Exemple #1
void CryptManager::GenerateRSAKey( unsigned int keyLength, RString &sPrivKey, RString &sPubKey )
	int iRet;

	rsa_key key;
	iRet = rsa_make_key( &g_pPRNG->m_PRNG, g_pPRNG->m_iPRNG, keyLength / 8, 65537, &key );
	if( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "GenerateRSAKey(%i) error: %s", keyLength, error_to_string(iRet) );

	unsigned char buf[1024];
	unsigned long iSize = sizeof(buf);
	iRet = rsa_export( buf, &iSize, PK_PUBLIC, &key );
	if( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "Export error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );

	sPubKey = RString( (const char *) buf, iSize );

	iSize = sizeof(buf);
	iRet = rsa_export( buf, &iSize, PK_PRIVATE, &key );
	if( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "Export error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );

	sPrivKey = RString( (const char *) buf, iSize );
Exemple #2
static int rsa_compat_test(void)
   rsa_key key;
   unsigned char buf[1024];
   unsigned long len;

   /* try reading the key */
   DO(rsa_import(openssl_private_rsa, sizeof(openssl_private_rsa), &key));

   /* now try to export private/public and compare */
   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PRIVATE, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_private_rsa) || memcmp(buf, openssl_private_rsa, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA private export failed to match OpenSSL output, %lu, %lu\n", len, (unsigned long)sizeof(openssl_private_rsa));
      return 1;

   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_public_rsa_stripped) || memcmp(buf, openssl_public_rsa_stripped, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA(private) public export failed to match OpenSSL output\n");
      return 1;

   /* try reading the public key */
   DO(rsa_import(openssl_public_rsa_stripped, sizeof(openssl_public_rsa_stripped), &key));
   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_public_rsa_stripped) || memcmp(buf, openssl_public_rsa_stripped, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA(public) stripped public import failed to match OpenSSL output\n");
      return 1;

   /* try reading the public key */
   DO(rsa_import(openssl_public_rsa, sizeof(openssl_public_rsa), &key));
   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_public_rsa_stripped) || memcmp(buf, openssl_public_rsa_stripped, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA(public) SSL public import failed to match OpenSSL output\n");
      return 1;

   return 0;
static int rsa_compat_test(void)
   rsa_key key;
   unsigned char buf[1024];
   unsigned long len;

   /* try reading the key */
   DO(rsa_import(openssl_private_rsa, sizeof(openssl_private_rsa), &key));

   /* now try to export private/public and compare */
   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PRIVATE, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_private_rsa) || memcmp(buf, openssl_private_rsa, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA private export failed to match OpenSSL output, %lu, %lu\n", len, sizeof(openssl_private_rsa));

int x;
for (x = 0; x < len; ) { if (buf[x] == openssl_private_rsa[x]) printf("-- "); else printf("%02x ", buf[x]^openssl_private_rsa[x]); if (!(++x & 15)) printf("\n"); }

      return 1;

   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_public_rsa) || memcmp(buf, openssl_public_rsa, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA(private) public export failed to match OpenSSL output\n");
      return 1;

   /* try reading the public key */
   DO(rsa_import(openssl_public_rsa, sizeof(openssl_public_rsa), &key));
   len = sizeof(buf);
   DO(rsa_export(buf, &len, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   if (len != sizeof(openssl_public_rsa) || memcmp(buf, openssl_public_rsa, len)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "RSA(public) public export failed to match OpenSSL output\n");
      return 1;

   return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	// Usage: rsa_make_key <private key file> <public key file>
	const char* private_key = ARGV(1);
	const char* public_key = ARGV(2);

	ltc_mp = ltm_desc;

	// Register PRNG algorithm.
	const int prng_idx = register_prng(&sprng_desc);
	if (prng_idx < 0) return error(CRYPT_INVALID_PRNG);

	// Generate key.
	rsa_key key;
	const int bitsize = 2048;
	int err = rsa_make_key(NULL, prng_idx, bitsize/8, 65537, &key);
	if (err != CRYPT_OK) return error(err);

	// Export private key.
	unsigned char out[bitsize * 5 / 8]; // guesstimate
	unsigned long outlen = sizeof(out);
	err = rsa_export(out, &outlen, PK_PRIVATE, &key);
	if (err != CRYPT_OK) return error(err, &key);

	// Save private key.
	FILE* f = fopen(private_key, "wb");
	if (!f) return error(CRYPT_FILE_NOTFOUND, &key);
	outlen = (unsigned long)fwrite(out, 1, outlen, f);
	if (!outlen) return error(CRYPT_ERROR, &key);

	// Export public key.
	outlen = sizeof(out);
	err = rsa_export(out, &outlen, PK_PUBLIC, &key);
	if (err != CRYPT_OK) return error(err, &key);

	// Save public key.
	f = fopen(public_key, "wb");
	if (!f) return error(CRYPT_FILE_NOTFOUND, &key);
	outlen = (unsigned long)fwrite(out, 1, outlen, f);
	if (!outlen) return error(CRYPT_ERROR, &key);

	return 0;
Exemple #5
bool CryptHelpers::GenerateRSAKey( unsigned int keyLength, CString sSeed, CString &sPublicKey, CString &sPrivateKey )
#ifdef _XBOX
	return false;
	int iRet;
	rsa_key key;

	iRet = rsa_make_key( &g_PRNGState, g_PRNGDescId, KEY_BITLENGTH/8, 65537, &key );
	if ( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "GenerateRSAKey error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );
		return false;

	unsigned char buf[2048];
	unsigned long bufsize = sizeof(buf);

	iRet = rsa_export( buf, &bufsize, PK_PUBLIC, &key );
	if ( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "RSA Public Key Export error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );
		return false;
	sPublicKey = CString( (const char*)buf, bufsize );

	iRet = rsa_export( buf, &bufsize, PK_PRIVATE, &key );
	if ( iRet != CRYPT_OK )
		LOG->Warn( "RSA Private Key Export error: %s", error_to_string(iRet) );
		return false;

	PKCS8EncodePrivateKey( buf, bufsize, sPrivateKey );
	return true;
Exemple #6
int setup_crypt(void)
    int err;

    if(register_prng(&yarrow_desc) != CRYPT_OK) {
        printf("Could not register prng.\n");
        return -1;
    printf("prng registered...\n");

    if ((err = rng_make_prng(128, find_prng("yarrow"), &prng, NULL)) != CRYPT_OK)  {
        printf("Could not make prng: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
        return -1;

    /* generate a 1536 bit RSA key.  This duplicates the exported key size
       of Mythic's algorithm, but other sizes would work as well */
    if ((err = rsa_make_key(&prng, find_prng("yarrow"), 192, 65537, &key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
        printf("Could not generate RSA key: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
        return -1;
    printf("RSA key generated...\n");

    /* export the key starting at keybuff[10] so we can prepend the
       fixed header the client expects */
    exported_key_len = sizeof(exported_key_buffer);
    if ((err = rsa_export(&exported_key_buffer[10], &exported_key_len, PK_PUBLIC, &key)) != CRYPT_OK) {
        printf("Could not export RSA public key: %s\n", error_to_string(err));
        return -1;
    printf("RSA public key exported (%lu bytes)...\n", exported_key_len);

    /* some sort of protocol version information proceeds the key when
       we send it. If not correct, login.dll generates version mismatch 
	       error message. */
    *((unsigned long *)&exported_key_buffer[0]) = htonl(LOGIN_PROTOCOL_VERSION);
    *((unsigned short *)&exported_key_buffer[4]) = htons(1);
    /* add the size */
    *((unsigned short *)&exported_key_buffer[6]) = htons(exported_key_len);
    *((unsigned short *)&exported_key_buffer[8]) = htons(exported_key_len);

    return 0;
Exemple #7
void CRSADlg::OnBnClickedBtnGenrsakey()
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
    rsa_key  key;
    unsigned char outRSA[4096];
    unsigned long outlenRSA = 4096;

    padding = LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5;

    case eASYMKEY_ALG_1024:
        rsa_byte_len = 1024 / 8;
    case eASYMKEY_ALG_2048:
        rsa_byte_len = 2048 / 8;
    case eASYMKEY_ALG_4096:
        rsa_byte_len = 4096 / 8;

    /* make an RSA-1024 key */
    if ((err = rsa_make_key(NULL, /* PRNG state */
                            prng_idx, /* PRNG idx */
                            rsa_byte_len, /*key byte length*/
                            65537, /* we like e=65537 */
                            &key) /* where to store the key */
        ) != CRYPT_OK)
        printf("rsa_make_key %s", error_to_string(err));

    if ((err = rsa_export((unsigned char*)outRSA, &outlenRSA, PK_PRIVATE, &key)) != CRYPT_OK)
        printf("Export error: %s", error_to_string(err));

        outlenRSA = 0;

     //unsigned char *tmp;
	 //int len = 0;
	 //len = mp_unsigned_bin_size((mp_int *)key.N);
	 //tmp = (unsigned char *) malloc(len);
	 //mp_to_unsigned_bin((mp_int *)key.N, tmp);

	 //   unsigned char *msg;
	 //// N
	 //   msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	 //   *(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	 //   StdCharsToHexChars(tmp, msg, len);
	 //   SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_N, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	 //   if(msg != NULL)
	 //	free(msg);
	 //	msg = NULL;

    struct asn1struct certificate;
    struct RsaKeyBlob ExportKey;
    memset(&ExportKey, 0, sizeof(RsaKeyBlob));

    asn1parse(outRSA, outlenRSA, &certificate);
    ExportKey.m_IndexCount = 0;
    ans1GetKey(0, &certificate, &ExportKey);
    asn1free( &certificate );

    unsigned long len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits;
    unsigned char *msg;
	// N
    msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
    *(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
    StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_N, msg, len);
    SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_N, (LPCTSTR)msg);
    if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_D, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_D, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_p, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_P, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

    // Q
    len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_q, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_Q, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	// DP
    len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_dp, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DP, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

    // DQ
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_dq, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DQ, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;

	// Qinv
	len = ExportKey.m_ulKeyBits / 2;
	msg = (unsigned char *) malloc(2*len+1);
	*(msg+(2*len)) = '\0';
	StdCharsToHexChars(ExportKey.m_qinv, msg, len);
	SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_Qinv, (LPCTSTR)msg);
	if(msg != NULL)
		msg = NULL;
Exemple #8
int rsa_test(void)
   unsigned char in[1024], out[1024], tmp[1024];
   rsa_key       key, privKey, pubKey;
   int           hash_idx, prng_idx, stat, stat2;
   unsigned long rsa_msgsize, len, len2, cnt;
   static unsigned char lparam[] = { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04 };

   if (rsa_compat_test() != 0) {
      return 1;
   hash_idx = find_hash("sha1");
   prng_idx = find_prng("yarrow");
   if (hash_idx == -1 || prng_idx == -1) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_test requires LTC_SHA1 and yarrow");
      return 1;
   /* make 10 random key */
   for (cnt = 0; cnt < 10; cnt++) {
      DO(rsa_make_key(&yarrow_prng, prng_idx, 1024/8, 65537, &key));
      if (mp_count_bits(key.N) != 1024) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_1024 key modulus has %d bits\n", mp_count_bits(key.N));

len = mp_unsigned_bin_size(key.N);
mp_to_unsigned_bin(key.N, tmp);
 fprintf(stderr, "N == \n");
for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", tmp[cnt]);
   if (!(++cnt & 15)) fprintf(stderr, "\n");

len = mp_unsigned_bin_size(key.p);
mp_to_unsigned_bin(key.p, tmp);
 fprintf(stderr, "p == \n");
for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", tmp[cnt]);
   if (!(++cnt & 15)) fprintf(stderr, "\n");

len = mp_unsigned_bin_size(key.q);
mp_to_unsigned_bin(key.q, tmp);
 fprintf(stderr, "\nq == \n");
for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", tmp[cnt]);
   if (!(++cnt & 15)) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 fprintf(stderr, "\n");

         return 1;
      if (cnt != 9) {
   /* encrypt the key (without lparam) */
   for (cnt = 0; cnt < 4; cnt++) {
   for (rsa_msgsize = 1; rsa_msgsize <= 86; rsa_msgsize++) {
      /* make a random key/msg */
      yarrow_read(in, rsa_msgsize, &yarrow_prng);

      len  = sizeof(out);
      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_encrypt_key(in, rsa_msgsize, out, &len, NULL, 0, &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, &key));
      /* change a byte */
      out[8] ^= 1;
      DO(rsa_decrypt_key(out, len, tmp, &len2, NULL, 0, hash_idx, &stat2, &key));
      /* change a byte back */
      out[8] ^= 1;
      if (len2 != rsa_msgsize) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nrsa_decrypt_key mismatch len %lu (first decrypt)", len2);
         return 1;

      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_decrypt_key(out, len, tmp, &len2, NULL, 0, hash_idx, &stat, &key));
      if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_decrypt_key failed");
         return 1;
      if (len2 != rsa_msgsize || memcmp(tmp, in, rsa_msgsize)) {
         unsigned long x;
         fprintf(stderr, "\nrsa_decrypt_key mismatch, len %lu (second decrypt)\n", len2);
         fprintf(stderr, "Original contents: \n"); 
         for (x = 0; x < rsa_msgsize; ) {
             fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", in[x]);
             if (!(++x % 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
         fprintf(stderr, "\n");
         fprintf(stderr, "Output contents: \n"); 
         for (x = 0; x < rsa_msgsize; ) {
             fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", out[x]);
             if (!(++x % 16)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "\n");
         fprintf(stderr, "\n");
         return 1;

   /* encrypt the key (with lparam) */
   for (rsa_msgsize = 1; rsa_msgsize <= 86; rsa_msgsize++) {
      len  = sizeof(out);
      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_encrypt_key(in, rsa_msgsize, out, &len, lparam, sizeof(lparam), &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, &key));
      /* change a byte */
      out[8] ^= 1;
      DO(rsa_decrypt_key(out, len, tmp, &len2, lparam, sizeof(lparam), hash_idx, &stat2, &key));
      if (len2 != rsa_msgsize) {
         fprintf(stderr, "\nrsa_decrypt_key mismatch len %lu (first decrypt)", len2);
         return 1;
      /* change a byte back */
      out[8] ^= 1;

      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_decrypt_key(out, len, tmp, &len2, lparam, sizeof(lparam), hash_idx, &stat, &key));
      if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_decrypt_key failed");
         return 1;
      if (len2 != rsa_msgsize || memcmp(tmp, in, rsa_msgsize)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_decrypt_key mismatch len %lu", len2);
         return 1;

   /* encrypt the key LTC_PKCS #1 v1.5 (payload from 1 to 117 bytes) */
   for (rsa_msgsize = 1; rsa_msgsize <= 117; rsa_msgsize++) {
      len  = sizeof(out);
      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_encrypt_key_ex(in, rsa_msgsize, out, &len, NULL, 0, &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, 0, LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, &key));

      len2 = rsa_msgsize;
      DO(rsa_decrypt_key_ex(out, len, tmp, &len2, NULL, 0, 0, LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, &stat, &key));
      if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_decrypt_key_ex failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
         return 1;
      if (len2 != rsa_msgsize || memcmp(tmp, in, rsa_msgsize)) {
         fprintf(stderr, "rsa_decrypt_key_ex mismatch len %lu", len2);
         return 1;

   /* sign a message (unsalted, lower cholestorol and Atkins approved) now */
   len = sizeof(out);
   DO(rsa_sign_hash(in, 20, out, &len, &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, 0, &key));

/* export key and import as both private and public */
   len2 = sizeof(tmp);
   DO(rsa_export(tmp, &len2, PK_PRIVATE, &key)); 
   DO(rsa_import(tmp, len2, &privKey)); 
   len2 = sizeof(tmp);
   DO(rsa_export(tmp, &len2, PK_PUBLIC, &key));
   DO(rsa_import(tmp, len2, &pubKey));

   /* verify with original */
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat, &key));
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat2, &key));
   if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_verify_hash (unsalted, origKey) failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
      return 1;

   /* verify with privKey */
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat, &privKey));
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat2, &privKey));
   if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_verify_hash (unsalted, privKey) failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
      return 1;

   /* verify with pubKey */
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat, &pubKey));
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 0, &stat2, &pubKey));
   if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_verify_hash (unsalted, pubkey) failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
      return 1;

   /* sign a message (salted) now (use privKey to make, pubKey to verify) */
   len = sizeof(out);
   DO(rsa_sign_hash(in, 20, out, &len, &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, 8, &privKey));
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 8, &stat, &pubKey));
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash(out, len, in, 20, hash_idx, 8, &stat2, &pubKey));
   if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_verify_hash (salted) failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
      return 1;
   /* sign a message with LTC_PKCS #1 v1.5 */
   len = sizeof(out);
   DO(rsa_sign_hash_ex(in, 20, out, &len, LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, &yarrow_prng, prng_idx, hash_idx, 8, &privKey));
   DO(rsa_verify_hash_ex(out, len, in, 20, LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, hash_idx, 8, &stat, &pubKey));
   /* change a byte */
   in[0] ^= 1;
   DO(rsa_verify_hash_ex(out, len, in, 20, LTC_PKCS_1_V1_5, hash_idx, 8, &stat2, &pubKey));
   if (!(stat == 1 && stat2 == 0)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "rsa_verify_hash_ex failed, %d, %d", stat, stat2);
      return 1;

   /* free the key and return */
   return 0;