Exemple #1
int cRSAPrivateKey::Encrypt(const Byte * a_PlainData, size_t a_PlainLength, Byte * a_EncryptedData, size_t a_EncryptedMaxLength)
	if (a_EncryptedMaxLength < m_Rsa.len)
		LOGD("%s: Invalid a_EncryptedMaxLength: got %u, exp at least %u",
			__FUNCTION__, (unsigned)a_EncryptedMaxLength, (unsigned)(m_Rsa.len)
		ASSERT(!"Invalid a_DecryptedMaxLength!");
		return -1;
	if (a_EncryptedMaxLength < m_Rsa.len)
		LOGD("%s: Invalid a_PlainLength: got %u, exp at least %u",
			__FUNCTION__, (unsigned)a_PlainLength, (unsigned)(m_Rsa.len)
		ASSERT(!"Invalid a_PlainLength!");
		return -1;
	int res = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(
		&m_Rsa, ctr_drbg_random, &m_Ctr_drbg, RSA_PRIVATE,
		a_PlainLength, a_PlainData, a_EncryptedData
	if (res != 0)
		return -1;
	return (int)m_Rsa.len;
int SparkProtocol::handshake(void)
  memcpy(queue + 40, device_id, 12);
  int err = blocking_receive(queue, 40);
  if (0 > err) return err;

  parse_device_pubkey_from_privkey(queue+52, core_private_key);

  rsa_context rsa;
  init_rsa_context_with_public_key(&rsa, server_public_key);
  const int len = 52+MAX_DEVICE_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH;
  err = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, len, queue, queue + len);

  if (err) return err;

  blocking_send(queue + len, 256);
  err = blocking_receive(queue, 384);
  if (0 > err) return err;

  err = set_key(queue);
  if (err) return err;

  queue[0] = 0x00;
  queue[1] = 0x10;
  hello(queue + 2, descriptor.was_ota_upgrade_successful());

  err = blocking_send(queue, 18);
  if (0 > err) return err;

  if (!event_loop())        // read the hello message from the server
      return -1;

  return 0;
Exemple #3
int chiffrer_rsa(char* data, char* sortie, int taille_data )
    FILE *f;
    int ret;
    size_t i;
	rsa_context rsa;
    entropy_context entropy;
    ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
    char *pers = "rsa_encrypt";
    printf( "[i] Seeding the random number generator\n" );

    entropy_init( &entropy );
    if( ( ret = ctr_drbg_init( &ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy,
                               (unsigned char *) pers, strlen( pers ) ) ) != 0 )
        printf( "[-] ctr_drbg_init returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    printf( "[i] Reading private key\n" );

    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );
    if( ( ret = mpi_read_string( &rsa.N, RSA_N_BASE, RSA_N ) ) != 0 ||
        ( ret = mpi_read_string( &rsa.D, RSA_D_BASE, RSA_D ) ) != 0 )
        printf( "[-] mpi_read_file returned %d\n", ret );
        goto exit;

    rsa.len = ( mpi_msb( &rsa.N ) + 7 ) >> 3;

     * Calculate the RSA encryption of the hash.
    printf( "[i] Generating the RSA encrypted value (%d/%d)\n", rsa.len, taille_data );
    fflush( stdout );

    if( ( ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg,
                                   RSA_PRIVATE, taille_data,
                                   data, sortie ) ) != 0 )
        printf( "[-] rsa_pkcs1_encrypt returned %d\n\n", ret );
        goto exit;
    printf( "[i] Cryptogramme copie\n");

    return( ret );
Exemple #4
static int rsa_encrypt_wrap( void *ctx,
                    const unsigned char *input, size_t ilen,
                    unsigned char *output, size_t *olen, size_t osize,
                    int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng )
    ((void) osize);

    *olen = ((rsa_context *) ctx)->len;

    return( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( (rsa_context *) ctx,
                f_rng, p_rng, RSA_PUBLIC, ilen, input, output ) );
uint8_t *rsa_apply(uint8_t *input, int inlen, int *outlen, int mode) {
  rsa_context trsa;
  const char *pers = "rsa_encrypt";
  int rc;

  entropy_context entropy;
  ctr_drbg_context ctr_drbg;
  if ((rc = ctr_drbg_init(&ctr_drbg, entropy_func, &entropy, (const unsigned char *)pers,
                          strlen(pers))) != 0)
    debug(1, "ctr_drbg_init returned %d\n", rc);

  rsa_init(&trsa, RSA_PKCS_V21, POLARSSL_MD_SHA1); // padding and hash id get overwritten
  // BTW, this seems to reset a lot of parameters in the rsa_context
  rc = x509parse_key(&trsa, (unsigned char *)super_secret_key, strlen(super_secret_key), NULL, 0);
  if (rc != 0)
    debug(1, "Error %d reading the private key.");

  uint8_t *out = NULL;

  switch (mode) {
    trsa.padding = RSA_PKCS_V15;
    trsa.hash_id = POLARSSL_MD_NONE;
    debug(2, "rsa_apply encrypt");
    out = malloc(trsa.len);
    rc = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&trsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg, RSA_PRIVATE, inlen, input, out);
    if (rc != 0)
      debug(1, "rsa_pkcs1_encrypt error %d.", rc);
    *outlen = trsa.len;
  case RSA_MODE_KEY:
    debug(2, "rsa_apply decrypt");
    trsa.padding = RSA_PKCS_V21;
    trsa.hash_id = POLARSSL_MD_SHA1;
    out = malloc(trsa.len);
    rc = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&trsa, ctr_drbg_random, &ctr_drbg, RSA_PRIVATE, (size_t *)outlen, input,
                           out, trsa.len);
    rc = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&trsa, RSA_PRIVATE, outlen, input, out, trsa.len);
    if (rc != 0)
      debug(1, "decrypt error %d.", rc);
    die("bad rsa mode");
  debug(2, "rsa_apply exit");
  return out;
static int rsa_encrypt_wrap( void *ctx,
                    const unsigned char *input, size_t ilen,
                    unsigned char *output, size_t *olen, size_t osize,
                    int (*f_rng)(void *, unsigned char *, size_t), void *p_rng )
    *olen = ((rsa_context *) ctx)->len;

    if( *olen > osize )

    return( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( (rsa_context *) ctx,
                f_rng, p_rng, RSA_PUBLIC, ilen, input, output ) );
int ciphertext_from_nonce_and_id(const unsigned char *nonce,
                                 const unsigned char *id,
                                 const unsigned char *pubkey,
                                 unsigned char *ciphertext)
  unsigned char plaintext[52];

  memcpy(plaintext, nonce, 40);
  memcpy(plaintext + 40, id, 12);

  rsa_context rsa;
  init_rsa_context_with_public_key(&rsa, pubkey);

  int ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, 52, plaintext, ciphertext);
  return ret;
Exemple #8
int ciphertext_from_nonce_and_id(const unsigned char *nonce,
                                 const unsigned char *id,
                                 const unsigned char *pubkey,
                                 unsigned char *ciphertext)
  unsigned char plaintext[52];

  memcpy(plaintext, nonce, 40);
  memcpy(plaintext + 40, id, 12);

  rsa_context rsa;
  init_rsa_context_with_public_key(&rsa, pubkey);

  int ret = mbedtls_rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&rsa, mbedtls_default_rng, nullptr, MBEDTLS_RSA_PUBLIC, 52, plaintext, ciphertext);
  int ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, 52, plaintext, ciphertext);
  return ret;
Exemple #9
 * Checkup routine
int rsa_self_test( int verbose )
    int len;
    rsa_context rsa;
    unsigned char sha1sum[20];
    unsigned char rsa_plaintext[PT_LEN];
    unsigned char rsa_decrypted[PT_LEN];
    unsigned char rsa_ciphertext[KEY_LEN];

    memset( &rsa, 0, sizeof( rsa_context ) );

    rsa.len = KEY_LEN;
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.N , 16, RSA_N  );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.E , 16, RSA_E  );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.D , 16, RSA_D  );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.P , 16, RSA_P  );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.Q , 16, RSA_Q  );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.DP, 16, RSA_DP );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.DQ, 16, RSA_DQ );
    mpi_read_string( &rsa.QP, 16, RSA_QP );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "  RSA key validation: " );

    if( rsa_check_pubkey(  &rsa ) != 0 ||
        rsa_check_privkey( &rsa ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 encryption : " );

    memcpy( rsa_plaintext, RSA_PT, PT_LEN );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, PT_LEN,
                           rsa_plaintext, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 decryption : " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( &rsa, RSA_PRIVATE, &len,
                           rsa_ciphertext, rsa_decrypted,
			   sizeof(rsa_decrypted) ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( memcmp( rsa_decrypted, rsa_plaintext, len ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 data sign  : " );

    sha1( rsa_plaintext, PT_LEN, sha1sum );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, RSA_PRIVATE, SIG_RSA_SHA1, 20,
                        sha1sum, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 sig. verify: " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, SIG_RSA_SHA1, 20,
                          sha1sum, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        printf( "passed\n\n" );

    rsa_free( &rsa );

    return( 0 );
Exemple #10
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int ret;
FILE* fp;

    // Assumes no private key password
    ret = x509parse_keyfile(&privrsa, (char*)PRIVATEKEYFILE, NULL);
    if (ret != 0) {
            printf("  !  x509parse_keyfile returned %d\n\n", ret);
            return -1;

    if (rsa_check_pubkey(&privrsa) != 0 || rsa_check_privkey(&privrsa) != 0) {
        printf("public/private key validation failed.\n");
        return -2;

    printf("Private/Public key loaded. Encrypting message.\n");

    if (rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&privrsa, RSA_PUBLIC, strlen(MESSAGE),
                  (unsigned char*)MESSAGE, rsa_ciphertext) != 0) {
            printf("Encryption of message failed\n");

        return -3;

    printf("Encryption complete. Output in message.crypt\n");

    fp  = fopen("message.crypt", "wb");
    if (!fp) {
        printf("Error opening message.crypt\n");

        return -4;

    fwrite(rsa_ciphertext, 128, 1, fp);

    memset(&rsa_ciphertext, 0, sizeof(rsa_ciphertext));

    // Now sign the message.
    sha1((unsigned char*)MESSAGE, strlen(MESSAGE), hash);
//    for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
//        printf("%02X%s", hash[i], (i + 1) % 16 == 0 ? "\r\n" : " ");

//    if (rsa_pkcs1_sign(&privrsa, RSA_PRIVATE, RSA_SHA1, 20, hash, rsa_ciphertext) != 0) {
    if (rsa_pkcs1_sign(&privrsa, RSA_PRIVATE, RSA_SHA1, 20, hash, rsa_ciphertext) != 0) {
        printf("Signature failed.\n");

        return -5;

    printf("Signing complete. Output in message.sig\n");

    fp  = fopen("message.sig", "wb");
    if (!fp) {
        printf("Error opening message.sig\n");

        return -4;

    fwrite(rsa_ciphertext, 128, 1, fp);

    return 0;
Exemple #11
*  Adds padding and encrypts a string using either private or public key. 
* (depending on mode).
*  @param message: arbitrary binary string to be encrypted.
*  @param keytable: table containing either the public or the private key, as generated by gen_key.
*  @return  The cyphertext (as a binary string).
*  @see  rsa_genkey
static int luarsa_pkcs1_encrypt (lua_State *L) {
	int res = 0;
	int mode;
    size_t lmsg, lresult;
    rsa_context rsa;
    char *message = (char*)luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &lmsg); /* message */
    char result[KEY_SIZE];
char alt_result[KEY_SIZE];
    char* strMode=NULL;
    if(lua_type(L, 3)==LUA_TSTRING) {
        printf("Got parameter\n");
        strMode = (char*)lua_tostring(L, 3);
        printf("[%s]\n", strMode);
        mode = strncmp(strMode, "private", 7) ? RSA_PUBLIC : RSA_PRIVATE;
    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0, NULL, NULL ); 
    processKey(L, 2, &rsa); /* keytable */
    rsa.len = ( mpi_msb( &rsa.N ) + 7 ) >> 3;
    memset(result, 0, KEY_SIZE);
// <test> by Jason
    printf("\nMode==%s\n", mode==RSA_PUBLIC ? "RSA_PUBLIC" : "RSA_PRIVATE" );
    printf("Size==%d\n", lmsg );
    printf("Crypt.Size==%d\n", rsa.len );
    printf("ver: %d\n", rsa.ver);
    printf("len: %d\n", rsa.len);
    printf("padding: %d\n", rsa.padding);
    printf("hash_id: %d\n", rsa.hash_id);
    mpi_print("N:%s\n", &rsa.N);
    mpi_print("E:%s\n", &rsa.E);
    if(mode!=RSA_PUBLIC) {
        //mpi_print("D:%s\n", &rsa.D);
        //mpi_print("P:%s\n", &rsa.P);
        //mpi_print("Q:%s\n", &rsa.Q);
        //mpi_print("DP:%s\n", &rsa.DP);
        //mpi_print("DQ:%s\n", &rsa.DQ);
        //mpi_print("QP:%s\n", &rsa.QP);

        //mpi_print("RN:%s\n", &rsa.RN);
        //mpi_print("RP:%s\n", &rsa.RP);
        //mpi_print("RQ:%s\n", &rsa.RQ);
// </test> by Jason

    // pass rsa context and message to encryption engine
    res = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(&rsa, RSA_PUBLIC, lmsg, message, result);
    	luaL_error(L, "Error during cipher (%d)", res);
    lmsg = 128;
    res = rsa_pkcs1_decrypt(&rsa, mode, &lmsg, result, alt_result);
    	luaL_error(L, "Error during decipher (%d)", res);
    printf("(%d)", lmsg);
    push_private_key(L, &rsa);
    // push encrypted result buffer
    lua_pushlstring(L, result, rsa.len); /* ciphertext */

    rsa_free( &rsa );
    return 1;
Exemple #12
int sign(unsigned char *output,unsigned char *input, int input_len, char *pri_key_file)
	unsigned char * cipher = NULL;
	unsigned char * k_c = NULL;
	unsigned char sign[128];
	int ret;
	FILE *fkey;
	rsa_context rsa_ctx;
	havege_state prng_ctx;
	cipher = (unsigned char *)malloc((32)*sizeof(char));

	/* ********************** HASH controle integrite *********************** */

	k_c = (unsigned char *)malloc(2*KEY_LENGTH*sizeof(unsigned char));
	memset(k_c, 0, 2*KEY_LENGTH);

	//generation de la clef symetrique de KEY_LENGTH bits
	gen_key(k_c, KEY_LENGTH);
	sha2_hmac(k_c, KEY_LENGTH, input, input_len, cipher, 0);

	print_hex(k_c, KEY_LENGTH, "cle secrete utilisée pour le hash : ");

	/* *** Read the private asymetric key in the file*** */
	if( ( fkey = fopen( pri_key_file, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) {		
        	ret = 1;
       		printf( " failed\n  ! Could not open %s\n" \
                "  ! Please run rsa_genkey first\n\n",pri_key_file );
        	goto cleanup;

	rsa_init( &rsa_ctx, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

	    if( ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.N , 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.E , 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.D , 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.P , 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.Q , 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.DP, 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.DQ, 16, fkey ) ) != 0 ||
	        ( ret = mpi_read_file( &rsa_ctx.QP, 16, fkey ) ) != 0 )
	        printf( " failed\n  ! mpi_read_file returned %d\n\n", ret );
	        goto cleanup;

	    rsa_ctx.len = ( mpi_msb( &rsa_ctx.N ) + 7 ) >> 3;

	    fclose( fkey );
	/* *** SYM_K(key) : chiffrement RSA de la clé de chiffrement key (16) => rsa-1024 bits = 128 octets en sortie *** */
	/* *** cipher = ASYM_Kpriv (Hash) *** */
	memset(sign, 0, 128);
	if( ( ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa_ctx, havege_random, &prng_ctx, RSA_PRIVATE, KEY_LENGTH, cipher, sign ) ) != 0 ) {
	        printf( " failed\n  ! rsa_pkcs1_encrypt returned %d\n\n", ret );
        	goto cleanup;

	print_hex(sign, sizeof(sign), "Hash chiffrée avec RSA : ");

	/* *** ASYM_Kpub (K) *** */
	output = (unsigned char *) malloc( 128 * sizeof(unsigned char));
	memcpy(output, sign, 128);

	if(cipher != NULL) {
		memset(cipher, 0, 32);
	if(k_c != NULL) {
		memset(k_c, 0, 2*KEY_LENGTH);
	memset(&prng_ctx,0x00, sizeof(havege_state));
	memset(&rsa_ctx, 0x00, sizeof(rsa_ctx));
	memset(sign, 0, 128);

	return ret;
Exemple #13
 * Checkup routine
int main ( void )
    int len;
    rsa_context rsa;
    unsigned char md5sum[16];
    unsigned char rsa_plaintext[PTLEN];
    unsigned char rsa_decrypted[PTLEN];
    unsigned char rsa_ciphertext[CTLEN];

    memset( &rsa, 0, sizeof( rsa ) );

    rsa.len = 128;

    mpi_read( &rsa.N , "9292758453063D803DD603D5E777D788" \
                       "8ED1D5BF35786190FA2F23EBC0848AEA" \
                       "DDA92CA6C3D80B32C4D109BE0F36D6AE" \
                       "7130B9CED7ACDF54CFC7555AC14EEBAB" \
                       "93A89813FBF3C4F8066D2D800F7C38A8" \
                       "1AE31942917403FF4946B0A83D3D3E05" \
                       "EE57C6F5F5606FB5D4BC6CD34EE0801A" \
                       "5E94BB77B07507233A0BC7BAC8F90F79", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.E , "10001", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.D , "24BF6185468786FDD303083D25E64EFC" \
                       "66CA472BC44D253102F8B4A9D3BFA750" \
                       "91386C0077937FE33FA3252D28855837" \
                       "AE1B484A8A9A45F7EE8C0C634F99E8CD" \
                       "DF79C5CE07EE72C7F123142198164234" \
                       "CABB724CF78B8173B9F880FC86322407" \
                       "AF1FEDFDDE2BEB674CA15F3E81A1521E" \
                       "071513A1E85B5DFA031F21ECAE91A34D", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.P , "C36D0EB7FCD285223CFB5AABA5BDA3D8" \
                       "2C01CAD19EA484A87EA4377637E75500" \
                       "FCB2005C5C7DD6EC4AC023CDA285D796" \
                       "C3D9E75E1EFC42488BB4F1D13AC30A57", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.Q , "C000DF51A7C77AE8D7C7370C1FF55B69" \
                       "E211C2B9E5DB1ED0BF61D0D9899620F4" \
                       "910E4168387E3C30AA1E00C339A79508" \
                       "8452DD96A9A5EA5D9DCA68DA636032AF", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.DP, "C1ACF567564274FB07A0BBAD5D26E298" \
                       "3C94D22288ACD763FD8E5600ED4A702D" \
                       "F84198A5F06C2E72236AE490C93F07F8" \
                       "3CC559CD27BC2D1CA488811730BB5725", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.DQ, "4959CBF6F8FEF750AEE6977C155579C7" \
                       "D8AAEA56749EA28623272E4F7D0592AF" \
                       "7C1F1313CAC9471B5C523BFE592F517B" \
                       "407A1BD76C164B93DA2D32A383E58357", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.QP, "9AE7FBC99546432DF71896FC239EADAE" \
                       "F38D18D2B2F0E2DD275AA977E2BF4411" \
                       "F5A3B2A5D33605AEBBCCBA7FEB9F2D2F" \
                       "A74206CEC169D74BF5A8C50D6F48EA08", 16 );

    printf( "  RSA key validation: " );

    if( rsa_check_pubkey(  &rsa ) != 0 ||
        rsa_check_privkey( &rsa ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 encryption : " );

    memcpy( rsa_plaintext,
        "\xAA\xBB\xCC\x03\x02\x01\x00\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF" \
        "\x11\x22\x33\x0A\x0B\x0C\xCC\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD\xDD", PTLEN );

    len = CTLEN;
    if( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, rsa_plaintext,  PTLEN,
                                 rsa_ciphertext, &len ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 decryption : " );

    len = sizeof( rsa_decrypted );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( &rsa, rsa_ciphertext, CTLEN,
                                 rsa_decrypted,  &len ) != 0 ||
        memcmp( rsa_decrypted, rsa_plaintext, len ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n" );

#if 0
    md5_csum( rsa_plaintext, PTLEN, md5sum );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, RSA_MD5, md5sum, 16,
                        rsa_ciphertext, CTLEN ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 sig. verify: " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &rsa, RSA_MD5, md5sum, 16,
                          rsa_ciphertext, CTLEN ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n\n" );

    rsa_free( &rsa );
    return( 0 );
Exemple #14
 * Checkup routine
int rsa_self_test( int verbose )
    int ret = 0;
#if defined(POLARSSL_PKCS1_V15)
    size_t len;
    rsa_context rsa;
    unsigned char rsa_plaintext[PT_LEN];
    unsigned char rsa_decrypted[PT_LEN];
    unsigned char rsa_ciphertext[KEY_LEN];
#if defined(POLARSSL_SHA1_C)
    unsigned char sha1sum[20];

    rsa_init( &rsa, RSA_PKCS_V15, 0 );

    rsa.len = KEY_LEN;
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.N , 16, RSA_N  ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.E , 16, RSA_E  ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.D , 16, RSA_D  ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.P , 16, RSA_P  ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.Q , 16, RSA_Q  ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.DP, 16, RSA_DP ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.DQ, 16, RSA_DQ ) );
    MPI_CHK( mpi_read_string( &rsa.QP, 16, RSA_QP ) );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "  RSA key validation: " );

    if( rsa_check_pubkey(  &rsa ) != 0 ||
        rsa_check_privkey( &rsa ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 encryption : " );

    memcpy( rsa_plaintext, RSA_PT, PT_LEN );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, myrand, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC, PT_LEN,
                           rsa_plaintext, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 decryption : " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( &rsa, myrand, NULL, RSA_PRIVATE, &len,
                           rsa_ciphertext, rsa_decrypted,
                           sizeof(rsa_decrypted) ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( memcmp( rsa_decrypted, rsa_plaintext, len ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

#if defined(POLARSSL_SHA1_C)
    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 data sign  : " );

    sha1( rsa_plaintext, PT_LEN, sha1sum );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, myrand, NULL, RSA_PRIVATE, POLARSSL_MD_SHA1, 0,
                        sha1sum, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 sig. verify: " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &rsa, NULL, NULL, RSA_PUBLIC, POLARSSL_MD_SHA1, 0,
                          sha1sum, rsa_ciphertext ) != 0 )
        if( verbose != 0 )
            polarssl_printf( "failed\n" );

        return( 1 );

    if( verbose != 0 )
        polarssl_printf( "passed\n\n" );
#endif /* POLARSSL_SHA1_C */

    rsa_free( &rsa );
#else /* POLARSSL_PKCS1_V15 */
    ((void) verbose);
#endif /* POLARSSL_PKCS1_V15 */
    return( ret );
Exemple #15
 * Checkup routine
int rsa_self_test( void )
    int len;
    rsa_context rsa;
    uchar md5sum[16];
    uchar decrypted[PTLEN];
    uchar ciphertext[CTLEN];

    memset( &rsa, 0, sizeof( rsa ) );

    rsa.len = 128;
#if 0
    mpi_read( &rsa.N , "9292758453063D803DD603D5E777D788" \
                       "8ED1D5BF35786190FA2F23EBC0848AEA" \
                       "DDA92CA6C3D80B32C4D109BE0F36D6AE" \
                       "7130B9CED7ACDF54CFC7555AC14EEBAB" \
                       "93A89813FBF3C4F8066D2D800F7C38A8" \
                       "1AE31942917403FF4946B0A83D3D3E05" \
                       "EE57C6F5F5606FB5D4BC6CD34EE0801A" \
                       "5E94BB77B07507233A0BC7BAC8F90F79", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.E , "10001", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.D , "24BF6185468786FDD303083D25E64EFC" \
                       "66CA472BC44D253102F8B4A9D3BFA750" \
                       "91386C0077937FE33FA3252D28855837" \
                       "AE1B484A8A9A45F7EE8C0C634F99E8CD" \
                       "DF79C5CE07EE72C7F123142198164234" \
                       "CABB724CF78B8173B9F880FC86322407" \
                       "AF1FEDFDDE2BEB674CA15F3E81A1521E" \
                       "071513A1E85B5DFA031F21ECAE91A34D", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.P , "C36D0EB7FCD285223CFB5AABA5BDA3D8" \
                       "2C01CAD19EA484A87EA4377637E75500" \
                       "FCB2005C5C7DD6EC4AC023CDA285D796" \
                       "C3D9E75E1EFC42488BB4F1D13AC30A57", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.Q , "C000DF51A7C77AE8D7C7370C1FF55B69" \
                       "E211C2B9E5DB1ED0BF61D0D9899620F4" \
                       "910E4168387E3C30AA1E00C339A79508" \
                       "8452DD96A9A5EA5D9DCA68DA636032AF", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.DP, "C1ACF567564274FB07A0BBAD5D26E298" \
                       "3C94D22288ACD763FD8E5600ED4A702D" \
                       "F84198A5F06C2E72236AE490C93F07F8" \
                       "3CC559CD27BC2D1CA488811730BB5725", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.DQ, "4959CBF6F8FEF750AEE6977C155579C7" \
                       "D8AAEA56749EA28623272E4F7D0592AF" \
                       "7C1F1313CAC9471B5C523BFE592F517B" \
                       "407A1BD76C164B93DA2D32A383E58357", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.QP, "9AE7FBC99546432DF71896FC239EADAE" \
                       "F38D18D2B2F0E2DD275AA977E2BF4411" \
                       "F5A3B2A5D33605AEBBCCBA7FEB9F2D2F" \
                       "A74206CEC169D74BF5A8C50D6F48EA08", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.N , "EEF43DF231F4FEFDA3FF0576F864912B" \
                       "F5D51D627C5911F4794F54C8BE178C66" \
                       "FD9C447BE512735818E93CF88AB1696C" \
                       "1C634A898DBFCE384F74CD347B715419" \
                       "EAE05016842B752F127CC224535C4708" \
                       "8DE7566D50F0CFC013B2592BAB1E042A" \
                       "76239E5262D931B84BDAB640028AFE7C" \
                       "39E2B75A353EABF827854EE249C6EA45", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.E , "010001", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.D , "B6F6044861BFF94E34379BF3901550A2" \
                       "9C44658F772EABF4C8BDD9692B43D499" \
                       "372E63B189A02AF91579E0D95D38A243" \
                       "C928AD75CD3743AB120B98E3CA70E7B6" \
                       "C5B3C1EA2065EF5A6347F80B247044D4" \
                       "775C4379C2286F8724E0DFE859F808E8" \
                       "BFBE3D257EF84E3A455C5BC452F5600E" \
                       "5CDD62818D7E937C7D4C9819C1FAF331", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.P , "FBD24AF8F6132E9E1D07B73CFD6D0ECE" \
                       "6E49DD602EF0F4D6FE6DF66493F016EA" \
                       "C19FF290749194145C3229D0CC57B31F" \
                       "199AE2819572271CFE40279063B5BEAB", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.Q , "F2EB4A3E41438F2690EC2DED0198E4BD" \
                       "7ABA01D374A27C92BDAEA3803FF8584C" \
                       "2B923C95868B4C53DCEEA3A750D7B702" \
                       "748522C8BF781CCED4E76B52A9DD3ACF", 16 );

    mpi_read( &rsa.DP, "3947752C39F4D506BBFDB44D582BC551" \
                       "693EBDEF11DE5722CC0EC11BD196ABEF" \
                       "CC0910C890EB482E756627A2C9C82D03" \
                       "26F4D70EB8AA9580FFC821F7B2E6752F", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.DQ, "5A71D28DC55CF322A7D8D7ECA3A89A9A" \
                       "15E4C5A3468CED16F1BAE133721DF43A" \
                       "400ACDB5DA8768DEDCA69996455A5BD0" \
                       "7533D0D4AFBD77F4667ED78DCAA30D2F", 16 );
    mpi_read( &rsa.QP, "81267EDB140CE8F07CA92F508FEA134B" \
                       "23C871D428C6EF870F08FFF2AD46D210" \
                       "8FCD67E28FF95E8E332B5EEE16EB8784" \
                       "AB3D1E59B078CB93EF5C6E0F12419439", 16 );
    printf( "  RSA key validation: " );

    if( rsa_check_pubkey(  &rsa ) != 0 ||
        rsa_check_privkey( &rsa ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 encryption : " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_encrypt( &rsa, plaintext,  PTLEN,
                                 ciphertext, CTLEN ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 decryption : " );

    len = sizeof( decrypted );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_decrypt( &rsa, ciphertext, CTLEN,
                                 decrypted,  &len ) != 0 ||
        memcmp( decrypted, plaintext, len ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 data sign  : " );

    md5_csum( plaintext, PTLEN, md5sum );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_sign( &rsa, RSA_MD5, md5sum, 16,
                        ciphertext, CTLEN ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n  PKCS#1 sig. verify: " );

    if( rsa_pkcs1_verify( &rsa, RSA_MD5, md5sum, 16,
                          ciphertext, CTLEN ) != 0 )
        printf( "failed\n" );
        return( 1 );

    printf( "passed\n\n" );

    rsa_free( &rsa );
    return( 0 );
Exemple #16
int message_rsa_encrypt(VCRYPT_CTX *ctx, rsa_context *public_rsa,
		const char *username, const char *message, VCRYPT_PACKET **packet)
	int ret;
	 * format:
	 * 1 byte protocol version
	 * 2 bytes encryption key size in bytes
	 * 2 bytes signature key size in bytes
	 * ciphertext
	 * signature

	if (!public_rsa->len)
		return -ERR_NO_PUBKEY;

	// we dont encrypt null terminating char, as this creates a vector of attack
	int plain_len = strlen(message);
	if (plain_len == 0)

	size_t plain_chunk_len = public_rsa->len - 11;
	// get packet size
	int plain_chunks = ceil(plain_len / (float) plain_chunk_len);
	int ciphertext_len = plain_chunks * public_rsa->len;

	// space for signature
	ciphertext_len += ctx->ssl_req.rsa.len;

	*packet = packet_new(DEST_CLIENT, username, REQ_MESSAGE_SEND,
			ciphertext_len + 5);
	if (!*packet)
		return -ERR_MALLOC;

	// TODO: add ciphertext stealing (form signature) to save bandwidth (i.e. use signature as padding)

	int chunk;
	int chunk_len;
	uint8_t *in = (uint8_t*) message, *out = (uint8_t*) (*packet)->payload;

	*((uint16_t*) out) = public_rsa->len;
	out += 2;
	*((uint16_t*) out) = ctx->ssl_req.rsa.len;
	out += 2;

	for (chunk = 0; chunk < plain_chunks; chunk++, in += plain_chunk_len, out +=
			public_rsa->len) {

		// last usually has different length
		chunk_len =
				chunk == plain_chunks - 1 ?
						plain_len % plain_chunk_len : plain_chunk_len;

		if ((ret = rsa_pkcs1_encrypt(public_rsa, ctr_drbg_random,
				&ctx->ssl_req.ctr_drbg, RSA_PUBLIC, chunk_len, in, out) != 0)) {

	unsigned char hash[64];
	sha4_context sha_ctx;
	sha4_starts(&sha_ctx, 1);
	sha4_update(&sha_ctx, (uint8_t*) message, plain_len);
	sha4_finish(&sha_ctx, hash);

	if ((ret = rsa_pkcs1_sign(&ctx->ssl_req.rsa, NULL, NULL, RSA_PRIVATE,
			ctx->ssl_req.rsa.hash_id, sizeof hash, hash, out) != 0)) {
		return -ERR_SIGN_ERROR;

	return 0;