int ralloc(ident_t id, int regmask){ int reg = 0, i; if(((store_t)(id->extra))->cur_reg) return ((store_t)(id->extra))->cur_reg; if(((store_t)(id->extra))->wanted_reg){ reg = ((store_t)(id->extra))->wanted_reg; }else{ for(i = R_EAX; i < R_END; i<<=1) if((i & regmask) && rstate(i)){ reg = i; break; } if(!reg)reg = listoldest(regmask); } if(!rstate(reg)){ rfree(reg); } rlock(reg); ((store_t)(id->extra))->cur_reg=reg; listadd(id); return reg; }
void rfree(int reg){ list_t p = record, q = 0; if(!reg)return; if(rstate(reg))return; runlock(reg); while(p){ if(((store_t)(p->id->extra))->cur_reg == reg){ if(q) q->next = p->next; else record = p->next; if(p->id->loc == LOC_GLOBAL || p->id->type == VAR || (p->id->last >= 0 && current_index <= p->id->last)) rstore(p->id); ((store_t)(p->id->extra))->cur_reg = 0; mfree(p); break; } q = p; p = p->next; } }
int VerifyState(const Options &opts, const ReadUserLog::FileState &state ) { ReadUserLogState rstate( state, 60 ); const ReadUserLogState::FileState *istate; ReadUserLogState::convertState( state, istate ); const FieldData *wdata = opts.getField( ); if ( wdata == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Verify: no field!\n" ); return -1; } bool ok; switch( wdata->m_field ) { case FIELD_SIGNATURE: ok = CompareStr( opts, istate->m_signature ); break; case FIELD_VERSION: ok = CompareInt( opts, istate->m_version ); break; case FIELD_UPDATE_TIME: ok = CompareTime( opts, istate->m_update_time ); break; case FIELD_BASE_PATH: ok = CompareStr( opts, istate->m_base_path ); break; case FIELD_CUR_PATH: ok = CompareStr( opts, rstate.CurPath(state) ); break; case FIELD_UNIQ_ID: ok = CompareStr( opts, istate->m_uniq_id ); break; case FIELD_SEQUENCE: ok = CompareInt( opts, istate->m_sequence ); break; case FIELD_MAX_ROTATION: ok = CompareInt( opts, istate->m_max_rotations ); break; case FIELD_ROTATION: ok = CompareInt( opts, istate->m_rotation ); break; case FIELD_OFFSET: ok = CompareFsize( opts, istate->m_offset.asint ); break; case FIELD_EVENT_NUM: ok = CompareFsize( opts, istate->m_event_num.asint ); break; case FIELD_GLOBAL_POSITION: ok = CompareFsize( opts, istate->m_log_position.asint ); break; case FIELD_GLOBAL_RECORD_NUM: ok = CompareFsize( opts, istate->m_log_record.asint ); break; case FIELD_INODE: ok = CompareInode( opts, istate->m_inode ); break; case FIELD_CTIME: ok = CompareTime( opts, istate->m_ctime ); break; case FIELD_SIZE: ok = CompareFsize( opts, istate->m_size.asint ); break; default: return -1; } return ok ? 0 : 1; }
int DumpState( const Options &opts, const ReadUserLog::FileState &state, const FieldData *wdata ) { ReadUserLogState rstate( state, 60 ); const ReadUserLogState::FileState *istate; ReadUserLogState::convertState( state, istate ); if ( NULL == wdata ) { wdata = opts.getField( ); } switch( wdata->m_field ) { case FIELD_NONE: return -1; break; case FIELD_SIGNATURE: printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_signature ); break; case FIELD_VERSION: printf( " %s: %d\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_version ); break; case FIELD_UPDATE_TIME: if ( opts.getNumeric() ) { printf( " %s: %lu\n", wdata->m_name, (long unsigned) istate->m_update_time ); } else { printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, timestr(istate->m_update_time) ); } break; case FIELD_BASE_PATH: printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_base_path ); break; case FIELD_CUR_PATH: printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, rstate.CurPath(state) ); break; case FIELD_UNIQ_ID: printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_uniq_id ); break; case FIELD_SEQUENCE: printf( " %s: %d\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_sequence ); break; case FIELD_MAX_ROTATION: printf( " %s: %d\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_max_rotations ); break; case FIELD_ROTATION: printf( " %s: %d\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_rotation ); break; case FIELD_OFFSET: printf( " %s: " FILESIZE_T_FORMAT "\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_offset.asint ); break; case FIELD_EVENT_NUM: printf( " %s: " FILESIZE_T_FORMAT "\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_event_num.asint ); break; case FIELD_GLOBAL_POSITION: printf( " %s: " FILESIZE_T_FORMAT "\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_log_position.asint ); break; case FIELD_GLOBAL_RECORD_NUM: printf( " %s: " FILESIZE_T_FORMAT "\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_log_record.asint ); break; case FIELD_INODE: printf( " %s: %lu\n", wdata->m_name, (long unsigned) istate->m_inode ); break; case FIELD_CTIME: if ( opts.getNumeric() ) { printf( " %s: %lu\n", wdata->m_name, (long unsigned) istate->m_ctime ); } else { printf( " %s: '%s'\n", wdata->m_name, timestr(istate->m_ctime) ); } break; case FIELD_SIZE: printf( " %s: " FILESIZE_T_FORMAT "\n", wdata->m_name, istate->m_size.asint ); break; case FIELD_ALL: DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_SIGNATURE) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_VERSION) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_UPDATE_TIME) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_BASE_PATH) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_CUR_PATH) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_UNIQ_ID) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_SEQUENCE) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_MAX_ROTATION) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_ROTATION) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_OFFSET) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_EVENT_NUM) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_GLOBAL_POSITION) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_GLOBAL_RECORD_NUM) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_INODE) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_CTIME) ); DumpState( opts, state, opts.lookupField(FIELD_SIZE) ); break; default: return -1; } return 0; }
ompl::base::PlannerStatus ompl::geometric::TRRTConnect::solve(const base::PlannerTerminationCondition &ptc) { //Basic error checking checkValidity(); //Goal information base::GoalSampleableRegion *goal(dynamic_cast<base::GoalSampleableRegion*> (pdef_->getGoal().get())); if (!goal) { OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unknown type of goal",getName().c_str()); return base::PlannerStatus::UNRECOGNIZED_GOAL_TYPE; } //Input States //Loop through valid input states and add to tree while (const base::State *st = pis_.nextStart()) { //Create a motion Motion *motion(new Motion(si_)); si_->copyState(motion->state,st); motion->root = motion->state; //Add motion to the tree tStart_->add(motion); si_->copyState(tStart_.root,motion->root); //Check if now the tree has a motion inside BoxZos if (!tStart_.stateInBoxZos_) { tStart_.stateInBoxZos_ = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())-> boxZosDistance(motion->state) < DBL_EPSILON; if (tStart_.stateInBoxZos_) tStart_.temp_ = initTemperature_; } //Update frontier nodes and non frontier nodes count ++tStart_.frontierCount_;//Participates in the tree expansion } //Check that input states exist if (tStart_->size() == 0) { OMPL_ERROR("%s: Motion planning start tree could not be initialized!", getName().c_str()); return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_START; } //Check that goal states exist if (!goal->couldSample()) { OMPL_ERROR("%s: Insufficient states in sampleable goal region", getName().c_str()); return base::PlannerStatus::INVALID_GOAL; } //Create state sampler if the first run if (!sampler_) sampler_ = si_->allocStateSampler(); OMPL_INFORM("%s: Starting planning with %d states already in datastructure", getName().c_str(),int(tStart_->size() + tGoal_->size())); Motion *rmotion(new Motion(si_)); base::State *rstate(rmotion->state); TreeGrowingInfo tgi; tgi.xstate = si_->allocState(); bool startTree(true); bool solved(false); double temp(0.0); unsigned int iter(0); extendCount = 0; connectCount = 0; //Begin sampling while (!ptc) { //Choose tree to extend TreeData &tree(startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_); startTree = !startTree; TreeData &otherTree(startTree ? tStart_ : tGoal_); if (((2*pis_.getSampledGoalsCount()) < (tGoal_->size())) || (tGoal_->size() == 0)) { const base::State *st((tGoal_->size() == 0) ? pis_.nextGoal(ptc) : pis_.nextGoal()); if (st) { //Create a motion Motion *motion(new Motion(si_)); si_->copyState(motion->state,st); motion->root = motion->state; //Add motion to the tree tGoal_->add(motion); si_->copyState(tGoal_.root,motion->root); //Check if now the tree has a motion inside BoxZos if (!tGoal_.stateInBoxZos_) { tGoal_.stateInBoxZos_ = ((ompl::base::FOSOptimizationObjective*)opt_.get())-> boxZosDistance(motion->state) < DBL_EPSILON; if (tGoal_.stateInBoxZos_) tGoal_.temp_ = initTemperature_; } //Update frontier nodes and non frontier nodes count ++tGoal_.frontierCount_;//Participates in the tree expansion } if (tGoal_->size() == 0) { OMPL_ERROR("%s: Unable to sample any valid states for goal tree", getName().c_str()); break; } } //Sample random state if (rng_.uniform01() < 0.05) { si_->copyState(rstate,otherTree.root); } else { sampler_->sampleUniform(rstate); } //Extend tree ExtendResult extendResult(extend(tree,tgi,rmotion)); temp += tree.temp_; iter++; if (extendResult != TRAPPED) { //Remember which motion was just added Motion *addedMotion(tgi.xmotion); //If reached, it means we used rstate directly, no need to copy again if (extendResult == ADVANCED) si_->copyState(rstate,tgi.xstate); //Attempt to connect trees otherTree.temp_ *= tempChangeFactor_; bool connected(connect(otherTree,tgi,rmotion)); otherTree.temp_ /= tempChangeFactor_; Motion *startMotion(startTree ? tgi.xmotion : addedMotion); Motion *goalMotion(startTree ? addedMotion : tgi.xmotion); //If we connected the trees in a valid way (start and goal pair is valid) if (connected && goal->isStartGoalPairValid(startMotion->root, goalMotion->root)) { //It must be the case that either the start tree or the goal tree //has made some progress so one of the parents is not NULL. //We go one step 'back' to avoid having a duplicate state //on the solution path if (startMotion->parent) { startMotion = startMotion->parent; } else { goalMotion = goalMotion->parent; } connectionPoint_ = std::make_pair(startMotion->state,goalMotion->state); //Construct the solution path Motion *solution(startMotion); std::vector<Motion*> mpath1; while (solution) { mpath1.push_back(solution); solution = solution->parent; } solution = goalMotion; std::vector<Motion*> mpath2; while (solution) { mpath2.push_back(solution); solution = solution->parent; } //Set the solution path PathGeometric *path(new PathGeometric(si_)); path->getStates().reserve(mpath1.size() + mpath2.size()); for (int i(mpath1.size() - 1); i >= 0; --i) { path->append(mpath1[i]->state); } for (std::size_t i(0); i < mpath2.size(); ++i) { path->append(mpath2[i]->state); } pdef_->addSolutionPath(base::PathPtr(path),false,0.0); solved = true; break; } } } //Clean up si_->freeState(tgi.xstate); si_->freeState(rstate); delete rmotion; OMPL_INFORM("%s: Created %u states (%u start + %u goal)",getName().c_str(), tStart_->size()+tGoal_->size(),tStart_->size(),tGoal_->size()); OMPL_INFORM("%s: Average temperature %f ",getName().c_str(),temp/double(iter)); //std::cout << extendCount << " " << connectCount << " " << iter << std::endl; double costs(0); std::vector<Motion*> start; tStart_->list(start); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start.size(); ++i) { if (>parent) { costs += opt_->motionCost(>parent->state,>state).value() /si_->distance(>parent->state,>state); } } std::vector<Motion*> data; tGoal_->list(data); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { if (>parent) { costs += opt_->motionCost(>state,>parent->state).value() /si_->distance(>parent->state,>state); } } //std::cout << "avg cost " << costs/double(start.size()+data.size()-2) << std::endl; return solved ? base::PlannerStatus::EXACT_SOLUTION : base::PlannerStatus::TIMEOUT; }