NULL; rc = slap_str2ad( (char *)value, &pb->pb_op->orc_ava->aa_desc, &text ); } else { rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; } break; case SLAPI_COMPARE_VALUE: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_COMPARE ) pb->pb_op->orc_ava->aa_value = *((struct berval *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_ABANDON_MSGID: PBLOCK_ASSERT_OP( pb, 0 ); PBLOCK_VALIDATE_IS_INTOP( pb ); if ( pb->pb_op->o_tag == LDAP_REQ_ABANDON) pb->pb_op->orn_msgid = *((int *)value); else rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; case SLAPI_REQUESTOR_ISROOT: case SLAPI_IS_REPLICATED_OPERATION: case SLAPI_CONN_AUTHTYPE: case SLAPI_CONN_AUTHMETHOD: case SLAPI_IS_INTERNAL_OPERATION: case SLAPI_X_CONN_IS_UDP: case SLAPI_CONN_CLIENTIP: case SLAPI_X_CONN_CLIENTPATH: case SLAPI_CONN_SERVERIP: case SLAPI_X_CONN_SERVERPATH: case SLAPI_X_ADD_STRUCTURAL_CLASS: /* These parameters cannot be set */ rc = PBLOCK_ERROR; break; default: rc = pblock_set_default( pb, param, value ); break; } pblock_unlock( pb ); return rc; }
static int autoca_op_response( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { slap_overinst *on = op->o_callback->sc_private; autoca_info *ai = on->on_bi.bi_private; Attribute *a; int isusr = 0; if (rs->sr_type != REP_SEARCH) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; /* If root or self */ if ( !be_isroot( op ) && !dn_match( &rs->sr_entry->e_nname, &op->o_ndn )) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; isusr = is_entry_objectclass( rs->sr_entry, ai->ai_usrclass, SLAP_OCF_CHECK_SUP ); if ( !isusr ) { if (!is_entry_objectclass( rs->sr_entry, ai->ai_srvclass, SLAP_OCF_CHECK_SUP )) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } a = attr_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_usrPkey ); if ( !a ) { Operation op2; genargs args; saveargs arg2; myext extras[2]; int rc; args.issuer_cert = ai->ai_cert; args.issuer_pkey = ai->ai_pkey; args.subjectDN = &rs->sr_entry->e_name; args.more_exts = NULL; if ( isusr ) { args.cert_exts = usrExts; args.keybits = ai->ai_usrkeybits; args.days = ai->ai_usrdays; a = attr_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_mail ); if ( a ) { extras[0].name = "subjectAltName"; extras[1].name = NULL; extras[0].value = op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof("email:") + a->a_vals[0].bv_len, op->o_tmpmemctx ); sprintf(extras[0].value, "email:%s", a->a_vals[0].bv_val); args.more_exts = extras; } } else { args.cert_exts = srvExts; args.keybits = ai->ai_srvkeybits; args.days = ai->ai_srvdays; if ( ad_ipaddr && (a = attr_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_ipaddr ))) { extras[0].name = "subjectAltName"; extras[1].name = NULL; extras[0].value = op->o_tmpalloc( sizeof("IP:") + a->a_vals[0].bv_len, op->o_tmpmemctx ); sprintf(extras[0].value, "IP:%s", a->a_vals[0].bv_val); args.more_exts = extras; } } rc = autoca_gencert( op, &args ); if ( rc ) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; X509_free( args.newcert ); EVP_PKEY_free( args.newpkey ); if ( is_entry_objectclass( rs->sr_entry, oc_usrObj, 0 )) arg2.oc = NULL; else arg2.oc = oc_usrObj; if ( !( rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE )) { Entry *e = entry_dup( rs->sr_entry ); rs_replace_entry( op, rs, on, e ); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE | REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; } arg2.dercert = &args.dercert; arg2.derpkey = &args.derpkey; arg2.on = on; arg2.dn = &rs->sr_entry->e_name; arg2.ndn = &rs->sr_entry->e_nname; arg2.isca = 0; op2 = *op; rc = autoca_savecert( &op2, &arg2 ); if ( !rc ) { /* If this is our cert DN, configure it */ if ( dn_match( &rs->sr_entry->e_nname, &ai->ai_localndn )) autoca_setlocal( &op2, &args.dercert, &args.derpkey ); attr_merge_one( rs->sr_entry, ad_usrCert, &args.dercert, NULL ); attr_merge_one( rs->sr_entry, ad_usrPkey, &args.derpkey, NULL ); } op->o_tmpfree( args.dercert.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); op->o_tmpfree( args.derpkey.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; }
static int dynlist_prepare_entry( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs, dynlist_info_t *dli ) { Attribute *a, *id = NULL; slap_callback cb = { 0 }; Operation o = *op; struct berval *url; Entry *e; int opattrs, userattrs; dynlist_sc_t dlc = { 0 }; dynlist_map_t *dlm; a = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, dli->dli_ad ); if ( a == NULL ) { /* FIXME: error? */ return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } opattrs = SLAP_OPATTRS( rs->sr_attr_flags ); userattrs = SLAP_USERATTRS( rs->sr_attr_flags ); /* Don't generate member list if it wasn't requested */ for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { AttributeDescription *ad = dlm->dlm_mapped_ad ? dlm->dlm_mapped_ad : dlm->dlm_member_ad; if ( userattrs || ad_inlist( ad, rs->sr_attrs ) ) break; } if ( dli->dli_dlm && !dlm ) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; if ( ad_dgIdentity && ( id = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_dgIdentity ))) { Attribute *authz = NULL; /* if not rootdn and dgAuthz is present, * check if user can be authorized as dgIdentity */ if ( ad_dgAuthz && !BER_BVISEMPTY( &id->a_nvals[0] ) && !be_isroot( op ) && ( authz = attrs_find( rs->sr_entry->e_attrs, ad_dgAuthz ) ) ) { if ( slap_sasl_matches( op, authz->a_nvals, &o.o_ndn, &o.o_ndn ) != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; } } o.o_dn = id->a_vals[0]; o.o_ndn = id->a_nvals[0]; o.o_groups = NULL; } e = rs->sr_entry; /* ensure e is modifiable, but do not replace * sr_entry yet since we have pointers into it */ if ( !( rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE ) ) { e = entry_dup( rs->sr_entry ); } dlc.dlc_e = e; dlc.dlc_dli = dli; cb.sc_private = &dlc; cb.sc_response = dynlist_sc_update; o.o_callback = &cb; o.ors_deref = LDAP_DEREF_NEVER; o.ors_limit = NULL; o.ors_tlimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; o.ors_slimit = SLAP_NO_LIMIT; for ( url = a->a_nvals; !BER_BVISNULL( url ); url++ ) { LDAPURLDesc *lud = NULL; int i, j; struct berval dn; int rc; BER_BVZERO( &o.o_req_dn ); BER_BVZERO( &o.o_req_ndn ); o.ors_filter = NULL; o.ors_attrs = NULL; BER_BVZERO( &o.ors_filterstr ); if ( ldap_url_parse( url->bv_val, &lud ) != LDAP_URL_SUCCESS ) { /* FIXME: error? */ continue; } if ( lud->lud_host != NULL ) { /* FIXME: host not allowed; reject as illegal? */ Debug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "dynlist_prepare_entry(\"%s\"): " "illegal URI \"%s\"\n", e->e_name.bv_val, url->bv_val, 0 ); goto cleanup; } if ( lud->lud_dn == NULL ) { /* note that an empty base is not honored in terms * of defaultSearchBase, because select_backend() * is not aware of the defaultSearchBase option; * this can be useful in case of a database serving * the empty suffix */ BER_BVSTR( &dn, "" ); } else { ber_str2bv( lud->lud_dn, 0, 0, &dn ); } rc = dnPrettyNormal( NULL, &dn, &o.o_req_dn, &o.o_req_ndn, op->o_tmpmemctx ); if ( rc != LDAP_SUCCESS ) { /* FIXME: error? */ goto cleanup; } o.ors_scope = lud->lud_scope; for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { if ( dlm->dlm_mapped_ad != NULL ) { break; } } if ( dli->dli_dlm && !dlm ) { /* if ( lud->lud_attrs != NULL ), * the URL should be ignored */ o.ors_attrs = slap_anlist_no_attrs; } else if ( lud->lud_attrs == NULL ) { o.ors_attrs = rs->sr_attrs; } else { for ( i = 0; lud->lud_attrs[i]; i++) /* just count */ ; o.ors_attrs = op->o_tmpcalloc( i + 1, sizeof( AttributeName ), op->o_tmpmemctx ); for ( i = 0, j = 0; lud->lud_attrs[i]; i++) { const char *text = NULL; ber_str2bv( lud->lud_attrs[i], 0, 0, &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name ); o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc = NULL; (void)slap_bv2ad( &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name, &o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, &text ); /* FIXME: ignore errors... */ if ( rs->sr_attrs == NULL ) { if ( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && is_at_operational( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc->ad_type ) ) { continue; } } else { if ( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && is_at_operational( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc->ad_type ) ) { if ( !opattrs ) { continue; } if ( !ad_inlist( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, rs->sr_attrs ) ) { /* lookup if mapped -- linear search, * not very efficient unless list * is very short */ for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { if ( dlm->dlm_member_ad == o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc ) { break; } } if ( dlm == NULL ) { continue; } } } else { if ( !userattrs && o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc != NULL && !ad_inlist( o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc, rs->sr_attrs ) ) { /* lookup if mapped -- linear search, * not very efficient unless list * is very short */ for ( dlm = dli->dli_dlm; dlm; dlm = dlm->dlm_next ) { if ( dlm->dlm_member_ad == o.ors_attrs[j].an_desc ) { break; } } if ( dlm == NULL ) { continue; } } } } j++; } if ( j == 0 ) { goto cleanup; } BER_BVZERO( &o.ors_attrs[j].an_name ); } if ( lud->lud_filter == NULL ) { ber_dupbv_x( &o.ors_filterstr, &dli->dli_default_filter, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } else { struct berval flt; ber_str2bv( lud->lud_filter, 0, 0, &flt ); if ( dynlist_make_filter( op, rs->sr_entry, url->bv_val, &flt, &o.ors_filterstr ) ) { /* error */ goto cleanup; } } o.ors_filter = str2filter_x( op, o.ors_filterstr.bv_val ); if ( o.ors_filter == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } o.o_bd = select_backend( &o.o_req_ndn, 1 ); if ( o.o_bd && o.o_bd->be_search ) { SlapReply r = { REP_SEARCH }; r.sr_attr_flags = slap_attr_flags( o.ors_attrs ); (void)o.o_bd->be_search( &o, &r ); } cleanup:; if ( id ) { slap_op_groups_free( &o ); } if ( o.ors_filter ) { filter_free_x( &o, o.ors_filter, 1 ); } if ( o.ors_attrs && o.ors_attrs != rs->sr_attrs && o.ors_attrs != slap_anlist_no_attrs ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.ors_attrs, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &o.o_req_dn ) ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.o_req_dn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } if ( !BER_BVISNULL( &o.o_req_ndn ) ) { op->o_tmpfree( o.o_req_ndn.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); } assert( BER_BVISNULL( &o.ors_filterstr ) || o.ors_filterstr.bv_val != lud->lud_filter ); op->o_tmpfree( o.ors_filterstr.bv_val, op->o_tmpmemctx ); ldap_free_urldesc( lud ); } if ( e != rs->sr_entry ) { rs_replace_entry( op, rs, (slap_overinst *)op->o_bd->bd_info, e ); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE | REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; } return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; }
static int adremap_search_resp( Operation *op, SlapReply *rs ) { adremap_ctx *ctx = op->o_callback->sc_private; slap_overinst *on = ctx->on; adremap_info *ai = on->on_bi.bi_private; adremap_case *ac; adremap_dnv *ad; Attribute *a; Entry *e; if (rs->sr_type != REP_SEARCH) return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; /* we munged the attr list, restore it to original */ if (ctx->an_swap) { int i; ctx->an_swap = 0; for (i=0; rs->sr_attrs[i].an_name.bv_val; i++) { if (rs->sr_attrs[i].an_desc == ctx->ad) { rs->sr_attrs[i] = ctx->an; break; } } /* Usually rs->sr_attrs is just op->ors_attrs, but * overlays like rwm may make a new copy. Fix both * if needed. */ if (op->ors_attrs != rs->sr_attrs) { for (i=0; op->ors_attrs[i].an_name.bv_val; i++) { if (op->ors_attrs[i].an_desc == ctx->ad) { op->ors_attrs[i] = ctx->an; break; } } } } e = rs->sr_entry; for (ac = ai->ai_case; ac; ac = ac->ac_next) { a = attr_find(e->e_attrs, ac->ac_attr); if (a) { int i, j; if (!(rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE)) { e = entry_dup(e); rs_replace_entry(op, rs, on, e); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE|REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; a = attr_find(e->e_attrs, ac->ac_attr); } for (i=0; i<a->a_numvals; i++) { unsigned char *c = a->a_vals[i].bv_val; for (j=0; j<a->a_vals[i].bv_len; j++) if (isupper(c[j])) c[j] = tolower(c[j]); } } } for (ad = ai->ai_dnv; ad; ad = ad->ad_next) { a = attr_find(e->e_attrs, ad->ad_dnattr); if (a) { Entry *n; Attribute *dr; int i, rc; if (!(rs->sr_flags & REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE)) { e = entry_dup(e); rs_replace_entry(op, rs, on, e); rs->sr_flags |= REP_ENTRY_MODIFIABLE|REP_ENTRY_MUSTBEFREED; a = attr_find(e->e_attrs, ad->ad_dnattr); } for (i=0; i<a->a_numvals; i++) { struct berval dv; dv = ad->ad_deref->ad_cname; /* If the RDN uses the deref attr, just use it directly */ if (a->a_nvals[i].bv_val[dv.bv_len] == '=' && !memcmp(a->a_nvals[i].bv_val, dv.bv_val, dv.bv_len)) { struct berval bv, nv; char *ptr; bv = a->a_vals[i]; nv = a->a_nvals[i]; bv.bv_val += dv.bv_len + 1; ptr = strchr(bv.bv_val, ','); if (ptr) bv.bv_len = ptr - bv.bv_val; else bv.bv_len -= dv.bv_len+1; nv.bv_val += dv.bv_len + 1; ptr = strchr(nv.bv_val, ','); if (ptr) nv.bv_len = ptr - nv.bv_val; else nv.bv_len -= dv.bv_len+1; attr_merge_one(e, ad->ad_newattr, &bv, &nv); } else { /* otherwise look up the deref attr */ n = NULL; rc = be_entry_get_rw(op, &a->a_nvals[i], NULL, ad->ad_deref, 0, &n); if (!rc && n) { dr = attr_find(n->e_attrs, ad->ad_deref); if (dr) attr_merge_one(e, ad->ad_newattr, dr->a_vals, dr->a_nvals); be_entry_release_r(op, n); } } } } } return SLAP_CB_CONTINUE; }